Is the player base demanding too much?

As a game to an incoming player it has a lot to do.

The beef comes from the older accounts. I don't believe anyone complaining is still working on Traya.

Perhaps the players, including myself, with complaints about the lack of new content and communication should simply move on?


  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Unfortunately no one is going to come here on a random day trying to convince you to stay here. They have said they are working on a way to produce content quicker. I guess that statement is not enough for you.

    But trying to press like this doesn't mean they can make those tools or the content any faster than they are already trying to do.
  • Mephisto_style
    5724 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    It's not a passive-aggressive press, @Kyno , but sincerely asking a genuine question on the background of a novel situation. 2020 Smartphone gaming where a large percentage of the player base has had the game with them for 5 years is new territory in terms of human behavior. The time that smartphones have had us behaving this way is a blip in human evolution.

    In the grand scheme of human behavior, relationships with technology, expectations from a game, seriously it might be the best decision and reasonable 1 for veteran players to move on.

    Perhaps that gives you enough context to reevaluate the question.
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    I think CG struggles with a lot of things they probably shouldn't. But I also think the easily convinced army of pitchfork wielding fans of you-know-who gets worked up about the littlest things and expect so much more than they should. The middle ground between the forum people here who defend the company no matter what and the people screaming for blood because one account got banned for violating ToS is the way to go.

    Should we be wanting more right now? Absolutely. But we're also still in the middle of a pandemic and the programmers of this game live in the middle of one of the biggest impact areas for COVID in the country, so even being able to work from home has likely slowed them down quite a bit.

    Right now it's the people in the pitchfork crowd that are making dealing with the community of this game unbearable. The forums have merged a huge batch of posts into a "**** about Arnold" thread and still 95% of new posts are complaining about the same thing. It's toxic right now and do they have some reasonable ideas and complaints about cheating? Sure. But they also need to realize no one at CG really cares what a clickbait youtuber has to say because they are bound by certain rules from EA and because they continue to make loads of money despite the overwhelming negativity from said youtuber for a long, long time now.
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    What expectations? That they invest in something for us to do with all the p2p characters? Most of the time on this game is spent staring at the character screen. That isn't hyperbole.
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    They have time to make new puzzles but not time to address lucifers daddy negotiating with cheaters?
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    I guess we can agree to disagree, but you seem to be expect someone to come on here and convince you to keep playing, or to convince older players to keep playing.

    We all play this game for our own personal reasons and choices. If you feel the game is not for you, as I'm sure many have done after they picked it up at any point over the last almost 5 years.

    They have stated parts of the plan they have and are working on the broader post, with RA. Again if that's not enough for you and you dont want to keep on keeping on..... not sure what anyone else can tell you.

    You are absolutely right that there are many things going on in gaming that are in "uncharted territory" and I'm sure that makes things difficult on both sides of this.

    I dont think you can speak to the best actions to take for anyone but yourself. Your view on what is going on is how you see it and may not be indicative of the "human nature" for everyone else.
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    Try out strike force. A real update every two weeks or so.

    When they screw up, they LISTEN and come up with solutions.

    There has been not one but 2 separate sand box modes added.

    And this in the last few months.

    I don’t believe folks are asking “too much” when all they want is a game mode which uses their characters. It’s been 8 months of potato Rey. Guess they think we had SO MUCH FUN farming and gearing **** that they are lining it up again.

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    Many years ago a person I know told me he quit World of Warcraft because it required him to change his lifestyle. Raid scheduling, dailies, etc...

    Veteran players are asking for more content, likely content that newer accounts would not see for 2 years. I'm feeling like for those veteran players it might be time for CG to be the bartender that says, "Okay man, I think you've had enough."
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Many years ago a person I know told me he quit World of Warcraft because it required him to change his lifestyle. Raid scheduling, dailies, etc...

    Veteran players are asking for more content, likely content that newer accounts would not see for 2 years. I'm feeling like for those veteran players it might be time for CG to be the bartender that says, "Okay man, I think you've had enough."

    That sounds like some very personal understanding of your own situation, I dont think any one person can tell a group based on any single factor (in this case then being "veterans") why they should or should not do something.

    Again, they have said they have content coming, and that may not be enough for you, but that's what we have and you can base your own situation on that.

    I think the word veteran player is a very broad reaching term and means different things to different people.
  • Options
    Many years ago a person I know told me he quit World of Warcraft because it required him to change his lifestyle. Raid scheduling, dailies, etc...

    Veteran players are asking for more content, likely content that newer accounts would not see for 2 years. I'm feeling like for those veteran players it might be time for CG to be the bartender that says, "Okay man, I think you've had enough."

