Ahnalds account [MERGE]


  • thehi13
    23 posts Member
    The only thing that I would like to add this discussion (and I haven't read all of the posts) is that all of this anger is about a lot more than just the Ahnaldt ban. A lot of this thread has been about arguing about the specifics of TOS and when bans should be emforced. We wouldn't be this upset if it were just about selective TOS usage in isolation, or how a studio deals with content creators, its the general apathy toward the community in general. I feel like their response to the COVID-19 pandemic is very emblematic. They have put very little work into making this game more enjoyable. Epic Games has been offering a free game each week, including fantastic games like GTA 5, Civilization, Borderlands, etc., for free. Every developer and their mother is offering some kind of sale on games. MSF has been giving out tons of freebies in addition to generating massive new content, and has even gone as far as allowing energy to be collected over 3hrs instead of 2hrs for a couple months. All of EA has had great Stay and Play content, but CG has just increased some of the challenge tiers, a few double drop days, and added assault battles, while also shoving new packs down our throat. It's like they are trying to milk everyone for as much as they can get without giving two craps about the community. This is on top of the past year and a half of dead content and general disrespect. This is about much more than just TOS, this about disrespect from a community that has been described by the CEO of EA on a quarterly earnings call as "a very passionate community." And what do we get in return?
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    TVF wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Person breaks the Terms of Service
    Person gets banned for it

    What is there to say?

    Just because the person in this scenario is a celebrity it doesn’t warrant any special response


    When a 150k people dedicate their day to you, I think you’re a celebrity.

    A celebrity is someone my wife would recognize. If I showed her a picture of Ahnaldt, she would ask "Who is this nerd?".

    Must be nice for your wife to have so many celebrities in her life.

    What can I say? She likes her TV.....
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    Content creators and guild leaders are doing their best to keep this game alive. Are you?
    CG, maybe what Anhaldt did was against your terms of contrat.
    But 1) leaving the entire community with broken promesses of new raids and character reworks; 2) giving us no info; 3) applying abusive high price policy while shutting off people who inform us if the game is worth any investment;
    all of that is completly unethical !
    Since your call on Anhaldt, my guild lost 2 members and 4 others are asking for more time to decide if they will stay or quit.
    My wife, our 3 kids and I all use accounts base on the same apple id family (from wich you are more then happy to take our money) and we now fear to be ban.
    So, is there anything you can say and do to make thing right because fear is no fun.
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    Post bump CG need to speak out
  • Monel
    2788 posts Member
    Kyno wrote: »
    I'm just trying to understand how a mild request to be constructive in the conversation to some end goal can be wrong or misguided.

    See my post mate...we've been trying.

    How long do we have to keep trying?

    Forever! It's the only way change will ever happen. But not just here, send emails, use social media, write a letter. Never stop until you feel you have been heard. But be civil or nobody will listen.
  • TVF
    36710 posts Member
    Post bump

    Did you look at the number of pages yet?
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    Have CG come down hard on cheaters?
    Have they distanced themselves from previous deals with cheaters?
    Have they banned all the known account sharing services (bots) and their users?
    Have CG responded at all?
    Is there any non-pack content?

    No? Ok, not spending then.
  • Ravens1113
    5215 posts Member
    What’s funny is people defending CG aren’t getting the big problem. It’s not that Ahnald had his account banned. It’s that he had is account banned for sharing when he was trying to give them more money. When they were negotiating with cheaters who blatantly effected the outcome of the game and ruined the experience for other players. That they let cheaters and hackers choose what characters they lose and when they serve their punishment.
    That’s the uproar. Even Ahnald said he wouldn’t be upset or care nearly as much if this was consistent and CG didn’t play arbitrary favorites with their punishments.

    If you defend that behavior by CG then there’s not much else to say. Zero tolerance does not mean pick and choose which krakens and whales to cater to while slamming those you have a personal vendetta with.
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    LukeDukem8 wrote: »
    I find it annoying that it came down to Ahnald being "attacked" for breaking the TOS to bring the community to this very point. Never mind the numerous issues over the last year. Personally, I think if the youtube "content creators" cared about us, they'd have been starting this a long time ago, without one of theirs being "attacked".
    I'm more irritated about the cheating that a youtuber getting their feelings hurt. But I also think that if this thread can go somewhere and make CG think about business practices and communication, might as well jump on the band wagon as the ship sinks.

