Getting a brand new level 1 character now vs then...

Who remembers the time when you unlocked a character for the first time and you could get them to level 85, g11, max their abilities, mod them and have them ready to go? I used to love that time but now we have to overcome 12 finishers, 5 g12 pieces and the g13 finishers on top. We can't equip 6 dot mods until g12 and now we will also have relics... As if that's not bad enough the zeta and omega crunches are worse than ever with so many reworks coming to the game and characters who didn't have Zetas before got 1 or even 2 Zetas but our zeta income was actually reduced due to the reduction of TW to make room for GA.

I remember a time when it didn't take MONTHS to get a level 1 character to maximum...


  • Options
    So, you are mad that the game has evolved over time to allow for further character progression? Seems reasonable
    Looking for a new guild? Come check out the Underworld Alliance on Discord:
  • Options
    One word comes to mind.....KRYotechs.
  • Options
    This is why people hoard. So that it doesn’t have to take months to level up a new character.
  • Options
    So, you are mad that the game has evolved over time to allow for further character progression? Seems reasonable

    "Evolved", more like "devolved", instead of making things more user friendly they made them more revenue generation friendly. Let's not pretend this is better, you may prefer it but that's just your opinion. In a game where your daily crystal and resource income depends on PvP mostly you can't spare the time for stuff like this.
  • Options
    This is why people hoard. So that it doesn’t have to take months to level up a new character.

    People hoard if they are successful already, when you're playing from behind and you earn 200-250 crystals a day you can't hoard.
  • Options
    So, you are mad that the game has evolved over time to allow for further character progression? Seems reasonable

    "Evolved", more like "devolved", instead of making things more user friendly they made them more revenue generation friendly. Let's not pretend this is better, you may prefer it but that's just your opinion. In a game where your daily crystal and resource income depends on PvP mostly you can't spare the time for stuff like this.

    "User Friendly" and "easier to gear up" are not synonyms. Advancing the character progression to new levels is required in a game like this to produce new, more challenging content for the players, otherwise you would eventually reach a point where long term players max everything and quit as there is no new way to improve.
    Looking for a new guild? Come check out the Underworld Alliance on Discord:
  • Options
    So, you are mad that the game has evolved over time to allow for further character progression? Seems reasonable

    "Evolved", more like "devolved", instead of making things more user friendly they made them more revenue generation friendly. Let's not pretend this is better, you may prefer it but that's just your opinion. In a game where your daily crystal and resource income depends on PvP mostly you can't spare the time for stuff like this.

    "User Friendly" and "easier to gear up" are not synonyms. Advancing the character progression to new levels is required in a game like this to produce new, more challenging content for the players, otherwise you would eventually reach a point where long term players max everything and quit as there is no new way to improve.

    Yeah say that to the all those who maxed they accounts and still love the game and enjoy it probably more than you do
  • Liath
    5140 posts Member
    This is why people hoard. So that it doesn’t have to take months to level up a new character.

    People hoard if they are successful already, when you're playing from behind and you earn 200-250 crystals a day you can't hoard.

    If you weren't doing any hoarding (or spending) you weren't getting characters to g11 immediately upon unlock either. Or did you forget about your dozens of threads complaining about stun guns?
  • Options
    Liath wrote: »
    This is why people hoard. So that it doesn’t have to take months to level up a new character.

    People hoard if they are successful already, when you're playing from behind and you earn 200-250 crystals a day you can't hoard.

    If you weren't doing any hoarding (or spending) you weren't getting characters to g11 immediately upon unlock either. Or did you forget about your dozens of threads complaining about stun guns?

    It's not like we maniacally just spend resources , but there were alot less things we had to worry about and 2 gear levels less
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    This is why people hoard. So that it doesn’t have to take months to level up a new character.

    People hoard if they are successful already, when you're playing from behind and you earn 200-250 crystals a day you can't hoard.

    If you feel you are behind, then you should adjust your plans to help make a better future.

    No I don't remember a time when it was "easy", there was always planning and working towards that plan. It was fun then and still is now. Sorry if you plans didnt work out, but it may be a good time.t o reevaluate your plans and look for the next path, rather than dreaming of a past that never was while looking for a future that will never be.
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    This is why people hoard. So that it doesn’t have to take months to level up a new character.

