Where are the explanations?


  • Options
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    And here come the CG_trolls to bog down the issue in meaningless debate. Classic.

    And here dwell the forum_trolls to bog down the forum with meaningless issues extrapolated from things that were never written or mentioned.

    Good to know that CG considers all of the OP's issues meaningless. It's rare to get honest communication like this, the last time was Carrie's infamous tweet.

    the tweet that everyone still misremembes

    The tip of the spear tweet? It was an honest tweet on her end. Mistimed and most likely not recommended based on the context but I respected her honesty

    lol point confirmed
  • Options
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    And here come the CG_trolls to bog down the issue in meaningless debate. Classic.

    And here dwell the forum_trolls to bog down the forum with meaningless issues extrapolated from things that were never written or mentioned.

    Good to know that CG considers all of the OP's issues meaningless. It's rare to get honest communication like this, the last time was Carrie's infamous tweet.

    the tweet that everyone still misremembes

    The tip of the spear tweet? It was an honest tweet on her end. Mistimed and most likely not recommended based on the context but I respected her honesty

    lol point confirmed


    It’s not misremembered. She said the newest content is for heavy spenders to get things to push them to the tip of the spear. That she doesn’t expect people to do it, and hopes those that do can afford to, or that it’s palatable.

    Again, not the best thing to say but based on how they were releasing characters like JKR, DR, and Malak, it was true and honest and while I disagreed with how expensive it was, I appreciated her honesty.
  • ImaSmakya
    1068 posts Member
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    SemiGod wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    As long as the whales keep whaling, nothing will change. They are not trying to make a fun game, they are trying to make a profitable game with as little effort as possible. And the CMs only provide distractions disguised as engagement with community, that's why Meathead asks the same questions as Doja.

    So basically they're excelling at their jobs?

    Yes. Players just seem to have incorrect idea about what their jobs are.

    Yeah idk why ppl finding it surprising that a business’ main goal is to make money.

    They’d make more money if they made a better quality game. There are some good deals in the store now that normally I would’ve bought for full crafted gear or kyros. I won’t give them a jolly red cent now until they address these issues and make a better quality game. Hundreds a month in disposable income that I have available that I’ll spend elsewhere instead of on their game.

    Obviously the hardcore whales are going to keep on whaling. I won’t try and tell others how to spend their money but if they too are sick of these tactics and the way the higher ups are handling their game (as said in streams and Reddit, etc) then the best way to get people like TopCash to wake up is to close their wallets.

    I’m personally glad their revenue is dipping lately because then maybe they’ll get it together. It was almost 3 years before we got any meaningful QoL changes for the game and September of last year was the first time they ever addressed the gear economy, and still haven’t even followed through with what they promised.

    They can make more money by providing a better quality game. People like TopCash are too short sighted to see that. Also….InB4 people “oh I’m sure you know how to run a business better huh?”

    No, I know what I want as a paying customer and know what tons of other people have posted that they want as paying customers. It doesn’t take a business degree to realize you maximize earnings by listening to what paying customers say they’re willing to pay for and what will get them to spend more

    You should probably call up Elon Musk and tell him that he could double or triple his net worth if he would just reduce the price of all Tesla vehicles. Let Tim Cook know this secret too since Apple is barely scraping by and I'm sure they are losing tons of profits by charging so much for their computers, monitors, and headphones (Beats included). Could you throw Tag Heuer a bone while you're at it?

    Thanks from all the consumers who wished everything was priced within our budget.

    Figured there’d be someone like you commenting.

    See, here’s the issue with your cynical response. You’re talking about the price of the product vs the quality of the product. People will pay high prices if the quality of the product is good, such as Tesla, Apple, Beats, Tag Heuer, etc. However customers won’t do that if the quality of the product is underwhelming and not meeting the standards previously set. They’ll ask for refund and take their business to different companies.

    So, thanks for reinforcing my point even though I’m sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    Perceived value and actual value are vastly different and, apparently, outside the grasp of your limited understanding. Your opinion of a product's value is irrelevant to the actual cost of the product, which means your perceived value may or may not be a profitable amount. Listening to armchair quarterbacks complain about the pricing of voluntary purchases in a completely free to download and play mobile game doesn't guarantee profitability; it doesn't even guarantee purchases. If even a quarter of the people who threaten to quit SWGOH on here actually did, there might be constructive and insightful discussions on here. Instead, we have you.

    Thanks for reinforcing my point even though I'm sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    I’m curious if you’re even seeing what the point of my original post was? You keep talking about perceived value and cost. Can you show your work and point out where I’m talking about costs and purchases? I’m fairly certain that you’re cherry picking one single half sentence that says “pushing overpriced packs/characters” trying to straw man it into the whole point of my post, which it was not.

    I’m more than happy to help you though. The main point was the non existent communication from the CM’s and devs regarding the poor quality of the game lately. Stealth nerfs, bugs, missing changes that were promised to us, missing content, missing QoL updates, etc.

    The point of the cost of packs and toons was a minor reinforcement of my main point, at best.

    But to your point of costs; customers expect a specific level of quality based on the price they are paying. The higher the price, the better the quality. If they do not get the quality they seek, they don’t purchase the product.

    Also, free to play players to add to their income from game time, downloads, reviews and ratings etc so it benefits them to have a good quality game. I’m not sure if you’re even aware but CEO’s and shareholders expect the same kind of return once a new ceiling has been met. If in Q1 a company pulls in $100 million in profits, they won’t be ok with Q2 only pulling in $35 million in profits. So any significant down turn raises issues.

    Thanks for again trying to derail this post with your straw man arguments. I do enjoy it :). That doesn’t detract from the devs owing their paying customers and player base explanations for the issues listed about and then some.

    So a point you thought was important enough to shoe-horn into one of your hyperbolic monologues is now a minor point and not worth considering. Do you even understand the point you're trying to make, or are you just tossing word salad and cherry picking the parts that people don't scrutinize? You ask me to "show my work" and then admit you mentioned cost and value. I guess it's pretty easy to do mental gymnastics in an empty space.

    Lets "focus" on your "point": dev communication. Would you like to show your work with what gacha game has better dev communication? Is that game better quality? Does that game community give higher feedback scores? Can you then show your work that the game is more profitable and sustainable than SWGOH?

    I'll wait for your data. Might see a hyperloop and Rapture before that happens, but I'll wait. You can continue the facade of being more enlightened in mobile game revenue than CG while you count your hundreds of disposable income a month like Scrooge McDuck if it makes you feel better.

    And the devs don't owe any explanation on your wildly inaccurate list. Go ahead and post the written communication from CG on each of your points as to when and how changes were going to take place or what rules/expectations are hard set for events for even two of your complaints.

    I would say I enjoy your feeble attempts at debate, but it's more like watching a clumsy panda in a zoo enclosure. It's funny, but not for the right reasons.

    Gear economy changes:
    September said that there would be two guaranteed phases of changes with the first part of p1 rolling out and then the rest in the next month or so. They then said in the SotG in Feb that the gear economy changes would then be addressed more in the RA for March. The RA came and went with no mention of the changes for the rest of P1 or anything for P2.

    Galactic Chase Drop Rates:
    Darjelo took it upon himself to start a thread for people to track their drop rates for the two GC chases for Echelon and Resistance Bomber. The players figured out on our own that the drop rate changed from 4% to 3% without any notice by the devs, going against previously stated drop rates. Doja said he would reach out for answers to the dev team and that was the last we heard from the devs on it. Ultra said that she was given an answer but is not allowed to comment on it and only a dev can. We need an explanation why it was changed as it sets a bad precedent for them to stealth nerf drop rates from previously established ones.

    TW and GAC matchmaking:
    Each one with its own issues. TW shows massive mismatches based on GP, mods, GL count, relic levels, etc. The devs stated that matchmaking changes would happen after they gathered some data to make informed changes. Nothing has changed after several months. The same with GAC and the skill rating system not taking into account GP differences of sometimes 3-4 million. Again, devs said it wasn’t permanent and it was a fluid system but nothing’s been altered yet except adding more fleets needed for Kyber tier. Which is the next point.

    Lack of ships/content:
    No more raids, no sandbox mode, no new PVE nodes on the tables, and of course a sever e lack of “shipload of content” they alluded to. Now it’s possible we are about to finally get that shipload of content after a year, however we have enough for 7 fleets and most of them aren’t complete ones. A complete fleet is 7 ships. Many are undermanned with 4 or 5 ships.

    Bugs, bugs, bugs:
    Kenobi GL event T1 bug. Disappearing button bugs. Crashing during loading battles in GAC. Bugged galactic challenges. Buggy conquest modifiers. These are issues that take several months to fix yet anything in regards to benefiting the players is fixed immediately. Hurting them? Months if not years like the unending loyalty/Teebo/fives bugs. Why the disparity in time to fix?

    Mod management. Fleet loadouts. Variety of enemies in conquest. Repeat data disks in the same prize node. Lack of enemy stats resulting in guessing speeds and going in blind causing lost battles that need not be. Guild management tools. There’s plenty they can do to increase the quality of the game for the player base.


    The CM for MSF communicates every single day with the community and they put out a weekly blog of what’s upcoming into the game in terms of future events, legendaries, bug fixes, and communicate regularly with the CC’s who send them bug reports and acknowledge things going on. MSF is a similar game type and competitor in terms of revenue. They have their own issues as well, but it’s addressed by their CM at the very least and compensation is given accordingly when it occurs.

    Again, the point with the price of packs was showing their priorities on what they focus on and communicate. A minor supporting point does not overshadow the overall issue no matter how much you want to toss around insults and straw man the issue. So again, and hopefully for the last time, re read my original post. Please show me how the price of packs is my main point at all, or anything other than a minor reinforcement based on half a sentence. Heck I even said that there are good packs currently for sale based on in game value I’d normally purchase but won’t buy them due to CG’s refusal to address the community and their lack of quality lately.

    No I’m not counting my money like Scrooge mcduck. I’m spending it elsewhere like MSF or in other areas of life because they won’t get my business as a paying player until I feel they deserve it. That’s the beauty of capitalism. I choose what I spend my money on and who is deserving of my business as a consumer.

    I do look forward to seeing how the points I just listed are “wildly inaccurate” 😂 as if these aren’t issues in the commmunity right now lol

    1. So you're complaining that they didn't mentioned anything in March about gear economy changes that never had a hard date. Wow. Way to really chomp into the facts and not let them go.

    2. Please post the dev announcement or statement that says all galactic chases for the rest of time will be at 4%.

    3. The algorithms for both modes were changed. It was clearly stated that the matchmaking was now taking performance into account. Please post examples of people/guilds on long winning/losing streaks that are still "massively mismatched".

    4. Devs have never promised more raids, sandbox, or PVE nodes. They've even specifically stated a sandbox mode was likely never coming and the new raid idea was scrapped.
    4a. Side note; if you need all fleets with all 7 ships in the modes where that is actually an issue, you should probably git gud at fleet battles instead of saying there aren't enough ships

    5. Where was mod management and fleet loadout changes ever promised with hard dates? Would you rather data disks be a set combination for ever node instead of random? Do you not understand how to take base states and add percentage multipliers? While you might think the game needs these QoL improvements, none have been promised.

    6. MSF is a giant dumpster fire. Who care if the CM communicates every week if the game is lower quality? Every complaint you've outlined against SWGOH is even worse in MSF except for dev communication. So you just want lip service? Cool, spend your paltry allowance on MSF where it does next to nothing. Glad you found something that makes you feel better that isn't rooted in facts and data.

    Did you see how wildly inaccurate all those complaints are in regards to your main complain of dev communication? Probably not because your avatar is 100% correct in being mediocre and overconfident. Have fun trying to explain it all away though!

    First you said I’m complaint about pack prices. Then you said that none of my points are issues and are inaccurate, now you’re saying I said they promised hard dates on everything.

    No dude. The only hard timeline given was the gear economy changes.

    September SoTG: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/249886/state-of-the-gear-laxy-september-2021#latest

    October RA: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/250664/road-ahead-october-2021#latest

    Feb 2022 SoTG: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/253661/state-of-the-galaxy-february-2022#latest
    In here they promise to address the gear economy changes further, more than 5 months after initially announced.

    March RA then came and went with zero mention of any gear economy changes.

    2.) All Chases were 4% in cantina. It changed and was announced as such when it was in fleet battles. It’s been established already.

    3.) Yes they were changed and we were told that it would be looked at and adjusted and that the initial implementation was not the final product.

    4.) I never said they promised that. I stated we were not getting that because it was not “fiscally viable” for them to do so directly from the mouth of TopCash. I’m saying that putting those in the game is what players want.

    5.) They never promised mod management or fleet loadouts. Only that Doja and crumb were pushing for it because of how important it was to the player base and how necessary it was from a QoL standpoint. Please show where I said they promised a deliver by date.

    6.) I’d prefer it set so that the same data disk is not in the same node. The RNG aspect is what it is but it should be coded so we don’t get 3 opportunistic support or 3 zealous ambition disks in the exact same node. No, it’s not base stats. If it was then a unit with a base stat of 170 for speed with a 40% boost (giving it a 238 speed) would not outrun a 375 speed Gideon or a 355 speed Echo. There’s different modifiers and boosts that we can’t calculate so we are left to guess.

    7.) I’m actually very good at ships. My performance in fleet battles isn’t the point. It’s the availability of ships for full fleets and how the new changes give you one chance for a cleanup or you’re done. With 9 capital ships we should have enough ships for 9 full fleets. Not 7 patched together with only 2/3 having full fleets.

    8.) As bad as MSF is with their issues their response to them are better in terms of communication and compensation. Remember the QGJ nerf that completely changed his identify against GL’s and it not working against them anymore? Yeah MSF would’ve given back those materials to decide if we still wanted to invest since it was a significant change to its ability.

    No, my complaints aren’t inaccurate as they’re legitimate issues in the game. You keep changing your argument and still have yet to hit a firm ground to stand on. I will give you points for how hard you’re using straw man arguments though. A for effort

    Unfortunately CG and most other game studios have become quite adept at promising things with no dates and then many of those things sail off into the sunset and in many cases never see the light of day. I like working on mods so the one that bothers me the most it seems is in a dev q&a back in 2019 they stated that 3 and 4 dot mods were going to be removed from the higher tiers of the mod challenges, yet here we are almost two and a half years later and I’m still constantly deleting 3 and 4 dot mods.
    DISCLAIMER: Post is subject to change.
  • Options
    I think some of you need to hug it out.
  • Options
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    SemiGod wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    As long as the whales keep whaling, nothing will change. They are not trying to make a fun game, they are trying to make a profitable game with as little effort as possible. And the CMs only provide distractions disguised as engagement with community, that's why Meathead asks the same questions as Doja.

    So basically they're excelling at their jobs?

    Yes. Players just seem to have incorrect idea about what their jobs are.

    Yeah idk why ppl finding it surprising that a business’ main goal is to make money.

    They’d make more money if they made a better quality game. There are some good deals in the store now that normally I would’ve bought for full crafted gear or kyros. I won’t give them a jolly red cent now until they address these issues and make a better quality game. Hundreds a month in disposable income that I have available that I’ll spend elsewhere instead of on their game.

    Obviously the hardcore whales are going to keep on whaling. I won’t try and tell others how to spend their money but if they too are sick of these tactics and the way the higher ups are handling their game (as said in streams and Reddit, etc) then the best way to get people like TopCash to wake up is to close their wallets.

    I’m personally glad their revenue is dipping lately because then maybe they’ll get it together. It was almost 3 years before we got any meaningful QoL changes for the game and September of last year was the first time they ever addressed the gear economy, and still haven’t even followed through with what they promised.

    They can make more money by providing a better quality game. People like TopCash are too short sighted to see that. Also….InB4 people “oh I’m sure you know how to run a business better huh?”

    No, I know what I want as a paying customer and know what tons of other people have posted that they want as paying customers. It doesn’t take a business degree to realize you maximize earnings by listening to what paying customers say they’re willing to pay for and what will get them to spend more

    You should probably call up Elon Musk and tell him that he could double or triple his net worth if he would just reduce the price of all Tesla vehicles. Let Tim Cook know this secret too since Apple is barely scraping by and I'm sure they are losing tons of profits by charging so much for their computers, monitors, and headphones (Beats included). Could you throw Tag Heuer a bone while you're at it?

    Thanks from all the consumers who wished everything was priced within our budget.

    Doesn’t economics actually work like this, though? Profit isn’t determined by solely how much a single product sells for, it also depends on how many sell. So if Musk lowering the price of a Tesla means more people buy them, then it would increase his net worth. Works especially well in Digital purchases, too, because there’s essentially no cost to making more product.
  • Options
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    SemiGod wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    As long as the whales keep whaling, nothing will change. They are not trying to make a fun game, they are trying to make a profitable game with as little effort as possible. And the CMs only provide distractions disguised as engagement with community, that's why Meathead asks the same questions as Doja.

    So basically they're excelling at their jobs?

    Yes. Players just seem to have incorrect idea about what their jobs are.

    Yeah idk why ppl finding it surprising that a business’ main goal is to make money.

    They’d make more money if they made a better quality game. There are some good deals in the store now that normally I would’ve bought for full crafted gear or kyros. I won’t give them a jolly red cent now until they address these issues and make a better quality game. Hundreds a month in disposable income that I have available that I’ll spend elsewhere instead of on their game.

    Obviously the hardcore whales are going to keep on whaling. I won’t try and tell others how to spend their money but if they too are sick of these tactics and the way the higher ups are handling their game (as said in streams and Reddit, etc) then the best way to get people like TopCash to wake up is to close their wallets.

    I’m personally glad their revenue is dipping lately because then maybe they’ll get it together. It was almost 3 years before we got any meaningful QoL changes for the game and September of last year was the first time they ever addressed the gear economy, and still haven’t even followed through with what they promised.

    They can make more money by providing a better quality game. People like TopCash are too short sighted to see that. Also….InB4 people “oh I’m sure you know how to run a business better huh?”

    No, I know what I want as a paying customer and know what tons of other people have posted that they want as paying customers. It doesn’t take a business degree to realize you maximize earnings by listening to what paying customers say they’re willing to pay for and what will get them to spend more

    You should probably call up Elon Musk and tell him that he could double or triple his net worth if he would just reduce the price of all Tesla vehicles. Let Tim Cook know this secret too since Apple is barely scraping by and I'm sure they are losing tons of profits by charging so much for their computers, monitors, and headphones (Beats included). Could you throw Tag Heuer a bone while you're at it?

    Thanks from all the consumers who wished everything was priced within our budget.

    Figured there’d be someone like you commenting.

    See, here’s the issue with your cynical response. You’re talking about the price of the product vs the quality of the product. People will pay high prices if the quality of the product is good, such as Tesla, Apple, Beats, Tag Heuer, etc. However customers won’t do that if the quality of the product is underwhelming and not meeting the standards previously set. They’ll ask for refund and take their business to different companies.

    So, thanks for reinforcing my point even though I’m sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    Perceived value and actual value are vastly different and, apparently, outside the grasp of your limited understanding. Your opinion of a product's value is irrelevant to the actual cost of the product, which means your perceived value may or may not be a profitable amount. Listening to armchair quarterbacks complain about the pricing of voluntary purchases in a completely free to download and play mobile game doesn't guarantee profitability; it doesn't even guarantee purchases. If even a quarter of the people who threaten to quit SWGOH on here actually did, there might be constructive and insightful discussions on here. Instead, we have you.

    Thanks for reinforcing my point even though I'm sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    I’m curious if you’re even seeing what the point of my original post was? You keep talking about perceived value and cost. Can you show your work and point out where I’m talking about costs and purchases? I’m fairly certain that you’re cherry picking one single half sentence that says “pushing overpriced packs/characters” trying to straw man it into the whole point of my post, which it was not.

    I’m more than happy to help you though. The main point was the non existent communication from the CM’s and devs regarding the poor quality of the game lately. Stealth nerfs, bugs, missing changes that were promised to us, missing content, missing QoL updates, etc.

    The point of the cost of packs and toons was a minor reinforcement of my main point, at best.

    But to your point of costs; customers expect a specific level of quality based on the price they are paying. The higher the price, the better the quality. If they do not get the quality they seek, they don’t purchase the product.

    Also, free to play players to add to their income from game time, downloads, reviews and ratings etc so it benefits them to have a good quality game. I’m not sure if you’re even aware but CEO’s and shareholders expect the same kind of return once a new ceiling has been met. If in Q1 a company pulls in $100 million in profits, they won’t be ok with Q2 only pulling in $35 million in profits. So any significant down turn raises issues.

    Thanks for again trying to derail this post with your straw man arguments. I do enjoy it :). That doesn’t detract from the devs owing their paying customers and player base explanations for the issues listed about and then some.

    So a point you thought was important enough to shoe-horn into one of your hyperbolic monologues is now a minor point and not worth considering. Do you even understand the point you're trying to make, or are you just tossing word salad and cherry picking the parts that people don't scrutinize? You ask me to "show my work" and then admit you mentioned cost and value. I guess it's pretty easy to do mental gymnastics in an empty space.

    Lets "focus" on your "point": dev communication. Would you like to show your work with what gacha game has better dev communication? Is that game better quality? Does that game community give higher feedback scores? Can you then show your work that the game is more profitable and sustainable than SWGOH?

    I'll wait for your data. Might see a hyperloop and Rapture before that happens, but I'll wait. You can continue the facade of being more enlightened in mobile game revenue than CG while you count your hundreds of disposable income a month like Scrooge McDuck if it makes you feel better.

    And the devs don't owe any explanation on your wildly inaccurate list. Go ahead and post the written communication from CG on each of your points as to when and how changes were going to take place or what rules/expectations are hard set for events for even two of your complaints.

    I would say I enjoy your feeble attempts at debate, but it's more like watching a clumsy panda in a zoo enclosure. It's funny, but not for the right reasons.

    Gear economy changes:
    September said that there would be two guaranteed phases of changes with the first part of p1 rolling out and then the rest in the next month or so. They then said in the SotG in Feb that the gear economy changes would then be addressed more in the RA for March. The RA came and went with no mention of the changes for the rest of P1 or anything for P2.

    Galactic Chase Drop Rates:
    Darjelo took it upon himself to start a thread for people to track their drop rates for the two GC chases for Echelon and Resistance Bomber. The players figured out on our own that the drop rate changed from 4% to 3% without any notice by the devs, going against previously stated drop rates. Doja said he would reach out for answers to the dev team and that was the last we heard from the devs on it. Ultra said that she was given an answer but is not allowed to comment on it and only a dev can. We need an explanation why it was changed as it sets a bad precedent for them to stealth nerf drop rates from previously established ones.

    TW and GAC matchmaking:
    Each one with its own issues. TW shows massive mismatches based on GP, mods, GL count, relic levels, etc. The devs stated that matchmaking changes would happen after they gathered some data to make informed changes. Nothing has changed after several months. The same with GAC and the skill rating system not taking into account GP differences of sometimes 3-4 million. Again, devs said it wasn’t permanent and it was a fluid system but nothing’s been altered yet except adding more fleets needed for Kyber tier. Which is the next point.

    Lack of ships/content:
    No more raids, no sandbox mode, no new PVE nodes on the tables, and of course a sever e lack of “shipload of content” they alluded to. Now it’s possible we are about to finally get that shipload of content after a year, however we have enough for 7 fleets and most of them aren’t complete ones. A complete fleet is 7 ships. Many are undermanned with 4 or 5 ships.

    Bugs, bugs, bugs:
    Kenobi GL event T1 bug. Disappearing button bugs. Crashing during loading battles in GAC. Bugged galactic challenges. Buggy conquest modifiers. These are issues that take several months to fix yet anything in regards to benefiting the players is fixed immediately. Hurting them? Months if not years like the unending loyalty/Teebo/fives bugs. Why the disparity in time to fix?

    Mod management. Fleet loadouts. Variety of enemies in conquest. Repeat data disks in the same prize node. Lack of enemy stats resulting in guessing speeds and going in blind causing lost battles that need not be. Guild management tools. There’s plenty they can do to increase the quality of the game for the player base.


    The CM for MSF communicates every single day with the community and they put out a weekly blog of what’s upcoming into the game in terms of future events, legendaries, bug fixes, and communicate regularly with the CC’s who send them bug reports and acknowledge things going on. MSF is a similar game type and competitor in terms of revenue. They have their own issues as well, but it’s addressed by their CM at the very least and compensation is given accordingly when it occurs.

    Again, the point with the price of packs was showing their priorities on what they focus on and communicate. A minor supporting point does not overshadow the overall issue no matter how much you want to toss around insults and straw man the issue. So again, and hopefully for the last time, re read my original post. Please show me how the price of packs is my main point at all, or anything other than a minor reinforcement based on half a sentence. Heck I even said that there are good packs currently for sale based on in game value I’d normally purchase but won’t buy them due to CG’s refusal to address the community and their lack of quality lately.

    No I’m not counting my money like Scrooge mcduck. I’m spending it elsewhere like MSF or in other areas of life because they won’t get my business as a paying player until I feel they deserve it. That’s the beauty of capitalism. I choose what I spend my money on and who is deserving of my business as a consumer.

    I do look forward to seeing how the points I just listed are “wildly inaccurate” 😂 as if these aren’t issues in the commmunity right now lol

    1. So you're complaining that they didn't mentioned anything in March about gear economy changes that never had a hard date. Wow. Way to really chomp into the facts and not let them go.

    2. Please post the dev announcement or statement that says all galactic chases for the rest of time will be at 4%.

    3. The algorithms for both modes were changed. It was clearly stated that the matchmaking was now taking performance into account. Please post examples of people/guilds on long winning/losing streaks that are still "massively mismatched".

    4. Devs have never promised more raids, sandbox, or PVE nodes. They've even specifically stated a sandbox mode was likely never coming and the new raid idea was scrapped.
    4a. Side note; if you need all fleets with all 7 ships in the modes where that is actually an issue, you should probably git gud at fleet battles instead of saying there aren't enough ships

    5. Where was mod management and fleet loadout changes ever promised with hard dates? Would you rather data disks be a set combination for ever node instead of random? Do you not understand how to take base states and add percentage multipliers? While you might think the game needs these QoL improvements, none have been promised.

    6. MSF is a giant dumpster fire. Who care if the CM communicates every week if the game is lower quality? Every complaint you've outlined against SWGOH is even worse in MSF except for dev communication. So you just want lip service? Cool, spend your paltry allowance on MSF where it does next to nothing. Glad you found something that makes you feel better that isn't rooted in facts and data.

    Did you see how wildly inaccurate all those complaints are in regards to your main complain of dev communication? Probably not because your avatar is 100% correct in being mediocre and overconfident. Have fun trying to explain it all away though!

    First you said I’m complaint about pack prices. Then you said that none of my points are issues and are inaccurate, now you’re saying I said they promised hard dates on everything.

    No dude. The only hard timeline given was the gear economy changes.

    September SoTG: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/249886/state-of-the-gear-laxy-september-2021#latest

    October RA: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/250664/road-ahead-october-2021#latest

    Feb 2022 SoTG: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/253661/state-of-the-galaxy-february-2022#latest
    In here they promise to address the gear economy changes further, more than 5 months after initially announced.

    March RA then came and went with zero mention of any gear economy changes.

    2.) All Chases were 4% in cantina. It changed and was announced as such when it was in fleet battles. It’s been established already.

    3.) Yes they were changed and we were told that it would be looked at and adjusted and that the initial implementation was not the final product.

    4.) I never said they promised that. I stated we were not getting that because it was not “fiscally viable” for them to do so directly from the mouth of TopCash. I’m saying that putting those in the game is what players want.

    5.) They never promised mod management or fleet loadouts. Only that Doja and crumb were pushing for it because of how important it was to the player base and how necessary it was from a QoL standpoint. Please show where I said they promised a deliver by date.

    6.) I’d prefer it set so that the same data disk is not in the same node. The RNG aspect is what it is but it should be coded so we don’t get 3 opportunistic support or 3 zealous ambition disks in the exact same node. No, it’s not base stats. If it was then a unit with a base stat of 170 for speed with a 40% boost (giving it a 238 speed) would not outrun a 375 speed Gideon or a 355 speed Echo. There’s different modifiers and boosts that we can’t calculate so we are left to guess.

    7.) I’m actually very good at ships. My performance in fleet battles isn’t the point. It’s the availability of ships for full fleets and how the new changes give you one chance for a cleanup or you’re done. With 9 capital ships we should have enough ships for 9 full fleets. Not 7 patched together with only 2/3 having full fleets.

    8.) As bad as MSF is with their issues their response to them are better in terms of communication and compensation. Remember the QGJ nerf that completely changed his identify against GL’s and it not working against them anymore? Yeah MSF would’ve given back those materials to decide if we still wanted to invest since it was a significant change to its ability.

    No, my complaints aren’t inaccurate as they’re legitimate issues in the game. You keep changing your argument and still have yet to hit a firm ground to stand on. I will give you points for how hard you’re using straw man arguments though. A for effort

    Your complaints are inaccurate since your main complaint is in regards to dev communication per one of your own posts. If the devs haven’t promised anything, you’re basically being a toddler thinking every idea they have is genius and should be acknowledged. I’m thrilled that you’ve found a way to articulate your feelings, but you’re an insignificant string of characters for SWGOH and the devs owe no explanations for whatever ideas fall out of your skull.

    I haven’t changed my argument, which is that your complaints are worthless. You keep changing the criteria by which you’re judging your own complaints. First a statement you made wasn’t worth mentioning, then it’s about dev communication and quality, and now you’ve admitted that only one of your complaints is barely grounded in reality but you still think you deserve something.

    The fact is you think your feelings warrant validation in the form of dev communication, and unfortunately (for you and the rest of us hoping to see meaningful content on the forums), they don’t. Of course you’ll say that’s not it at all, but then you have no explanation for adamantly soap boxing besides narcissism, and a good narcissist would never admit something negative like narcissim.
  • DMG_SW
    216 posts Member
    TargetEadu wrote: »
    Doesn’t economics actually work like this, though? Profit isn’t determined by solely how much a single product sells for, it also depends on how many sell. So if Musk lowering the price of a Tesla means more people buy them, then it would increase his net worth. Works especially well in Digital purchases, too, because there’s essentially no cost to making more product.

    Not quite. If you cut the cost of a Tesla by 50%, and as a result you see a 25% increase in sales, you've just lost money. If 500 whales will pay $300 for Dash Rendar, then CG would need 3,000 people to buy it at a $50 price point just to keep profit the same. And I highly doubt that would happen. You just have to accept it with these games. As long as people are willing to spend crazy amounts, the prices will be set to take advantage of that. Even if you personally are willing to pay for Dash at that $50 price point, unless there are 5 other formerly F2P to are also eager to pony up, CG is better off just keeping it at $300.