    Actually most people ask for content where you can use your whole roster and which is always accessible without a time table and without the need to pay crystals or any type of „currency„ to play.

    And as there is not much to do after you have reached level 85 I am pretty sure that every player would appreciate this. The problem is mainly as far as I am concerned, that the only game modes that are really fun are TW and GAC, but they are only playable on schedule and don’t keep you busy for very long.

    And it would be enough to give a symbolic reward for wins in this new mode, like 1000 credits or an extra free bronzium and with a daily cap for these rewards so that this would not lead to people exploiting this with farmbots or something like this.

    So you can play and maybe test new teams without lessening the grind so that you still need money or patience to reach your goals. And of course you would still have to play the other game modes like Raids, Arena, Events, TW, TB and GAC.
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    Personally I think the game is fine and I would prefer no new content for 6 months. Take a break and let things calm down a bit and let people catch up.

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    Most of the people are bored.
  • jedibobahutt
    78 posts Member
    edited June 2020
    Whats with the whole crying over we need new content, theres plenty to do. Oh wait because people figure they need to whale out on every single **** thing that comes to the game. If you want to have a fully relicd roster, able to solo sith raid, beat every teir in every event, get max stars in every TB, then thats your problem, shut your mouth. For non spenders theres a ton to work towards. If your bored go do something meaningful with your life. Im tired of seeing spenders in games thinking somehow they need to be catored to because they have nothing to spend money on. Face it, anything new that comes people will whale on it to get it done day one and be back on the forum asking for more. If you need to sit infront of this game or be on the forum 24/7 you have bigger issues than no new content. Youtubers are the biggest whiners of them all when it comes to new content. Sucks to be if you have nothing to make a video with and make money off someone elses work. Go get a job.
  • Options
    Whats with the whole crying over we need new content, theres plenty to do. Oh wait because people figure they need to whale out on every single **** thing that comes to the game. If you want to have a fully relicd roster, able to solo sith raid, beat every teir in every event, get max stars in every TB, then thats your problem, shut your mouth. For non spenders theres a ton to work towards. If your bored go do something meaningful with your life. Im tired of seeing spenders in games thinking somehow they need to be catored to because they have nothing to spend money on. Face it, anything new that comes people will whale on it to get it done day one and be back on the forum asking for more. If you need to sit infront of this game or be on the forum 24/7 you have bigger issues than no new content. Youtubers are the biggest whiners of them all when it comes to new content. Sucks to be if you have nothing to make a video with and make money off someone elses work. Go get a job.

    People want variety and to theory craft and see/play different compositions of teams. They want to use their entire roster in a meaningful way, I am sick of farming characters, or finally getting a character only to platoon them and never engage them in actual game play since most arent arena worthy. The worst is having to fight the same endless waves of the same overpowered enemies that require no real thought. At this point i am click buttons.

    And lets just say i use a team like scoundrels in arena, i will fall 150 ranks, and have to fight 15 battles waiting 10 min between each battle to get back to where i used to be.

    Its boooooorrriiinnnnggg.
  • Banjo
    40 posts Member
    I think it’s very easy to be frustrated with this company. Look a what these other games, like strike force and raid,With a fraction of the time. There’s no excuse to have zero communication. Nobody wants to hear that the people that make the game they play for some reason can’t do there job. Create and support. They’re struggling with both.
  • Lysandrax
    1127 posts Member
    Kyno wrote: »
    Unfortunately no one is going to come here on a random day trying to convince you to stay here. They have said they are working on a way to produce content quicker. I guess that statement is not enough for you.

    But trying to press like this doesn't mean they can make those tools or the content any faster than they are already trying to do.

    No, you're right here. That statement means increadibly little when everything is subject to change, they 'cancel' all the stuff the community was looking forward to and only mention that when asked, and the new tool they're working on is to make their lives easier in generating content easier when we've just gone a year with with the worst content the game has seen yet.
    Lsgeotb is objectively bad content, it isn't designed for anyone in the game.
    GAS was a flop with his 5* unlock
    GLs are the worst meta toons to date as they require you to purposefullly gear toons that are horrible, just to play one of the laziest events they have ever put out.

