TB: both or choose


    96 posts Member
    edited June 2019
    So the Devs are cool with running TW and GA at the same time even though that's a hefty time consumer. But they won't let us run both TBs at the same time if we qualify because (insert random jargon here.) Seriously, someone explain this to me.
  • AleSahnDroh_1979
    950 posts Member
    edited June 2019
    So Geonosis is only a horrible, distracting, over-difficult stuff made to burn out us?
    If we make the wrong choice we loose the whole Hoth rewards for nothing!!
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    Who cares about the definition. The dev post was extremely confusing. I didn’t understand how them running together was less demanding. I didn’t understand there was a choice and it wasn’t both. That definitely needs to be edited for clarity.

    Regardless though I’m super glad to be done with one of the territory battles. It was boring. It was long past time to move onto something more challenging. I support this move (so far).

    Well congrats to your guild. Meanwhile my guild just broke 42 stars DS and I guess we won't ever get to finish. Imagine if we had to pick between our first HAAT clear and T4 of STR. Makes no sense.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • KKatarn
    629 posts Member
    So, essentially, you've added HAAT... but we have to give up HPit to do it.

    Seems like it. :s
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    "We will also be reducing the Rebel Officer Leia Organa and Imperial Probe Droid Shards earned in Territory Battles from 2 to 1 as Territory Battles will be more consistent and predictable with the update."

    @CG_SBCrumb can you explain how you can square this with today's announcement? Or explain what it was supposed to mean in the first place?
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    CG_SBCrumb wrote: »
    They will run simultaneously but the guild's officers will choose which one your guild will participate in. You can't do both Geo TB and Hoth TB at the same time.

    This is just an epically dumb decision.
  • Options
    TVF wrote: »
    "We will also be reducing the Rebel Officer Leia Organa and Imperial Probe Droid Shards earned in Territory Battles from 2 to 1 as Territory Battles will be more consistent and predictable with the update."

    @CG_SBCrumb can you explain how you can square this with today's announcement? Or explain what it was supposed to mean in the first place?

    "Dany kinda forgot about the Iron Fleet."
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    What about the massive number of guilds who have yet to complete the achievements for max stars? Or still farming IPD?

    They are expected to sacrifice rewards for completion? That seems really backwards. Not even to mention you are limiting content
  • Cs99
    146 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    "We will also be reducing the Rebel Officer Leia Organa and Imperial Probe Droid Shards earned in Territory Battles from 2 to 1 as Territory Battles will be more consistent and predictable with the update."

    @CG_SBCrumb can you explain how you can square this with today's announcement? Or explain what it was supposed to mean in the first place?

    Could be wrong, but i believe the update in question was set platoons in later phases. Which still doesn't make sense since those special missions are easily beat with or without full platoons.
  • Options
    All this controversy over the word “concurrently”. Sheesh. If someone gets convicted of two crimes, sentenced to run concurrently, they aren’t actually sitting two prison sentences at the same time.
    Yes... the TBs take place simultaneously.
    No... you can’t participate in both.
    There’s nothing wrong with the use of the word.
  • Boofpoof
    344 posts Member
    Look some of you can argue the “definition” of the word “concurrently” till the kittens hit the fan. In the context that the post was used I, most admittedly, thought it meant that we would have 2 TBs going on simultaneously or concurrently or at the same time. I mean we can run concurrent HPIT/HAAT/HSITH raids. Or does the context of the word simultaneously/concurrent not exist in that part of our universe...

    To me it’s just ANOTHER kitten poor slight of hand by CG. We give you new content but now choose which one. Oh wait a minute. We didn’t tell you that you would need to choose. We used our big boy word “concurrently” and everyone should know that means you have to pick one. Please...

    It’s really simple for any guild who wants to stay competitive with G12 finishers to go full-in for Geo TB. I can’t believe I honestly thought that we would be able to do both LSTB/DSTB and try out the new Geo TB from simple scheduling. Coordinating a TB isn’t that difficult. I agree and thank the Devs for using some common sense in NOT running this TB while a TW was going on.

    But it’s the same ole situation again. One step forward and <insert whatever number you like here> step backwards. And they used feedback from beta testers as a context that THIS was a good idea??? Fire your testers CG. Any decent sized guild with half a brain would have told you this is NOT a good idea. There are still guilds out there who haven’t maxed out their TBs yet. Why would you pull the carpet out from underneath these guilds now? Just plain stupid. And another shining example of how far out of touch you are with your players. Makes me glad that I switched strictly to F2P last Fall.
    SWGOH Guild: Peace is a Lie SWGOH Profile: Boofpoof Discord: Buffpuff#3065
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    All this controversy over the word “concurrently”. Sheesh. If someone gets convicted of two crimes, sentenced to run concurrently, they aren’t actually sitting two prison sentences at the same time.
    Yes... the TBs take place simultaneously.
    No... you can’t participate in both.
    There’s nothing wrong with the use of the word.


