Cheating In Galaxy of Heroes [MEGA]


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    I won’t feel good about GA again until there is a battle log in place. I want to know what teams are beating me. When I see someone set all his/her best teams on defense and still one shot everything it raises suspicions.

    I’m glad this has been exposed and I think the measures in place just aren’t enough. How can I report a cheater if I don’t know what he beat me with?
  • TVF
    36704 posts Member
    I found it.
    I need a new message here.
  • Options
    I won’t feel good about GA again until there is a battle log in place. I want to know what teams are beating me. When I see someone set all his/her best teams on defense and still one shot everything it raises suspicions.

    I’m glad this has been exposed and I think the measures in place just aren’t enough. How can I report a cheater if I don’t know what he beat me with?

    Agree with. That would be the easiest way to see if someone is cheating and report it.
  • Balthasar666
    254 posts Member
    edited August 2019
    i wonder if anyone got additional rewards for gac afterwards
    i hardly can believe that noone was banned so far and they promised the missing rewards for opponents from cheaters

    the guy that admitted cheating in our arenashard is still climbing every day guildless (changed name aswell) but cant make it in the top 10 anymore without cheats

    those reports are more than 2 weeks away and nothing happened so far

    so how long does reviewing the reported guys take?
  • Gair
    616 posts Member
    CRC checks on the clients reporting to the server can be bypassed by either knowing the algorithm or returning a false negative. This type of security was defeated literally decades ago, so please stop suggesting this to the devs.

    If you want a lasting security they need to fix the combat encapsulation from the client completely and make it server dependent. This is a lot of server overhead that costs them $$. Which is why this is probably never getting fixed as you would need to double or triple its currenct capacity to handle all the concurrent read/writes that combat generates.

    More than likely they will do the cheap fix, which is change the encryption that will get defeated later and we will return to this again like we did the last time.

    If this game works in airplane mode, it can be exploited. When airplane mode quits working, then they probably found a working solution. A working solution will also cause us to have significantly more connection issues due to the security. Those 'hassles' usually affect more than the people being affected by cheaters. So now you have more people complaining about stability than cheaters. So the cheaters will still persist, the client wont go through that drastic change and I'll see you all in about a year in the same kind of thread.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    I won’t feel good about GA again until there is a battle log in place. I want to know what teams are beating me. When I see someone set all his/her best teams on defense and still one shot everything it raises suspicions.

    I’m glad this has been exposed and I think the measures in place just aren’t enough. How can I report a cheater if I don’t know what he beat me with?

    Agree with. That would be the easiest way to see if someone is cheating and report it.

    The general lack of knowledge of many basic mechanics and interactions that we see on a daily basis would disagree with this.

    A battle log would be great, but it would be a small bandaid on this problem. Whatever the end result would be, the net gain may only be a slight positive effect with the increase of false "accusations" we will likely see.

    I understand at this point it is probably out weighed in most minds, but I also dont think a battle log is a good idea, because there is no reason someone should "be forced" to help an opponent get better. Sure many counters are not a secret, but still, some players dont always seak this information out, putting in their face will likely push them in a certain direction if they are not already on the development path.
  • Gair
    616 posts Member
    Kyno wrote: »
    The general lack of knowledge of many basic mechanics and interactions that we see on a daily basis would disagree with this.

    A battle log would be great, but it would be a small bandaid on this problem. Whatever the end result would be, the net gain may only be a slight positive effect with the increase of false "accusations" we will likely see.

    I understand at this point it is probably out weighed in most minds, but I also dont think a battle log is a good idea, because there is no reason someone should "be forced" to help an opponent get better. Sure many counters are not a secret, but still, some players dont always seak this information out, putting in their face will likely push them in a certain direction if they are not already on the development path.

    I agree the battle log would prove nothing, because if you removed the ability for the client to log specials, then you could spam specials and no algorithm would detect that.

    The log is really only benefiting us to understand combat and that is it. Don't expect to use it as a tool for security, because whoever is hacking this game is much smarter than that.
  • Matt_B
    149 posts Member
    I saw the detailed instructions on how to report cheating, but I can’t find the detailed post from CG on how to identify cheating. It’s probably just buried somewhere and I’m looking in the wrong places. Can someone link the CG post for me?

