Ahnalds account [MERGE]


  • Legend91
    2441 posts Member
    should we place bets on which will be adressed first? the Ahnald subject or the RA?
    Legend#6873 | YouTube | swgoh.gg
  • Azza
    245 posts Member
    Wow 52 pages.

    I suspect most of you are new cause you are demanding answers from CG. CG never answer. Point.

    You feel they threat you with contempt, you know what to do. But you can be sure, they feel we are too much of addicts to quit anyway. Therefore, they don't need to humor us with an answer.

    Same as for the thread on the road ahead. We are all drowning in content (after all that is what they promised in one of the Q&A). CG knows better than you do what you want and what you want is to look at your collection for 130 minutes per day. You just didn't realize it...

    In other words, if you are here saying this is the last straw or outrage by the situation, it's probably because it is not and they can safely ignore you. After all, the cheating screenshot was nothing new.

    BTW, non SWGOH youtubers talking of this was great publicity for the game. They are probably happy about it.
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    Legend91 wrote: »
    should we place bets on which will be adressed first? the Ahnald subject or the RA?

    Both at the same time?
    I have a bad feeling about this.
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    Sirvader wrote: »
    It is truly amazing how a Company can have one of the most powerful franchises in history, Star Wars, and create such strong lines of division and utter contempt with their handling of it.

    Time to Step Up and make things right CG, fully admit your errors, take proper steps to reconcile and either modify or stand 100% by your TOS. No more grey areas, no special treatment - especially to cheaters! You got caught playing in the middle now you need to go all in or get out!

    The clock is ticking!

    This is just proof that the IP of SW will hold its own, no matter who runs it. The fan base is too powerful.
  • Ggdjqjchsabjdj
    780 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    Reebont wrote: »
    I've only just joined the forum to post something in another area specifically. But I'm going to give my opinion on this (not that I expect anyone to care...it's not that important!).

    I tried to watch the video about this guy being banned, but could only get about half way through. I don't watch 'content creators', 'social media influencers', or whatever ridiculous term they refer to themselves as next. I don't watch them becuase they seem to lack the ability to talk at a normal volume level mainly. I know it sounds petty, but that's just something that really irritates me about, I'll call them their proper name, YouTubers.

    What I did pick up from what I watched though was:

    1) The account was banned for breaking the ToS. Simple. Why should this guy get any preferntially treatment when it comes to the rules.
    2) All his talk of being treated unfairly compared to others that may have done the same doesn't matter. He broke the rules so he got banned (partially may I add as he still has his own account). What is it with this 'waaah, you're not being fair to me' generation. Especially in a game!
    3) He's not doing this for the community at all. He's doing it for his pocket. Simple. Hey dude, YouTube are not paying YouTubers anymore. Still gonna create videos? *tumbleweed*
    Used this image before and I will use it again:
    Besides this, you clearly have not understood well enough. Yes he got banned, personally I don’t really care.
    What I do (and lots of other people) care about is how they are willing to negotiate with cheaters. Do you like cheaters? No? Not surprised. That is the point here. I do not care if he got banned, he violated ToS and that’s that. Maybe the punishment was a bit harsh, but whatever. If all you took out of this is some guy got banned and everyone is mad he got banned (no other reasons) then you have not read well enough.
    Edit: you did not seem to say whether you read the posts or not. So sorry for that, but you should’ve before you posted.
    I have a bad feeling about this.
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    Been playing the game for 4 years. This company has gone downhill for two at least. I think they're trying to get him and all the other YouTube content creators to stop. They want the game to die. Everything they've done since relics it's just a cash grab. There's never been a plan for content.

    Anyway my comments don't matter I'm just adding to this thread in the hopes that it will blow up and people outside our bubble will pay attention.
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    Used this image before and I will use it again:
    Besides this, you clearly have not understood well enough. Yes he got banned, personally I don’t really care.
    What I do (and lots of other people) care about is how they are willing to negotiate with cheaters. Do you like cheaters? No? Not surprised. That is the point here. I do not care if he got banned, he violated ToS and that’s that. Maybe the punishment was a bit harsh, but whatever. If all you took out of this is some guy got banned and everyone is mad he got banned (no other reasons) then you have not read well enough.
    Edit: you did not seem to say whether you read the posts or not. So sorry for that, but you should’ve before you posted.

