Hard node increase?


  • kello_511
    1648 posts Member
    Here’s the thing...
    I saw this in game and immediately knew that this thread would exist. Did you?
    If you’ve been around here for any length of time, you should be nodding “yes”. I’m sure the devs did too - I refuse to believe that they are so naive to their player base that they didn’t.

    It’s ticked off some portion of the player base by doing it this way. And it’s totally unnecessary.
    Either they wanted us to be able to take advantage of this during double drops, or they didn’t.
    Either way is fine. But letting some take advantage and others not is what angers some players.

    Totally avoidable. I don’t understand it.

    And you can say “those who are angry are just **** anyway” - but it doesn’t matter.
    Doing it this way angers some players with no real “upside” for the developers.

    They are doing something to help the player base, so why not take full advantage of the good will earned from that? Why choose to execute it in a manner that they KNOW will lead to some angry players?
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    It’s just a gross reminder of the time they gave us 8 attempts “indefinitely” then yanked them like a newborn babe from my tender bosom.
  • Ravens1113
    5215 posts Member
    Bottom line is it would’ve been nice to get a heads up this was happening so we could take advantage during the only day of double drops. Bad on CG
  • Ravens1113
    5215 posts Member
    kello_511 wrote: »
    Here’s the thing...
    I saw this in game and immediately knew that this thread would exist. Did you?
    If you’ve been around here for any length of time, you should be nodding “yes”. I’m sure the devs did too - I refuse to believe that they are so naive to their player base that they didn’t.

    It’s ticked off some portion of the player base by doing it this way. And it’s totally unnecessary.
    Either they wanted us to be able to take advantage of this during double drops, or they didn’t.
    Either way is fine. But letting some take advantage and others not is what angers some players.

    Totally avoidable. I don’t understand it.

    And you can say “those who are angry are just **** anyway” - but it doesn’t matter.
    Doing it this way angers some players with no real “upside” for the developers.

    They are doing something to help the player base, so why not take full advantage of the good will earned from that? Why choose to execute it in a manner that they KNOW will lead to some angry players?

    Not just some, but most. That’s not ok. This was a month long, pre planned thing. It falls back to their awful communication regarding things like this.
    The idea and intention behind extra node Tries, double drops and extra gifts in the inbox is great. The execution? Awful, as usual.
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Bottom line is it would’ve been nice to get a heads up this was happening so we could take advantage during the only day of double drops. Bad on CG

    Agreed. If there's a "good way" to do something and a "less-than-ideal" way, CG consistently manages to stumble into the latter much more than the former.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    how is it fair that your european and asian player base lost out on 1 day of 8 hard node attempts, and it was the day with double drops?
  • Chmilk2
    69 posts Member
    It's amazing how many people feel comfortable complaining about something that was completely given to them. It cost zero. They didn't have to give it to us at all. I'm surprised they have it at all, after the way they spoke about it when they took it away. Now I feel silly complaining about complainers.
  • Ravens1113
    5215 posts Member
    Chmilk2 wrote: »
    It's amazing how many people feel comfortable complaining about something that was completely given to them. It cost zero. They didn't have to give it to us at all. I'm surprised they have it at all, after the way they spoke about it when they took it away. Now I feel silly complaining about complainers.

    People are complaining because on days of double drops, players are spending their crystal caches or actual money to maximize these rare opportunities. CG has double drops maybe twice a year. While other games have them a dozen times over.
    The least they could’ve done is tell their paying customers “For the month of May’s stay and play event, hard nodes will be increased back to 8 tries per day.”
    This wasn’t spur of the moment, it was pre planned and bad on their end for not telling us. A good make up for that? Another day of double drops, but it won’t happen. Defending their bad communication is just as bad as their original sin.
  • Chmilk2
    69 posts Member
    I still don't see how that is the companies problem. They spent their money on something they found value in. That value is somehow diminished because a deal dropped afterward? Sounds like whining for whining sake to me
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    I missed out on the extra attempts and I was annoyed a little, but when I think about how much progress I will be able to make over the next 3 weeks. I am grateful for the 8 attempts even if the communication could of been better executed.
  • Ravens1113
    5215 posts Member
    Chmilk2 wrote: »
    I still don't see how that is the companies problem. They spent their money on something they found value in. That value is somehow diminished because a deal dropped afterward? Sounds like whining for whining sake to me

    It’s the companies problem because they knowingly refused to inform their customers.
    If a company had a deal on 5/4/20 where you get certain perks or whatever and people spend their money on it, only to be told “oh hey the last hour of the day, you can get even more for your money, but no refunds and if you already spent then you’re out of luck”, you’d be mad wouldn’t you?

    Or is that just whining
  • ShawDou
    297 posts Member
    For everyone who thinks this was poor planing you are looking on it wrong way. After all recent stuff i saw in game i am pretty sure this was for reason. You just have to look it form the right way.

    1. Give them double drops so ppl would spend money on crystal refreshes.
    2. Now most ppl used a lot of crystals on refreshes and have their reserves exhausted, what to do to give them initiative to keep spending?
    3. Increase hard node attempts for limited time to give them feeling that if they spend now they get more than if they wait.
    4. Profit.

