Changes (and Additional Changes) Coming in the Next Update [MEGA]


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    I am so disapointed with CG. As a newer player, I always had my 8 attempts and it gave me the feeling to drop behind only a bit ... now ... I'm not sure if I am willing to endure the even worse grind.
    And don't give me that "you do not compete with long time players, so what" ... because it is wrong, except for arena. We compete for a place in good guilds (which want you to have at least +2Mio GP), in TW with other guilds (I can't do anything but drop some weak teams in the rear ranks), in TB ... (no teams, no toons to help a lot). I would like to compete for raid-rewards and do my part but ... no jtr, no ns-teams, no chexmix. New players have sooo much hard node farms ... and it gets worse with every update.
    My to do list for only the most important toons includes Bastilia, Zaalbar, Bindo, and I did not even begin to farm HT, Bossk, Wicket, MT, Xanadoo Blood, IG-2000, Juhani, Dark Basti, Shore + Range + Res. Trooper, Zombie ... and since DR a whole Sith team joind the farming list ... not even mentioning nice to have toons, like FoSt, Embo or JKA.
    I start to lose my motivation to keep going.

  • Gorem
    1190 posts Member
    Emguy wrote: »
    It's not a nerf. If I had started playing during double shard drops and then double drops ended I wouldn't be nerfed, I'd just have to get used to playing like the rest of us had to for so long. Just be glad they're not bringing it down to 3

    This is the VERY definition of a nerf.

    Attempts going from 8-5 has nothing do to with temporary NOTHING.

    They are nerfing it because it helps us, because they hate us. That is why. They do not care about us.

    CG hates us. They hate their playerbase. They have always hated their playerbase. They will continue to ignore all feedback and just do whatever they want.

    Eight months.

    8 MONTHS is NOT Temporary.
  • Raynia
    28 posts Member
    Currently I do 6x regular energy refreshes and farm 3 characters with one node refresh each. So I spend 525 crystals on farming (450 for energy + 75 for refreshes). With this change all that will happen is I will only do 3x regular energy refreshes and 0 node refreshes since the rate of return per crystal spent will be far less. So that's 375 (525 - 150 for 3x regular energy) crystals I won't be spending every day. That's 11,250 crystals every month or $71. And now that I'm not gaining characters as fast I don't need to gear them as fast. So that's more crystals not being spent on gear for that one piece I need occasionally.

    Now two things would happen: if I'm not gaining characters and finishing teams as fast my motivation will go down and I stop playing after a month or two, especially if new meta characters are released; or I just hoard crystals since I'll be saving a lot after the change, and never have to buy a crystal vault again.

    This is all besides the fact that 7-8 months of 8 attempts is not temporary or limited. I started in November so 8 attempts has been standard for me and there is no possible way I could have known that it was "temporary". Also, why would new players start playing after this change? Everyone else has been able to farm 60% faster than they would have for the past 8 months, which would just make their journey even harder in this challenging and complicated game.

    Just because it was at 3, than bumped to 5 doesn't mean that going back down to 5 is OK. This isn't a problem of the lesser of two evils. This is just a step in the wrong direction for this game. There are so many characters on hard nodes you need to farm to complete a team and this change increases the time by over 2 months. This is an exciting time for the game with the breakup of the JKR stranglehold on arena and QOL changes including Rancor simming and reducing Galactic War simming to 50 wins. Don't waste all that goodwill with this greedy and frankly, stupid and near-sighted change.

    If someone at CG wants to check my spending habits my ally code is 936-539-887.
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    KilumNatta wrote: »
    I’ve been a player for going on three years and it seems to me that I’m always a step behind. I’m free to play with occasional spending and to me when the attempts for hard nodes increased to 8 it helped me to advance and not be further behind.

    So today after reading the update by CG I’m forced to voice my opinion and concerns. It already takes months to farm a single character on F2P players and with the reduction of attempts. If CG were to put character shards in the galactic store or others I’d have no problem. However since CG insists on new characters being farmable only in hard nodes I am forced to protest.

    If you’re reading this CG from one of your players I hope you feel my displeasure from your actions. I do not want to go back to 5 attempts I’d rather keep my 8. I know there are plenty of others who’ll agree with me.