    People hoard if they are successful already, when you're playing from behind and you earn 200-250 crystals a day you can't hoard.

    If you feel you are behind, then you should adjust your plans to help make a better future.

    No I don't remember a time when it was "easy", there was always planning and working towards that plan. It was fun then and still is now. Sorry if you plans didnt work out, but it may be a good time.t o reevaluate your plans and look for the next path, rather than dreaming of a past that never was while looking for a future that will never be.

    Common sense dictates that when you expand the amount of gear by adding more layers to it, it follows that you should, at the bare minimum, make it alot easier to reach the previous maximums sooner, correct? I don't see how it's easier to get to g11 now than what it was a year ago. Their gear design is flawed, g12 and g13 should use 0 of the old pieces to craft because that automatically slows down the previous steps. If I have to choose between using the same piece to get a character to g13 and another character to g8 or 9 then there's something wrong with this system period.
  • Options
    So, you are mad that the game has evolved over time to allow for further character progression? Seems reasonable

    "Evolved", more like "devolved", instead of making things more user friendly they made them more revenue generation friendly. Let's not pretend this is better, you may prefer it but that's just your opinion. In a game where your daily crystal and resource income depends on PvP mostly you can't spare the time for stuff like this.

    "User Friendly" and "easier to gear up" are not synonyms. Advancing the character progression to new levels is required in a game like this to produce new, more challenging content for the players, otherwise you would eventually reach a point where long term players max everything and quit as there is no new way to improve.

    Yeah say that to the all those who maxed they accounts and still love the game and enjoy it probably more than you do

    I doubt anyone has fully maxed their entire roster (highest GP on doesn't have everyone at G13, and doesn't even have 7* G12 Wat).

    That said, I guess I am out. No point in having a discussion about the game if the other participants will immediately stoop to baseless insults
    Looking for a new guild? Come check out the Underworld Alliance on Discord:
  • Options
    So, you are mad that the game has evolved over time to allow for further character progression? Seems reasonable

    "Evolved", more like "devolved", instead of making things more user friendly they made them more revenue generation friendly. Let's not pretend this is better, you may prefer it but that's just your opinion. In a game where your daily crystal and resource income depends on PvP mostly you can't spare the time for stuff like this.

    "User Friendly" and "easier to gear up" are not synonyms. Advancing the character progression to new levels is required in a game like this to produce new, more challenging content for the players, otherwise you would eventually reach a point where long term players max everything and quit as there is no new way to improve.

    Yeah say that to the all those who maxed they accounts and still love the game and enjoy it probably more than you do

    I doubt anyone has fully maxed their entire roster (highest GP on doesn't have everyone at G13, and doesn't even have 7* G12 Wat).

    That said, I guess I am out. No point in having a discussion about the game if the other participants will immediately stoop to baseless insults

    Many people had all g12s for months before g13 was even speculated.
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    This is why people hoard. So that it doesn’t have to take months to level up a new character.

    People hoard if they are successful already, when you're playing from behind and you earn 200-250 crystals a day you can't hoard.

    If you feel you are behind, then you should adjust your plans to help make a better future.

    No I don't remember a time when it was "easy", there was always planning and working towards that plan. It was fun then and still is now. Sorry if you plans didnt work out, but it may be a good time.t o reevaluate your plans and look for the next path, rather than dreaming of a past that never was while looking for a future that will never be.

    Common sense dictates that when you expand the amount of gear by adding more layers to it, it follows that you should, at the bare minimum, make it alot easier to reach the previous maximums sooner, correct? I don't see how it's easier to get to g11 now than what it was a year ago. Their gear design is flawed, g12 and g13 should use 0 of the old pieces to craft because that automatically slows down the previous steps. If I have to choose between using the same piece to get a character to g13 and another character to g8 or 9 then there's something wrong with this system period.

    I’m sure most people who recognize you would agree that you are definitely not one to be preaching the rules of common sense. What you mean is Balding head logic.

  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Kyno wrote: »
    This is why people hoard. So that it doesn’t have to take months to level up a new character.

    People hoard if they are successful already, when you're playing from behind and you earn 200-250 crystals a day you can't hoard.

    If you feel you are behind, then you should adjust your plans to help make a better future.