    I couldn't have said it better myself. But hey, if ahnalds borrowed account getting banned turns the CG ship around (more content, cheat governance, proper communication, game value, etc..) good for all of us.

    If the only thing that happens is the account gets reinstatated or he gets his money back, then what was all of this for? I could care less about 1 individual who broke the rules and got caught.

    Not much.
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    BeralCator wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Reagan wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Reagan wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Person breaks the Terms of Service
    Person gets banned for it

    What is there to say?

    Just because the person in this scenario is a celebrity it doesn’t warrant any special response

    They don't ban others for the same circumstance. They give proven cheaters lesser punishments.
    I've spent thousands like many others on this game and I'm done unless they fire CG or at least replace everyone in charge.


    Who haven’t they banned for the same circumstances? Have you reported a known account transfer owner in game?

    You know how many people use mod services and other sharing bots!? Just look at any top guild. Go on Discord. I will not rat anyone out for that. I didn't think they should have banned Ahnald I'm not going to put some one else in Jeopardy for the punishment he received.

    Trust me I DON'T work for CG. I want Disney or EA to FIRE CAPITAL GAMES



    if you don’t rat out on them by reporting their ally codes - CG won’t take action against them

    So you are basically complaining to CG for protecting your friends

    Rat them out if you want them gone

    I provided ally codes a year ago and CG has done absolutely nothing. All I got were some formulaic responses from Leviathan that were so grammatically deficient that I actually thought he(?) was a bot. Apparently they are still "collecting data"; I think that's code for waiting for the person to stop spending before the ban them.

    I actually don't have a moral issue with account transfers - I don't see why people shouldn't able able to recoup some of the sunk costs and be compensated for their time investment. However, one of the purchasers in our arena chat was so obnoxious and awful that we had to kick him. How's that for selective TOS enforcement?

    I mean... merely sending ally codes isn't proof of an account transfer.
  • Options
    BeralCator wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Reagan wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Reagan wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Person breaks the Terms of Service
    Person gets banned for it

    What is there to say?

    Just because the person in this scenario is a celebrity it doesn’t warrant any special response

    They don't ban others for the same circumstance. They give proven cheaters lesser punishments.
    I've spent thousands like many others on this game and I'm done unless they fire CG or at least replace everyone in charge.


    Who haven’t they banned for the same circumstances? Have you reported a known account transfer owner in game?

    You know how many people use mod services and other sharing bots!? Just look at any top guild. Go on Discord. I will not rat anyone out for that. I didn't think they should have banned Ahnald I'm not going to put some one else in Jeopardy for the punishment he received.

    Trust me I DON'T work for CG. I want Disney or EA to FIRE CAPITAL GAMES



    if you don’t rat out on them by reporting their ally codes - CG won’t take action against them

    So you are basically complaining to CG for protecting your friends

    Rat them out if you want them gone

    I provided ally codes a year ago and CG has done absolutely nothing. All I got were some formulaic responses from Leviathan that were so grammatically deficient that I actually thought he(?) was a bot. Apparently they are still "collecting data"; I think that's code for waiting for the person to stop spending before the ban them.

    I actually don't have a moral issue with account transfers - I don't see why people shouldn't able able to recoup some of the sunk costs and be compensated for their time investment. However, one of the purchasers in our arena chat was so obnoxious and awful that we had to kick him. How's that for selective TOS enforcement?

    I mean... merely sending ally codes isn't proof of an account transfer.

    I obviously offered up substantially more evidence than that, but I can't share it in a public forum. Give me a little credit here.
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    TVF wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Being uncivil will not create action on CG's end, it just makes more work for unpaid mods like Kyno.

    Let's pretend for a moment, I care about Kyno and the work he does for free....

    Nope, can't do it.

    I respect what he does, mind you. It takes a certain type of person to moderate the interwebs. But that doesn't mean I have change my tone to suit his boohoo feelings. He's a big boy, and he handles himself just fine.

