[MEGA] Conquest 7


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    I do have to question why they give us a game mode that doesn’t require any investment (other than time) to complete and then change it so that you then need to spend quite a few crystals in order to get the same max rewards.

    Why do this? Or at least be surprised when the player base isn’t happy.

    We’ve waited how long to have this disaster unfold before us?

    This game mode is not fun and is just forcing us to deplete our valuable resources that are already stretched beyond any reasonable means with all the steeper and steeper requirements for the new units.

    Happy to do new feats - but make them achieveable - NS in sector 2 seem unable to beat most teams that I’ve encountered.

    If you’re trying to create a game mode that is demoralising to the end game players (never mind those at 4m) then you have been very successful.

    A very sad day indeed.
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    @CG_SBCrumb_MINI @CG_Doja_Fett_MINI the patch notes say that "Razor Crest was Removed from Scavenger and added to Conquest Shipments for purchase via Conquest Currency and Crystals" but the Razor Crest is still showing up on the Sector 1 Jawa Scavenger instead of CAT. Is this intended? Seems to contradict the patch notes.

    Noted, and thanks for pointing this out.
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    @CG_SBCrumb_MINI @CG_Doja_Fett_MINI the patch notes say that "Razor Crest was Removed from Scavenger and added to Conquest Shipments for purchase via Conquest Currency and Crystals" but the Razor Crest is still showing up on the Sector 1 Jawa Scavenger instead of CAT. Is this intended? Seems to contradict the patch notes.

    Noted, and thanks for pointing this out.

    Previously it was showing 2x purchases per shop for me. Now it is showing 1 per shop. Perhaps that is what the change is referring to.
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    Yup. Conquest still has some bugs in it as seen on the forums and the changes are making it even more boring and not fun. Why is it not fun? How is it even worse than Conquest 6?

    -Bugs in Bugs
    -Almost 50% increase on energy per battle
    -Even more repetitive feats
    -Feats that force even more replays due to specific faction requirements and cant be “doubled up” to get multiple done at once.
    -Almost no increase in rewards (10 carbanti boards….woo hoo….)
    -No feat counters
    -Similar enemy teams throughout. Sector 1 alone has nothing but GG seps, Rex Clones, Mandalorians and NS (sans zombie…hmm I wonder why). Soooo much diversity!!!

    I mean I truly don’t understand how the people making the final say such as @CG_TopHat think this is what players asked for, or on the flip side has the nerve to blatantly give us the bird and say “too bad, spend or get wrecked”. Thanks for ruining conquest TopCash. Tell all the other devs that had a hand in forcing this trash on us that we hate the game mode. Not that you guys care because clearly you don’t.
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    ça deviens barbant toutes ces erreurs sur le jeu qui ne sont faite que pour vous soutirer de l'argent !!! entre les sorties de personnages tellement rapprocher qu'on sait pu ou données de la tête et les difficultées dans les évènements tel que la conquête ou toutes autres évènements devenus si difficile que les nouveaux joueurs ou des joueurs qui étaient là au début du jeu s'en vont car ça devient n'importe quoi . On dirait que vous faite tous ce qui est en votre pouvoir pour dégouté les joueurs de votre jeu , plutôt que les fidélisés ! A quand le retour aux source de ce jeu qui a fait tellement de passionnés ??!!!
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    @CG_SBCrumb_MINI @CG_Doja_Fett_MINI the patch notes say that "Razor Crest was Removed from Scavenger and added to Conquest Shipments for purchase via Conquest Currency and Crystals" but the Razor Crest is still showing up on the Sector 1 Jawa Scavenger instead of CAT. Is this intended? Seems to contradict the patch notes.

    I will edit the update notes with the following:
    "Razor Crest was removed from Scavenger for Crystals but is still available for Conquest Currency. It was added to Conquest Shipments for purchase via Conquest Currency and Crystals."
  • LumiB
    3 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    @CG_SBCrumb_MINI @CG_Doja_Fett_MINI the patch notes say that "Razor Crest was Removed from Scavenger and added to Conquest Shipments for purchase via Conquest Currency and Crystals" but the Razor Crest is still showing up on the Sector 1 Jawa Scavenger instead of CAT. Is this intended? Seems to contradict the patch notes.

