[MEGA] Road Ahead: July 2021


  • Ultra
    11614 posts Moderator
    Snaveis wrote: »
    Vader is going to be practically useless after the nerf with the removal of the click around portion of mercilous. Make gls better don’t make characters people have invested into worse.

    The only nerf Vader got was that Culling Blade does 40% less damage

    His merciless CC got buffed, and now has protection recovery when a dot expires

    So you can still target whoever you want with Merciless active
  • Ravens1113
    5215 posts Member
    Ultra wrote: »
    Snaveis wrote: »
    Vader is going to be practically useless after the nerf with the removal of the click around portion of mercilous. Make gls better don’t make characters people have invested into worse.

    The only nerf Vader got was that Culling Blade does 40% less damage

    His merciless CC got buffed, and now has protection recovery when a dot expires

    So you can still target whoever you want with Merciless active

    His biggest nerf is against these GL’s.

    As messed up as it is what CG is doing, these toons aren’t losing viability against anything not GL. These changes are all buffing them against the rest of the meta. However the nonsense is the massive nerfs against GL’s. That’s the big issue paired with R9 and insane relic reqs for a new capital ship.
  • KKatarn
    629 posts Member
    edited July 2021
    What is the reason for all the changes now, why not change non GL counters when they were discovered? Players invest time in building these counters over the past 6-12 months. Please look at match making in TW and GAC with losing multiple counters. Personally I enjoyed all the diversity in arena between the GLs and different counter teams, now it's basically one team and you are fighting the same teams, arena is already boring with all JMK at the top. I am concerned with the changes to GAS and JKL, that may essentially nerf one GL but waiting to see how the changes come through. Trying to keep up the optimism in my guild (majority are 4+ year players) but feel as you killed any little excitement they had remaining which is unfortunate.
    MONEY. That is the reason. This is a move to milk the people who are addicted to spend money in this game even harder. Because if they can't use other characters against GL they will be running like crazy to get Kenobi, Lord Vader and whatever other GL they decide to throw in the game.
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    May have been said already, but can armor penetration be added to weapon tech to help cover the ignore defense loss?

    Also, agree that JML could use a slight buff. A small increase to ultimate charging would help.
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    Seems like almost all of the changes had some kind of balance to them, except for Wat's weapon tech. Just removed the weapon part of it completely. Sure extra turns for your damage dealer and no revives is something, but no extra damage or crit damage/chance to offset the loss of ignoring defence is pretty mean.
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    Can the developers please make a post better explaining their reasoning behind changes like Thrawn not being able to Fracture GLs? This is an extremely niche ability found nowhere else in-game. A healthy meta is where GLs are in a league of their own, sure, but still able to be beaten with a few non-GL teams.
  • Porgalicious
    73 posts Member
    edited July 2021
    MrFear220 wrote: »
    Can the developers please make a post better explaining their reasoning behind changes like Thrawn not being able to Fracture GLs? This is an extremely niche ability found nowhere else in-game. A healthy meta is where GLs are in a league of their own, sure, but still able to be beaten with a few non-GL teams.

    Crumb is going on the Gambit podcast tonight...so we can go an listen to that instead of a concise post answering the numerous questions raised here.
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    I like the fixes. I think it makes people more inclined to use their GLs on offense, which will completely change the way GAC is played. Which is not a bad thing. And if you don’t have a GL or if you are down a GL, it will be the same as a poorly invested roster against a hyper GAC roster.

    I have played people without GLs with my non GL roster and knew before I placed a defense that I was going to lose. That’s just how this game is sometimes. That doesn’t make it bad. Plus, you know if you do have a GL for offense you are getting good banners.

    For people who haven’t/don’t want to invest in GLs and have cheesy GL counters, time to invest or stop focusing GAC/TW. There are a lot of other game modes.

    This is my opinion. Yours is different, and that’s fine. I still love this game and I’m looking forward to unlocking my first GL in a few weeks!
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    I don’t understand how someone could equal f2p to no GL. I mean I am a f2p and have all 5 GL. All you need is to join a good guild and invest a significant amount of time each day (and to have some brains ofc).

    As to the changes, crazy requirements of new ship and LV, and introduction of R9, pretty much everything is in line with CG’s practice. At least they gave us a month’s notice! Isn’t that great? At the end of the day, people leave because they don’t like the game, not because of the changes; people stay because they like this game, or like to play with the friends; whales still gonna pay because, well, they are whales. In a year or 2 nobody will remember this RA.
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    Coming back to post a few thoughts I've had since the post on Friday.