    Who said anything about his feelings?

    I pretty sure if he "feels" like he has more work because people are not being civil just about covers it.

    Anything else?

    Chained since '16
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    Monel wrote: »
    Forever! It's the only way change will ever happen. But not just here, send emails, use social media, write a letter. Never stop until you feel you have been heard. But be civil or nobody will listen.

    Yeah, I appreciate that, it's a sensible and moral way of conducting yourself, good on you.

    This might sound weird - but I'm not all that fussed. I quit the game about 8 weeks ago- I play another mobile game now and I really enjoy it. Feel much better for it. I got tired of SWGOH. There's nothing to do in it, and without paying you can't compete. And seeing that the absolute pinnacle of their development and our spending was some ropey Harry Potter- ripoff- rock paper scissors affair I knew it was time to get out. But in a weird way I still care about the game because for a couple of years it made me very happy. I love my Guild and I enjoy the entertainment and camaraderie of the community. So I pop in every few weeks - log in and smash out a raid, say hi to my peeps, still watch the odd video (actually never Ahnald's, I find him grating and annoying)...

    It was, and can be, a great game. And it is, and always has been, a great community. The two need to come together and be happy. And CG/EA can make dollar. Everyone is good.

  • Legend91
    2441 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    Being uncivil will not create action on CG's end, it just makes more work for unpaid mods like Kyno.

    Let's pretend for a moment, I care about Kyno and the work he does for free....

    Nope, can't do it.

    I respect what he does, mind you. It takes a certain type of person to moderate the interwebs. But that doesn't mean I have change my tone to suit his boohoo feelings. He's a big boy, and he handles himself just fine.

    Not to forget that he could walk away at any time if he feels like it's too much.
    Imagine being an unpaid forum moderator for a game developer who treats his community like **** and only cares about milking the last penny out of their game that they seemingly don't care about anymore aswell. I don't see how that is a desirable thing to do.
    Legend#6873 | YouTube | swgoh.gg
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    The fact people are posting here (56 pages and counting) means you’re still here, still playing. Get your anger out and then go spend your money on their digitoons. They only care about one of those things, but if allowing one facilitates the second, then by all means, CG will let you gripe for another 56 pages.

    Just don’t forget to spend money when you’re done... ;)
    I am the jedi dog battle droid C-3PO could not kill.
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    This topic is the most popular topic on this forum of all time
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    EA needs to make a decision whether to leave the game in the hands of CG or not

    If they decided to keep CG games as a producer, they have to improve the practices of community interaction, launch a good content, hunt the cheaters and not negotiate with them. and so on.

    And give a quick answer, or else in a little while the main krakens will be organizing themselves in the discord and this will draw the attention of the financial people and then things will go.
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    This pretty much sums it up right here. You really want feedback? Do you? Well here it is!!!!!

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    I think people should listen to RSG's video they did on Wednesday nights stream SWGOH Live Stream Episode 208. There is a lot of things we don't know about this situation with Ahnlad and all we have been hearing it from one point of view. Some good points were made about this whole situation and helps you see things in perspective. Been listening to RSG for years and they are the longest running live stream in SWGOH, so you can always get a pulse for what is going on and hear topics debated when you hear them. I encourage everyone to listen to what they all said and hopefully this whole situation doesn't develop into the downfall of a game we all play and love.