    Obviously the person wins the battle, but what’s the difference between a fair win and a cheating win? In my game I can see their roster and attack attempts, and a few other stats, so I’m guessing the telltale signs are right there and it’ll all make sense when I read the instructions from the developers.
  • Options
    Matt_B wrote: »
    I saw the detailed instructions on how to report cheating, but I can’t find the detailed post from CG on how to identify cheating. It’s probably just buried somewhere and I’m looking in the wrong places. Can someone link the CG post for me?

    Obviously the person wins the battle, but what’s the difference between a fair win and a cheating win? In my game I can see their roster and attack attempts, and a few other stats, so I’m guessing the telltale signs are right there and it’ll all make sense when I read the instructions from the developers.

    Yea, you aren't missing it. There isn't a detailed post on that. Generally, it'll come down to knowledge of counters and assessing what they've set on defense versus what they've beaten in your defense. It's not perfect, but lots of eyes are good for this... Get in your guild discord/or another discord channel with lots of veteran SWGOH players and they'll figure out something fishy if there is such.

    Sorta like DBofficials stream the other week. He was cruising in GAC, and then suddenly his opponent attacked (all he had left was a g13 CLS team... good team, mind, but not going to score a perfect win against Darth Revan), and then he proceeded to get a 62 banner win from Darth Revan. That's clear cheating. The guy then one-shot his entire defence whilst we all watched and were like, "Wait what did he even have left to use there?"

    It all was clear when someone called out how many banners the opponent got against his DR team. Everyone knew that isn't really possible to underman/perfect score against the defensive team with his best team, but it was like one guy in many that saw the banners and went, "Wait, what?" did the math and bingo bango.

    That said, CG hasn't banned this guy yet, despite a youtube video showing the guy doing the impossible in real time.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Matt_B wrote: »
    I saw the detailed instructions on how to report cheating, but I can’t find the detailed post from CG on how to identify cheating. It’s probably just buried somewhere and I’m looking in the wrong places. Can someone link the CG post for me?

    Obviously the person wins the battle, but what’s the difference between a fair win and a cheating win? In my game I can see their roster and attack attempts, and a few other stats, so I’m guessing the telltale signs are right there and it’ll all make sense when I read the instructions from the developers.

    @Matt_B if you suspect a cheater, report it, that is all.

    How to:
    Report A Potential Cheater: If you want to report a potential cheater, please send a message to @CG_Leviathan with details on why you think someone is cheating and your ally code plus the ally code and name of the suspected cheater.
    You can report players here on the forum.
    Report Players In-Game
    1. Tap on a player to bring up their profile from Chat or Guild/Ally rosters or invites.
    2. Tap Mute/Report.
    3. Choose the Report Category: Offensive Language, Offensive Name, or Cheating.
    4. Tap Confirm and then Report
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    @Kyno He was asking about how to identify a cheater so he knows what he's seeing... Not everyone eats, sleeps, breathes this game like some of us addicts.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    YetiYeti wrote: »
    Kyno He was asking about how to identify a cheater so he knows what he's seeing... Not everyone eats, sleeps, breathes this game like some of us addicts.

    No one can tell anyone that. Even with a battle log. There is no direct answer to that, the only way to answer is that if you suspect cheating report it.
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    YetiYeti wrote: »
    Kyno He was asking about how to identify a cheater so he knows what he's seeing... Not everyone eats, sleeps, breathes this game like some of us addicts.

    No one can tell anyone that. Even with a battle log. There is no direct answer to that, the only way to answer is that if you suspect cheating report it.

    Improving general game knowledge: Counters, modding, etc There are things that are impossible like leftovers taking out a G13 GG team in GAC.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    YetiYeti wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    YetiYeti wrote: »
    Kyno He was asking about how to identify a cheater so he knows what he's seeing... Not everyone eats, sleeps, breathes this game like some of us addicts.

    No one can tell anyone that. Even with a battle log. There is no direct answer to that, the only way to answer is that if you suspect cheating report it.

    Improving general game knowledge: Counters, modding, etc There are things that are impossible like leftovers taking out a G13 GG team in GAC.

