PSA: Bounty Hunter Modifier Bugged

7364 posts Moderator
edited March 2022
The "Thrill of the Hunt" modifier in the present Galactic Challenge does not appear to be working. This has already been reported.


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    Yay! thank you
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    'does not appear to be working'

    It does not work.
  • Damodamo
    1589 posts Member
    Oh well, if it’s been reported. Hallelujah, the world is saved.
  • kytetentales
    3 posts Member
    edited March 2022
    We should all get max box for this, it’s not our fault that cg didn’t test the very important modifier for this gc.
  • PB940
    19 posts Member
    We should all get max box for this, it’s not our fault that cg didn’t test the very important modifier for this gc.

    I hear this drops on 04/31/2022 😉
  • SemiGod
    3001 posts Member
    edited March 2022
    Capital Games is very inspirational, just goes to show that no matter how garbage you are at something, you can still be successful and make over $1 billion in revenue just by being lucky and getting the rights to a popular IP.
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  • Stenun
    853 posts Member
    ... anyone else of the opinion that some of the replies to this thread are overreacting a tad? *lol*
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    Stenun wrote: »
    ... anyone else of the opinion that some of the replies to this thread are overreacting a tad? *lol*

    I think you might be a tad too used to CG's poor treatment of its players and their talent in releasing broken content and have normalized it.
  • SemiGod
    3001 posts Member
    Stenun wrote: »
    ... anyone else of the opinion that some of the replies to this thread are overreacting a tad? *lol*

    I think you might be a tad too used to CG's poor treatment of its players and their talent in releasing broken content and have normalized it.

    and giving 0 in compensation 99% of the time
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    We demand more CWC shards!
  • thomssi
    526 posts Member
    Gold is the new red, had you not heard?
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    But don't worry, they managed to push a hotfix that updated some packs odds that weren't correct guys!
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    So, you hotfix the packs but not the GC

    Great! Thanks to the lord
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    mariogsh wrote: »
    So, you hotfix the packs but not the GC

    Great! Thanks to the lord

    I thought the same thing. I saw a client restart and though, wow, great, they fixed it. Nahhhh.
  • bap1234
    126 posts Member
    mariogsh wrote: »
    So, you hotfix the packs but not the GC

    Great! Thanks to the lord

    I thought the same thing. I saw a client restart and though, wow, great, they fixed it. Nahhhh.

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    As long as you bring bugged content and let cheaters play the game without getting banned you will not see money from me and all other players should do the same. You're not worth spending my hard earned bucks on your game.
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    I managed without it, but it took a fair amount of RNG to do so. I did find it incredibly annoying though, since the AI damage buff seemed to be working just fine.
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    pbchillin wrote: »
    But don't worry, they managed to push a hotfix that updated some packs odds that weren't correct guys!

    They had to because they could be prosecuted for giving false or misleading odds when gambling.
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    Obviously when it's to the benefit of the players, they don't bother fixing it. If the enemy modifier was missing it would have been fixed in a heartbeat.
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    I'm still scratching my head on why this was not hot fixed on day one. Guess they enjoy frustrating the player base.
  • Ultra
    11553 posts Moderator
    SemiGod wrote: »
    Capital Games is very inspirational, just goes to show that no matter how garbage you are at something, you can still be successful and make over $1 billion in revenue just by being lucky and getting the rights to a popular IP.

    Now that you are inspired, where is your bn dollar revenue success story?
  • Ultra
    11553 posts Moderator
    I managed without it, but it took a fair amount of RNG to do so. I did find it incredibly annoying though, since the AI damage buff seemed to be working just fine.

    You must have highly geared / relic bounty hunters, so you are able to manage just fine, but this is definitely an issue with less highly developed BH rosters
  • SemiGod
    3001 posts Member
    edited March 2022
    Ultra wrote: »
    SemiGod wrote: »
    Capital Games is very inspirational, just goes to show that no matter how garbage you are at something, you can still be successful and make over $1 billion in revenue just by being lucky and getting the rights to a popular IP.

    Now that you are inspired, where is your bn dollar revenue success story?

    If im lucky enough to get the rights to a multi billion dollar IP that I can abuse, I’ll let u know.
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    We should all get max box for this, it’s not our fault that cg didn’t test the very important modifier for this gc.

    Why? Just test, and restart it
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    it's rough..

    failure to produce a product means a refund or a "make good" for the time, effort, energy was wasted on a product thats did not perform as expected and programmed.

    CG, will you please provide a timely response and APPROPRIATE "make good" to help your bad PR and encourage old and new players to have trust in this beloved IP?
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    Ultra wrote: »
    I managed without it, but it took a fair amount of RNG to do so. I did find it incredibly annoying though, since the AI damage buff seemed to be working just fine.

    You must have highly geared / relic bounty hunters, so you are able to manage just fine, but this is definitely an issue with less highly developed BH rosters

    Well it took about 20 attempts with the right RNG from Revan's first move and a very specific kill order. Disintegrate Revan, drop Mission ASAP, then Zaalbar as he's pretty thick and keeps taunting, then Jolee so he stops reviving Bastilla, then the lady herself.

    Used R5 Bossk, R8 Boba Fett, R5 Fennec, G12 Mando, G11 Greef.

    I had to go back in with SEE to do the non-tank feat though, as it wasn't happening without Bossk lead.
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    This may just be me, but CG seems to be making a LOT of very basic errors like this recently. Small things like a common, recurring buff not appearing like Thrill of the Hunt, the wrong text on Wampa between the game and the patch notes, and a lot of similar issues. These small issues are the kinds of things that QA should be catching long before the updates go live. Or don't they have beta-testers to tell them that something is wrong?

    If this error was a rare incident, it would be one thing. But errors appear to be the norm rather than the exception here. I used to play Marvel Strike Force, but stopped when its power creep started becoming a blatant power spike. At the very least, however, that game always compensated players - every player - whenever they made such an error as an apology and as a way to let the player base know that they don't take them for granted. Perhaps it is something that CG should consider, if only so that people like me don't start to question why they even play a game that the developers don't seem to be putting their all into.
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