    It would be really sad that this whole thing that happened to Ahnald basically destroys this game. That is not fair to the majority of players who play that love playing it and working on their rosters that they have spent YEARS with. For their work to get discarded by the actions of some people with a load speaker phone talking about a issue that we don't even have all the facts with, really is dangerous and need to stop for the sake of the community. I learned a hard lesson a long time ago. Some people just want to make others miserable and will go to great lengths to do that. They just want to ruin your lives. These people are the worst kind of people in mankind. I've had people try and get me fired for small offenses on a issue that wasn't even their own....they just saw it happen and they decided to take the issue upon themselves when the owner didn't even feel it was a big deal. In the end, the police got called by this person, they came to me at my workplace and I gave them the whole truth of the matter and nothing was done to me because the facts from both sides got heard. What was my offense? I drove over a small corner of another persons lawn and didn't even damage it. The owner of that lawn didn't think it was a big deal. Bu this lady who saw it happen just wanted to ruin my day wanted me fired for this and called the police on me. Needless to say I learned this lesson and i hate seeing similar situations happen. You don't mess with peoples livelihoods unless you have all the facts and it points to a solid reason to do so. So please don't be like those people want to just ruin it for everyone else based off just seeing some evidence and blowing it out of proportion.
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    CG are you actively trying to kill your game? Seriously, with all of your decisions over the last few years it seems like you want people to revolt against the game so you can move onto another project. Your actions have been despicable and this is the final straw as we’ve all dealt with your awful decisions, but after actively pursuing one of the people who keep the game alive shows you have no respect for this community and don’t deserve the support that we’ve all given over years.
  • nmilitello
    33 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    Still nothing from CG? Have you guys looked at how many 1 star reviews this game has gotten in the last few days? 99% of companies would have responded by now but I think the truth is they don't care about this game anymore, so why should we care about them? Review bomb, let them know how we feel, but lets face it I think this game is coming to an end. They can't be bothered to improve the game or talk to us so our only hope is having a new studio take over. This is our game, lets take it back.
  • neogeohunter
    112 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    I put quite a lot of money into this game daily. Since they banned Ahnaldts account, I spent not a single cent! The whole situation and the way they threat their community and player base is not acceptable anymore! Do your job CG or you will vanish in the world of developers!
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    TVF wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Being uncivil will not create action on CG's end, it just makes more work for unpaid mods like Kyno.

    Let's pretend for a moment, I care about Kyno and the work he does for free....

    Nope, can't do it.

    I respect what he does, mind you. It takes a certain type of person to moderate the interwebs. But that doesn't mean I have change my tone to suit his boohoo feelings. He's a big boy, and he handles himself just fine.

    Who said anything about his feelings?

    I pretty sure if he "feels" like he has more work because people are not being civil just about covers it.

    Anything else?

    Yes, having more work to do is not a feeling
    I reject your reality and substitute my own.
  • TVF
    36710 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Being uncivil will not create action on CG's end, it just makes more work for unpaid mods like Kyno.

    Let's pretend for a moment, I care about Kyno and the work he does for free....

    Nope, can't do it.

    I respect what he does, mind you. It takes a certain type of person to moderate the interwebs. But that doesn't mean I have change my tone to suit his boohoo feelings. He's a big boy, and he handles himself just fine.

    Who said anything about his feelings?

    I pretty sure if he "feels" like he has more work because people are not being civil just about covers it.

    Anything else?

    Yes, having more work to do is not a feeling

    I've seen some impressive stretches before but yeah, that was 2x impressive.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • Options
    TVF wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Being uncivil will not create action on CG's end, it just makes more work for unpaid mods like Kyno.

    Let's pretend for a moment, I care about Kyno and the work he does for free....

    Nope, can't do it.

    I respect what he does, mind you. It takes a certain type of person to moderate the interwebs. But that doesn't mean I have change my tone to suit his boohoo feelings. He's a big boy, and he handles himself just fine.

    Who said anything about his feelings?

    I pretty sure if he "feels" like he has more work because people are not being civil just about covers it.

    Anything else?

    Yes, having more work to do is not a feeling

    I've seen some impressive stretches before but yeah, that was 2x impressive.

    Glad to be of service.

    Doesn't negate the fact he's doing what he's supposed to. The customer never cares about how much more work it takes to do/make something, they just want the product.
    Chained since '16
  • Devampedshadow
    2 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    obikenobi1 wrote: »
    I think people should listen to RSG's video they did on Wednesday nights stream SWGOH Live Stream Episode 208. There is a lot of things we don't know about this situation with Ahnlad and all we have been hearing it from one point of view. Some good points were made about this whole situation and helps you see things in perspective. Been listening to RSG for years and they are the longest running live stream in SWGOH, so you can always get a pulse for what is going on and hear topics debated when you hear them. I encourage everyone to listen to what they all said and hopefully this whole situation doesn't develop into the downfall of a game we all play and love.

