Light Side Geonosis Territory Battle - Republic Offensive [MEGA]


  • Jouh
    64 posts Member
    Voviine wrote: »
    I'm concerned what this new difficult content is going to do to younger or smaller guilds. As a player with a decent amount of GP, why would I stick around a guild that can't utilize the content? My guild has already struggled this year and we've lost members with this content release.

    I've been running my guilds TB strategy for a few months now and this release was just emotionally defeating and a huge letdown.

    Why not have a difficulty modifier that scales loot? Want the most loot? Select hard. Want to enjoy the content but get less loot? Select Easy.

    Hard truth but this game is not designed for you guys unless you pay to play. To have a level playing field, you need to first buy the hyperdrive bundle, then spend US$10,000 or more on gears. Even then, I cant guarantee you a decent playing experience because you need to become a gold member and spend more than $100k for that.
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    Cs99 wrote: »
    Jesse36 wrote: »
    Yeah, 150 million GP....that was funny.

    150 mill gp for 1*

    Actually 150 mil gp can get 7* just by deploying if they do it right.

    I was being sarcastic lol
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    Holy crap we 1* south and 0* mid p1 and it opened mid 2 and not south 2!!!!! @CG_SBCrumb is this a bug.... completely messed up our plan
  • Ultra
    11614 posts Moderator
    Artsjammin wrote: »
    Holy crap we 1* south and 0* mid p1 and it opened mid 2 and not south 2!!!!! @CG_SBCrumb is this a bug.... completely messed up our plan
    I'm having the same issue
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    Ultra wrote: »
    Artsjammin wrote: »
    Holy crap we 1* south and 0* mid p1 and it opened mid 2 and not south 2!!!!! @CG_SBCrumb is this a bug.... completely messed up our plan
    I'm having the same issue

    Can still attack phase 1 even though phase 2 opened up automatically so it's not that bad at least it feels like we're making progress even if we didnt get a star...
  • Dk_rek
    3299 posts Member
    Trick mechanic your guild isnot tip of spear so penalty flag!!!!!
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    Great job testing this! No, really. I like how Rear Flank unlocks Battleground instead of Sand Dunes.
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    Hahaha. Just more proof they never tested this to know territories are unlocking in improperly. What a bunch of ****. I honestly think they are all bored and want the game to fail so they can shifting down and move on.
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    Lynora wrote: »
    Great job testing this! No, really. I like how Rear Flank unlocks Battleground instead of Sand Dunes.

    yeah, so what happens if you score 1 star in 1B during phase 2...does that lock zone 2B during phase 3?
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    Lynora wrote: »
    Great job testing this! No, really. I like how Rear Flank unlocks Battleground instead of Sand Dunes.

    The same here
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    LSTB is a big joke
    You release this TB after smoking something like joints with magnaguards hitting as droidekas, and droidekas hitting as general grievous
    Then, second phase opens with mistaken sides, and you say you will analize it tomorrow. Some people woke Up and do their game along this hours and now cant play because of this.
    You have a mistake, you have to solve It. What kind of service is that??

    Cancel this TB immediately, solve ALL problems and try again in one month

    Instead of taking care of users, you laugh at them

    This game sucks
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    we didn't station anything in the center p1 field - yet the p2 field after it is now unlocked.
    (didn't manage to get a star in the lower p1 field either, only the fleet field got a star)

    probably not their intention either... (similar to the dev tracker bug they announced, but different)
  • Mawat
    37 posts Member
    edited December 2019
    I'm happy of this bug because it may cancel that horrible experience.
    There is no fun in getting slaughtered in 5 seconds and then just deploy.

    It's horrible as an officer, trying to keep people motivated, and lose members at EVERY updates...
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    Do you test your content at all?
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    CG what in the world is going on? This is ridiculously hard even our best teams just get crushed. 205 mio GP lmao
    They really do not care..........
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    Seriously starting to think they would have done a better job by copy/paste DS Geonosis TB, altering the toons/ships and then adding R999 to all of them.
  • Honkem
    1 posts Member
    edited December 2019
    I think that this is the proof that testers are gungans and lead tester / decission maker is Jar Jar Binks;0)
  • Olly
    3 posts Member
    edited December 2019
    CG employee 1: Well that’s a relief. I don’t think they’ve noticed that we’ve mucked up again ...
    Various SWGOH players: Noooo; Helllpp; ****?; it’s broken; when will you fess up?
    CG employee 2: yes awfully quiet - only 17 pages of complaints. Nothing quite like our mod debacle or the Malak malaise.
    Krakens: ... tumbleweeds ...
    Whales: audible moans
    Dolphins: we’re out of here
    Guppies: isn’t this supposed to be a game?
    General plankton: gee can’t wait to get into geo lstb - i imagine it will be fun ...
    CG employee 1: so, day’s done, wanna go swing some cats?
    CG employee 2: only if we get to kick some puppies too!
    CG employee 1: you’re on! I love what we do!
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    Artsjammin wrote: »
    Holy crap we 1* south and 0* mid p1 and it opened mid 2 and not south 2!!!!! @CG_SBCrumb is this a bug.... completely messed up our plan
    Artsjammin wrote: »
    Holy crap we 1* south and 0* mid p1 and it opened mid 2 and not south 2!!!!! @CG_SBCrumb is this a bug.... completely messed up our plan