    No I don't remember a time when it was "easy", there was always planning and working towards that plan. It was fun then and still is now. Sorry if you plans didnt work out, but it may be a good time.t o reevaluate your plans and look for the next path, rather than dreaming of a past that never was while looking for a future that will never be.

    Common sense dictates that when you expand the amount of gear by adding more layers to it, it follows that you should, at the bare minimum, make it alot easier to reach the previous maximums sooner, correct? I don't see how it's easier to get to g11 now than what it was a year ago. Their gear design is flawed, g12 and g13 should use 0 of the old pieces to craft because that automatically slows down the previous steps. If I have to choose between using the same piece to get a character to g13 and another character to g8 or 9 then there's something wrong with this system period.

    Common sense would dictate that in a game based in resource management, that as the effect increases the difficulty in the decision/management would get harder.

    It has gotten easier, just not to the degree that you want.
  • Options
    It’s gotten easier to take some toons to g11.

    I’d argue that Drevan, Malak, Padme, ShaakTi are harder than anyone who preceded them.
  • Options
    Common sense dictates that when you expand the amount of gear by adding more layers to it, it follows that you should, at the bare minimum, make it alot easier to reach the previous maximums sooner, correct?

    Incorrect. Why would any player want the time they spent in the game to be trivialized or devalued? P2W or FTP, why would you want someone to be able to catch up to a 4 year player in 6 months?
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    This is why people hoard. So that it doesn’t have to take months to level up a new character.

    People hoard if they are successful already, when you're playing from behind and you earn 200-250 crystals a day you can't hoard.

    If you feel you are behind, then you should adjust your plans to help make a better future.

    No I don't remember a time when it was "easy", there was always planning and working towards that plan. It was fun then and still is now. Sorry if you plans didnt work out, but it may be a good time.t o reevaluate your plans and look for the next path, rather than dreaming of a past that never was while looking for a future that will never be.

    Common sense dictates that when you expand the amount of gear by adding more layers to it, it follows that you should, at the bare minimum, make it alot easier to reach the previous maximums sooner, correct? I don't see how it's easier to get to g11 now than what it was a year ago. Their gear design is flawed, g12 and g13 should use 0 of the old pieces to craft because that automatically slows down the previous steps. If I have to choose between using the same piece to get a character to g13 and another character to g8 or 9 then there's something wrong with this system period.

    Common sense would dictate that in a game based in resource management, that as the effect increases the difficulty in the decision/management would get harder.

    It has gotten easier, just not to the degree that you want.

    When you have 20 characters stuck at g8 and another 20 stuck at 9-10 due to lack of stun guns and then you finally get a stun gun but you need to decide if you are going to give it to one of your 40 g8/9/10s or use it to take one of your other 20 characters stuck at g11 to g12 or you need to decide if you're gonna craft a g12+ piece for one of 5 characters who need that piece to get to g13 them I'm sure you simply can't say it's gotten any easier
  • Options
    Common sense dictates that when you expand the amount of gear by adding more layers to it, it follows that you should, at the bare minimum, make it alot easier to reach the previous maximums sooner, correct?

    Incorrect. Why would any player want the time they spent in the game to be trivialized or devalued? P2W or FTP, why would you want someone to be able to catch up to a 4 year player in 6 months?

    They won't, because they way you make it easier is by rewarding plenty of old gear by completing the newer and harder content. These players will have a long way before they can even complete that type of content to accelerate their growth beyond that point.
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    This is why people hoard. So that it doesn’t have to take months to level up a new character.

    People hoard if they are successful already, when you're playing from behind and you earn 200-250 crystals a day you can't hoard.

    If you feel you are behind, then you should adjust your plans to help make a better future.

    No I don't remember a time when it was "easy", there was always planning and working towards that plan. It was fun then and still is now. Sorry if you plans didnt work out, but it may be a good time.t o reevaluate your plans and look for the next path, rather than dreaming of a past that never was while looking for a future that will never be.

    Common sense dictates that when you expand the amount of gear by adding more layers to it, it follows that you should, at the bare minimum, make it alot easier to reach the previous maximums sooner, correct? I don't see how it's easier to get to g11 now than what it was a year ago. Their gear design is flawed, g12 and g13 should use 0 of the old pieces to craft because that automatically slows down the previous steps. If I have to choose between using the same piece to get a character to g13 and another character to g8 or 9 then there's something wrong with this system period.

