You don't mean this...

Once we can ensure that the event has been properly reset for all players, we will be sending players the crystals that were spent on energy and/or consumables during this event and a general make good sometime next week. All players at level 85 will receive 100 Conquest Currency and 10 Razor Crest shards as part of a general make good for the inconvenience. The current Conquest event will not pay out end of event rewards.. We will not be removing any milestone rewards players have already earned.

I was already close to the third box in hard mode and then you get just 10 razor crest shards to compensate? I hope this isn't real :( I'm really so **** now... And listening to the remarks in our alliance I'm not alone. This is really bad and I hope they will really make up for this one somehow.


  • UdalCuain
    5041 posts Member
    edited April 2021
    What? Any rewards you have earned up to this point you will keep (except for the end of event box), you will be getting shards to compensate, plus the event will be restarted next week. You are also getting any spent resources back.

    So you are actually gaining bonus currency, credits and shards by the end of the relaunched Conquest.
  • Options
    Well, nice many rewards. Do we keep the disks? No. And the event box is what you are working for. So I can't say this was worth the effort to be honest.
  • UdalCuain
    5041 posts Member
    Amraam wrote: »
    Well, nice many rewards. Do we keep the disks? No. And the event box is what you are working for. So I can't say this was worth the effort to be honest.

    You are two days into a fourteen day event. It'll take you two days to get to the same point when the event when it relaunches. You aren't losing anything.

    I think CG is being more than fair with regards to compensation etc. I think letting us keep what we had earned to this point was enough, and refunding spent crystals is great. The Razor Crest shards are a nice freebie.

    I guess the sky will always be falling for some people though.
  • RTS
    684 posts Member
    UdalCuain wrote: »
    Amraam wrote: »
    Well, nice many rewards. Do we keep the disks? No. And the event box is what you are working for. So I can't say this was worth the effort to be honest.

    You are two days into a fourteen day event. It'll take you two days to get to the same point when the event when it relaunches. You aren't losing anything.

    I think CG is being more than fair with regards to compensation etc. I think letting us keep what we had earned to this point was enough, and refunding spent crystals is great. The Razor Crest shards are a nice freebie.

    I guess the sky will always be falling for some people though.

    Just launched yesterday afternoon so it's really only 1 day into it.

    I refreshed so I could max my gains form store currency - and I think their 'make good' is awesome.
  • Wed_Santa
    1019 posts Member
    I don’t know - I’m sympathetic to OP’s POV. Everyone has different motivators &values different things. For me it’s time. I have a full time job, three little kids and a shedload of stuff that needs fixing around the house. The time I get to steal playing a game is precious. I’m not getting that back. Personally I’d prefer to restart conquest at the same point that it shuts, with the same tickets earned and same progress and they can keep the currency. But that’s me. My view of time is crepuscular- I just see the fading light.
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    If I'm reading the dev's post accurately, we get to keep any rewards (i.e. conquest credits) earned so far, will be made whole on any crystals/energy spent, and get some free loot as well. Sounds pretty good to me (esp. the RC shards). Sure I'm disappointed that I cant play GC (as its one of my favorites parts of the game now) but Poodoo happens
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    This is just a bonus, I get an extra 14 shards of razor crest, don't see the problem here plus the currency
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    This is just a bonus, I get an extra 14 shards of razor crest, don't see the problem here plus the currency

    As we will still get the conquest (just delayed) I'm ok with it. Solid heads up was given.
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    I’m more interested in the future changes to Conquest that were supposed to follow this round. Hoping that doesn’t get pushed back either
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    Ok, I was frustrated because I already achieved box 3 and that is not paid out. If the next conquest starts soon I better see it as a bonus. What is just frustrating a bit is that the payback is more or less the same for everybody. People who didn't do almost anything yet also get the same compensation. That seems a bit unfair. And the time invested was quite a bit. But I'll not complain too much and just take it for a fact now.
  • Options
    Amraam wrote: »
    Ok, I was frustrated because I already achieved box 3 and that is not paid out. If the next conquest starts soon I better see it as a bonus. What is just frustrating a bit is that the payback is more or less the same for everybody. People who didn't do almost anything yet also get the same compensation. That seems a bit unfair. And the time invested was quite a bit. But I'll not complain too much and just take it for a fact now.

    Technically, you do get more resources since you earned more milestones than some. 450 extra conquest credits(up to box 3) is what you get over those of us who didn't grind. Personally, I think that's a great bonus for those of you who are on top of your game.
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    My biggest complain is that if someone spent crystals to reach the RC shards, he gets back the crystals, keeps the shards and gets the compensation as well, compared to others who didnt speed up their conquest and thus, could not obtain the RC shards. This seems like a slight advantage to me but definitely an unfair one.
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    If you bought just three sets of shards in the Jawa store at any point, you have the option to unlock RC after the next conquest fully completes assuming you got max crate in normal (20) and the first hard (44). That 64 plus the bonus 14 and three four shard purchase puts you at 90 shards or 55 shards short.

    No one is getting advantage over anyone based on this short conquest. Everyone who is accelerating RC will unlock at the same time. Those who aren’t purchasing shouldn’t care as you, myself included, decided it wasn’t worth it.