    I will edit the update notes with the following:
    "Razor Crest was removed from Scavenger for Crystals but is still available for Conquest Currency. It was added to Conquest Shipments for purchase via Conquest Currency and Crystals."

    It’s only available for crystals for me in Conquest Shipments. Is that normal? Does it rotate between crystals and credits?
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    @Nauros said:
    Increased energy cost - Absolutely not. There are better ways to increase engagement.
    Extra feats - Good idea that also serves to increase engagement, but it could use some polishing. First, the numbers are excessive, as was pointed out before. Second, make the feats interlock more. The part where we can put together a Jedi team to get pot down as well as Phoenix kills is an example how it should work, provide a puzzle to solve rather than a series of unrelated chores. The biggest offenders here are the full faction feats. Those should imo be replaced with something that encourages the faction, but isn't a hard requirement. Something like "Activate X payouts" or "Fulfill X contracts" for the BH feat, it just gives a bit more wiggle room.
    Minibosses - Again, good idea, could use improvement. The feats on those are laughable, though. If you insist on giving a single keycard, make it possible to get multiple feats at once. Replace full LS/DS with something like "Have at least one LS/DS character survive" so we can get it all at once with the right squad. Here are some ideas to improve minibosses:
    - non-standard units as (mini)bosses. We have AT-ST, Terentatek, Rancor... Use them.
    - optional minibosses. Make it possible to bypass the boss, at the cost of an extra battle or special rewards from going through it.
    - "wandering boss". Randomly (maybe once per sector), a node becomes a miniboss with extra rewards.
    And some more ideas for general improvement:
    - ship nodes. This one is self-evident.
    - dead end paths. A path that doesn't lead to the end of the sector but has some other reward at the end. Entirely optional, it would provide another motivation to get energy refreshes and stay in the conquest longer. Although it would need a special node that doesn't close off all the other paths and I'm not sure if the framework can handle it.
    - "build your own enemy". Basically special datadisks/consumables that boost the enemy for extra reward. Like you make the enemies start with extra protection, but get some currency if you beat them.
    - "handicaps". The same as "build your own enemy" but applying a detrimental effect to your team. It has the advantage of using the existing framework for disks/consumables.
    - practice mode. No energy, no rewards, no disks, no consumables, no modifiers. Just pick a node and fight it. Could be active when the "real" conquest is off.
    I hope it's not just shouting in the void and at least something actually reaches somewhere...

    Nauros is giving great feedback. You should listen. I will emphasize a few things, but that doesn't mean I believe you shouldn't pay attention to other aspects of what they're saying.

    Here are my supplemental thoughts:
    Dead end paths with CCBs, Signal Data, data disks (sectors 1 to 3) that are above average in quality for their sector/position and or shards (in sectors 4 & 5) from past featured toons/ships (right now that's only RC, but after another 3 conquests it could include CAT) is a truly excellent idea that would increase engagement without requiring chores for the main rewards.

    Minibosses giving an extra reward rather than requiring playing through them 3x to get 1 (ONE) keycard for each extra battle is a much better idea than the current system.

    Exceptional minibosses instead of squad leaders as minibosses is another superb idea. Fighting the AT/ST is much more interesting to me than fighting Padmé again. I fight Padmé every GAC.

    Optional minibosses could be combined with Dead End Paths so that the reward at the end of the DEP is blocked by a miniboss.

    SHIP NODES!!!!!!!


    I have rarely seen a comment this well targeted at helping the devs improve the game we love. Please, please, please listen to Nauros. And thank them. They really put together some wonderful feedback for you.

    As a bonus for you, CG, and because I am inspired by the build your own enemy/handicap ideas but can't see how they're very workable since folks could counter their own designed weaknesses with the data disks that they know they have and will use, I suggest:

    Nightmare Zone: No consumables or data disks function for any fights vs. nodes in the nightmare zone. This can and should be only for Sector 2+, since Sector 1 doesn't have enough good data disks to miss them.

