Ahnalds account [MERGE]


  • Ggdjqjchsabjdj
    780 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    Ultra wrote: »
    Person breaks the Terms of Service
    Person gets banned for it

    What is there to say?

    Just because the person in this scenario is a celebrity it doesn’t warrant any special response


    When a 150k people dedicate their day to you, I think you’re a celebrity.
    I have a bad feeling about this.
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    Antwon120 wrote: »
    Dear Capital Games,

    If you are human, you will realize the mistake that you have done.
    If you are human, you will apologize to him and every single person in the community.
    If you are human, you will communicate.
    If you are human, you will come to the conclusion that your player base is made of humans just like you.
    If you delete this, you only prove that you are not human.

    A fellow human being.

    Lmao. They must have thrown the game into a robot code and left. There's the work of their one laptop
  • TVF
    36773 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    Event: Over 100k views on this thread.

    CG: "crickets"

    Guess you weren't around for the Galatic War thread about difficulty. It went on for months. All they ever said was "Hey guys, it's supposed to be hard..". It was eventually removed like this will be. Oh they will say it was moved to be reviewed and discussed. Yeah.. circular file. You know, trash can. Nothing new. #F2PISTHEONLYWAY

    So no one should spend money @DuneSeaFarmer ?

    Cool fallacy. Where did he mention money?

    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    Dear CG, I've been playing your game for over 5 years. Part of what keeps me engaged are the content creators on youtube. Before this I was really into Starcraft- and the shoutcasters of that game (especially Husky) kept me interested in that game for years. Ahnald is beyond talented as a content creator- he clearly has invested a ton of money into making his channel fun and interesting. His chewbacca video is probably my favorite video game youtube video of all time. You've made decsisions in the past that have tried to keep your content creators hamstrung. You are getting backlash all over the place- mainly because you are abusing a fellow player I think- who shares his time and energy and money so that all of us can have a better experience. There is nothing more frustrating in your game then hitting a wall you can't figure out- alas there are all of these content creators finding ways to help players. I saw a video posted by Bulldog this morning that beats SLKR- with characters I currently have- to date- lost every battle against them. These are what keep me going- because if you eventually hit a wall you can't figure out with cool team builds then what's the point? That was the original excitement of the game- let me grab A rebel, an imperical, a galactic rupublic and 2 First Orders and see what happens! I work in tech and free advertising is a synergy not a hindrance- for the good of your business, for the good of your community, and for the good of the game- please figure out a way to keep your content creators engaged- and stop abusing ahnald he is awesome- if I were you I'd figure out how to hire him so you can focus on building a cool game and he can hype your game. Ahnald for Chief Content Officer!
  • Ultra
    11602 posts Moderator
    Ultra wrote: »
    Person breaks the Terms of Service
    Person gets banned for it

    What is there to say?

    Just because the person in this scenario is a celebrity it doesn’t warrant any special response
    To me, that is not the point. The point is that they negotiated with a cheater. Do you think that’s a good idea?
    But people are demanding a response because the biggest thread on the forums is someone’s account got banned...
  • Ultra
    11602 posts Moderator
  • AlexanderG
    1930 posts Member
    Ultra wrote: »
    Person breaks the Terms of Service
    Person gets banned for it

    What is there to say?

    Just because the person in this scenario is a celebrity it doesn’t warrant any special response


    When a 150k people dedicate their day to you, I think you’re a celebrity.

    Dedicate? Didn't realise Ahnald was now a cult leader.
  • Options
    AlexanderG wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Person breaks the Terms of Service
    Person gets banned for it

    What is there to say?

    Just because the person in this scenario is a celebrity it doesn’t warrant any special response


    When a 150k people dedicate their day to you, I think you’re a celebrity.

    Dedicate? Didn't realise Ahnald was now a cult leader.

    People reserve time to watch his streams, maybe.
    I have a bad feeling about this.
  • TVF
    36773 posts Member
    Ultra wrote: »

    Hello Ultra, welcome to the forums, I hope you enjoy your time here.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    Ultra wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Person breaks the Terms of Service
    Person gets banned for it

    What is there to say?

    Just because the person in this scenario is a celebrity it doesn’t warrant any special response
    To me, that is not the point. The point is that they negotiated with a cheater. Do you think that’s a good idea?
    But people are demanding a response because the biggest thread on the forums is someone’s account got banned...

    And they negotiated with a cheater. 2 points to clear up. Second one is more important.
    I have a bad feeling about this.
  • AlexanderG
    1930 posts Member
    Ultra wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Person breaks the Terms of Service
    Person gets banned for it

    What is there to say?

    Just because the person in this scenario is a celebrity it doesn’t warrant any special response
    To me, that is not the point. The point is that they negotiated with a cheater. Do you think that’s a good idea?
    But people are demanding a response because the biggest thread on the forums is someone’s account got banned...

    You overlooked the negotiating with a known cheater bit. Which is more germane, IMO.
  • TVF
    36773 posts Member
    Duly noted. Thanks.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    WTFCG wrote: »
    AhnaldT101 is a critical resource to whales. We work, we watch, then we decide to spend.