    See it is perfectly planned thing. This game is cash-grab after all.
  • Chmilk2
    69 posts Member
    edited May 2020
    Yes just whining. If my favorite pizza spot had slices for $2 and I think it's a good deal, I buy it. I don't get to go back and cry or beg for another slice if an hour later they drop it to $1 a slice. Nor am I entitled to an explanation.
  • ShawDou
    297 posts Member
    Chmilk2 wrote: »
    Yes just whining. If my favorite pizza spot had slices for $2 and I think it's a good deal, I buy it. I don't get to go back and cry or beg for another slice if an hour later they drop it to $1 a slice. Nor am I entitled to an explanation.

    So if you go in and person in front of you gets 8 slices for $5 and you get 5 slices for $5 and they explain it is because they live in different part of town they get more it will be ok?
  • Chmilk2
    69 posts Member
    I love false equivalencies.
  • Ravens1113
    5215 posts Member
    Chmilk2 wrote: »
    I love false equivalencies.

    It’s not a false equivalencies lol. It’s attempting to get you to see the comparison but if all you see is whining then this thread isn’t for you and you’re wasting your time. Adios!
  • Chmilk2
    69 posts Member
    I'm comfortable calling it for what it is, you seem to be the one that isn't getting it. People used crystals for double drops. They did that because they found value in what was being offered. Then another deal popped up and only a few got to take advantage of overlapping time tables. Few in this sense meaning not the 17 times zones that already lost out on the opportunity. Then all of a sudden they came here to complain that their purchase, that they made with the info given at the time, was devalued by what someone else may have gotten.
  • Ravens1113
    5215 posts Member
    Chmilk2 wrote: »
    I'm comfortable calling it for what it is, you seem to be the one that isn't getting it. People used crystals for double drops. They did that because they found value in what was being offered. Then another deal popped up and only a few got to take advantage of overlapping time tables. Few in this sense meaning not the 17 times zones that already lost out on the opportunity. Then all of a sudden they came here to complain that their purchase, that they made with the info given at the time, was devalued by what someone else may have gotten.

    ...because it was devalued lmao. Like it literally was devalued due to a deliberate lack of information.
  • ShawDou
    297 posts Member
    Chmilk2 wrote: »
    I love false equivalencies.

    Care to explain how is that false comparison? When i look on their post, it is straight lie to me to everyone in different time zone then they are in:

    For me post was made on May the 5th


    And is telling me that from May the 4th to May the 28th we will get hard node drop increases from 5 to 8.


    So they are pretty much saying that we just now increased your drops but it is active since yesterday. That sentence is just not true.
  • Nirven
    3 posts Member
    edited May 2020
    Chmilk2 wrote: »
    Then all of a sudden they came here to complain that their purchase, that they made with the info given at the time, was devalued by what someone else may have gotten.

    This is a competitive game, so, yes, for all people living in those 17 time zones that had only have 5 attempts with double drops, it got devalued. Some other people got 8 attempts, and there was nothing an Australian could do.

    Apparently everybody should reset the in-game refresh time to PDT to be sure they do not get screwed by something like this.

    Edit: Just to be clear, the few attempts I lost will not make a difference in the long run. But it feels bad, because it did devalue the double drops somewhat, and it was so unnecessary. Why not make the 8 attempts available at the same time as the double drops?
  • KM1
    145 posts Member
    Gifafi wrote: »
    hard node increase that everyone's been clamoring for actually given to us? and for almost a month?

    The shills are coming! The shills are coming! The outrage is not about the node cap increase but that it missed the double drops for many people (favouring just some). But you just keep ignoring that...CG doesn't like the truth
  • Ponnek
    41 posts Member
    CG_SBCrumb wrote:
    Hard Nodes Cap Increased
    In celebration of May the 4th, from 5/4 to 5/28 the Hard Node cap has been increased from 5 to 8!

    Well as a German player, the hard node increase started on 5/5 since their updates usually happen at ~00:15 for us.
    Does that mean our increased hard nodes will last until 5/29 too? o:):D
  • MasterSeedy
    5126 posts Member
    If a company had a deal on 5/4/20 where you get certain perks or whatever and people spend their money on it, only to be told “oh hey the last hour of the day, you can get even more for your money, but no refunds and if you already spent then you’re out of luck”, you’d be mad wouldn’t you?
    Or is that just whining

    Just whining.

    The part that isn't whining, the part that's a serious issue, is that people a couple thousand miles east of me didn't have any part of this happen on double drop day.

    Yes, it's a game. But it's also a competition. We compete in TW, in GAC, in the arenas... And giving an advantage to part of the player base but not the whole player base isn't fair.

    Now, I spent some on refreshes before the change to 8 attempts. If I had done all my refreshes later in the day, I could have gotten more out of things. But... I still had a chance, and I still was able to take advantage for some of my refreshes. I am able to see the unfairness in the difference.
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    From a business perspective CG going back to 5 attempts is not smart. 8 attempts means more energy, more energy means more energy refreshes and crystals which is more money for them. 8 attempts also keeps the player base a little happier or less annoyed depending how you look it it
  • Miketo28
    209 posts Member
    Perhaps a bit off topic, but for my hard node farms I only ever pay for one refresh on the node. That may be why during double drop events I only stay with that one refresh. To refresh more than that, the price doubles which effectively negates the double drops. Or am I missing something?
  • dogwelder79
    1505 posts Member
    They do double drops one day, extra attempts the next day (at least here). Logic is flawless: this way people will spend extra crystals 2 days instead of only 1. More crystals spent=more money.
    Well, sorry but that won't work with me.
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