    No, I didn't read the entire 52 pages at the time. Apologies. I understood the OP very well though, thank you. So your attempt to imply a level of stupidity upon me via your picture was...poor. Staying on topic is something many posters on here seem to have an issue with (as frequently pointed out by Kyno.)

    OP for your reference.

    (Boo to your banning of Ahnald he was the only person creating content for game since your own developers can't seem to create any content.)

    All this thread is filled with is peoples opinions, neither right nor wrong. The same applies to my opinion. On that note, I took out of the thread what was originally posted. A guy broke the ToS and CG decided to ban the account. Simple. I chose to ignore the opinions of the whys and the extraneous information regarding other players/cheaters/percieved hatred of the guy/communication from CG/ etc. etc.

    That is a bit hypocritical of me though as I did decide to throw in my opinon on YouTubers specifically!


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    Reebont wrote: »
    Used this image before and I will use it again:
    Besides this, you clearly have not understood well enough. Yes he got banned, personally I don’t really care.
    What I do (and lots of other people) care about is how they are willing to negotiate with cheaters. Do you like cheaters? No? Not surprised. That is the point here. I do not care if he got banned, he violated ToS and that’s that. Maybe the punishment was a bit harsh, but whatever. If all you took out of this is some guy got banned and everyone is mad he got banned (no other reasons) then you have not read well enough.
    Edit: you did not seem to say whether you read the posts or not. So sorry for that, but you should’ve before you posted.

    No, I didn't read the entire 52 pages at the time. Apologies. I understood the OP very well though, thank you. So your attempt to imply a level of stupidity upon me via your picture was...poor. Staying on topic is something many posters on here seem to have an issue with (as frequently pointed out by Kyno.)

    OP for your reference.

    (Boo to your banning of Ahnald he was the only person creating content for game since your own developers can't seem to create any content.)

    All this thread is filled with is peoples opinions, neither right nor wrong. The same applies to my opinion. On that note, I took out of the thread what was originally posted. A guy broke the ToS and CG decided to ban the account. Simple. I chose to ignore the opinions of the whys and the extraneous information regarding other players/cheaters/percieved hatred of the guy/communication from CG/ etc. etc.

    That is a bit hypocritical of me though as I did decide to throw in my opinon on YouTubers specifically!

    The image was not to imply you’re stupid. It was not to show anything other than you are old(I think) so your thoughts on YouTubers will be different from others. But if you are to post on a thread, it would make best sense for you to read most of the 52 pages. Gives you a better understanding of what everyone is thinking. Was not trying to offend you in any way. Sorry if I did.

    I have a bad feeling about this.
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    My thoughts on this situation and the video posted yesterday from Arnald about not spending. I don't think it is right to ban his account without at least talking to him first when he was asking questions about what was going on. I do question the release of his copy of the conversation with the cheater and CG and his comment in the above video about wanting to look out for the best interest of the community. If you really wanted to help combat cheating why only share this now. This is something that should of been shared once you had it, as well as any other proof you may have. Now it just seems like you are using it because you are upset as you should be.

    Next point is, I have never played a game be it mobile, console, desktop that enjoys any type of account sharing because of the added issues it brings to the game. Those can range from stolen accounts, buying and selling accounts, or any other services that people may provide that they profit off of. Most developers do not want to see accounts being sold or items/services sold. That is because it cuts into the bottom line for them. I think with the newer higher ups we may see more of a crack down on mod services and selling accounts then we had before.
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    No road ahead, GL bait and switch, cancelled raid, terrible communication, bugs galore, but plenty of time to ban Arnold and negotiate with cheaters.
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    Bump. CG fail.
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    Reebont wrote: »
    1) The account was banned for breaking the ToS. Simple. Why should this guy get any preferntially treatment when it comes to the rules.

    Nobody is saying, inferring, or implying that Ahnald should be receiving preferential treatment. He even recognizes this point in his video. He wants fairness across the board, that's it. If they would have treated him exactly the way that confirmed cheater case was handled, this wouldn't even be in the same ballpark of chaos as it is now.
    Reebont wrote: »
    2) All his talk of being treated unfairly compared to others that may have done the same doesn't matter. He broke the rules so he got banned (partially may I add as he still has his own account). What is it with this 'waaah, you're not being fair to me' generation. Especially in a game!

