[MEGA] Conquest 7


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    This new and improved conquest is more demanding than my new born I just don’t have and won’t put in the time to complete it.
    My guild leaders keep posting in discord to the entire guild to just push through it to get Maul. It could be a good mode to enjoy but instead it’s just something to just push through.
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    This new and improved conquest is more demanding than my new born I just don’t have and won’t put in the time to complete it.
    My guild leaders keep posting in discord to the entire guild to just push through it to get Maul. It could be a good mode to enjoy but instead it’s just something to just push through.

    I helped deliver a baby last year while playing the game -on the doorstep and in the middle of storm Denis. It was light relief from all the drech of the daily grind - because, you know, game.

    . @CG_SBCrumb_MINI @CG_Doja_Fett_MINI You could make this fun again very simply with two tweaks to increase engagement (therefore cash in) and win back goodwill (therefore reduce churn). Make energy costs 16 and make faction feats 50 kills with (faction) units. That easy. I’m sure the player base will learn to live with everything else once they can just have fun again neglecting their mischpucha
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    KOMM wrote: »
    Is there at least one positive review here? A shame, not an event

    I actually like it (then again I’m 7.7m gp with all GL) so I was able to get feats and red box - not the smuggler feat though.

    The worst part of this from a large gp player like myself is, as my guild mate said, this game requires money, hoarding, or time - this game mode requires at least 2 of these.

    It’s a huge time sink and it’s super annoying to do if you have the teams to do it, and if you don’t have the team (I’m guessing sub 7m players?) it’s impossible to do without dropping thousands on tertiary teams you need.

    That’s why I said previously, if they want the content to be more “exclusive” and shut out all the sub 7m gp nonspenders, ok go for it that’s their prerogative to make a gigantic swath of the player base angry. But at least give everyone a reason to sink HOURS into a game mode so when I finish 14 battles with geos I get a couple stun guns and get some endorphins ffs
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    Conquest without a doubt is unfun and painful. Stop with your GREED and just keep the game fun. This **** grinding is horrible, fix it or you see everyone leave.
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    If I remember correctly, in past conquests at this point I'd usually be around box 4/5 for rewards, and grinding out the last few battles/feats over the remaining week to get to box 6. Now, I just BARELY made it to box 2. With every day, this is getting more and more frustrating to us players. Of you want faction-specific feats that's fine, but come-on. Tone down on the amount of battles needed per sector. "Win 14 battles with X team" is not fun in a game mode where a given sector has EXACTLY that many battles to progress. How can you say you want players to use their whole rosters in conquest when feats blatantly tell you only use X faction here, or realistically "come play the same boring battles over again 14 times because... We said so? We thought 14 bounty hunter battles would be fun for you? " Why not just defeat 3-4 battles in a sector? It still provides the check on teams you want players to have, but makes the grind more enjoyable and less like a chore (though outright requiring specific factions is another thing I don't like, but will begrudgingly accept). I have engaged less with this conquest due to these changes, and if engagement is truly what CG is after here, then I sincerely hope they take a long look at their game mode and the statistics once the final week is over. 🤨
  • Degs29
    361 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    Today we had our fifth retirement in a week. And this just two weeks after our officers requested a heads up from anyone planning retirement and got no responses.

    I am used to seeing forum comments about people quitting after major updates but I am not used to hearing so many reports from players I know in discord, nor am I used to experiencing it firsthand.

    The grind is real and it is definitely impacting the player base and quite probably the bottom line. This Galactic Conquest revamp on the heels of the Executor / Lord Vader prerequisites, with r8 still a pain point for many and r9 on the horizon is a daunting burden which is not appreciably diminished by the long-overdue ability to sim Assault Battles. And add to that discontent with the scope of the GL counter nerfs.

    I don't know what kind of player engagement stats you guys track @CG_Doja_Fett_MINI but I'd be looking at numbers of long term players who have stopped playing recently.

    Yep, I've never seen it this bad. My fleet shard is like a graveyard (good for my crystals income, less good for community), and my arena shard has lost several as well. Now even my guild is losing one, and it has incredibly low turnover, historically.

    These are just my thoughts, so take it as such:
    I can only imagine the corporate goons were less than impressed with SWGOH's declining revenues and demanded CG do something about it, and immediately. There's no fast track to higher revenues through appeasing the playerbase; that's an iterative process made with many correct decisions. So instead they squeezed the playerbase, and prayed the fallout wouldn't be too great. It's a losing strategy though. More and more people leave, meaning they need to squeeze the holdouts harder, which makes more leave. It's a game-ending cycle and we're running towards that death knell, unfortunately. It's too bad, because SWGOH still has a ton of potential, but I can't see corporate backing off on CG, and there's only so much CG can do in that environment.
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    emoore123 wrote: »
    I have engaged less with this conquest due to these changes, and if engagement is truly what CG is after here, then I sincerely hope they take a long look at their game mode and the statistics once the final week is over. 🤨

    I mean....we all know....
    Engagement isn't what they're truly after. Unless it's engaging the refresh button.
    I'm not even sure why they bother with such justifications any longer, when it's so transparent.

