Chances we get a Road Ahead today

144 posts Member
edited January 2019
I'm hopeful we'll get some great news about Dark Side month soon, all this OP LS has really been testing my commitment to the game.

Even so, I don't give us good odds at all that we'll see one today. I'd love to be wrong.
Post edited by Kyno on


  • 3pourr2
    1927 posts Member
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    We’ll get the road ahead in March after Darth Revan has come and gone, just like we got the last one after Revan came out.
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    Well they don't want to ruin the surprise
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    3pourr2 wrote: »

    You can probably assume the majority of what I post is sarcasm, feel free to skip and move along rather than reading...
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    If I am going to be honest, I have given up on the Road Ahead posts after last quarters fiasco. I enjoy the game, but when it comes to the Road Aheads, I just don't feel like they are as useful anymore (with being late and all). Last Road Ahead, half of it was "Revan's Coming!" as if we hadn't done his event already, and the other half was "Rebels will get some love" and all we got with that was C-3PO (Falcon is this quarter). I can almost guarantee that this Road Ahead will be "OT Falcon is Incoming!" and something else that will get a single character like the Rebels did this last one.

    I will continue to play the game, but in regards to communication, I will likely get more from my Discord Server than I will from the forums.
    Looking for an amazing new guild? Check out Boba's Allience:
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    Yeah, not a chance. Anyone expecting anyone with this company to have any ounce of transparency for the sake of being helpful is just fooling themselves.

    It's a fun game and won't stop by any means but I am completely done with taking these devs and community managers seriously, they are here for status quo and intentionally blind and unhelpful in most aspects of communication.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    3pourr2 wrote: »

    Wow, you are hopeful. I would have put at least 2 more 0s in there.
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    Sir, the possibility of a 'Road Ahead' post today is approximately 3,720 to 1.

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    SmurfLAX28 wrote: »
    Yeah, not a chance. Anyone expecting anyone with this company to have any ounce of transparency for the sake of being helpful is just fooling themselves.

    It's a fun game and won't stop by any means but I am completely done with taking these devs and community managers seriously, they are here for status quo and intentionally blind and unhelpful in most aspects of communication.

    Agreed. I will continue to play, like I said, but in regards to communication, CG has only lowered my expectation bar continuously, and yet they still manage to miss the mark. It's upsetting to say the least. I will still recommend people to play the game (because it is a fun game), but the company running it has let me down time and time again.
    Looking for an amazing new guild? Check out Boba's Allience:
  • Iy4oy4s
    2944 posts Member
    Mstrefe1 wrote: »
    If I am going to be honest, I have given up on the Road Ahead posts after last quarters fiasco. I enjoy the game, but when it comes to the Road Aheads, I just don't feel like they are as useful anymore (with being late and all). Last Road Ahead, half of it was "Revan's Coming!" as if we hadn't done his event already, and the other half was "Rebels will get some love" and all we got with that was C-3PO (Falcon is this quarter). I can almost guarantee that this Road Ahead will be "OT Falcon is Incoming!" and something else that will get a single character like the Rebels did this last one.

    I will continue to play the game, but in regards to communication, I will likely get more from my Discord Server than I will from the forums.

    Nailed it. It’s sad really. I forgot about the OT stuff being in the last road ahead, yet getting the Falcon this quarter...just another blunder in a long list of blunders. Get it together.
  • Ultra
    11587 posts Moderator
    I like the road ahead for content outside of characters like Grand Arena / Payout changes etc

    I've stopped caring about the Road Ahead after being told "this week, tomorrow, soon" over and over last quarter

    To answer OP's question, there won't be a road ahead until the Falcon event ends at the very least so that people don't turn their attention away from the Falcon and talk about the upcoming stuff
  • 3pourr2
    1927 posts Member
    Kyno wrote: »
    3pourr2 wrote: »

    Wow, you are hopeful. I would have put at least 2 more 0s in there.

    Percentage based on CG odds
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    Not to mention that most news we've received wasn't reliable in anyway. Talks of that dark side version of bb8 (the black droid from last jedi) which never saw the light of day among others and data leaks which only postponed release dates if I'm not mistaken
  • Jarvind
    3931 posts Member
    It's pretty obvious that they don't care about adhering to this quarterly schedule that people cling to. I dunno why anyone still expects them to.
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    edited January 2019
    Jarvind wrote: »
    It's pretty obvious that they don't care about adhering to this quarterly schedule that people cling to. I dunno why anyone still expects them to.

    Because its the cadence they set. If they arent going to stick with it, they should tell us they dont plan to and set a new cadence.

    They announced this in april with that road ahead blog. They delivered july on time, and were a month late on october's.

    So of the 3 theyve had since setting the expectation they have failed 66% of the time. Its getting rediculous and yet we get "soon".

    So i expect until communication improves or they meet the cadence they set... people will call them on the failure to meet their own deadlines.
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  • Jarvind
    3931 posts Member
    ShaggyB wrote: »
    Jarvind wrote: »
    It's pretty obvious that they don't care about adhering to this quarterly schedule that people cling to. I dunno why anyone still expects them to.