    Like I said, there is no direct answer. What you consider "leftovers" is not the same as everyone else.
    Also this points out what I was saying before. If someone is not trying to go out and get this information, i.e.- counters, modding, synergy... why should we force opponents to educate them and put it right in their face with a battle log. I'm not saying we shouldnt ask for this, I just feel like it has a down side too.
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    YetiYeti wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    YetiYeti wrote: »
    Kyno He was asking about how to identify a cheater so he knows what he's seeing... Not everyone eats, sleeps, breathes this game like some of us addicts.

    No one can tell anyone that. Even with a battle log. There is no direct answer to that, the only way to answer is that if you suspect cheating report it.

    Improving general game knowledge: Counters, modding, etc There are things that are impossible like leftovers taking out a G13 GG team in GAC.

    Like I said, there is no direct answer. What you consider "leftovers" is not the same as everyone else.
    Also this points out what I was saying before. If someone is not trying to go out and get this information, i.e.- counters, modding, synergy... why should we force opponents to educate them and put it right in their face with a battle log. I'm not saying we shouldnt ask for this, I just feel like it has a down side too.

    Honestly, it just gives more information, and more clarity. If I look at someones roster and go, "Ok this is possible", but then if I see he got 62 banners on every attack and like 3 manned my JKR team with 3 ewoks, then I know he's flat out cheating. I'd get that information from a battle log. I can't get that information by just being knowledgeable in the game.

    And frankly, I don't think the playerbase will stand for this information not becoming available as these videos/this drama and CGs inability to catch him obviously cheating will make cheating all the bloody rage. This has the potential to kill the game more than new paywalls, another Malak character (hard counters almost every team in the game BY HIMSELF), and issues with rollouts... as it'll send apathy levels through the roof.
  • Matt_B
    149 posts Member
    YetiYeti wrote: »
    @Kyno He was asking about how to identify a cheater so he knows what he's seeing... Not everyone eats, sleeps, breathes this game like some of us addicts.

    Exactly. I just know that somewhere in between reporting everybody and nobody is what they’re asking for. I guess I was hoping it was more objective, like over 5m GP, if you and your opponent both set 6+ meta teams on defense, and he scores over 1900 then that’s suspicious of cheating, or both set meta teams on all 8 then 1850 is the threshold for suspicion. I’m just making this up, maybe different data points or different numbers.
  • YetiYeti
    434 posts Member
    edited August 2019
    Matt_B wrote: »
    YetiYeti wrote: »
    @Kyno He was asking about how to identify a cheater so he knows what he's seeing... Not everyone eats, sleeps, breathes this game like some of us addicts.

    Exactly. I just know that somewhere in between reporting everybody and nobody is what they’re asking for. I guess I was hoping it was more objective, like over 5m GP, if you and your opponent both set 6+ meta teams on defense, and he scores over 1900 then that’s suspicious of cheating, or both set meta teams on all 8 then 1850 is the threshold for suspicion. I’m just making this up, maybe different data points or different numbers.

    Its one of those things where its all down to mods and matchups at those mega-whale/day 1 GPs. When you're at lower GPs, then they maybe don't have a team at all that can take out one of your teams, as it was set on D or something... but somehow managed to average 60 banners or more... That's clear cheating.

    It's very hard at the top without seeing what was used. If they show that they used CLS + Thrawn to clear your Malak, then thats possible gear/mods depending... but if they do it and earn 60 banners. Then you know it's cheating. This is why people want Battle Logs so bad. This game is built around soft counters and hard counters.
  • Matt_B
    149 posts Member
    YetiYeti wrote: »
    Matt_B wrote: »
    I saw the detailed instructions on how to report cheating, but I can’t find the detailed post from CG on how to identify cheating. It’s probably just buried somewhere and I’m looking in the wrong places. Can someone link the CG post for me?

    Obviously the person wins the battle, but what’s the difference between a fair win and a cheating win? In my game I can see their roster and attack attempts, and a few other stats, so I’m guessing the telltale signs are right there and it’ll all make sense when I read the instructions from the developers.