    Same here
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    @CG_TopHat Anybody going to put out this dumpster fire, before you guys go home for the day?

    They don't care
    When hstr launched, they started a feedback thread and took 3 months to respond
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    I'm sure some thinhs will get fixed....but it is frustrating that apperently this LS Geo TB was not even remotely tested at all. Hopefully they will give us all max rewards for the headache. Lol.
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    Shijowiral wrote: »
    I'm sure someone has already said this, but we need to agree as a community not to participate in this TB the next time it comes around.

    No one expects to be able to crush content the second it gets released, but this TB is genuinely unplayable. CG is run by a bunch of ****, but even they'll have to notice if 99% of guilds opt out of their new TB re-skin.

    All the krakens, whales, dolphins, and guppies need to stop spending money on the game for a month. And explain to them why.....and then maybe they'll get the message and not be such **** offs.

    For sure. But will the money talk? I don't know...
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    Seriously CG still no comment on LS TB...

    Just wow.
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    Shijowiral wrote: »
    I'm sure someone has already said this, but we need to agree as a community not to participate in this TB the next time it comes around.

    No one expects to be able to crush content the second it gets released, but this TB is genuinely unplayable. CG is run by a bunch of ****, but even they'll have to notice if 99% of guilds opt out of their new TB re-skin.

    All the krakens, whales, dolphins, and guppies need to stop spending money on the game for a month. And explain to them why.....and then maybe they'll get the message and not be such **** offs.

    For sure. But will the money talk? I don't know...

    This would be the biggest way to make an impact. But the problem is for years people have said their wallet is closed and each year they are steady making money. The forums represent a small few and it’s always easy to say something here and not really do it in execution.
    I’m guilty of that too. When JKR came i said no reason to spend anymore. But I bought packs and some crystals after I said that too. In my defense I have not even come close to what I used to spend.
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    The is game supposed to be fun, but this is not how I want to spend my free time.

    I am 5.7M with a solid roster LS roster. Getting G13 relics characters blown up in P1 of a 4 phase event is ridiculous. Ex. I have a high relic’d 501st (R7, R7, R7, R5, R4) that got destroyed on wave 4. Dooku 2-shot my General Skywalker. That is P4 stuff, not P1. My relic’d Jedi got a 0/4 and relic’d JKR barely got 1/4 with Bastila killed on turn 1 (good old Jolee revived her so she could get killed again!).

    My guild is nearly 250M and we have no plans to play this again until CG “fixes” this event. Nobody found it even remotely fun but everyone found it unbalanced and demoralizing. Thanks, CG.

    I am not going to bore everyone with threats to quit, but that is the tone in our guild. Most of our players have been together for years but this, even more than relics or PTW nonsense, threatens to finally break us. Thank goodness for our strong Discord community because in-game is depressing and wholly un-fun. You messed up, CG. Please fix this. Now.

    Players want to play! Gearing and hoarding materials is not why we play. I suspect another progress system “improvement” is coming, and that is disappointing and, again, undermines our investment in our current roster. Fix this. Now.
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    "But what about the droid attack on the Wookies?"

    So it is really nice to see how everyone is enjoying this new content but can we talk about the MIA Wat Tambor shards (and MK2 tokens)? It happened 4 weeks ago and havent got an update since...... when exactly?
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    Ok how is this not broken


    We didnt star phase 1 middle... yet phase 2 middle opened.

    We did star phase 1 bottom, yet phase 2 bottom is locked?

    Not only is it too hard, it doesnt progress correctly
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    Honestly if working on this game was my job, I would be absolutely humiliated to have anything to do with it.

    Great shame.
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    BrakeMeOff wrote: »
    Honestly if working on this game was my job, I would be absolutely humiliated to have anything to do with it.

    Great shame.

    I'm almost humiliated to play it...
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