    No he's not. Whales buy everything.
  • Ultra
    11602 posts Moderator
    Maybe Reagan works for CG hence he knows who gets banned and who doesn’t for account transfers
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    Etc4isu83 wrote: »
    Reebont wrote: »
    1) The account was banned for breaking the ToS. Simple. Why should this guy get any preferntially treatment when it comes to the rules.

    Nobody is saying, inferring, or implying that Ahnald should be receiving preferential treatment. He even recognizes this point in his video. He wants fairness across the board, that's it. If they would have treated him exactly the way that confirmed cheater case was handled, this wouldn't even be in the same ballpark of chaos as it is now.
    Reebont wrote: »
    2) All his talk of being treated unfairly compared to others that may have done the same doesn't matter. He broke the rules so he got banned (partially may I add as he still has his own account). What is it with this 'waaah, you're not being fair to me' generation. Especially in a game!

    Yes, it absolutely matters. CG has now set the precedent that there are 2 different sets of rules, of which confirmed cheaters will receive a more lenient punishment. What's to say that they won't ban you for an offense but didn't for someone else? Consistency. Fairness. Transparency. That's what this is about.
    Reebont wrote: »
    3) He's not doing this for the community at all. He's doing it for his pocket. Simple. Hey dude, YouTube are not paying YouTubers anymore. Still gonna create videos? *tumbleweed*

    Um, yes he is absolutely doing this for the community. You must not have made it far enough in his video to see that is what he said. You obviously don't know him to make an accusation like that. Thanks for your opinion, though. It's not true, but thanks for your opinion.

    It's not chaos. Others opinions have made it chaos. It's simple, broke ToS, account banned.
    He can want whatever he wants but at the end of the day it's not his choice. It's CGs.

    No, it doesn't matter. I do not cheat or break the ToS. If I get banned for something like that then that is on me. If someone else doesn't then that is between them and CG. Nothing to do with me. Now if I got banned unfairly, then I would present facts and fight my cause. If (using someone elses analogy) I decide to complain to the manager of a shop for not having the size of jeans I wanted to steal, then more fool me.

    Just becuase he said it makes it true, yeah? I don't know if anyone knows him, but maybe if they do, ask him to give all his YouTube revenue to charity and prove it. And then see how much more content he produces for the community. Just FYI, opinions are not true or false. All the facts behind every cheater, perma-ban, temporary ban, or toherwise would need to be supplied before something can be classed as true or false.

  • Ultra
    11602 posts Moderator
    AlexanderG wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Person breaks the Terms of Service
    Person gets banned for it

    What is there to say?

    Just because the person in this scenario is a celebrity it doesn’t warrant any special response
    To me, that is not the point. The point is that they negotiated with a cheater. Do you think that’s a good idea?
    But people are demanding a response because the biggest thread on the forums is someone’s account got banned...

    You overlooked the negotiating with a known cheater bit. Which is more germane, IMO.
    Make a thread about it and get more replies and views on that subject and then make the argument about wanting answers

    This thread isn’t about Ahnald’s video or the cheating scenario so demanding an answer for that over account ban outrage is two different topics that you are trying to link together
  • TVF
    36773 posts Member
    I hope AndrewWilsonreadsthis
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    theQuatch wrote: »
    How bad of a company do you have to be to make video games and be seen as an immoral company? Not amoral, but IMMORAL (many companies are amoral and that's probably a good thing). I mean, to reach the level of animosity WITH THE PEOPLE WHO ARE BUYING YOUR PRODUCT is astounding to me. Just ridiculous...probably need to lesson in a hurry...

    I mean I don't disagree with a lot of what you say.... but why does it require the proper banning of a youtuber for a clear cut violation for you to actually say it ? ;)
  • Options
    Ultra wrote: »
    AlexanderG wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Person breaks the Terms of Service
    Person gets banned for it

    What is there to say?

    Just because the person in this scenario is a celebrity it doesn’t warrant any special response
    To me, that is not the point. The point is that they negotiated with a cheater. Do you think that’s a good idea?
    But people are demanding a response because the biggest thread on the forums is someone’s account got banned...

    You overlooked the negotiating with a known cheater bit. Which is more germane, IMO.
    Make a thread about it and get more replies and views on that subject and then make the argument about wanting answers

    This thread isn’t about Ahnald’s video or the cheating scenario so demanding an answer for that over account ban outrage is two different topics that you are trying to link together

    Well this all started because of his video...
    I have a bad feeling about this.
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    Nauros wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Mayhem wrote: »
    “He” didn’t get banned nor did “his” account, an account he “acquired” from somebody else and was using did, when he submitted a bug report and tried to get a region transfer on it.

    Exactly. He literally shoved an illegal account in their faces.

    Nobody can hear that logic, though.

    Which is negligible compared with blatant cheaters who get to pick their laughable punishment, but in a certain group of people, nobody can hear that logic.

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    Joke game. Work on the road ahead vs this nonsense.
  • LukeDukem8
    609 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    Ultra wrote: »
    Person breaks the Terms of Service
    Person gets banned for it

    What is there to say?

