Who was your early-days MVP?


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    Cad bane and barris for me. I pulled 4* when most had only 3*. The heal and stun was awesome.
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    Sid, consular, dooku

    I still run dooku, because the object of a game is to be entertained, and I am very entertained by watching dooku rip everyone to shreds regardless of speed.
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    Liath wrote: »
    Royal Guard and Dooku. And Daka. I LOVED stuns.

    Well yeah, skipping turns in a turn based game is a little irresistible
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    For me ... Lando. His aoe was devastating, and got me through many many arena and galactic war battles, especially under a leia lead which improved his crit chances.
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    Lando here, too
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    At one stage before mods came out, qui gon lead teams were the quickest, was such a coin flip without mods as everyone had the same speed haha
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    Sun Fac, I felt immortal when I got him...
    Together with Royal Guard this team could take the hell of a beating. Good old days... ;)
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    Hoth Rebel Scout had nice stuns and a lot of TM gain early on. Still my favorite character due to that time
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    Ahsoka all day. An attacker who also could heal and self heal on basic? I was (and remain) in love. My first Zeta was on QGJ because I was building a Jedi team around Ahsoka. And to date my best bronzium pull was a 4* Bariss right during that time. Halcyon days.
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    Luminara was my first 7 star toon loooooooooong ago. (A month after launch) She used to be a boss, and between her healing and Jedi Consular I managed to scrape through a lot of GWs.

    Then Sid was my second 7 star. Brutal attacker and clutch heal immunity debuff... 3 years ago.

    QGJ was the first toon that pushed me into the top 50 and occasionally top 20 in arena. High speed, offense up, dispel, massive damage assist attack. Yes please.

    Then STHan was my first G11 character. Around that time I finally unlocked and started to gear Rey scavenger (just Rey back then). I ran actually made #1 in arena with STHan lead, RG, Old Daka, QGJ, and Rey. As long as the enemy Rey didn't one hit KO my Rey before I could one hit KO their Rey I could outlast them with the double taunt, stuns, healing, revives, and all that TM fed to my team from STHan. STHan an Rey were probably rock stars on my arena team longer than any other meta I've seen. They even stayed relavent for quite a while after mods were added, which marked the beginning of the dark times (not counting the giant median finger that was precrafting).
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    LOVED my "resurrection squad" back in the day. Lumi lead, Ewok Elder, Daka, RG, and ScavRey. Opponents just played whak-a-mole while my toons healed and revived one another, and Rey gradually beat each one of them with her stick.
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    I remember reading a article somewhere when I started, talking about FOTP and his double-tap being the best thing in to world. I finally got him and zeta-ed my Phasma, a week before KRU arrived. FOTP is now sat on the bench with FOE taking all the glory! Still, that’s progress...
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    Lumi, Royal Guard and Stick Rey.
  • KueChael
    930 posts Moderator
    edited January 2019
    Lumi and Dooku were my first 7* characters.

    Great post!
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    Lando, without a question. He cleared so many nodes with his aoe and helped to get so many scoundrel events done.
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    Lando and Leia.

    Kill machines, both.
  • ZekePhoenix
    57 posts Member
    edited January 2019
    Ezra and Sabine, the rest of the Phoenix Squad were okay too.
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    Princess Leia. Her and Danger Zone led me to many a victory!
  • Devian
    674 posts Member
    edited January 2019
    For me - Geonosian soldier :D
    Loved him, geared him first to 8th gear!
    yeah, despite icon change - still the same old buggy
  • MrRedxZero
    115 posts Member
    edited January 2019
    Zaul Sith Assassin meta was my favorite time I think. Because it bumped off the wiggs meta. If I remember right. I had already been playing a year or so at that point. I was top 10 arena with zaul lead 5* g11 SA, 4* g11 nihilus, zylo a and dooku/sidious I believe
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    STHan. He was Rex before Rex. Throw up taunt, take hits, pass out TM to your team, profit.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Definitely Geo soldier at the start though I was always jealous of those who had Dooku. The Phasma attack assist squad with Rey is still one of my favorites.
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    Oh yes, the Dooku envy was strong with me. By the time I had him, his day was long gone. Felt like I showed up to a party after everyone had left.
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    Boba all the way, with Lando, StHan, and whatever else was clutch in my roster at the time. I miss those days, the game felt fresh every time I played. Boba is still leading my team, with Dengar, Zam, Greedo, and IG-88.
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    Having Dooku in the very early days of this game was amazing. He was my first 7*, and seemed like he could take out the whole opposition all on his own.
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    Death Trooper, bought him with crystals and I still use him in my arena team
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    Boba, Wiggs. That was the basis for my arena teams for... months.
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    Ima-Gun Di. Early on I focused way too heavily on Jedi to the exclusion of all else, and that counter-happy crew was my pride and joy. IGD, JC, Lumi, Ahsoka (possibly my best Bronzium), and Mace.
    Guild Leader of CHAL | Member of the WWL Alliance
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    Ahsoka, CW Chewbacca, Consular and Lando!!

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    Biggs and the big shot
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