    I STRONGLY recommend that one required node (possibly the minibus node?) in the main path be designated a Nightmare Zone, but optimal use is to combine this idea with the DEP idea from Nauros to have one DEP at each Sector level 2 and above that grants one of the rewards suggested:
    S2: Nightmare Zone DEP leads to CCBs and Bronzium Wiring
    S3: NZDEP leads to Signal Data
    S4: NZDEP leads to guaranteed Purple Disk
    S5: NZDEP leads to 5 shards of a formerly featured Ship/toon (All available, pick one)

    Other (non Nightmare Zone) DEPs can offer less (a green/blue Data Disk or free consumable, CCBs with no Bronzium Wiring or 1/2 the CCBs and 1/3rd the BW, or can offer the same reward as in a previous sector (S4 standard DEP gives CCBs & BW equal to S2 NZDEP, S5 Std DEP gives Signal Data equal to S3 NZ DEP). Sector 1 DEP can simply offer one more data disk of average quality for S1 or a few CCBs (maybe 8? nothing major). This allows for TWO (2) DEPs per sector, in S2+ one of the two DEPs will also be a Nightmare Zone.

    One other suggested bonus for a DEP is free conquest energy (120 energy, but if the path requires 3 battles, that's only a net of +60 energy). In this case you have people playing extra battles to get free energy to play more battles...

    There's your extra engagement right there. Extra energy should be available in S1 DEP or possibly S1 and S2 DEP where you don't want to give out more substantial rewards.

    On top of everything else, when DEPs do not help you gain a better crate (and they should not, no key cards should be earned in DEPs) but offer some other reward like energy, CCBs, Signal Data, Data Disks, etc., the statistics you gain from how often people play those DEPs will tell you something about how fun conquest is for your players. This is ESPECIALLY true for those rewards that simply further Conquest (e.g. energy, data disks) rather than for those DEPs that provide any benefit (no matter how small) outside of Conquest (CCBs, etc.)

    If people with 8Mgp are playing NZ DEPs for energy, you know you're doing it right with creating a fun mode.

    And, of course, if you find that people are targeting the CCB rewards even without the BW, or targeting the CCB rewards only when BW is also present, that can tell you something about the player experience with the relic mat crunch.

    Again, please listen to Nauros, and particularly to the idea of DEPs which have huge potential to help you gather data on what players value and how much fun they're having.

    I really appreciate the time and thought that went into both of these comments. This is the kind of stuff I love seeing, because it represents a well-intended piece crafted out of affinity for the game.

    I'll do my part to communicate sentiment.
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    Are feats still bugged? I used GR with GMY against Mandalorians and I didn't get any progress on the Incapacitating Strike. 0/40. Obviously GMY attacked used his basic several times. Bugged or am I missing smth?
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    westenger wrote: »
    Are feats still bugged? I used GR with GMY against Mandalorians and I didn't get any progress on the Incapacitating Strike. 0/40. Obviously GMY attacked used his basic several times. Bugged or am I missing smth?

    I had the same thing. It's either the attempt has to land as a debuff or if GMY kills the enemy it doesn't count. There's a thread on the general discussion about this.
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    At this point, I just would like to see LV's kit and a release date. I'll get through conquest as best as I can, so I'm not worrying about it anymore. Bring on LV!
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    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Yup. Conquest still has some bugs in it as seen on the forums and the changes are making it even more boring and not fun. Why is it not fun? How is it even worse than Conquest 6?

    -Bugs in Bugs
    -Almost 50% increase on energy per battle
    -Even more repetitive feats
    -Feats that force even more replays due to specific faction requirements and cant be “doubled up” to get multiple done at once.
    -Almost no increase in rewards (10 carbanti boards….woo hoo….)
    -No feat counters
    -Similar enemy teams throughout. Sector 1 alone has nothing but GG seps, Rex Clones, Mandalorians and NS (sans zombie…hmm I wonder why). Soooo much diversity!!!

    I mean I truly don’t understand how the people making the final say such as @CG_TopHat think this is what players asked for, or on the flip side has the nerve to blatantly give us the bird and say “too bad, spend or get wrecked”. Thanks for ruining conquest TopCash. Tell all the other devs that had a hand in forcing this trash on us that we hate the game mode. Not that you guys care because clearly you don’t.

    Pretty obvious why they took zombie out of nightsisters. Wouldn't want players completing feats without repeating battles dozens of times now would we
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    Texas107 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Yup. Conquest still has some bugs in it as seen on the forums and the changes are making it even more boring and not fun. Why is it not fun? How is it even worse than Conquest 6?

