The Pit Challenge Tier & Relic 8 [MEGA]


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    twstdbydsn wrote: »
    Sebek wrote: »
    EgoSlayer wrote: »
    Aside from the Relic gate, and joke of 'flatter prizing':

    FYI: Dark blue highlight text for changes on a blue background default color is *extremely* hard to read. How about picking a contrasting color, like or Orange?

    They Probably did it for Mobile
    on my phone it says its highlighted in Red.
    They edited the original post and changed it to red. The quote here is still blue and it's simply unreadable.

    Anyway looking at the new definition of flat one can think that the earth IS flat after all ;)
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    if it met that it only took like 20-25 members max to beat it, then I'm ok with the rewards structure. No freebies for posting a zero or just getting on the board cra p.
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    @CG_SBCrumb @CG_Doja_Fett @CG_TopHat

    I'm aware and sensitive to the fact that the game economy can only permit so many new R8 material/salvage (Aeromagnifiers) through the new Pit Tier, but I would highly, highly recommend that CG reconsider the reward structure for the new raid tier. The discrepancy between the very top rewards and bottom rewards are far too stark, and misunderstand what's actually happening in competitive guilds and encourages even more perverse incentives for players to try and avoid bottom 25 rewards.(through guild hopping "mercing" and the like).

    The current T8 Reward structure suggests that there's a great deal of discrepancy between the effort of the top and bottom performers in the raid. (11 for #1, 1 for 41-50). The reality is that this is rarely the case in competitive guilds. The discrepancy in terms of effort and damage in competitive groups, is marginal from top to bottom. (maybe distinguished by schedule and availability during a raid or ease of particular early phases, not effort).
    What this means is that players of near equal effort will have vastly different rewards. You should consider that it's very possible that the difference between the number one player, and 41st player may only be hundreds of thousands or millions of damage. (without knowing the health pool of the new Rancor). This only contributes to vastly negative experience for thousands of players on a daily basis and potential internal conflict for guilds.

    Consider this instead. Give everyone the same amount of relic amplifier material regardless of placement. (say 5?) Guild leaders want this - and most team players will want this. The risk of rewarding zero effort is negligible compared to the innumerable "feel-bad" experiences your proposed reward structure will create. Competitive guilds will appreciate that all members can progress at a similar if not identical pace if the guild works together and I imagine R8 will be an important element of progress for competitive, TW oriented guilds.

    You can still have tiers of rewards, but tie this guild tokens, credits, other amplifier material or gear salvage. There are endless ways to spend these resources in game and quite literally every player needs them. This alone will drive players to vie for the top spot and create a positive incentive for top performers while avoiding the very worst experiences for those who will inevitably have to be at the bottom regardless of how well they do. (even if they have an identical "score" to the top place finisher).

    Again, please reconsider the current structure of rewards for the new tier so that the guild can succeed together, while avoiding incredibly and inevitable negative experiences for players, and potentially reinforcing or creating new perverse incentives. I can assure you that with this current reward structure, every top guild will be discussing how they logistically have half the guild jump somewhere else and run two concurrent T8 Rancors so all players can finish Top 25. This is a nightmare for guild leaders, and can only create conflict.

    All the best.
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    Still not new content. Same raid we played four years ago you just made it harder. ZZZZ
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    Glauron wrote: »
    Then the new GLs were well balanced.

    You are crazy if you think that is true.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
  • BryGuy2k
    198 posts Member
    edited December 2020
    Based on my reading of the original post I am skeptical that the raid will be able to be completed by 25 players. So the reward structure is even worse. I expect that it’ll take the average 250M GP guild 40 players to complete the raid.

    This will create serious problems in guild management as leaders have to harass members to put up scores. As others have mentioned there is another Disney game out there where the raid rewards are actually flat.

    It works for TB. It works for TW. Just make it the same for raids. Raids don’t need to have a reward structure.
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    I actually love the r5 reqs for the raid. It makes all those "lean" GAC rosters look worse and those with deeper rosters look much better
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    The other way to reward participation is reward % damage dealt. Say give 1 amplifier piece for everyone 1% damage or 2% or whatever. This would more accurately reward participation and performance.
    At the same time, it would discourage people who post 0 and don't help.
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    CG, why do you keep doing this to yourself? You say you want to reward everybody more equitably but then you put out a ridiculous R5 gate? My guild is comprised of half folks like myself who are building out our top ends with R5s and some R7s, but we are fostering and building up the other half of our guild which is very G12 heavy and doesn't have much in the way of relics.

    Also this is killing people who relic (and quite rightly might I add) with the intent of strengthening their entire roster rather than just one team. For example, there are folks out there who want to strengthen their JKR squads by relicing Jolee and GMY first, and leaving the rest at G12. Then perhaps in their Padme squad they relic JKA and GK first, and leave the rest at G12. Now you've broken up usable teams into bits and pieces?