    First off, my personal morale for the game is pretty low. I know it was probably strategically planned this way, but I'm excited for the new Maul and curious about the new Capital ship and GL. I'm strangely accepting of r9, but that's probably because I don't care about r8 at all because impulse detectors are cancer to farm, so r9 is going to be even more unobtainable because they will probably need twice as many impulse detectors as r8 does. (if I'm low-ball estimating)

    The video presentation of the road ahead was amazing. Don't mistake the general disdain for the nerf announcements as disdain for the presentation of the information. I loved the humor presented and fun video clips. Please continue to release information this way.

    Defense ignore changes are completely understandable from my point of view. I think that some of the changes should be approached slightly differently however, in general every time you drop defense ignore, you need to replace it with some sort of offense increase:
    1. GAS's telekinesis needs a buff in trade off from being nerfed. His basic has +65% - +195% defense penetration as a trade off, but telekinesis just got it's offense completely nerfed. Defense penetration isn't that great of a stat regardless, because it's not a mod secondary that you can improve and even though it is part of the mastery stat for strength attackers, it rarely ignores large amounts of defense. I'd rather a damage increase on these abilities, maybe you can make the telekinesis increase it's damage by 25%.
    2. Wat's weapon tech was completely neutered. The weapon tech implies it's an attacker focused tech, that helps attackers move faster, kill things and have them stay dead, and most importantly, deal more damage. The problem is that the proposed rework simply chops off the ignoring defense part of the mod, which means it will only help attackers move faster and help them stay dead. This is a drastic difference from the identity of this mod. We have characters that prevent TM gain such as Hux and JMK. We have guild events like the CPit that prevent TM gain. MOST characters don't have a way of reviving to begin with other than Wat himself, Jolee, Ewoks, Mon Mothma, Imperial remnants, and Nightsisters. So not only are we making a mod that only helps some of the time instead of all of the time, but we are changing the identity of the mod as a weapon mod.

    As for the non-GL counter nerf, I feel that this is a great disservice to the game you've built over the years. GLs already stand on their own, no one disputes how strong they are, I think everyone agrees that they are the strongest out there on both offense and defense. The Vader-Thrawn-Wat counter for example is something that you can't pull off unless you have specific mods and gear levels and zetas, and even then there are times you can mess up or your opponent puts down a team with Rey that counters the vader team (Jawas for example) F2P and Whales alike use these counters for GAC and TW to make battles be a bit more interesting. These non-GL counters make up for the faults in the matchmaking system, helping guilds and players to win against opponents that outnumber them on GLs. This doesn't mean that we reward the F2P because of it, because there can be highly focused F2P that have 4 GLs matched against people that have 2 GLs or less that spend money on the game. It's a question of making up the difference that a GL leaves. Most of these GL counters break up solid teams too and have a high degree of risk associated with them. I feel that it's a bad step to make, and I am sure many others agree.
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    MrFear220 wrote: »
    Can the developers please make a post better explaining their reasoning behind changes like Thrawn not being able to Fracture GLs? This is an extremely niche ability found nowhere else in-game. A healthy meta is where GLs are in a league of their own, sure, but still able to be beaten with a few non-GL teams.

    They said they want GL to be mini-raid bosses. Do you need explanation why fracture can’t full stop raid bosses?
  • SerylT2
    146 posts Member
    Ultra wrote: »
    CG staff has been actively reading / jotting down the feedback ITT

    Would be a real shame to keep this thread locked indefinitely due to a few bad actors

    Well I can promise you right now, almost nobody believes that. Would be nice for CG to prove us wrong but the majority have zero confidence they are doing any of that beyond giving you mods lip service to attempt to get us all to shut up. Otherwise they would have already had the stones to respond themselves

  • Options
    MrFear220 wrote: »
    Can the developers please make a post better explaining their reasoning behind changes like Thrawn not being able to Fracture GLs? This is an extremely niche ability found nowhere else in-game. A healthy meta is where GLs are in a league of their own, sure, but still able to be beaten with a few non-GL teams.

    They said they want GL to be mini-raid bosses. Do you need explanation why fracture can’t full stop raid bosses?

    Okay, Mr. Smarty Pants.

    It appears GLs are getting some raid boss features and not others. Why was Fracture mechanic chosen to be one where they do behave like raid bosses?
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    Are you publishing? In the guilds that close the Rancor chalenge, burut only with a legend, and new legends without 8 relic cannot be obtained, but it can only be obtained there. And the fleet of 9 relict arena units is no longer due to the legends that killed the balance. Stop publishing over free to play gamers. Put your igpa to the level of $ 100 per month in the game or no progress. You have killed all the counters that were in the game. Thrawn and Tambor are as useless as GAS. And after 4.5 years of playing, you can't even get into the top 100 in the arena after this upgrade, so you also take the fleet. Is there a limit to your greed? This game is already a complete hassle and a year like the release of legends. Nerf legends, not characters. SLKR he already has a lot of damage so you gave him invulnerability for 3 turns. Nerf the legends of the galaxy, not the Persians, or make it easy to get existing legends. Collect 20 characters in 5-7 relics of which 10 are not needed anywhere at all. You have killed the game completely. I refuse to play this return what it was.
  • Chanarro
    2 posts Member
    edited July 2021
    blargh to it all
  • SerylT2
    146 posts Member
    It appears GLs are getting some raid boss features and not others. Why was Fracture mechanic chosen to be one where they do behave like raid bosses?