    I couldn't agree more!
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    Pervysage wrote: »
    One of CG's more popular decisions (upping hard nodes to 8 attempts) is being reversed again and they're once again making the unpopular announcement on a Friday evening so they can peace out for the weekend and hope it blows over by Monday. I know my crystal spending has gone up as I actually feel like I get value out of refreshing a node at 8 attempts to get myself to 16. . . Now it's the same cost to go from 5 to 10 which is basically the same as not refreshing at 8 attempts. Not gonna happen.

    I agree completely!
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    "CG, you're alienating the player base!"
    "CG, stop exploiting the fanbase!"
    "CG, no one's gonna play you're game if you nickel-and-dime everyone!"
    "CG, I'm quitting your stupid pay-to-win game!"
    CG: l3alzfhdtfjs.png
  • Raynia
    28 posts Member
    Currently I do 6x regular energy refreshes and farm 3 characters with one node refresh each. So I spend 525 crystals on farming (450 for energy + 75 for refreshes). With this change all that will happen is I will only do 3x regular energy refreshes and 0 node refreshes since the rate of return per crystal spent will be far less. So that's 375 (525 - 150 for 3x regular energy) crystals I won't be spending every day. That's 11,250 crystals every month or $71. And now that I'm not gaining characters as fast I don't need to gear them as fast. So that's more crystals not being spent on gear for that one piece I need occasionally.

    Now two things would happen: if I'm not gaining characters and finishing teams as fast my motivation will go down and I stop playing after a month or two, especially if new meta characters are released; or I just hoard crystals since I'll be saving a lot after the change, and never have to buy a crystal vault again.

    This is all besides the fact that 7-8 months of 8 attempts is not temporary or limited. I started in November so 8 attempts has been standard for me and there is no possible way I could have known that it was "temporary". Also, why would new players start playing after this change? Everyone else has been able to farm 60% faster than they would have for the past 8 months, which would just make their journey even harder in this challenging and complicated game.

    Just because it was at 3, than bumped to 5 doesn't mean that going back down to 5 is OK. This isn't a problem of the lesser of two evils. This is just a step in the wrong direction for this game. There are so many characters on hard nodes you need to farm to complete a team and this change increases the time by over 2 months. This is an exciting time for the game with the breakup of JKR stranglehold on arena, QOL changes including Rancor simming and reducing Galactic War simming to 50 wins. Don't waste all that goodwill with this greedy and frankly, stupid and near-sighted change.

    If someone at CG wants to check my spending habits my ally code is 936-539-887.
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    I really don't understand the problem here, everyone who is moaning about this have probably known nothing but 8 attempt hard nodes. This game has always been a grind, and it's the same for everyone. Be thankful that they didn't reduce it during the OR farm...
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    Gamorrean wrote: »
    leef wrote: »
    phartung55 wrote: »
    So where did you find this? And can you prove it was from the time of the change from 5-8 roughly around august/september? People have mentioned on here that there was a temporary change PRIOR to the august/semptember one, so while I doubt you'd intend to deceive, its believable an error could be being made or an example is being taken from that first shift as a clue to where the proof for this round couod be found.

    Clearly its not on the forum, and putting it in an in-game announcement that is inaccessible for players who joined after it went out (like myself) is unacceptable.

    Why does it matter whether or not players like yourself are able to find on the forum that they stated it was a temporary change?
    I wasn't able to find on the forum that 3 hardnode attempts per day was only temporary, but i sure was glad they changed it to 5.

    Because increasing it wouldn’t be one of the hundreds of grand conspiracies to kill the playerbase.

    I think hes talking about the increase from 3 to 5...

    Yes. That’s the joke. Because lowering the attempt limit is obviously a conspiracy against new players.
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    Everybody panicking about this 5 attempt thing never played during the 3 attempt days, when node refreshes were 50 crystals (not the first-time 25 like now). New players survived then, you’ll survive now.
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    Anyone else feel like the roll back to 5 attempts per day is a slap in the face from CG? I'm willing to spend a bit here and there on marquee toons that are worth the head start to 4*, but i'm not out ahead of the game, and usually unlock new legendaries the second time around. It took till the 3rd time for me to 7* chewie, and will probably be the same for c3p0.

    However, due to horrific drop rates, i'm still plodding along with mostly 5* OR 2.0 toons. Their reasoning for rolling back is that you have more time now. But with the terrible drop rates (and yes i refresh several times a day), it's been a horrible farm even with 8 attempts (and 2 refreshes of that for a total of 24).