    Yes, it absolutely matters. CG has now set the precedent that there are 2 different sets of rules, of which confirmed cheaters will receive a more lenient punishment. What's to say that they won't ban you for an offense but didn't for someone else? Consistency. Fairness. Transparency. That's what this is about.
    Reebont wrote: »
    3) He's not doing this for the community at all. He's doing it for his pocket. Simple. Hey dude, YouTube are not paying YouTubers anymore. Still gonna create videos? *tumbleweed*

    Um, yes he is absolutely doing this for the community. You must not have made it far enough in his video to see that is what he said. You obviously don't know him to make an accusation like that. Thanks for your opinion, though. It's not true, but thanks for your opinion.
  • DuneSeaFarmer
    3525 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    Event: Over 100k views on this thread.

    CG: "crickets"

    Guess you weren't around for the Galatic War thread about difficulty. It went on for months. All they ever said was "Hey guys, it's supposed to be hard..". It was eventually removed like this will be. Oh they will say it was moved to be reviewed and discussed. Yeah.. circular file. You know, trash can. Nothing new.

    This will be tell the tale of what effect all this posting has..#14 on Google Play lets see if they drop to a higher number.

    Post edited by DuneSeaFarmer on
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    This appears to be the biggest thread on the dev boards right now. And it’s only been going for a few days.
    Let’s continue to push our message here, on Reddit, leave reviews in the App / Play Stores, contact EA directly, etc. CG must acknowledge this.
  • peco
    23 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    WindChoke wrote: »
    Schumacher was caught speeding, the German police officer released him as it is safer for Schumacher to drive over the speed limit than for a normal driver driving within speed limit... Now add to this that account sharing has no harmful effects except from reducing potential profit for CG coming from that player (now is the moment to think whether that's true with Anhald) and you will realize the reasons of the TOS...
    WindChoke wrote: »
    [Got my first post deleted here,

    my bad, they did not i changed my messeage a few seconds after , i made a mistake and check at the bad place, not used to this forum .
  • AlexanderG
    1930 posts Member
    Event: Over 100k views on this thread.

    CG: "crickets"

    Guess you weren't around for the Galatic War thread about difficulty. It went on for months. All they ever said was "Hey guys, it's supposed to be hard..". It was eventually removed like this will be. Oh they will say it was moved to be reviewed and discussed. Yeah.. circular file. You know, trash can. Nothing new. #F2PISTHEONLYWAY

    At this point I doubt if CG commenting would achieve anything other than adding fuel to the fire.

    You either try and put the fire out early or let it burn itself out. I assume CG have decided on the latter.
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    Reebont wrote: »
    I've only just joined the forum to post something in another area specifically. But I'm going to give my opinion on this (not that I expect anyone to care...it's not that important!).

    I tried to watch the video about this guy being banned, but could only get about half way through. I don't watch 'content creators', 'social media influencers', or whatever ridiculous term they refer to themselves as next. I don't watch them becuase they seem to lack the ability to talk at a normal volume level mainly. I know it sounds petty, but that's just something that really irritates me about, I'll call them their proper name, YouTubers.

    What I did pick up from what I watched though was:

    1) The account was banned for breaking the ToS. Simple. Why should this guy get any preferntially treatment when it comes to the rules.
    2) All his talk of being treated unfairly compared to others that may have done the same doesn't matter. He broke the rules so he got banned (partially may I add as he still has his own account). What is it with this 'waaah, you're not being fair to me' generation. Especially in a game!
    3) He's not doing this for the community at all. He's doing it for his pocket. Simple. Hey dude, YouTube are not paying YouTubers anymore. Still gonna create videos? *tumbleweed*

    You literally have no idea what you are talking about, I get you are a boomer raging against things you don't understand and obviously you do not share.

    That being said, it's completely fair to assume he does things for himself not for the community, but the community does exist and is more united because of what he does, and also the game makes more money because of it too.

    I also think the ban might be appropiate, but things put in context, it was clearly made as a personal attack and the game is not as nearly as aggressive with other people that have used actual hacks in the game.
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    AlexanderG wrote: »
    Event: Over 100k views on this thread.