  • Options
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    SemiGod wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    As long as the whales keep whaling, nothing will change. They are not trying to make a fun game, they are trying to make a profitable game with as little effort as possible. And the CMs only provide distractions disguised as engagement with community, that's why Meathead asks the same questions as Doja.

    So basically they're excelling at their jobs?

    Yes. Players just seem to have incorrect idea about what their jobs are.

    Yeah idk why ppl finding it surprising that a business’ main goal is to make money.

    They’d make more money if they made a better quality game. There are some good deals in the store now that normally I would’ve bought for full crafted gear or kyros. I won’t give them a jolly red cent now until they address these issues and make a better quality game. Hundreds a month in disposable income that I have available that I’ll spend elsewhere instead of on their game.

    Obviously the hardcore whales are going to keep on whaling. I won’t try and tell others how to spend their money but if they too are sick of these tactics and the way the higher ups are handling their game (as said in streams and Reddit, etc) then the best way to get people like TopCash to wake up is to close their wallets.

    I’m personally glad their revenue is dipping lately because then maybe they’ll get it together. It was almost 3 years before we got any meaningful QoL changes for the game and September of last year was the first time they ever addressed the gear economy, and still haven’t even followed through with what they promised.

    They can make more money by providing a better quality game. People like TopCash are too short sighted to see that. Also….InB4 people “oh I’m sure you know how to run a business better huh?”

    No, I know what I want as a paying customer and know what tons of other people have posted that they want as paying customers. It doesn’t take a business degree to realize you maximize earnings by listening to what paying customers say they’re willing to pay for and what will get them to spend more

    You should probably call up Elon Musk and tell him that he could double or triple his net worth if he would just reduce the price of all Tesla vehicles. Let Tim Cook know this secret too since Apple is barely scraping by and I'm sure they are losing tons of profits by charging so much for their computers, monitors, and headphones (Beats included). Could you throw Tag Heuer a bone while you're at it?

    Thanks from all the consumers who wished everything was priced within our budget.

    Figured there’d be someone like you commenting.

    See, here’s the issue with your cynical response. You’re talking about the price of the product vs the quality of the product. People will pay high prices if the quality of the product is good, such as Tesla, Apple, Beats, Tag Heuer, etc. However customers won’t do that if the quality of the product is underwhelming and not meeting the standards previously set. They’ll ask for refund and take their business to different companies.

    So, thanks for reinforcing my point even though I’m sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    Perceived value and actual value are vastly different and, apparently, outside the grasp of your limited understanding. Your opinion of a product's value is irrelevant to the actual cost of the product, which means your perceived value may or may not be a profitable amount. Listening to armchair quarterbacks complain about the pricing of voluntary purchases in a completely free to download and play mobile game doesn't guarantee profitability; it doesn't even guarantee purchases. If even a quarter of the people who threaten to quit SWGOH on here actually did, there might be constructive and insightful discussions on here. Instead, we have you.

    Thanks for reinforcing my point even though I'm sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    I’m curious if you’re even seeing what the point of my original post was? You keep talking about perceived value and cost. Can you show your work and point out where I’m talking about costs and purchases? I’m fairly certain that you’re cherry picking one single half sentence that says “pushing overpriced packs/characters” trying to straw man it into the whole point of my post, which it was not.

    I’m more than happy to help you though. The main point was the non existent communication from the CM’s and devs regarding the poor quality of the game lately. Stealth nerfs, bugs, missing changes that were promised to us, missing content, missing QoL updates, etc.

    The point of the cost of packs and toons was a minor reinforcement of my main point, at best.

    But to your point of costs; customers expect a specific level of quality based on the price they are paying. The higher the price, the better the quality. If they do not get the quality they seek, they don’t purchase the product.

    Also, free to play players to add to their income from game time, downloads, reviews and ratings etc so it benefits them to have a good quality game. I’m not sure if you’re even aware but CEO’s and shareholders expect the same kind of return once a new ceiling has been met. If in Q1 a company pulls in $100 million in profits, they won’t be ok with Q2 only pulling in $35 million in profits. So any significant down turn raises issues.

    Thanks for again trying to derail this post with your straw man arguments. I do enjoy it :). That doesn’t detract from the devs owing their paying customers and player base explanations for the issues listed about and then some.

    So a point you thought was important enough to shoe-horn into one of your hyperbolic monologues is now a minor point and not worth considering. Do you even understand the point you're trying to make, or are you just tossing word salad and cherry picking the parts that people don't scrutinize? You ask me to "show my work" and then admit you mentioned cost and value. I guess it's pretty easy to do mental gymnastics in an empty space.

    Lets "focus" on your "point": dev communication. Would you like to show your work with what gacha game has better dev communication? Is that game better quality? Does that game community give higher feedback scores? Can you then show your work that the game is more profitable and sustainable than SWGOH?

    I'll wait for your data. Might see a hyperloop and Rapture before that happens, but I'll wait. You can continue the facade of being more enlightened in mobile game revenue than CG while you count your hundreds of disposable income a month like Scrooge McDuck if it makes you feel better.

    And the devs don't owe any explanation on your wildly inaccurate list. Go ahead and post the written communication from CG on each of your points as to when and how changes were going to take place or what rules/expectations are hard set for events for even two of your complaints.

    I would say I enjoy your feeble attempts at debate, but it's more like watching a clumsy panda in a zoo enclosure. It's funny, but not for the right reasons.

    Gear economy changes:
    September said that there would be two guaranteed phases of changes with the first part of p1 rolling out and then the rest in the next month or so. They then said in the SotG in Feb that the gear economy changes would then be addressed more in the RA for March. The RA came and went with no mention of the changes for the rest of P1 or anything for P2.

    Galactic Chase Drop Rates:
    Darjelo took it upon himself to start a thread for people to track their drop rates for the two GC chases for Echelon and Resistance Bomber. The players figured out on our own that the drop rate changed from 4% to 3% without any notice by the devs, going against previously stated drop rates. Doja said he would reach out for answers to the dev team and that was the last we heard from the devs on it. Ultra said that she was given an answer but is not allowed to comment on it and only a dev can. We need an explanation why it was changed as it sets a bad precedent for them to stealth nerf drop rates from previously established ones.

    TW and GAC matchmaking:
    Each one with its own issues. TW shows massive mismatches based on GP, mods, GL count, relic levels, etc. The devs stated that matchmaking changes would happen after they gathered some data to make informed changes. Nothing has changed after several months. The same with GAC and the skill rating system not taking into account GP differences of sometimes 3-4 million. Again, devs said it wasn’t permanent and it was a fluid system but nothing’s been altered yet except adding more fleets needed for Kyber tier. Which is the next point.

    Lack of ships/content:
    No more raids, no sandbox mode, no new PVE nodes on the tables, and of course a sever e lack of “shipload of content” they alluded to. Now it’s possible we are about to finally get that shipload of content after a year, however we have enough for 7 fleets and most of them aren’t complete ones. A complete fleet is 7 ships. Many are undermanned with 4 or 5 ships.

    Bugs, bugs, bugs:
    Kenobi GL event T1 bug. Disappearing button bugs. Crashing during loading battles in GAC. Bugged galactic challenges. Buggy conquest modifiers. These are issues that take several months to fix yet anything in regards to benefiting the players is fixed immediately. Hurting them? Months if not years like the unending loyalty/Teebo/fives bugs. Why the disparity in time to fix?

    Mod management. Fleet loadouts. Variety of enemies in conquest. Repeat data disks in the same prize node. Lack of enemy stats resulting in guessing speeds and going in blind causing lost battles that need not be. Guild management tools. There’s plenty they can do to increase the quality of the game for the player base.


    The CM for MSF communicates every single day with the community and they put out a weekly blog of what’s upcoming into the game in terms of future events, legendaries, bug fixes, and communicate regularly with the CC’s who send them bug reports and acknowledge things going on. MSF is a similar game type and competitor in terms of revenue. They have their own issues as well, but it’s addressed by their CM at the very least and compensation is given accordingly when it occurs.

    Again, the point with the price of packs was showing their priorities on what they focus on and communicate. A minor supporting point does not overshadow the overall issue no matter how much you want to toss around insults and straw man the issue. So again, and hopefully for the last time, re read my original post. Please show me how the price of packs is my main point at all, or anything other than a minor reinforcement based on half a sentence. Heck I even said that there are good packs currently for sale based on in game value I’d normally purchase but won’t buy them due to CG’s refusal to address the community and their lack of quality lately.

    No I’m not counting my money like Scrooge mcduck. I’m spending it elsewhere like MSF or in other areas of life because they won’t get my business as a paying player until I feel they deserve it. That’s the beauty of capitalism. I choose what I spend my money on and who is deserving of my business as a consumer.

    I do look forward to seeing how the points I just listed are “wildly inaccurate” 😂 as if these aren’t issues in the commmunity right now lol

    1. So you're complaining that they didn't mentioned anything in March about gear economy changes that never had a hard date. Wow. Way to really chomp into the facts and not let them go.

    2. Please post the dev announcement or statement that says all galactic chases for the rest of time will be at 4%.

    3. The algorithms for both modes were changed. It was clearly stated that the matchmaking was now taking performance into account. Please post examples of people/guilds on long winning/losing streaks that are still "massively mismatched".

    4. Devs have never promised more raids, sandbox, or PVE nodes. They've even specifically stated a sandbox mode was likely never coming and the new raid idea was scrapped.
    4a. Side note; if you need all fleets with all 7 ships in the modes where that is actually an issue, you should probably git gud at fleet battles instead of saying there aren't enough ships

    5. Where was mod management and fleet loadout changes ever promised with hard dates? Would you rather data disks be a set combination for ever node instead of random? Do you not understand how to take base states and add percentage multipliers? While you might think the game needs these QoL improvements, none have been promised.

    6. MSF is a giant dumpster fire. Who care if the CM communicates every week if the game is lower quality? Every complaint you've outlined against SWGOH is even worse in MSF except for dev communication. So you just want lip service? Cool, spend your paltry allowance on MSF where it does next to nothing. Glad you found something that makes you feel better that isn't rooted in facts and data.

    Did you see how wildly inaccurate all those complaints are in regards to your main complain of dev communication? Probably not because your avatar is 100% correct in being mediocre and overconfident. Have fun trying to explain it all away though!

    First you said I’m complaint about pack prices. Then you said that none of my points are issues and are inaccurate, now you’re saying I said they promised hard dates on everything.

    No dude. The only hard timeline given was the gear economy changes.

    September SoTG: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/249886/state-of-the-gear-laxy-september-2021#latest

    October RA: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/250664/road-ahead-october-2021#latest

    Feb 2022 SoTG: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/253661/state-of-the-galaxy-february-2022#latest
    In here they promise to address the gear economy changes further, more than 5 months after initially announced.

    March RA then came and went with zero mention of any gear economy changes.

    2.) All Chases were 4% in cantina. It changed and was announced as such when it was in fleet battles. It’s been established already.

    3.) Yes they were changed and we were told that it would be looked at and adjusted and that the initial implementation was not the final product.

    4.) I never said they promised that. I stated we were not getting that because it was not “fiscally viable” for them to do so directly from the mouth of TopCash. I’m saying that putting those in the game is what players want.

    5.) They never promised mod management or fleet loadouts. Only that Doja and crumb were pushing for it because of how important it was to the player base and how necessary it was from a QoL standpoint. Please show where I said they promised a deliver by date.

    6.) I’d prefer it set so that the same data disk is not in the same node. The RNG aspect is what it is but it should be coded so we don’t get 3 opportunistic support or 3 zealous ambition disks in the exact same node. No, it’s not base stats. If it was then a unit with a base stat of 170 for speed with a 40% boost (giving it a 238 speed) would not outrun a 375 speed Gideon or a 355 speed Echo. There’s different modifiers and boosts that we can’t calculate so we are left to guess.

    7.) I’m actually very good at ships. My performance in fleet battles isn’t the point. It’s the availability of ships for full fleets and how the new changes give you one chance for a cleanup or you’re done. With 9 capital ships we should have enough ships for 9 full fleets. Not 7 patched together with only 2/3 having full fleets.

    8.) As bad as MSF is with their issues their response to them are better in terms of communication and compensation. Remember the QGJ nerf that completely changed his identify against GL’s and it not working against them anymore? Yeah MSF would’ve given back those materials to decide if we still wanted to invest since it was a significant change to its ability.

    No, my complaints aren’t inaccurate as they’re legitimate issues in the game. You keep changing your argument and still have yet to hit a firm ground to stand on. I will give you points for how hard you’re using straw man arguments though. A for effort

    Your complaints are inaccurate since your main complaint is in regards to dev communication per one of your own posts. If the devs haven’t promised anything, you’re basically being a toddler thinking every idea they have is genius and should be acknowledged. I’m thrilled that you’ve found a way to articulate your feelings, but you’re an insignificant string of characters for SWGOH and the devs owe no explanations for whatever ideas fall out of your skull.

    I haven’t changed my argument, which is that your complaints are worthless. You keep changing the criteria by which you’re judging your own complaints. First a statement you made wasn’t worth mentioning, then it’s about dev communication and quality, and now you’ve admitted that only one of your complaints is barely grounded in reality but you still think you deserve something.

    The fact is you think your feelings warrant validation in the form of dev communication, and unfortunately (for you and the rest of us hoping to see meaningful content on the forums), they don’t. Of course you’ll say that’s not it at all, but then you have no explanation for adamantly soap boxing besides narcissism, and a good narcissist would never admit something negative like narcissim.

    Yes….communication regarding these issues. And as I’ve said there’s tons of posts regarding these issues on the forums with little to no acknowledgement from CG.

    Yes, you keep changing your argument. First saying I was complaining mainly about pack prices. Which wasn’t true. Then that my complaints aren’t real issues with the game; which was proven false based on how many posts and comments there are regarding what I highlighted. Then you claimed I said we were promised hard dates for all the issues I didn’t, which isn’t true since I only said it regarding the gear economy.

    No the complaints are grounded in reality. We have no updates to the gear economy since October. We don’t have fleet loadouts. We don’t have improved mod management. We don’t have improved guild officer tools. We don’t have fixes to the same bugs over and over. We don’t have an explanation why drop rates for the chases were lowered. We don’t have a reliable reporting portal for cheaters. We don’t have QoL updates for conquest that have been requested for several months. So they’re real complaints and have a basis based on the volume of posts and comments about them on the forums.

    I sincerely hope you don’t own a business or work in customer service because if you don’t think the complaints of paying customers is valid then you must be hurting pretty bad financially. Plus it’s not just me. As I’ve said it’s based on all the posts on the forums regarding the issues and complaints that people who play and pay to play this game want to see. I’m sorry the contents of these forums aren’t up to what you want to see. Perhaps volunteer to be a mod and you can then shape the forums into what you see fit? Although based on how heavily biased you are against any sort of negative post against CG I don’t think you’d do well.
  • CCyrilS
    6732 posts Member
    TargetEadu wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    SemiGod wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    As long as the whales keep whaling, nothing will change. They are not trying to make a fun game, they are trying to make a profitable game with as little effort as possible. And the CMs only provide distractions disguised as engagement with community, that's why Meathead asks the same questions as Doja.

    So basically they're excelling at their jobs?

    Yes. Players just seem to have incorrect idea about what their jobs are.

    Yeah idk why ppl finding it surprising that a business’ main goal is to make money.

    They’d make more money if they made a better quality game. There are some good deals in the store now that normally I would’ve bought for full crafted gear or kyros. I won’t give them a jolly red cent now until they address these issues and make a better quality game. Hundreds a month in disposable income that I have available that I’ll spend elsewhere instead of on their game.

    Obviously the hardcore whales are going to keep on whaling. I won’t try and tell others how to spend their money but if they too are sick of these tactics and the way the higher ups are handling their game (as said in streams and Reddit, etc) then the best way to get people like TopCash to wake up is to close their wallets.

    I’m personally glad their revenue is dipping lately because then maybe they’ll get it together. It was almost 3 years before we got any meaningful QoL changes for the game and September of last year was the first time they ever addressed the gear economy, and still haven’t even followed through with what they promised.

    They can make more money by providing a better quality game. People like TopCash are too short sighted to see that. Also….InB4 people “oh I’m sure you know how to run a business better huh?”

    No, I know what I want as a paying customer and know what tons of other people have posted that they want as paying customers. It doesn’t take a business degree to realize you maximize earnings by listening to what paying customers say they’re willing to pay for and what will get them to spend more

    You should probably call up Elon Musk and tell him that he could double or triple his net worth if he would just reduce the price of all Tesla vehicles. Let Tim Cook know this secret too since Apple is barely scraping by and I'm sure they are losing tons of profits by charging so much for their computers, monitors, and headphones (Beats included). Could you throw Tag Heuer a bone while you're at it?

    Thanks from all the consumers who wished everything was priced within our budget.

    Doesn’t economics actually work like this, though? Profit isn’t determined by solely how much a single product sells for, it also depends on how many sell. So if Musk lowering the price of a Tesla means more people buy them, then it would increase his net worth. Works especially well in Digital purchases, too, because there’s essentially no cost to making more product.

    It's much easier to sell fewer products at a higher cost.

    Tesla is a terrible example considering chip shortages for cars, and that some ppl consider it a status symbol (not me) which is devalued by a higher concentration.

    I do admit software doesn't have the same physical limitations of production as automobiles, but it still appears to follow the same trend.
  • Ultra
    11587 posts Moderator
    edited April 2022
    twstdbydsn wrote: »
    I think some of you need to hug it out.

    im not hugging tophat
  • Options
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    TargetEadu wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    SemiGod wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    As long as the whales keep whaling, nothing will change. They are not trying to make a fun game, they are trying to make a profitable game with as little effort as possible. And the CMs only provide distractions disguised as engagement with community, that's why Meathead asks the same questions as Doja.

    So basically they're excelling at their jobs?

    Yes. Players just seem to have incorrect idea about what their jobs are.

    Yeah idk why ppl finding it surprising that a business’ main goal is to make money.

    They’d make more money if they made a better quality game. There are some good deals in the store now that normally I would’ve bought for full crafted gear or kyros. I won’t give them a jolly red cent now until they address these issues and make a better quality game. Hundreds a month in disposable income that I have available that I’ll spend elsewhere instead of on their game.

    Obviously the hardcore whales are going to keep on whaling. I won’t try and tell others how to spend their money but if they too are sick of these tactics and the way the higher ups are handling their game (as said in streams and Reddit, etc) then the best way to get people like TopCash to wake up is to close their wallets.

    I’m personally glad their revenue is dipping lately because then maybe they’ll get it together. It was almost 3 years before we got any meaningful QoL changes for the game and September of last year was the first time they ever addressed the gear economy, and still haven’t even followed through with what they promised.

    They can make more money by providing a better quality game. People like TopCash are too short sighted to see that. Also….InB4 people “oh I’m sure you know how to run a business better huh?”

    No, I know what I want as a paying customer and know what tons of other people have posted that they want as paying customers. It doesn’t take a business degree to realize you maximize earnings by listening to what paying customers say they’re willing to pay for and what will get them to spend more

    You should probably call up Elon Musk and tell him that he could double or triple his net worth if he would just reduce the price of all Tesla vehicles. Let Tim Cook know this secret too since Apple is barely scraping by and I'm sure they are losing tons of profits by charging so much for their computers, monitors, and headphones (Beats included). Could you throw Tag Heuer a bone while you're at it?

    Thanks from all the consumers who wished everything was priced within our budget.

    Doesn’t economics actually work like this, though? Profit isn’t determined by solely how much a single product sells for, it also depends on how many sell. So if Musk lowering the price of a Tesla means more people buy them, then it would increase his net worth. Works especially well in Digital purchases, too, because there’s essentially no cost to making more product.

    It's much easier to sell fewer products at a higher cost.

    Tesla is a terrible example considering chip shortages for cars, and that some ppl consider it a status symbol (not me) which is devalued by a higher concentration.

    I do admit software doesn't have the same physical limitations of production as automobiles, but it still appears to follow the same trend.

    I’ve got no issue with higher packs for the “tip of the spear” players. I always feel that those rotating deals like for extra crystals for the crystal packs and those $4.99 ones for core gear and kyro’s were great ways to supplement the high priced ones and get more people to spend at least a little bit.
  • CCyrilS
    6732 posts Member
    DMG_SW wrote: »
    TargetEadu wrote: »
    Doesn’t economics actually work like this, though? Profit isn’t determined by solely how much a single product sells for, it also depends on how many sell. So if Musk lowering the price of a Tesla means more people buy them, then it would increase his net worth. Works especially well in Digital purchases, too, because there’s essentially no cost to making more product.

    Not quite. If you cut the cost of a Tesla by 50%, and as a result you see a 25% increase in sales, you've just lost money. If 500 whales will pay $300 for Dash Rendar, then CG would need 3,000 people to buy it at a $50 price point just to keep profit the same. And I highly doubt that would happen. You just have to accept it with these games. As long as people are willing to spend crazy amounts, the prices will be set to take advantage of that. Even if you personally are willing to pay for Dash at that $50 price point, unless there are 5 other formerly F2P to are also eager to pony up, CG is better off just keeping it at $300.

    To take this a step further, not only do they the need the 3000 people to buy the new thing, but when you flood the arenas with the same new toon, it loses it's value. People would rather pay to get ahead rather than pay to keep up.
  • PumaK
    301 posts Member
    DMG_SW wrote: »
    TargetEadu wrote: »
    Doesn’t economics actually work like this, though? Profit isn’t determined by solely how much a single product sells for, it also depends on how many sell. So if Musk lowering the price of a Tesla means more people buy them, then it would increase his net worth. Works especially well in Digital purchases, too, because there’s essentially no cost to making more product.

    Not quite. If you cut the cost of a Tesla by 50%, and as a result you see a 25% increase in sales, you've just lost money. If 500 whales will pay $300 for Dash Rendar, then CG would need 3,000 people to buy it at a $50 price point just to keep profit the same. And I highly doubt that would happen. You just have to accept it with these games. As long as people are willing to spend crazy amounts, the prices will be set to take advantage of that. Even if you personally are willing to pay for Dash at that $50 price point, unless there are 5 other formerly F2P to are also eager to pony up, CG is better off just keeping it at $300.

    On the Tesla side, you're right.
    Tesla requires a lot of engineering + assembling + stock pieces, providers, etc etc.

    On the Game, you're wrong. Creating a character cost are just the involved team dessigner/programmer salary, so it's a very low investment and there's no possible loses.
  • SemiGod
    3001 posts Member
    edited April 2022
    Ultra wrote: »
    twstdbydsn wrote: »
    I think some of you need to hug it out.

    im not hugging tophat

    Understandable, he is anti-Jar Jar Binks to swgoh, so it makes sense.
    Post edited by SemiGod on
  • Options
    SemiGod wrote: »
    loyalty/Teebo/fives bugs. Why the disparity in time to fix?



    The CM for MSF communicates every single day with the community and they put out a weekly blog of what’s upcoming into the game in terms of future events, legendaries, bug fixes, and communicate regularly with the CC’s who send them bug reports and acknowledge things going on. MSF is a similar game type and competitor in terms of revenue. They have their own issues as well, but it’s addressed by their CM at the very least and compensation is given accordingly when it occurs.

    Again, the point with the price of packs was showing their priorities on what they focus on and communicate. A minor supporting point does not overshadow the overall issue no matter how much you want to toss around insults and straw man the issue. So again, and hopefully for the last time, re read my original post. Please show me how the price of packs is my main point at all, or anything other than a minor reinforcement based on half a sentence. Heck I even said that there are good packs currently for sale based on in game value I’d normally purchase but won’t buy them due to CG’s refusal to address the community and their lack of quality lately.

    No I’m not counting my money like Scrooge mcduck. I’m spending it elsewhere like MSF or in other areas of life because they won’t get my business as a paying player until I feel they deserve it. That’s the beauty of capitalism. I choose what I spend my money on and who is deserving of my business as a consumer.

    I do look forward to seeing how the points I just listed are “wildly inaccurate” 😂 as if these aren’t issues in the commmunity right now lol

    Ultra wrote: »
    twstdbydsn wrote: »
    I think some of you need to hug it out.

    im not hugging tophat

    Understandable, he is anti-Jar Jar Binks to swgoh, so it makes sense.[/quote]

    Dude what happened with the quotes. Another bug….lmao
  • DMG_SW
    216 posts Member
    PumaK wrote: »
    On the Game, you're wrong. Creating a character cost are just the involved team dessigner/programmer salary, so it's a very low investment and there's no possible loses.

    Sure, they probably won't lose money if they slash prices. But they'll make less money. And I doubt their shareholders would be happy about that.
  • Options
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    SemiGod wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    As long as the whales keep whaling, nothing will change. They are not trying to make a fun game, they are trying to make a profitable game with as little effort as possible. And the CMs only provide distractions disguised as engagement with community, that's why Meathead asks the same questions as Doja.

    So basically they're excelling at their jobs?

    Yes. Players just seem to have incorrect idea about what their jobs are.

    Yeah idk why ppl finding it surprising that a business’ main goal is to make money.

    They’d make more money if they made a better quality game. There are some good deals in the store now that normally I would’ve bought for full crafted gear or kyros. I won’t give them a jolly red cent now until they address these issues and make a better quality game. Hundreds a month in disposable income that I have available that I’ll spend elsewhere instead of on their game.

    Obviously the hardcore whales are going to keep on whaling. I won’t try and tell others how to spend their money but if they too are sick of these tactics and the way the higher ups are handling their game (as said in streams and Reddit, etc) then the best way to get people like TopCash to wake up is to close their wallets.

    I’m personally glad their revenue is dipping lately because then maybe they’ll get it together. It was almost 3 years before we got any meaningful QoL changes for the game and September of last year was the first time they ever addressed the gear economy, and still haven’t even followed through with what they promised.

    They can make more money by providing a better quality game. People like TopCash are too short sighted to see that. Also….InB4 people “oh I’m sure you know how to run a business better huh?”

    No, I know what I want as a paying customer and know what tons of other people have posted that they want as paying customers. It doesn’t take a business degree to realize you maximize earnings by listening to what paying customers say they’re willing to pay for and what will get them to spend more

    You should probably call up Elon Musk and tell him that he could double or triple his net worth if he would just reduce the price of all Tesla vehicles. Let Tim Cook know this secret too since Apple is barely scraping by and I'm sure they are losing tons of profits by charging so much for their computers, monitors, and headphones (Beats included). Could you throw Tag Heuer a bone while you're at it?

    Thanks from all the consumers who wished everything was priced within our budget.

    Figured there’d be someone like you commenting.

    See, here’s the issue with your cynical response. You’re talking about the price of the product vs the quality of the product. People will pay high prices if the quality of the product is good, such as Tesla, Apple, Beats, Tag Heuer, etc. However customers won’t do that if the quality of the product is underwhelming and not meeting the standards previously set. They’ll ask for refund and take their business to different companies.

    So, thanks for reinforcing my point even though I’m sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    Perceived value and actual value are vastly different and, apparently, outside the grasp of your limited understanding. Your opinion of a product's value is irrelevant to the actual cost of the product, which means your perceived value may or may not be a profitable amount. Listening to armchair quarterbacks complain about the pricing of voluntary purchases in a completely free to download and play mobile game doesn't guarantee profitability; it doesn't even guarantee purchases. If even a quarter of the people who threaten to quit SWGOH on here actually did, there might be constructive and insightful discussions on here. Instead, we have you.

    Thanks for reinforcing my point even though I'm sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    I’m curious if you’re even seeing what the point of my original post was? You keep talking about perceived value and cost. Can you show your work and point out where I’m talking about costs and purchases? I’m fairly certain that you’re cherry picking one single half sentence that says “pushing overpriced packs/characters” trying to straw man it into the whole point of my post, which it was not.

    I’m more than happy to help you though. The main point was the non existent communication from the CM’s and devs regarding the poor quality of the game lately. Stealth nerfs, bugs, missing changes that were promised to us, missing content, missing QoL updates, etc.

    The point of the cost of packs and toons was a minor reinforcement of my main point, at best.

    But to your point of costs; customers expect a specific level of quality based on the price they are paying. The higher the price, the better the quality. If they do not get the quality they seek, they don’t purchase the product.

    Also, free to play players to add to their income from game time, downloads, reviews and ratings etc so it benefits them to have a good quality game. I’m not sure if you’re even aware but CEO’s and shareholders expect the same kind of return once a new ceiling has been met. If in Q1 a company pulls in $100 million in profits, they won’t be ok with Q2 only pulling in $35 million in profits. So any significant down turn raises issues.

    Thanks for again trying to derail this post with your straw man arguments. I do enjoy it :). That doesn’t detract from the devs owing their paying customers and player base explanations for the issues listed about and then some.

    So a point you thought was important enough to shoe-horn into one of your hyperbolic monologues is now a minor point and not worth considering. Do you even understand the point you're trying to make, or are you just tossing word salad and cherry picking the parts that people don't scrutinize? You ask me to "show my work" and then admit you mentioned cost and value. I guess it's pretty easy to do mental gymnastics in an empty space.

    Lets "focus" on your "point": dev communication. Would you like to show your work with what gacha game has better dev communication? Is that game better quality? Does that game community give higher feedback scores? Can you then show your work that the game is more profitable and sustainable than SWGOH?

    I'll wait for your data. Might see a hyperloop and Rapture before that happens, but I'll wait. You can continue the facade of being more enlightened in mobile game revenue than CG while you count your hundreds of disposable income a month like Scrooge McDuck if it makes you feel better.

    And the devs don't owe any explanation on your wildly inaccurate list. Go ahead and post the written communication from CG on each of your points as to when and how changes were going to take place or what rules/expectations are hard set for events for even two of your complaints.

    I would say I enjoy your feeble attempts at debate, but it's more like watching a clumsy panda in a zoo enclosure. It's funny, but not for the right reasons.

    Gear economy changes:
    September said that there would be two guaranteed phases of changes with the first part of p1 rolling out and then the rest in the next month or so. They then said in the SotG in Feb that the gear economy changes would then be addressed more in the RA for March. The RA came and went with no mention of the changes for the rest of P1 or anything for P2.

    Galactic Chase Drop Rates:
    Darjelo took it upon himself to start a thread for people to track their drop rates for the two GC chases for Echelon and Resistance Bomber. The players figured out on our own that the drop rate changed from 4% to 3% without any notice by the devs, going against previously stated drop rates. Doja said he would reach out for answers to the dev team and that was the last we heard from the devs on it. Ultra said that she was given an answer but is not allowed to comment on it and only a dev can. We need an explanation why it was changed as it sets a bad precedent for them to stealth nerf drop rates from previously established ones.