    So yeah, any statement CG gives about how cool their next post is, please just wait another month for it means nothing.
  • Options
    Whats with the whole crying over we need new content, theres plenty to do. Oh wait because people figure they need to whale out on every single **** thing that comes to the game. If you want to have a fully relicd roster, able to solo sith raid, beat every teir in every event, get max stars in every TB, then thats your problem, shut your mouth. For non spenders theres a ton to work towards. If your bored go do something meaningful with your life. Im tired of seeing spenders in games thinking somehow they need to be catored to because they have nothing to spend money on. Face it, anything new that comes people will whale on it to get it done day one and be back on the forum asking for more. If you need to sit infront of this game or be on the forum 24/7 you have bigger issues than no new content. Youtubers are the biggest whiners of them all when it comes to new content. Sucks to be if you have nothing to make a video with and make money off someone elses work. Go get a job.

    I don't have DR or malak or the GL's. And the only thing I'm doing in the game right now is farming gear to upgrade characters. Sometimes there is a TW, TB or GAC or an event which takes some time. But that is always the same. You use the same teams over and over again. It would be nice to play with my whole roster.

    We do hoth TB sometimes with our guild and that's a little bit of fun because we can actually play with any light side toon we want. And they don't die in 5 seconds
  • Artumas
    324 posts Member
    I've always viewed this game, regardless of how much it's actually affected my schedule and how much time it takes up, as a secondary entertainment source.

    This is why I don't honestly view the game as NEEDING new content. If you want something with actual stuff to do... go play a MMO. SWTOR has way more to do than this game ever has in just about every major update.
    Most of the time I put into the majority of mobile games I play (there's exceptions, but not many) is "idling" type of behavior. Log in, do my daily farms, then go play something else. I even for the most part do all of my guild events at the same time every day, over dinner. If something new comes out, I'll take a day to check it out... and then just happily go back to whatever else I normally do.

    Mobile games aren't designed for the most part to be PRIMARY entertainment. They're designed to be something you do for an hour or so every day and... that's it. Yes, there's a few exceptions to that, but the vast majority of those exceptions aren't free or aren't designed the same as your average grind-to-"win" game. For what swgoh is, it very much IS simply "secondary entertainment". Something you do for 20 minutes to an hour every day, and make gradual progress towards whatever goal you have set for yourself. And then you go do something else. Even if that's another mobile game. There's nothing preventing you from playing swgoh and 5 other mobile games every day if you don't want to get into non-mobile gaming for whatever reason.

    I don't feel any need for any "new content" in this game because I don't view it as my primary source of entertainment. If I don't have anything left to do in a day, I either go check out another mobile game, or go play something like swtor or minecraft, or watch youtube or proper TV. I'm not sitting here wishing I had yet another raid to do, or a test mode, or some form of advanced non-simmable GW... I'm just done for the day and go do something else until my next shop refresh. Yes, I appreciate it when new stuff is added... but that new stuff does even simply include new characters, because I simply don't care whether or not I have "actual content" to do every day. I look forward to each new character because, well, they're new characters. I enjoy looking at their kits, seeing what they're gonna be capable of, checking out the new animations, etc. just as much as I'd enjoy some other minor new mode. Because I'm... perfectly fine with doing something else the majority of the day.

    I wouldn't say "vets" should quit. I'd say "vets" should simply.. idle. Stop worrying about how much time you put into the game every day, and just do your daily things for 20 minutes then go do something else. Content will likely come in time, and regardless of what game you're playing, as a player, you aren't going to speed that up regardless of what you do. So why bother worrying about it? Even most mega-whale super-kraken players still have grinds left to do. Go do something else and just.. have fun. That's supposed to be the point of games, after all.
  • Legend91
    2441 posts Member
    No they're not. It can't be that hard to give players (especially long term ones as many of them are incredibly bored) something that they can keep enjoying on a daily basis because it's some sort of infinite mode where they can use most or all of their chars/ships.(not only the tier 1+2 ones).
    Legend#6873 | YouTube |
  • JacenRoe
    3016 posts Member
    Remember the old business adage that says, “the customer is alway overly demanding, and you should ignore them when they’re upset with you.” It’s a proven model for long-term success.
  • Bartek
    117 posts Member
    FYI post are being deleted here. There was a post with a simple question of how many cheaters were allowed to play like the one that was exposed recently. It's not here anymore.
    The question stands in regard to the discussion subject. Is the player base demanding to much to know this?
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    Lysandrax wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Unfortunately no one is going to come here on a random day trying to convince you to stay here. They have said they are working on a way to produce content quicker. I guess that statement is not enough for you.

    But trying to press like this doesn't mean they can make those tools or the content any faster than they are already trying to do.

