Also RIP to those who are sleeping right now

If you aren’t going to even out the feats accomplished people who aren’t online currently and won’t wake up until this madness is over won’t be able to cash in on the free rank points and currency.


  • TVF
    36747 posts Member
    They are canceling this run of the GAC. Any battles played are irrelevant.
    I need a new message here.
  • Options
    I'm sure they'll issue out cancellation rewards that will ultimately put everyone at the same flat amount.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    They said they were looking at resetting the points after the exhibition.
  • TVF
    36747 posts Member
    I'm sure they'll issue out cancellation rewards that will ultimately put everyone at the same flat amount.

    I really hope they're double drops, just to watch things burn all over again.
    I need a new message here.
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    They said they were looking at resetting the points after the exhibition.

    The points will be reset but the currency? Doesn’t seem fair that some people will have more GAC tokens than others
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    usArmyJedi wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    They said they were looking at resetting the points after the exhibition.

    The points will be reset but the currency? Doesn’t seem fair that some people will have more GAC tokens than others
    CG_Erik wrote: »
    Update: Apologies for the delay. Now targeting 1715 for the hot fix. The times are shifting to 1730 for the end of the Grand Arena and 1800 for the Championship.

    We’ve also reduced the rewards for this event to a minimal number of credits. Thanks for your efforts and feedback so far.

    We’ll regroup with the full team on Monday and update you on the reward grant for this Championship Exhibition and schedule for the next.

    Seems like we will hear about it on Monday.
  • Options

    A game that makes as much $$$ as it does, wouldn't it be proper to have people test it first? Kinda like b4 it goes live? Just asking...
  • Degs29
    361 posts Member
    edited June 2019
    TVF wrote: »
    I'm sure they'll issue out cancellation rewards that will ultimately put everyone at the same flat amount.

    I really hope they're double drops, just to watch things burn all over again.

    Joke's on you. The double drops we already had ARE the cancellation rewards for this GAC!

  • Options
    The problem is the comment about monday doesnt have any indication this concern placed all over the forums is under consideration. It requires a lot of work relatively speaking and from the words and language used so far will not be corrected.
  • Options
    A game that makes as much $$$ as it does, wouldn't it be proper to have people test it first? Kinda like b4 it goes live? Just asking...

    This was the test. That was why they called it exhibition.
  • Xcrit9
    108 posts Member
    Shame all those people wasted crystals to beat those feats. For it to be reset
  • Scuttlebutt
    1190 posts Member
    edited June 2019
    TVF wrote: »
    I'm sure they'll issue out cancellation rewards that will ultimately put everyone at the same flat amount.

    I really hope they're double drops, just to watch things burn all over again.

    Beat me to it. So how about randomization on the rewards given? Some get an extra 2 credits and others will get fully crafted g12 finishers!
  • Options
    Xcrit9 wrote: »
    Shame all those people wasted crystals to beat those feats. For it to be reset

    I took my HT off my Fleet Arena team so I’d drop out of the 20s and have some non-HMF teams to fight. Jokes on me too!
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    A game that makes as much $$$ as it does, wouldn't it be proper to have people test it first? Kinda like b4 it goes live? Just asking...

    they did, but need large scale tests to find all the issues. Which is why they called this an exhibition and were very forwards saying this was a soft roll to work it out.
  • Options
    Tests shouldn't encourage spending. Period. This exhibition/test talk is bull. It was a way to cover their butt if things go south like they usually do. The apologizing for (from players) and glossing over ineptitude is getting a bit ridiculous. Shame should be felt at CG for their tactics.
  • Ironjehoshaphat
    335 posts Member
    edited June 2019
    usArmyJedi wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    They said they were looking at resetting the points after the exhibition.

    The points will be reset but the currency? Doesn’t seem fair that some people will have more GAC tokens than others

    I don’t care about the points resetting. I want to know if the Currency others were able to earn will be wiped or if all will be given the same amount.
  • CCyrilS
    6732 posts Member
    Kyno wrote: »
    usArmyJedi wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    They said they were looking at resetting the points after the exhibition.

    The points will be reset but the currency? Doesn’t seem fair that some people will have more GAC tokens than others
    CG_Erik wrote: »
    Update: Apologies for the delay. Now targeting 1715 for the hot fix. The times are shifting to 1730 for the end of the Grand Arena and 1800 for the Championship.

