Galactic challenges event [MERGE]


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    What you’re describing is a potential benefit of the game mode.
    The problem with it is that it’s very limited - the team you face is always the same and there are always the event buffs/debuffs in play. So you are getting to try try your BH team in very specific circumstances that you wont encounter anywhere else in the game.

    It’s good if you want to test out a new team and learn their abilities, but less so if you want to test out your team for use in another game mode.
  • TVF
    36716 posts Member
    kello_511 wrote: »
    What you’re describing is a potential benefit of the game mode.
    The problem with it is that it’s very limited - the team you face is always the same and there are always the event buffs/debuffs in play. So you are getting to try try your BH team in very specific circumstances that you wont encounter anywhere else in the game.

    Just a point of order, it's more about the enemies being very specific, you can test out any team you want against them.
    I need a new message here.
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    ir21tiny wrote: »
    I recently built up my BH and Rebel fighter teams to a place where they are usable(for my GP at least). I have played galactic challenges 30+ times just testing them and seeing what contracts I like. I find it very fun and even more fun if cg decreases the time of each event. l love this new event and can't wait to see what it looks like as a finished product. I know I may be a minority here so why do a lot of people not like this event. Besides crappy rewards and the 7 day event time?

    Because you can't sit at the kool kidz lunch table unless you have something to gripe about.
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    I think a sim button for any tiers that are already 3 started for assault battles are a long overdue qol that is especially needed now that there are more tiers.

    And assuming that the Galactic challenges are a recurring event, a sim button for lower tiers would be a solution to your issue except that you have to play it at least once to prove you can get all the feats before you can sim.

    I think a sim button solves the issues you have and is probably easier to code since it already exists in many areas of the game. No point in them coding the automatic sims you are suggesting if they can just add a sim button in much less time with similar results. It's not like we are short of sim tickets or anything.

    I don’t think the sim buttons work for these new challenges. The idea is for the modifiers and feats to change each time a planet/faction comes around. I can’t prove I can do the combo without playing it each time. I can prove I can do the lower levels by completing a higher level.

    Also I’m not a fan of the overuse of the sim button. It reduces the amount of actual play that happens and I think it directly leads to the impression there’s nothing to do. For example, I would have preferred to have to play the last level (or last 3) of the GW table everyday to get the rest of the tables rewards. The multi-sim button removed an entire part of the game from my daily experience. I understand that’s probably not a popular idea, but it’s my preference.
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    Currently in the Events holotable tapping the circle-i for more information on a particular Gal-Challenge gives only this message:
    Overcome familiar foes with powerful modifiers, and complete feats to earn exciting rewards!

    Not because of the grammar pedantry of the inappropriate comma after the word "modifiers" (and the undeserved adjective "exciting" for the rewards), but because it doesn't really provide useful information I'd like to see this rewritten.

    It would be nice if each GalChal had a description like,
    "Overcome familiar (specific faction) foes and unique environmental hazards with powerful modifiers while enhancing your rewards with feats requiring the (Faction) faction! Best rewards require (gear tier/relic level)."

    I'm assuming that the r5 requirement will stick around even though it's disliked, but wrote this flexibly so that if there is a decision to change it the correct value can be plugged in.

    The point is that the game itself should provide some basic information without visiting the forums. Given that we will constantly need to switch factions to meet requirements for different rewards, we should get some notice IN GAME about what's required so we have a couple days to drop gear on the correct faction if we wish.

    I'll never gear any toons up past g12+0 for GalChallenges, it's counterproductive (though of course the rewards are welcome if I have the faction geared up for other reasons), but dropping a g11-finisher on one or two toons isn't out of the question if I know the gear is needed.

    In any case, it's weird to have events that are, frankly, more different than one assault battle from the next but Assault battles have info on faction requirements while Gal Challenges don't.

