Developer Q&A - 04/23/2020


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    This QA was full of nothing answers. Nothing remotely interesting coming to the game, messaged received. We dont make faction content with the idea of having a complete and functional faction, gotcha. Wooooo more art stuff. No sandbox, no raid, we are good at kylo in house dont see why you guys are struggling. Rise repeat next month.
  • TuncBlack
    409 posts Member
    edited April 2020
    CG_SBCrumb wrote: »
    Q: Is a sandbox in talks at all?
    [*] A: CG_Tophat - Could we see this come to SWGOH? Not at the moment. 1) There's a tremendous amount of UI work that would go into a Sandbox mode. When you start to think about all the different permutations that players would want to be able to try out (pick units, set ability levels, set mods, can event creatures be there, etc), it's very expensive. Now some players have pointed out they'd like to just be able to battle their buddies and whatever their lineup is. That is a little bit more feasible, but still not free and coupled with 2) there's nothing that we've seen that indicates that this would be a high engagement feature. In the past we've released some events with unbounded play and in general we see people's participation fall off pretty quickly. There are definitely hardcore players that we think would engage with this feature - there's no disputing that. But we believe it's a relatively small group. So the calculation we make is - do we make a feature that is incredibly heavy development-wise with a lot of ui and flow iteration (taking away from other things like more event types) for (what we think) is a small group of players, or do we keep development focused on making things that affect all players with either an immediate thing to do or that creates a long term aspiration? In general we tend towards the latter.

    Just please add a Rancor icon on the Journey Guide Section.
    Setting: No reward, available for player 85 levels who soloed the Rancor 1 time.
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    Lysandrax wrote: »
    So as others have pointed out it sounds like you're not working on anything interesting except something that 'benefits a wider range of players' i.e. something new players can do immediately also because thats where the money is.

    There is no raid coming.
    There is no GAC i can play vs my guildmate because your applying false data to the idea of it.
    You didn't answer any 'hard' questions (despite ultra's opinion)
    And nothing accounts for what you have been doing this first quarter
    AND lets not forget, the dev tracker has been dead since the start of the year

    I came here expecting nothing and i have been disappointed

    Hyperdrive bundle mark 2 confirmed lol
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    With the Mandalorian coming to the game soon, can we also expect the addition of his ship the Razor Crest, and if so, are there any plans in the future for a larger bounty hunter fleet or a scoundrel fleet?
    A: CG_Miller - Bounty Hunters do have a lot of ships don't they? We're trying very hard to make sure that fleets contain ships within their own faction, but in some cases like Resistance there just isn't enough to go around. This isn't the case with Bounty Hunters so they are definitely a faction worthy of getting a "build around" unit.

    Sounds like Razor Crest confirmation to me
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    No Mace or Jedi again but Mando content is a better move.
    (Shakes fist at JKR- destroyed the game!)

    No raid but something else on the horizon... my wait and see ability has been zeta’d for a long time lol
  • Ultra
    11553 posts Moderator
    CG_SBCrumb wrote: »
    TOPIC: Art/Sound

    Q: @CG_AU-D10 How do you design sound effects? Does it frustrate you that most players have the sound turned off?
    • A: CG_AU-D10 - That's a big question that I can answer in many ways! The audio team utilizes the audio from the movies as well as make our own sound effects, especially for Force users where the movies don't have a lot a sound for the Force. That said, that doesn't mean we grab sounds from the movies and just plop them in. A lot of the recordings are from the 70s and 80s, so we try to process them to be more clean and vibrant. When it comes to designing a sound around a character we have to think what that character represents. So, when I designed Malak, he is an evil dude who sucks the life out of people. In general, lower tones represent evil, and since he uses the force to drain the lifeforce of Jedi, I used breathy voices in my sound to represent that. As for the frustration part, a little, haha! But being a mobile user myself I understand. A lot of the time when I play a mobile game I'm not in an area where I'd want my sound on to disturb others, unless I had headphones. It makes me appreciate it more when I see comments on the work the audio team does. Let's me know at least someone out there gets to hear our work. :)

    Q: What was the toughest challenge the team had with the audio?
    • A: CG_AU-D10 - We originally were using a lot of the same sounds for lightsabers. We decided that we wanted to update them to all sound different. So we made a specific sound for Green, Blue, Red, Purple, and Yellow saber users. Characters who have special sabers that have unique sounds to them are Kylo, Traya, and Ezra. For the colors, we had to think what the saber color represented and made the sounds from there. For example, Blue represents justice so we made a higher and brighter hum for it. Another example is purple is a combo of blue and red saber tones so you get both the bright and gritty. It took a lot of thought and care to represent these colors and we hope it brings a bit of extra character to the sabers and their users!