    We’ve also reduced the rewards for this event to a minimal number of credits. Thanks for your efforts and feedback so far.

    We’ll regroup with the full team on Monday and update you on the reward grant for this Championship Exhibition and schedule for the next.

    Seems like we will hear about it on Monday.

  • Ruark_Icefire
    856 posts Member
    edited June 2019
    usArmyJedi wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    They said they were looking at resetting the points after the exhibition.

    The points will be reset but the currency? Doesn’t seem fair that some people will have more GAC tokens than others

    I don’t care about the points resetting. I want to know if the Currency others were able to earn will be wiped or if all will be given the same amount.

    Are you really that concerned about like 150 currency? It isn't even enough to buy you one thing from the shop.
  • Options
    When you test you spell it out front. Hey we are testing this. We want you to enjoy this new content but want to get it right. Don't worry about getting fully ready for this mode yet, DR event just happened and Malak is just around the corner. We need to see how the matchmaking and rollout are going to go across all our servers. Use your resources for that just in case things don't go smoothly and we are not ready for a roll out for a few more weeks. By participating in this test you will receive....(1 tier higher rewards maybe, with D1 getting a couple more Zetas and gear shards or shop currency).
    You whet the appetite for playing this mode in the future. Not say hey we are going to be testing this but let me reach in your pocket too.
  • Options
    When you test you spell it out front. Hey we are testing this. We want you to enjoy this new content but want to get it right. Don't worry about getting fully ready for this mode yet, DR event just happened and Malak is just around the corner. We need to see how the matchmaking and rollout are going to go across all our servers. Use your resources for that just in case things don't go smoothly and we are not ready for a roll out for a few more weeks. By participating in this test you will receive....(1 tier higher rewards maybe, with D1 getting a couple more Zetas and gear shards or shop currency).
    You whet the appetite for playing this mode in the future. Not say hey we are going to be testing this but let me reach in your pocket too.

    Anyone who spent crystals to refresh the fleet arena just got what they deserved. I mean really the event was a week long you could easily have gotten the 15 wins just by waiting a few days.
  • Tehol
    21 posts Member
    The issue seems to be they keep releasing **** that starts on the weekend when they have no support, release it at the start of the week so they have people there to fix it, since this seems to be becoming a trend this year.
  • Options
    usArmyJedi wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    They said they were looking at resetting the points after the exhibition.

    The points will be reset but the currency? Doesn’t seem fair that some people will have more GAC tokens than others

    I don’t care about the points resetting. I want to know if the Currency others were able to earn will be wiped or if all will be given the same amount.

    Better spend it fast then.
  • Gair
    616 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    I'm sure they'll issue out cancellation rewards that will ultimately put everyone at the same flat amount.

    I really hope they're double drops, just to watch things burn all over again.

  • Options
    TVF wrote: »
    I'm sure they'll issue out cancellation rewards that will ultimately put everyone at the same flat amount.

    I really hope they're double drops, just to watch things burn all over again.

    Please, please, please be a copy run of the double drops again as apology.
    @CG_SBCrumb please make it happen!
  • Options
    If they beta test on live servers. They should have default response to a disaster.
    A simple excel sheet will help:
    big failure - big compensation
    medium failure - medium compensation
    small failure - small compensation.
    This one was a waste of 3 in-game days sign up, setup, attack, hence a big failure.
    Every business on earth have a response ready in case of failure.
    CG response: we are surprised we failed.
  • Options
    Midirataj wrote: »
    If they beta test on live servers. They should have default response to a disaster.
    A simple excel sheet will help:
    big failure - big compensation
    medium failure - medium compensation
    small failure - small compensation.
    This one was a waste of 3 in-game days sign up, setup, attack, hence a big failure.
    Every business on earth have a response ready in case of failure.
    CG response: we are surprised we failed.

    The company I work for would literally laugh. Most companies don’t have a compensation excel spread sheet for intermittent bugs that can be fixed. Compensation comes from loss of product or money. None happened here the game you signed the TOS for is still working as intended. Most companies responses would be “Working as intended, we are aware of the issues some are having and are working to correct it good night”. Companies like Amazon,eBay,FB would literally go out of business if they had to compensate for every bug from a new feature. CG handles these situations better than most because they do compensate and communicate the whole time.
  • TVF
    36747 posts Member
    A company can't literally laugh.
    I need a new message here.
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