Characters most in need of a rework


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    Monel wrote: »
    rickertron wrote: »
    Interesting i see a lot of Palp, Tarkin and Vader rework requests on here. I find it interesting as i use all three as part of my arena squad team (i am building meta teams to move further in my arena) and find they are quite reasonably powered and competitive ( win and lose equally) with other teams around my rank in the arena. Those teams consist of GG, CLS, JKR, Malak, clones. By no means are vader, tarkin and palp meta but i question how much they are used by those requesting a re-work over other characters in a worse state of affairs, like any character without a zeta ability.

    I will even venture that Tarkin with high potency is quite tanky in his own right.

    I would love to see a re work on these characters by all means (given i have relic'd all three), but by no means are they in terrible shape as is, just use them instead of complaining about them.

    It's not they aren't playable or decent. It's because they love the characters and as the core villains that started the whole Star Wars craze, many feel they should be the should be among the meta at all times.

    This make total sense i agree 100%, Tarkin and Vader are my favorite characters from the universe. Tarkin should be required reading by anyone and everyone. Vader is the classic Tragic hero.
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    I think a lot of these issues could be solved by adding synergies with other characters. I'd love to see a master-apprentice style synergy throughout the game, where Jedi masters and padawans and Sith Lords and their apprentices have unique synergies with each other. That could solve a number of problems with the numerous weak Jedi and Sith characters in the game.

    Need reworks or touch-ups: GR Jedi (you know the ones), Sidious, Maul, Savage, Lando, Lobot, entire Phoenix squadron, Phasma, Old Ben, Ackbar, and maybe Princess Leia.

    Need synergies or tags: Sidious (Separatist), Maul-Savage-Nightsister synergy, Asajj (Separatist, Dooku), Kanan synergy with Ezra and Hera, Palpatine with his apprentices (Maul, Dooku, Vader), Poe with BB-8 (who is basically Rey's droid in the movies and definitely in this game). Ahsoka can drop the useless Nightsister synergy.

    To me, the top priorities based on their importance in the SW universe and balance in this game are GR Jedi, Sidious, Maul, Phoenix squadron, and Phasma. It's also disappointing to see characters with little presence or importance in the canon being OP in this game (i.e. Nest) or who aren't even canon (Revan) being so OP compared to some of the most iconic characters.
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    Captain Phasma
  • JacenRoe
    3016 posts Member
    Top 6 most worthless/trash characters the the devs have completely disrespected for nearly 4 and a half years:

    1. Face Pindu
    2. Trace Dindu
    3. Chase Mindu
    4. Base Lindu
    5. Pace Zindu
    6. Lace Vindu
  • Boros
    507 posts Member
    JacenRoe wrote: »
    Top 6 most worthless/trash characters the the devs have completely disrespected for nearly 4 and a half years:

    1. Face Pindu
    2. Trace Dindu
    3. Chase Mindu
    4. Base Lindu
    5. Pace Zindu
    6. Lace Vindu

    You forgot **** dindu
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    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Also re: visas, she just needs more tags, and possibly remove the restriction that she only assist vs sith.

    yes new tags! very frustrating as she has much potential.

    most of what I wanted reworked has been listed, I do say plo koon deserves a good rework and synergy with Ashoka, he was very important in the clone wars but hasn't been given justice.... nor has the other jedi tbf...

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    So I made a whole thread for Visas Mar once before but it got buried, but very very much her. All she really needs is some extra text to give her synergy with Nihilus. Boom! she could work so well with the trio. There's no reason why she shouldn't have some synergy with her old master.

    Also, allowing the phoenix to have 6 toons(seen in a previous comment) would do wonders for them. Perhaps some extra zeta skill for Hara to call the sixth member kind of how GBA calls the brute. Might finally make them at least marginally viable as a B/B+ team.
  • LordGrahck
    344 posts Member
    edited March 2020
    What would you do to update Vader and Palpatine? I’ve always thought Vader should be a tank with a taunt. In other EA Star Wars games, Vader is the tankiest character in the bloody game.