    As always, I'm all about more info being made available to players quickly and easily and IN GAME.
  • Realkickaxe
    42 posts Member
    edited August 2020
    That is a general description of all GC. All you have to do is enter each one to get all the info. What is the big deal?
  • MasterSeedy
    5135 posts Member
    edited August 2020
    You can't enter the event until it's live.

    It shows up 4 days in advance as an upcoming event, and it has info available that whole time, but the message includes no info about what's actually coming b/c as you say that's a description of all GCs not the specific event you'll be playing.

    With all the effort required to create the new abilities and test them, asking them to change the info screen so we know what's coming should be a no-brainer.
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    I don't recall any 4 days. Unless I'm wrong..
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    You're wrong.

    Open the game right now and in the Events section you'll see the "Home One: Fleet Mastery Event" starts in 4 days and 19 hours (from my writing).

    The Malachor event icon/ gateway/ homepage (whatever you want to call it) states that it starts in 19 hours, but it has been there for days as is customary for all events.

    A more reasonable criticism is that the "special bonuses for" that displays when you're not in "Information" mode can be (correctly at this point) be inferred to tell you which faction you'll need to gear, but it still doesn't tell you how much.

    Yes, assuming that this never changes people can correctly guess the gear they will need or want, but there's just no point in not putting it on there. Assault Battles do it. GalChals should too.
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    I know other events have a countdown, but the GC didn't iirc. Someone else will know.
  • Kisakee
    1648 posts Member
    I know other events have a countdown, but the GC didn't iirc. Someone else will know.
    Everyone knows, you just need to take a look:
    "Never make the mistake of believing forbearance equates to acceptance, or that all positions are equally valid."
    - Grand Admiral Thrawn
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    Ok... my impression

    too much of a reward is tied to gear level. I get it, its now bh faction required for better rewards, but why gear level requirement? Frankly, rewards are not good enough to force me to upgrade gear on BH, it just averts me from playing. Maybe id go and try some theory crafting, if there wasnt also gear lvl hurdle. So i picknwhat i can on auto and leave the rest. And I did expect graphics and scenes and intro for death star to be amazing, butnit is just meh...
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    There's actually a thread for talking about GC rewards. This one is just about what info they should release about the events and where they should put it.
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    For me, this mode misses the mark. I don't know if you actively care about launch players anymore, but for many of us who have been around for 5 years, the game is stale. This mode is more of the same. It is too similar in style and challenge to a new dark side/ls node. People are in these comments talking about rewards, and relic levels, but is that really the problem? This content is boring.

    The problem this game suffers from currently (for me anyway) is lack of replay value. I think of games over the years that I have played over and over and over. For me they come down to two types. The first type is an MMO. These have great replay value. Why? The sheer amount of content available is usually so vast that by the time you play it through once, it has been so long that another play through seems fresh. Strangely enough, SWGOH has made as much money as many MMOs, yet has 1/100th the content.....
    The second type is a pvp game like CounterStrike or Starcraft. Those types of games have great replay value because the opponent always changes how they play and presents an ever changing puzzle.

    So whats the replay value in SWGOH? Over the course of the game its really only been raids. This is the only content that provides a challenge that allows the player to adapt strategy and improve performance over time (up until the point you can solo it with one team).

    Nothing else really has great replay value. Some other modes have potential, but fall short. Arena's for most of the game life are more or less the same 1-2 leads across the top 50 and once you know how to beat a squad, the challenge is over. Other PvAI modes end up being more or less the same walls of the same toons. They occasionally change with the introduction of new toons, but the continual vertical power creep of the latest meta moves slow and dominates much of any strategy that could make these modes truly exciting. This could be changed by having significant horizontal power expansion instead of vertical, but I understand and acknowledge that this removes the main whalehook from the game.

    So what would make the game better? Well um more raids. As much money as this game makes, we should have been seeing a new raid quarterly not once every year and a half. The concept of solo raids could also be introduced. Let single players throw their whole rosters at something. Legacy raids should be moved to solo content at some point.