    The only “advantage” people got is assuming cg makes good and refunds all crystals spent. But that’s a minimal advantage of say 1500 currency at the high end over those that didn’t refresh energy or take advantage of it once it was announced.

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    2 weeks between to fix stuff and wasn't fixed
    Is LS Geo TB all over again

    At least that failure made the rewards worth it
  • Iy4oy4s
    2943 posts Member
    The lesson here is to make sure you rush through conquest in case they have to bring it down again...
  • Options
    SerWulfgar wrote: »
    My biggest complain is that if someone spent crystals to reach the RC shards, he gets back the crystals, keeps the shards and gets the compensation as well, compared to others who didnt speed up their conquest and thus, could not obtain the RC shards. This seems like a slight advantage to me but definitely an unfair one.

    I would call it compensation for the time spent 🤷‍♂️
  • zatho
    747 posts Member
    Seriously, CG? No Chewie shards this time? What kind of poor compensation is this?
  • DavienBlackstar
    59 posts Member
    edited April 2021
    SerWulfgar wrote: »
    My biggest complain is that if someone spent crystals to reach the RC shards, he gets back the crystals, keeps the shards and gets the compensation as well, compared to others who didnt speed up their conquest and thus, could not obtain the RC shards. This seems like a slight advantage to me but definitely an unfair one.
    It's potentially a pretty nice advantage: at this point anyone who's gotten every shard available is on track to unlock one event earlier than everyone else. (IF my back-of-envelope math is right...)
    EDIT: My math was not correct. Drathuk916's is.
    Drathuk916 wrote: »
    If you bought just three sets of shards in the Jawa store at any point, you have the option to unlock RC after the next conquest fully completes assuming you got max crate in normal (20) and the first hard (44). That 64 plus the bonus 14 and three four shard purchase puts you at 90 shards or 55 shards short.

    No one is getting advantage over anyone based on this short conquest.
    However, I fail to see how it is unfair. Everyone has had the same opportunity. It was always going to be unreasonably expensive to accelerate the RC, and they told us this was going to happen with enough time to unlock the Merchant in Sector 3.
  • zatho
    747 posts Member
    edited April 2021
    I also wonder about consumables. If you bought them for crystals, you get them refunded, as the consumables are gone. If you bought them with credits, these are gone as well. So you should have bought gear or RC shards with credits instead of boosters or consumables.
  • Drathuk916
    639 posts Member
    edited April 2021
    I take it back a little, there could be a significant advantage if rc is required for an unannounced event at five stars. Those that managed to get to the sector four Jawa will have a five star rc for a month before those that didn’t assuming you have bought all shards available before this conquest.

    So if cg introduces the event in that month I think people can gripe a lot if they don’t people can still gripe just not as much. I think the five star is the only one potentially causing a divide for those accelerating rc


    Ignore this. I made a mistake
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    Drathuk916 wrote: »
    I take it back a little, there could be a significant advantage if rc is required for an unannounced event at five stars. Those that managed to get to the sector four Jawa will have a five star rc for a month before those that didn’t assuming you have bought all shards available before this conquest.
    Pretty sure you were right the first time. Earliest available unlock is after the next event completes, regardless of any extras shards obtained from this short event: 90 + 44 + 12 = 146. One more than needed.

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    Made millions of dollars and still can't make an event right smh
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    Yep I was wrong. Was thinking in my head unlock was four star not five and going from there
  • Nikoms565
    14242 posts Member
    RyuMac_81 wrote: »
    Made millions of dollars and still can't make an event right smh

    I find it mildly amusing that people are still surprised when events are bugged, or CG breaks something when they try to "fix" things. This is the way. Has been since launch.
    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
  • Options
    Drathuk916 wrote: »
    Yep I was wrong. Was thinking in my head unlock was four star not five and going from there

    Razor Crest is a tricksy hobbit like that.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    Anyway. Jokes aside. Look at it like this--
    Either the make-good for ending the event early appeases the people who spent time and crystals and annoys the people who didn't (and I didn't spend those, but also I'm not annoyed). Or the make-good for ending the event early takes away the blueprints and other rewards they've gotten and **** them off, but appeases the people who didn't.

    You can't please both sides here. So which group do you think is going to give less flak if you appease them?
    RyuMac_81 wrote: »
    Made millions of dollars and still can't make an event right smh

    The event is right, the fix wasn't. But, hey, you got some cheap heat from your comment so good for you. Enjoy the like you got, I'm sure it'll fill you with the happiness you crave.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
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    That’s fun

  • Looooki
    1045 posts Member
    Iy4oy4s wrote: »
    The lesson here is to make sure you rush through conquest in case they have to bring it down again...

    I though the own lesson is not to rush through it?
  • Options
    UdalCuain wrote: »
    What? Any rewards you have earned up to this point you will keep (except for the end of event box), you will be getting shards to compensate, plus the event will be restarted next week. You are also getting any spent resources back.

    So you are actually gaining bonus currency, credits and shards by the end of the relaunched Conquest.

    I really hope they keep my current progress and my inventory, I spent crystals to get where I am right now. If they reset to zero, I want a full refund for my efforts yesterday.
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