    It would be really sad that this whole thing that happened to Ahnald basically destroys this game. That is not fair to the majority of players who play that love playing it and working on their rosters that they have spent YEARS with. For their work to get discarded by the actions of some people with a load speaker phone talking about a issue that we don't even have all the facts with, really is dangerous and need to stop for the sake of the community. I learned a hard lesson a long time ago. Some people just want to make others miserable and will go to great lengths to do that. They just want to ruin your lives. These people are the worst kind of people in mankind. I've had people try and get me fired for small offenses on a issue that wasn't even their own....they just saw it happen and they decided to take the issue upon themselves when the owner didn't even feel it was a big deal. In the end, the police got called by this person, they came to me at my workplace and I gave them the whole truth of the matter and nothing was done to me because the facts from both sides got heard. What was my offense? I drove over a small corner of another persons lawn and didn't even damage it. The owner of that lawn didn't think it was a big deal. Bu this lady who saw it happen just wanted to ruin my day wanted me fired for this and called the police on me. Needless to say I learned this lesson and i hate seeing similar situations happen. You don't mess with peoples livelihoods unless you have all the facts and it points to a solid reason to do so. So please don't be like those people want to just ruin it for everyone else based off just seeing some evidence and blowing it out of proportion.

    I can understand the sentiment you are going with here. I don't think that people at CG need to lose their livelihood. I don't think anybody needs to be fired and to be clear neither does Ahnald based on his videos/tweets. There are people who take things too far just like what happens in every situation. Take something they hear, out of context, and run with it. This is taking the spirit of Ahnalds decision and videos and twisting it towards the negative in my opinion.

    From my perspective as someone who quit and came back because of Ahnalds videos I think what he does for the community is great. A lot of people play the game because of him. And I share Ahnalds sentiment that he has about this. He isn't asking for the account to be unbanned. He recognizes entirely that he violated the ToS. What he is asking for is fair treatment across the board. Yes we are only hearing Ahnalds side, but isn't that on CG for not speaking up about this? And lets be real even if Ahnald, the other content creators, and the groups that work with them quit the game, the game won't likely end. There are people who would still like it and play it. There would still be whales and krakens aplenty. That's not the point though. People want to take action because they feel the need to be heard by a company that comes across as picking and choosing when to follow their own rules/decree's/statements. It makes it hard to trust a company like this.

    Personally, my gripe with all of this is that we need a couple of things to happen for the community to calm down. None of which are really too challenging.

    1: I do think we need content creators to have test accounts. Being able to show us the validity of certain characters in certain situations. If CG want's they could add some rules to the access of those accounts that the content creators would need to follow and than leave it up to the creators whether they wanted to have access to them or not.

    2: They need to show consistency when it comes to things that violate the terms of service. People using the modding services violate the ToS. They don't get banned. They need to create a level of consistency so people know what they can and can't do. The way they banned Ahnald with having limited communication on the topic while negotiating with cheaters in the many manners we've been shown in the past by Ahnald, the Krakens, and more just leaves little room to doubt that this was personal towards Ahnald.

    3: CG needs more consistent communication. I think a weekly update would serve the community well. Even if it was an update indicating that nothing major is changing. It's something. I am a firm believer in communication, and its better to communicate than not. Even if its a manner of communicating that they are having issues with some of the coding and its being a pain. I know people are **** about the Road Ahead and I don't blame them. It feels like a lot of the communication they are coming out with just seems to be a last minute consideration rather than something well thought out.

    If they can do these three things the community would likely settle down and relax. A majority of us believe that more content is coming, regardless of how disheartening this last year has been with the lackluster quality of what we have received. However new content wouldn't solve the current problems we are experiencing that Ahnalds video set off.

    Just my thought on the topic.

