The Galactic War: Update and Changes. (Merged Threads)


  • SlyGambit
    1246 posts Member
    It felt more linear to me. I had harder battles earlier than normal (I've got a nearly 28k power arena team) but still was able to run my Bariss healer/assist squad (Bariss, JC, Lumi, GS, IG-86) through most of it and complete it. I threw away a couple D squads mainly against Poggle teams in the mid rounds. Saw a few interesting mashed up teams later rounds that were pretty easy. I put that to GW in general being harder late rounds for people not quite at my power level and them having to pull people off the bench rather then presenting their A teams.

    Still had all my top 3 teams available for the final round.
  • Baldo
    2863 posts Member
    It got tougher
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    Merging all the new GW threads.
    There have been quite a few made in the last 30 minutes. :|
  • scuba
    14086 posts Member
    And it seems like everyone was "hoping" GW was going to get easier or stay easier.

    Most likely the "fix" would make it harder for the ones claiming it is so easy what is everyone complaining about and get toned down for the ones fighting almost impossible battles. GW is supposed to be hard. My seems to have stepped up difficulty after the update but not to the crazy level.

    I also suggest if you are trying to help determine what it is based of put info about your team, arena power, rank level etc.
    Level 70 7* opponents to a level 48 5* 18k arena power team is crazy

    Level 70 7* opponents to a level 70 7* 30k arena power team is not so crazy.
  • Preemo_Magin
    1826 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Chosen_One wrote: »
    I finished GW today, like every other day, didn't noticed it was easier nor harder. Only noticed that the opponents are more balanced, there were no ALL DPS teams or ALL droid team with Poe. Actually I didn't even see 1 Poe today, maybe I was lucky?

    Maybe he was decimated assassinated and ritually murdered with the latest ninja nerf that not even GW opponents have it now. Like, why not replace Poe's slot with someone else? So we forget about this hate story and move over.
  • Terrai
    117 posts Member
    Echoing the points made many times on this forum, GW is not about strategy, it is about how many lvl 70 7* characters you have. As a F2P player, GW will be impossible for some time if this continues.

    Yep, the changes since February seem to be hurting F2P the most. Hopefully this isn't the start of EA's path to the dark side.

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    scuba wrote: »
    And it seems like everyone was "hoping" GW was going to get easier or stay easier.

    Most likely the "fix" would make it harder for the ones claiming it is so easy what is everyone complaining about and get toned down for the ones fighting almost impossible battles. GW is supposed to be hard. My seems to have stepped up difficulty after the update but not to the crazy level.

    I also suggest if you are trying to help determine what it is based of put info about your team, arena power, rank level etc.
    Level 70 7* opponents to a level 48 5* 18k arena power team is crazy

    Level 70 7* opponents to a level 70 7* 30k arena power team is not so crazy.

    10-12 Lvl 70 7* gear max teams in a row is a bit crazy for anyone. That is what I faced daily. Your cooldowns don't refresh, you carry damage. You are facing top tier toons every fight, phasma, Kylo(only top in right build but tough in GW) Sid, Dooku, QGJ, Yoda, Rey, Leia,GS, 86, Poggle, 5's, Daka fight in fight out these high HP, high dps, heal immune toons cause trouble when you do not heal or get cooldowns and face 7,8,9,10-12 in a row.

    Honestly though it was a good challenge. I put the war in galactic war. It is not galactic walk. My GW after this update was the easiest it has been in as long as I recall. Sure I faced 6 teams that were over 26k in a row at the end, but they were not 100% gear 8 7* at 70. They were a1-2 6* in there, not fully max gear. Heck I did not use a heal until node 7 and only to top myself off. Typically by node 7 I'd used multiple heals and had to sub in another healer. To put in perspective by node 7 2 nights ago my main GW team was all yellow or redexcept Sidor lower, both heals on cooldown. I had to sacrifice QGJ to put in Daka to heal my main players so I could go on. It cost me a 78 gear 8 1 gear piece from max to be able to press on. Sacrifices like that made GW quite fun, frustrating, annoying, anger invoking, but fun still.
  • Blankenshipbro
    132 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Won ten straight GW, now that it has been "fixed" I can't get passed the 4th battle. I'm calling bull.
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    I've fought hard to build a team that could win the Galactic Battle though it was still tough.
    However Today it was horrible. No chance to win at all. First battle I was already out leveled and right off the bat I almost lost my three (3) strongest characters and by the 5th battle I was both out leveled by 6 levels and 2-4 stars and lost everyone in less than a minute. This is insane. They really need to fix this right away and we need some kick back in gems, training droids, items and shards.
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    I've been pretty happy overall with my GW experience. Some days it's worse than others, but usually scales in a way that makes sense and I win 75% of the time. Refreshed today and ****. I usually have teams in the low 50's at node 2. Today, all Lvl 70 and 5-7*. ****.
  • Terrai
    117 posts Member
    You are not alone. Here's the thread yours will likely be merged into soon...
  • Pelle
    20 posts Member
    I havent been aple to finish ONE gw in over two weeks! Facing purple 70s in every match. Before this i could get through with the right strategies. gw is broken. I barely get to match 6 and i am top 100 in the arena. unstable game
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    Terrai wrote: »
    You are not alone. Here's the thread yours will likely be merged into soon...