    That's not to mention the fact that i still haven't worked on the BH ships for the falcon because i was still working on ewoks and then OR 2.0 toons.

    At least with the 8 a day it seemed like i might get to the bh ships to unlock the falcon on the 3rd go round.

    I know I'm ranting, but it just feels like a slap in the face from CG.
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    Everybody panicking about this 5 attempt thing never played during the 3 attempt days, when node refreshes were 50 crystals (not the first-time 25 like now). New players survived then, you’ll survive now.

    People in WorldWars starved, but this doesnt mean it is normal to starve. Stagnation is not fun. The game has changed btw. There are a lot of characters to farm and it takes so long. Waiting is not fun and they wanna add some more pain. The justification why they do this is not very convincig. They can just say, we need more money :D
  • Thin_Liz_217
    24 posts Member
    edited April 2019
    I too increased spending once the bump to 8 occurred because I felt I was getting more value for my money.

    Conversely, I will spend less on character refreshes once this change goes into effect because of a perceived loss of value.

    I should add that I’ve been around long enough to have amassed a roster where I can more than compete at my GP in my favorite modes, TW and GA. Some people trying to catch up don't have the luxury to say that, and this will hurt them.

    In the end, I feel like this is CG self-harming their bottom line, but maybe their pre and post-change data shows differently.
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    marxuke123 wrote: »
    Everybody panicking about this 5 attempt thing never played during the 3 attempt days, when node refreshes were 50 crystals (not the first-time 25 like now). New players survived then, you’ll survive now.

    People in WorldWars starved, but this doesnt mean it is normal to starve. Stagnation is not fun. The game has changed btw. There are a lot of characters to farm and it takes so long. Waiting is not fun and they wanna add some more pain. The justification why they do this is not very convincig. They can just say, we need more money :D

    I think they just need to throttle how fast we can farm new characters since they can't release them as fast as they want. If they keep it at 8 then they will find another way to throttle the farm or add some other block that requires crystals. I fear what they might change if they do not change it back down to 5. In any case, I think it's dumb that energy cap doesn't even allow you to use all 8 attempts at a 20 energy node. The change back to 5 is fine, it means you can spread energy across multiple farms again.
  • Hortus
    647 posts Member
    It's definitely not a good change, but I think overall reaction is a little exaggerated. The amount of tries per node is only one limiting factor. The other is the amount of energy available, and it isn't going to be changed. So if one will adapt his farming strategy to spread among several toons instead of focusing on one-two, he may not see any changes at all in long term. Yes, panic farm will be harder but long-term strategy won't suffer probably.
  • Slippyfist
    382 posts Member
    edited April 2019
    Darth Revan’s been here only once, with farm time he is currently for the p2p crowd. Plus the gear requirements to get him. Saying we’ve had time is ridiculous. I’m not going anywhere as I still enjoy the game, but the moves made to milk money make me do the exact opposite. All lowering the sim count does is force us to spread our farms further out with the available energy and slow progress on each.

    I’m not going anywhere as I still enjoy the game, but the moves made to milk money make me do the exact opposite. Every time I even think about spending anything, I think of the many moves like this. My wallet has been closed for a long time and will continue to stay closed.

    I believe this is their goal. They want us to spread out our farming. There have been a couple bundles I wanted to buy but had a character or two at 7*. They want you to be at like 40/100 when the large bundles pop so you'll be more tempted to buy the bundle and finish 4 or 5 toons at once. Just my going tin foil hat theory, and also only a small part of the change
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    Huatimus wrote: »
    Come on mate, no one likes this change but them not stating the word ‘temporary’ on the forum post seems more like an oversight than some malicious attempt to deceive. And besides, you can accuse the Developers of whatever you want and it ain’t gonna change a thing. Just got to adapt just like everyone else.