    Because its the cadence they set.

    You're focused on what should be versus what is. If they fail 66% of the time, they clearly haven't kept their promise, so the original promise is apparently void.

    If I say "I'm not going to punch you in the face," and then I punch you in the face, how many times are you going to let me punch you in the face before you stop holding on to "but he said he wasn't gonna?"
  • Gifafi
    6017 posts Member
    Omg who cares? See last road ahead for zzzzz
    Maybe End Game isn't for you
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    Guessing early February to announce the panic farm for whatever comes mid February... probably Darth Revan
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    Guessing early February to announce the panic farm for whatever comes mid February... probably Darth Revan

    They can’t releaae him until another go around of JKR. If they release Darth Revan before JKR, people will quit en mass.
  • 3pourr2
    1927 posts Member
    edited January 2019
    The only motive is panic. By quit in masses do you mean spend money?
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    3pourr2 wrote: »
    The only motive is panic. By quit in masses do you mean spend money?

    More like there is a point when you fall a certain amount of metas behind you say the heck with it...

    Im not even close to that point but i bet some are.... I actually lol at thought of darth revan.... im months from even being able to farm the toons required, possibly a YEAR from being able to gear em.... that could entice ppl 2 quit but they prob f2p anyway so no one cares....

    Im not sure i have ever felt as overwhelmed tho as i do now.... everyone in my shard has Everything so competitive play is quickly becoming an afterthought.... thank god for guilds the only reason I play anymore....

    GA is auto bottom rewards

    3po/revan killed all my hstr team farming

    Ships will be all rebels now for a while (i dont mind its only place in game im competitive)

    Arena is lol

    Have no gear.

    No ship content

    (To me it is what it is but i do see how groups of ppl would be overwhemed and say bye bye)

    Like i said the ppl quitting CG dont care about so “big deal” i guess

    Bring on the “spend ahead post” its due !!!
  • UncleOnceler
    196 posts Member
    edited January 2019
    What's this about punching people? I'm pretty sure that violates forum guidlines?
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    If you are complaining about CGs Road Ahead or the communication coming from the staff at CG, it’s pretty clear that you don’t play other mobile games with marquee licensing agreements.

    Without being a shill I have to say that CG puts out more information than a lot of other big name license holders anyone playing other games sees this immediately. While they are not the best but they are way above average for a big name company when it comes to communicating with their base.

    I’m sure before a Road Ahead can be released it has to be approved by a chain of people and let’s be honest in most large organizations many people are given jobs not because they deserve it or earned it but because of who they know or who they are related too. It goes without saying that it only takes one of these people to slow things down because they aren’t good at their jobs or they caused someone else to become disgruntled from having to do multiple jobs.

    I love the puzzles, the Road Ahead post are great the experimenting with game modes is refreshing. The fact that they actually answer questions from the community is great. It’s ok to critique and even complain but the whining over something that has nothing to do with the actual playing of the game is going to far.

    People need to chill
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    Blax4ever wrote: »
    If you are complaining about CGs Road Ahead or the communication coming from the staff at CG, it’s pretty clear that you don’t play other mobile games with marquee licensing agreements.

    Without being a shill I have to say that CG puts out more information than a lot of other big name license holders anyone playing other games sees this immediately. While they are not the best but they are way above average for a big name company when it comes to communicating with their base.

    I’m sure before a Road Ahead can be released it has to be approved by a chain of people and let’s be honest in most large organizations many people are given jobs not because they deserve it or earned it but because of who they know or who they are related too. It goes without saying that it only takes one of these people to slow things down because they aren’t good at their jobs or they caused someone else to become disgruntled from having to do multiple jobs.

    I love the puzzles, the Road Ahead post are great the experimenting with game modes is refreshing. The fact that they actually answer questions from the community is great. It’s ok to critique and even complain but the whining over something that has nothing to do with the actual playing of the game is going to far.

    People need to chill

    If you read through every road ahead post you will see this almost exact post every time....

    I get new people, new posters sharing their opinion (which is GOOD)

    I just swear it seems like the wording that its always the same person with 24 different screen names lol. I guess the exact same thing could be said for the wine n cheese posts so theres that
  • Iy4oy4s
    2944 posts Member
    Bottom line is that this is a business. What other businesses would get away from not delivering what was promised on time? Either say “we’ll get around to it at our leisure” ( Change the precedent) or deliver on time. You shouldn’t make deadlines for yourself that you have no intention of keeping.
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    I hope they surprise us with Jedi Malak (forgot his Light Side name...) before we get Darth Malak and Revan.
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    Jedi Malak (forgot his Light Side name...) before we get Darth Malak

    Alek. I know, it's hard to remember because it's so different than "Malak". ;)
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    Correct me if I’m wrong but it sounds like we’re not waiting for a road ahead... but an update on the road ahead... correct?
  • Jarvind
    3931 posts Member
    What's this about punching people? I'm pretty sure that violates forum guidlines?

    I pretty obviously wasn't actually threatening to punch anyone. I was just using that as an example to make my point.
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