    TW and GAC matchmaking:
    Each one with its own issues. TW shows massive mismatches based on GP, mods, GL count, relic levels, etc. The devs stated that matchmaking changes would happen after they gathered some data to make informed changes. Nothing has changed after several months. The same with GAC and the skill rating system not taking into account GP differences of sometimes 3-4 million. Again, devs said it wasn’t permanent and it was a fluid system but nothing’s been altered yet except adding more fleets needed for Kyber tier. Which is the next point.

    Lack of ships/content:
    No more raids, no sandbox mode, no new PVE nodes on the tables, and of course a sever e lack of “shipload of content” they alluded to. Now it’s possible we are about to finally get that shipload of content after a year, however we have enough for 7 fleets and most of them aren’t complete ones. A complete fleet is 7 ships. Many are undermanned with 4 or 5 ships.

    Bugs, bugs, bugs:
    Kenobi GL event T1 bug. Disappearing button bugs. Crashing during loading battles in GAC. Bugged galactic challenges. Buggy conquest modifiers. These are issues that take several months to fix yet anything in regards to benefiting the players is fixed immediately. Hurting them? Months if not years like the unending loyalty/Teebo/fives bugs. Why the disparity in time to fix?

    Mod management. Fleet loadouts. Variety of enemies in conquest. Repeat data disks in the same prize node. Lack of enemy stats resulting in guessing speeds and going in blind causing lost battles that need not be. Guild management tools. There’s plenty they can do to increase the quality of the game for the player base.


    The CM for MSF communicates every single day with the community and they put out a weekly blog of what’s upcoming into the game in terms of future events, legendaries, bug fixes, and communicate regularly with the CC’s who send them bug reports and acknowledge things going on. MSF is a similar game type and competitor in terms of revenue. They have their own issues as well, but it’s addressed by their CM at the very least and compensation is given accordingly when it occurs.

    Again, the point with the price of packs was showing their priorities on what they focus on and communicate. A minor supporting point does not overshadow the overall issue no matter how much you want to toss around insults and straw man the issue. So again, and hopefully for the last time, re read my original post. Please show me how the price of packs is my main point at all, or anything other than a minor reinforcement based on half a sentence. Heck I even said that there are good packs currently for sale based on in game value I’d normally purchase but won’t buy them due to CG’s refusal to address the community and their lack of quality lately.

    No I’m not counting my money like Scrooge mcduck. I’m spending it elsewhere like MSF or in other areas of life because they won’t get my business as a paying player until I feel they deserve it. That’s the beauty of capitalism. I choose what I spend my money on and who is deserving of my business as a consumer.

    I do look forward to seeing how the points I just listed are “wildly inaccurate” 😂 as if these aren’t issues in the commmunity right now lol

    1. So you're complaining that they didn't mentioned anything in March about gear economy changes that never had a hard date. Wow. Way to really chomp into the facts and not let them go.

    2. Please post the dev announcement or statement that says all galactic chases for the rest of time will be at 4%.

    3. The algorithms for both modes were changed. It was clearly stated that the matchmaking was now taking performance into account. Please post examples of people/guilds on long winning/losing streaks that are still "massively mismatched".

    4. Devs have never promised more raids, sandbox, or PVE nodes. They've even specifically stated a sandbox mode was likely never coming and the new raid idea was scrapped.
    4a. Side note; if you need all fleets with all 7 ships in the modes where that is actually an issue, you should probably git gud at fleet battles instead of saying there aren't enough ships

    5. Where was mod management and fleet loadout changes ever promised with hard dates? Would you rather data disks be a set combination for ever node instead of random? Do you not understand how to take base states and add percentage multipliers? While you might think the game needs these QoL improvements, none have been promised.

    6. MSF is a giant dumpster fire. Who care if the CM communicates every week if the game is lower quality? Every complaint you've outlined against SWGOH is even worse in MSF except for dev communication. So you just want lip service? Cool, spend your paltry allowance on MSF where it does next to nothing. Glad you found something that makes you feel better that isn't rooted in facts and data.

    Did you see how wildly inaccurate all those complaints are in regards to your main complain of dev communication? Probably not because your avatar is 100% correct in being mediocre and overconfident. Have fun trying to explain it all away though!

    First you said I’m complaint about pack prices. Then you said that none of my points are issues and are inaccurate, now you’re saying I said they promised hard dates on everything.

    No dude. The only hard timeline given was the gear economy changes.

    September SoTG: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/249886/state-of-the-gear-laxy-september-2021#latest

    October RA: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/250664/road-ahead-october-2021#latest

    Feb 2022 SoTG: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/253661/state-of-the-galaxy-february-2022#latest
    In here they promise to address the gear economy changes further, more than 5 months after initially announced.

    March RA then came and went with zero mention of any gear economy changes.

    2.) All Chases were 4% in cantina. It changed and was announced as such when it was in fleet battles. It’s been established already.

    3.) Yes they were changed and we were told that it would be looked at and adjusted and that the initial implementation was not the final product.

    4.) I never said they promised that. I stated we were not getting that because it was not “fiscally viable” for them to do so directly from the mouth of TopCash. I’m saying that putting those in the game is what players want.

    5.) They never promised mod management or fleet loadouts. Only that Doja and crumb were pushing for it because of how important it was to the player base and how necessary it was from a QoL standpoint. Please show where I said they promised a deliver by date.

    6.) I’d prefer it set so that the same data disk is not in the same node. The RNG aspect is what it is but it should be coded so we don’t get 3 opportunistic support or 3 zealous ambition disks in the exact same node. No, it’s not base stats. If it was then a unit with a base stat of 170 for speed with a 40% boost (giving it a 238 speed) would not outrun a 375 speed Gideon or a 355 speed Echo. There’s different modifiers and boosts that we can’t calculate so we are left to guess.

    7.) I’m actually very good at ships. My performance in fleet battles isn’t the point. It’s the availability of ships for full fleets and how the new changes give you one chance for a cleanup or you’re done. With 9 capital ships we should have enough ships for 9 full fleets. Not 7 patched together with only 2/3 having full fleets.

    8.) As bad as MSF is with their issues their response to them are better in terms of communication and compensation. Remember the QGJ nerf that completely changed his identify against GL’s and it not working against them anymore? Yeah MSF would’ve given back those materials to decide if we still wanted to invest since it was a significant change to its ability.

    No, my complaints aren’t inaccurate as they’re legitimate issues in the game. You keep changing your argument and still have yet to hit a firm ground to stand on. I will give you points for how hard you’re using straw man arguments though. A for effort

    Your complaints are inaccurate since your main complaint is in regards to dev communication per one of your own posts. If the devs haven’t promised anything, you’re basically being a toddler thinking every idea they have is genius and should be acknowledged. I’m thrilled that you’ve found a way to articulate your feelings, but you’re an insignificant string of characters for SWGOH and the devs owe no explanations for whatever ideas fall out of your skull.

    I haven’t changed my argument, which is that your complaints are worthless. You keep changing the criteria by which you’re judging your own complaints. First a statement you made wasn’t worth mentioning, then it’s about dev communication and quality, and now you’ve admitted that only one of your complaints is barely grounded in reality but you still think you deserve something.

    The fact is you think your feelings warrant validation in the form of dev communication, and unfortunately (for you and the rest of us hoping to see meaningful content on the forums), they don’t. Of course you’ll say that’s not it at all, but then you have no explanation for adamantly soap boxing besides narcissism, and a good narcissist would never admit something negative like narcissim.


    It says many of the item will go into effect with the update (in October) and the rest will go into effect over the next month or so.
  • Options
    DMG_SW wrote: »
    TargetEadu wrote: »
    Doesn’t economics actually work like this, though? Profit isn’t determined by solely how much a single product sells for, it also depends on how many sell. So if Musk lowering the price of a Tesla means more people buy them, then it would increase his net worth. Works especially well in Digital purchases, too, because there’s essentially no cost to making more product.

    Not quite. If you cut the cost of a Tesla by 50%, and as a result you see a 25% increase in sales, you've just lost money. If 500 whales will pay $300 for Dash Rendar, then CG would need 3,000 people to buy it at a $50 price point just to keep profit the same. And I highly doubt that would happen. You just have to accept it with these games. As long as people are willing to spend crazy amounts, the prices will be set to take advantage of that. Even if you personally are willing to pay for Dash at that $50 price point, unless there are 5 other formerly F2P to are also eager to pony up, CG is better off just keeping it at $300.

    If that’s the numbers you’re getting, then yes you’re losing money. But those numbers are rather arbitrary. There’s also a reason Tesla’s aren’t a billion dollars in the hopes that someone decides to buy one someday. Somewhere there’s an optimal price for profit, and that price isn’t as expensive as can be.

    Are current SWGOH pack costs above or below that price? I don’t know. But there is an argument for lowering them to boost profits.
  • SemiGod
    3001 posts Member
    edited April 2022
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    SemiGod wrote: »
    loyalty/Teebo/fives bugs. Why the disparity in time to fix?



    The CM for MSF communicates every single day with the community and they put out a weekly blog of what’s upcoming into the game in terms of future events, legendaries, bug fixes, and communicate regularly with the CC’s who send them bug reports and acknowledge things going on. MSF is a similar game type and competitor in terms of revenue. They have their own issues as well, but it’s addressed by their CM at the very least and compensation is given accordingly when it occurs.

    Again, the point with the price of packs was showing their priorities on what they focus on and communicate. A minor supporting point does not overshadow the overall issue no matter how much you want to toss around insults and straw man the issue. So again, and hopefully for the last time, re read my original post. Please show me how the price of packs is my main point at all, or anything other than a minor reinforcement based on half a sentence. Heck I even said that there are good packs currently for sale based on in game value I’d normally purchase but won’t buy them due to CG’s refusal to address the community and their lack of quality lately.

    No I’m not counting my money like Scrooge mcduck. I’m spending it elsewhere like MSF or in other areas of life because they won’t get my business as a paying player until I feel they deserve it. That’s the beauty of capitalism. I choose what I spend my money on and who is deserving of my business as a consumer.

    I do look forward to seeing how the points I just listed are “wildly inaccurate” 😂 as if these aren’t issues in the commmunity right now lol

    Ultra wrote: »
    twstdbydsn wrote: »
    I think some of you need to hug it out.

    im not hugging tophat

    Understandable, he is anti-Jar Jar Binks to swgoh, so it makes sense.

    Dude what happened with the quotes. Another bug….lmao[/quote]

    Lmao I think it was something I did
  • Options
    SemiGod wrote: »

    Lmao I think it was something I did

    Attempted fix? Breaks the chain but unbreaks the quotes.
  • Options
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    SemiGod wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    As long as the whales keep whaling, nothing will change. They are not trying to make a fun game, they are trying to make a profitable game with as little effort as possible. And the CMs only provide distractions disguised as engagement with community, that's why Meathead asks the same questions as Doja.

    So basically they're excelling at their jobs?

    Yes. Players just seem to have incorrect idea about what their jobs are.

    Yeah idk why ppl finding it surprising that a business’ main goal is to make money.

    They’d make more money if they made a better quality game. There are some good deals in the store now that normally I would’ve bought for full crafted gear or kyros. I won’t give them a jolly red cent now until they address these issues and make a better quality game. Hundreds a month in disposable income that I have available that I’ll spend elsewhere instead of on their game.

    Obviously the hardcore whales are going to keep on whaling. I won’t try and tell others how to spend their money but if they too are sick of these tactics and the way the higher ups are handling their game (as said in streams and Reddit, etc) then the best way to get people like TopCash to wake up is to close their wallets.

    I’m personally glad their revenue is dipping lately because then maybe they’ll get it together. It was almost 3 years before we got any meaningful QoL changes for the game and September of last year was the first time they ever addressed the gear economy, and still haven’t even followed through with what they promised.

    They can make more money by providing a better quality game. People like TopCash are too short sighted to see that. Also….InB4 people “oh I’m sure you know how to run a business better huh?”

    No, I know what I want as a paying customer and know what tons of other people have posted that they want as paying customers. It doesn’t take a business degree to realize you maximize earnings by listening to what paying customers say they’re willing to pay for and what will get them to spend more

    You should probably call up Elon Musk and tell him that he could double or triple his net worth if he would just reduce the price of all Tesla vehicles. Let Tim Cook know this secret too since Apple is barely scraping by and I'm sure they are losing tons of profits by charging so much for their computers, monitors, and headphones (Beats included). Could you throw Tag Heuer a bone while you're at it?

    Thanks from all the consumers who wished everything was priced within our budget.

    Figured there’d be someone like you commenting.

    See, here’s the issue with your cynical response. You’re talking about the price of the product vs the quality of the product. People will pay high prices if the quality of the product is good, such as Tesla, Apple, Beats, Tag Heuer, etc. However customers won’t do that if the quality of the product is underwhelming and not meeting the standards previously set. They’ll ask for refund and take their business to different companies.

    So, thanks for reinforcing my point even though I’m sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    Perceived value and actual value are vastly different and, apparently, outside the grasp of your limited understanding. Your opinion of a product's value is irrelevant to the actual cost of the product, which means your perceived value may or may not be a profitable amount. Listening to armchair quarterbacks complain about the pricing of voluntary purchases in a completely free to download and play mobile game doesn't guarantee profitability; it doesn't even guarantee purchases. If even a quarter of the people who threaten to quit SWGOH on here actually did, there might be constructive and insightful discussions on here. Instead, we have you.

    Thanks for reinforcing my point even though I'm sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    I’m curious if you’re even seeing what the point of my original post was? You keep talking about perceived value and cost. Can you show your work and point out where I’m talking about costs and purchases? I’m fairly certain that you’re cherry picking one single half sentence that says “pushing overpriced packs/characters” trying to straw man it into the whole point of my post, which it was not.

    I’m more than happy to help you though. The main point was the non existent communication from the CM’s and devs regarding the poor quality of the game lately. Stealth nerfs, bugs, missing changes that were promised to us, missing content, missing QoL updates, etc.

    The point of the cost of packs and toons was a minor reinforcement of my main point, at best.

    But to your point of costs; customers expect a specific level of quality based on the price they are paying. The higher the price, the better the quality. If they do not get the quality they seek, they don’t purchase the product.

    Also, free to play players to add to their income from game time, downloads, reviews and ratings etc so it benefits them to have a good quality game. I’m not sure if you’re even aware but CEO’s and shareholders expect the same kind of return once a new ceiling has been met. If in Q1 a company pulls in $100 million in profits, they won’t be ok with Q2 only pulling in $35 million in profits. So any significant down turn raises issues.

    Thanks for again trying to derail this post with your straw man arguments. I do enjoy it :). That doesn’t detract from the devs owing their paying customers and player base explanations for the issues listed about and then some.

    So a point you thought was important enough to shoe-horn into one of your hyperbolic monologues is now a minor point and not worth considering. Do you even understand the point you're trying to make, or are you just tossing word salad and cherry picking the parts that people don't scrutinize? You ask me to "show my work" and then admit you mentioned cost and value. I guess it's pretty easy to do mental gymnastics in an empty space.

    Lets "focus" on your "point": dev communication. Would you like to show your work with what gacha game has better dev communication? Is that game better quality? Does that game community give higher feedback scores? Can you then show your work that the game is more profitable and sustainable than SWGOH?

    I'll wait for your data. Might see a hyperloop and Rapture before that happens, but I'll wait. You can continue the facade of being more enlightened in mobile game revenue than CG while you count your hundreds of disposable income a month like Scrooge McDuck if it makes you feel better.

    And the devs don't owe any explanation on your wildly inaccurate list. Go ahead and post the written communication from CG on each of your points as to when and how changes were going to take place or what rules/expectations are hard set for events for even two of your complaints.

    I would say I enjoy your feeble attempts at debate, but it's more like watching a clumsy panda in a zoo enclosure. It's funny, but not for the right reasons.

    Gear economy changes:
    September said that there would be two guaranteed phases of changes with the first part of p1 rolling out and then the rest in the next month or so. They then said in the SotG in Feb that the gear economy changes would then be addressed more in the RA for March. The RA came and went with no mention of the changes for the rest of P1 or anything for P2.

    Galactic Chase Drop Rates:
    Darjelo took it upon himself to start a thread for people to track their drop rates for the two GC chases for Echelon and Resistance Bomber. The players figured out on our own that the drop rate changed from 4% to 3% without any notice by the devs, going against previously stated drop rates. Doja said he would reach out for answers to the dev team and that was the last we heard from the devs on it. Ultra said that she was given an answer but is not allowed to comment on it and only a dev can. We need an explanation why it was changed as it sets a bad precedent for them to stealth nerf drop rates from previously established ones.

    TW and GAC matchmaking:
    Each one with its own issues. TW shows massive mismatches based on GP, mods, GL count, relic levels, etc. The devs stated that matchmaking changes would happen after they gathered some data to make informed changes. Nothing has changed after several months. The same with GAC and the skill rating system not taking into account GP differences of sometimes 3-4 million. Again, devs said it wasn’t permanent and it was a fluid system but nothing’s been altered yet except adding more fleets needed for Kyber tier. Which is the next point.

    Lack of ships/content:
    No more raids, no sandbox mode, no new PVE nodes on the tables, and of course a sever e lack of “shipload of content” they alluded to. Now it’s possible we are about to finally get that shipload of content after a year, however we have enough for 7 fleets and most of them aren’t complete ones. A complete fleet is 7 ships. Many are undermanned with 4 or 5 ships.

    Bugs, bugs, bugs:
    Kenobi GL event T1 bug. Disappearing button bugs. Crashing during loading battles in GAC. Bugged galactic challenges. Buggy conquest modifiers. These are issues that take several months to fix yet anything in regards to benefiting the players is fixed immediately. Hurting them? Months if not years like the unending loyalty/Teebo/fives bugs. Why the disparity in time to fix?

    Mod management. Fleet loadouts. Variety of enemies in conquest. Repeat data disks in the same prize node. Lack of enemy stats resulting in guessing speeds and going in blind causing lost battles that need not be. Guild management tools. There’s plenty they can do to increase the quality of the game for the player base.


    The CM for MSF communicates every single day with the community and they put out a weekly blog of what’s upcoming into the game in terms of future events, legendaries, bug fixes, and communicate regularly with the CC’s who send them bug reports and acknowledge things going on. MSF is a similar game type and competitor in terms of revenue. They have their own issues as well, but it’s addressed by their CM at the very least and compensation is given accordingly when it occurs.

    Again, the point with the price of packs was showing their priorities on what they focus on and communicate. A minor supporting point does not overshadow the overall issue no matter how much you want to toss around insults and straw man the issue. So again, and hopefully for the last time, re read my original post. Please show me how the price of packs is my main point at all, or anything other than a minor reinforcement based on half a sentence. Heck I even said that there are good packs currently for sale based on in game value I’d normally purchase but won’t buy them due to CG’s refusal to address the community and their lack of quality lately.

    No I’m not counting my money like Scrooge mcduck. I’m spending it elsewhere like MSF or in other areas of life because they won’t get my business as a paying player until I feel they deserve it. That’s the beauty of capitalism. I choose what I spend my money on and who is deserving of my business as a consumer.

    I do look forward to seeing how the points I just listed are “wildly inaccurate” 😂 as if these aren’t issues in the commmunity right now lol

    1. So you're complaining that they didn't mentioned anything in March about gear economy changes that never had a hard date. Wow. Way to really chomp into the facts and not let them go.

    2. Please post the dev announcement or statement that says all galactic chases for the rest of time will be at 4%.

    3. The algorithms for both modes were changed. It was clearly stated that the matchmaking was now taking performance into account. Please post examples of people/guilds on long winning/losing streaks that are still "massively mismatched".

    4. Devs have never promised more raids, sandbox, or PVE nodes. They've even specifically stated a sandbox mode was likely never coming and the new raid idea was scrapped.
    4a. Side note; if you need all fleets with all 7 ships in the modes where that is actually an issue, you should probably git gud at fleet battles instead of saying there aren't enough ships

    5. Where was mod management and fleet loadout changes ever promised with hard dates? Would you rather data disks be a set combination for ever node instead of random? Do you not understand how to take base states and add percentage multipliers? While you might think the game needs these QoL improvements, none have been promised.

    6. MSF is a giant dumpster fire. Who care if the CM communicates every week if the game is lower quality? Every complaint you've outlined against SWGOH is even worse in MSF except for dev communication. So you just want lip service? Cool, spend your paltry allowance on MSF where it does next to nothing. Glad you found something that makes you feel better that isn't rooted in facts and data.

    Did you see how wildly inaccurate all those complaints are in regards to your main complain of dev communication? Probably not because your avatar is 100% correct in being mediocre and overconfident. Have fun trying to explain it all away though!

    First you said I’m complaint about pack prices. Then you said that none of my points are issues and are inaccurate, now you’re saying I said they promised hard dates on everything.

    No dude. The only hard timeline given was the gear economy changes.

    September SoTG: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/249886/state-of-the-gear-laxy-september-2021#latest

    October RA: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/250664/road-ahead-october-2021#latest

    Feb 2022 SoTG: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/253661/state-of-the-galaxy-february-2022#latest
    In here they promise to address the gear economy changes further, more than 5 months after initially announced.

    March RA then came and went with zero mention of any gear economy changes.

    2.) All Chases were 4% in cantina. It changed and was announced as such when it was in fleet battles. It’s been established already.

    3.) Yes they were changed and we were told that it would be looked at and adjusted and that the initial implementation was not the final product.

    4.) I never said they promised that. I stated we were not getting that because it was not “fiscally viable” for them to do so directly from the mouth of TopCash. I’m saying that putting those in the game is what players want.

    5.) They never promised mod management or fleet loadouts. Only that Doja and crumb were pushing for it because of how important it was to the player base and how necessary it was from a QoL standpoint. Please show where I said they promised a deliver by date.

    6.) I’d prefer it set so that the same data disk is not in the same node. The RNG aspect is what it is but it should be coded so we don’t get 3 opportunistic support or 3 zealous ambition disks in the exact same node. No, it’s not base stats. If it was then a unit with a base stat of 170 for speed with a 40% boost (giving it a 238 speed) would not outrun a 375 speed Gideon or a 355 speed Echo. There’s different modifiers and boosts that we can’t calculate so we are left to guess.

    7.) I’m actually very good at ships. My performance in fleet battles isn’t the point. It’s the availability of ships for full fleets and how the new changes give you one chance for a cleanup or you’re done. With 9 capital ships we should have enough ships for 9 full fleets. Not 7 patched together with only 2/3 having full fleets.

    8.) As bad as MSF is with their issues their response to them are better in terms of communication and compensation. Remember the QGJ nerf that completely changed his identify against GL’s and it not working against them anymore? Yeah MSF would’ve given back those materials to decide if we still wanted to invest since it was a significant change to its ability.

    No, my complaints aren’t inaccurate as they’re legitimate issues in the game. You keep changing your argument and still have yet to hit a firm ground to stand on. I will give you points for how hard you’re using straw man arguments though. A for effort

    Your complaints are inaccurate since your main complaint is in regards to dev communication per one of your own posts. If the devs haven’t promised anything, you’re basically being a toddler thinking every idea they have is genius and should be acknowledged. I’m thrilled that you’ve found a way to articulate your feelings, but you’re an insignificant string of characters for SWGOH and the devs owe no explanations for whatever ideas fall out of your skull.

    I haven’t changed my argument, which is that your complaints are worthless. You keep changing the criteria by which you’re judging your own complaints. First a statement you made wasn’t worth mentioning, then it’s about dev communication and quality, and now you’ve admitted that only one of your complaints is barely grounded in reality but you still think you deserve something.

    The fact is you think your feelings warrant validation in the form of dev communication, and unfortunately (for you and the rest of us hoping to see meaningful content on the forums), they don’t. Of course you’ll say that’s not it at all, but then you have no explanation for adamantly soap boxing besides narcissism, and a good narcissist would never admit something negative like narcissim.

    Yes….communication regarding these issues. And as I’ve said there’s tons of posts regarding these issues on the forums with little to no acknowledgement from CG.

    Yes, you keep changing your argument. First saying I was complaining mainly about pack prices. Which wasn’t true. Then that my complaints aren’t real issues with the game; which was proven false based on how many posts and comments there are regarding what I highlighted. Then you claimed I said we were promised hard dates for all the issues I didn’t, which isn’t true since I only said it regarding the gear economy.

    No the complaints are grounded in reality. We have no updates to the gear economy since October. We don’t have fleet loadouts. We don’t have improved mod management. We don’t have improved guild officer tools. We don’t have fixes to the same bugs over and over. We don’t have an explanation why drop rates for the chases were lowered. We don’t have a reliable reporting portal for cheaters. We don’t have QoL updates for conquest that have been requested for several months. So they’re real complaints and have a basis based on the volume of posts and comments about them on the forums.

    I sincerely hope you don’t own a business or work in customer service because if you don’t think the complaints of paying customers is valid then you must be hurting pretty bad financially. Plus it’s not just me. As I’ve said it’s based on all the posts on the forums regarding the issues and complaints that people who play and pay to play this game want to see. I’m sorry the contents of these forums aren’t up to what you want to see. Perhaps volunteer to be a mod and you can then shape the forums into what you see fit? Although based on how heavily biased you are against any sort of negative post against CG I don’t think you’d do well.

    I never claimed your complaint was solely against prices. Where did you see that? Where did I say you said everything was promised in a hard date? Show your work.

    I haven’t changed my argument. Dev response is not needed because of your feelings or anyone else’s feelings. If you don’t feel like that’s true, I’m sorry. Your feelings have no bearing on the truth. And yes, reality is a tangible world, not one where you think you are owed anything because of how you feel. That’s not grounded in reality.

    You still haven’t proven anything besides we maybe should have seen more gear economy changes. Anecdotal evidence based on how people feel is not proof. Ford owners think dodge sucks, dodge owners think Chevy sucks, everyone thinks Jeep sucks, but until there is quantitative (not qualitative) data, all you have are opinions. And your opinion is worthless to everyone but you.

    I sincerely hope your form of employment does not rely on your comprehension of the English language. You’re completely oblivious to the fallacy of a straw man argument since declaring such is a straw man in itself. You don’t seem to understand simple concepts like logic or fact. You certainly don’t understand irony if you’re calling others biased.

    Complain all you want, no one cares. But no one owes you an explanation besides possibly your parents.

  • Ravens1113
    5215 posts Member
    edited April 2022
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    SemiGod wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    As long as the whales keep whaling, nothing will change. They are not trying to make a fun game, they are trying to make a profitable game with as little effort as possible. And the CMs only provide distractions disguised as engagement with community, that's why Meathead asks the same questions as Doja.

    So basically they're excelling at their jobs?

    Yes. Players just seem to have incorrect idea about what their jobs are.

    Yeah idk why ppl finding it surprising that a business’ main goal is to make money.

    They’d make more money if they made a better quality game. There are some good deals in the store now that normally I would’ve bought for full crafted gear or kyros. I won’t give them a jolly red cent now until they address these issues and make a better quality game. Hundreds a month in disposable income that I have available that I’ll spend elsewhere instead of on their game.

    Obviously the hardcore whales are going to keep on whaling. I won’t try and tell others how to spend their money but if they too are sick of these tactics and the way the higher ups are handling their game (as said in streams and Reddit, etc) then the best way to get people like TopCash to wake up is to close their wallets.

    I’m personally glad their revenue is dipping lately because then maybe they’ll get it together. It was almost 3 years before we got any meaningful QoL changes for the game and September of last year was the first time they ever addressed the gear economy, and still haven’t even followed through with what they promised.

    They can make more money by providing a better quality game. People like TopCash are too short sighted to see that. Also….InB4 people “oh I’m sure you know how to run a business better huh?”

    No, I know what I want as a paying customer and know what tons of other people have posted that they want as paying customers. It doesn’t take a business degree to realize you maximize earnings by listening to what paying customers say they’re willing to pay for and what will get them to spend more

    You should probably call up Elon Musk and tell him that he could double or triple his net worth if he would just reduce the price of all Tesla vehicles. Let Tim Cook know this secret too since Apple is barely scraping by and I'm sure they are losing tons of profits by charging so much for their computers, monitors, and headphones (Beats included). Could you throw Tag Heuer a bone while you're at it?

    Thanks from all the consumers who wished everything was priced within our budget.
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    SemiGod wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    As long as the whales keep whaling, nothing will change. They are not trying to make a fun game, they are trying to make a profitable game with as little effort as possible. And the CMs only provide distractions disguised as engagement with community, that's why Meathead asks the same questions as Doja.

    So basically they're excelling at their jobs?

    Yes. Players just seem to have incorrect idea about what their jobs are.

    Yeah idk why ppl finding it surprising that a business’ main goal is to make money.

    They’d make more money if they made a better quality game. There are some good deals in the store now that normally I would’ve bought for full crafted gear or kyros. I won’t give them a jolly red cent now until they address these issues and make a better quality game. Hundreds a month in disposable income that I have available that I’ll spend elsewhere instead of on their game.

    Obviously the hardcore whales are going to keep on whaling. I won’t try and tell others how to spend their money but if they too are sick of these tactics and the way the higher ups are handling their game (as said in streams and Reddit, etc) then the best way to get people like TopCash to wake up is to close their wallets.

    I’m personally glad their revenue is dipping lately because then maybe they’ll get it together. It was almost 3 years before we got any meaningful QoL changes for the game and September of last year was the first time they ever addressed the gear economy, and still haven’t even followed through with what they promised.

    They can make more money by providing a better quality game. People like TopCash are too short sighted to see that. Also….InB4 people “oh I’m sure you know how to run a business better huh?”

    No, I know what I want as a paying customer and know what tons of other people have posted that they want as paying customers. It doesn’t take a business degree to realize you maximize earnings by listening to what paying customers say they’re willing to pay for and what will get them to spend more

    You should probably call up Elon Musk and tell him that he could double or triple his net worth if he would just reduce the price of all Tesla vehicles. Let Tim Cook know this secret too since Apple is barely scraping by and I'm sure they are losing tons of profits by charging so much for their computers, monitors, and headphones (Beats included). Could you throw Tag Heuer a bone while you're at it?

    Thanks from all the consumers who wished everything was priced within our budget.

    Figured there’d be someone like you commenting.

    See, here’s the issue with your cynical response. You’re talking about the price of the product vs the quality of the product. People will pay high prices if the quality of the product is good, such as Tesla, Apple, Beats, Tag Heuer, etc. However customers won’t do that if the quality of the product is underwhelming and not meeting the standards previously set. They’ll ask for refund and take their business to different companies.

    So, thanks for reinforcing my point even though I’m sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    Perceived value and actual value are vastly different and, apparently, outside the grasp of your limited understanding. Your opinion of a product's value is irrelevant to the actual cost of the product, which means your perceived value may or may not be a profitable amount. Listening to armchair quarterbacks complain about the pricing of voluntary purchases in a completely free to download and play mobile game doesn't guarantee profitability; it doesn't even guarantee purchases. If even a quarter of the people who threaten to quit SWGOH on here actually did, there might be constructive and insightful discussions on here. Instead, we have you.