    Yea, you aren't missing it. There isn't a detailed post on that. Generally, it'll come down to knowledge of counters and assessing what they've set on defense versus what they've beaten in your defense. It's not perfect, but lots of eyes are good for this... Get in your guild discord/or another discord channel with lots of veteran SWGOH players and they'll figure out something fishy if there is such.

    Sorta like DBofficials stream the other week. He was cruising in GAC, and then suddenly his opponent attacked (all he had left was a g13 CLS team... good team, mind, but not going to score a perfect win against Darth Revan), and then he proceeded to get a 62 banner win from Darth Revan. That's clear cheating. The guy then one-shot his entire defence whilst we all watched and were like, "Wait what did he even have left to use there?"

    It all was clear when someone called out how many banners the opponent got against his DR team. Everyone knew that isn't really possible to underman/perfect score against the defensive team with his best team, but it was like one guy in many that saw the banners and went, "Wait, what?" did the math and bingo bango.

    That said, CG hasn't banned this guy yet, despite a youtube video showing the guy doing the impossible in real time.

    Maybe they investigated and it was all fair, just really unlikely? I’ve never reported anyone so I don’t know if there’s a follow up so that you know if you’re effective or not.
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    If CG says it has no solution and is solved, then one possibility is the loss of purchasing income of those who play the game competitively.

    I highly doubt that a crystal log does not exist, but this cheating is easy to control by data mining.

    Another thing that needs to be transparent is who is punished. I was indirectly punished when I reported nothing happened to the cheater. The question I leave is, did the guild that was cheated by one of my first guild members have any acquaintances at Capital Games? There was the distinct impression that when a friend of the King was harmed there. When cheating doesn't affect one of the darlings of CG then that's a minor problem.

    I am sorry but not wanting to show which team defeated which one, in TW and GA under claiming to be protecting the teaming of experienced players for me is a lame excuse as it would give control to the community.

    To me that this is a fear that a series of embarrassed reports will go unchecked, and then the cycle of youtubers exposing it will lead to an irreversible loss of confidence. And test accounts can leave cheaters "team building" without arguments.

    EA will have to invest to stop cheaters, otherwise the game's confidence and profits will evaporate. This is how it works in capitalism whether you like it or not.
  • Options
    Matt_B wrote: »
    YetiYeti wrote: »
    Matt_B wrote: »
    I saw the detailed instructions on how to report cheating, but I can’t find the detailed post from CG on how to identify cheating. It’s probably just buried somewhere and I’m looking in the wrong places. Can someone link the CG post for me?

    Obviously the person wins the battle, but what’s the difference between a fair win and a cheating win? In my game I can see their roster and attack attempts, and a few other stats, so I’m guessing the telltale signs are right there and it’ll all make sense when I read the instructions from the developers.

    Yea, you aren't missing it. There isn't a detailed post on that. Generally, it'll come down to knowledge of counters and assessing what they've set on defense versus what they've beaten in your defense. It's not perfect, but lots of eyes are good for this... Get in your guild discord/or another discord channel with lots of veteran SWGOH players and they'll figure out something fishy if there is such.

    Sorta like DBofficials stream the other week. He was cruising in GAC, and then suddenly his opponent attacked (all he had left was a g13 CLS team... good team, mind, but not going to score a perfect win against Darth Revan), and then he proceeded to get a 62 banner win from Darth Revan. That's clear cheating. The guy then one-shot his entire defence whilst we all watched and were like, "Wait what did he even have left to use there?"

    It all was clear when someone called out how many banners the opponent got against his DR team. Everyone knew that isn't really possible to underman/perfect score against the defensive team with his best team, but it was like one guy in many that saw the banners and went, "Wait, what?" did the math and bingo bango.

    That said, CG hasn't banned this guy yet, despite a youtube video showing the guy doing the impossible in real time.

    Maybe they investigated and it was all fair, just really unlikely? I’ve never reported anyone so I don’t know if there’s a follow up so that you know if you’re effective or not.

    That's the thing. It actually isn't possible to not lose any banners in that fight. 62 pts suggests he 3 manned it, and didn't lose a single banner. G13 CLS is a good team and can beat it... but 3 manned with no banners lost? That's where it goes from "Maybe he got RNG to Yea no."

