This GAS counter really isn't a big deal



  • FofoBett
    137 posts Member
    I just hope they don't nerf GAS as I haven't even unlocked him yet. I like to play my way through the legendary toons and so far I have them all apart from GAS and the two biggies - GAS requires a lot of investment and if he is going to get nerfed - what's the point in me farming shards, gear and salvage for what will be an average legendary? I might as well ignore him and go for SLKR or Rey? But these will take me about 6 months to a year to get anyways...
  • Starslayer
    2422 posts Member
    Nauros wrote: »
    Scrybe wrote: »
    Zanir wrote: »
    I like how the dev post mentions squads that are "undersized or lower investment"

    I'm pretty sure they're taking about gear investment here, not cash investment.

    Look at the gear investment needed to complete GAS event. It's not low.

    Gear investment as in "if your guy is g8, it should not be more efficient as if he was g13", as it happened with Zombie and still happening with Acolyte is Sith raid p3. In this 2man situation, it works much better if your 501st not-GAS dies in the first blow. So if he's undergear and without mods, all the better. I think it's what they meant with "lower investment = bad". And imo, that's a fair policy, because you can't "ungear" a character.

  • jman1234
    93 posts Member
    I just hope that if they do make a change, their solution will allow GAS to continue to be a viable counter against SLKR. I hated it when CG nerfed EP after they released Malak by giving Malak the enemy Sith cannot gain bonus turn meter part to his kit just because EP started coming up again to dominate. I can understand why they would want to stop something like this, but tbh, I would just keep it like it is. You can easily stop it by changing your SLKR comp and if you don't mod GAS properly, it doesnt work as well. If they buff SLKR, he might become too broken (yes he is already broken, especially since he can solo HSTR which no team has ever done). If they nerf GAS, they'll just **** off the community.
  • Dagonsith
    206 posts Member
    Honestly the community is always **** off. Rarely about the right things. Sometimes inarticulate about what they should be clear on but ALWAYS **** OFF about something. I feel like it occasionally actually takes away from serious issues the player base should have and makes it less likely for us to have serious problems addressed. But that's neither here nor there.

    Players who don't have the shiny new toon will be angry that their hard counter to it won't work as easily.

    The whales and faction fans who had already worked the teams who do have it are actively **** off that their shiny new toon they were told would be one of the two pinnacles of the game.for the foreseeable future actually isn't.

    Now if I was the company I know which section if be most worried about keeping happy and I'm pretty sure most people are aware of which of the two needs to be satisfied. CG should rightly be highly concerned about whales who will no longer invest in the newest stuff because there's going to be a fairly widely available counters that work on a cheese basis. Hell I've personally previously posted about my own reluctance simply on the basis of the shoddy nature event prior to all of this.

    A whole lot of players were already **** off about the poorly made event and the token system working on RNG. And as one of them I think they were absolutely right to be.

    Honestly these were designed as long term unlocks with the highest gear investment in this game. And one of them is fairly easily countered? Why should any player put in the time and effort to get a toon they can likely already counter? What's the point of working towards this toon then? This is a much bigger problem than having an easier time in arena. It has game wide implications and hopefully it'll be addressed soon and with a plan that doesn't exasperate the problem.
  • Options
    @Jman1701 how can you say a character of broken and over powered when they get beat by a 7 month old meta? That makes absolutely no sense
  • jman1234
    93 posts Member
    @Jman1701 how can you say a character of broken and over powered when they get beat by a 7 month old meta? That makes absolutely no sense

    ummm, I did mention he can solo the HSTR right? Something no other meta team has ever been able to do? I would say that's pretty broken. He's also the fastest at completing the HAAT raid with just him and HY. He's also the most consistent counter to GL Rey and can solo a bunch of teams, so yes, I think he is already quite broken. If you are strictly looking at a PvP perspective, then yeah, he's not broken cuz GAS can easily beat him, but I would say he's broken/overpowered because of the way he just demolishes PvE content like no one else before.
  • jman1234
    93 posts Member
    ZAP wrote: »
    jman1234 wrote: »
    @Jman1701 how can you say a character of broken and over powered when they get beat by a 7 month old meta? That makes absolutely no sense

    ummm, I did mention he can solo the HSTR right? Something no other meta team has ever been able to do? I would say that's pretty broken. He's also the fastest at completing the HAAT raid with just him and HY. He's also the most consistent counter to GL Rey and can solo a bunch of teams, so yes, I think he is already quite broken. If you are strictly looking at a PvP perspective, then yeah, he's not broken cuz GAS can easily beat him, but I would say he's broken/overpowered because of the way he just demolishes PvE content like no one else before.

    Something soloing a 2 year old raid is broken?

    Well, he is the only one who can do it, so yeah.
  • ImaSmakya
    1068 posts Member
    ZAP wrote: »
    jman1234 wrote: »
    @Jman1701 how can you say a character of broken and over powered when they get beat by a 7 month old meta? That makes absolutely no sense

    ummm, I did mention he can solo the HSTR right? Something no other meta team has ever been able to do? I would say that's pretty broken. He's also the fastest at completing the HAAT raid with just him and HY. He's also the most consistent counter to GL Rey and can solo a bunch of teams, so yes, I think he is already quite broken. If you are strictly looking at a PvP perspective, then yeah, he's not broken cuz GAS can easily beat him, but I would say he's broken/overpowered because of the way he just demolishes PvE content like no one else before.