    Thanks for reinforcing my point even though I'm sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    Here’s the arguments about price point and purchases from my half a sentence about pushing overpriced packs rather than address the community concerns I listed.
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    SemiGod wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    As long as the whales keep whaling, nothing will change. They are not trying to make a fun game, they are trying to make a profitable game with as little effort as possible. And the CMs only provide distractions disguised as engagement with community, that's why Meathead asks the same questions as Doja.

    So basically they're excelling at their jobs?

    Yes. Players just seem to have incorrect idea about what their jobs are.

    Yeah idk why ppl finding it surprising that a business’ main goal is to make money.

    They’d make more money if they made a better quality game. There are some good deals in the store now that normally I would’ve bought for full crafted gear or kyros. I won’t give them a jolly red cent now until they address these issues and make a better quality game. Hundreds a month in disposable income that I have available that I’ll spend elsewhere instead of on their game.

    Obviously the hardcore whales are going to keep on whaling. I won’t try and tell others how to spend their money but if they too are sick of these tactics and the way the higher ups are handling their game (as said in streams and Reddit, etc) then the best way to get people like TopCash to wake up is to close their wallets.

    I’m personally glad their revenue is dipping lately because then maybe they’ll get it together. It was almost 3 years before we got any meaningful QoL changes for the game and September of last year was the first time they ever addressed the gear economy, and still haven’t even followed through with what they promised.

    They can make more money by providing a better quality game. People like TopCash are too short sighted to see that. Also….InB4 people “oh I’m sure you know how to run a business better huh?”

    No, I know what I want as a paying customer and know what tons of other people have posted that they want as paying customers. It doesn’t take a business degree to realize you maximize earnings by listening to what paying customers say they’re willing to pay for and what will get them to spend more

    You should probably call up Elon Musk and tell him that he could double or triple his net worth if he would just reduce the price of all Tesla vehicles. Let Tim Cook know this secret too since Apple is barely scraping by and I'm sure they are losing tons of profits by charging so much for their computers, monitors, and headphones (Beats included). Could you throw Tag Heuer a bone while you're at it?

    Thanks from all the consumers who wished everything was priced within our budget.

    Figured there’d be someone like you commenting.

    See, here’s the issue with your cynical response. You’re talking about the price of the product vs the quality of the product. People will pay high prices if the quality of the product is good, such as Tesla, Apple, Beats, Tag Heuer, etc. However customers won’t do that if the quality of the product is underwhelming and not meeting the standards previously set. They’ll ask for refund and take their business to different companies.

    So, thanks for reinforcing my point even though I’m sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    Perceived value and actual value are vastly different and, apparently, outside the grasp of your limited understanding. Your opinion of a product's value is irrelevant to the actual cost of the product, which means your perceived value may or may not be a profitable amount. Listening to armchair quarterbacks complain about the pricing of voluntary purchases in a completely free to download and play mobile game doesn't guarantee profitability; it doesn't even guarantee purchases. If even a quarter of the people who threaten to quit SWGOH on here actually did, there might be constructive and insightful discussions on here. Instead, we have you.

    Thanks for reinforcing my point even though I'm sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    I’m curious if you’re even seeing what the point of my original post was? You keep talking about perceived value and cost. Can you show your work and point out where I’m talking about costs and purchases? I’m fairly certain that you’re cherry picking one single half sentence that says “pushing overpriced packs/characters” trying to straw man it into the whole point of my post, which it was not.

    I’m more than happy to help you though. The main point was the non existent communication from the CM’s and devs regarding the poor quality of the game lately. Stealth nerfs, bugs, missing changes that were promised to us, missing content, missing QoL updates, etc.

    The point of the cost of packs and toons was a minor reinforcement of my main point, at best.

    But to your point of costs; customers expect a specific level of quality based on the price they are paying. The higher the price, the better the quality. If they do not get the quality they seek, they don’t purchase the product.

    Also, free to play players to add to their income from game time, downloads, reviews and ratings etc so it benefits them to have a good quality game. I’m not sure if you’re even aware but CEO’s and shareholders expect the same kind of return once a new ceiling has been met. If in Q1 a company pulls in $100 million in profits, they won’t be ok with Q2 only pulling in $35 million in profits. So any significant down turn raises issues.

    Thanks for again trying to derail this post with your straw man arguments. I do enjoy it :). That doesn’t detract from the devs owing their paying customers and player base explanations for the issues listed about and then some.

    So a point you thought was important enough to shoe-horn into one of your hyperbolic monologues is now a minor point and not worth considering. Do you even understand the point you're trying to make, or are you just tossing word salad and cherry picking the parts that people don't scrutinize? You ask me to "show my work" and then admit you mentioned cost and value. I guess it's pretty easy to do mental gymnastics in an empty space.

    Lets "focus" on your "point": dev communication. Would you like to show your work with what gacha game has better dev communication? Is that game better quality? Does that game community give higher feedback scores? Can you then show your work that the game is more profitable and sustainable than SWGOH?

    I'll wait for your data. Might see a hyperloop and Rapture before that happens, but I'll wait. You can continue the facade of being more enlightened in mobile game revenue than CG while you count your hundreds of disposable income a month like Scrooge McDuck if it makes you feel better.

    And the devs don't owe any explanation on your wildly inaccurate list. Go ahead and post the written communication from CG on each of your points as to when and how changes were going to take place or what rules/expectations are hard set for events for even two of your complaints.

    I would say I enjoy your feeble attempts at debate, but it's more like watching a clumsy panda in a zoo enclosure. It's funny, but not for the right reasons.

    Here’s where you talk about more of the pack prices.
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    SemiGod wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    As long as the whales keep whaling, nothing will change. They are not trying to make a fun game, they are trying to make a profitable game with as little effort as possible. And the CMs only provide distractions disguised as engagement with community, that's why Meathead asks the same questions as Doja.

    So basically they're excelling at their jobs?

    Yes. Players just seem to have incorrect idea about what their jobs are.

    Yeah idk why ppl finding it surprising that a business’ main goal is to make money.

    They’d make more money if they made a better quality game. There are some good deals in the store now that normally I would’ve bought for full crafted gear or kyros. I won’t give them a jolly red cent now until they address these issues and make a better quality game. Hundreds a month in disposable income that I have available that I’ll spend elsewhere instead of on their game.

    Obviously the hardcore whales are going to keep on whaling. I won’t try and tell others how to spend their money but if they too are sick of these tactics and the way the higher ups are handling their game (as said in streams and Reddit, etc) then the best way to get people like TopCash to wake up is to close their wallets.

    I’m personally glad their revenue is dipping lately because then maybe they’ll get it together. It was almost 3 years before we got any meaningful QoL changes for the game and September of last year was the first time they ever addressed the gear economy, and still haven’t even followed through with what they promised.

    They can make more money by providing a better quality game. People like TopCash are too short sighted to see that. Also….InB4 people “oh I’m sure you know how to run a business better huh?”

    No, I know what I want as a paying customer and know what tons of other people have posted that they want as paying customers. It doesn’t take a business degree to realize you maximize earnings by listening to what paying customers say they’re willing to pay for and what will get them to spend more

    You should probably call up Elon Musk and tell him that he could double or triple his net worth if he would just reduce the price of all Tesla vehicles. Let Tim Cook know this secret too since Apple is barely scraping by and I'm sure they are losing tons of profits by charging so much for their computers, monitors, and headphones (Beats included). Could you throw Tag Heuer a bone while you're at it?

    Thanks from all the consumers who wished everything was priced within our budget.

    Figured there’d be someone like you commenting.

    See, here’s the issue with your cynical response. You’re talking about the price of the product vs the quality of the product. People will pay high prices if the quality of the product is good, such as Tesla, Apple, Beats, Tag Heuer, etc. However customers won’t do that if the quality of the product is underwhelming and not meeting the standards previously set. They’ll ask for refund and take their business to different companies.

    So, thanks for reinforcing my point even though I’m sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    Perceived value and actual value are vastly different and, apparently, outside the grasp of your limited understanding. Your opinion of a product's value is irrelevant to the actual cost of the product, which means your perceived value may or may not be a profitable amount. Listening to armchair quarterbacks complain about the pricing of voluntary purchases in a completely free to download and play mobile game doesn't guarantee profitability; it doesn't even guarantee purchases. If even a quarter of the people who threaten to quit SWGOH on here actually did, there might be constructive and insightful discussions on here. Instead, we have you.

    Thanks for reinforcing my point even though I'm sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    I’m curious if you’re even seeing what the point of my original post was? You keep talking about perceived value and cost. Can you show your work and point out where I’m talking about costs and purchases? I’m fairly certain that you’re cherry picking one single half sentence that says “pushing overpriced packs/characters” trying to straw man it into the whole point of my post, which it was not.

    I’m more than happy to help you though. The main point was the non existent communication from the CM’s and devs regarding the poor quality of the game lately. Stealth nerfs, bugs, missing changes that were promised to us, missing content, missing QoL updates, etc.

    The point of the cost of packs and toons was a minor reinforcement of my main point, at best.

    But to your point of costs; customers expect a specific level of quality based on the price they are paying. The higher the price, the better the quality. If they do not get the quality they seek, they don’t purchase the product.

    Also, free to play players to add to their income from game time, downloads, reviews and ratings etc so it benefits them to have a good quality game. I’m not sure if you’re even aware but CEO’s and shareholders expect the same kind of return once a new ceiling has been met. If in Q1 a company pulls in $100 million in profits, they won’t be ok with Q2 only pulling in $35 million in profits. So any significant down turn raises issues.

    Thanks for again trying to derail this post with your straw man arguments. I do enjoy it :). That doesn’t detract from the devs owing their paying customers and player base explanations for the issues listed about and then some.

    So a point you thought was important enough to shoe-horn into one of your hyperbolic monologues is now a minor point and not worth considering. Do you even understand the point you're trying to make, or are you just tossing word salad and cherry picking the parts that people don't scrutinize? You ask me to "show my work" and then admit you mentioned cost and value. I guess it's pretty easy to do mental gymnastics in an empty space.

    Lets "focus" on your "point": dev communication. Would you like to show your work with what gacha game has better dev communication? Is that game better quality? Does that game community give higher feedback scores? Can you then show your work that the game is more profitable and sustainable than SWGOH?

    I'll wait for your data. Might see a hyperloop and Rapture before that happens, but I'll wait. You can continue the facade of being more enlightened in mobile game revenue than CG while you count your hundreds of disposable income a month like Scrooge McDuck if it makes you feel better.

    And the devs don't owe any explanation on your wildly inaccurate list. Go ahead and post the written communication from CG on each of your points as to when and how changes were going to take place or what rules/expectations are hard set for events for even two of your complaints.

    I would say I enjoy your feeble attempts at debate, but it's more like watching a clumsy panda in a zoo enclosure. It's funny, but not for the right reasons.

    Gear economy changes:
    September said that there would be two guaranteed phases of changes with the first part of p1 rolling out and then the rest in the next month or so. They then said in the SotG in Feb that the gear economy changes would then be addressed more in the RA for March. The RA came and went with no mention of the changes for the rest of P1 or anything for P2.

    Galactic Chase Drop Rates:
    Darjelo took it upon himself to start a thread for people to track their drop rates for the two GC chases for Echelon and Resistance Bomber. The players figured out on our own that the drop rate changed from 4% to 3% without any notice by the devs, going against previously stated drop rates. Doja said he would reach out for answers to the dev team and that was the last we heard from the devs on it. Ultra said that she was given an answer but is not allowed to comment on it and only a dev can. We need an explanation why it was changed as it sets a bad precedent for them to stealth nerf drop rates from previously established ones.

    TW and GAC matchmaking:
    Each one with its own issues. TW shows massive mismatches based on GP, mods, GL count, relic levels, etc. The devs stated that matchmaking changes would happen after they gathered some data to make informed changes. Nothing has changed after several months. The same with GAC and the skill rating system not taking into account GP differences of sometimes 3-4 million. Again, devs said it wasn’t permanent and it was a fluid system but nothing’s been altered yet except adding more fleets needed for Kyber tier. Which is the next point.

    Lack of ships/content:
    No more raids, no sandbox mode, no new PVE nodes on the tables, and of course a sever e lack of “shipload of content” they alluded to. Now it’s possible we are about to finally get that shipload of content after a year, however we have enough for 7 fleets and most of them aren’t complete ones. A complete fleet is 7 ships. Many are undermanned with 4 or 5 ships.

    Bugs, bugs, bugs:
    Kenobi GL event T1 bug. Disappearing button bugs. Crashing during loading battles in GAC. Bugged galactic challenges. Buggy conquest modifiers. These are issues that take several months to fix yet anything in regards to benefiting the players is fixed immediately. Hurting them? Months if not years like the unending loyalty/Teebo/fives bugs. Why the disparity in time to fix?

    Mod management. Fleet loadouts. Variety of enemies in conquest. Repeat data disks in the same prize node. Lack of enemy stats resulting in guessing speeds and going in blind causing lost battles that need not be. Guild management tools. There’s plenty they can do to increase the quality of the game for the player base.


    The CM for MSF communicates every single day with the community and they put out a weekly blog of what’s upcoming into the game in terms of future events, legendaries, bug fixes, and communicate regularly with the CC’s who send them bug reports and acknowledge things going on. MSF is a similar game type and competitor in terms of revenue. They have their own issues as well, but it’s addressed by their CM at the very least and compensation is given accordingly when it occurs.

    Again, the point with the price of packs was showing their priorities on what they focus on and communicate. A minor supporting point does not overshadow the overall issue no matter how much you want to toss around insults and straw man the issue. So again, and hopefully for the last time, re read my original post. Please show me how the price of packs is my main point at all, or anything other than a minor reinforcement based on half a sentence. Heck I even said that there are good packs currently for sale based on in game value I’d normally purchase but won’t buy them due to CG’s refusal to address the community and their lack of quality lately.

    No I’m not counting my money like Scrooge mcduck. I’m spending it elsewhere like MSF or in other areas of life because they won’t get my business as a paying player until I feel they deserve it. That’s the beauty of capitalism. I choose what I spend my money on and who is deserving of my business as a consumer.

    I do look forward to seeing how the points I just listed are “wildly inaccurate” 😂 as if these aren’t issues in the commmunity right now lol

    1. So you're complaining that they didn't mentioned anything in March about gear economy changes that never had a hard date. Wow. Way to really chomp into the facts and not let them go.

    2. Please post the dev announcement or statement that says all galactic chases for the rest of time will be at 4%.

    3. The algorithms for both modes were changed. It was clearly stated that the matchmaking was now taking performance into account. Please post examples of people/guilds on long winning/losing streaks that are still "massively mismatched".

    4. Devs have never promised more raids, sandbox, or PVE nodes. They've even specifically stated a sandbox mode was likely never coming and the new raid idea was scrapped.
    4a. Side note; if you need all fleets with all 7 ships in the modes where that is actually an issue, you should probably git gud at fleet battles instead of saying there aren't enough ships

    5. Where was mod management and fleet loadout changes ever promised with hard dates? Would you rather data disks be a set combination for ever node instead of random? Do you not understand how to take base states and add percentage multipliers? While you might think the game needs these QoL improvements, none have been promised.

    6. MSF is a giant dumpster fire. Who care if the CM communicates every week if the game is lower quality? Every complaint you've outlined against SWGOH is even worse in MSF except for dev communication. So you just want lip service? Cool, spend your paltry allowance on MSF where it does next to nothing. Glad you found something that makes you feel better that isn't rooted in facts and data.

    Did you see how wildly inaccurate all those complaints are in regards to your main complain of dev communication? Probably not because your avatar is 100% correct in being mediocre and overconfident. Have fun trying to explain it all away though!

    Here’s where you talk about me saying the devs promised us this stuff by hard dates. Which isn’t true.
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    SemiGod wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    As long as the whales keep whaling, nothing will change. They are not trying to make a fun game, they are trying to make a profitable game with as little effort as possible. And the CMs only provide distractions disguised as engagement with community, that's why Meathead asks the same questions as Doja.

    So basically they're excelling at their jobs?

    Yes. Players just seem to have incorrect idea about what their jobs are.

    Yeah idk why ppl finding it surprising that a business’ main goal is to make money.

    They’d make more money if they made a better quality game. There are some good deals in the store now that normally I would’ve bought for full crafted gear or kyros. I won’t give them a jolly red cent now until they address these issues and make a better quality game. Hundreds a month in disposable income that I have available that I’ll spend elsewhere instead of on their game.

    Obviously the hardcore whales are going to keep on whaling. I won’t try and tell others how to spend their money but if they too are sick of these tactics and the way the higher ups are handling their game (as said in streams and Reddit, etc) then the best way to get people like TopCash to wake up is to close their wallets.

    I’m personally glad their revenue is dipping lately because then maybe they’ll get it together. It was almost 3 years before we got any meaningful QoL changes for the game and September of last year was the first time they ever addressed the gear economy, and still haven’t even followed through with what they promised.

    They can make more money by providing a better quality game. People like TopCash are too short sighted to see that. Also….InB4 people “oh I’m sure you know how to run a business better huh?”

    No, I know what I want as a paying customer and know what tons of other people have posted that they want as paying customers. It doesn’t take a business degree to realize you maximize earnings by listening to what paying customers say they’re willing to pay for and what will get them to spend more

    You should probably call up Elon Musk and tell him that he could double or triple his net worth if he would just reduce the price of all Tesla vehicles. Let Tim Cook know this secret too since Apple is barely scraping by and I'm sure they are losing tons of profits by charging so much for their computers, monitors, and headphones (Beats included). Could you throw Tag Heuer a bone while you're at it?

    Thanks from all the consumers who wished everything was priced within our budget.

    Figured there’d be someone like you commenting.

    See, here’s the issue with your cynical response. You’re talking about the price of the product vs the quality of the product. People will pay high prices if the quality of the product is good, such as Tesla, Apple, Beats, Tag Heuer, etc. However customers won’t do that if the quality of the product is underwhelming and not meeting the standards previously set. They’ll ask for refund and take their business to different companies.

    So, thanks for reinforcing my point even though I’m sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    Perceived value and actual value are vastly different and, apparently, outside the grasp of your limited understanding. Your opinion of a product's value is irrelevant to the actual cost of the product, which means your perceived value may or may not be a profitable amount. Listening to armchair quarterbacks complain about the pricing of voluntary purchases in a completely free to download and play mobile game doesn't guarantee profitability; it doesn't even guarantee purchases. If even a quarter of the people who threaten to quit SWGOH on here actually did, there might be constructive and insightful discussions on here. Instead, we have you.

    Thanks for reinforcing my point even though I'm sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    I’m curious if you’re even seeing what the point of my original post was? You keep talking about perceived value and cost. Can you show your work and point out where I’m talking about costs and purchases? I’m fairly certain that you’re cherry picking one single half sentence that says “pushing overpriced packs/characters” trying to straw man it into the whole point of my post, which it was not.

    I’m more than happy to help you though. The main point was the non existent communication from the CM’s and devs regarding the poor quality of the game lately. Stealth nerfs, bugs, missing changes that were promised to us, missing content, missing QoL updates, etc.

    The point of the cost of packs and toons was a minor reinforcement of my main point, at best.

    But to your point of costs; customers expect a specific level of quality based on the price they are paying. The higher the price, the better the quality. If they do not get the quality they seek, they don’t purchase the product.

    Also, free to play players to add to their income from game time, downloads, reviews and ratings etc so it benefits them to have a good quality game. I’m not sure if you’re even aware but CEO’s and shareholders expect the same kind of return once a new ceiling has been met. If in Q1 a company pulls in $100 million in profits, they won’t be ok with Q2 only pulling in $35 million in profits. So any significant down turn raises issues.

    Thanks for again trying to derail this post with your straw man arguments. I do enjoy it :). That doesn’t detract from the devs owing their paying customers and player base explanations for the issues listed about and then some.

    So a point you thought was important enough to shoe-horn into one of your hyperbolic monologues is now a minor point and not worth considering. Do you even understand the point you're trying to make, or are you just tossing word salad and cherry picking the parts that people don't scrutinize? You ask me to "show my work" and then admit you mentioned cost and value. I guess it's pretty easy to do mental gymnastics in an empty space.

    Lets "focus" on your "point": dev communication. Would you like to show your work with what gacha game has better dev communication? Is that game better quality? Does that game community give higher feedback scores? Can you then show your work that the game is more profitable and sustainable than SWGOH?

    I'll wait for your data. Might see a hyperloop and Rapture before that happens, but I'll wait. You can continue the facade of being more enlightened in mobile game revenue than CG while you count your hundreds of disposable income a month like Scrooge McDuck if it makes you feel better.

    And the devs don't owe any explanation on your wildly inaccurate list. Go ahead and post the written communication from CG on each of your points as to when and how changes were going to take place or what rules/expectations are hard set for events for even two of your complaints.

    I would say I enjoy your feeble attempts at debate, but it's more like watching a clumsy panda in a zoo enclosure. It's funny, but not for the right reasons.

    Gear economy changes:
    September said that there would be two guaranteed phases of changes with the first part of p1 rolling out and then the rest in the next month or so. They then said in the SotG in Feb that the gear economy changes would then be addressed more in the RA for March. The RA came and went with no mention of the changes for the rest of P1 or anything for P2.

    Galactic Chase Drop Rates:
    Darjelo took it upon himself to start a thread for people to track their drop rates for the two GC chases for Echelon and Resistance Bomber. The players figured out on our own that the drop rate changed from 4% to 3% without any notice by the devs, going against previously stated drop rates. Doja said he would reach out for answers to the dev team and that was the last we heard from the devs on it. Ultra said that she was given an answer but is not allowed to comment on it and only a dev can. We need an explanation why it was changed as it sets a bad precedent for them to stealth nerf drop rates from previously established ones.

    TW and GAC matchmaking:
    Each one with its own issues. TW shows massive mismatches based on GP, mods, GL count, relic levels, etc. The devs stated that matchmaking changes would happen after they gathered some data to make informed changes. Nothing has changed after several months. The same with GAC and the skill rating system not taking into account GP differences of sometimes 3-4 million. Again, devs said it wasn’t permanent and it was a fluid system but nothing’s been altered yet except adding more fleets needed for Kyber tier. Which is the next point.

    Lack of ships/content:
    No more raids, no sandbox mode, no new PVE nodes on the tables, and of course a sever e lack of “shipload of content” they alluded to. Now it’s possible we are about to finally get that shipload of content after a year, however we have enough for 7 fleets and most of them aren’t complete ones. A complete fleet is 7 ships. Many are undermanned with 4 or 5 ships.

    Bugs, bugs, bugs:
    Kenobi GL event T1 bug. Disappearing button bugs. Crashing during loading battles in GAC. Bugged galactic challenges. Buggy conquest modifiers. These are issues that take several months to fix yet anything in regards to benefiting the players is fixed immediately. Hurting them? Months if not years like the unending loyalty/Teebo/fives bugs. Why the disparity in time to fix?

    Mod management. Fleet loadouts. Variety of enemies in conquest. Repeat data disks in the same prize node. Lack of enemy stats resulting in guessing speeds and going in blind causing lost battles that need not be. Guild management tools. There’s plenty they can do to increase the quality of the game for the player base.


    The CM for MSF communicates every single day with the community and they put out a weekly blog of what’s upcoming into the game in terms of future events, legendaries, bug fixes, and communicate regularly with the CC’s who send them bug reports and acknowledge things going on. MSF is a similar game type and competitor in terms of revenue. They have their own issues as well, but it’s addressed by their CM at the very least and compensation is given accordingly when it occurs.

    Again, the point with the price of packs was showing their priorities on what they focus on and communicate. A minor supporting point does not overshadow the overall issue no matter how much you want to toss around insults and straw man the issue. So again, and hopefully for the last time, re read my original post. Please show me how the price of packs is my main point at all, or anything other than a minor reinforcement based on half a sentence. Heck I even said that there are good packs currently for sale based on in game value I’d normally purchase but won’t buy them due to CG’s refusal to address the community and their lack of quality lately.

    No I’m not counting my money like Scrooge mcduck. I’m spending it elsewhere like MSF or in other areas of life because they won’t get my business as a paying player until I feel they deserve it. That’s the beauty of capitalism. I choose what I spend my money on and who is deserving of my business as a consumer.

    I do look forward to seeing how the points I just listed are “wildly inaccurate” 😂 as if these aren’t issues in the commmunity right now lol

    1. So you're complaining that they didn't mentioned anything in March about gear economy changes that never had a hard date. Wow. Way to really chomp into the facts and not let them go.

    2. Please post the dev announcement or statement that says all galactic chases for the rest of time will be at 4%.

    3. The algorithms for both modes were changed. It was clearly stated that the matchmaking was now taking performance into account. Please post examples of people/guilds on long winning/losing streaks that are still "massively mismatched".

    4. Devs have never promised more raids, sandbox, or PVE nodes. They've even specifically stated a sandbox mode was likely never coming and the new raid idea was scrapped.
    4a. Side note; if you need all fleets with all 7 ships in the modes where that is actually an issue, you should probably git gud at fleet battles instead of saying there aren't enough ships

    5. Where was mod management and fleet loadout changes ever promised with hard dates? Would you rather data disks be a set combination for ever node instead of random? Do you not understand how to take base states and add percentage multipliers? While you might think the game needs these QoL improvements, none have been promised.

    6. MSF is a giant dumpster fire. Who care if the CM communicates every week if the game is lower quality? Every complaint you've outlined against SWGOH is even worse in MSF except for dev communication. So you just want lip service? Cool, spend your paltry allowance on MSF where it does next to nothing. Glad you found something that makes you feel better that isn't rooted in facts and data.

    Did you see how wildly inaccurate all those complaints are in regards to your main complain of dev communication? Probably not because your avatar is 100% correct in being mediocre and overconfident. Have fun trying to explain it all away though!

    First you said I’m complaint about pack prices. Then you said that none of my points are issues and are inaccurate, now you’re saying I said they promised hard dates on everything.

    No dude. The only hard timeline given was the gear economy changes.

    September SoTG: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/249886/state-of-the-gear-laxy-september-2021#latest

    October RA: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/250664/road-ahead-october-2021#latest

    Feb 2022 SoTG: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/253661/state-of-the-galaxy-february-2022#latest
    In here they promise to address the gear economy changes further, more than 5 months after initially announced.

    March RA then came and went with zero mention of any gear economy changes.

    2.) All Chases were 4% in cantina. It changed and was announced as such when it was in fleet battles. It’s been established already.

    3.) Yes they were changed and we were told that it would be looked at and adjusted and that the initial implementation was not the final product.

    4.) I never said they promised that. I stated we were not getting that because it was not “fiscally viable” for them to do so directly from the mouth of TopCash. I’m saying that putting those in the game is what players want.

    5.) They never promised mod management or fleet loadouts. Only that Doja and crumb were pushing for it because of how important it was to the player base and how necessary it was from a QoL standpoint. Please show where I said they promised a deliver by date.

    6.) I’d prefer it set so that the same data disk is not in the same node. The RNG aspect is what it is but it should be coded so we don’t get 3 opportunistic support or 3 zealous ambition disks in the exact same node. No, it’s not base stats. If it was then a unit with a base stat of 170 for speed with a 40% boost (giving it a 238 speed) would not outrun a 375 speed Gideon or a 355 speed Echo. There’s different modifiers and boosts that we can’t calculate so we are left to guess.

    7.) I’m actually very good at ships. My performance in fleet battles isn’t the point. It’s the availability of ships for full fleets and how the new changes give you one chance for a cleanup or you’re done. With 9 capital ships we should have enough ships for 9 full fleets. Not 7 patched together with only 2/3 having full fleets.

    8.) As bad as MSF is with their issues their response to them are better in terms of communication and compensation. Remember the QGJ nerf that completely changed his identify against GL’s and it not working against them anymore? Yeah MSF would’ve given back those materials to decide if we still wanted to invest since it was a significant change to its ability.

    No, my complaints aren’t inaccurate as they’re legitimate issues in the game. You keep changing your argument and still have yet to hit a firm ground to stand on. I will give you points for how hard you’re using straw man arguments though. A for effort

    Your complaints are inaccurate since your main complaint is in regards to dev communication per one of your own posts. If the devs haven’t promised anything, you’re basically being a toddler thinking every idea they have is genius and should be acknowledged. I’m thrilled that you’ve found a way to articulate your feelings, but you’re an insignificant string of characters for SWGOH and the devs owe no explanations for whatever ideas fall out of your skull.

    I haven’t changed my argument, which is that your complaints are worthless. You keep changing the criteria by which you’re judging your own complaints. First a statement you made wasn’t worth mentioning, then it’s about dev communication and quality, and now you’ve admitted that only one of your complaints is barely grounded in reality but you still think you deserve something.

    The fact is you think your feelings warrant validation in the form of dev communication, and unfortunately (for you and the rest of us hoping to see meaningful content on the forums), they don’t. Of course you’ll say that’s not it at all, but then you have no explanation for adamantly soap boxing besides narcissism, and a good narcissist would never admit something negative like narcissim.

    Yes….communication regarding these issues. And as I’ve said there’s tons of posts regarding these issues on the forums with little to no acknowledgement from CG.

    Yes, you keep changing your argument. First saying I was complaining mainly about pack prices. Which wasn’t true. Then that my complaints aren’t real issues with the game; which was proven false based on how many posts and comments there are regarding what I highlighted. Then you claimed I said we were promised hard dates for all the issues I didn’t, which isn’t true since I only said it regarding the gear economy.

    No the complaints are grounded in reality. We have no updates to the gear economy since October. We don’t have fleet loadouts. We don’t have improved mod management. We don’t have improved guild officer tools. We don’t have fixes to the same bugs over and over. We don’t have an explanation why drop rates for the chases were lowered. We don’t have a reliable reporting portal for cheaters. We don’t have QoL updates for conquest that have been requested for several months. So they’re real complaints and have a basis based on the volume of posts and comments about them on the forums.

    I sincerely hope you don’t own a business or work in customer service because if you don’t think the complaints of paying customers is valid then you must be hurting pretty bad financially. Plus it’s not just me. As I’ve said it’s based on all the posts on the forums regarding the issues and complaints that people who play and pay to play this game want to see. I’m sorry the contents of these forums aren’t up to what you want to see. Perhaps volunteer to be a mod and you can then shape the forums into what you see fit? Although based on how heavily biased you are against any sort of negative post against CG I don’t think you’d do well.

    I never claimed your complaint was solely against prices. Where did you see that? Where did I say you said everything was promised in a hard date? Show your work.

    I haven’t changed my argument. Dev response is not needed because of your feelings or anyone else’s feelings. If you don’t feel like that’s true, I’m sorry. Your feelings have no bearing on the truth. And yes, reality is a tangible world, not one where you think you are owed anything because of how you feel. That’s not grounded in reality.