    Of course, he set everything else on Defense, so then the other teams had literally nothing to clear them out... but full clear he did with great banner totals.
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    I won’t feel good about GA again until there is a battle log in place. I want to know what teams are beating me. When I see someone set all his/her best teams on defense and still one shot everything it raises suspicions.

    I’m glad this has been exposed and I think the measures in place just aren’t enough. How can I report a cheater if I don’t know what he beat me with?

    Agree with. That would be the easiest way to see if someone is cheating and report it.

    A battle log would be great, but it would be a small bandaid on this problem. Whatever the end result would be, the net gain may only be a slight positive effect with the increase of false "accusations" we will likely see.

    @Kyno can u explain how a battle log would lead to an increase in false accusations?

    If anything a battle log would give players more info to more accurately report a suspected cheater, currently we have no way to tell if they cheated so everyone gets reported.

    Therefore A battle log would lead to less false accusations, unless you know something I totally missed. Im just not seeing how less info is better if you care to explain...
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    I won’t feel good about GA again until there is a battle log in place. I want to know what teams are beating me. When I see someone set all his/her best teams on defense and still one shot everything it raises suspicions.

    I’m glad this has been exposed and I think the measures in place just aren’t enough. How can I report a cheater if I don’t know what he beat me with?

    Agree with. That would be the easiest way to see if someone is cheating and report it.

    A battle log would be great, but it would be a small bandaid on this problem. Whatever the end result would be, the net gain may only be a slight positive effect with the increase of false "accusations" we will likely see.

    @Kyno can u explain how a battle log would lead to an increase in false accusations?

    If anything a battle log would give players more info to more accurately report a suspected cheater, currently we have no way to tell if they cheated so everyone gets reported.

    Therefore A battle log would lead to less false accusations, unless you know something I totally missed. Im just not seeing how less info is better if you care to explain...

    I think the problem that CG would have with battle logs is it would show how common cheating actually is... :(
  • Matt_B
    149 posts Member
    YetiYeti wrote: »
    Matt_B wrote: »
    YetiYeti wrote: »
    Matt_B wrote: »
    I saw the detailed instructions on how to report cheating, but I can’t find the detailed post from CG on how to identify cheating. It’s probably just buried somewhere and I’m looking in the wrong places. Can someone link the CG post for me?

    Obviously the person wins the battle, but what’s the difference between a fair win and a cheating win? In my game I can see their roster and attack attempts, and a few other stats, so I’m guessing the telltale signs are right there and it’ll all make sense when I read the instructions from the developers.

    Yea, you aren't missing it. There isn't a detailed post on that. Generally, it'll come down to knowledge of counters and assessing what they've set on defense versus what they've beaten in your defense. It's not perfect, but lots of eyes are good for this... Get in your guild discord/or another discord channel with lots of veteran SWGOH players and they'll figure out something fishy if there is such.

    Sorta like DBofficials stream the other week. He was cruising in GAC, and then suddenly his opponent attacked (all he had left was a g13 CLS team... good team, mind, but not going to score a perfect win against Darth Revan), and then he proceeded to get a 62 banner win from Darth Revan. That's clear cheating. The guy then one-shot his entire defence whilst we all watched and were like, "Wait what did he even have left to use there?"

    It all was clear when someone called out how many banners the opponent got against his DR team. Everyone knew that isn't really possible to underman/perfect score against the defensive team with his best team, but it was like one guy in many that saw the banners and went, "Wait, what?" did the math and bingo bango.

    That said, CG hasn't banned this guy yet, despite a youtube video showing the guy doing the impossible in real time.

    Maybe they investigated and it was all fair, just really unlikely? I’ve never reported anyone so I don’t know if there’s a follow up so that you know if you’re effective or not.

    That's the thing. It actually isn't possible to not lose any banners in that fight. 62 pts suggests he 3 manned it, and didn't lose a single banner. G13 CLS is a good team and can beat it... but 3 manned with no banners lost? That's where it goes from "Maybe he got RNG to Yea no."

    Of course, he set everything else on Defense, so then the other teams had literally nothing to clear them out... but full clear he did with great banner totals.