    The other mode I can think of that had replay value (or high replay potential anyway) was GW. The mode is neutered now, but it was very fun in the early game. The main problem with it back when I played it was it had too many nodes that were the same squad. Every day had the same arena meta teams on the last 2-3 nodes. If GW was redone to have a variety of themed squads, an escalating level of gear (stopping at the current max), and a potentially endless number of nodes, GW could present a fun challenge.

  • TVF
    36716 posts Member
    Have you tried beating lower tiers with poorer teams?
    I need a new message here.
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    I think a sim button for any tiers that are already 3 started for assault battles are a long overdue qol that is especially needed now that there are more tiers.

    And assuming that the Galactic challenges are a recurring event, a sim button for lower tiers would be a solution to your issue except that you have to play it at least once to prove you can get all the feats before you can sim.

    I think a sim button solves the issues you have and is probably easier to code since it already exists in many areas of the game. No point in them coding the automatic sims you are suggesting if they can just add a sim button in much less time with similar results. It's not like we are short of sim tickets or anything.

    I don’t think the sim buttons work for these new challenges. The idea is for the modifiers and feats to change each time a planet/faction comes around. I can’t prove I can do the combo without playing it each time. I can prove I can do the lower levels by completing a higher level.

    Also I’m not a fan of the overuse of the sim button. It reduces the amount of actual play that happens and I think it directly leads to the impression there’s nothing to do. For example, I would have preferred to have to play the last level (or last 3) of the GW table everyday to get the rest of the tables rewards. The multi-sim button removed an entire part of the game from my daily experience. I understand that’s probably not a popular idea, but it’s my preference.

    I did put the caveat in that if it is a recurring event. If it's different each time then it shouldn't be simable.

    If it is they could use the shared rewards and only let you do a max of two tiers like they do in other events. But the rewards would have to be increased for the harder tiers to make up for not getting the easier tiers.

    As far as sim buttons elsewhere, you always have the option of not using it. But he is really boring once you have hit level 85 and to be honest before that. I have a level 78 alt account and have already beaten it over 50 times and have to wait for level 85 to sim it. Even at level 78 it's a chore not a challenge.

    So leaving chores in is not the solution. We need challenging daily content for end game players. And leaving the 6 tiers that I can auto of assualt battle un simable isn't content. It's just go in and hit auto and wait. A chore. The new tiers of assault battles was a good start but they run so infrequently that it is hardly daily content.

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    why do we have to sit through this for another month? we already know the timing and rewards are junk. Just fix it already and deliver something better.

    Its a shame because its still not meaningful or repeatable content, but at least its new. Geez, this game is so boring atm. I can't wait for them to release another new ummm I mean more new content to farm in 3 months.

  • TVF
    36716 posts Member
    LukeDukem8 wrote: »
    why do we have to sit through this for another month? we already know the timing and rewards are junk. Just fix it already and deliver something better.

    Its a shame because its still not meaningful or repeatable content, but at least its new. Geez, this game is so boring atm. I can't wait for them to release another new ummm I mean more new content to farm in 3 months.

    The next four are

    3 days
    3 days
    2 days
    2 days
    I need a new message here.
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    So GC event 1... Couldn't get passed Tier 5 with loads of relics in my squad...
    GC2 - completed every level with 3*
    GC3 - Can't get passed Tier 5 again and I've improved my squads over the last 10 days

    Surely this isn't purely down to RNG
    This is the Way
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    I really dislike the event buffs and modifiers to the matches. Gating rewards behind relic levels is pretty lame too. Make this event run every day with a reset and call it done. Move on to the a new actual game mode. Still waiting for this ocean of content. There was no need for an exhibition for an event that crops up once a week.
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    Nice to see the rewards improved somewhat, it's a step in right direction. Too bad I can't complete the r3 Rebel feat with my r3 Rebels...
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    Event ability on Malachor malfunctions with GAS. GAS will use a seemingly random ability (including telekinesis) after activating the event ability.