    You still haven’t proven anything besides we maybe should have seen more gear economy changes. Anecdotal evidence based on how people feel is not proof. Ford owners think dodge sucks, dodge owners think Chevy sucks, everyone thinks Jeep sucks, but until there is quantitative (not qualitative) data, all you have are opinions. And your opinion is worthless to everyone but you.

    I sincerely hope your form of employment does not rely on your comprehension of the English language. You’re completely oblivious to the fallacy of a straw man argument since declaring such is a straw man in itself. You don’t seem to understand simple concepts like logic or fact. You certainly don’t understand irony if you’re calling others biased.

    Complain all you want, no one cares. But no one owes you an explanation besides possibly your parents.

    I will continue to post and complain until CG provides a better quality game. I will continue to push for better quality to a game Ive paid money to play and that they expect people to pay for. Just as you will continue to be condescending, straw man any post that goes against CG and act like an immature child name calling anyone that doesn’t worship CG. If you don’t like the content of the forums, don’t feel like you need to be here, much less comment and de rail threads.
  • Options
    Every day I feel like I'm getting into disagreements with my wife over the amount of time I spend on the game. I also don't find the content fun right now and I'm pretty bored with all of it. I'm trying to stick it out til June for the next RA and when I also happen to be getting my steam deck. If my mood doesn't change by then, I'm out, I'll just play my steam games on the go.
  • AvatarofCynicism
    573 posts Member
    edited April 2022
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    SemiGod wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    As long as the whales keep whaling, nothing will change. They are not trying to make a fun game, they are trying to make a profitable game with as little effort as possible. And the CMs only provide distractions disguised as engagement with community, that's why Meathead asks the same questions as Doja.

    So basically they're excelling at their jobs?

    Yes. Players just seem to have incorrect idea about what their jobs are.

    Yeah idk why ppl finding it surprising that a business’ main goal is to make money.

    They’d make more money if they made a better quality game. There are some good deals in the store now that normally I would’ve bought for full crafted gear or kyros. I won’t give them a jolly red cent now until they address these issues and make a better quality game. Hundreds a month in disposable income that I have available that I’ll spend elsewhere instead of on their game.

    Obviously the hardcore whales are going to keep on whaling. I won’t try and tell others how to spend their money but if they too are sick of these tactics and the way the higher ups are handling their game (as said in streams and Reddit, etc) then the best way to get people like TopCash to wake up is to close their wallets.

    I’m personally glad their revenue is dipping lately because then maybe they’ll get it together. It was almost 3 years before we got any meaningful QoL changes for the game and September of last year was the first time they ever addressed the gear economy, and still haven’t even followed through with what they promised.

    They can make more money by providing a better quality game. People like TopCash are too short sighted to see that. Also….InB4 people “oh I’m sure you know how to run a business better huh?”

    No, I know what I want as a paying customer and know what tons of other people have posted that they want as paying customers. It doesn’t take a business degree to realize you maximize earnings by listening to what paying customers say they’re willing to pay for and what will get them to spend more

    You should probably call up Elon Musk and tell him that he could double or triple his net worth if he would just reduce the price of all Tesla vehicles. Let Tim Cook know this secret too since Apple is barely scraping by and I'm sure they are losing tons of profits by charging so much for their computers, monitors, and headphones (Beats included). Could you throw Tag Heuer a bone while you're at it?

    Thanks from all the consumers who wished everything was priced within our budget.
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    SemiGod wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    As long as the whales keep whaling, nothing will change. They are not trying to make a fun game, they are trying to make a profitable game with as little effort as possible. And the CMs only provide distractions disguised as engagement with community, that's why Meathead asks the same questions as Doja.

    So basically they're excelling at their jobs?

    Yes. Players just seem to have incorrect idea about what their jobs are.

    Yeah idk why ppl finding it surprising that a business’ main goal is to make money.

    They’d make more money if they made a better quality game. There are some good deals in the store now that normally I would’ve bought for full crafted gear or kyros. I won’t give them a jolly red cent now until they address these issues and make a better quality game. Hundreds a month in disposable income that I have available that I’ll spend elsewhere instead of on their game.

    Obviously the hardcore whales are going to keep on whaling. I won’t try and tell others how to spend their money but if they too are sick of these tactics and the way the higher ups are handling their game (as said in streams and Reddit, etc) then the best way to get people like TopCash to wake up is to close their wallets.

    I’m personally glad their revenue is dipping lately because then maybe they’ll get it together. It was almost 3 years before we got any meaningful QoL changes for the game and September of last year was the first time they ever addressed the gear economy, and still haven’t even followed through with what they promised.

    They can make more money by providing a better quality game. People like TopCash are too short sighted to see that. Also….InB4 people “oh I’m sure you know how to run a business better huh?”

    No, I know what I want as a paying customer and know what tons of other people have posted that they want as paying customers. It doesn’t take a business degree to realize you maximize earnings by listening to what paying customers say they’re willing to pay for and what will get them to spend more

    You should probably call up Elon Musk and tell him that he could double or triple his net worth if he would just reduce the price of all Tesla vehicles. Let Tim Cook know this secret too since Apple is barely scraping by and I'm sure they are losing tons of profits by charging so much for their computers, monitors, and headphones (Beats included). Could you throw Tag Heuer a bone while you're at it?

    Thanks from all the consumers who wished everything was priced within our budget.

    Figured there’d be someone like you commenting.

    See, here’s the issue with your cynical response. You’re talking about the price of the product vs the quality of the product. People will pay high prices if the quality of the product is good, such as Tesla, Apple, Beats, Tag Heuer, etc. However customers won’t do that if the quality of the product is underwhelming and not meeting the standards previously set. They’ll ask for refund and take their business to different companies.

    So, thanks for reinforcing my point even though I’m sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    Perceived value and actual value are vastly different and, apparently, outside the grasp of your limited understanding. Your opinion of a product's value is irrelevant to the actual cost of the product, which means your perceived value may or may not be a profitable amount. Listening to armchair quarterbacks complain about the pricing of voluntary purchases in a completely free to download and play mobile game doesn't guarantee profitability; it doesn't even guarantee purchases. If even a quarter of the people who threaten to quit SWGOH on here actually did, there might be constructive and insightful discussions on here. Instead, we have you.

    Thanks for reinforcing my point even though I'm sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    Here’s the arguments about price point and purchases from my half a sentence about pushing overpriced packs rather than address the community concerns I listed.
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    SemiGod wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    As long as the whales keep whaling, nothing will change. They are not trying to make a fun game, they are trying to make a profitable game with as little effort as possible. And the CMs only provide distractions disguised as engagement with community, that's why Meathead asks the same questions as Doja.

    So basically they're excelling at their jobs?

    Yes. Players just seem to have incorrect idea about what their jobs are.

    Yeah idk why ppl finding it surprising that a business’ main goal is to make money.

    They’d make more money if they made a better quality game. There are some good deals in the store now that normally I would’ve bought for full crafted gear or kyros. I won’t give them a jolly red cent now until they address these issues and make a better quality game. Hundreds a month in disposable income that I have available that I’ll spend elsewhere instead of on their game.

    Obviously the hardcore whales are going to keep on whaling. I won’t try and tell others how to spend their money but if they too are sick of these tactics and the way the higher ups are handling their game (as said in streams and Reddit, etc) then the best way to get people like TopCash to wake up is to close their wallets.

    I’m personally glad their revenue is dipping lately because then maybe they’ll get it together. It was almost 3 years before we got any meaningful QoL changes for the game and September of last year was the first time they ever addressed the gear economy, and still haven’t even followed through with what they promised.

    They can make more money by providing a better quality game. People like TopCash are too short sighted to see that. Also….InB4 people “oh I’m sure you know how to run a business better huh?”

    No, I know what I want as a paying customer and know what tons of other people have posted that they want as paying customers. It doesn’t take a business degree to realize you maximize earnings by listening to what paying customers say they’re willing to pay for and what will get them to spend more

    You should probably call up Elon Musk and tell him that he could double or triple his net worth if he would just reduce the price of all Tesla vehicles. Let Tim Cook know this secret too since Apple is barely scraping by and I'm sure they are losing tons of profits by charging so much for their computers, monitors, and headphones (Beats included). Could you throw Tag Heuer a bone while you're at it?

    Thanks from all the consumers who wished everything was priced within our budget.

    Figured there’d be someone like you commenting.

    See, here’s the issue with your cynical response. You’re talking about the price of the product vs the quality of the product. People will pay high prices if the quality of the product is good, such as Tesla, Apple, Beats, Tag Heuer, etc. However customers won’t do that if the quality of the product is underwhelming and not meeting the standards previously set. They’ll ask for refund and take their business to different companies.

    So, thanks for reinforcing my point even though I’m sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    Perceived value and actual value are vastly different and, apparently, outside the grasp of your limited understanding. Your opinion of a product's value is irrelevant to the actual cost of the product, which means your perceived value may or may not be a profitable amount. Listening to armchair quarterbacks complain about the pricing of voluntary purchases in a completely free to download and play mobile game doesn't guarantee profitability; it doesn't even guarantee purchases. If even a quarter of the people who threaten to quit SWGOH on here actually did, there might be constructive and insightful discussions on here. Instead, we have you.

    Thanks for reinforcing my point even though I'm sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    I’m curious if you’re even seeing what the point of my original post was? You keep talking about perceived value and cost. Can you show your work and point out where I’m talking about costs and purchases? I’m fairly certain that you’re cherry picking one single half sentence that says “pushing overpriced packs/characters” trying to straw man it into the whole point of my post, which it was not.

    I’m more than happy to help you though. The main point was the non existent communication from the CM’s and devs regarding the poor quality of the game lately. Stealth nerfs, bugs, missing changes that were promised to us, missing content, missing QoL updates, etc.

    The point of the cost of packs and toons was a minor reinforcement of my main point, at best.

    But to your point of costs; customers expect a specific level of quality based on the price they are paying. The higher the price, the better the quality. If they do not get the quality they seek, they don’t purchase the product.

    Also, free to play players to add to their income from game time, downloads, reviews and ratings etc so it benefits them to have a good quality game. I’m not sure if you’re even aware but CEO’s and shareholders expect the same kind of return once a new ceiling has been met. If in Q1 a company pulls in $100 million in profits, they won’t be ok with Q2 only pulling in $35 million in profits. So any significant down turn raises issues.

    Thanks for again trying to derail this post with your straw man arguments. I do enjoy it :). That doesn’t detract from the devs owing their paying customers and player base explanations for the issues listed about and then some.

    So a point you thought was important enough to shoe-horn into one of your hyperbolic monologues is now a minor point and not worth considering. Do you even understand the point you're trying to make, or are you just tossing word salad and cherry picking the parts that people don't scrutinize? You ask me to "show my work" and then admit you mentioned cost and value. I guess it's pretty easy to do mental gymnastics in an empty space.

    Lets "focus" on your "point": dev communication. Would you like to show your work with what gacha game has better dev communication? Is that game better quality? Does that game community give higher feedback scores? Can you then show your work that the game is more profitable and sustainable than SWGOH?

    I'll wait for your data. Might see a hyperloop and Rapture before that happens, but I'll wait. You can continue the facade of being more enlightened in mobile game revenue than CG while you count your hundreds of disposable income a month like Scrooge McDuck if it makes you feel better.

    And the devs don't owe any explanation on your wildly inaccurate list. Go ahead and post the written communication from CG on each of your points as to when and how changes were going to take place or what rules/expectations are hard set for events for even two of your complaints.

    I would say I enjoy your feeble attempts at debate, but it's more like watching a clumsy panda in a zoo enclosure. It's funny, but not for the right reasons.

    Here’s where you talk about more of the pack prices.
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    SemiGod wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    As long as the whales keep whaling, nothing will change. They are not trying to make a fun game, they are trying to make a profitable game with as little effort as possible. And the CMs only provide distractions disguised as engagement with community, that's why Meathead asks the same questions as Doja.

    So basically they're excelling at their jobs?

    Yes. Players just seem to have incorrect idea about what their jobs are.

    Yeah idk why ppl finding it surprising that a business’ main goal is to make money.

    They’d make more money if they made a better quality game. There are some good deals in the store now that normally I would’ve bought for full crafted gear or kyros. I won’t give them a jolly red cent now until they address these issues and make a better quality game. Hundreds a month in disposable income that I have available that I’ll spend elsewhere instead of on their game.

    Obviously the hardcore whales are going to keep on whaling. I won’t try and tell others how to spend their money but if they too are sick of these tactics and the way the higher ups are handling their game (as said in streams and Reddit, etc) then the best way to get people like TopCash to wake up is to close their wallets.

    I’m personally glad their revenue is dipping lately because then maybe they’ll get it together. It was almost 3 years before we got any meaningful QoL changes for the game and September of last year was the first time they ever addressed the gear economy, and still haven’t even followed through with what they promised.

    They can make more money by providing a better quality game. People like TopCash are too short sighted to see that. Also….InB4 people “oh I’m sure you know how to run a business better huh?”

    No, I know what I want as a paying customer and know what tons of other people have posted that they want as paying customers. It doesn’t take a business degree to realize you maximize earnings by listening to what paying customers say they’re willing to pay for and what will get them to spend more

    You should probably call up Elon Musk and tell him that he could double or triple his net worth if he would just reduce the price of all Tesla vehicles. Let Tim Cook know this secret too since Apple is barely scraping by and I'm sure they are losing tons of profits by charging so much for their computers, monitors, and headphones (Beats included). Could you throw Tag Heuer a bone while you're at it?

    Thanks from all the consumers who wished everything was priced within our budget.

    Figured there’d be someone like you commenting.

    See, here’s the issue with your cynical response. You’re talking about the price of the product vs the quality of the product. People will pay high prices if the quality of the product is good, such as Tesla, Apple, Beats, Tag Heuer, etc. However customers won’t do that if the quality of the product is underwhelming and not meeting the standards previously set. They’ll ask for refund and take their business to different companies.

    So, thanks for reinforcing my point even though I’m sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    Perceived value and actual value are vastly different and, apparently, outside the grasp of your limited understanding. Your opinion of a product's value is irrelevant to the actual cost of the product, which means your perceived value may or may not be a profitable amount. Listening to armchair quarterbacks complain about the pricing of voluntary purchases in a completely free to download and play mobile game doesn't guarantee profitability; it doesn't even guarantee purchases. If even a quarter of the people who threaten to quit SWGOH on here actually did, there might be constructive and insightful discussions on here. Instead, we have you.

    Thanks for reinforcing my point even though I'm sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    I’m curious if you’re even seeing what the point of my original post was? You keep talking about perceived value and cost. Can you show your work and point out where I’m talking about costs and purchases? I’m fairly certain that you’re cherry picking one single half sentence that says “pushing overpriced packs/characters” trying to straw man it into the whole point of my post, which it was not.

    I’m more than happy to help you though. The main point was the non existent communication from the CM’s and devs regarding the poor quality of the game lately. Stealth nerfs, bugs, missing changes that were promised to us, missing content, missing QoL updates, etc.

    The point of the cost of packs and toons was a minor reinforcement of my main point, at best.

    But to your point of costs; customers expect a specific level of quality based on the price they are paying. The higher the price, the better the quality. If they do not get the quality they seek, they don’t purchase the product.

    Also, free to play players to add to their income from game time, downloads, reviews and ratings etc so it benefits them to have a good quality game. I’m not sure if you’re even aware but CEO’s and shareholders expect the same kind of return once a new ceiling has been met. If in Q1 a company pulls in $100 million in profits, they won’t be ok with Q2 only pulling in $35 million in profits. So any significant down turn raises issues.

    Thanks for again trying to derail this post with your straw man arguments. I do enjoy it :). That doesn’t detract from the devs owing their paying customers and player base explanations for the issues listed about and then some.

    So a point you thought was important enough to shoe-horn into one of your hyperbolic monologues is now a minor point and not worth considering. Do you even understand the point you're trying to make, or are you just tossing word salad and cherry picking the parts that people don't scrutinize? You ask me to "show my work" and then admit you mentioned cost and value. I guess it's pretty easy to do mental gymnastics in an empty space.

    Lets "focus" on your "point": dev communication. Would you like to show your work with what gacha game has better dev communication? Is that game better quality? Does that game community give higher feedback scores? Can you then show your work that the game is more profitable and sustainable than SWGOH?

    I'll wait for your data. Might see a hyperloop and Rapture before that happens, but I'll wait. You can continue the facade of being more enlightened in mobile game revenue than CG while you count your hundreds of disposable income a month like Scrooge McDuck if it makes you feel better.

    And the devs don't owe any explanation on your wildly inaccurate list. Go ahead and post the written communication from CG on each of your points as to when and how changes were going to take place or what rules/expectations are hard set for events for even two of your complaints.

    I would say I enjoy your feeble attempts at debate, but it's more like watching a clumsy panda in a zoo enclosure. It's funny, but not for the right reasons.

    Gear economy changes:
    September said that there would be two guaranteed phases of changes with the first part of p1 rolling out and then the rest in the next month or so. They then said in the SotG in Feb that the gear economy changes would then be addressed more in the RA for March. The RA came and went with no mention of the changes for the rest of P1 or anything for P2.

    Galactic Chase Drop Rates:
    Darjelo took it upon himself to start a thread for people to track their drop rates for the two GC chases for Echelon and Resistance Bomber. The players figured out on our own that the drop rate changed from 4% to 3% without any notice by the devs, going against previously stated drop rates. Doja said he would reach out for answers to the dev team and that was the last we heard from the devs on it. Ultra said that she was given an answer but is not allowed to comment on it and only a dev can. We need an explanation why it was changed as it sets a bad precedent for them to stealth nerf drop rates from previously established ones.

    TW and GAC matchmaking:
    Each one with its own issues. TW shows massive mismatches based on GP, mods, GL count, relic levels, etc. The devs stated that matchmaking changes would happen after they gathered some data to make informed changes. Nothing has changed after several months. The same with GAC and the skill rating system not taking into account GP differences of sometimes 3-4 million. Again, devs said it wasn’t permanent and it was a fluid system but nothing’s been altered yet except adding more fleets needed for Kyber tier. Which is the next point.

    Lack of ships/content:
    No more raids, no sandbox mode, no new PVE nodes on the tables, and of course a sever e lack of “shipload of content” they alluded to. Now it’s possible we are about to finally get that shipload of content after a year, however we have enough for 7 fleets and most of them aren’t complete ones. A complete fleet is 7 ships. Many are undermanned with 4 or 5 ships.

    Bugs, bugs, bugs:
    Kenobi GL event T1 bug. Disappearing button bugs. Crashing during loading battles in GAC. Bugged galactic challenges. Buggy conquest modifiers. These are issues that take several months to fix yet anything in regards to benefiting the players is fixed immediately. Hurting them? Months if not years like the unending loyalty/Teebo/fives bugs. Why the disparity in time to fix?

    Mod management. Fleet loadouts. Variety of enemies in conquest. Repeat data disks in the same prize node. Lack of enemy stats resulting in guessing speeds and going in blind causing lost battles that need not be. Guild management tools. There’s plenty they can do to increase the quality of the game for the player base.


    The CM for MSF communicates every single day with the community and they put out a weekly blog of what’s upcoming into the game in terms of future events, legendaries, bug fixes, and communicate regularly with the CC’s who send them bug reports and acknowledge things going on. MSF is a similar game type and competitor in terms of revenue. They have their own issues as well, but it’s addressed by their CM at the very least and compensation is given accordingly when it occurs.

    Again, the point with the price of packs was showing their priorities on what they focus on and communicate. A minor supporting point does not overshadow the overall issue no matter how much you want to toss around insults and straw man the issue. So again, and hopefully for the last time, re read my original post. Please show me how the price of packs is my main point at all, or anything other than a minor reinforcement based on half a sentence. Heck I even said that there are good packs currently for sale based on in game value I’d normally purchase but won’t buy them due to CG’s refusal to address the community and their lack of quality lately.

    No I’m not counting my money like Scrooge mcduck. I’m spending it elsewhere like MSF or in other areas of life because they won’t get my business as a paying player until I feel they deserve it. That’s the beauty of capitalism. I choose what I spend my money on and who is deserving of my business as a consumer.

    I do look forward to seeing how the points I just listed are “wildly inaccurate” 😂 as if these aren’t issues in the commmunity right now lol

    1. So you're complaining that they didn't mentioned anything in March about gear economy changes that never had a hard date. Wow. Way to really chomp into the facts and not let them go.

    2. Please post the dev announcement or statement that says all galactic chases for the rest of time will be at 4%.

    3. The algorithms for both modes were changed. It was clearly stated that the matchmaking was now taking performance into account. Please post examples of people/guilds on long winning/losing streaks that are still "massively mismatched".

    4. Devs have never promised more raids, sandbox, or PVE nodes. They've even specifically stated a sandbox mode was likely never coming and the new raid idea was scrapped.
    4a. Side note; if you need all fleets with all 7 ships in the modes where that is actually an issue, you should probably git gud at fleet battles instead of saying there aren't enough ships

    5. Where was mod management and fleet loadout changes ever promised with hard dates? Would you rather data disks be a set combination for ever node instead of random? Do you not understand how to take base states and add percentage multipliers? While you might think the game needs these QoL improvements, none have been promised.

    6. MSF is a giant dumpster fire. Who care if the CM communicates every week if the game is lower quality? Every complaint you've outlined against SWGOH is even worse in MSF except for dev communication. So you just want lip service? Cool, spend your paltry allowance on MSF where it does next to nothing. Glad you found something that makes you feel better that isn't rooted in facts and data.

    Did you see how wildly inaccurate all those complaints are in regards to your main complain of dev communication? Probably not because your avatar is 100% correct in being mediocre and overconfident. Have fun trying to explain it all away though!

    Here’s where you talk about me saying the devs promised us this stuff by hard dates. Which isn’t true.
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    SemiGod wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    As long as the whales keep whaling, nothing will change. They are not trying to make a fun game, they are trying to make a profitable game with as little effort as possible. And the CMs only provide distractions disguised as engagement with community, that's why Meathead asks the same questions as Doja.

    So basically they're excelling at their jobs?

    Yes. Players just seem to have incorrect idea about what their jobs are.

    Yeah idk why ppl finding it surprising that a business’ main goal is to make money.

    They’d make more money if they made a better quality game. There are some good deals in the store now that normally I would’ve bought for full crafted gear or kyros. I won’t give them a jolly red cent now until they address these issues and make a better quality game. Hundreds a month in disposable income that I have available that I’ll spend elsewhere instead of on their game.

    Obviously the hardcore whales are going to keep on whaling. I won’t try and tell others how to spend their money but if they too are sick of these tactics and the way the higher ups are handling their game (as said in streams and Reddit, etc) then the best way to get people like TopCash to wake up is to close their wallets.

    I’m personally glad their revenue is dipping lately because then maybe they’ll get it together. It was almost 3 years before we got any meaningful QoL changes for the game and September of last year was the first time they ever addressed the gear economy, and still haven’t even followed through with what they promised.

    They can make more money by providing a better quality game. People like TopCash are too short sighted to see that. Also….InB4 people “oh I’m sure you know how to run a business better huh?”

    No, I know what I want as a paying customer and know what tons of other people have posted that they want as paying customers. It doesn’t take a business degree to realize you maximize earnings by listening to what paying customers say they’re willing to pay for and what will get them to spend more

    You should probably call up Elon Musk and tell him that he could double or triple his net worth if he would just reduce the price of all Tesla vehicles. Let Tim Cook know this secret too since Apple is barely scraping by and I'm sure they are losing tons of profits by charging so much for their computers, monitors, and headphones (Beats included). Could you throw Tag Heuer a bone while you're at it?

    Thanks from all the consumers who wished everything was priced within our budget.

    Figured there’d be someone like you commenting.

    See, here’s the issue with your cynical response. You’re talking about the price of the product vs the quality of the product. People will pay high prices if the quality of the product is good, such as Tesla, Apple, Beats, Tag Heuer, etc. However customers won’t do that if the quality of the product is underwhelming and not meeting the standards previously set. They’ll ask for refund and take their business to different companies.

    So, thanks for reinforcing my point even though I’m sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    Perceived value and actual value are vastly different and, apparently, outside the grasp of your limited understanding. Your opinion of a product's value is irrelevant to the actual cost of the product, which means your perceived value may or may not be a profitable amount. Listening to armchair quarterbacks complain about the pricing of voluntary purchases in a completely free to download and play mobile game doesn't guarantee profitability; it doesn't even guarantee purchases. If even a quarter of the people who threaten to quit SWGOH on here actually did, there might be constructive and insightful discussions on here. Instead, we have you.

    Thanks for reinforcing my point even though I'm sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    I’m curious if you’re even seeing what the point of my original post was? You keep talking about perceived value and cost. Can you show your work and point out where I’m talking about costs and purchases? I’m fairly certain that you’re cherry picking one single half sentence that says “pushing overpriced packs/characters” trying to straw man it into the whole point of my post, which it was not.

    I’m more than happy to help you though. The main point was the non existent communication from the CM’s and devs regarding the poor quality of the game lately. Stealth nerfs, bugs, missing changes that were promised to us, missing content, missing QoL updates, etc.

    The point of the cost of packs and toons was a minor reinforcement of my main point, at best.

    But to your point of costs; customers expect a specific level of quality based on the price they are paying. The higher the price, the better the quality. If they do not get the quality they seek, they don’t purchase the product.

    Also, free to play players to add to their income from game time, downloads, reviews and ratings etc so it benefits them to have a good quality game. I’m not sure if you’re even aware but CEO’s and shareholders expect the same kind of return once a new ceiling has been met. If in Q1 a company pulls in $100 million in profits, they won’t be ok with Q2 only pulling in $35 million in profits. So any significant down turn raises issues.

    Thanks for again trying to derail this post with your straw man arguments. I do enjoy it :). That doesn’t detract from the devs owing their paying customers and player base explanations for the issues listed about and then some.

    So a point you thought was important enough to shoe-horn into one of your hyperbolic monologues is now a minor point and not worth considering. Do you even understand the point you're trying to make, or are you just tossing word salad and cherry picking the parts that people don't scrutinize? You ask me to "show my work" and then admit you mentioned cost and value. I guess it's pretty easy to do mental gymnastics in an empty space.

    Lets "focus" on your "point": dev communication. Would you like to show your work with what gacha game has better dev communication? Is that game better quality? Does that game community give higher feedback scores? Can you then show your work that the game is more profitable and sustainable than SWGOH?

    I'll wait for your data. Might see a hyperloop and Rapture before that happens, but I'll wait. You can continue the facade of being more enlightened in mobile game revenue than CG while you count your hundreds of disposable income a month like Scrooge McDuck if it makes you feel better.

    And the devs don't owe any explanation on your wildly inaccurate list. Go ahead and post the written communication from CG on each of your points as to when and how changes were going to take place or what rules/expectations are hard set for events for even two of your complaints.

    I would say I enjoy your feeble attempts at debate, but it's more like watching a clumsy panda in a zoo enclosure. It's funny, but not for the right reasons.

    Gear economy changes:
    September said that there would be two guaranteed phases of changes with the first part of p1 rolling out and then the rest in the next month or so. They then said in the SotG in Feb that the gear economy changes would then be addressed more in the RA for March. The RA came and went with no mention of the changes for the rest of P1 or anything for P2.

    Galactic Chase Drop Rates:
    Darjelo took it upon himself to start a thread for people to track their drop rates for the two GC chases for Echelon and Resistance Bomber. The players figured out on our own that the drop rate changed from 4% to 3% without any notice by the devs, going against previously stated drop rates. Doja said he would reach out for answers to the dev team and that was the last we heard from the devs on it. Ultra said that she was given an answer but is not allowed to comment on it and only a dev can. We need an explanation why it was changed as it sets a bad precedent for them to stealth nerf drop rates from previously established ones.

    TW and GAC matchmaking:
    Each one with its own issues. TW shows massive mismatches based on GP, mods, GL count, relic levels, etc. The devs stated that matchmaking changes would happen after they gathered some data to make informed changes. Nothing has changed after several months. The same with GAC and the skill rating system not taking into account GP differences of sometimes 3-4 million. Again, devs said it wasn’t permanent and it was a fluid system but nothing’s been altered yet except adding more fleets needed for Kyber tier. Which is the next point.

    Lack of ships/content:
    No more raids, no sandbox mode, no new PVE nodes on the tables, and of course a sever e lack of “shipload of content” they alluded to. Now it’s possible we are about to finally get that shipload of content after a year, however we have enough for 7 fleets and most of them aren’t complete ones. A complete fleet is 7 ships. Many are undermanned with 4 or 5 ships.

    Bugs, bugs, bugs:
    Kenobi GL event T1 bug. Disappearing button bugs. Crashing during loading battles in GAC. Bugged galactic challenges. Buggy conquest modifiers. These are issues that take several months to fix yet anything in regards to benefiting the players is fixed immediately. Hurting them? Months if not years like the unending loyalty/Teebo/fives bugs. Why the disparity in time to fix?

    Mod management. Fleet loadouts. Variety of enemies in conquest. Repeat data disks in the same prize node. Lack of enemy stats resulting in guessing speeds and going in blind causing lost battles that need not be. Guild management tools. There’s plenty they can do to increase the quality of the game for the player base.


    The CM for MSF communicates every single day with the community and they put out a weekly blog of what’s upcoming into the game in terms of future events, legendaries, bug fixes, and communicate regularly with the CC’s who send them bug reports and acknowledge things going on. MSF is a similar game type and competitor in terms of revenue. They have their own issues as well, but it’s addressed by their CM at the very least and compensation is given accordingly when it occurs.

    Again, the point with the price of packs was showing their priorities on what they focus on and communicate. A minor supporting point does not overshadow the overall issue no matter how much you want to toss around insults and straw man the issue. So again, and hopefully for the last time, re read my original post. Please show me how the price of packs is my main point at all, or anything other than a minor reinforcement based on half a sentence. Heck I even said that there are good packs currently for sale based on in game value I’d normally purchase but won’t buy them due to CG’s refusal to address the community and their lack of quality lately.

    No I’m not counting my money like Scrooge mcduck. I’m spending it elsewhere like MSF or in other areas of life because they won’t get my business as a paying player until I feel they deserve it. That’s the beauty of capitalism. I choose what I spend my money on and who is deserving of my business as a consumer.

    I do look forward to seeing how the points I just listed are “wildly inaccurate” 😂 as if these aren’t issues in the commmunity right now lol

    1. So you're complaining that they didn't mentioned anything in March about gear economy changes that never had a hard date. Wow. Way to really chomp into the facts and not let them go.

    2. Please post the dev announcement or statement that says all galactic chases for the rest of time will be at 4%.

    3. The algorithms for both modes were changed. It was clearly stated that the matchmaking was now taking performance into account. Please post examples of people/guilds on long winning/losing streaks that are still "massively mismatched".