    CG: "crickets"

    Guess you weren't around for the Galatic War thread about difficulty. It went on for months. All they ever said was "Hey guys, it's supposed to be hard..". It was eventually removed like this will be. Oh they will say it was moved to be reviewed and discussed. Yeah.. circular file. You know, trash can. Nothing new. #F2PISTHEONLYWAY

    At this point I doubt if CG commenting would achieve anything other than adding fuel to the fire.

    You either try and put the fire out early or let it burn itself out. I assume CG have decided on the latter.

    They will speak up if "others" take note, and voice concern. Like Battlefront 2 and Loot boxes. Otherwise you are probably right.
  • LukeDukem8
    609 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    All of this goes away if they just deliver good content. A new GAC/TW map even.

    Also, what did he expect when he basically went to the developers of the game and told them he was breaking their Terms of service.

    This is like speeding past a cop on the interstate and getting pi$$ed for getting pulled over. Yes, everyone speeds, just dont make it so blatant.
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    LukeDukem8 wrote: »
    All of this goes away if they just deliver good content. A new GAC/TW map even.

    Also, what did he expect when he basically went to the developers of the game and told them he was breaking their Terms of service.

    This is like speeding past a cop on the interstate and getting pi$$ed for getting pulled over. Yes, everyone speeds, just dont make it so blatant.

    I don’t speed, but I agree with your other point. I honestly do not care if he got banned, it was deserved. Although, I don’t think a new GAC/TW map will make this go away. They need to do a lot. And I mean a whole lot if they want the community to respect them.
    I have a bad feeling about this.
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    @CGCEO Hey finance guy, how are your finances shaping up today? This has only just begun. Especially with EA bringing out Maverick, another Star Wars game. At least we’ll have a place to go when CG folds this game because no one will play. You should run for office, that kind of unique accounting is what got our country so far under. This is not smart!!!
  • TVF
    36786 posts Member
    Event: Over 100k views on this thread.

    CG: "crickets"

    Guess you weren't around for the Galatic War thread about difficulty. It went on for months. All they ever said was "Hey guys, it's supposed to be hard..". It was eventually removed like this will be. Oh they will say it was moved to be reviewed and discussed. Yeah.. circular file. You know, trash can. Nothing new. #F2PISTHEONLYWAY

    So no one should spend money @DuneSeaFarmer ?
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    OnlyZule wrote: »
    No road ahead, GL bait and switch, cancelled raid, terrible communication, bugs galore, but plenty of time to ban Arnold and negotiate with cheaters.

    this guy gets it
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    TVF wrote: »
    Event: Over 100k views on this thread.

    CG: "crickets"

    Guess you weren't around for the Galatic War thread about difficulty. It went on for months. All they ever said was "Hey guys, it's supposed to be hard..". It was eventually removed like this will be. Oh they will say it was moved to be reviewed and discussed. Yeah.. circular file. You know, trash can. Nothing new. #F2PISTHEONLYWAY

    So no one should spend money @DuneSeaFarmer ?

    Cool fallacy. Where did he mention money?
    I have a bad feeling about this.
  • Ultra
    11602 posts Moderator
    Person breaks the Terms of Service
    Person gets banned for it

    What is there to say?

    Just because the person in this scenario is a celebrity it doesn’t warrant any special response
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    Ultra wrote: »
    Person breaks the Terms of Service
    Person gets banned for it

    What is there to say?

    Just because the person in this scenario is a celebrity it doesn’t warrant any special response
    To me, that is not the point. The point is that they negotiated with a cheater. Do you think that’s a good idea?
    I have a bad feeling about this.
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    Just bumping this cause I want to see how much bigger this dumpster fire CG created can grow.
    I don't have the problems with this game a lot of other do.

    Community: Can CG make more a mess of this game than they already have?

    CG: Hey EA, hold my beer...

    I also agree (and I think he does too) that it's hard to be mad for getting caught breaking the rules. However to piggyback off LukeDuke8's post above, It's like getting a ticket for speeding past a copy, when he was speeding to go report a road that was blocked by a fallen tree (bug) that could impact a lot of other people. "So yeah, I was speeding, but I was coming to tell you that there was a problem with the road."
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    Ultra wrote: »
    Person breaks the Terms of Service
    Person gets banned for it

    What is there to say?

    Just because the person in this scenario is a celebrity it doesn’t warrant any special response

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