59.99 is an atrocious price for the Jedi bundle



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    I thought anakin was garbage so I passed on the last offering. I experienced first hand what a beast he can be on the right squad in arena so I went ahead and got it this time. Those 80 shards will save a lot of grind time.
  • Powda
    525 posts Member
    What's even more atrocious is living in Canada and being charged $84.99 for what you guys are paying $60 for.

    That's 70% conversion rate - which for digital micro-transactions is pretty lame, as it is - and another $7 kick in the ****, for our trouble.

    $85 is on the high average for most fully-featured (some with free DLC) video games. Spending it on the guarantee of *two* characters who aren't even fully geared / starred is a little ridiculous. It MIGHT make sense to guarantee yourself two fully geared and ready to go toons who don't need any more time or cash invested...

    But we all know what it is. It's a cash grab so that people who need the overpowered FOTM can get a fast track to it for cash. Anakin and Ahsoka are just there for show and to bring some attention to some underplayed Jedi, I'm guessing.
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    If you want it buy it. Not much point in complaining on here. Ain't gonna make it cheaper.
    UK/Euro guild - GrievousGenerals recruiting - lv85+ Discord @Starjumper#8384
  • Robdd
    111 posts Member
    It saves time that's the way to look at it, not worth it to me, but I'm ftp feels overpriced by 20 dollars or so. Qui Gon is my next farm so realistically cuts 16-18 days off if average a little over 5 shards a day. Anakin is decent toon not fun or easy to farm so I can see why people would buy it. You get the throw in Jedi character, mats, and crystals plus cash.
    If they brought back or made available something cheap perhaps I'd buy example DS starter.
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    I'd 100% buy the bundle if it was like half the price. Like $20-$30 would be reasonable for this IMHO.
  • Qeltar
    4326 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    It's actually a good deal to me but I'm considering my financial position. If you think it's a rip off, you obviously don't have much in ways of disposable income and should not make pixel purchases.
    The pack is definitely a rip-off, in terms of what you get for what you pay. I bought it, but I knew it was a rip-off at the time, and I just felt like buying it anyway. That doesn't change how good or bad a value it is.
    Is this enough disposable income for my opinion to count, or do you need to see my investment accounts too?
    So many people so sure they know everything about other people around here.
    Quit 7/14/16. Best of luck to all of you.
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    Not much point complaining about it. I haven't seen a worthwhile limited time bundle since the $5 starter one when I started playing. Somehow despite that whenever one runs out of time and there's nothing up I can't wait to see what the next one will be.
  • Breetai
    858 posts Member
    Why is this being made for the 2nd time that they have offered this pack? I guess when Yoda comes around for a 3rd time and this pack is offered once again, we will get the same post
  • Randall
    1001 posts Member
    For $20 I would do it.
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    The economics of this game needs to be reviewed. Seriously. Not just the monetary valuations but the gears, credits, crystal, shards valuations.even the risk-reward margin is against players FCOL! 80 shards to get 4* toons and you get 32 shards if you draw a duplicate defies moral logic. and removing the sell option for items, what do i do with the garbage gears i get farming 50 cuffs? Either the devs didnt consider that impact or they just pushing players to spend real money on refreshes.
  • Lianara
    740 posts Member
    This is a $6 or at most $10 pack. $60 is laughable, to me at least.
    Ally Code: 253-747-318
  • scuba
    14145 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Qeltar wrote: »
    So many people so sure they know everything about other people around here.

    That is a true statement. It is crazy what others assume about you.
  • Cleaner
    192 posts Member
    boy2sok wrote: »
    The economics of this game needs to be reviewed. Seriously. Not just the monetary valuations but the gears, credits, crystal, shards valuations.even the risk-reward margin is against players FCOL! 80 shards to get 4* toons and you get 32 shards if you draw a duplicate defies moral logic. and removing the sell option for items, what do i do with the garbage gears i get farming 50 cuffs? Either the devs didnt consider that impact or they just pushing players to spend real money on refreshes.

