Whatcha Farming?

393 posts EA Community Manager
Happy Wednesday everyone!

Hope you're all doing well.

Just wondering what everyone is farming, either team or specific character.

And I'm absolutely not asking this question because I want to know where to lean myself. o:)


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    Currently farming tickets for my third Galactic Legend, Jedi Master Luke. Not sure what is on my agenda after that given I'm crunched on Kyrotech for every other project worth pursuing (Bad Batch, GL Kenobi farm, etc.) Wonder when those gear economy changes promised six months ago start taking more of an effect....
  • PLZhelpme80
    20 posts Member
    edited March 2022
    Working on the long haul to GL Kenobi, but so far it's been worth it. Wat shards are a pain though for a smaller guild like mine.
  • Zumwan
    359 posts Member
    I'm working in my Separatist Droids to finally unlock GAS, before moving into Jedi Master Kenobi GL farm.
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    im farming for the new gl

    please announce it already
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    Well, after a long and honestly, kind of tedious time getting Supreme Leader Kylo Ren, and still in the process of getting ultimate ability materials, much as I don’t particularly want to, I’m taking a break from Galactic Legends, and turning my focus onto characters I like. In particular I’m going to try and focus on my Droids.
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    nellAx1944 wrote: »
    Currently farming tickets for my third Galactic Legend, Jedi Master Luke.
    Wonder when those gear economy changes promised six months ago start taking more of an effect....

    Pretty much this.

    Got about a dozen G12 pieces left to farm for the last of my JML quest.

    Very slow & boring.


    For characters......

    Less than a month left on my TIE Reaper & Armorer (Baze) & Dark Trooper farms.
    Working on finishing off CAT shards too.
    Also doing Iden's 4th Star just to make her a little more durable.


    Characters should be done in April.

    All the G12 will likely take longer.
  • NormalSizedAnnie
    91 posts Member
    edited March 2022
    Gear farming to get my 501 squad up and competitive.
    Just finished getting the ult on my SEE
    After 501 I’ll likely dive into gearing up toons for jmk
    Pray for me
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    Happy Wednesday everyone!

    Hope you're all doing well.

    Just wondering what everyone is farming, either team or specific character.

    And I'm absolutely not asking this question because I want to know where to lean myself. o:)
    Currently farming for starkiller and LV simultaneously. Doing gear for LV and using energy for Starkiller toons
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    I’m farming IG-2000 and Xanadu blood in order to get Millenium Falcon. Other than that I have all toons ready for JKL and I’m prepping for JML
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    Kyro’s and gear for relic scrap. Can’t focus on anything else really and it’s unfortunate that the gear economy changes promised to us over 6 months ago still haven’t been implemented or detailed when it comes to P2. I know it’s not your fault but it’s a sore subject for many players because of CG’s ineptitude
  • NicWester
    8928 posts Member
    I’m working on unlocking SEE, so currently my energy goes:

    Regular energy: Dark side for tickets, 9F because I’m low on the gold medpacks. I buy all the 50-crystal refreshes each day.

    Cantina energy: Signal data

    Mod energy: The T3 mod salvage because you need it to bring stuff from blue to purple and purple to gold so you use a ton of it.

    Fleet energy: Normal, 5H because you can NEVER HAVE ENOUGH MEDPACKS. Everyone needs a zillion of them!

    I’m also farming Second Sister since I get tickets for that. On days like today when you need hard node energy spent, I also farm Iden, Fennnic, and Mara Jade to help the guild. Same with Light Side days. When I have SEE all set I’ll go back to farming them on a dedicated basis, but for now I need that 220 energy for MOAR TICKERTS!
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Jkane
    220 posts Member
    Currently 9/14 on my third GL, Rey. Remainder aren't TOO far away. Hoping to be farming tickets by May 1st. After that, take a little break and build my Troopers finally before biting the bullet and going after Executor.
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    Not really sure what I’m going for, having recently unlocked Starkiller.

    Farming shards for Iden and whichever inquisitor is currently available as I’ve got nothing else left to farm.

    Probably going to take a bunch of pilots to relic for the 6 fleet era.
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    Working on the long haul to GL Kenobi, but so far it's been worth it. Wat shards are a pain though for a smaller guild like mine.

    Pretty much this. Although my gear is mostly going towards Sep Droids for P4 GAS (Magna overlap), hard nodes working on Bo-Katan, Rose, and Dark, and Cantina trying to finish the Ebon Hawk.
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    I'm actually just finishing relics on my Jawas. Had to pause pushing them to r5 cuz I was grinding Starkiller's reqs but now I've just got to gear and relic the boys. Now only down to one Jawa Scavenger needing his last 3 relic levels. Still waiting on the next GLs.
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    Just finished my imperial troopers so I'm now committing to SLKR for my 2nd GL
  • Juldi
    60 posts Member
    edited March 2022
    I've finally unlocked Starkiller but for the first time and because of LV i don't know if i will hoard for next GL.
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    Farming padme team to relic lvl.
    I really need something against mass assist team like geos/mon.
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    Mara Jade, Darth Talon, mod stuff, and gear. (Please send more gear). Thanks and good luck Mr Meathead
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    I’m slowly farming Mara but only doing the 25 crystal refresh on her node. The other Starkiller requirements are done so in the meantime I’ve started gearing up for Rey, who will be my fifth GL. I reckon it’ll be about 3 months to get her unlocked
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    With 9 accounts I could write a book, lol. Main account is farming relic mats from cantina to finish off last 3 toons for LV requirements. 3 levels to go on Zam, 2 on Tuscan and 2 on Gideon. Then be farming tickets for WEEKS on end
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    I'm working on SK and Raddus requirements. I had been dragging my feet on Raddus and really the whole Resistance faction, but the 3rd fleet requirement apparently was a new way they found to motivate me.
  • CG_Tusken_Meathead
    393 posts EA Community Manager

    I appreciate you all stopping by and letting me know what you're working on.