    4. Devs have never promised more raids, sandbox, or PVE nodes. They've even specifically stated a sandbox mode was likely never coming and the new raid idea was scrapped.
    4a. Side note; if you need all fleets with all 7 ships in the modes where that is actually an issue, you should probably git gud at fleet battles instead of saying there aren't enough ships

    5. Where was mod management and fleet loadout changes ever promised with hard dates? Would you rather data disks be a set combination for ever node instead of random? Do you not understand how to take base states and add percentage multipliers? While you might think the game needs these QoL improvements, none have been promised.

    6. MSF is a giant dumpster fire. Who care if the CM communicates every week if the game is lower quality? Every complaint you've outlined against SWGOH is even worse in MSF except for dev communication. So you just want lip service? Cool, spend your paltry allowance on MSF where it does next to nothing. Glad you found something that makes you feel better that isn't rooted in facts and data.

    Did you see how wildly inaccurate all those complaints are in regards to your main complain of dev communication? Probably not because your avatar is 100% correct in being mediocre and overconfident. Have fun trying to explain it all away though!

    First you said I’m complaint about pack prices. Then you said that none of my points are issues and are inaccurate, now you’re saying I said they promised hard dates on everything.

    No dude. The only hard timeline given was the gear economy changes.

    September SoTG: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/249886/state-of-the-gear-laxy-september-2021#latest

    October RA: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/250664/road-ahead-october-2021#latest

    Feb 2022 SoTG: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/253661/state-of-the-galaxy-february-2022#latest
    In here they promise to address the gear economy changes further, more than 5 months after initially announced.

    March RA then came and went with zero mention of any gear economy changes.

    2.) All Chases were 4% in cantina. It changed and was announced as such when it was in fleet battles. It’s been established already.

    3.) Yes they were changed and we were told that it would be looked at and adjusted and that the initial implementation was not the final product.

    4.) I never said they promised that. I stated we were not getting that because it was not “fiscally viable” for them to do so directly from the mouth of TopCash. I’m saying that putting those in the game is what players want.

    5.) They never promised mod management or fleet loadouts. Only that Doja and crumb were pushing for it because of how important it was to the player base and how necessary it was from a QoL standpoint. Please show where I said they promised a deliver by date.

    6.) I’d prefer it set so that the same data disk is not in the same node. The RNG aspect is what it is but it should be coded so we don’t get 3 opportunistic support or 3 zealous ambition disks in the exact same node. No, it’s not base stats. If it was then a unit with a base stat of 170 for speed with a 40% boost (giving it a 238 speed) would not outrun a 375 speed Gideon or a 355 speed Echo. There’s different modifiers and boosts that we can’t calculate so we are left to guess.

    7.) I’m actually very good at ships. My performance in fleet battles isn’t the point. It’s the availability of ships for full fleets and how the new changes give you one chance for a cleanup or you’re done. With 9 capital ships we should have enough ships for 9 full fleets. Not 7 patched together with only 2/3 having full fleets.

    8.) As bad as MSF is with their issues their response to them are better in terms of communication and compensation. Remember the QGJ nerf that completely changed his identify against GL’s and it not working against them anymore? Yeah MSF would’ve given back those materials to decide if we still wanted to invest since it was a significant change to its ability.

    No, my complaints aren’t inaccurate as they’re legitimate issues in the game. You keep changing your argument and still have yet to hit a firm ground to stand on. I will give you points for how hard you’re using straw man arguments though. A for effort

    Your complaints are inaccurate since your main complaint is in regards to dev communication per one of your own posts. If the devs haven’t promised anything, you’re basically being a toddler thinking every idea they have is genius and should be acknowledged. I’m thrilled that you’ve found a way to articulate your feelings, but you’re an insignificant string of characters for SWGOH and the devs owe no explanations for whatever ideas fall out of your skull.

    I haven’t changed my argument, which is that your complaints are worthless. You keep changing the criteria by which you’re judging your own complaints. First a statement you made wasn’t worth mentioning, then it’s about dev communication and quality, and now you’ve admitted that only one of your complaints is barely grounded in reality but you still think you deserve something.

    The fact is you think your feelings warrant validation in the form of dev communication, and unfortunately (for you and the rest of us hoping to see meaningful content on the forums), they don’t. Of course you’ll say that’s not it at all, but then you have no explanation for adamantly soap boxing besides narcissism, and a good narcissist would never admit something negative like narcissim.

    Yes….communication regarding these issues. And as I’ve said there’s tons of posts regarding these issues on the forums with little to no acknowledgement from CG.

    Yes, you keep changing your argument. First saying I was complaining mainly about pack prices. Which wasn’t true. Then that my complaints aren’t real issues with the game; which was proven false based on how many posts and comments there are regarding what I highlighted. Then you claimed I said we were promised hard dates for all the issues I didn’t, which isn’t true since I only said it regarding the gear economy.

    No the complaints are grounded in reality. We have no updates to the gear economy since October. We don’t have fleet loadouts. We don’t have improved mod management. We don’t have improved guild officer tools. We don’t have fixes to the same bugs over and over. We don’t have an explanation why drop rates for the chases were lowered. We don’t have a reliable reporting portal for cheaters. We don’t have QoL updates for conquest that have been requested for several months. So they’re real complaints and have a basis based on the volume of posts and comments about them on the forums.

    I sincerely hope you don’t own a business or work in customer service because if you don’t think the complaints of paying customers is valid then you must be hurting pretty bad financially. Plus it’s not just me. As I’ve said it’s based on all the posts on the forums regarding the issues and complaints that people who play and pay to play this game want to see. I’m sorry the contents of these forums aren’t up to what you want to see. Perhaps volunteer to be a mod and you can then shape the forums into what you see fit? Although based on how heavily biased you are against any sort of negative post against CG I don’t think you’d do well.

    I never claimed your complaint was solely against prices. Where did you see that? Where did I say you said everything was promised in a hard date? Show your work.

    I haven’t changed my argument. Dev response is not needed because of your feelings or anyone else’s feelings. If you don’t feel like that’s true, I’m sorry. Your feelings have no bearing on the truth. And yes, reality is a tangible world, not one where you think you are owed anything because of how you feel. That’s not grounded in reality.

    You still haven’t proven anything besides we maybe should have seen more gear economy changes. Anecdotal evidence based on how people feel is not proof. Ford owners think dodge sucks, dodge owners think Chevy sucks, everyone thinks Jeep sucks, but until there is quantitative (not qualitative) data, all you have are opinions. And your opinion is worthless to everyone but you.

    I sincerely hope your form of employment does not rely on your comprehension of the English language. You’re completely oblivious to the fallacy of a straw man argument since declaring such is a straw man in itself. You don’t seem to understand simple concepts like logic or fact. You certainly don’t understand irony if you’re calling others biased.

    Complain all you want, no one cares. But no one owes you an explanation besides possibly your parents.

    I will continue to post and complain until CG provides a better quality game. I will continue to push for better quality to a game Ive paid money to play and that they expect people to pay for. Just as you will continue to be condescending, straw man any post that goes against CG and act like an immature child name calling anyone that doesn’t worship CG. If you don’t like the content of the forums, don’t feel like you need to be here, much less comment and de rail threads.

    You really don’t understand English, do you? You said I stated your complaints were mainly about price; I didn’t and what you posted shows I didn’t. You claimed I said you stated there were hard set dates promised; I didn’t and what you posted shows I didn’t. I would posit if you’re really that dense, but I don’t think troglodytes are self aware, as proven by you continuing to try and straw man my posts by saying they are straw man arguments.

    Your complaints will not result in a better game. Not because CG won’t do it (they won’t), but because your ideas are merely your opinion and don’t mean a better game.

    PS - you have not paid to play this game. No one has. You’ve paid for in game items and currency (presumably), but those purchases were not required. If you can’t even comprehend the simplest concept, I’m going to guess you have to sleep with a mouth guard to make it through the night. Maybe you need a thicker one to keep the oxygen stats up.
  • Options
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    SemiGod wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    As long as the whales keep whaling, nothing will change. They are not trying to make a fun game, they are trying to make a profitable game with as little effort as possible. And the CMs only provide distractions disguised as engagement with community, that's why Meathead asks the same questions as Doja.

    So basically they're excelling at their jobs?

    Yes. Players just seem to have incorrect idea about what their jobs are.

    Yeah idk why ppl finding it surprising that a business’ main goal is to make money.

    They’d make more money if they made a better quality game. There are some good deals in the store now that normally I would’ve bought for full crafted gear or kyros. I won’t give them a jolly red cent now until they address these issues and make a better quality game. Hundreds a month in disposable income that I have available that I’ll spend elsewhere instead of on their game.

    Obviously the hardcore whales are going to keep on whaling. I won’t try and tell others how to spend their money but if they too are sick of these tactics and the way the higher ups are handling their game (as said in streams and Reddit, etc) then the best way to get people like TopCash to wake up is to close their wallets.

    I’m personally glad their revenue is dipping lately because then maybe they’ll get it together. It was almost 3 years before we got any meaningful QoL changes for the game and September of last year was the first time they ever addressed the gear economy, and still haven’t even followed through with what they promised.

    They can make more money by providing a better quality game. People like TopCash are too short sighted to see that. Also….InB4 people “oh I’m sure you know how to run a business better huh?”

    No, I know what I want as a paying customer and know what tons of other people have posted that they want as paying customers. It doesn’t take a business degree to realize you maximize earnings by listening to what paying customers say they’re willing to pay for and what will get them to spend more

    You should probably call up Elon Musk and tell him that he could double or triple his net worth if he would just reduce the price of all Tesla vehicles. Let Tim Cook know this secret too since Apple is barely scraping by and I'm sure they are losing tons of profits by charging so much for their computers, monitors, and headphones (Beats included). Could you throw Tag Heuer a bone while you're at it?

    Thanks from all the consumers who wished everything was priced within our budget.
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    SemiGod wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    As long as the whales keep whaling, nothing will change. They are not trying to make a fun game, they are trying to make a profitable game with as little effort as possible. And the CMs only provide distractions disguised as engagement with community, that's why Meathead asks the same questions as Doja.

    So basically they're excelling at their jobs?

    Yes. Players just seem to have incorrect idea about what their jobs are.

    Yeah idk why ppl finding it surprising that a business’ main goal is to make money.

    They’d make more money if they made a better quality game. There are some good deals in the store now that normally I would’ve bought for full crafted gear or kyros. I won’t give them a jolly red cent now until they address these issues and make a better quality game. Hundreds a month in disposable income that I have available that I’ll spend elsewhere instead of on their game.

    Obviously the hardcore whales are going to keep on whaling. I won’t try and tell others how to spend their money but if they too are sick of these tactics and the way the higher ups are handling their game (as said in streams and Reddit, etc) then the best way to get people like TopCash to wake up is to close their wallets.

    I’m personally glad their revenue is dipping lately because then maybe they’ll get it together. It was almost 3 years before we got any meaningful QoL changes for the game and September of last year was the first time they ever addressed the gear economy, and still haven’t even followed through with what they promised.

    They can make more money by providing a better quality game. People like TopCash are too short sighted to see that. Also….InB4 people “oh I’m sure you know how to run a business better huh?”

    No, I know what I want as a paying customer and know what tons of other people have posted that they want as paying customers. It doesn’t take a business degree to realize you maximize earnings by listening to what paying customers say they’re willing to pay for and what will get them to spend more

    You should probably call up Elon Musk and tell him that he could double or triple his net worth if he would just reduce the price of all Tesla vehicles. Let Tim Cook know this secret too since Apple is barely scraping by and I'm sure they are losing tons of profits by charging so much for their computers, monitors, and headphones (Beats included). Could you throw Tag Heuer a bone while you're at it?

    Thanks from all the consumers who wished everything was priced within our budget.

    Figured there’d be someone like you commenting.

    See, here’s the issue with your cynical response. You’re talking about the price of the product vs the quality of the product. People will pay high prices if the quality of the product is good, such as Tesla, Apple, Beats, Tag Heuer, etc. However customers won’t do that if the quality of the product is underwhelming and not meeting the standards previously set. They’ll ask for refund and take their business to different companies.

    So, thanks for reinforcing my point even though I’m sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    Perceived value and actual value are vastly different and, apparently, outside the grasp of your limited understanding. Your opinion of a product's value is irrelevant to the actual cost of the product, which means your perceived value may or may not be a profitable amount. Listening to armchair quarterbacks complain about the pricing of voluntary purchases in a completely free to download and play mobile game doesn't guarantee profitability; it doesn't even guarantee purchases. If even a quarter of the people who threaten to quit SWGOH on here actually did, there might be constructive and insightful discussions on here. Instead, we have you.

    Thanks for reinforcing my point even though I'm sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    Here’s the arguments about price point and purchases from my half a sentence about pushing overpriced packs rather than address the community concerns I listed.
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    SemiGod wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    As long as the whales keep whaling, nothing will change. They are not trying to make a fun game, they are trying to make a profitable game with as little effort as possible. And the CMs only provide distractions disguised as engagement with community, that's why Meathead asks the same questions as Doja.

    So basically they're excelling at their jobs?

    Yes. Players just seem to have incorrect idea about what their jobs are.

    Yeah idk why ppl finding it surprising that a business’ main goal is to make money.

    They’d make more money if they made a better quality game. There are some good deals in the store now that normally I would’ve bought for full crafted gear or kyros. I won’t give them a jolly red cent now until they address these issues and make a better quality game. Hundreds a month in disposable income that I have available that I’ll spend elsewhere instead of on their game.

    Obviously the hardcore whales are going to keep on whaling. I won’t try and tell others how to spend their money but if they too are sick of these tactics and the way the higher ups are handling their game (as said in streams and Reddit, etc) then the best way to get people like TopCash to wake up is to close their wallets.

    I’m personally glad their revenue is dipping lately because then maybe they’ll get it together. It was almost 3 years before we got any meaningful QoL changes for the game and September of last year was the first time they ever addressed the gear economy, and still haven’t even followed through with what they promised.

    They can make more money by providing a better quality game. People like TopCash are too short sighted to see that. Also….InB4 people “oh I’m sure you know how to run a business better huh?”

    No, I know what I want as a paying customer and know what tons of other people have posted that they want as paying customers. It doesn’t take a business degree to realize you maximize earnings by listening to what paying customers say they’re willing to pay for and what will get them to spend more

    You should probably call up Elon Musk and tell him that he could double or triple his net worth if he would just reduce the price of all Tesla vehicles. Let Tim Cook know this secret too since Apple is barely scraping by and I'm sure they are losing tons of profits by charging so much for their computers, monitors, and headphones (Beats included). Could you throw Tag Heuer a bone while you're at it?

    Thanks from all the consumers who wished everything was priced within our budget.

    Figured there’d be someone like you commenting.

    See, here’s the issue with your cynical response. You’re talking about the price of the product vs the quality of the product. People will pay high prices if the quality of the product is good, such as Tesla, Apple, Beats, Tag Heuer, etc. However customers won’t do that if the quality of the product is underwhelming and not meeting the standards previously set. They’ll ask for refund and take their business to different companies.

    So, thanks for reinforcing my point even though I’m sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    Perceived value and actual value are vastly different and, apparently, outside the grasp of your limited understanding. Your opinion of a product's value is irrelevant to the actual cost of the product, which means your perceived value may or may not be a profitable amount. Listening to armchair quarterbacks complain about the pricing of voluntary purchases in a completely free to download and play mobile game doesn't guarantee profitability; it doesn't even guarantee purchases. If even a quarter of the people who threaten to quit SWGOH on here actually did, there might be constructive and insightful discussions on here. Instead, we have you.

    Thanks for reinforcing my point even though I'm sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    I’m curious if you’re even seeing what the point of my original post was? You keep talking about perceived value and cost. Can you show your work and point out where I’m talking about costs and purchases? I’m fairly certain that you’re cherry picking one single half sentence that says “pushing overpriced packs/characters” trying to straw man it into the whole point of my post, which it was not.

    I’m more than happy to help you though. The main point was the non existent communication from the CM’s and devs regarding the poor quality of the game lately. Stealth nerfs, bugs, missing changes that were promised to us, missing content, missing QoL updates, etc.

    The point of the cost of packs and toons was a minor reinforcement of my main point, at best.

    But to your point of costs; customers expect a specific level of quality based on the price they are paying. The higher the price, the better the quality. If they do not get the quality they seek, they don’t purchase the product.

    Also, free to play players to add to their income from game time, downloads, reviews and ratings etc so it benefits them to have a good quality game. I’m not sure if you’re even aware but CEO’s and shareholders expect the same kind of return once a new ceiling has been met. If in Q1 a company pulls in $100 million in profits, they won’t be ok with Q2 only pulling in $35 million in profits. So any significant down turn raises issues.

    Thanks for again trying to derail this post with your straw man arguments. I do enjoy it :). That doesn’t detract from the devs owing their paying customers and player base explanations for the issues listed about and then some.

    So a point you thought was important enough to shoe-horn into one of your hyperbolic monologues is now a minor point and not worth considering. Do you even understand the point you're trying to make, or are you just tossing word salad and cherry picking the parts that people don't scrutinize? You ask me to "show my work" and then admit you mentioned cost and value. I guess it's pretty easy to do mental gymnastics in an empty space.

    Lets "focus" on your "point": dev communication. Would you like to show your work with what gacha game has better dev communication? Is that game better quality? Does that game community give higher feedback scores? Can you then show your work that the game is more profitable and sustainable than SWGOH?

    I'll wait for your data. Might see a hyperloop and Rapture before that happens, but I'll wait. You can continue the facade of being more enlightened in mobile game revenue than CG while you count your hundreds of disposable income a month like Scrooge McDuck if it makes you feel better.

    And the devs don't owe any explanation on your wildly inaccurate list. Go ahead and post the written communication from CG on each of your points as to when and how changes were going to take place or what rules/expectations are hard set for events for even two of your complaints.

    I would say I enjoy your feeble attempts at debate, but it's more like watching a clumsy panda in a zoo enclosure. It's funny, but not for the right reasons.

    Here’s where you talk about more of the pack prices.
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    SemiGod wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    As long as the whales keep whaling, nothing will change. They are not trying to make a fun game, they are trying to make a profitable game with as little effort as possible. And the CMs only provide distractions disguised as engagement with community, that's why Meathead asks the same questions as Doja.

    So basically they're excelling at their jobs?

    Yes. Players just seem to have incorrect idea about what their jobs are.

    Yeah idk why ppl finding it surprising that a business’ main goal is to make money.

    They’d make more money if they made a better quality game. There are some good deals in the store now that normally I would’ve bought for full crafted gear or kyros. I won’t give them a jolly red cent now until they address these issues and make a better quality game. Hundreds a month in disposable income that I have available that I’ll spend elsewhere instead of on their game.

    Obviously the hardcore whales are going to keep on whaling. I won’t try and tell others how to spend their money but if they too are sick of these tactics and the way the higher ups are handling their game (as said in streams and Reddit, etc) then the best way to get people like TopCash to wake up is to close their wallets.

    I’m personally glad their revenue is dipping lately because then maybe they’ll get it together. It was almost 3 years before we got any meaningful QoL changes for the game and September of last year was the first time they ever addressed the gear economy, and still haven’t even followed through with what they promised.

    They can make more money by providing a better quality game. People like TopCash are too short sighted to see that. Also….InB4 people “oh I’m sure you know how to run a business better huh?”

    No, I know what I want as a paying customer and know what tons of other people have posted that they want as paying customers. It doesn’t take a business degree to realize you maximize earnings by listening to what paying customers say they’re willing to pay for and what will get them to spend more

    You should probably call up Elon Musk and tell him that he could double or triple his net worth if he would just reduce the price of all Tesla vehicles. Let Tim Cook know this secret too since Apple is barely scraping by and I'm sure they are losing tons of profits by charging so much for their computers, monitors, and headphones (Beats included). Could you throw Tag Heuer a bone while you're at it?

    Thanks from all the consumers who wished everything was priced within our budget.

    Figured there’d be someone like you commenting.

    See, here’s the issue with your cynical response. You’re talking about the price of the product vs the quality of the product. People will pay high prices if the quality of the product is good, such as Tesla, Apple, Beats, Tag Heuer, etc. However customers won’t do that if the quality of the product is underwhelming and not meeting the standards previously set. They’ll ask for refund and take their business to different companies.

    So, thanks for reinforcing my point even though I’m sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    Perceived value and actual value are vastly different and, apparently, outside the grasp of your limited understanding. Your opinion of a product's value is irrelevant to the actual cost of the product, which means your perceived value may or may not be a profitable amount. Listening to armchair quarterbacks complain about the pricing of voluntary purchases in a completely free to download and play mobile game doesn't guarantee profitability; it doesn't even guarantee purchases. If even a quarter of the people who threaten to quit SWGOH on here actually did, there might be constructive and insightful discussions on here. Instead, we have you.

    Thanks for reinforcing my point even though I'm sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    I’m curious if you’re even seeing what the point of my original post was? You keep talking about perceived value and cost. Can you show your work and point out where I’m talking about costs and purchases? I’m fairly certain that you’re cherry picking one single half sentence that says “pushing overpriced packs/characters” trying to straw man it into the whole point of my post, which it was not.

    I’m more than happy to help you though. The main point was the non existent communication from the CM’s and devs regarding the poor quality of the game lately. Stealth nerfs, bugs, missing changes that were promised to us, missing content, missing QoL updates, etc.

    The point of the cost of packs and toons was a minor reinforcement of my main point, at best.

    But to your point of costs; customers expect a specific level of quality based on the price they are paying. The higher the price, the better the quality. If they do not get the quality they seek, they don’t purchase the product.

    Also, free to play players to add to their income from game time, downloads, reviews and ratings etc so it benefits them to have a good quality game. I’m not sure if you’re even aware but CEO’s and shareholders expect the same kind of return once a new ceiling has been met. If in Q1 a company pulls in $100 million in profits, they won’t be ok with Q2 only pulling in $35 million in profits. So any significant down turn raises issues.

    Thanks for again trying to derail this post with your straw man arguments. I do enjoy it :). That doesn’t detract from the devs owing their paying customers and player base explanations for the issues listed about and then some.

    So a point you thought was important enough to shoe-horn into one of your hyperbolic monologues is now a minor point and not worth considering. Do you even understand the point you're trying to make, or are you just tossing word salad and cherry picking the parts that people don't scrutinize? You ask me to "show my work" and then admit you mentioned cost and value. I guess it's pretty easy to do mental gymnastics in an empty space.

    Lets "focus" on your "point": dev communication. Would you like to show your work with what gacha game has better dev communication? Is that game better quality? Does that game community give higher feedback scores? Can you then show your work that the game is more profitable and sustainable than SWGOH?

    I'll wait for your data. Might see a hyperloop and Rapture before that happens, but I'll wait. You can continue the facade of being more enlightened in mobile game revenue than CG while you count your hundreds of disposable income a month like Scrooge McDuck if it makes you feel better.

    And the devs don't owe any explanation on your wildly inaccurate list. Go ahead and post the written communication from CG on each of your points as to when and how changes were going to take place or what rules/expectations are hard set for events for even two of your complaints.

    I would say I enjoy your feeble attempts at debate, but it's more like watching a clumsy panda in a zoo enclosure. It's funny, but not for the right reasons.

    Gear economy changes:
    September said that there would be two guaranteed phases of changes with the first part of p1 rolling out and then the rest in the next month or so. They then said in the SotG in Feb that the gear economy changes would then be addressed more in the RA for March. The RA came and went with no mention of the changes for the rest of P1 or anything for P2.

    Galactic Chase Drop Rates:
    Darjelo took it upon himself to start a thread for people to track their drop rates for the two GC chases for Echelon and Resistance Bomber. The players figured out on our own that the drop rate changed from 4% to 3% without any notice by the devs, going against previously stated drop rates. Doja said he would reach out for answers to the dev team and that was the last we heard from the devs on it. Ultra said that she was given an answer but is not allowed to comment on it and only a dev can. We need an explanation why it was changed as it sets a bad precedent for them to stealth nerf drop rates from previously established ones.

    TW and GAC matchmaking:
    Each one with its own issues. TW shows massive mismatches based on GP, mods, GL count, relic levels, etc. The devs stated that matchmaking changes would happen after they gathered some data to make informed changes. Nothing has changed after several months. The same with GAC and the skill rating system not taking into account GP differences of sometimes 3-4 million. Again, devs said it wasn’t permanent and it was a fluid system but nothing’s been altered yet except adding more fleets needed for Kyber tier. Which is the next point.

    Lack of ships/content:
    No more raids, no sandbox mode, no new PVE nodes on the tables, and of course a sever e lack of “shipload of content” they alluded to. Now it’s possible we are about to finally get that shipload of content after a year, however we have enough for 7 fleets and most of them aren’t complete ones. A complete fleet is 7 ships. Many are undermanned with 4 or 5 ships.

    Bugs, bugs, bugs:
    Kenobi GL event T1 bug. Disappearing button bugs. Crashing during loading battles in GAC. Bugged galactic challenges. Buggy conquest modifiers. These are issues that take several months to fix yet anything in regards to benefiting the players is fixed immediately. Hurting them? Months if not years like the unending loyalty/Teebo/fives bugs. Why the disparity in time to fix?

    Mod management. Fleet loadouts. Variety of enemies in conquest. Repeat data disks in the same prize node. Lack of enemy stats resulting in guessing speeds and going in blind causing lost battles that need not be. Guild management tools. There’s plenty they can do to increase the quality of the game for the player base.


    The CM for MSF communicates every single day with the community and they put out a weekly blog of what’s upcoming into the game in terms of future events, legendaries, bug fixes, and communicate regularly with the CC’s who send them bug reports and acknowledge things going on. MSF is a similar game type and competitor in terms of revenue. They have their own issues as well, but it’s addressed by their CM at the very least and compensation is given accordingly when it occurs.

    Again, the point with the price of packs was showing their priorities on what they focus on and communicate. A minor supporting point does not overshadow the overall issue no matter how much you want to toss around insults and straw man the issue. So again, and hopefully for the last time, re read my original post. Please show me how the price of packs is my main point at all, or anything other than a minor reinforcement based on half a sentence. Heck I even said that there are good packs currently for sale based on in game value I’d normally purchase but won’t buy them due to CG’s refusal to address the community and their lack of quality lately.

    No I’m not counting my money like Scrooge mcduck. I’m spending it elsewhere like MSF or in other areas of life because they won’t get my business as a paying player until I feel they deserve it. That’s the beauty of capitalism. I choose what I spend my money on and who is deserving of my business as a consumer.

    I do look forward to seeing how the points I just listed are “wildly inaccurate” 😂 as if these aren’t issues in the commmunity right now lol

    1. So you're complaining that they didn't mentioned anything in March about gear economy changes that never had a hard date. Wow. Way to really chomp into the facts and not let them go.

    2. Please post the dev announcement or statement that says all galactic chases for the rest of time will be at 4%.

    3. The algorithms for both modes were changed. It was clearly stated that the matchmaking was now taking performance into account. Please post examples of people/guilds on long winning/losing streaks that are still "massively mismatched".

    4. Devs have never promised more raids, sandbox, or PVE nodes. They've even specifically stated a sandbox mode was likely never coming and the new raid idea was scrapped.
    4a. Side note; if you need all fleets with all 7 ships in the modes where that is actually an issue, you should probably git gud at fleet battles instead of saying there aren't enough ships

    5. Where was mod management and fleet loadout changes ever promised with hard dates? Would you rather data disks be a set combination for ever node instead of random? Do you not understand how to take base states and add percentage multipliers? While you might think the game needs these QoL improvements, none have been promised.

    6. MSF is a giant dumpster fire. Who care if the CM communicates every week if the game is lower quality? Every complaint you've outlined against SWGOH is even worse in MSF except for dev communication. So you just want lip service? Cool, spend your paltry allowance on MSF where it does next to nothing. Glad you found something that makes you feel better that isn't rooted in facts and data.

    Did you see how wildly inaccurate all those complaints are in regards to your main complain of dev communication? Probably not because your avatar is 100% correct in being mediocre and overconfident. Have fun trying to explain it all away though!

    Here’s where you talk about me saying the devs promised us this stuff by hard dates. Which isn’t true.
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    SemiGod wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    As long as the whales keep whaling, nothing will change. They are not trying to make a fun game, they are trying to make a profitable game with as little effort as possible. And the CMs only provide distractions disguised as engagement with community, that's why Meathead asks the same questions as Doja.

    So basically they're excelling at their jobs?

    Yes. Players just seem to have incorrect idea about what their jobs are.

    Yeah idk why ppl finding it surprising that a business’ main goal is to make money.

    They’d make more money if they made a better quality game. There are some good deals in the store now that normally I would’ve bought for full crafted gear or kyros. I won’t give them a jolly red cent now until they address these issues and make a better quality game. Hundreds a month in disposable income that I have available that I’ll spend elsewhere instead of on their game.

    Obviously the hardcore whales are going to keep on whaling. I won’t try and tell others how to spend their money but if they too are sick of these tactics and the way the higher ups are handling their game (as said in streams and Reddit, etc) then the best way to get people like TopCash to wake up is to close their wallets.

    I’m personally glad their revenue is dipping lately because then maybe they’ll get it together. It was almost 3 years before we got any meaningful QoL changes for the game and September of last year was the first time they ever addressed the gear economy, and still haven’t even followed through with what they promised.

    They can make more money by providing a better quality game. People like TopCash are too short sighted to see that. Also….InB4 people “oh I’m sure you know how to run a business better huh?”

    No, I know what I want as a paying customer and know what tons of other people have posted that they want as paying customers. It doesn’t take a business degree to realize you maximize earnings by listening to what paying customers say they’re willing to pay for and what will get them to spend more

    You should probably call up Elon Musk and tell him that he could double or triple his net worth if he would just reduce the price of all Tesla vehicles. Let Tim Cook know this secret too since Apple is barely scraping by and I'm sure they are losing tons of profits by charging so much for their computers, monitors, and headphones (Beats included). Could you throw Tag Heuer a bone while you're at it?

    Thanks from all the consumers who wished everything was priced within our budget.

    Figured there’d be someone like you commenting.

    See, here’s the issue with your cynical response. You’re talking about the price of the product vs the quality of the product. People will pay high prices if the quality of the product is good, such as Tesla, Apple, Beats, Tag Heuer, etc. However customers won’t do that if the quality of the product is underwhelming and not meeting the standards previously set. They’ll ask for refund and take their business to different companies.