    On a related note: i would LOVE to see someone with 5xg12 beat T5....
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    Still really like the format with 3 modifiers, it shakes things up just enough to keep things fresh.

    However, as usual, once you beat the event with your strongest team, no sweat involved, these modifiers really come into play to get the feats. And that's where rewards come into play too. The 'rebel only' rewards was good enough so i really tried this feat and truly embraced the fight. Pretty sure i won't gear up a faction for this, but it's a different issue. The rewards for the 2 other feats are still bad enough so i won't bother to try and get them if i failed the first time.

    To sum up: based on the actual rewards, if i have a team ready for the 'faction only' feat, I'll engage the event and have fun doing it, but if i don't, I'll just auto it with an undersize gl team and call it a day.
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    Old Republic are already a solid, difficult bunch to beat. Add 20% tenacity up per OR ally and turn meter gain on resisting a debuff and it's game over for r3 rebels on tier 5. Like relax CG.

    I like the idea of modifiers but there's still a lot of work to be done for GC to be truly engaging. I'm thinking Galactic War levels of engagement (before it became easy to complete).
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    interesting dev post where they say they dont want to tinker with anything until the exhibitiion is done but they change the duration of the events. why not change the rewards while at it? the problem i see here is this new tool was supposed to be able to allow quicker updates but we wont get quicker updates or even fixes to the problems we players see because they dont fit into the greed and corruption agenda ea/cg has.
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    After being massively underwhelmed with the previous challenge I saw Stun guns on offer for GXII rebels beating tier 5 and thought I'd have a go with my relic 3 rebels.

    When my relic 3 rebel team can't even get close to killing even one of the enemy team - why would I bother with the event for such paltry rewards?

    No sense of balance, enjoyment or satisfaction for playing the event. Needs a biiiiiiiig overhaul before I'd bother playing it.
  • Options
    After being massively underwhelmed with the previous challenge I saw Stun guns on offer for GXII rebels beating tier 5 and thought I'd have a go with my relic 3 rebels.

    When my relic 3 rebel team can't even get close to killing even one of the enemy team - why would I bother with the event for such paltry rewards?

    No sense of balance, enjoyment or satisfaction for playing the event. Needs a biiiiiiiig overhaul before I'd bother playing it.

    Done with cls, han, chewie, 3po, Lando, all r2-3. You could try to go for mission first, then zaalbar, avoid using han's stun ability to prevent tm gain. May the rng be with you !
  • TVF
    36716 posts Member
    interesting dev post where they say they dont want to tinker with anything until the exhibitiion is done but they change the duration of the events. why not change the rewards while at it?

    The duration was set at launch of the game mode.
    I need a new message here.
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    This event is by far the worst. My relic se team gets destroyed on like tier 6. I have 5 rebels at r3 or r4 so I tried them on the tier that says g12 rebels and they get destroyed without taking an turns.
  • Stryde
    152 posts Member
    edited August 2020
    [EDIT: @Kyno, feel free to move this to the proper thread please, if that's appropriate]

    I think the Galactic Challenge rewards thread was merged with whatever this thread was without the rewards discussion. The two formerly separate merged threads are now one overall GC merged thread. [EDIT: I am incorrect in this paragraph.]

    So, 4 Jyn Erso shards as rewards. 4 shards of any character, especially those without the player ability to farm in hard and only purchase in a store. Shard rewards should be multiples of 5. I'm not going to be magically thankful when I 7* Jyn and have 60 shards in the store. I have lots of ways to obtain shards.

    I'm never going to be magically thankful that I have 200 GW tokens that will be stuck in perpetuity. I won't even be mundanely thankful. It's a failure to think through the lenses of players. (Yes, I realize it's my failure to understand the weekly store is subject to change because I wanted whatever 2 toons were offered for GW tokens only twice at the beginning of its history).

    To summarize: GC character or ship shard rewards should be multiples of 5.
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