    I would like to see vader have a special buff that boosts his damage and speed but also acts similar to taunt. Basically turning him into an offensive menace that you're forced to ignore everyone else and try to kill him before he kills you. An offensive tank instead of a defensive one. Something like the Rage feat from Star Wars D20 RCR.
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    Most of the blatantly needed ones have been mentioned here. I'd just like to chime in for Phasma, she really needs a rework and maybe the two tie pilots for FO as well. As you might notice I do like my FO faction :smile:

    It's a solid faction that tries to swim around in a sea of overpowered characters and more often than not sinks to the bottom. And it looks like SLKR mechanics will mean that a lot of FO characters can't be used effectively with him due to their TM manipulation, would be nice to get a touchup of the whole faction so that they either can be used with their new supreme leader or at least can function as a decent 2nd team.
  • TVF
    36721 posts Member
    Hod wrote: »
    Hera could get a second zeta that allows her to summon Chopper as the 6th character.
    2 Choppers? 🤔🤔🤔

    Four Krustys?
    I need a new message here.
  • TVF
    36721 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    Hod wrote: »
    Hera could get a second zeta that allows her to summon Chopper as the 6th character.
    2 Choppers? 🤔🤔🤔

    Four Krustys?

    8 SARS-CoVs?

    No, of course not.
    I need a new message here.
  • TVF
    36721 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Hod wrote: »
    Hera could get a second zeta that allows her to summon Chopper as the 6th character.
    2 Choppers? 🤔🤔🤔

    Four Krustys?

    8 SARS-CoVs?

    No, of course not.
    Yeah, just still the tip of the iceberg

    Not my point. I am not really ready to joke about an ongoing global pandemic I guess.
    I need a new message here.
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    Hands-down, CUP. All his abilities say, "non-lethal."
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    Hands-down, CUP. All his abilities say, "non-lethal."

    It would be really interesting to give CUP an ability that turns a time-out into a win combined with some better stunning power and a significant boost to defense.

    Of course, that doesn't really work unless you start the ability on a high cool down. That way you'd have to try to play quickly through as many turns as possible to make the ability active, rather than just opening the fight and doing nothing from your first turn until the timer ends.

    I'm not really sure you could make it work, but it would be fun to try, since the whole point of the toon is arresting people rather than defeating people.

    Maybe combine the starting cool down with a requirement that the time has to run out on CUP's turn and all active enemies have to be currently stunned? Then it's time for the old, "Book 'em, Dano."
  • HKFactory
    375 posts Member
    edited March 2020
    There are a lot of characters I want to see get a boost.

    The remaining Galactic Republic Jedi.

    Commander Cody

    The Tuskens (Jawas, Ewoks, and Geonosians, got attention, so why not the Tuskens?)


    Chopper is the only Phoenix character without a Zeta ability upgrade.

    Darth Sidious, Maul, and Savage.

    Lobot, Lando, Rogue One, and other Rebels.

    Director Krennic, Storm Trooper, Gar Saxon, Royal Guard, and a few other Empire characters.

    Some of the older Resistance and First Order characters.

    IG-86 Sentinel Droid, and some of those types of characters could use at the least a small boost as well.
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    Rework windu!!! I don’t my g13 for nothing and I even felices hime too
  • Stokat
    833 posts Member
    I rhink Palp is where he should be and don’t need a rework but I would like to see some synergy with royal guard (who could very well get a touch up). I woild also like to see a better Phasma, Maul and Kit Fisto.
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    For most of the GR Jedi like Ayla ,Kit , Eath ,Plo and IMG if CG halved all the leader abilities and made them uniques, with KAM they could be half decent
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    +1 for Stormtrooper, CUP and Ugnaught
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    Rynchenzo wrote: »
    +1 for Stormtrooper, CUP and Ugnaught

    I genuinely used to run Stormtrooper in arena for a while. I think the squad was Krennic, DT, Shore, Storm and Thrawn. It was a really good counter to CLS that was everywhere at the time.
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    So many interesting ones, but honestly the vets would have been high on my list, so absolutely thrilled by that.

    I think a lot of them could be solved just by giving people tag:
    Visas - Old Republic, Sith, Jedi
    Fulcrum - Phoenix

    1. Cad Bane
    For me, this guy was the absolute star of Clone Wars, I'd like to see him on a par with the Fetts.

    2. Rebel Officer Leia Organa
    Tragic that we don't have a decent Leia

    3. Amilyn Holdo
    4. Words cannot describe how much it annoys me that the JANITOR has a leader ability (and a good one) but the head of the resistance doesn't have a leader ability.
    Keyboard Warrior on the side of the Moderates
    I play the game for fun, if you don't like content, don't like the game, then why are you here?
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