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    I have played since shortly after global launch, and today was the hardest GW I have faced in weeks. I'm lvl 70 with 8 fully maxed toons. I have 6 more purple gear and close to max. I have strong A and B teams and a good suicide team. Today I got wiped out by node 7. Very frustraiting. I understand it is supposed to be hard, but impossible is not very fun. I was facing full gear 7* lvl 70 teams from node 2 and never caught a break.
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    I do not beleive GW got easier. If anything, it got harder in the mid level nodes.

    I felt like the enemy team was hitting harder and going more often (maybe they fixed a speed bug).

    I also feel it's really shady to say "we've updated GW" and not provide a description of what has changed. I imagine this is within their legal right, but it's still shady business priactices. Patch notes would have been nice, as these are issued with most updates to games.

    @EA_Jesse, Can you please provide what exactly was changed/fixed? It would definitely stop most of these speculation threads. Just tell us and lock it in that one section of the forums, dev updates I think. Yes, ppl will complain but at least we will all know the truth.

    Thanks. :)
    Darth Saltious - Hoth Ski Patrol
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    Beat it consistently for 10 days. Now that it is "fixed" I can't get passed the 4th battle.
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    It has not really changed much for myself. I just finished up and the only difference was the first 3 battles were lv 60s, after that all max 70 as normal.
    But hey that's three battles I get to save some time on. I'll take it!
  • ChefHaze
    628 posts Member
    Maybe we need a gw low power table thats easy so people can feel like they're doing something.
    Maybe they'll stop whining

    Then have the full difficulty challenge only if you can complete the first one. With better rewards of course.
  • USAmazing
    1157 posts Member
    Yeah I have been winning GW for weeks and now it gets nerfed because of the whining from players who can't figure out the game
    "You don't want to sell me death sticks... You want to go home and rethink your life. "
    Obi-Wan Kenobi
  • Vodo
    332 posts Member
    Ok, seems like the latest update completly ruined GW - at least for me.

    I just tried 7 times (!!) to beat node 2 (!!) without loosing toons - impossible. Not only is the team I face incredible strong for node 2, they also dodge and resist like crazy.

    I don't have fun when playing anymore, I'm just mad all the time, so that's it for me. Why should I keep playing (and spending) when I don't have fun?

    So bye bye everbody, I'm outta here.
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    Beat it consistently for 10 days. Now that it is "fixed" I can't get passed the 4th battle.

    Same, except it has been more like a month I have beat it every day.

  • Ztyle
    1970 posts Member
    Can I have your stuff
    I'm Danish , Leader of the Space Slug Alliance , living the SlugLife , My collection
  • slampdx
    478 posts Member
    More difficult for me
    All 70/7 now
  • Khayman
    850 posts Member
    No issues for me after the update. One node that required a suicide squad and ironically i tossed a second suicide squad of hodge podge that with a ton of RNG luck beat that team without me having to bring in a squad.(i noticed a lot more deflection and dodging that usual)
  • DarthCyren
    409 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Basef off the concensus of reports, GW HAS actually increased n indifficulty. Some folks are seeing linear matches (lvl 65+ squads at first, mega lvl 70 swuads toward ends) and it's more consistent - however even more people are facing the same bug that causes mega squads throughout making it even more problematic for a wider scope of players.

    THis update needs to be redone.

    I understand they're still catering to the players with 10 7 star toons maxed level and gear and reflecting that in GW - however, that's not fair to 90% of all other players to situate that way as the best players keep having an easy time and it's made impossible for players to reach the topper teirs.
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    What did they do?? Same here..I was thinking to myself that the GW was pretty easy before. I was racking up War Tokens, buying extra Phasma shards, and spending them in the Shard Shop. Now I can't get past level four and my main characters are completely maxed. It was going to be hard enough before to get to General Grievous, now I'm thinking he's unattainable.

    There's got to be a happy medium, EA. The first half of the GW table should be challenging, but not impossible.
  • ASD_Dad
    210 posts Member
    Yesterday was the easiest GW I have had in a long time and I thought they fixed it. Today has been a nightmare and I was ready to throw my iPad out the window! Not only are the squads still much higher than I am but the AI is seriously lopsided. Daka self revived 5 freaking times in a row!! Retreated since I was getting killed by everyone else trying to take her down. Tried again by taking out DPS toons, she revives both of them, twice!! ****?!

    Finally got past that one to face the lovely level 70, 7*, Max gear death squad at node 5. Used up two suicide squads and a strong C team to get past but still lost two good guys. Node 6 - ditto. Had to use rest of my C's and my top two teams to get past. Node 7 - ditto and my day is done.

    This was after an hour plus of retreats and rearranging. I dont care how good your synergy or anything else is, when you have a level 62 team (me) even being mostly max geared and you face 70, 7* max gear - you're dead. I have 3 6* and are farming two more to 6*, rest are 5* or lower. I have 10 that are gear 7 or higher though and I use them all in Arena off an on.

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    After reviewing GW on all my accounts... it just don't make sense. GW is the source for credits, as a lvl 70 player, I'm doomed in a credit crunch, i can't progress, i've completely stalled.
  • Zxcas
    96 posts Member
    Sigh, had been constantly beating GW but after every GW updates it seems to just get harder and harder and the time it takes to clear just keeps getting longer. Today's last 4th and last 3rd nodes I'm like fighting top 10 team in arena. Can beat them is one thing but to be able to have the main chars survive for the last 2nd and last node is another

    Still left with 3 nodes for today and I'm not done yet. WILL STILL CLEAR GW TODAY!!
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