    I always get the people that attack 1 hour or less before the round is over, so I would’ve missed one like this where you have to be watching live...if there was a ticker on the zone for banners like TW, then I’d have a chance. It sounds like anything with 62 banners is worth taking a closer look, but the best I can normally do is come up with an average for the round.
  • leef
    13458 posts Member
    YetiYeti wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    I won’t feel good about GA again until there is a battle log in place. I want to know what teams are beating me. When I see someone set all his/her best teams on defense and still one shot everything it raises suspicions.

    I’m glad this has been exposed and I think the measures in place just aren’t enough. How can I report a cheater if I don’t know what he beat me with?

    Agree with. That would be the easiest way to see if someone is cheating and report it.

    A battle log would be great, but it would be a small bandaid on this problem. Whatever the end result would be, the net gain may only be a slight positive effect with the increase of false "accusations" we will likely see.

    @Kyno can u explain how a battle log would lead to an increase in false accusations?

    If anything a battle log would give players more info to more accurately report a suspected cheater, currently we have no way to tell if they cheated so everyone gets reported.

    Therefore A battle log would lead to less false accusations, unless you know something I totally missed. Im just not seeing how less info is better if you care to explain...

    I think the problem that CG would have with battle logs is it would show how common cheating actually is... :(

    Why would you think that? haha
    Save water, drink champagne!
  • Options
    Nihion wrote: »
    CG goes home for the weekend just like the average working American. I don’t see why that’s not okay.

    When you make more than $7 a hour it's actually common to have to work extra hours at night or on weekend especially when there are major problems at work.
  • Nihion
    3340 posts Member
    Nihion wrote: »
    CG goes home for the weekend just like the average working American. I don’t see why that’s not okay.

    When you make more than $7 a hour it's actually common to have to work extra hours at night or on weekend especially when there are major problems at work.

    True, but this isn’t a major issue. One of my friends works at a hospital, and he has to go in on weekends and nights sometimes because peoples lives are in danger. This company can send their communication staff home whenever they want, as long as the game isn’t ending or their are dangerous bugs. This isn’t a game ending dilemma, so they aren’t going to come in.
  • Franke
    129 posts Member
    Boofpoof wrote: »
    And the forums/Reddit catch on fire for banning McMole and Bulldog...

    My 2 cents on the Bulldog is this. We can all have an opinion on what his intentions were. Good, bad, or indifferent it really doesn’t matter. Irregardless

    Irregardless is not a word.

    Oh man... ( slappin forehead in disbelief)
  • Franke
    129 posts Member
    Boofpoof wrote: »
    Funny thing is that all you guys are moaning about is the arena cheat!
    Many so called whales have been buying their Crystal's from websites on the internet for years now, while ms y of tou have been paying tour hard earned cash.

    I stumbled across one of these sites after looking for promotional gift cards like the ones that had a free scavenger ray that time.

    They are actually selling 100 dollars worth of Crystal's for as little as 15 dollars and CG has not done anything for atlesst 2 years.

    The people that are selling these have countless reviews on their profiles from happy customers.
    So cheating has and always will be alive and well on this game, may aswell stop moaning and get used to it

    If you don't know these crystals are bought with stolen credit cards off the dark web and then you pay these people with real money so what you are effectively doing is laundering money for them.
    They also control the web sites that the reviews are on so that's why you never hear negative experiences.

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    Nihion wrote: »
    Nihion wrote: »
    CG goes home for the weekend just like the average working American. I don’t see why that’s not okay.

    When you make more than $7 a hour it's actually common to have to work extra hours at night or on weekend especially when there are major problems at work.

    True, but this isn’t a major issue. One of my friends works at a hospital, and he has to go in on weekends and nights sometimes because peoples lives are in danger. This company can send their communication staff home whenever they want, as long as the game isn’t ending or their are dangerous bugs. This isn’t a game ending dilemma, so they aren’t going to come in.

    I didn't know that they even had communication staff, also didn't know the communication staff was working on fixing the cheating problem.

    Does their communication staff work during the week? I didn't see much communication. Maybe 1 or 2 messages that took 5 minutes all week.
This discussion has been closed.