    And you all said no one from Capital Games would reply to this thread. Time to eat crow.
  • nQthing
    89 posts Member
    Windmills and moving attack attempts from 8 to 5- causes cancer
  • nottenst
    711 posts Member
    Hortus wrote: »
    It's definitely not a good change, but I think overall reaction is a little exaggerated. The amount of tries per node is only one limiting factor. The other is the amount of energy available, and it isn't going to be changed. So if one will adapt his farming strategy to spread among several toons instead of focusing on one-two, he may not see any changes at all in long term. Yes, panic farm will be harder but long-term strategy won't suffer probably.
    Indeed. It means you can spread your energy out among other toons and may accomplish some other goals faster than otherwise. It isn't the case for most people that are not other toons to farm on hard nodes.
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    Jenjhys wrote: »

    This only says the 3->5 change was temporary, it does not provide proof that they made the faxt that this most recent 5->8 was temporary readily available information.
  • Chima
    113 posts Member
    Everybody panicking about this 5 attempt thing never played during the 3 attempt days, when node refreshes were 50 crystals (not the first-time 25 like now). New players survived then, you’ll survive now.
    You should consider you had a few characters to farm, now there's a bunch of them in hard nodes, you cannot compare how it was and how it's nowadays.
    Yes. That’s the joke. Because lowering the attempt limit is obviously a conspiracy against new players.
    Well, the game isn't friendly for new players, this is an undeniable truth, now will be worst. In fact, I think all these things they do is because there are not many new players coming in this game this way they must squeeze the player are here already to expend crystals.

  • ThunderGun
    221 posts Member
    edited April 2019
    phartung55 wrote: »
    This only says the 3->5 change was temporary, it does not provide proof that they made the faxt that this most recent 5->8 was temporary readily available information.

    So I take it you want it to go back down to 3 then? We're lucky they never did change it back down to 3.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    All in all, this change doesn't effect me too much, as I'm sure many veteran players can say, I dont have too many characters on the HN farm scheme at this point and the ones I do, will finish when they finish.

    As for new players, I'm sure they feel differently, but that is in part due to the sentiment that keeps being fostered of "they need to catch up" - which is generally speaking not true. They need to keep pace, and that pace is with people at the same level as them who are all equally effected by this change.

    Why have I not jumped in here to defend point out information that shows this was temporary, well mainly because there doesn't seem to be any clear indication of this. Yes there are remarks that this was temporary in game and for the first run of 8, but for the second change it doesn't seem to be stated at all and not even alluded to in that post.

    I do not think this has as much to do with the current "spending" as other are stating. I think this has more to do to future balancing if we see the releases go through the Galactic Chase style of release.

    As some may recall the marquee structure has not always been the release style and we saw the attempt of the "repeat event" style (MT and wicket), now we are seeing the GC. They tend to change things up and maybe we are just moving into the new era, only time will tell.
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    Sometimes this game is good enough to make me forget it's just a vehicle to exploit addictive personalities. Whatever. The 5 attempt thing is hugely disappointing and it's another reason to question why I keep banging my head against the wall.
  • Chima
    113 posts Member
    Kyno wrote: »
    All in all, this change doesn't effect me too much, as I'm sure many veteran players can say, I dont have too many characters on the HN farm scheme at this point and the ones I do, will finish when they finish.

    As for new players, I'm sure they feel differently, but that is in part due to the sentiment that keeps being fostered of "they need to catch up" - which is generally speaking not true. They need to keep pace, and that pace is with people at the same level as them who are all equally effected by this change.
    So what you are saying is "In one hand, to the veteran players it will not change too much since they have a bunch of things to have fun. In the other hand to new players, we'll let it HARDER to get something and make the game a little less fun, BUT will not be fun for all the new players since they are in the same level."

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    Everybody panicking about this 5 attempt thing never played during the 3 attempt days, when node refreshes were 50 crystals (not the first-time 25 like now). New players survived then, you’ll survive now.

    I did. I got FOStormtrooper and someone else (tie pilot?) on hard nodes for R2 when it was only 3 attempts (the pilot was added to fleet store afterwards, but that's another story). I still don't like this change. Yes, it was even worse back then, but that doesn't mean this nerf is good.
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    I'm a Vet of the game. Some might say an OG. But that is another tale for another time. The reduction from 8 to 5, in their minds will increase revenues. No other reason to do it makes sense. And it is believed it will fail. Time will tell. I let my guys know they should just stick to working on one squad at a time, ignore the meta, and we'll be fine. I figure we should hit HSTR in the Fall. We have T6 on farm. Other raids as well. We'll get where we want to be like we always do, without spending a dime. Squeeze away, can't get blood from a stone.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Chima wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    All in all, this change doesn't effect me too much, as I'm sure many veteran players can say, I dont have too many characters on the HN farm scheme at this point and the ones I do, will finish when they finish.