    Because they do not actually care about GL's being like Raid Bosses. They just want GL's to be unbeatable so people feel pressure to empty their wallet on them. If GL's were like really like raid bosses you would have to use them solo and they would come with their own refreshable minions. You wouldn't be able to stick 4 meta non GL's like CAT around them.

  • Options
    MrFear220 wrote: »
    Can the developers please make a post better explaining their reasoning behind changes like Thrawn not being able to Fracture GLs? This is an extremely niche ability found nowhere else in-game. A healthy meta is where GLs are in a league of their own, sure, but still able to be beaten with a few non-GL teams.

    They said they want GL to be mini-raid bosses. Do you need explanation why fracture can’t full stop raid bosses?

    Okay, Mr. Smarty Pants.

    It appears GLs are getting some raid boss features and not others. Why was Fracture mechanic chosen to be one where they do behave like raid bosses?

    If you check the post carefully, fracture was not the only one where GL will act like raid bosses. It’s the one that caught your eyes though
  • Options
    MrFear220 wrote: »
    Can the developers please make a post better explaining their reasoning behind changes like Thrawn not being able to Fracture GLs? This is an extremely niche ability found nowhere else in-game. A healthy meta is where GLs are in a league of their own, sure, but still able to be beaten with a few non-GL teams.

    They said they want GL to be mini-raid bosses. Do you need explanation why fracture can’t full stop raid bosses?

    Okay, Mr. Smarty Pants.

    It appears GLs are getting some raid boss features and not others. Why was Fracture mechanic chosen to be one where they do behave like raid bosses?

    If you check the post carefully, fracture was not the only one where GL will act like raid bosses. It’s the one that caught your eyes though

    Neither I nor the guy with the original question said that. Care to try and answer the actual question?

    BTW, you can't. You don't know the answer. Unless you have some inside knowledge the rest of us don't.
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    I like the fixes. I think it makes people more inclined to use their GLs on offense, which will completely change the way GAC is played. Which is not a bad thing. And if you don’t have a GL or if you are down a GL, it will be the same as a poorly invested roster against a hyper GAC roster.

    I have played people without GLs with my non GL roster and knew before I placed a defense that I was going to lose. That’s just how this game is sometimes. That doesn’t make it bad. Plus, you know if you do have a GL for offense you are getting good banners.

    For people who haven’t/don’t want to invest in GLs and have cheesy GL counters, time to invest or stop focusing GAC/TW. There are a lot of other game modes.

    This is my opinion. Yours is different, and that’s fine. I still love this game and I’m looking forward to unlocking my first GL in a few weeks!

    you mean defense. Ppl are just going to drop all their GLs on D, especially if their opponent has fewer GLs than them because now they can't beat them. currently most of my opponents (i have 2 GLs, almost have my 3rd) keep their or most of their GLs for offense. So....back to the good ol' DRevs meta days it seems. You can't kill mine, I can't kill yours, guess it's down to GP or wasting banners on non-GL teams.
  • Options
    MrFear220 wrote: »
    Can the developers please make a post better explaining their reasoning behind changes like Thrawn not being able to Fracture GLs? This is an extremely niche ability found nowhere else in-game. A healthy meta is where GLs are in a league of their own, sure, but still able to be beaten with a few non-GL teams.

    They said they want GL to be mini-raid bosses. Do you need explanation why fracture can’t full stop raid bosses?

    Okay, Mr. Smarty Pants.

    It appears GLs are getting some raid boss features and not others. Why was Fracture mechanic chosen to be one where they do behave like raid bosses?

    If you check the post carefully, fracture was not the only one where GL will act like raid bosses. It’s the one that caught your eyes though

    I hate to break it to you but there's other abilities in the game that do not impact raid bosses but will impact GLs. Those are what Ragnarok is referring to.
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    I like the fixes. I think it makes people more inclined to use their GLs on offense, which will completely change the way GAC is played. Which is not a bad thing. And if you don’t have a GL or if you are down a GL, it will be the same as a poorly invested roster against a hyper GAC roster.