    The problem was not telling us we had to choose. Word used is irrelevant.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
    51 posts Member
    CG_SBCrumb wrote: »
    They will run simultaneously but the guild's officers will choose which one your guild will participate in. You can't do both Geo TB and Hoth TB at the same time.

    This is bad news for my guild. We still need rewards from Hoth TB like Imperial probe droid shards, yet many of us are going to need the new gear to even hope to complete in other areas of the game. It is a lose/lose from my point of view.
  • Mikek
    110 posts Member
    This is the worst decision you ever made in game. You give us new difficult content (which is perfectly fine) and you take away old content which most guilds have just mastered. Game does not have enough things to do and you take the content away instead of giving us more things to do.
  • Options
    Couple things I wanted to hop in here and clarify.

    1) Concurrently was my bad word choice. While concurrently means you will have access to both Hoth and Geonosis Territory Battles, you need to choose which one your Guild will participate in. I've been living with the "you must select a TB" thing for so long that I glossed over it in my head. My apologies, not my intention to be confusing.

    2) I'm seeing a lot of questions about rewards. Generally they're along the lines of "Can I still receive GET from Geonosis?" CG_Cyanides recently wrote here that players would be able to get GET and GET MK II from Geonosis. So those players that are still pursuing Hermit Yoda, Wampa, and other goodies in the GET store can still make progress towards them WHILE also making progress on Geonosis goodies.

    3) I'm also seeing a fair bit of consternation around how only one can be selected at a time. I'll offer that this decision didn't come lightly in the studio and that we considered a lot of different options. Through all of our planning this just made the most sense given the variety of different players and playstyles in the game. We want to give guilds who have mastered Hoth something to really challenge their strong rosters, while also giving other guilds incentives to work towards beating/building their rosters.
  • Veserion1
    150 posts Member
    Why can't we just Sim hoth concurrently,would that not solve the problem?
    It's old content anyway
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    @CG_TopHat so say a guild like mine who does full stars on both hoth tbs takes on geonosis....are the rewards good enough to compensate for the difficulty? ie getting less stars
    Specifically im thinking GET to get malak to 7*.....
    Que la Fuerza os acompañe!


    Telegram @Kakakawakaka
    Código aliado 192-195-873
  • Monel
    2789 posts Member
    CG_TopHat wrote: »
    Couple things I wanted to hop in here and clarify.

    1) Concurrently was my bad word choice. While concurrently means you will have access to both Hoth and Geonosis Territory Battles, you need to choose which one your Guild will participate in. I've been living with the "you must select a TB" thing for so long that I glossed over it in my head. My apologies, not my intention to be confusing.

    2) I'm seeing a lot of questions about rewards. Generally they're along the lines of "Can I still receive GET from Geonosis?" CG_Cyanides recently wrote here that players would be able to get GET and GET MK II from Geonosis. So those players that are still pursuing Hermit Yoda, Wampa, and other goodies in the GET store can still make progress towards them WHILE also making progress on Geonosis goodies.

    3) I'm also seeing a fair bit of consternation around how only one can be selected at a time. I'll offer that this decision didn't come lightly in the studio and that we considered a lot of different options. Through all of our planning this just made the most sense given the variety of different players and playstyles in the game. We want to give guilds who have mastered Hoth something to really challenge their strong rosters, while also giving other guilds incentives to work towards beating/building their rosters.

    I do appreciate the jump into the conversation. So to be clear, we will get new rewards in the new tb concurrently to some old rewards from the old tb😏

    In other words we still get GET.
  • Fixer
    150 posts Member
    Ultra wrote: »
    Monel wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Monel wrote: »
    CG_SBCrumb wrote: »
    They will run simultaneously but the guild's officers will choose which one your guild will participate in. You can't do both Geo TB and Hoth TB at the same time.