    As for new players, I'm sure they feel differently, but that is in part due to the sentiment that keeps being fostered of "they need to catch up" - which is generally speaking not true. They need to keep pace, and that pace is with people at the same level as them who are all equally effected by this change.
    So what you are saying is "In one hand, to the veteran players it will not change too much since they have a bunch of things to have fun. In the other hand to new players, we'll let it HARDER to get something and make the game a little less fun, BUT will not be fun for all the new players since they are in the same level."


    If someone is not having fun, that seems like a personal issue that they should gain some perspective on.

    So, no what you said is not at all what I was saying.
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    Affy wrote: »
    I get OP's comments on this being a nerf from their point of view.

    I do recall it being disclosed as temporary as well.

    But it does seem an over reaction from OP to accuse of CG of lying.

    They're not lying you just don't have all the facts because you came later to the game.

    Are you really saying that, if there had only been a limit of five when you started you waouldn't have continued playing because there wasn't eight?

    Interesting that you say you will accept it if it's proven it was temporary - People have proved this to you - but you don't seem to want to accept it.

    Don't get me wrong - I'm disappointed too - I'm FTP and there's always farming to do for me - Currently working on OR2 for Darth Revan and hadn't even started BH ships so that's two key legendaries I'm going to be significantly delayed getting.

    CG rarely do things for a reason - We might not like what the reason is - but until we know, I don't see the point in making a huge deal about it. Can't see how at the moment, but it could be a positive move.....

    Maybe worth waiting for the Road Ahead to see if there is any more info in there as to why it's decreasing.

    If they did not make any effort to disclose that 8 was temporary in a way that the information was readily available for any player who started during the 8 attempts, then they did lie to every new player.

    If I run a bar and anounce once at 6pm that drinks are half price from 630-830, then tell everyone who comes in after 630 the price of their drinks, not mentioning that it is a promotional price, there WILL be an outcry at 831 by anyone of those people who cam eafter 630 who orders a drink, and They WILL accuse me of lying. And in thise scenario, i did lie to them by implying the promotional price was just the regular, everyday price. A lie of omission is still a blatant lie in the business world. If this was more damaging I'd be tempted to call falso advertising, but its not, its just dirty underhanded tactics that WILL ruin the company's reputation among their fans (particularly their new fans, since they're the ones lied to) if they go throigh with it.

    Amd for everyone saying "its been proven you just ignor eit" no, it hasnt. I dont ask people to say "i remember", i ask for proof. Remembering it could be false or phantom memories brought on by them calling it temporary in the recent dev post combined with prior changes that were acknowledged as temporary. If anything, the screenshot from the 3->5 change for the luke thing someome posted calloig that out as temporary is more damning than redeeming, since it shows they calle dit temporary there, but not here; a very important thing to consider in determining uf they lied or not, as it sets a precedent of them calling previous temporary changes temporary in an available location, but not this one. A screenshot that us confirmed to be from the relevant time in game or a link to a forum post other than this most recent one that states the recent change from 5->8, not any prior changes, is temporary wouod be proof.
  • Ultra
    11553 posts Moderator
    Gorem wrote: »
    Emguy wrote: »
    It's not a nerf. If I had started playing during double shard drops and then double drops ended I wouldn't be nerfed, I'd just have to get used to playing like the rest of us had to for so long. Just be glad they're not bringing it down to 3

    This is the VERY definition of a nerf.

    Attempts going from 8-5 has nothing do to with temporary NOTHING.

    They are nerfing it because it helps us, because they hate us. That is why. They do not care about us.

    CG hates us. They hate their playerbase. They have always hated their playerbase. They will continue to ignore all feedback and just do whatever they want.

    Eight months.

    8 MONTHS is NOT Temporary.
    Eight months can be temporary. You need to brush up on the definition of temporary. Temporary can be 8 hours, 8 weeks, 8 months or even 8 years.

    Regardless, setting aside the argument of whether it was temporary or not, CG has full right to change the number of attempts at their discretion at any point in time.

    Just like they had the right to increase hard node attempts from 3 to 5 and 5 to 8. After 8 months they can choose to increase to 10 attempts per node and they are fully justified to do so. They also have the right to switch it back to 5 from 10 if they don’t like the results.

    There is plenty of evidence showing they listen to our feedback. It’s not nice to use blanket statements to feed into the mob mentality
This discussion has been closed.