    The game should make money. And they were making loads of it back in 2018, before they made a bunch of poor decisions. Clearly you can have a great game and make money, as that's what they were doing back then. But ever since JKR, they started rolling down hill with bad decision after bad decision. They threw in a couple good ones, which gave me hope, but they aren't enough unless they really start cranking them out. And even if they do, they've caused a lot of damage to the playerbase already. It'd have to be a radical reversal to lure those folks back in.
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    The fact that "Galactic Legends" are getting flattened in Conquest is another huge issue. What happened to GL's being basically raid bosses? You have multiple teams that ARENT GL's kicking the crap out of GL's and their teams. Even when those GL's are hard counters to that particular team. My Relic 8 GL's shouldn't be getting destroyed on various nodes here (even non-boss nodes. They actually do better on boss nodes)

    Although it does appear some of the characters in your conquest teams are based on their "pre-nerf" kit, like Vader and Wat? Sure seems like it from what I've seen.

    So, hey, make up our minds CG! That would be super...
  • Scorpiuscat
    posts Member
    edited September 2021
    Dolphins, tuna, reef sharks and under need not apply.

    What was once fun is now a grind of epic proportions…thanks CG 😠
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    Several in my guild are debating to go back to normal, if this is the new unfun grind. Frustration is high when GLs that rule arena get slaughtered by IT, BHs and Jawas. Worse is the cost to try again. Let alone knowing you have to cool down a few hours to run the same squad to complete the faction specific feats. Oh yeah, I’m up to three Frenzies now.
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    KOMM wrote: »
    Is there at least one positive review here? A shame, not an event

    I actually like it (then again I’m 7.7m gp with all GL) so I was able to get feats and red box - not the smuggler feat though.

    The worst part of this from a large gp player like myself is, as my guild mate said, this game requires money, hoarding, or time - this game mode requires at least 2 of these.

    It’s a huge time sink and it’s super annoying to do if you have the teams to do it, and if you don’t have the team (I’m guessing sub 7m players?) it’s impossible to do without dropping thousands on tertiary teams you need.

    That’s why I said previously, if they want the content to be more “exclusive” and shut out all the sub 7m gp nonspenders, ok go for it that’s their prerogative to make a gigantic swath of the player base angry. But at least give everyone a reason to sink HOURS into a game mode so when I finish 14 battles with geos I get a couple stun guns and get some endorphins ffs

    This guy knows the game!

    I'm keeping up without spending but just blew through 100K crystals to get 7* executor, all the LV requirements and will get the red box in conquest.

    Like you said need 2 of cash, time or hoarding. I have the latter 2
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    Whatelse73 wrote: »
    The fact that "Galactic Legends" are getting flattened in Conquest is another huge issue. What happened to GL's being basically raid bosses? You have multiple teams that ARENT GL's kicking the crap out of GL's and their teams. Even when those GL's are hard counters to that particular team. My Relic 8 GL's shouldn't be getting destroyed on various nodes here (even non-boss nodes. They actually do better on boss nodes)
    No, they shouldn't since my relic 7 GLs had no problems at all.
  • ReyVsMando
    38 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    this game just feels clunky as ... now.
    can the genius who is responsible for it imagine?
    is this a game another job with no payout now?...
  • ReyVsMando
    38 posts Member
    edited September 2021
    the game is hardly fun anymore. it's just become a subtle, eternal grind where the things you farm are just useless and the whole thing is stretched like when someone is stretching cannabis.. i hardly play... in the sense that I'm really looking forward to playing something.... log in and farm only subtly for galactic legend and turn off the game. is not like before when I was still busy with the game. the game no longer feels valuable.
    it has lost its core strength ... something hollowed out like when the sound lacks the mid-tones.
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    Well, the new Conquest broke me @CG_Doja_Fett_MINI . I've managed to stay on top of the meta for a very long time and it's obvious maintaining that standard is going to require maxing out on Conquest. Unfortunately, it became clear to me that the time required to remain competitive in this game has now surpassed the amount of time I'm willing to invest. My choice, everyone else can make their own.
    I was also not fond of the hidden costs added to staying on top. Yes, I hoarded gear and crystals for the next meta. But now it appears some of that gear may need to go towards B or even C tier teams, or even individual toons, just to complete feats (i.e. smugglers and Death Trooper). Additionally, needing to spend an extra 150 crystals per day for refreshes.
    I have other thoughts, but I never read posts any longer than this one already is. So, peace out.
    I reject your reality and substitute my own.
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    Rath_Tarr wrote: »
    Today we had our fifth retirement in a week. And this just two weeks after our officers requested a heads up from anyone planning retirement and got no responses.