    So, thanks for reinforcing my point even though I’m sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    Perceived value and actual value are vastly different and, apparently, outside the grasp of your limited understanding. Your opinion of a product's value is irrelevant to the actual cost of the product, which means your perceived value may or may not be a profitable amount. Listening to armchair quarterbacks complain about the pricing of voluntary purchases in a completely free to download and play mobile game doesn't guarantee profitability; it doesn't even guarantee purchases. If even a quarter of the people who threaten to quit SWGOH on here actually did, there might be constructive and insightful discussions on here. Instead, we have you.

    Thanks for reinforcing my point even though I'm sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    I’m curious if you’re even seeing what the point of my original post was? You keep talking about perceived value and cost. Can you show your work and point out where I’m talking about costs and purchases? I’m fairly certain that you’re cherry picking one single half sentence that says “pushing overpriced packs/characters” trying to straw man it into the whole point of my post, which it was not.

    I’m more than happy to help you though. The main point was the non existent communication from the CM’s and devs regarding the poor quality of the game lately. Stealth nerfs, bugs, missing changes that were promised to us, missing content, missing QoL updates, etc.

    The point of the cost of packs and toons was a minor reinforcement of my main point, at best.

    But to your point of costs; customers expect a specific level of quality based on the price they are paying. The higher the price, the better the quality. If they do not get the quality they seek, they don’t purchase the product.

    Also, free to play players to add to their income from game time, downloads, reviews and ratings etc so it benefits them to have a good quality game. I’m not sure if you’re even aware but CEO’s and shareholders expect the same kind of return once a new ceiling has been met. If in Q1 a company pulls in $100 million in profits, they won’t be ok with Q2 only pulling in $35 million in profits. So any significant down turn raises issues.

    Thanks for again trying to derail this post with your straw man arguments. I do enjoy it :). That doesn’t detract from the devs owing their paying customers and player base explanations for the issues listed about and then some.

    So a point you thought was important enough to shoe-horn into one of your hyperbolic monologues is now a minor point and not worth considering. Do you even understand the point you're trying to make, or are you just tossing word salad and cherry picking the parts that people don't scrutinize? You ask me to "show my work" and then admit you mentioned cost and value. I guess it's pretty easy to do mental gymnastics in an empty space.

    Lets "focus" on your "point": dev communication. Would you like to show your work with what gacha game has better dev communication? Is that game better quality? Does that game community give higher feedback scores? Can you then show your work that the game is more profitable and sustainable than SWGOH?

    I'll wait for your data. Might see a hyperloop and Rapture before that happens, but I'll wait. You can continue the facade of being more enlightened in mobile game revenue than CG while you count your hundreds of disposable income a month like Scrooge McDuck if it makes you feel better.

    And the devs don't owe any explanation on your wildly inaccurate list. Go ahead and post the written communication from CG on each of your points as to when and how changes were going to take place or what rules/expectations are hard set for events for even two of your complaints.

    I would say I enjoy your feeble attempts at debate, but it's more like watching a clumsy panda in a zoo enclosure. It's funny, but not for the right reasons.

    Gear economy changes:
    September said that there would be two guaranteed phases of changes with the first part of p1 rolling out and then the rest in the next month or so. They then said in the SotG in Feb that the gear economy changes would then be addressed more in the RA for March. The RA came and went with no mention of the changes for the rest of P1 or anything for P2.

    Galactic Chase Drop Rates:
    Darjelo took it upon himself to start a thread for people to track their drop rates for the two GC chases for Echelon and Resistance Bomber. The players figured out on our own that the drop rate changed from 4% to 3% without any notice by the devs, going against previously stated drop rates. Doja said he would reach out for answers to the dev team and that was the last we heard from the devs on it. Ultra said that she was given an answer but is not allowed to comment on it and only a dev can. We need an explanation why it was changed as it sets a bad precedent for them to stealth nerf drop rates from previously established ones.

    TW and GAC matchmaking:
    Each one with its own issues. TW shows massive mismatches based on GP, mods, GL count, relic levels, etc. The devs stated that matchmaking changes would happen after they gathered some data to make informed changes. Nothing has changed after several months. The same with GAC and the skill rating system not taking into account GP differences of sometimes 3-4 million. Again, devs said it wasn’t permanent and it was a fluid system but nothing’s been altered yet except adding more fleets needed for Kyber tier. Which is the next point.

    Lack of ships/content:
    No more raids, no sandbox mode, no new PVE nodes on the tables, and of course a sever e lack of “shipload of content” they alluded to. Now it’s possible we are about to finally get that shipload of content after a year, however we have enough for 7 fleets and most of them aren’t complete ones. A complete fleet is 7 ships. Many are undermanned with 4 or 5 ships.

    Bugs, bugs, bugs:
    Kenobi GL event T1 bug. Disappearing button bugs. Crashing during loading battles in GAC. Bugged galactic challenges. Buggy conquest modifiers. These are issues that take several months to fix yet anything in regards to benefiting the players is fixed immediately. Hurting them? Months if not years like the unending loyalty/Teebo/fives bugs. Why the disparity in time to fix?

    Mod management. Fleet loadouts. Variety of enemies in conquest. Repeat data disks in the same prize node. Lack of enemy stats resulting in guessing speeds and going in blind causing lost battles that need not be. Guild management tools. There’s plenty they can do to increase the quality of the game for the player base.


    The CM for MSF communicates every single day with the community and they put out a weekly blog of what’s upcoming into the game in terms of future events, legendaries, bug fixes, and communicate regularly with the CC’s who send them bug reports and acknowledge things going on. MSF is a similar game type and competitor in terms of revenue. They have their own issues as well, but it’s addressed by their CM at the very least and compensation is given accordingly when it occurs.

    Again, the point with the price of packs was showing their priorities on what they focus on and communicate. A minor supporting point does not overshadow the overall issue no matter how much you want to toss around insults and straw man the issue. So again, and hopefully for the last time, re read my original post. Please show me how the price of packs is my main point at all, or anything other than a minor reinforcement based on half a sentence. Heck I even said that there are good packs currently for sale based on in game value I’d normally purchase but won’t buy them due to CG’s refusal to address the community and their lack of quality lately.

    No I’m not counting my money like Scrooge mcduck. I’m spending it elsewhere like MSF or in other areas of life because they won’t get my business as a paying player until I feel they deserve it. That’s the beauty of capitalism. I choose what I spend my money on and who is deserving of my business as a consumer.

    I do look forward to seeing how the points I just listed are “wildly inaccurate” 😂 as if these aren’t issues in the commmunity right now lol

    1. So you're complaining that they didn't mentioned anything in March about gear economy changes that never had a hard date. Wow. Way to really chomp into the facts and not let them go.

    2. Please post the dev announcement or statement that says all galactic chases for the rest of time will be at 4%.

    3. The algorithms for both modes were changed. It was clearly stated that the matchmaking was now taking performance into account. Please post examples of people/guilds on long winning/losing streaks that are still "massively mismatched".

    4. Devs have never promised more raids, sandbox, or PVE nodes. They've even specifically stated a sandbox mode was likely never coming and the new raid idea was scrapped.
    4a. Side note; if you need all fleets with all 7 ships in the modes where that is actually an issue, you should probably git gud at fleet battles instead of saying there aren't enough ships

    5. Where was mod management and fleet loadout changes ever promised with hard dates? Would you rather data disks be a set combination for ever node instead of random? Do you not understand how to take base states and add percentage multipliers? While you might think the game needs these QoL improvements, none have been promised.

    6. MSF is a giant dumpster fire. Who care if the CM communicates every week if the game is lower quality? Every complaint you've outlined against SWGOH is even worse in MSF except for dev communication. So you just want lip service? Cool, spend your paltry allowance on MSF where it does next to nothing. Glad you found something that makes you feel better that isn't rooted in facts and data.

    Did you see how wildly inaccurate all those complaints are in regards to your main complain of dev communication? Probably not because your avatar is 100% correct in being mediocre and overconfident. Have fun trying to explain it all away though!

    First you said I’m complaint about pack prices. Then you said that none of my points are issues and are inaccurate, now you’re saying I said they promised hard dates on everything.

    No dude. The only hard timeline given was the gear economy changes.

    September SoTG: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/249886/state-of-the-gear-laxy-september-2021#latest

    October RA: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/250664/road-ahead-october-2021#latest

    Feb 2022 SoTG: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/253661/state-of-the-galaxy-february-2022#latest
    In here they promise to address the gear economy changes further, more than 5 months after initially announced.

    March RA then came and went with zero mention of any gear economy changes.

    2.) All Chases were 4% in cantina. It changed and was announced as such when it was in fleet battles. It’s been established already.

    3.) Yes they were changed and we were told that it would be looked at and adjusted and that the initial implementation was not the final product.

    4.) I never said they promised that. I stated we were not getting that because it was not “fiscally viable” for them to do so directly from the mouth of TopCash. I’m saying that putting those in the game is what players want.

    5.) They never promised mod management or fleet loadouts. Only that Doja and crumb were pushing for it because of how important it was to the player base and how necessary it was from a QoL standpoint. Please show where I said they promised a deliver by date.

    6.) I’d prefer it set so that the same data disk is not in the same node. The RNG aspect is what it is but it should be coded so we don’t get 3 opportunistic support or 3 zealous ambition disks in the exact same node. No, it’s not base stats. If it was then a unit with a base stat of 170 for speed with a 40% boost (giving it a 238 speed) would not outrun a 375 speed Gideon or a 355 speed Echo. There’s different modifiers and boosts that we can’t calculate so we are left to guess.

    7.) I’m actually very good at ships. My performance in fleet battles isn’t the point. It’s the availability of ships for full fleets and how the new changes give you one chance for a cleanup or you’re done. With 9 capital ships we should have enough ships for 9 full fleets. Not 7 patched together with only 2/3 having full fleets.

    8.) As bad as MSF is with their issues their response to them are better in terms of communication and compensation. Remember the QGJ nerf that completely changed his identify against GL’s and it not working against them anymore? Yeah MSF would’ve given back those materials to decide if we still wanted to invest since it was a significant change to its ability.

    No, my complaints aren’t inaccurate as they’re legitimate issues in the game. You keep changing your argument and still have yet to hit a firm ground to stand on. I will give you points for how hard you’re using straw man arguments though. A for effort

    Your complaints are inaccurate since your main complaint is in regards to dev communication per one of your own posts. If the devs haven’t promised anything, you’re basically being a toddler thinking every idea they have is genius and should be acknowledged. I’m thrilled that you’ve found a way to articulate your feelings, but you’re an insignificant string of characters for SWGOH and the devs owe no explanations for whatever ideas fall out of your skull.

    I haven’t changed my argument, which is that your complaints are worthless. You keep changing the criteria by which you’re judging your own complaints. First a statement you made wasn’t worth mentioning, then it’s about dev communication and quality, and now you’ve admitted that only one of your complaints is barely grounded in reality but you still think you deserve something.

    The fact is you think your feelings warrant validation in the form of dev communication, and unfortunately (for you and the rest of us hoping to see meaningful content on the forums), they don’t. Of course you’ll say that’s not it at all, but then you have no explanation for adamantly soap boxing besides narcissism, and a good narcissist would never admit something negative like narcissim.

    Yes….communication regarding these issues. And as I’ve said there’s tons of posts regarding these issues on the forums with little to no acknowledgement from CG.

    Yes, you keep changing your argument. First saying I was complaining mainly about pack prices. Which wasn’t true. Then that my complaints aren’t real issues with the game; which was proven false based on how many posts and comments there are regarding what I highlighted. Then you claimed I said we were promised hard dates for all the issues I didn’t, which isn’t true since I only said it regarding the gear economy.

    No the complaints are grounded in reality. We have no updates to the gear economy since October. We don’t have fleet loadouts. We don’t have improved mod management. We don’t have improved guild officer tools. We don’t have fixes to the same bugs over and over. We don’t have an explanation why drop rates for the chases were lowered. We don’t have a reliable reporting portal for cheaters. We don’t have QoL updates for conquest that have been requested for several months. So they’re real complaints and have a basis based on the volume of posts and comments about them on the forums.

    I sincerely hope you don’t own a business or work in customer service because if you don’t think the complaints of paying customers is valid then you must be hurting pretty bad financially. Plus it’s not just me. As I’ve said it’s based on all the posts on the forums regarding the issues and complaints that people who play and pay to play this game want to see. I’m sorry the contents of these forums aren’t up to what you want to see. Perhaps volunteer to be a mod and you can then shape the forums into what you see fit? Although based on how heavily biased you are against any sort of negative post against CG I don’t think you’d do well.

    I never claimed your complaint was solely against prices. Where did you see that? Where did I say you said everything was promised in a hard date? Show your work.

    I haven’t changed my argument. Dev response is not needed because of your feelings or anyone else’s feelings. If you don’t feel like that’s true, I’m sorry. Your feelings have no bearing on the truth. And yes, reality is a tangible world, not one where you think you are owed anything because of how you feel. That’s not grounded in reality.

    You still haven’t proven anything besides we maybe should have seen more gear economy changes. Anecdotal evidence based on how people feel is not proof. Ford owners think dodge sucks, dodge owners think Chevy sucks, everyone thinks Jeep sucks, but until there is quantitative (not qualitative) data, all you have are opinions. And your opinion is worthless to everyone but you.

    I sincerely hope your form of employment does not rely on your comprehension of the English language. You’re completely oblivious to the fallacy of a straw man argument since declaring such is a straw man in itself. You don’t seem to understand simple concepts like logic or fact. You certainly don’t understand irony if you’re calling others biased.

    Complain all you want, no one cares. But no one owes you an explanation besides possibly your parents.

    I will continue to post and complain until CG provides a better quality game. I will continue to push for better quality to a game Ive paid money to play and that they expect people to pay for. Just as you will continue to be condescending, straw man any post that goes against CG and act like an immature child name calling anyone that doesn’t worship CG. If you don’t like the content of the forums, don’t feel like you need to be here, much less comment and de rail threads.

    You really don’t understand English, do you? You said I stated your complaints were mainly about price; I didn’t and what you posted shows I didn’t. You claimed I said you stated there were hard set dates promised; I didn’t and what you posted shows I didn’t. I would posit if you’re really that dense, but I don’t think troglodytes are self aware, as proven by you continuing to try and straw man my posts by saying they are straw man arguments.

    Your complaints will not result in a better game. Not because CG won’t do it (they won’t), but because your ideas are merely your opinion and don’t mean a better game.

    PS - you have not paid to play this game. No one has. You’ve paid for in game items and currency (presumably), but those purchases were not required. If you can’t even comprehend the simplest concept, I’m going to guess you have to sleep with a mouth guard to make it through the night. Maybe you need a thicker one to keep the oxygen stats up.

    You claim others can’t have a productive debate/argument/discussion but every single one of your comments has some kind of personal insult and condescending slam lmao.

    Others have even called you out on your straw man argument and they’ve proven to be unbiased in their times on the forums.

    If you can’t stick with a singular argument point, more so comment without insulting me or anyone else, then this exchange is over with. Enjoy your day and enjoy whatever CG decides to toss your way in terms of the game without having a single independent thought for yourself on what would make the game better. If they ever come out with mod management, fleet loadouts, bug fixes, gear economy updates, etc please refrain from using them since you think it’s all nonsense and non issues. Cheers!
  • 24_Tuesdays
    1198 posts Member
    edited April 2022
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    SemiGod wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    As long as the whales keep whaling, nothing will change. They are not trying to make a fun game, they are trying to make a profitable game with as little effort as possible. And the CMs only provide distractions disguised as engagement with community, that's why Meathead asks the same questions as Doja.

    So basically they're excelling at their jobs?

    Yes. Players just seem to have incorrect idea about what their jobs are.

    Yeah idk why ppl finding it surprising that a business’ main goal is to make money.

    They’d make more money if they made a better quality game. There are some good deals in the store now that normally I would’ve bought for full crafted gear or kyros. I won’t give them a jolly red cent now until they address these issues and make a better quality game. Hundreds a month in disposable income that I have available that I’ll spend elsewhere instead of on their game.

    Obviously the hardcore whales are going to keep on whaling. I won’t try and tell others how to spend their money but if they too are sick of these tactics and the way the higher ups are handling their game (as said in streams and Reddit, etc) then the best way to get people like TopCash to wake up is to close their wallets.

    I’m personally glad their revenue is dipping lately because then maybe they’ll get it together. It was almost 3 years before we got any meaningful QoL changes for the game and September of last year was the first time they ever addressed the gear economy, and still haven’t even followed through with what they promised.

    They can make more money by providing a better quality game. People like TopCash are too short sighted to see that. Also….InB4 people “oh I’m sure you know how to run a business better huh?”

    No, I know what I want as a paying customer and know what tons of other people have posted that they want as paying customers. It doesn’t take a business degree to realize you maximize earnings by listening to what paying customers say they’re willing to pay for and what will get them to spend more

    You should probably call up Elon Musk and tell him that he could double or triple his net worth if he would just reduce the price of all Tesla vehicles. Let Tim Cook know this secret too since Apple is barely scraping by and I'm sure they are losing tons of profits by charging so much for their computers, monitors, and headphones (Beats included). Could you throw Tag Heuer a bone while you're at it?

    Thanks from all the consumers who wished everything was priced within our budget.
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    SemiGod wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    As long as the whales keep whaling, nothing will change. They are not trying to make a fun game, they are trying to make a profitable game with as little effort as possible. And the CMs only provide distractions disguised as engagement with community, that's why Meathead asks the same questions as Doja.

    So basically they're excelling at their jobs?

    Yes. Players just seem to have incorrect idea about what their jobs are.

    Yeah idk why ppl finding it surprising that a business’ main goal is to make money.

    They’d make more money if they made a better quality game. There are some good deals in the store now that normally I would’ve bought for full crafted gear or kyros. I won’t give them a jolly red cent now until they address these issues and make a better quality game. Hundreds a month in disposable income that I have available that I’ll spend elsewhere instead of on their game.

    Obviously the hardcore whales are going to keep on whaling. I won’t try and tell others how to spend their money but if they too are sick of these tactics and the way the higher ups are handling their game (as said in streams and Reddit, etc) then the best way to get people like TopCash to wake up is to close their wallets.

    I’m personally glad their revenue is dipping lately because then maybe they’ll get it together. It was almost 3 years before we got any meaningful QoL changes for the game and September of last year was the first time they ever addressed the gear economy, and still haven’t even followed through with what they promised.

    They can make more money by providing a better quality game. People like TopCash are too short sighted to see that. Also….InB4 people “oh I’m sure you know how to run a business better huh?”

    No, I know what I want as a paying customer and know what tons of other people have posted that they want as paying customers. It doesn’t take a business degree to realize you maximize earnings by listening to what paying customers say they’re willing to pay for and what will get them to spend more

    You should probably call up Elon Musk and tell him that he could double or triple his net worth if he would just reduce the price of all Tesla vehicles. Let Tim Cook know this secret too since Apple is barely scraping by and I'm sure they are losing tons of profits by charging so much for their computers, monitors, and headphones (Beats included). Could you throw Tag Heuer a bone while you're at it?

    Thanks from all the consumers who wished everything was priced within our budget.

    Figured there’d be someone like you commenting.

    See, here’s the issue with your cynical response. You’re talking about the price of the product vs the quality of the product. People will pay high prices if the quality of the product is good, such as Tesla, Apple, Beats, Tag Heuer, etc. However customers won’t do that if the quality of the product is underwhelming and not meeting the standards previously set. They’ll ask for refund and take their business to different companies.

    So, thanks for reinforcing my point even though I’m sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    Perceived value and actual value are vastly different and, apparently, outside the grasp of your limited understanding. Your opinion of a product's value is irrelevant to the actual cost of the product, which means your perceived value may or may not be a profitable amount. Listening to armchair quarterbacks complain about the pricing of voluntary purchases in a completely free to download and play mobile game doesn't guarantee profitability; it doesn't even guarantee purchases. If even a quarter of the people who threaten to quit SWGOH on here actually did, there might be constructive and insightful discussions on here. Instead, we have you.

    Thanks for reinforcing my point even though I'm sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    Here’s the arguments about price point and purchases from my half a sentence about pushing overpriced packs rather than address the community concerns I listed.
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    SemiGod wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    As long as the whales keep whaling, nothing will change. They are not trying to make a fun game, they are trying to make a profitable game with as little effort as possible. And the CMs only provide distractions disguised as engagement with community, that's why Meathead asks the same questions as Doja.

    So basically they're excelling at their jobs?

    Yes. Players just seem to have incorrect idea about what their jobs are.

    Yeah idk why ppl finding it surprising that a business’ main goal is to make money.

    They’d make more money if they made a better quality game. There are some good deals in the store now that normally I would’ve bought for full crafted gear or kyros. I won’t give them a jolly red cent now until they address these issues and make a better quality game. Hundreds a month in disposable income that I have available that I’ll spend elsewhere instead of on their game.

    Obviously the hardcore whales are going to keep on whaling. I won’t try and tell others how to spend their money but if they too are sick of these tactics and the way the higher ups are handling their game (as said in streams and Reddit, etc) then the best way to get people like TopCash to wake up is to close their wallets.

    I’m personally glad their revenue is dipping lately because then maybe they’ll get it together. It was almost 3 years before we got any meaningful QoL changes for the game and September of last year was the first time they ever addressed the gear economy, and still haven’t even followed through with what they promised.

    They can make more money by providing a better quality game. People like TopCash are too short sighted to see that. Also….InB4 people “oh I’m sure you know how to run a business better huh?”

    No, I know what I want as a paying customer and know what tons of other people have posted that they want as paying customers. It doesn’t take a business degree to realize you maximize earnings by listening to what paying customers say they’re willing to pay for and what will get them to spend more

    You should probably call up Elon Musk and tell him that he could double or triple his net worth if he would just reduce the price of all Tesla vehicles. Let Tim Cook know this secret too since Apple is barely scraping by and I'm sure they are losing tons of profits by charging so much for their computers, monitors, and headphones (Beats included). Could you throw Tag Heuer a bone while you're at it?

    Thanks from all the consumers who wished everything was priced within our budget.

    Figured there’d be someone like you commenting.

    See, here’s the issue with your cynical response. You’re talking about the price of the product vs the quality of the product. People will pay high prices if the quality of the product is good, such as Tesla, Apple, Beats, Tag Heuer, etc. However customers won’t do that if the quality of the product is underwhelming and not meeting the standards previously set. They’ll ask for refund and take their business to different companies.

    So, thanks for reinforcing my point even though I’m sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    Perceived value and actual value are vastly different and, apparently, outside the grasp of your limited understanding. Your opinion of a product's value is irrelevant to the actual cost of the product, which means your perceived value may or may not be a profitable amount. Listening to armchair quarterbacks complain about the pricing of voluntary purchases in a completely free to download and play mobile game doesn't guarantee profitability; it doesn't even guarantee purchases. If even a quarter of the people who threaten to quit SWGOH on here actually did, there might be constructive and insightful discussions on here. Instead, we have you.

    Thanks for reinforcing my point even though I'm sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    I’m curious if you’re even seeing what the point of my original post was? You keep talking about perceived value and cost. Can you show your work and point out where I’m talking about costs and purchases? I’m fairly certain that you’re cherry picking one single half sentence that says “pushing overpriced packs/characters” trying to straw man it into the whole point of my post, which it was not.

    I’m more than happy to help you though. The main point was the non existent communication from the CM’s and devs regarding the poor quality of the game lately. Stealth nerfs, bugs, missing changes that were promised to us, missing content, missing QoL updates, etc.

    The point of the cost of packs and toons was a minor reinforcement of my main point, at best.

    But to your point of costs; customers expect a specific level of quality based on the price they are paying. The higher the price, the better the quality. If they do not get the quality they seek, they don’t purchase the product.

    Also, free to play players to add to their income from game time, downloads, reviews and ratings etc so it benefits them to have a good quality game. I’m not sure if you’re even aware but CEO’s and shareholders expect the same kind of return once a new ceiling has been met. If in Q1 a company pulls in $100 million in profits, they won’t be ok with Q2 only pulling in $35 million in profits. So any significant down turn raises issues.

    Thanks for again trying to derail this post with your straw man arguments. I do enjoy it :). That doesn’t detract from the devs owing their paying customers and player base explanations for the issues listed about and then some.

    So a point you thought was important enough to shoe-horn into one of your hyperbolic monologues is now a minor point and not worth considering. Do you even understand the point you're trying to make, or are you just tossing word salad and cherry picking the parts that people don't scrutinize? You ask me to "show my work" and then admit you mentioned cost and value. I guess it's pretty easy to do mental gymnastics in an empty space.

    Lets "focus" on your "point": dev communication. Would you like to show your work with what gacha game has better dev communication? Is that game better quality? Does that game community give higher feedback scores? Can you then show your work that the game is more profitable and sustainable than SWGOH?

    I'll wait for your data. Might see a hyperloop and Rapture before that happens, but I'll wait. You can continue the facade of being more enlightened in mobile game revenue than CG while you count your hundreds of disposable income a month like Scrooge McDuck if it makes you feel better.

    And the devs don't owe any explanation on your wildly inaccurate list. Go ahead and post the written communication from CG on each of your points as to when and how changes were going to take place or what rules/expectations are hard set for events for even two of your complaints.

    I would say I enjoy your feeble attempts at debate, but it's more like watching a clumsy panda in a zoo enclosure. It's funny, but not for the right reasons.

    Here’s where you talk about more of the pack prices.
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    SemiGod wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    As long as the whales keep whaling, nothing will change. They are not trying to make a fun game, they are trying to make a profitable game with as little effort as possible. And the CMs only provide distractions disguised as engagement with community, that's why Meathead asks the same questions as Doja.

    So basically they're excelling at their jobs?

    Yes. Players just seem to have incorrect idea about what their jobs are.

    Yeah idk why ppl finding it surprising that a business’ main goal is to make money.

    They’d make more money if they made a better quality game. There are some good deals in the store now that normally I would’ve bought for full crafted gear or kyros. I won’t give them a jolly red cent now until they address these issues and make a better quality game. Hundreds a month in disposable income that I have available that I’ll spend elsewhere instead of on their game.

    Obviously the hardcore whales are going to keep on whaling. I won’t try and tell others how to spend their money but if they too are sick of these tactics and the way the higher ups are handling their game (as said in streams and Reddit, etc) then the best way to get people like TopCash to wake up is to close their wallets.

    I’m personally glad their revenue is dipping lately because then maybe they’ll get it together. It was almost 3 years before we got any meaningful QoL changes for the game and September of last year was the first time they ever addressed the gear economy, and still haven’t even followed through with what they promised.

    They can make more money by providing a better quality game. People like TopCash are too short sighted to see that. Also….InB4 people “oh I’m sure you know how to run a business better huh?”

    No, I know what I want as a paying customer and know what tons of other people have posted that they want as paying customers. It doesn’t take a business degree to realize you maximize earnings by listening to what paying customers say they’re willing to pay for and what will get them to spend more

    You should probably call up Elon Musk and tell him that he could double or triple his net worth if he would just reduce the price of all Tesla vehicles. Let Tim Cook know this secret too since Apple is barely scraping by and I'm sure they are losing tons of profits by charging so much for their computers, monitors, and headphones (Beats included). Could you throw Tag Heuer a bone while you're at it?

    Thanks from all the consumers who wished everything was priced within our budget.

    Figured there’d be someone like you commenting.

    See, here’s the issue with your cynical response. You’re talking about the price of the product vs the quality of the product. People will pay high prices if the quality of the product is good, such as Tesla, Apple, Beats, Tag Heuer, etc. However customers won’t do that if the quality of the product is underwhelming and not meeting the standards previously set. They’ll ask for refund and take their business to different companies.

    So, thanks for reinforcing my point even though I’m sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    Perceived value and actual value are vastly different and, apparently, outside the grasp of your limited understanding. Your opinion of a product's value is irrelevant to the actual cost of the product, which means your perceived value may or may not be a profitable amount. Listening to armchair quarterbacks complain about the pricing of voluntary purchases in a completely free to download and play mobile game doesn't guarantee profitability; it doesn't even guarantee purchases. If even a quarter of the people who threaten to quit SWGOH on here actually did, there might be constructive and insightful discussions on here. Instead, we have you.

    Thanks for reinforcing my point even though I'm sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    I’m curious if you’re even seeing what the point of my original post was? You keep talking about perceived value and cost. Can you show your work and point out where I’m talking about costs and purchases? I’m fairly certain that you’re cherry picking one single half sentence that says “pushing overpriced packs/characters” trying to straw man it into the whole point of my post, which it was not.

    I’m more than happy to help you though. The main point was the non existent communication from the CM’s and devs regarding the poor quality of the game lately. Stealth nerfs, bugs, missing changes that were promised to us, missing content, missing QoL updates, etc.

    The point of the cost of packs and toons was a minor reinforcement of my main point, at best.

    But to your point of costs; customers expect a specific level of quality based on the price they are paying. The higher the price, the better the quality. If they do not get the quality they seek, they don’t purchase the product.

    Also, free to play players to add to their income from game time, downloads, reviews and ratings etc so it benefits them to have a good quality game. I’m not sure if you’re even aware but CEO’s and shareholders expect the same kind of return once a new ceiling has been met. If in Q1 a company pulls in $100 million in profits, they won’t be ok with Q2 only pulling in $35 million in profits. So any significant down turn raises issues.

    Thanks for again trying to derail this post with your straw man arguments. I do enjoy it :). That doesn’t detract from the devs owing their paying customers and player base explanations for the issues listed about and then some.

    So a point you thought was important enough to shoe-horn into one of your hyperbolic monologues is now a minor point and not worth considering. Do you even understand the point you're trying to make, or are you just tossing word salad and cherry picking the parts that people don't scrutinize? You ask me to "show my work" and then admit you mentioned cost and value. I guess it's pretty easy to do mental gymnastics in an empty space.

    Lets "focus" on your "point": dev communication. Would you like to show your work with what gacha game has better dev communication? Is that game better quality? Does that game community give higher feedback scores? Can you then show your work that the game is more profitable and sustainable than SWGOH?

    I'll wait for your data. Might see a hyperloop and Rapture before that happens, but I'll wait. You can continue the facade of being more enlightened in mobile game revenue than CG while you count your hundreds of disposable income a month like Scrooge McDuck if it makes you feel better.

    And the devs don't owe any explanation on your wildly inaccurate list. Go ahead and post the written communication from CG on each of your points as to when and how changes were going to take place or what rules/expectations are hard set for events for even two of your complaints.

    I would say I enjoy your feeble attempts at debate, but it's more like watching a clumsy panda in a zoo enclosure. It's funny, but not for the right reasons.

    Gear economy changes:
    September said that there would be two guaranteed phases of changes with the first part of p1 rolling out and then the rest in the next month or so. They then said in the SotG in Feb that the gear economy changes would then be addressed more in the RA for March. The RA came and went with no mention of the changes for the rest of P1 or anything for P2.