    Q: I like the audio for Grand Arena Championship league promotion / mod upgrades, are those original sounds? What other original sounds have you developed? Like the rancor sound or any blaster effects or anything were in-house? Who voiced Darth Nihlus?
    • A: CG_AU-D10 - Thanks! Those are original! A lot of the force abilities are originals as well since there aren't a lot of sounds in the movies to represent them. Pretty much all of the UI buttons are originals as well. The song in the ship cantina is an original (you'll also see that the musicians are in time with the music!) The Rancor and blaster sounds are from the movies, but a lot of them are old recordings so we did spruce them up a little. Nihilus was one of us reading the Sith Code that we reversed and added a ton of effects to it to make it dark and mysterious.
    These were great responses. Amazing to learn about the level of thinking that goes into sound in this game. I'm not huge on sound but I do appreciate how the process of sounds of each lightsaber colors were made, and the part about villains having lower tones and stuff like that
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    How could you have teased a Mace Windu re-work back in November and now say that there are no plans to do a re-work on him now? What have you been doing for the last 6 months besides giving us potato Rey? EVERY single guild in this game HATE LSTB because the Galactic Republic Jedi are atrocious (re-work required). In order to earn all 36 stars would require each guild member to have roughly 12 Million GP, the highest GP in the game right now is around 8 million, so maybe in 5 years (this game will probably be dead by then), ONE guild may be able to accomplish this feat. Furthermore, you have said that there is no new Raid, Sandbox, Character re-works in motion, so what are you working on that is taking up all of your time and resources? Hey look, I unlocked Cara Dune, took me 10 minutes, now I have NOTHING to do in the game, Sandbox mode, live PVP (go ask Niantic or DSA how they do their live PVP), we're growing tired of excuses for lack of content. Characters, Gear packs, and Mod packs are NOT content, game modes, raids, and challenges ARE content! When are you going to change the gear received from daily challenges, notably from the TAC gear challenges, they're useless gear pieces for endgame players. Since you sidestepped the question for not having all gear being able to be scavenged (MK 5 Medpac) is this because they are released in the daily challenges and most players have an abundance of these to convert (I have almost 1,000 pieces)? Which means I won't spend money on crystals or energy to farm other gear pieces to convert. Are you going to bring back the crystal booster packs or put crystals back into farming nodes like they are for beginning game players? Lastly, end game players are stuck farming stun guns, kyrotechs, etc., what are you doing to help with this gear grind (outside of packs)? Why not increase hard node battles back to 8 attempts like it was for a time or decrease crystal refreshes for energy?
  • leoborn
    5 posts Member
    edited April 2020
    I spend way to much time and money on this game for these devs to continue to tool with us, the community. We tell you what we want everyday, a struggle no doubt. But it should be clear for a company that earns 1 billion dollars. Get your act together and just do it, please stop. Just stop hiding behind flimsy excuses and literally listen to the content creators, look at those messages and you'll see you have plenty of reasons to do better. I'm sure others feel this way, so just do better.
    A provider on the frontlines of COVID-19.
  • Bhbravehart
    31 posts Member
    edited April 2020
    Funny how CG doesn't answer any of the questions that challenge how garbage their GL event was.
    Not only that, but they haven't been working on any of the things requested by players like mace rework,, sandbox, live pvp, etc. What have they been doing the last 6 months?!
    They need to answer for doing such a bad job at maintaining their game!
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    Very disappointed to hear no raid coming anytime soon.

    If I read it right , they started last year and then it’s put on the back burner. Guess it just doesn’t make as much money as churning out new characters.
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    Woof this was a tough one to get through. A whole lot of, "no plans as of now", "it's not on the development road map", "maybe in the future but can't say when", etc etc.

    Makes me wonder:
    1. What ARE they working on at CG? PvP, Raid, sandbox are all on hold... so... where is everything?

    2. Top Hat gives snarky answers to a horrible LSTB like "sorry to hear you aren't enjoying it. No plans to change it" but we get freaking constitutional amendment to art questions- again!

    CG continues to impress me at how good they are at staying busy while doing nothing. Can't wait for that juicy road ahead!
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    Well, I’d have to say I appreciated CG_AU-D10 the most😂
  • Legend91
    2441 posts Member
    The Q&A tl;dr version:
    Legend#6873 | YouTube |
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    When are you guys going to bring back the droids fight back event?
  • Ally
    47 posts Member
    How with a straight face you can sit there and say you work on content not for a small group of people (Sandbox mode), but for all players. After you have made us sit through 4 months of Galactic legends build up where as it currently sits only 4,000 players in total have these characters, i have no idea.

