Everyone has the same team in Arena



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    ATM there really is no advantage to having a full group of any 1 type. I really hope they add a group synergy when you use a full group of any given type. A lot of toons are not only weak but useless. This is why you always see the same motley teams dominating. There is no incentive or advantage to using a full group. Closest I have seen is 4 droids and Poggle. I also thought there would be rock,paper,scissors when I started this game. So far its very disorganized and not very well thought out or planned. Stop lagging EA and revamp your characters so people will actual invest and use them. This game could be so much better. I hope by endgame you make all characters available somewhere in the game and not just for p2p.
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    I run 7* phasma, kylo and jc with 6* fotp and foo all min lvl 65 and gear 7/8 and pretty much get know where, could throw in 6* maul but he gets mashed...he's OK in gw though.
  • EM650
    1120 posts Member
    My team starting today : Dooku, Daka, RG, GS, and Hoth Rebel Scout
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    theHejiN wrote: »
    I don't care anymore about arena.
    GW is the only challenge.

    Hasn't challenged me since the retreat change...
    Maybe we need other PvP modes.

    3v3 and 6v6 would be cool. Starship PvP would be nice. Dark vs Light, Faction vs Faction, Endurance PvP... Plenty of things they could do.
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    This is a by-product of this and other forum communities. When the choices you make in this game require such intense commitment, it is smart to do your homework. This means laboring over your own method of deciding or seeing what tried-and-proven teams work.

    "Guides" will tell you Qui-Gon is the smart choice in cantina shipments, Sidious in arena shipments, Luminara in galactic war shipments, Geonosian Soldier to cantina farm...and the fifth is up for grabs (but really it's dooku.) This creates your arena situation. Committing to these guys takes time: months of time. One is not likely to toss months of work down the tubes just because their team looks like another.

    It would take committing to a different team from the start and investing in fight refreshes once in the top 200 to keep a different team up there. Having the same team as everyone else has its perks in a defenseless game: you're just a small fish in a large school of small fish. If you aren't swimming in the school, you're likely to get eaten.
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    QGJ is staple lead in our top 5, after that it's different, only 2 of us use RG, only 2 use yoda, GS is used by others but not me and I see Rey more than Lumi.
  • LaLiam
    1589 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    I beat any meta team with Ackbar(L),HRS,Han,Rey,Biggs

    Im so glad no one else has discovered this comp without Leia.
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    LaLiam wrote: »
    I beat any meta team with Ackbar(L),HRS,Han,Rey,Biggs

    Im so glad no one else has discovered this comp without Leia.

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