    I am used to seeing forum comments about people quitting after major updates but I am not used to hearing so many reports from players I know in discord, nor am I used to experiencing it firsthand.

    The grind is real and it is definitely impacting the player base and quite probably the bottom line. This Galactic Conquest revamp on the heels of the Executor / Lord Vader prerequisites, with r8 still a pain point for many and r9 on the horizon is a daunting burden which is not appreciably diminished by the long-overdue ability to sim Assault Battles. And add to that discontent with the scope of the GL counter nerfs.

    I don't know what kind of player engagement stats you guys track @CG_Doja_Fett_MINI but I'd be looking at numbers of long term players who have stopped playing recently.

    My guild lost someone today too who's been playing since basically day 1. maybe a few days/weeks after? He even bought executor. But he's quitting. Game isn't fun anymore and he has no faith in CG to make the right choices given how many wrong ones they've been making. <- his words.
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    Conquest is not fun. Will I get the red box? Yes. Will I feel ANY sort of happiness when doing so. No. Honestly I would be happy if CG said they were removing Conquest from SWGOH tomorrow. That's how much this game mode sucks. Boo hoo, people decided to spend a few hundred crystals and finish the whole thing in 2 days. Instead of turning the slog up to 11, how about creating something that people actually enjoy doing?
    #CloneHelmets4Life...VICTORY!!!! :smiley: "I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere." The more you tighten your grip, CG/EA, the more whales will slip through your fingers (and go F2P or quit).
  • TVF
    36831 posts Member
    CaptainRex wrote: »
    Conquest is not fun. Will I get the red box? Yes. Will I feel ANY sort of happiness when doing so. No. Honestly I would be happy if CG said they were removing Conquest from SWGOH tomorrow. That's how much this game mode sucks. Boo hoo, people decided to spend a few hundred crystals and finish the whole thing in 2 days. Instead of turning the slog up to 11, how about creating something that people actually enjoy doing?

    That's not why they made it like this, they did so because so many people weren't spending any crystals.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    TVF wrote: »
    CaptainRex wrote: »
    Conquest is not fun. Will I get the red box? Yes. Will I feel ANY sort of happiness when doing so. No. Honestly I would be happy if CG said they were removing Conquest from SWGOH tomorrow. That's how much this game mode sucks. Boo hoo, people decided to spend a few hundred crystals and finish the whole thing in 2 days. Instead of turning the slog up to 11, how about creating something that people actually enjoy doing?

    That's not why they made it like this, they did so because so many people weren't spending any crystals.

    Yep. You can see it clearly with those gear packs that are in store right now. Slight discount on normal cost with a chance to double, so if you'd normally buy that gear, if course you'd get that pack. Using up your crystals, while at the same time there is a high crystal demand event going on. All carefully crafted to leverage your credit card out of your wallet or purse.
  • TVF
    36831 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    CaptainRex wrote: »
    Conquest is not fun. Will I get the red box? Yes. Will I feel ANY sort of happiness when doing so. No. Honestly I would be happy if CG said they were removing Conquest from SWGOH tomorrow. That's how much this game mode sucks. Boo hoo, people decided to spend a few hundred crystals and finish the whole thing in 2 days. Instead of turning the slog up to 11, how about creating something that people actually enjoy doing?

    That's not why they made it like this, they did so because so many people weren't spending any crystals.

    Yep. You can see it clearly with those gear packs that are in store right now. Slight discount on normal cost with a chance to double, so if you'd normally buy that gear, if course you'd get that pack. Using up your crystals, while at the same time there is a high crystal demand event going on. All carefully crafted to leverage your credit card out of your wallet or purse.

    I don't see the connection between what I said and a good gear pack.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    Zumwan wrote: »
    Another piece of feedback, I don't know if this has been said before, but I find the Data Disks Inventory to be too hard to use. Once you've accumulated some disks, it becomes really hard to tell them apart, and having to "equip" them just to see which disks they are is dumb, I think. I know it doesn't cost energy until you confirm, but I'd like for an easy way to at least see the names of the disks before I select them.

    AMEN!! Would it be so hard to have a Rt Click function to see the disk?
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    mihez wrote: »
    thanks, CG, our 3rd member just dropped, and several more contemplating quitting - all state the reason is the new Conquest.

    I think my Alliance has lost a total of 11 over the weekend.

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    TVF wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    CaptainRex wrote: »
    Conquest is not fun. Will I get the red box? Yes. Will I feel ANY sort of happiness when doing so. No. Honestly I would be happy if CG said they were removing Conquest from SWGOH tomorrow. That's how much this game mode sucks. Boo hoo, people decided to spend a few hundred crystals and finish the whole thing in 2 days. Instead of turning the slog up to 11, how about creating something that people actually enjoy doing?