    If these are the answers your giving after months of players asking for this stuff and its a No, your clearly not in sync with your audience, you may want to fix that. This was a terrible Q&A and a terrible look for company that already has communication problems.

  • Iy4oy4s
    2942 posts Member
    Just encountered the unending loyalty bug for the third time glad that the bug section of the Q and A is sooooo full of bugs being squashed, or being worked on..............oh wait....
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    As far as an easy sort of sandbox to implement, what about being able to set your defence in the squad arena (like in another mobile game with "force" in the title), this would let people try out different squads to attack with, without dropping them way down in the rankings.

    I use JKR, GMY, bastila, jolee and hoda in arena. But I would like it to be easier to try different squads for GA practice.
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    And they didn’t say content is coming, they said they would give more details. Which is CG speak for a month to never happening
  • Jarvind
    3930 posts Member
    CG_SBCrumb wrote: »

    Q: Why isn’t all gear available to make into salvage? For instance, Mk 12 armatek tactical data, which is a g12 piece would theoretically fit in well with creating electrium conductor salvage, but it’s not a choice to use. What is the point of having a game mode such as the salvager where we can trade old or unneeded gear for other needed equipment if you can’t even use some of the gear in that game mode?
    • A: CG_Cyanides - The answer is actually due to some technical limitations. When we originally designed the Scavenger, we set it up for all gear pieces to be included. Once we got further in the process however, we had to make decisions on which pieces of gear could be converted as we could not support having all gear pieces included.

    Look, I don't wanna call anyone a liar, but without some kind of elaboration this feels like a very obvious question-dodge.
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    Jarvind wrote: »
    CG_SBCrumb wrote: »

    Q: Why isn’t all gear available to make into salvage? For instance, Mk 12 armatek tactical data, which is a g12 piece would theoretically fit in well with creating electrium conductor salvage, but it’s not a choice to use. What is the point of having a game mode such as the salvager where we can trade old or unneeded gear for other needed equipment if you can’t even use some of the gear in that game mode?
    • A: CG_Cyanides - The answer is actually due to some technical limitations. When we originally designed the Scavenger, we set it up for all gear pieces to be included. Once we got further in the process however, we had to make decisions on which pieces of gear could be converted as we could not support having all gear pieces included.

    Look, I don't wanna call anyone a liar, but without some kind of elaboration this feels like a very obvious question-dodge.

    I didn't even see that, wow. What an answer.
    Even if that really is the reason, what is effectively "it was too hard to do" is not a real world answer
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    Would u ever consider adding Bail Organa to Galaxy of Heroes since when C-3P0 is paired with rebels there isn't really a viable option to put in his slot
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    I know you guys are busy but when will we get Return of the Jedi Luke Skywalker? And will you be adding any inquisitors from star wars rebels or even the new jedi fallen order? I hope you do i love those characters but we as players definitely want Jedi Luke
    Flag Quote · Like
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    So basically this Q&A was confirming no new raid, no new sandbox mode or anything relating to that, no reworks for GR jedi, no retuning to a universally hated light side GEOTB, no incoming fixes to the economy (following the promise to make G12 easier to obtain); just one big pile of “No”.

    So what exactly do we have to look forward to? Something random they claim will appease everyone and marquee Mandalorian toons. Anything else? This “ocean of content” has been nothing short of a lie so far with April almost over.
  • Iy4oy4s
    2942 posts Member
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    So basically this Q&A was confirming no new raid, no new sandbox mode or anything relating to that, no reworks for GR jedi, no retuning to a universally hated light side GEOTB, no incoming fixes to the economy (following the promise to make G12 easier to obtain); just one big pile of “No”.

    So what exactly do we have to look forward to? Something random they claim will appease everyone and marquee Mandalorian toons. Anything else? This “ocean of content” has been nothing short of a lie so far with April almost over.

    CG: You guys do not know what you want...We know what you want, as evident by the past 6 months...duh. You guys are so unappreciative.
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    Are ROLO and Captain Han getting reworks?
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    Let me be clear, this road ahead better be amazing. By amazing I mean good for the overall game. Because if it isn’t I’m done. This game would be dead if it wasn’t for the SW license.

    You have a game like Battlefront 2 that took all of its micro transactions out, yet they continue to pump out content to support the game. They don’t justify each update by asking if they can make a truck load of money. They actually appear to care about making a good video game. This is a video game CG!!! NOT a casino game!!!

    Here this game makes billions of dollars and I can’t leave GAC once I joined it? How about making content and adding features the community wants instead of finding new ways to manipulate the players into spending money.

    So disappointed, I’m trying hard to justify playing this trash anymore.
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