    -Bugs in Bugs
    -Almost 50% increase on energy per battle
    -Even more repetitive feats
    -Feats that force even more replays due to specific faction requirements and cant be “doubled up” to get multiple done at once.
    -Almost no increase in rewards (10 carbanti boards….woo hoo….)
    -No feat counters
    -Similar enemy teams throughout. Sector 1 alone has nothing but GG seps, Rex Clones, Mandalorians and NS (sans zombie…hmm I wonder why). Soooo much diversity!!!

    I mean I truly don’t understand how the people making the final say such as @CG_TopHat think this is what players asked for, or on the flip side has the nerve to blatantly give us the bird and say “too bad, spend or get wrecked”. Thanks for ruining conquest TopCash. Tell all the other devs that had a hand in forcing this trash on us that we hate the game mode. Not that you guys care because clearly you don’t.

    Pretty obvious why they took zombie out of nightsisters. Wouldn't want players completing feats without repeating battles dozens of times now would we

    Oh I know I was being facetious lol
  • emoore123
    261 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    Here's some free feedback CG... Feats that force you to repeat a single battle over and over again are not "engaging" or "fun". Oh boy! I get to play the same "mini boss" in sector 1, 3 times because the LS /DS/Undersize feats can't be completed all at once 🙃. Not like I won't face Padme a million other times over the course of the conquest...
  • TVF
    36798 posts Member
    At this point, I just would like to see LV's kit and a release date. I'll get through conquest as best as I can, so I'm not worrying about it anymore. Bring on LV!

    Too bad he's meant to pair with Maul.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    TVF wrote: »
    At this point, I just would like to see LV's kit and a release date. I'll get through conquest as best as I can, so I'm not worrying about it anymore. Bring on LV!

    Too bad he's meant to pair with Maul.

    Yeah. Unfortunate circumstance.
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    I knew I hadn't encountered an NS squad with Zombie in it, but now it's confirmed that they removed ALL zombies?

    Terrible move, CG.

    Again, repetitive grinds are not fun. This is part of why I liked Nauros' suggestion of Dead End Paths that don't aid in getting better reward crates. They add more to do without making it easier to get the reward that's supposed to be exclusive (in this case, Maul) and also without making things repetitive. Sure, S1 now has more fights for you to do, but they're not a required grind. They're an optional bonus. Trust me, players feel much different having the option of spending crystals for energy to go after an optional reward than they do spending crystals for energy to perform the basic, core, required tasks necessary for the main goal of the mode.

    By eliminating some of the required grind (but possibly increasing difficulty? or doing something else like requiring rare/difficult to get toons in order to accomplish the fewer feats available so that some of those feats are simply impossible for many players?) while keeping the same number of total battles you expect people to do via adding DEP battles, you can keep certain Conquest toons exclusive, gain goodwill with players who hate the grindiest pars of the mode, and still increase engagement and crystal spending.

    Laborious chores are not good for the health of conquest specifically or SWGOH in general. Removing Zombie is only one symptom of this mindset that prioritizes required drudgery over fun.
  • Ultra
    11602 posts Moderator
    Some players have gotten Zombie so they haven’t removed it

    Odds are lowered
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    Ultra wrote: »
    Some players have gotten Zombie so they haven’t removed it

    Odds are lowered

    Only place I've seen Zombie is Sector 2 end boss. Nowhere else so far. I'm halfway through Sector 3.
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    @Nauros said:
    Increased energy cost - Absolutely not. There are better ways to increase engagement.
    Extra feats - Good idea that also serves to increase engagement, but it could use some polishing. First, the numbers are excessive, as was pointed out before. Second, make the feats interlock more. The part where we can put together a Jedi team to get pot down as well as Phoenix kills is an example how it should work, provide a puzzle to solve rather than a series of unrelated chores. The biggest offenders here are the full faction feats. Those should imo be replaced with something that encourages the faction, but isn't a hard requirement. Something like "Activate X payouts" or "Fulfill X contracts" for the BH feat, it just gives a bit more wiggle room.
    Minibosses - Again, good idea, could use improvement. The feats on those are laughable, though. If you insist on giving a single keycard, make it possible to get multiple feats at once. Replace full LS/DS with something like "Have at least one LS/DS character survive" so we can get it all at once with the right squad. Here are some ideas to improve minibosses:
    - non-standard units as (mini)bosses. We have AT-ST, Terentatek, Rancor... Use them.
    - optional minibosses. Make it possible to bypass the boss, at the cost of an extra battle or special rewards from going through it.
    - "wandering boss". Randomly (maybe once per sector), a node becomes a miniboss with extra rewards.
    And some more ideas for general improvement:
    - ship nodes. This one is self-evident.
    - dead end paths. A path that doesn't lead to the end of the sector but has some other reward at the end. Entirely optional, it would provide another motivation to get energy refreshes and stay in the conquest longer. Although it would need a special node that doesn't close off all the other paths and I'm not sure if the framework can handle it.
    - "build your own enemy". Basically special datadisks/consumables that boost the enemy for extra reward. Like you make the enemies start with extra protection, but get some currency if you beat them.
    - "handicaps". The same as "build your own enemy" but applying a detrimental effect to your team. It has the advantage of using the existing framework for disks/consumables.
    - practice mode. No energy, no rewards, no disks, no consumables, no modifiers. Just pick a node and fight it. Could be active when the "real" conquest is off.
    I hope it's not just shouting in the void and at least something actually reaches somewhere...