    Something soloing a 2 year old raid is broken?

    If it’s the hardest raid we have and no indication that a new one is in our immediate future, ya, kinda.
    DISCLAIMER: Post is subject to change.
  • Dagonsith
    206 posts Member
    I love how a conversation about how best to address a real legitimate problem with toons and how it was to be addressed was sent here from the main page to die. This isn't strategy. It's about how to fix a problem with the latest toon being walloped by undermanned team and how to balance the mechanics. Seems like it's an issue CG just wants to ignore and hopes we forget about it.
  • MasterSeedy
    5188 posts Member
    I love how a conversation about how best to address a real legitimate problem with toons and how it was to be addressed was sent here from the main page to die.

    Uh, you did notice that the title of this conversation is
    This GAS counter really isn't a big deal

    So, if you wanted a conversation focussed on CHANGE GAS NAO, I think you picked the wrong space. Just because you want something doesn't mean that's what everyone else wants and just because you think the point of the conversation is CHANGE GAS NAO doesn't mean that's actually the point.

  • Dagonsith
    206 posts Member

    You might want to read what I've actually posted in the thread as I never wanted to force a change on GAS. In fact I pointed out that any change to GAS would be problematic and against the wishes of the larger community. That the problem was something else entirely. But I'm assuming that reading comprehension may not be your thing given the way you jumped to conclusions based on something you seem to want to be rather than what is.
  • MasterSeedy
    5188 posts Member
    edited May 2020

    You're right. When reading one post that said, and I quote:
    a conversation about how best to address a real legitimate problem

    I assumed that you were one of the people who wanted to address that "problem" with changes to GAS, rather than searching out your posting history on the topic, because, as it turns out, I've read the thread for information and to see what people were thinking, but I had not, in fact, memorized each poster's name and the positions that they've taken.

    So you think it's a "real and legitimate problem" but you don't think changing GAS is the answer.

    Okay. But this thread was created to say that this is NOT a real, legitimate problem. So regardless of what you think the actual solution is, you might not want to express your shock and astonishment that this thread about ... not doing anything because we don't take this as a serious problem ends up not being about doing anything.

    You're saying
    It's about how to fix a problem with the latest toon being walloped by undermanned team and how to balance the mechanics.

    But it's not about that. It never was. From the start this thread has been about how "the latest toon being walloped by [an] undermanned team" is no problem at all.

    This isn't a surprise here. I didn't memorize your position on which changes need to be made to which toons, but you didn't memorize the title of the thread. This is not the thread to be surprised that nothing is being done. A thread advocating doing nothing is exactly the place where you should expect to find nothing being done.

    So... maybe start a different thread saying, OMG THIS IS A HUGE PROBLEM and see what they do with that one?
  • Dagonsith
    206 posts Member

    This isn't a terribly long thread and y there's no need to memorize anything just have short term memory of a paragraph or two previous.

    The problem is that when a company makes something that's supposed to be the pinnacle of the game it should not be beaten by an undermanned team.

    Not only will it deter spenders it shows little interest in actual testing of the game before releasing new toons.

    This is a real legitimate problem and if you don't see it as such it's not because it isn't. This has huge implications for the future of the game.

    That we have a counter in GAS is good but not with a two man team. It throws the whole idea of investment in toon out the window. It's incredibly short sighted and simplistic to ignore the problem because we benifit from having a counter.

    Just because the title of the thread says it's no problem doesn't mean it isn't one. It gets tiring to see the same short-term thinking repeatedly used to justify stupidity in these forums. But it never ends. People jump to conclusions and when it's pointed out they just double down.
  • Options
    Majority of the player base has GAS at r7? Dunno what world you're in, but in my universe that is far from the truth!

    Granted, I'm not sure how many people play the game. Google Play estimates >10 million downloads. If we assume that even 1 on 10 of those players are relatively active, then 40,000 General Skywalkers is not a majority:
    (It's a minority of 4%ish).

    While I don't disagree with your point, that's not how the math works. only aggregates the numbers from the accounts registered with them. To determine how many accounts that is, you look at the number of Jedi Consulars they've aggregated (since that's a starting character everyone gets). There are 358,053, which is therefore the account count on .gg. There are 39,752 GAS on .gg, which 11%. 26,367 of those are r7, meaning about 7.3% of accounts on .gg have an r7 GAS.
    AlexanderG wrote: »
    What's your definition of "serious player?"

    Players with GAS. Duh....

  • AlexanderG
    1930 posts Member
    Majority of the player base has GAS at r7? Dunno what world you're in, but in my universe that is far from the truth!

    Granted, I'm not sure how many people play the game. Google Play estimates >10 million downloads. If we assume that even 1 on 10 of those players are relatively active, then 40,000 General Skywalkers is not a majority:
    (It's a minority of 4%ish).

    While I don't disagree with your point, that's not how the math works. only aggregates the numbers from the accounts registered with them. To determine how many accounts that is, you look at the number of Jedi Consulars they've aggregated (since that's a starting character everyone gets). There are 358,053, which is therefore the account count on .gg. There are 39,752 GAS on .gg, which 11%. 26,367 of those are r7, meaning about 7.3% of accounts on .gg have an r7 GAS.
    AlexanderG wrote: »
    What's your definition of "serious player?"

    Players with GAS. Duh....

    OK, so that's the benchmark of serious player then. Thanks for clearing that up.
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