    I have played people without GLs with my non GL roster and knew before I placed a defense that I was going to lose. That’s just how this game is sometimes. That doesn’t make it bad. Plus, you know if you do have a GL for offense you are getting good banners.

    For people who haven’t/don’t want to invest in GLs and have cheesy GL counters, time to invest or stop focusing GAC/TW. There are a lot of other game modes.

    This is my opinion. Yours is different, and that’s fine. I still love this game and I’m looking forward to unlocking my first GL in a few weeks!

    Theory crafting will be gone and this game will be so dull. Whoever has the most GLs wins. No way around it or no brain power to use. If they really want to do this they need to fix matchmaking because the GP of a GL really won’t matter because it can kill anything and everything. One GL is basically an entire team now and if GAC is going based on GP people will get tired of losing and just quit. Telling someone to get a GL is equivalent of saying spend the next 6 months losing at everything. Not even double character shards can fix this problem.
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    Imagine if there were a test server. And they gave access to the more prominent members of the community. Then, when they announce things like this, those guys could provide assurance that the sky is not in fact falling. That would be a game changer, I dare say.

    Instead, we have 6 weeks to fester and worry over these changes.
  • Granolo
    216 posts Member
    The Wat nerf bothers me. Why don't give a dmg boost to the Weapon Tech? Now it doesn't give any benefit for damage dealers. Maybe a 50% offense boost would be a nice, even 30% might be decent.
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    Something I saw seems to bother me.

    Refunds on Wat and General Kenobi for r8, right?

    But you need R8 to unlock JMK.

    So it reads to me as, "Congrats whales, we're going to give you a refund that anyone who wants JMK after the update won't get."
  • Arvoren
    13 posts Member
    edited July 2021
    It's absurd that you're not reviewing matchmaking with the changes that are being implemented. The Galactic legend raid boss meta will force your player base down a specific pathway and punish those that deviate. To give you a better sense of the predicament you've dropped on us, I've been paired with 5 other opponents in my GAC set that have 2 or more GL's and i only have 1 at 4.4 mil GP. Without the ability to theory craft and take calculated risks by stripping teams to make a counter, I would lose every time if my opponents decide to place these units on defense. This kills my desire to enjoy the PVP aspects of the game and I'm certain that this will be felt by the community as it kicks the creativity out the door and will make matches boring as we wont be to clear that many defenses. This will create a bottleneck of resources and will only be available to those that have numerous GL's.

    Our investment is not limited to those few characters that you plan to nerf and reduce the relic levels in the next patch to make GL's more of a raid boss. Will you return the resources we've used on the mod process (slicing and farming), crystals, credits, and time to obtain them in the first place? These characters were marketed a certain way and are no longer functioning as it was advertised.

    Is it feasible for CG to develop a comprehensive roadmap that can be shared to the community that details what new characters are being developed and that are pegged as GL requirements (wayyyyy in advance)? Everyone in this game would benefit from this knowledge as they can plan their farms accordingly as the current "last minute" meta is unsustainable (especially if you flip a switch and erase months of planning/work). Not everyone can throw their money at this game.

    I delayed my farm for my second Galactic legend as I finished 7 staring the requirements for JKL and I decided to unlock and gear him as he provided utility to my roster to be able to challenge certain GL's in GAC, TW and conquest. With him nerfed and not functioning as intended, it limits my ability to use my current GL to challenge the others in the above mentioned game modes. This decision to wait has ultimately costed me from getting my second GL, which now has more substantial value. If I had known earlier about this new raid boss meta, I would not have wasted my time and resources on this unit.

    CG looking at the Krakens and whales.. "Execute Order Sixty-Six!" to the early and mid game players (Palpatine voice)

  • Vuk
    32 posts Member
    They just killed GAC and WAR with theese changes and ... fun in the game.
  • Rath_Tarr
    4944 posts Member
    Something I saw seems to bother me.

    Refunds on Wat and General Kenobi for r8, right?

    But you need R8 to unlock JMK.

    So it reads to me as, "Congrats whales, we're going to give you a refund that anyone who wants JMK after the update won't get."
    You only need r7 Wat for JMK and I don't see GK in the nerf list.
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    Sorry if this has been answered before. I’m sure it has, but I can’t find it.

    When will these new changes (GAS, Vader, SEE, etc kit changes) go into effect? I trying to beat Clash on Kamino before GAS gets buffed with full 501st. Part 4 will be a nightmare after that lol.

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    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    Something I saw seems to bother me.

    Refunds on Wat and General Kenobi for r8, right?

    But you need R8 to unlock JMK.

    So it reads to me as, "Congrats whales, we're going to give you a refund that anyone who wants JMK after the update won't get."
    You only need r7 Wat for JMK and I don't see GK in the nerf list.

    My mistake then. I thought we needed 8

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