    Nauros is giving great feedback. You should listen. I will emphasize a few things, but that doesn't mean I believe you shouldn't pay attention to other aspects of what they're saying.

    Here are my supplemental thoughts:
    Dead end paths with CCBs, Signal Data, data disks (sectors 1 to 3) that are above average in quality for their sector/position and or shards (in sectors 4 & 5) from past featured toons/ships (right now that's only RC, but after another 3 conquests it could include CAT) is a truly excellent idea that would increase engagement without requiring chores for the main rewards.

    Minibosses giving an extra reward rather than requiring playing through them 3x to get 1 (ONE) keycard for each extra battle is a much better idea than the current system.

    Exceptional minibosses instead of squad leaders as minibosses is another superb idea. Fighting the AT/ST is much more interesting to me than fighting Padmé again. I fight Padmé every GAC.

    Optional minibosses could be combined with Dead End Paths so that the reward at the end of the DEP is blocked by a miniboss.

    SHIP NODES!!!!!!!


    I have rarely seen a comment this well targeted at helping the devs improve the game we love. Please, please, please listen to Nauros. And thank them. They really put together some wonderful feedback for you.

    As a bonus for you, CG, and because I am inspired by the build your own enemy/handicap ideas but can't see how they're very workable since folks could counter their own designed weaknesses with the data disks that they know they have and will use, I suggest:

    Nightmare Zone: No consumables or data disks function for any fights vs. nodes in the nightmare zone. This can and should be only for Sector 2+, since Sector 1 doesn't have enough good data disks to miss them.

    I STRONGLY recommend that one required node (possibly the minibus node?) in the main path be designated a Nightmare Zone, but optimal use is to combine this idea with the DEP idea from Nauros to have one DEP at each Sector level 2 and above that grants one of the rewards suggested:
    S2: Nightmare Zone DEP leads to CCBs and Bronzium Wiring
    S3: NZDEP leads to Signal Data
    S4: NZDEP leads to guaranteed Purple Disk
    S5: NZDEP leads to 5 shards of a formerly featured Ship/toon (All available, pick one)

    Other (non Nightmare Zone) DEPs can offer less (a green/blue Data Disk or free consumable, CCBs with no Bronzium Wiring or 1/2 the CCBs and 1/3rd the BW, or can offer the same reward as in a previous sector (S4 standard DEP gives CCBs & BW equal to S2 NZDEP, S5 Std DEP gives Signal Data equal to S3 NZ DEP). Sector 1 DEP can simply offer one more data disk of average quality for S1 or a few CCBs (maybe 8? nothing major). This allows for TWO (2) DEPs per sector, in S2+ one of the two DEPs will also be a Nightmare Zone.

    One other suggested bonus for a DEP is free conquest energy (120 energy, but if the path requires 3 battles, that's only a net of +60 energy). In this case you have people playing extra battles to get free energy to play more battles...

    There's your extra engagement right there. Extra energy should be available in S1 DEP or possibly S1 and S2 DEP where you don't want to give out more substantial rewards.