    Common sense would dictate that in a game based in resource management, that as the effect increases the difficulty in the decision/management would get harder.

    It has gotten easier, just not to the degree that you want.

    When you have 20 characters stuck at g8 and another 20 stuck at 9-10 due to lack of stun guns and then you finally get a stun gun but you need to decide if you are going to give it to one of your 40 g8/9/10s or use it to take one of your other 20 characters stuck at g11 to g12 or you need to decide if you're gonna craft a g12+ piece for one of 5 characters who need that piece to get to g13 them I'm sure you simply can't say it's gotten any easier

    Stop working on 20 g 8s and 20 g11s at the same time then.
  • Options
    Stick wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    This is why people hoard. So that it doesn’t have to take months to level up a new character.

    People hoard if they are successful already, when you're playing from behind and you earn 200-250 crystals a day you can't hoard.

    If you feel you are behind, then you should adjust your plans to help make a better future.

    No I don't remember a time when it was "easy", there was always planning and working towards that plan. It was fun then and still is now. Sorry if you plans didnt work out, but it may be a good time.t o reevaluate your plans and look for the next path, rather than dreaming of a past that never was while looking for a future that will never be.

    Common sense dictates that when you expand the amount of gear by adding more layers to it, it follows that you should, at the bare minimum, make it alot easier to reach the previous maximums sooner, correct? I don't see how it's easier to get to g11 now than what it was a year ago. Their gear design is flawed, g12 and g13 should use 0 of the old pieces to craft because that automatically slows down the previous steps. If I have to choose between using the same piece to get a character to g13 and another character to g8 or 9 then there's something wrong with this system period.

    Common sense would dictate that in a game based in resource management, that as the effect increases the difficulty in the decision/management would get harder.

    It has gotten easier, just not to the degree that you want.

    When you have 20 characters stuck at g8 and another 20 stuck at 9-10 due to lack of stun guns and then you finally get a stun gun but you need to decide if you are going to give it to one of your 40 g8/9/10s or use it to take one of your other 20 characters stuck at g11 to g12 or you need to decide if you're gonna craft a g12+ piece for one of 5 characters who need that piece to get to g13 them I'm sure you simply can't say it's gotten any easier

    Stop working on 20 g 8s and 20 g11s at the same time then.

    I'm not, but I should be able to. When g11 was the cap g8 was where most characters were halted at. Now we have g13 and g8 is still where characters are halted at. That's a long way from the end goal. I think we should have a halt at g10 or 11 not g8 any more.
  • Ultra
    11602 posts Moderator
    Who remembers the time when you unlocked a character for the first time and you could get them to level 85, g11, max their abilities, mod them and have them ready to go? I used to love that time but now we have to overcome 12 finishers, 5 g12 pieces and the g13 finishers on top. We can't equip 6 dot mods until g12 and now we will also have relics... As if that's not bad enough the zeta and omega crunches are worse than ever with so many reworks coming to the game and characters who didn't have Zetas before got 1 or even 2 Zetas but our zeta income was actually reduced due to the reduction of TW to make room for GA.

    I remember a time when it didn't take MONTHS to get a level 1 character to maximum...

    What is your definition of maximum, you seem to include level, gear, abilities but conveniently exclude rarity

    Max level is 85

    If you mean by maximum that the character is fully upgraded and maxed out in all aspects then the time it takes to take a character to maximum would also include the rarity

    It’s easier to max a character now compared to then for the same time frame (node refreshes are reduced) or the same if you don’t do any node refreshes / cantina farm

    If this thread is about gearing a toon than it takes longer but certainly not months

    Obviously gearing gets harder over time, back when g10 was the limit it was quite easier than g11

    I’m really not sure what this thread is about other than you just discovered that it takes more time to gear characters if there are more gear tiers added to the game

    By the time you can get a toon to 7 stars you should be able to push him to g12

    The omega crunch complaint is nonsense. We are getting the same flow of omegas then compared to now. Maybe more because I’m not sure from memory if Mythic tier in events (2 omegas) has been added to the game after g12 was available
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    I remember the time I would unlock a toon and can't get it to level 60 g6. G8 would take a week.
  • Options
    Ultra wrote: »
    Who remembers the time when you unlocked a character for the first time and you could get them to level 85, g11, max their abilities, mod them and have them ready to go? I used to love that time but now we have to overcome 12 finishers, 5 g12 pieces and the g13 finishers on top. We can't equip 6 dot mods until g12 and now we will also have relics... As if that's not bad enough the zeta and omega crunches are worse than ever with so many reworks coming to the game and characters who didn't have Zetas before got 1 or even 2 Zetas but our zeta income was actually reduced due to the reduction of TW to make room for GA.