    Just because the person in this scenario is a celebrity it doesn’t warrant any special response

    this, Everything else CG has done, they been doing for years. Are we talking about ahnald, or all of the missteps CG has done over the years. To me they are separate issues.
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    I posted this in the subreddit and thought it is worth discussion here....
    [Disclaimer: I am in no way affiliated with EA/CG, just a guy who likes this game and the community surrounding it.]
    Am I crazy for thinking that especially during this time when we are all expressing our opinions about SWGoH, and changes that should happen, let’s take a moment and reflect:

    We have had fun with this game. That means we have connected with the producers and developers on one level or another. Their product has brought us enjoyment. It has taken many of their team members countless hours to deliver this experience (sometimes frustrating as it might be). This has allowed a community to form and a relationship to build.

    CG has changed their operations and made decisions without consulting the community. Not a big shocker there as we have no operational oversight. At least they are still operating; meaning the studio has not shutdown, been sold, etc.

    The changes that we, the community are passionately advocating involve a fundamental cultural shift at EA and CG. A shift from profit-centric decisions to people (employees, customers, community)-centric ones. An example I recently heard: Does a company need profit to function? Yes. As a human do I need air to function? Yes. However, every decision I make is not focused on more air. As this game has proven, there is an abundance of ‘air’ available for CG to ‘breathe’.

    True cultural change only happens when leadership changes, and no I’m not saying that the leadership (TopHat) at EA/CG needs to be replaced. They can grow, evolve, adapt to the changing gamer trends. Your move EA....your move.

    Thank you @AhnaldT101 for creating content! Your passion for the game and community is second to none. My family (4 SWGoH players in my home) has been F2P since day one and have many fond memories of watching your channel to change our strategies. I truly hope that CG will choose you and the value you add, over their policies. After all, they have already set a precedent of bending policy for a valued relationship.

    The phrase that continues to rattle around in my mind is: beware confirmation bias. The prevailing bias in our community towards EA/CG is that of injustice, betrayal, distrust. If we are honest with ourselves, is the information that we choose to research, the communication (vids, messages, etc.) we are exchanging furthering that sense of injustice, betrayal and distrust?

    Have we even tried to empathize with the decision-makers at EA/CG?

    Have we examined our own motives before slandering theirs?

    Have we been a community worth listening to?

    I know that I want to be part of the solution and I’m pretty sure this community feels the same. Let’s keep looking for ways to meaningfully engage with each other and EA/CG so that trust can be restored.

    So, am I crazy? Looking forward to your thoughts.
  • Options
    Ultra wrote: »
    Person breaks the Terms of Service
    Person gets banned for it

    What is there to say?

    Just because the person in this scenario is a celebrity it doesn’t warrant any special response


    When a 150k people dedicate their day to you, I think you’re a celebrity.

    A celebrity is someone my wife would recognize. If I showed her a picture of Ahnaldt, she would ask "Who is this nerd?".
  • Options
    Ultra wrote: »
    Reagan wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Person breaks the Terms of Service
    Person gets banned for it

    What is there to say?

    Just because the person in this scenario is a celebrity it doesn’t warrant any special response

    They don't ban others for the same circumstance. They give proven cheaters lesser punishments.
    I've spent thousands like many others on this game and I'm done unless they fire CG or at least replace everyone in charge.


    Who haven’t they banned for the same circumstances? Have you reported a known account transfer owner in game?

    Yes. They are still there one year later. Should I name and shame? Or will that just get me booted from the forums?
  • Ggdjqjchsabjdj
    780 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    Ultra wrote: »
    Person breaks the Terms of Service
    Person gets banned for it

    What is there to say?

    Just because the person in this scenario is a celebrity it doesn’t warrant any special response


    When a 150k people dedicate their day to you, I think you’re a celebrity.

    A celebrity is someone my wife would recognize. If I showed her a picture of Ahnaldt, she would ask "Who is this nerd?".

    I don’t know a whole lot of celebrities either, but I do know they’re celebrities.
    I have a bad feeling about this.
  • TVF
    36773 posts Member
    Ultra wrote: »
    Person breaks the Terms of Service
    Person gets banned for it

    What is there to say?

    Just because the person in this scenario is a celebrity it doesn’t warrant any special response


    When a 150k people dedicate their day to you, I think you’re a celebrity.

    A celebrity is someone my wife would recognize. If I showed her a picture of Ahnaldt, she would ask "Who is this nerd?".

    Must be nice for your wife to have so many celebrities in her life.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
  • TVF
    36773 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Event: Over 100k views on this thread.

    CG: "crickets"

    Guess you weren't around for the Galatic War thread about difficulty. It went on for months. All they ever said was "Hey guys, it's supposed to be hard..". It was eventually removed like this will be. Oh they will say it was moved to be reviewed and discussed. Yeah.. circular file. You know, trash can. Nothing new. #F2PISTHEONLYWAY

    So no one should spend money @DuneSeaFarmer ?

    Cool fallacy. Where did he mention money?


    So, he didn't mention money? Good to know

    Yes, he did.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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