    Well then your team needs to understand the definition of concurrently.
    I don't think it was used incorrectly

    Both TBs are going to be running at the same time (concurrently) but you can only choose one of the two. As in, the dates will overlap in the monthly calendar

    Actually only 1 be running at any given moment, you will have the option to choose which one to run. There will be nothing concurrent for any player in the game. Therefore making it improper use of the word.
    Both TBs will be running at the same time, as in they have the same start dates

    How would you phrase the fact Hoth TB and Geo TB both start at June 1st and we won't have a TW until June 8th. Both TBs are running concurrently server side, aka backend, and in the game. We will be limiting to play one doesn't mean the other isn't running for other guilds or other players

    Please tell me how you would phrase this type of system in your own words using one word yourself (concurrently is synonymous with simultaneous)

    Optional runs, move a few words in the sentence to allow "optional" to take the adjectivity of the sentence better than concurrent
  • KKatarn
    629 posts Member
    How much GET are we getting from battle of Geonosis? Will it be enough to keep the same pace from farming shards and gear from that store?

    That is my main concern right now.
  • Monel
    2789 posts Member
    KKatarn wrote: »
    How much GET are we getting from battle of Geonosis? Will it be enough to keep the same pace from farming shards and gear from that store?

    That is my main concern right now.

    That is something we will find out in a future post.
  • emoore123
    261 posts Member
    CG_TopHat wrote: »
    Couple things I wanted to hop in here and clarify.

    1) Concurrently was my bad word choice. While concurrently means you will have access to both Hoth and Geonosis Territory Battles, you need to choose which one your Guild will participate in. I've been living with the "you must select a TB" thing for so long that I glossed over it in my head. My apologies, not my intention to be confusing.

    2) I'm seeing a lot of questions about rewards. Generally they're along the lines of "Can I still receive GET from Geonosis?" CG_Cyanides recently wrote here that players would be able to get GET and GET MK II from Geonosis. So those players that are still pursuing Hermit Yoda, Wampa, and other goodies in the GET store can still make progress towards them WHILE also making progress on Geonosis goodies.

    3) I'm also seeing a fair bit of consternation around how only one can be selected at a time. I'll offer that this decision didn't come lightly in the studio and that we considered a lot of different options. Through all of our planning this just made the most sense given the variety of different players and playstyles in the game. We want to give guilds who have mastered Hoth something to really challenge their strong rosters, while also giving other guilds incentives to work towards beating/building their rosters.

    Did you give any consideration on what this will do to high end players who have chosen to stay out of high end guilds? How competitive will top end arena players expect to be if they're too busy running hoth tb to help out their guild mates earn rolo and ipd shards, or reach that full star achievement? I'm in a 139M GP guild, so we qualify for this new tb, but we've never achieved full stars in hoth. I dont think it's fair to us middle of the road guilds that we have to choose competitive play rewards in gear 13 salvage, or working towards achievements and character unlocks for our lower gp members... sure, g12 finishers will be available in hard node farms as well, but we can all expect that drops for that gear will not compare to the rewards for geo tb plus what you can buy with the new currency. And that will put our top players behind. I fail to see how having the option to run both is a bad decision for players.
  • mali3538
    105 posts Member
    edited June 2019

    3) terrible decision, why, well my guild is taking 44 and 47,so we are short 1 from max, rewards are fine, and if we cant get same rewards in sense of GET, crystals and gear in new TB, and always is less with you CG.... it is terrible... I hoped new content more rewards, now we must sacrifice one thing to compete in another, and then later when we have enough GP, just to clear whole hoth we must sacrifice g13 gear rewards for acomplishment, just ****, why did you lowered shards for IPD and Rolo from 2 to 1,then it was said it will be more frequent... And hard nodes from 8 to 5...just to slow us down...

    I am just dissapointed, like a child when parents lie, and that isnt something we won't forget...

  • 3pourr2
    1927 posts Member
    I think its just a shiny new resource drain to provoke spending
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    The term <concurrently> was “misunderstood” by so many, because the term <mutually exclusive> was left out of the original statement (minor detail, eh?). Other details (like being half length, supposedly to not overlap with higher difficult phases of Hoth) also hinted at simultaneous execution.
    But most importantly, few would’ve imagined CG would impose such a harsh restriction: you have to give up lower tier rewards (farming probe droid) if you want to do Geonosis. The perfect analogue has already been mentioned above: as if you’d have to give up Han and Kenobi shards if you want Traya. Progress is not homogenous inside a guild, and now you have to explain to members behind, that they are not getting any more probe droids? With all due respect, CG, but you cannot convince me to be happy about this “turn of events”. Please reconsider.
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    Ignore the first half, ranting about terms, by the time I posted it, an explanation has arrived (sorry). The second half about the rewards, especially probe droid shards still stands, and is actually the strongest argument of all.
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