    No, you're right here. That statement means increadibly little when everything is subject to change, they 'cancel' all the stuff the community was looking forward to and only mention that when asked, and the new tool they're working on is to make their lives easier in generating content easier when we've just gone a year with with the worst content the game has seen yet.
    Lsgeotb is objectively bad content, it isn't designed for anyone in the game.
    GAS was a flop with his 5* unlock
    GLs are the worst meta toons to date as they require you to purposefullly gear toons that are horrible, just to play one of the laziest events they have ever put out.

    So yeah, any statement CG gives about how cool their next post is, please just wait another month for it means nothing.

    Wait, so you’re telling me getting completely rocked in phase 1 on LSGeoTB with a full g13 team isn’t fun? 😏
  • Options
    Kyno wrote: »
    Unfortunately no one is going to come here on a random day trying to convince you to stay here. They have said they are working on a way to produce content quicker. I guess that statement is not enough for you.

    But trying to press like this doesn't mean they can make those tools or the content any faster than they are already trying to do.

    We've not had meaningful content that wasnt a reskin or kraken only for way too long. You're correct. It's not enough. How long do we just twiddle our thumbs waiting for them to finally deliver? Only reason I'm still here is because of the ridiculous grind for Rey who happens to be my favorite character. The problem, which you well know, is that we dont believe anything they say anymore. We've been hearing new content is coming for way to long with no actual content. Then when they cancel things such as the new raid it looks even worse.
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    Kyno wrote: »
    Unfortunately no one is going to come here on a random day trying to convince you to stay here. They have said they are working on a way to produce content quicker. I guess that statement is not enough for you.

    But trying to press like this doesn't mean they can make those tools or the content any faster than they are already trying to do.

    We've not had meaningful content that wasnt a reskin or kraken only for way too long. You're correct. It's not enough. How long do we just twiddle our thumbs waiting for them to finally deliver? Only reason I'm still here is because of the ridiculous grind for Rey who happens to be my favorite character. The problem, which you well know, is that we dont believe anything they say anymore. We've been hearing new content is coming for way to long with no actual content. Then when they cancel things such as the new raid it looks even worse.

    You mean delay, as they said, not canceled. If you going to talk about what people say. Can you at least be nice enough to use the words they said and not try to make it worse.

    No one can yell you how long you should wait, and no one is going to be able to jump on here and tell you more then they have already, until they have something to say.

    I know everything should always be absolutely new, but that is not entirely realistic. At some point the community can accept that some new content will just be different versions of something done before ( because 99% of all gaming is) or they can not accept it, but acting like it doesnt take work to build and balance a new "reskin" is just a weak attack on someone's work.
  • Bartek
    117 posts Member
    Kyno wrote: »
    At some point the community can accept that some new content will just be different versions of something done before.
    We are begging for a sandbox mode for years now. MSF is able to do it. DSA have it. It's all Disney. And what we hear from a billion-dollar-revenue company? Too expensive. Kyno i don't know you but mate.. don't treat your community like this:|
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    Did they say the raid was “delayed”, not “cancelled”? Honest question, I thought it was dropped.
    Kyno wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    Unfortunately no one is going to come here on a random day trying to convince you to stay here. They have said they are working on a way to produce content quicker. I guess that statement is not enough for you.

    But trying to press like this doesn't mean they can make those tools or the content any faster than they are already trying to do.

    We've not had meaningful content that wasnt a reskin or kraken only for way too long. You're correct. It's not enough. How long do we just twiddle our thumbs waiting for them to finally deliver? Only reason I'm still here is because of the ridiculous grind for Rey who happens to be my favorite character. The problem, which you well know, is that we dont believe anything they say anymore. We've been hearing new content is coming for way to long with no actual content. Then when they cancel things such as the new raid it looks even worse.

    You mean delay, as they said, not canceled. If you going to talk about what people say. Can you at least be nice enough to use the words they said and not try to make it worse.

    No one can yell you how long you should wait, and no one is going to be able to jump on here and tell you more then they have already, until they have something to say.

    I know everything should always be absolutely new, but that is not entirely realistic. At some point the community can accept that some new content will just be different versions of something done before ( because 99% of all gaming is) or they can not accept it, but acting like it doesnt take work to build and balance a new "reskin" is just a weak attack on someone's work.

  • Banjo
    40 posts Member
    Bartek wrote: »
    Kyno wrote: »
    At some point the community can accept that some new content will just be different versions of something done before.
    We are begging for a sandbox mode for years now. MSF is able to do it. DSA have it. It's all Disney. And what we hear from a billion-dollar-revenue company? Too expensive. Kyno i don't know you but mate.. don't treat your community like this:|

    Exactly more excuses for a billion dollar game DEVELOPER that can no longer develop apparently. Where allll these other games are on it no problem lol
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