    Didn't you guys learn from the ill advised Galactic Challenges v1 gating of feats with relic tiers?

    You're exacerbating even further an environment of haves and have nots in the guilds...
  • mesa176750
    663 posts Member
    edited December 2020
    I feel like they made the raid this way because they are too lazy to proof it to make sure there isn't an exploit.

    "Just make them resist everything, gain infinite speed and damage, and make it so they can't heal and stuff"

    I don't see the point in locking it behind r5 either, it's not like most guilds will be able to clear this. Should have made it Guild GP min. of 350m to participate and let the whatever gear levels be used. Would have had a similar effect to this ****.

    Edit: WOW, the word shenan - - - igan is censored here?
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    You guys don’t have a clue what flat rewards are. Again you continue to miss the mark. Idk why we expected anything better from you guys. Give up the star wars IP.
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    Not a fan of the relic 5 gate at all, CG you missed the mark on that one
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    Would be the perfect time to bring back JKL since he was the one to originally solo the Rancor. Just sayin...
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    Release Jedi Knight Luke
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    I actually love the r5 reqs for the raid. It makes all those "lean" GAC rosters look worse and those with deeper rosters look much better

    Exactly! Spot on...

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    1. Relic 5 is too high IMO, half the guild will not be able to participate (or half the teams), R1 should be enough
    2. So, we're fighting over the rewards again, huh?
    3. Why we need to scavange even more gear for another brand new R8 piece? I think the ones from the raid would've been enough...
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    Good game mode. We dont want soloable raids. Maybe the rewards can be more good.
    But this will be the best game mode probably everyone will enjoy.
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    hopefully some of the new mod salvage gear from GC are in here also..
  • HKFactory
    375 posts Member
    edited December 2020
    I already didn’t like raids, and this just looks like sheer pain. I just want to power up the characters I like, and want, to their maximum power, not be made to spend my time powering up characters I don’t care for just to do a raid that I don’t like to get them to full power, let alone to high relic level minimums to even participate.
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    I think u guys needa read carefully... The gear gate is R5 ONLY.

    Is this how u make SLK unsoloable? What trash is this? I give R8 materials but if u take any toons higher then R5 u still cannot participate in the raid. What TRASH is this?

    Now there are SPECIFIC RELIC LVLS?
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    As a guild officer I’m just here to support what everyone’s saying in this post. The reward structure is horrible and gating the Raid behind R5 is a poor move from CG’s side. The fact that 80% of my guild cannot even try the new content leaves a sour taste
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    Yay we now have two events to hate and slog through! LS Geo TB and now this. So much fun!
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    I actually love the r5 reqs for the raid. It makes all those "lean" GAC rosters look worse and those with deeper rosters look much better
    I seriously doubt the small handful of hardcore GAC min-maxers give a rip about r8.

    You should be more concerned about the difficulty level implications of an r5 minimum. Think LS Geo TB on steroids.
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    "We’ll have another post next month to give specifics on the Challenge Tier Rancor so that players can prepare"

    I'm so glad we got a whole [checks time] few hours to prepare! Or they just lied to us
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    Looooki wrote: »
    I think u guys needa read carefully... The gear gate is R5 ONLY.

    Is this how u make SLK unsoloable? What trash is this? I give R8 materials but if u take any toons higher then R5 u still cannot participate in the raid. What TRASH is this?

    Now there are SPECIFIC RELIC LVLS?

    I think it's logic that it was a mistake while writing, there's no way it's R5 only
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    Besides the blatant cash grab of an R5 gate I would imagine this also helps to prevent theory crafters from finding as many Night Sister cheese strategies which are the types of things that make players not spend as much money when they can just cheese their way through like the HSTR.

    I agree with all the other posts about the reward structure. It is garbage.
  • Blubcop
    395 posts Member
    edited December 2020
    Zuffassa wrote: »
    Besides the blatant cash grab of an R5 gate I would imagine this also helps to prevent theory crafters from finding as many Night Sister cheese strategies which are the types of things that make players not spend as much money when they can just cheese their way through like the HSTR.

    I agree with all the other posts about the reward structure. It is garbage.

    Most of the cheese strategies revolve around bonus turnmeter so they didn't have to worry about those
  • Kyno
    32087 posts Moderator
    mariogsh wrote: »
    Looooki wrote: »
    I think u guys needa read carefully... The gear gate is R5 ONLY.

    Is this how u make SLK unsoloable? What trash is this? I give R8 materials but if u take any toons higher then R5 u still cannot participate in the raid. What TRASH is this?

    Now there are SPECIFIC RELIC LVLS?

    I think it's logic that it was a mistake while writing, there's no way it's R5 only

    correct, its R5 and up.
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