    I just finished the TIV for Darth Revan, but need to work on my requirements to even attempt TV (2 of my characters are 6*)
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    nellAx1944 wrote: »
    Currently farming tickets for my third Galactic Legend, Jedi Master Luke. Not sure what is on my agenda after that given I'm crunched on Kyrotech for every other project worth pursuing (Bad Batch, GL Kenobi farm, etc.) Wonder when those gear economy changes promised six months ago start taking more of an effect....

    I don’t have any galactic legends yet, but I am farming for JMK. I don’t know what tickets for a galactic legend are, is this something I should be farming as well? And if so where do I farm them, is there more info on these tickets somewhere?
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    I'm finishing up my MM squad for TB, then I'm going back to get Rey for my 5th GL
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    nellAx1944 wrote: »
    Currently farming tickets for my third Galactic Legend, Jedi Master Luke. Not sure what is on my agenda after that given I'm crunched on Kyrotech for every other project worth pursuing (Bad Batch, GL Kenobi farm, etc.) Wonder when those gear economy changes promised six months ago start taking more of an effect....

    I don’t have any galactic legends yet, but I am farming for JMK. I don’t know what tickets for a galactic legend are, is this something I should be farming as well? And if so where do I farm them, is there more info on these tickets somewhere?

    You can't farm them until you have the requirements met. Then you have to earn tickets to pay to do the event levels. It is a really annoying additional grind after grinding it all the requirements.
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    nellAx1944 wrote: »
    Currently farming tickets for my third Galactic Legend, Jedi Master Luke. Not sure what is on my agenda after that given I'm crunched on Kyrotech for every other project worth pursuing (Bad Batch, GL Kenobi farm, etc.) Wonder when those gear economy changes promised six months ago start taking more of an effect....

    I don’t have any galactic legends yet, but I am farming for JMK. I don’t know what tickets for a galactic legend are, is this something I should be farming as well? And if so where do I farm them, is there more info on these tickets somewhere?

    You can't farm them until you have the requirements met. Then you have to earn tickets to pay to do the event levels. It is a really annoying additional grind after grinding it all the requirements.

    Uhg, that is annoying, thanks
  • Schwartzring
    1478 posts Member
    edited March 2022
    Uhg, that is annoying, thanks

    Added info, each GL farms tickets from "Light/Dark" side nodes once you meet all the reqs.
    So, JMK will need to do LOTS of Light Side nodes.

    SO, when your looking at buying Kyros w/ GET2/GAC coins make sure you get his Battle Computers ahead of his Shock Prods since you'll have some time faming LS nodes & can do Shock Prods are that time.

    Or if you have a bunch of LS characters or you need to farm the White Half of Mk8 Eyeballs, etc etc.

    Just know that you'll have WEEKS (Months?) of ticket farming to work through the event levels & then later after he's open at 7* to keep farming for the "ultimate" ability.

    I point out the gear & node/side issue because for my first GL, I needed DS Tickets but also needed Shock Prods from LS Nodes so it took me a really long time to farm both those to get SLKR open but also get him geared up.

    With JMK I planned a bit better & made sure the gear I needed was also from LS Nodes for the most part.
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    I appreciate you all stopping by and letting me know what you're working on.

    I just finished the TIV for Darth Revan, but need to work on my requirements to even attempt TV (2 of my characters are 6*)

    Congrats! I love my Darth Revan(I cannot stress enough benefit of fast mods for him) I just unlocked SIth Eternal Emperor and his ultimate, super excited.

    But then turn to next grind and cringed! I feel For the next 12 months I will still be farming nothing but core gear items. So I echo the others who mentioned gear economy promises we never got.

    And also splitting that farm with all the ships that take 3 times longer to farm. (I always pull 3 ship nodes everyday) kylo shuttle, vulture droid, hyena bomber currently. (Lucky if I get 1-2 shard a day, so about 9months per ship)

    They doubled the character shards(before I started playing), but I have all the toons for GAS, Jedi Luke, master Kenobi, sitting at 7stars without really even farming them most from rewards.
    but 80% of them at gear 1-6. It’s just sad because to be usuable in gac at all toons need to atleast gear 11 unless they are niche.

    If they implemented double drops of gear on hard nodes six months ago when they announced then maybe I would get most of the gear for toons as I was farming toon shards.

    I would love to say I’m farming recent marquee, but…
    I would love to say I’m farming g12 materials, but…
    Heck I would even love to say im farming Kyro techs,but…
    No, I have to say I still need to farm core gear, or g7-8 raid only gear from store
  • Kisakee
    1648 posts Member
    Long live the Empire!
    "Never make the mistake of believing forbearance equates to acceptance, or that all positions are equally valid."
    - Grand Admiral Thrawn
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