    On top of everything else, when DEPs do not help you gain a better crate (and they should not, no key cards should be earned in DEPs) but offer some other reward like energy, CCBs, Signal Data, Data Disks, etc., the statistics you gain from how often people play those DEPs will tell you something about how fun conquest is for your players. This is ESPECIALLY true for those rewards that simply further Conquest (e.g. energy, data disks) rather than for those DEPs that provide any benefit (no matter how small) outside of Conquest (CCBs, etc.)

    If people with 8Mgp are playing NZ DEPs for energy, you know you're doing it right with creating a fun mode.

    And, of course, if you find that people are targeting the CCB rewards even without the BW, or targeting the CCB rewards only when BW is also present, that can tell you something about the player experience with the relic mat crunch.

    Again, please listen to Nauros, and particularly to the idea of DEPs which have huge potential to help you gather data on what players value and how much fun they're having.

    I really appreciate the time and thought that went into both of these comments. This is the kind of stuff I love seeing, because it represents a well-intended piece crafted out of affinity for the game.

    I'll do my part to communicate sentiment.

    Doja, if this comes off as rude please know thats not how it’s intended. Any who….

    We know you and crumb are relaying not just these ideas but all the ones we’ve had. The issue is that those in charge are ignoring you guys, and by extension, the player base. There is nothing in this conquest aside from the change to data disk swapping that was done that we asked for. Even that is negated because of the premium placed on energy with the expansion of repetitive feats and increasing the cost of energy per battle by 50%.

    We aren’t being listened to by anyone but you and crumb and that’s the biggest issue here. Even TVF is upset and that should say all that needs to be said. Conquest, gear crunch, event and character requirements, character nerfs, it’s all falling on deaf ears beyond you two.

    Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate everything you and crumb do for the community. However beyond you guys I have zero faith or respect for any other dev at CG, especially those making these decisions.

    The game is not in a good place right now. I’m not saying this as a doom and gloom apocalyptic end of the game statement. But it’s just a fact. The community is not happy. Whales or F2P, we are not happy. We are constantly being squeezed dry by these recent releases the last few months. Those up top need to start listening to you and crumb when you relay our feedback, otherwise this game is going to eventually erode away and people will have had enough and leave. Star Wars or not.
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    124 new responses, so I'm not sure if this has been covered, why, if it's "instantly defeat" is CATs special triggering the mirror damage and bringing her to red health when it's used? No damage shows on screen.
  • Ultra
    11602 posts Moderator
    edited September 2021
    Vendi1983 wrote: »
    124 new responses, so I'm not sure if this has been covered, why, if it's "instantly defeat" is CATs special triggering the mirror damage and bringing her to red health when it's used? No damage shows on screen.

    I'm guessing since the damage reflection cannot kill, it just reduces to 1 health

    Am I right in assuming CAT health reduces to 1 and you are facing a GR team when you say mirror damage?
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    Amazing. CG took a game mode that only needed a few minor tweaks to make it enjoyable and went completely the other way with it and managed to turn the entire mode into a monotonous, nonsensical time-suckling mess.

    Please point me to the myriad of posts of players demanding things that take more and more time, fight the same battles over and over and required useless characters and their entire teams to be relic'd and remodded.

    Listen to the players? Ummmmmm...not even a little bit.

    I'm out.

    In game name: Lucas Gregory FORMER PLAYER - - - -"Whale blah grump poooop." - Ouchie

    In game guild: TNR Uprising
    I beat the REAL T7 Yoda (not the nerfed one) and did so before mods were there to help
    *This space left intentionally blank*
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    Ultra wrote: »
    Vendi1983 wrote: »
    124 new responses, so I'm not sure if this has been covered, why, if it's "instantly defeat" is CATs special triggering the mirror damage and bringing her to red health when it's used? No damage shows on screen.

    I'm guessing since the damage reflection cannot kill, it just reduces to 1 health

    Am I right in assuming CAT health reduces to 1 and you are facing a GR team when you say mirror damage?