  • Options
    obikenobi1 wrote: »
    I think people should listen to RSG's video they did on Wednesday nights stream SWGOH Live Stream Episode 208. There is a lot of things we don't know about this situation with Ahnlad and all we have been hearing it from one point of view. Some good points were made about this whole situation and helps you see things in perspective. Been listening to RSG for years and they are the longest running live stream in SWGOH, so you can always get a pulse for what is going on and hear topics debated when you hear them. I encourage everyone to listen to what they all said and hopefully this whole situation doesn't develop into the downfall of a game we all play and love.

    It would be really sad that this whole thing that happened to Ahnald basically destroys this game. That is not fair to the majority of players who play that love playing it and working on their rosters that they have spent YEARS with. For their work to get discarded by the actions of some people with a load speaker phone talking about a issue that we don't even have all the facts with, really is dangerous and need to stop for the sake of the community. I learned a hard lesson a long time ago. Some people just want to make others miserable and will go to great lengths to do that. They just want to ruin your lives. These people are the worst kind of people in mankind. I've had people try and get me fired for small offenses on a issue that wasn't even their own....they just saw it happen and they decided to take the issue upon themselves when the owner didn't even feel it was a big deal. In the end, the police got called by this person, they came to me at my workplace and I gave them the whole truth of the matter and nothing was done to me because the facts from both sides got heard. What was my offense? I drove over a small corner of another persons lawn and didn't even damage it. The owner of that lawn didn't think it was a big deal. Bu this lady who saw it happen just wanted to ruin my day wanted me fired for this and called the police on me. Needless to say I learned this lesson and i hate seeing similar situations happen. You don't mess with peoples livelihoods unless you have all the facts and it points to a solid reason to do so. So please don't be like those people want to just ruin it for everyone else based off just seeing some evidence and blowing it out of proportion.

    I can understand the sentiment you are going with here. I don't think that people at CG need to lose their livelihood. I don't think anybody needs to be fired and to be clear neither does Ahnald based on his videos/tweets. There are people who take things too far just like what happens in every situation. Take something they hear, out of context, and run with it. This is taking the spirit of Ahnalds decision and videos and twisting it towards the negative in my opinion.

    From my perspective as someone who quit and came back because of Ahnalds videos I think what he does for the community is great. A lot of people play the game because of him. And I share Ahnalds sentiment that he has about this. He isn't asking for the account to be unbanned. He recognizes entirely that he violated the ToS. What he is asking for is fair treatment across the board. Yes we are only hearing Ahnalds side, but isn't that on CG for not speaking up about this? And lets be real even if Ahnald, the other content creators, and the groups that work with them quit the game, the game won't likely end. There are people who would still like it and play it. There would still be whales and krakens aplenty. That's not the point though. People want to take action because they feel the need to be heard by a company that comes across as picking and choosing when to follow their own rules/decree's/statements. It makes it hard to trust a company like this.

    Personally, my gripe with all of this is that we need a couple of things to happen for the community to calm down. None of which are really too challenging.

    1: I do think we need content creators to have test accounts. Being able to show us the validity of certain characters in certain situations. If CG want's they could add some rules to the access of those accounts that the content creators would need to follow and than leave it up to the creators whether they wanted to have access to them or not.

    2: They need to show consistency when it comes to things that violate the terms of service. People using the modding services violate the ToS. They don't get banned. They need to create a level of consistency so people know what they can and can't do. The way they banned Ahnald with having limited communication on the topic while negotiating with cheaters in the many manners we've been shown in the past by Ahnald, the Krakens, and more just leaves little room to doubt that this was personal towards Ahnald.

    3: CG needs more consistent communication. I think a weekly update would serve the community well. Even if it was an update indicating that nothing major is changing. It's something. I am a firm believer in communication, and its better to communicate than not. Even if its a manner of communicating that they are having issues with some of the coding and its being a pain. I know people are **** about the Road Ahead and I don't blame them. It feels like a lot of the communication they are coming out with just seems to be a last minute consideration rather than something well thought out.

    If they can do these three things the community would likely settle down and relax. A majority of us believe that more content is coming, regardless of how disheartening this last year has been with the lackluster quality of what we have received. However new content wouldn't solve the current problems we are experiencing that Ahnalds video set off.

    Just my thought on the topic.

    I'm really not sure this is the place for such sensible and reasonable posts like this mate!
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