    I remember a time when it didn't take MONTHS to get a level 1 character to maximum...

    What is your definition of maximum, you seem to include level, gear, abilities but conveniently exclude rarity

    Max level is 85

    If you mean by maximum that the character is fully upgraded and maxed out in all aspects then the time it takes to take a character to maximum would also include the rarity

    It’s easier to max a character now compared to then for the same time frame (node refreshes are reduced) or the same if you don’t do any node refreshes / cantina farm

    If this thread is about gearing a toon than it takes longer but certainly not months

    Obviously gearing gets harder over time, back when g10 was the limit it was quite easier than g11

    I’m really not sure what this thread is about other than you just discovered that it takes more time to gear characters if there are more gear tiers added to the game

    By the time you can get a toon to 7 stars you should be able to push him to g12

    The omega crunch complaint is nonsense. We are getting the same flow of omegas then compared to now. Maybe more because I’m not sure from memory if Mythic tier in events (2 omegas) has been added to the game after g12 was available

    You really think the 2 omegas from mythics can make up for all the reworks and new characters? What about TW which has slowed down considerably due to GA and GA drops are awful.
  • Options
    No_Try wrote: »
    I remember the time I would unlock a toon and can't get it to level 60 g6. G8 would take a week.

    That's cause g8 was the ceiling. Now we have 13 gear levels and when g11 was the ceiling g8 was very very easy to reach and after that it got hard, now that the ceiling went up it should still not be the same way, I think we should be able to reach g11 extremely easily and then be hard to get to 12.
  • TVF
    36804 posts Member
    Liath wrote: »
    This is why people hoard. So that it doesn’t have to take months to level up a new character.

    People hoard if they are successful already, when you're playing from behind and you earn 200-250 crystals a day you can't hoard.

    If you weren't doing any hoarding (or spending) you weren't getting characters to g11 immediately upon unlock either. Or did you forget about your dozens of threads complaining about stun guns?

    It's not like we maniacally just spend resources

    Are you sure you don't?
    I need a new message here.
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    So, you are mad that the game has evolved over time to allow for further character progression? Seems reasonable

    "Evolved", more like "devolved", instead of making things more user friendly they made them more revenue generation friendly. Let's not pretend this is better, you may prefer it but that's just your opinion. In a game where your daily crystal and resource income depends on PvP mostly you can't spare the time for stuff like this.

    "User Friendly" and "easier to gear up" are not synonyms. Advancing the character progression to new levels is required in a game like this to produce new, more challenging content for the players, otherwise you would eventually reach a point where long term players max everything and quit as there is no new way to improve.

    Yeah say that to the all those who maxed they accounts and still love the game and enjoy it probably more than you do

    Who are those hypothetical people that maxed their accounts?
  • No_Try
    4051 posts Member
    No_Try wrote: »
    I remember the time I would unlock a toon and can't get it to level 60 g6. G8 would take a week.

    That's cause g8 was the ceiling. Now we have 13 gear levels and when g11 was the ceiling g8 was very very easy to reach and after that it got hard, now that the ceiling went up it should still not be the same way, I think we should be able to reach g11 extremely easily and then be hard to get to 12.

    It wasn't. That's the point if you read the post carefully. This game started at a lvl 60 and g8 cap. And at that time reaching that cap (without the *s mind you) took tons of time.

    Wherever they moved the cap, it always took quite a lot of time. And all along the road our inflow of what's necessary to get there always increased. So did our needs. You may not have gotten the nature of this game, the very basic of it=it's a skinner box.
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    You know, you can still get a character to lvl 85, G11, 5* mods and have a reasonable addition for GAC/TB with the potential to grow way beyond that if you focus.
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