    This game is designed around one singular purpose - to milk whales out of as much of their money as possible. That means making the game as grindy as they can without driving away the minimal spenders, so that the minimal spenders keep the whales flourishing. I would feel so used if I dropped as much money on this game as some do. I would recommend anyone in that category get an **** and an STD test immediately, because just lol at them for getting played like puppets.
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    Qeltar wrote: »
    It's actually a good deal to me but I'm considering my financial position. If you think it's a rip off, you obviously don't have much in ways of disposable income and should not make pixel purchases.
    The pack is definitely a rip-off, in terms of what you get for what you pay. I bought it, but I knew it was a rip-off at the time, and I just felt like buying it anyway. That doesn't change how good or bad a value it is.
    Is this enough disposable income for my opinion to count, or do you need to see my investment accounts too?
    So many people so sure they know everything about other people around here.

    I think you may have misunderstood what I was trying to say. I was merely saying be smart with your money if you think it's expensive. Imo, the price is fair.
    I did not presume to know you or any others posting. Calm down, you go too far showing your massive bank account.
  • Calus_78
    504 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    I swear, these forums are almost if not more entertaining than the game it self.

    I think alot of people here could be whales but aren't because they choose to spend their money else where.
    *wink*@Qeltar lol

    But I do agree with Qeltar. Just cause someone does well for him/herself doesn't mean they are not entitled to laugh at what price tag EA decides to use for its in game merchandising.

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    Everyone discussed about the Prize of this Pack!

    60$ is fair ? That's Bullsxxx and you know it and even how many times y all talk about economic ways and bla bla bla...

    Fact is..!

    One Event, you only get something if you have 5 / 5* Jedis. Ok let's farm Jedis let's level them up full gear them....only for Yoda who get killed in Arena after one shoot...ONE SHOOT...you are reading right!
    Yes QGJ Yoda Old Ben...are so good in one bla bla bla...

    It's Yoda Ohh Yoda...This green Goblin I also love him but they way how ea did this Special Event sux so much..that I am not interested to farm him...even GG I do not will farm him..There are a lot of another Guys out there in this Galaxy I will farm...more than those two Guys.

    The tactic is easy...

    WHALES got everything after a few month 70 Level a lot of 7* Characters so it becomes boring after a time and to get Yoda yeah they will buy the 60 $ Pack. Every few weeks just to conquer a really lame event....

    why is there no Event for all the Gamers...? Why is there no Event where the content is cool and the event is something you need more than just 20 Minutes...If you got your 5 / 7* Jedis....

    I know we will not get any 10$ Pack again cause maybe than whales can buy more packs more packs means more 7* toons that means more shards that means GG is farmed really fast and...

    Yap EA is fuxxxx cause they are so slow by dropping new content...and Game Over...that's all...that's why I am not buying stuff anymore...

    I have time...I don't want everything in the first minutes...I want my sith team and I go for it and I don't care about how much time it takes...

    I am fine...I spend 1 1/2 hour per day at this game...I bought a few crystals but I am also cool with the 200/250 I get per day...so we'll discus stuff endless until this thread is closed by the wookie but...I am also tired to write down the same stuff every week...

    those prices are b sh I T and i don't support packs like this...and ani is for the Yoda challenge so worthless but hey y all can wait until they max up to level 80 :D at the end of this month and than we hear new we need more credits criers year....have a nice day folks and may the bankaccount with you
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    Amalthea wrote: »
    I think it's high, but it's not out of whack with how they price shards. It's 80 Anakin shards, 25 Ashoka shards and ~70 QGJ shards (who doesn't already have him unlocked???). At 50 crystals/shard, and about 67c/crystal, that is about $55-60 just for the shards, and then another ~$15 for the crystals/credits/ability mats. So it's actually a deal compared to, for example, using energy to refresh Rey hard modes.

    I dont have liam unlocked for principle. Always lets her daughter get taken and couldnt even swing a sword properly. Meta-chasers can keep on chasing w/e they want but i sure wont ;)

  • aerendhil
    503 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    [edited] nvm
    Post edited by aerendhil on
    I choose the Red Pill.
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    It seems to be that 30+ people defend ea's greed by saying no because they regret that they have spent so much money... wake up people!!!
  • Baldo
    2863 posts Member
    You should see the new starter kit with Mace, JKG, JC shards. You get 4* mace, 70 JC shards and JKG for 59.99 now ahha
  • Toukai
    1822 posts Member
This discussion has been closed.