    That's not why they made it like this, they did so because so many people weren't spending any crystals.

    Yep. You can see it clearly with those gear packs that are in store right now. Slight discount on normal cost with a chance to double, so if you'd normally buy that gear, if course you'd get that pack. Using up your crystals, while at the same time there is a high crystal demand event going on. All carefully crafted to leverage your credit card out of your wallet or purse.

    I don't see the connection between what I said and a good gear pack.

    Were they offering gear at that price before this high crystal demand conquest was on? The packs don't turn up in the store at random intervals. They turn up to increase crystal pressure.
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    OMG What the people say here - they are talking out of my heart. Could come all from me.

    But here an issue which specially came up at this conquest: the limit of mods

    We have now over 200 chars and the limit of mods we can have is more than outdated. Might be different on android but on an ipad it is a pain. I try shifting some mods from the loadouts into an empty char and I can‘t as a dialog box pops up and says: sell some mods you have reached the limit. Really? I am just trying to shift mods.

    So please in one of your updates for the ipad: Please rise the limit. I guess now it is 500.
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    Conquest is still bugged all over. Just did a battle in sector 5 landing deathmark on jango and didn't get credit for it in the feats. It's already hard enough for anyone to get to Max crate without certain feats not working as well
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    More food for thought: with two more of these Conquests coming on a compressed schedule, followed by the release of Lord Vader, things are going to get worse before they have a chance to get better.
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    The fact that they used the excuse of people finishing it quickly than not playing it anymore was by. We all know it's about money since in order to get through all sectors now on hard requires refreshes even if you don't drop any battles.

    Even with the increased energy I'm sure most whales still finished within the first few days. So all the changes did was make it harder for the other 95% of the player base from making any progress leisurely unless they use crystals.

    In regards to the shards, this is the first time where CAT is secondary but the amount of shards in the boxes is a lot lower than when the RC dropped to secondary. If it's the difference of ship vs character ok but that was never mentioned or explained.

    I definitely am not a fan of most of these changes since those of us that don't spend as much if at all are held back due to the actions of a few. That change of 5 energy between normal and hard is a big difference without an increase in the energy regen.

    This is a big disservice to a majority of the player base.
  • TVF
    36831 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    CaptainRex wrote: »
    Conquest is not fun. Will I get the red box? Yes. Will I feel ANY sort of happiness when doing so. No. Honestly I would be happy if CG said they were removing Conquest from SWGOH tomorrow. That's how much this game mode sucks. Boo hoo, people decided to spend a few hundred crystals and finish the whole thing in 2 days. Instead of turning the slog up to 11, how about creating something that people actually enjoy doing?

    That's not why they made it like this, they did so because so many people weren't spending any crystals.

    Yep. You can see it clearly with those gear packs that are in store right now. Slight discount on normal cost with a chance to double, so if you'd normally buy that gear, if course you'd get that pack. Using up your crystals, while at the same time there is a high crystal demand event going on. All carefully crafted to leverage your credit card out of your wallet or purse.

    I don't see the connection between what I said and a good gear pack.

    Were they offering gear at that price before this high crystal demand conquest was on? The packs don't turn up in the store at random intervals. They turn up to increase crystal pressure.

    Except they have been offered before and they are a good deal.
    I need a new message here. https://discord.gg/AmStGTH
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    I'm here to summarize what should be painfully obvious to everyone, including the devs, who were certainly egged on by their money hungry bosses, but just so it is here in writing:

    I just finished sector five of this conquest, minus the GMK fight. Getting max box in this conquest requires you miss no more than 35 keycards. Lets summarize the teams you need to complete all of the major feats, of which you can miss no more than three or four, assuming you finish EVERY feat on the boss fights, which in and of itself is a task:

    Relic Phoenix Squad
    Relic Bounty Hunters
    Relic Nightsisters
    Relic Rebel Fighters under MM
    Relic Old Republic
    Relic Empire
    Relic Mandalorians
    Relic Smugglers
    Relic Geonosians
    Relic Bad Batch

    Not to mention a myriad of other feats, such as deathmark, which requires relic Revan (but I think I covered that under Old Republic).

    For those of you keeping track, that is 10 relic teams that are not considered core teams other than maybe Empire and possibly Geonosian, but lets be honest, not many people relic Geos. Only the whaliest of whales can get red box. Even pretty good whales will struggle to get gold box. I predict around 1% of the people who haven't already quit this game can even finish with the max reward. I'd say this is a joke but jokes should be funny and this is just purely incompetent.
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    I've tried to find it on the forums, but, has it been said if/when Razor Crest will be going to a node for farming?

    I've made enough this conquest for a single purchase of RC, at that rate its going to take another year or 2 to finish the 7th star.

    I'm just trying to make a decision on if I should bother gearing Exec toons since w/o RC it won't matter.
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