Negativity towards Jedi Luke reveal



  • Edison
    154 posts Member
    Zanir wrote: »
    Well, OP is completely right. What's not to be excited about? Luke will probably require 500 kyrotech to hit gear 7, have 9 zetas, solo HSTR (sorely needed because there's currently no toon in the game that can do that), you'll be able to spin him in the inventory menu to admire the polygons on his potato-head and Hellboy-hand and deploy him once each TW, once each GA round, 4-6 times each light side TB and even play through GW with him!

    Much content, such amaze. Wow. Praise be. Blessed be the fruit. Peace in our time. God bless the American States of Canadia. VSauce, Michael here, and thank you for coming to my TED talk. I fought the law and I lost, and Fight the Powah because we don't need no education.

    I've been quiet in the forums for a while because I'm reserving judgement until the more info comes out.

    But you hit it right on the head with one very important detail:

    Hellboy-Hand made me laugh out loud.
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    I’m sure their road ahead will be written by real wordsmiths so later they can make excuses for doing nothing for another 6 months then apologizing in 2021 and saying they have something super fantastic they are working on for the fall of 2021.

    Imagine if they told the truth about what was actually delivered in the last 8 months. I’m not sure how many people would have stuck around.
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