Who was your early-days MVP?


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    Mine was Darth Sid until Kylo Came out. I went for him right away and boy did he make a difference. I think I was using a DS lead, Kylo, Boba, QGJ, and JKA for a really long time early on.
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    Add me to the Lumi crowd. Back then, she had everything: decent damage output, strong heal and a control capability with the ability lock. Yeah, those were simpler times...
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    Jedi Consular.

    His heals saved my various teams' bacon so many times in GW, Arena, LS and Cantina Battles. Even when his speed was around 160-165.
    When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.

    Started mid-FEB 2017, and not trying to reach the top.
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    Geo Soilder, Lumi, Daka, Savage, and Sidious! They lead my Arena team for a long time. All the turn meter gain, stuns, and healing. I had Geo's crit chance at 85%, plus Sidious lead. He could do 40k plus an assist every other turn.
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  • SylForge006
    138 posts Member
    edited January 2019
    Aayla Secura for me.

    Her stun, counter, passive assist on counter and self heal were huge! She was quite simply a beast. She could take over battles all on her own. I got to 64 (rank) with an Ima Gun Di lead and she was the focal point.

    Then daze, tenacity up and mods crushed her like a frog on a Hawaiian freeway.
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    Not sure this is as far back as others are taking it, but engineer in a droid team was the best. He gave the rest of his team a chance to go first with his TM special and built-in speed advantage. Behind an HK lead, they would roll through opponents with a quickness. At one point, winning a battle in arena came down to who had the faster engineer.

    Zavage, Zylo and Zaul were all awesome to have on your side and a pain to deal with on the opponent's team when the zetas were first introduced.

    Count Dooku's counter attack and stunning ability was the best in the way back. Combining him with CW Chewie and RG who would take turns taunting and those were some pretty easy wins.
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    I remember like 2+ years ago when someone posting a video series on here of themselves soloing every LS pve node with a maxed out Lando. I never saw if they made it to the last nodes, but it was before they added more nodes. Someone else posted a video soloing the highest level of the STR challenge with Stormtrooper Han (before the g12 gear tier was added). That was back before PVE content was all trivialized by the power creep!
  • JaggedJ
    1352 posts Member
    I miss the days where you could take random toons and create killer teams.
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    Darth Vader. Was my first 85 and Zeta. Never regret it. He made a lot of events possible with endless damage over times
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    Plasma lead with lumi sidious Windu and farm boy Luke/talia. I used to think Windu was a beast lol exposes and dispel
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    There was a time way back when a 6 or 7 star Vader was a real achievement that couldn't be bought or easily farmed... way before guilds and zetas and raids and maybe even omegas. He was a beast to face or use.
    Amazing how things have changed.
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    Lumi, RG, Dooku, Jedi Consular & scab Rey. Stuns, healing, auto taunt. Could consistently finish Galactic War, back when we needed to.
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    Used to run lumi lead, qgj, GS, RG. Don't remember the 5th anymore... loved that team.
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    Luminara for me. Doesn't stop me from regretting the zeta though.
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    I started in November 2015, so my first team consisted of literally the only characters I had: Talia, Snowtrooper, RT, CWC, and Jedi Consular.

    Probably the first proper MVP was Luminara. I remember Fives being influential early on as well. The first heavy synergy team I built was a counter team under IGD, but they lost what little viability they had when EP appeared.
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    Oh my... sidious, classic Ashoka, fives, later on Phasma.
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    Scavenger Rey for the sheer damage output and foresight and barris as she could heal even through sidious' healing immunity
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    Mine was IG88. Got him to gear 12 within 7 months of playing the game :)
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    5s for sure. His slow on basic was the original "control"
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    Dooku. His counters were ruthless.
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    HK, IG88, IG86, Poggle, Poe.
    IG86 was the MVP because when you needed someone to die his special is what did the killing. Poe's taunt was critical, but 86 brought it home.
  • VonZant
    3843 posts Member
    Hoth Rebel Soldier! Self healing with 40% counter chance! Boss.
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    I forgot, Phasma's lead was the first one I really worked and geared. Thanks for reminding me @NePlusUltra_kRh and for the trip down memory lane.
    Make Bronzium autoplay opening an option.
  • Gannon
    1644 posts Member
    I started with qgj Jedi then og hunters+ a tank or jawa engineer. Zam was so good, but so underrated. Nearly 100%tm when popping bombs, then Boba would go ham.
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    FOTP the OG glass canon with geo solider
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    Wiggs and Lando. Ooh boy I remember being able to one shot enemies in Arena with Biggs' special. So much damage. And Lando would freaking annihilate the other team. Was my team for a while till CLS came out. Wiggs just wasn't as effective (especially against Chaze) and Lando would get killed by CLS Leadership (counter)
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    Lumi, Clone Wars Chewie, HK-47 and Jedi Consular were my guys when i was on my push towards level 85. Used to love when HK would revive and then get healed by either of the jedi. Rework Lumi and JC dammit!
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    Two: Scavenger Rey and Luminara.

    Luminara was the first character I got to 7*, buying her with Galactic War tokens. Man she was excellent back when the game first started and healing meant something because you had a whole bunch of hp--but no protection. Her attack did great damage for the time, ability block was clutch, her heal was strong and the HoTs would top you up in GW and since there weren't as many dispels as there are now, they lasted. Not to mention her leader ability, dodge was king for a while and while hers wasn't the best, it was just another good thing to have on top of an already good character. I've outgrown her entirely, unfortunately, jedi just aren't strong enough on the whole and older characters are generally weaker than newer characters, so the fact that she's an older jedi is a double whammy.

    Rey was ungodly for a while early in the game. I got her through one of my free chromium packs they gave you for doing early content when you signed up, then just ground her out from her two or three hard nodes (I think two? Been a loooong time :P ) until she was 7*. She hit SO HARD. But then resistance got old and fell by the wayside, so I put her on the shelf--then zetas came along and all of a sudden she became an all-star again. Not just because zeta Finn made that faction suddenly super viable for a lot of content, but because one of the few things that could hamper player-controlled Resistance was counter-attacks, assists, and TM gain (ie, through Rex's leader ability or Old Ben's leader ability), and her daze would end all of those. Plus, her daze would go through foresight. She got a ship, too, but it's not good.... I use it in Territory Wars with Mace because it has a boatload of protection and gains protection up, so it can hopefully help time someone out. Also useful in the Sith raid so long as she doesn't get debuffed and you just alternate specials.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    Used to run lumi lead, qgj, GS, RG. Don't remember the 5th anymore... loved that team.

    Mine was Luminara, Qui-Gon, Rey, Royal Guard, and Stormtrooper Han. Two tanks ruled until B2.... :(
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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