    It’s going to drive me nuts on when this was said, but I think this was touched on why enemies can be instantly defeated in Rey’s ult being active. People asked why can units be defeated and a dev response was that it’s not causing damage, it’s simply defeating the unit, like an instant kill. So it shouldn’t be doing any damage to CAT or Nihilus either really because the abilities aren’t actually causing damage, just defeating the unit
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    @Nauros said:
    Increased energy cost - Absolutely not. There are better ways to increase engagement.
    Extra feats - Good idea that also serves to increase engagement, but it could use some polishing. First, the numbers are excessive, as was pointed out before. Second, make the feats interlock more. The part where we can put together a Jedi team to get pot down as well as Phoenix kills is an example how it should work, provide a puzzle to solve rather than a series of unrelated chores. The biggest offenders here are the full faction feats. Those should imo be replaced with something that encourages the faction, but isn't a hard requirement. Something like "Activate X payouts" or "Fulfill X contracts" for the BH feat, it just gives a bit more wiggle room.
    Minibosses - Again, good idea, could use improvement. The feats on those are laughable, though. If you insist on giving a single keycard, make it possible to get multiple feats at once. Replace full LS/DS with something like "Have at least one LS/DS character survive" so we can get it all at once with the right squad. Here are some ideas to improve minibosses:
    - non-standard units as (mini)bosses. We have AT-ST, Terentatek, Rancor... Use them.
    - optional minibosses. Make it possible to bypass the boss, at the cost of an extra battle or special rewards from going through it.
    - "wandering boss". Randomly (maybe once per sector), a node becomes a miniboss with extra rewards.
    And some more ideas for general improvement:
    - ship nodes. This one is self-evident.
    - dead end paths. A path that doesn't lead to the end of the sector but has some other reward at the end. Entirely optional, it would provide another motivation to get energy refreshes and stay in the conquest longer. Although it would need a special node that doesn't close off all the other paths and I'm not sure if the framework can handle it.
    - "build your own enemy". Basically special datadisks/consumables that boost the enemy for extra reward. Like you make the enemies start with extra protection, but get some currency if you beat them.
    - "handicaps". The same as "build your own enemy" but applying a detrimental effect to your team. It has the advantage of using the existing framework for disks/consumables.
    - practice mode. No energy, no rewards, no disks, no consumables, no modifiers. Just pick a node and fight it. Could be active when the "real" conquest is off.
    I hope it's not just shouting in the void and at least something actually reaches somewhere...

    Nauros is giving great feedback. You should listen. I will emphasize a few things, but that doesn't mean I believe you shouldn't pay attention to other aspects of what they're saying.

    Here are my supplemental thoughts:
    Dead end paths with CCBs, Signal Data, data disks (sectors 1 to 3) that are above average in quality for their sector/position and or shards (in sectors 4 & 5) from past featured toons/ships (right now that's only RC, but after another 3 conquests it could include CAT) is a truly excellent idea that would increase engagement without requiring chores for the main rewards.

    Minibosses giving an extra reward rather than requiring playing through them 3x to get 1 (ONE) keycard for each extra battle is a much better idea than the current system.

    Exceptional minibosses instead of squad leaders as minibosses is another superb idea. Fighting the AT/ST is much more interesting to me than fighting Padmé again. I fight Padmé every GAC.

    Optional minibosses could be combined with Dead End Paths so that the reward at the end of the DEP is blocked by a miniboss.

    SHIP NODES!!!!!!!


    I have rarely seen a comment this well targeted at helping the devs improve the game we love. Please, please, please listen to Nauros. And thank them. They really put together some wonderful feedback for you.

    As a bonus for you, CG, and because I am inspired by the build your own enemy/handicap ideas but can't see how they're very workable since folks could counter their own designed weaknesses with the data disks that they know they have and will use, I suggest:

    Nightmare Zone: No consumables or data disks function for any fights vs. nodes in the nightmare zone. This can and should be only for Sector 2+, since Sector 1 doesn't have enough good data disks to miss them.

    I STRONGLY recommend that one required node (possibly the minibus node?) in the main path be designated a Nightmare Zone, but optimal use is to combine this idea with the DEP idea from Nauros to have one DEP at each Sector level 2 and above that grants one of the rewards suggested:
    S2: Nightmare Zone DEP leads to CCBs and Bronzium Wiring
    S3: NZDEP leads to Signal Data
    S4: NZDEP leads to guaranteed Purple Disk
    S5: NZDEP leads to 5 shards of a formerly featured Ship/toon (All available, pick one)

    Other (non Nightmare Zone) DEPs can offer less (a green/blue Data Disk or free consumable, CCBs with no Bronzium Wiring or 1/2 the CCBs and 1/3rd the BW, or can offer the same reward as in a previous sector (S4 standard DEP gives CCBs & BW equal to S2 NZDEP, S5 Std DEP gives Signal Data equal to S3 NZ DEP). Sector 1 DEP can simply offer one more data disk of average quality for S1 or a few CCBs (maybe 8? nothing major). This allows for TWO (2) DEPs per sector, in S2+ one of the two DEPs will also be a Nightmare Zone.

    One other suggested bonus for a DEP is free conquest energy (120 energy, but if the path requires 3 battles, that's only a net of +60 energy). In this case you have people playing extra battles to get free energy to play more battles...

    There's your extra engagement right there. Extra energy should be available in S1 DEP or possibly S1 and S2 DEP where you don't want to give out more substantial rewards.

    On top of everything else, when DEPs do not help you gain a better crate (and they should not, no key cards should be earned in DEPs) but offer some other reward like energy, CCBs, Signal Data, Data Disks, etc., the statistics you gain from how often people play those DEPs will tell you something about how fun conquest is for your players. This is ESPECIALLY true for those rewards that simply further Conquest (e.g. energy, data disks) rather than for those DEPs that provide any benefit (no matter how small) outside of Conquest (CCBs, etc.)

    If people with 8Mgp are playing NZ DEPs for energy, you know you're doing it right with creating a fun mode.

    And, of course, if you find that people are targeting the CCB rewards even without the BW, or targeting the CCB rewards only when BW is also present, that can tell you something about the player experience with the relic mat crunch.

    Again, please listen to Nauros, and particularly to the idea of DEPs which have huge potential to help you gather data on what players value and how much fun they're having.

    I really appreciate the time and thought that went into both of these comments. This is the kind of stuff I love seeing, because it represents a well-intended piece crafted out of affinity for the game.

    I'll do my part to communicate sentiment.

    And this is why we love and appreciate you Doja.
  • Options
    Seems every time a new conquest comes out it gets less fun.

    Does CG have an idea guy who gets to implement a fun and interesting new mode and then the rest of the corpos come along, suck the fun out of it and work out how they can gradually increase the time and money required to get through it from the players? Think that's a yes.

    I cant even be bothered to continue typing about conquest even this is a waste of time that falls on tone deaf developer ears.

    Just +1 to which ever comment was the most damning about the new game mode.

  • TVF
    36798 posts Member
    Nikoms565 wrote: »
    Amazing. CG took a game mode that only needed a few minor tweaks to make it enjoyable and went completely the other way with it and managed to turn the entire mode into a monotonous, nonsensical time-suckling mess.

    Please point me to the myriad of posts of players demanding things that take more and more time, fight the same battles over and over and required useless characters and their entire teams to be relic'd and remodded.

    Listen to the players? Ummmmmm...not even a little bit.

    I'm out.

    It's completely obvious that too many people (in CG's determination) were able to get CAT, so they're gonna dial back the number of Mauls. Unfortunately it seems like they dialed it way down instead of a little down.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ultra wrote: »
    Vendi1983 wrote: »
    124 new responses, so I'm not sure if this has been covered, why, if it's "instantly defeat" is CATs special triggering the mirror damage and bringing her to red health when it's used? No damage shows on screen.

    I'm guessing since the damage reflection cannot kill, it just reduces to 1 health

    Am I right in assuming CAT health reduces to 1 and you are facing a GR team when you say mirror damage?

    It’s going to drive me nuts on when this was said, but I think this was touched on why enemies can be instantly defeated in Rey’s ult being active. People asked why can units be defeated and a dev response was that it’s not causing damage, it’s simply defeating the unit, like an instant kill. So it shouldn’t be doing any damage to CAT or Nihilus either really because the abilities aren’t actually causing damage, just defeating the unit
    Ultra wrote: »
    Vendi1983 wrote: »
    124 new responses, so I'm not sure if this has been covered, why, if it's "instantly defeat" is CATs special triggering the mirror damage and bringing her to red health when it's used? No damage shows on screen.

    I'm guessing since the damage reflection cannot kill, it just reduces to 1 health

    Am I right in assuming CAT health reduces to 1 and you are facing a GR team when you say mirror damage?

    Yes it was a Padmé mirror match, and I was expecting her to just delete JKA and not be affected by the Mirror Damage modifier, except she was. Again, despite no damage being shown on screen.

    Has anyone else tested this? Or possibly with Nihilus/Mando?
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