    Galactic Chase Drop Rates:
    Darjelo took it upon himself to start a thread for people to track their drop rates for the two GC chases for Echelon and Resistance Bomber. The players figured out on our own that the drop rate changed from 4% to 3% without any notice by the devs, going against previously stated drop rates. Doja said he would reach out for answers to the dev team and that was the last we heard from the devs on it. Ultra said that she was given an answer but is not allowed to comment on it and only a dev can. We need an explanation why it was changed as it sets a bad precedent for them to stealth nerf drop rates from previously established ones.

    TW and GAC matchmaking:
    Each one with its own issues. TW shows massive mismatches based on GP, mods, GL count, relic levels, etc. The devs stated that matchmaking changes would happen after they gathered some data to make informed changes. Nothing has changed after several months. The same with GAC and the skill rating system not taking into account GP differences of sometimes 3-4 million. Again, devs said it wasn’t permanent and it was a fluid system but nothing’s been altered yet except adding more fleets needed for Kyber tier. Which is the next point.

    Lack of ships/content:
    No more raids, no sandbox mode, no new PVE nodes on the tables, and of course a sever e lack of “shipload of content” they alluded to. Now it’s possible we are about to finally get that shipload of content after a year, however we have enough for 7 fleets and most of them aren’t complete ones. A complete fleet is 7 ships. Many are undermanned with 4 or 5 ships.

    Bugs, bugs, bugs:
    Kenobi GL event T1 bug. Disappearing button bugs. Crashing during loading battles in GAC. Bugged galactic challenges. Buggy conquest modifiers. These are issues that take several months to fix yet anything in regards to benefiting the players is fixed immediately. Hurting them? Months if not years like the unending loyalty/Teebo/fives bugs. Why the disparity in time to fix?

    Mod management. Fleet loadouts. Variety of enemies in conquest. Repeat data disks in the same prize node. Lack of enemy stats resulting in guessing speeds and going in blind causing lost battles that need not be. Guild management tools. There’s plenty they can do to increase the quality of the game for the player base.


    The CM for MSF communicates every single day with the community and they put out a weekly blog of what’s upcoming into the game in terms of future events, legendaries, bug fixes, and communicate regularly with the CC’s who send them bug reports and acknowledge things going on. MSF is a similar game type and competitor in terms of revenue. They have their own issues as well, but it’s addressed by their CM at the very least and compensation is given accordingly when it occurs.

    Again, the point with the price of packs was showing their priorities on what they focus on and communicate. A minor supporting point does not overshadow the overall issue no matter how much you want to toss around insults and straw man the issue. So again, and hopefully for the last time, re read my original post. Please show me how the price of packs is my main point at all, or anything other than a minor reinforcement based on half a sentence. Heck I even said that there are good packs currently for sale based on in game value I’d normally purchase but won’t buy them due to CG’s refusal to address the community and their lack of quality lately.

    No I’m not counting my money like Scrooge mcduck. I’m spending it elsewhere like MSF or in other areas of life because they won’t get my business as a paying player until I feel they deserve it. That’s the beauty of capitalism. I choose what I spend my money on and who is deserving of my business as a consumer.

    I do look forward to seeing how the points I just listed are “wildly inaccurate” 😂 as if these aren’t issues in the commmunity right now lol

    1. So you're complaining that they didn't mentioned anything in March about gear economy changes that never had a hard date. Wow. Way to really chomp into the facts and not let them go.

    2. Please post the dev announcement or statement that says all galactic chases for the rest of time will be at 4%.

    3. The algorithms for both modes were changed. It was clearly stated that the matchmaking was now taking performance into account. Please post examples of people/guilds on long winning/losing streaks that are still "massively mismatched".

    4. Devs have never promised more raids, sandbox, or PVE nodes. They've even specifically stated a sandbox mode was likely never coming and the new raid idea was scrapped.
    4a. Side note; if you need all fleets with all 7 ships in the modes where that is actually an issue, you should probably git gud at fleet battles instead of saying there aren't enough ships

    5. Where was mod management and fleet loadout changes ever promised with hard dates? Would you rather data disks be a set combination for ever node instead of random? Do you not understand how to take base states and add percentage multipliers? While you might think the game needs these QoL improvements, none have been promised.

    6. MSF is a giant dumpster fire. Who care if the CM communicates every week if the game is lower quality? Every complaint you've outlined against SWGOH is even worse in MSF except for dev communication. So you just want lip service? Cool, spend your paltry allowance on MSF where it does next to nothing. Glad you found something that makes you feel better that isn't rooted in facts and data.

    Did you see how wildly inaccurate all those complaints are in regards to your main complain of dev communication? Probably not because your avatar is 100% correct in being mediocre and overconfident. Have fun trying to explain it all away though!

    Here’s where you talk about me saying the devs promised us this stuff by hard dates. Which isn’t true.
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    SemiGod wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    As long as the whales keep whaling, nothing will change. They are not trying to make a fun game, they are trying to make a profitable game with as little effort as possible. And the CMs only provide distractions disguised as engagement with community, that's why Meathead asks the same questions as Doja.

    So basically they're excelling at their jobs?

    Yes. Players just seem to have incorrect idea about what their jobs are.

    Yeah idk why ppl finding it surprising that a business’ main goal is to make money.

    They’d make more money if they made a better quality game. There are some good deals in the store now that normally I would’ve bought for full crafted gear or kyros. I won’t give them a jolly red cent now until they address these issues and make a better quality game. Hundreds a month in disposable income that I have available that I’ll spend elsewhere instead of on their game.

    Obviously the hardcore whales are going to keep on whaling. I won’t try and tell others how to spend their money but if they too are sick of these tactics and the way the higher ups are handling their game (as said in streams and Reddit, etc) then the best way to get people like TopCash to wake up is to close their wallets.

    I’m personally glad their revenue is dipping lately because then maybe they’ll get it together. It was almost 3 years before we got any meaningful QoL changes for the game and September of last year was the first time they ever addressed the gear economy, and still haven’t even followed through with what they promised.

    They can make more money by providing a better quality game. People like TopCash are too short sighted to see that. Also….InB4 people “oh I’m sure you know how to run a business better huh?”

    No, I know what I want as a paying customer and know what tons of other people have posted that they want as paying customers. It doesn’t take a business degree to realize you maximize earnings by listening to what paying customers say they’re willing to pay for and what will get them to spend more

    You should probably call up Elon Musk and tell him that he could double or triple his net worth if he would just reduce the price of all Tesla vehicles. Let Tim Cook know this secret too since Apple is barely scraping by and I'm sure they are losing tons of profits by charging so much for their computers, monitors, and headphones (Beats included). Could you throw Tag Heuer a bone while you're at it?

    Thanks from all the consumers who wished everything was priced within our budget.

    Figured there’d be someone like you commenting.

    See, here’s the issue with your cynical response. You’re talking about the price of the product vs the quality of the product. People will pay high prices if the quality of the product is good, such as Tesla, Apple, Beats, Tag Heuer, etc. However customers won’t do that if the quality of the product is underwhelming and not meeting the standards previously set. They’ll ask for refund and take their business to different companies.

    So, thanks for reinforcing my point even though I’m sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    Perceived value and actual value are vastly different and, apparently, outside the grasp of your limited understanding. Your opinion of a product's value is irrelevant to the actual cost of the product, which means your perceived value may or may not be a profitable amount. Listening to armchair quarterbacks complain about the pricing of voluntary purchases in a completely free to download and play mobile game doesn't guarantee profitability; it doesn't even guarantee purchases. If even a quarter of the people who threaten to quit SWGOH on here actually did, there might be constructive and insightful discussions on here. Instead, we have you.

    Thanks for reinforcing my point even though I'm sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    I’m curious if you’re even seeing what the point of my original post was? You keep talking about perceived value and cost. Can you show your work and point out where I’m talking about costs and purchases? I’m fairly certain that you’re cherry picking one single half sentence that says “pushing overpriced packs/characters” trying to straw man it into the whole point of my post, which it was not.

    I’m more than happy to help you though. The main point was the non existent communication from the CM’s and devs regarding the poor quality of the game lately. Stealth nerfs, bugs, missing changes that were promised to us, missing content, missing QoL updates, etc.

    The point of the cost of packs and toons was a minor reinforcement of my main point, at best.

    But to your point of costs; customers expect a specific level of quality based on the price they are paying. The higher the price, the better the quality. If they do not get the quality they seek, they don’t purchase the product.

    Also, free to play players to add to their income from game time, downloads, reviews and ratings etc so it benefits them to have a good quality game. I’m not sure if you’re even aware but CEO’s and shareholders expect the same kind of return once a new ceiling has been met. If in Q1 a company pulls in $100 million in profits, they won’t be ok with Q2 only pulling in $35 million in profits. So any significant down turn raises issues.

    Thanks for again trying to derail this post with your straw man arguments. I do enjoy it :). That doesn’t detract from the devs owing their paying customers and player base explanations for the issues listed about and then some.

    So a point you thought was important enough to shoe-horn into one of your hyperbolic monologues is now a minor point and not worth considering. Do you even understand the point you're trying to make, or are you just tossing word salad and cherry picking the parts that people don't scrutinize? You ask me to "show my work" and then admit you mentioned cost and value. I guess it's pretty easy to do mental gymnastics in an empty space.

    Lets "focus" on your "point": dev communication. Would you like to show your work with what gacha game has better dev communication? Is that game better quality? Does that game community give higher feedback scores? Can you then show your work that the game is more profitable and sustainable than SWGOH?

    I'll wait for your data. Might see a hyperloop and Rapture before that happens, but I'll wait. You can continue the facade of being more enlightened in mobile game revenue than CG while you count your hundreds of disposable income a month like Scrooge McDuck if it makes you feel better.

    And the devs don't owe any explanation on your wildly inaccurate list. Go ahead and post the written communication from CG on each of your points as to when and how changes were going to take place or what rules/expectations are hard set for events for even two of your complaints.

    I would say I enjoy your feeble attempts at debate, but it's more like watching a clumsy panda in a zoo enclosure. It's funny, but not for the right reasons.

    Gear economy changes:
    September said that there would be two guaranteed phases of changes with the first part of p1 rolling out and then the rest in the next month or so. They then said in the SotG in Feb that the gear economy changes would then be addressed more in the RA for March. The RA came and went with no mention of the changes for the rest of P1 or anything for P2.

    Galactic Chase Drop Rates:
    Darjelo took it upon himself to start a thread for people to track their drop rates for the two GC chases for Echelon and Resistance Bomber. The players figured out on our own that the drop rate changed from 4% to 3% without any notice by the devs, going against previously stated drop rates. Doja said he would reach out for answers to the dev team and that was the last we heard from the devs on it. Ultra said that she was given an answer but is not allowed to comment on it and only a dev can. We need an explanation why it was changed as it sets a bad precedent for them to stealth nerf drop rates from previously established ones.

    TW and GAC matchmaking:
    Each one with its own issues. TW shows massive mismatches based on GP, mods, GL count, relic levels, etc. The devs stated that matchmaking changes would happen after they gathered some data to make informed changes. Nothing has changed after several months. The same with GAC and the skill rating system not taking into account GP differences of sometimes 3-4 million. Again, devs said it wasn’t permanent and it was a fluid system but nothing’s been altered yet except adding more fleets needed for Kyber tier. Which is the next point.

    Lack of ships/content:
    No more raids, no sandbox mode, no new PVE nodes on the tables, and of course a sever e lack of “shipload of content” they alluded to. Now it’s possible we are about to finally get that shipload of content after a year, however we have enough for 7 fleets and most of them aren’t complete ones. A complete fleet is 7 ships. Many are undermanned with 4 or 5 ships.

    Bugs, bugs, bugs:
    Kenobi GL event T1 bug. Disappearing button bugs. Crashing during loading battles in GAC. Bugged galactic challenges. Buggy conquest modifiers. These are issues that take several months to fix yet anything in regards to benefiting the players is fixed immediately. Hurting them? Months if not years like the unending loyalty/Teebo/fives bugs. Why the disparity in time to fix?

    Mod management. Fleet loadouts. Variety of enemies in conquest. Repeat data disks in the same prize node. Lack of enemy stats resulting in guessing speeds and going in blind causing lost battles that need not be. Guild management tools. There’s plenty they can do to increase the quality of the game for the player base.


    The CM for MSF communicates every single day with the community and they put out a weekly blog of what’s upcoming into the game in terms of future events, legendaries, bug fixes, and communicate regularly with the CC’s who send them bug reports and acknowledge things going on. MSF is a similar game type and competitor in terms of revenue. They have their own issues as well, but it’s addressed by their CM at the very least and compensation is given accordingly when it occurs.

    Again, the point with the price of packs was showing their priorities on what they focus on and communicate. A minor supporting point does not overshadow the overall issue no matter how much you want to toss around insults and straw man the issue. So again, and hopefully for the last time, re read my original post. Please show me how the price of packs is my main point at all, or anything other than a minor reinforcement based on half a sentence. Heck I even said that there are good packs currently for sale based on in game value I’d normally purchase but won’t buy them due to CG’s refusal to address the community and their lack of quality lately.

    No I’m not counting my money like Scrooge mcduck. I’m spending it elsewhere like MSF or in other areas of life because they won’t get my business as a paying player until I feel they deserve it. That’s the beauty of capitalism. I choose what I spend my money on and who is deserving of my business as a consumer.

    I do look forward to seeing how the points I just listed are “wildly inaccurate” 😂 as if these aren’t issues in the commmunity right now lol

    1. So you're complaining that they didn't mentioned anything in March about gear economy changes that never had a hard date. Wow. Way to really chomp into the facts and not let them go.

    2. Please post the dev announcement or statement that says all galactic chases for the rest of time will be at 4%.

    3. The algorithms for both modes were changed. It was clearly stated that the matchmaking was now taking performance into account. Please post examples of people/guilds on long winning/losing streaks that are still "massively mismatched".

    4. Devs have never promised more raids, sandbox, or PVE nodes. They've even specifically stated a sandbox mode was likely never coming and the new raid idea was scrapped.
    4a. Side note; if you need all fleets with all 7 ships in the modes where that is actually an issue, you should probably git gud at fleet battles instead of saying there aren't enough ships

    5. Where was mod management and fleet loadout changes ever promised with hard dates? Would you rather data disks be a set combination for ever node instead of random? Do you not understand how to take base states and add percentage multipliers? While you might think the game needs these QoL improvements, none have been promised.

    6. MSF is a giant dumpster fire. Who care if the CM communicates every week if the game is lower quality? Every complaint you've outlined against SWGOH is even worse in MSF except for dev communication. So you just want lip service? Cool, spend your paltry allowance on MSF where it does next to nothing. Glad you found something that makes you feel better that isn't rooted in facts and data.

    Did you see how wildly inaccurate all those complaints are in regards to your main complain of dev communication? Probably not because your avatar is 100% correct in being mediocre and overconfident. Have fun trying to explain it all away though!

    First you said I’m complaint about pack prices. Then you said that none of my points are issues and are inaccurate, now you’re saying I said they promised hard dates on everything.

    No dude. The only hard timeline given was the gear economy changes.

    September SoTG: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/249886/state-of-the-gear-laxy-september-2021#latest

    October RA: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/250664/road-ahead-october-2021#latest

    Feb 2022 SoTG: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/253661/state-of-the-galaxy-february-2022#latest
    In here they promise to address the gear economy changes further, more than 5 months after initially announced.

    March RA then came and went with zero mention of any gear economy changes.

    2.) All Chases were 4% in cantina. It changed and was announced as such when it was in fleet battles. It’s been established already.

    3.) Yes they were changed and we were told that it would be looked at and adjusted and that the initial implementation was not the final product.

    4.) I never said they promised that. I stated we were not getting that because it was not “fiscally viable” for them to do so directly from the mouth of TopCash. I’m saying that putting those in the game is what players want.

    5.) They never promised mod management or fleet loadouts. Only that Doja and crumb were pushing for it because of how important it was to the player base and how necessary it was from a QoL standpoint. Please show where I said they promised a deliver by date.

    6.) I’d prefer it set so that the same data disk is not in the same node. The RNG aspect is what it is but it should be coded so we don’t get 3 opportunistic support or 3 zealous ambition disks in the exact same node. No, it’s not base stats. If it was then a unit with a base stat of 170 for speed with a 40% boost (giving it a 238 speed) would not outrun a 375 speed Gideon or a 355 speed Echo. There’s different modifiers and boosts that we can’t calculate so we are left to guess.

    7.) I’m actually very good at ships. My performance in fleet battles isn’t the point. It’s the availability of ships for full fleets and how the new changes give you one chance for a cleanup or you’re done. With 9 capital ships we should have enough ships for 9 full fleets. Not 7 patched together with only 2/3 having full fleets.

    8.) As bad as MSF is with their issues their response to them are better in terms of communication and compensation. Remember the QGJ nerf that completely changed his identify against GL’s and it not working against them anymore? Yeah MSF would’ve given back those materials to decide if we still wanted to invest since it was a significant change to its ability.

    No, my complaints aren’t inaccurate as they’re legitimate issues in the game. You keep changing your argument and still have yet to hit a firm ground to stand on. I will give you points for how hard you’re using straw man arguments though. A for effort

    Your complaints are inaccurate since your main complaint is in regards to dev communication per one of your own posts. If the devs haven’t promised anything, you’re basically being a toddler thinking every idea they have is genius and should be acknowledged. I’m thrilled that you’ve found a way to articulate your feelings, but you’re an insignificant string of characters for SWGOH and the devs owe no explanations for whatever ideas fall out of your skull.

    I haven’t changed my argument, which is that your complaints are worthless. You keep changing the criteria by which you’re judging your own complaints. First a statement you made wasn’t worth mentioning, then it’s about dev communication and quality, and now you’ve admitted that only one of your complaints is barely grounded in reality but you still think you deserve something.

    The fact is you think your feelings warrant validation in the form of dev communication, and unfortunately (for you and the rest of us hoping to see meaningful content on the forums), they don’t. Of course you’ll say that’s not it at all, but then you have no explanation for adamantly soap boxing besides narcissism, and a good narcissist would never admit something negative like narcissim.

    Yes….communication regarding these issues. And as I’ve said there’s tons of posts regarding these issues on the forums with little to no acknowledgement from CG.

    Yes, you keep changing your argument. First saying I was complaining mainly about pack prices. Which wasn’t true. Then that my complaints aren’t real issues with the game; which was proven false based on how many posts and comments there are regarding what I highlighted. Then you claimed I said we were promised hard dates for all the issues I didn’t, which isn’t true since I only said it regarding the gear economy.

    No the complaints are grounded in reality. We have no updates to the gear economy since October. We don’t have fleet loadouts. We don’t have improved mod management. We don’t have improved guild officer tools. We don’t have fixes to the same bugs over and over. We don’t have an explanation why drop rates for the chases were lowered. We don’t have a reliable reporting portal for cheaters. We don’t have QoL updates for conquest that have been requested for several months. So they’re real complaints and have a basis based on the volume of posts and comments about them on the forums.

    I sincerely hope you don’t own a business or work in customer service because if you don’t think the complaints of paying customers is valid then you must be hurting pretty bad financially. Plus it’s not just me. As I’ve said it’s based on all the posts on the forums regarding the issues and complaints that people who play and pay to play this game want to see. I’m sorry the contents of these forums aren’t up to what you want to see. Perhaps volunteer to be a mod and you can then shape the forums into what you see fit? Although based on how heavily biased you are against any sort of negative post against CG I don’t think you’d do well.

    I never claimed your complaint was solely against prices. Where did you see that? Where did I say you said everything was promised in a hard date? Show your work.

    I haven’t changed my argument. Dev response is not needed because of your feelings or anyone else’s feelings. If you don’t feel like that’s true, I’m sorry. Your feelings have no bearing on the truth. And yes, reality is a tangible world, not one where you think you are owed anything because of how you feel. That’s not grounded in reality.

    You still haven’t proven anything besides we maybe should have seen more gear economy changes. Anecdotal evidence based on how people feel is not proof. Ford owners think dodge sucks, dodge owners think Chevy sucks, everyone thinks Jeep sucks, but until there is quantitative (not qualitative) data, all you have are opinions. And your opinion is worthless to everyone but you.

    I sincerely hope your form of employment does not rely on your comprehension of the English language. You’re completely oblivious to the fallacy of a straw man argument since declaring such is a straw man in itself. You don’t seem to understand simple concepts like logic or fact. You certainly don’t understand irony if you’re calling others biased.

    Complain all you want, no one cares. But no one owes you an explanation besides possibly your parents.

    I will continue to post and complain until CG provides a better quality game. I will continue to push for better quality to a game Ive paid money to play and that they expect people to pay for. Just as you will continue to be condescending, straw man any post that goes against CG and act like an immature child name calling anyone that doesn’t worship CG. If you don’t like the content of the forums, don’t feel like you need to be here, much less comment and de rail threads.

    You really don’t understand English, do you? You said I stated your complaints were mainly about price; I didn’t and what you posted shows I didn’t. You claimed I said you stated there were hard set dates promised; I didn’t and what you posted shows I didn’t. I would posit if you’re really that dense, but I don’t think troglodytes are self aware, as proven by you continuing to try and straw man my posts by saying they are straw man arguments.

    Your complaints will not result in a better game. Not because CG won’t do it (they won’t), but because your ideas are merely your opinion and don’t mean a better game.

    PS - you have not paid to play this game. No one has. You’ve paid for in game items and currency (presumably), but those purchases were not required. If you can’t even comprehend the simplest concept, I’m going to guess you have to sleep with a mouth guard to make it through the night. Maybe you need a thicker one to keep the oxygen stats up.

    You claim others can’t have a productive debate/argument/discussion but every single one of your comments has some kind of personal insult and condescending slam lmao.

    Others have even called you out on your straw man argument and they’ve proven to be unbiased in their times on the forums.

    they have?
  • Options
    ImaSmakya wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    SemiGod wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    As long as the whales keep whaling, nothing will change. They are not trying to make a fun game, they are trying to make a profitable game with as little effort as possible. And the CMs only provide distractions disguised as engagement with community, that's why Meathead asks the same questions as Doja.

    So basically they're excelling at their jobs?

    Yes. Players just seem to have incorrect idea about what their jobs are.

    Yeah idk why ppl finding it surprising that a business’ main goal is to make money.

    They’d make more money if they made a better quality game. There are some good deals in the store now that normally I would’ve bought for full crafted gear or kyros. I won’t give them a jolly red cent now until they address these issues and make a better quality game. Hundreds a month in disposable income that I have available that I’ll spend elsewhere instead of on their game.

    Obviously the hardcore whales are going to keep on whaling. I won’t try and tell others how to spend their money but if they too are sick of these tactics and the way the higher ups are handling their game (as said in streams and Reddit, etc) then the best way to get people like TopCash to wake up is to close their wallets.

    I’m personally glad their revenue is dipping lately because then maybe they’ll get it together. It was almost 3 years before we got any meaningful QoL changes for the game and September of last year was the first time they ever addressed the gear economy, and still haven’t even followed through with what they promised.

    They can make more money by providing a better quality game. People like TopCash are too short sighted to see that. Also….InB4 people “oh I’m sure you know how to run a business better huh?”

    No, I know what I want as a paying customer and know what tons of other people have posted that they want as paying customers. It doesn’t take a business degree to realize you maximize earnings by listening to what paying customers say they’re willing to pay for and what will get them to spend more

    You should probably call up Elon Musk and tell him that he could double or triple his net worth if he would just reduce the price of all Tesla vehicles. Let Tim Cook know this secret too since Apple is barely scraping by and I'm sure they are losing tons of profits by charging so much for their computers, monitors, and headphones (Beats included). Could you throw Tag Heuer a bone while you're at it?

    Thanks from all the consumers who wished everything was priced within our budget.

    Figured there’d be someone like you commenting.

    See, here’s the issue with your cynical response. You’re talking about the price of the product vs the quality of the product. People will pay high prices if the quality of the product is good, such as Tesla, Apple, Beats, Tag Heuer, etc. However customers won’t do that if the quality of the product is underwhelming and not meeting the standards previously set. They’ll ask for refund and take their business to different companies.

    So, thanks for reinforcing my point even though I’m sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    Perceived value and actual value are vastly different and, apparently, outside the grasp of your limited understanding. Your opinion of a product's value is irrelevant to the actual cost of the product, which means your perceived value may or may not be a profitable amount. Listening to armchair quarterbacks complain about the pricing of voluntary purchases in a completely free to download and play mobile game doesn't guarantee profitability; it doesn't even guarantee purchases. If even a quarter of the people who threaten to quit SWGOH on here actually did, there might be constructive and insightful discussions on here. Instead, we have you.

    Thanks for reinforcing my point even though I'm sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    I’m curious if you’re even seeing what the point of my original post was? You keep talking about perceived value and cost. Can you show your work and point out where I’m talking about costs and purchases? I’m fairly certain that you’re cherry picking one single half sentence that says “pushing overpriced packs/characters” trying to straw man it into the whole point of my post, which it was not.

    I’m more than happy to help you though. The main point was the non existent communication from the CM’s and devs regarding the poor quality of the game lately. Stealth nerfs, bugs, missing changes that were promised to us, missing content, missing QoL updates, etc.

    The point of the cost of packs and toons was a minor reinforcement of my main point, at best.

    But to your point of costs; customers expect a specific level of quality based on the price they are paying. The higher the price, the better the quality. If they do not get the quality they seek, they don’t purchase the product.

    Also, free to play players to add to their income from game time, downloads, reviews and ratings etc so it benefits them to have a good quality game. I’m not sure if you’re even aware but CEO’s and shareholders expect the same kind of return once a new ceiling has been met. If in Q1 a company pulls in $100 million in profits, they won’t be ok with Q2 only pulling in $35 million in profits. So any significant down turn raises issues.

    Thanks for again trying to derail this post with your straw man arguments. I do enjoy it :). That doesn’t detract from the devs owing their paying customers and player base explanations for the issues listed about and then some.

    So a point you thought was important enough to shoe-horn into one of your hyperbolic monologues is now a minor point and not worth considering. Do you even understand the point you're trying to make, or are you just tossing word salad and cherry picking the parts that people don't scrutinize? You ask me to "show my work" and then admit you mentioned cost and value. I guess it's pretty easy to do mental gymnastics in an empty space.

    Lets "focus" on your "point": dev communication. Would you like to show your work with what gacha game has better dev communication? Is that game better quality? Does that game community give higher feedback scores? Can you then show your work that the game is more profitable and sustainable than SWGOH?

    I'll wait for your data. Might see a hyperloop and Rapture before that happens, but I'll wait. You can continue the facade of being more enlightened in mobile game revenue than CG while you count your hundreds of disposable income a month like Scrooge McDuck if it makes you feel better.

    And the devs don't owe any explanation on your wildly inaccurate list. Go ahead and post the written communication from CG on each of your points as to when and how changes were going to take place or what rules/expectations are hard set for events for even two of your complaints.

    I would say I enjoy your feeble attempts at debate, but it's more like watching a clumsy panda in a zoo enclosure. It's funny, but not for the right reasons.

    Gear economy changes:
    September said that there would be two guaranteed phases of changes with the first part of p1 rolling out and then the rest in the next month or so. They then said in the SotG in Feb that the gear economy changes would then be addressed more in the RA for March. The RA came and went with no mention of the changes for the rest of P1 or anything for P2.

    Galactic Chase Drop Rates:
    Darjelo took it upon himself to start a thread for people to track their drop rates for the two GC chases for Echelon and Resistance Bomber. The players figured out on our own that the drop rate changed from 4% to 3% without any notice by the devs, going against previously stated drop rates. Doja said he would reach out for answers to the dev team and that was the last we heard from the devs on it. Ultra said that she was given an answer but is not allowed to comment on it and only a dev can. We need an explanation why it was changed as it sets a bad precedent for them to stealth nerf drop rates from previously established ones.

    TW and GAC matchmaking:
    Each one with its own issues. TW shows massive mismatches based on GP, mods, GL count, relic levels, etc. The devs stated that matchmaking changes would happen after they gathered some data to make informed changes. Nothing has changed after several months. The same with GAC and the skill rating system not taking into account GP differences of sometimes 3-4 million. Again, devs said it wasn’t permanent and it was a fluid system but nothing’s been altered yet except adding more fleets needed for Kyber tier. Which is the next point.

    Lack of ships/content:
    No more raids, no sandbox mode, no new PVE nodes on the tables, and of course a sever e lack of “shipload of content” they alluded to. Now it’s possible we are about to finally get that shipload of content after a year, however we have enough for 7 fleets and most of them aren’t complete ones. A complete fleet is 7 ships. Many are undermanned with 4 or 5 ships.

    Bugs, bugs, bugs:
    Kenobi GL event T1 bug. Disappearing button bugs. Crashing during loading battles in GAC. Bugged galactic challenges. Buggy conquest modifiers. These are issues that take several months to fix yet anything in regards to benefiting the players is fixed immediately. Hurting them? Months if not years like the unending loyalty/Teebo/fives bugs. Why the disparity in time to fix?

    Mod management. Fleet loadouts. Variety of enemies in conquest. Repeat data disks in the same prize node. Lack of enemy stats resulting in guessing speeds and going in blind causing lost battles that need not be. Guild management tools. There’s plenty they can do to increase the quality of the game for the player base.


    The CM for MSF communicates every single day with the community and they put out a weekly blog of what’s upcoming into the game in terms of future events, legendaries, bug fixes, and communicate regularly with the CC’s who send them bug reports and acknowledge things going on. MSF is a similar game type and competitor in terms of revenue. They have their own issues as well, but it’s addressed by their CM at the very least and compensation is given accordingly when it occurs.

    Again, the point with the price of packs was showing their priorities on what they focus on and communicate. A minor supporting point does not overshadow the overall issue no matter how much you want to toss around insults and straw man the issue. So again, and hopefully for the last time, re read my original post. Please show me how the price of packs is my main point at all, or anything other than a minor reinforcement based on half a sentence. Heck I even said that there are good packs currently for sale based on in game value I’d normally purchase but won’t buy them due to CG’s refusal to address the community and their lack of quality lately.

    No I’m not counting my money like Scrooge mcduck. I’m spending it elsewhere like MSF or in other areas of life because they won’t get my business as a paying player until I feel they deserve it. That’s the beauty of capitalism. I choose what I spend my money on and who is deserving of my business as a consumer.

    I do look forward to seeing how the points I just listed are “wildly inaccurate” 😂 as if these aren’t issues in the commmunity right now lol

    1. So you're complaining that they didn't mentioned anything in March about gear economy changes that never had a hard date. Wow. Way to really chomp into the facts and not let them go.

    2. Please post the dev announcement or statement that says all galactic chases for the rest of time will be at 4%.

    3. The algorithms for both modes were changed. It was clearly stated that the matchmaking was now taking performance into account. Please post examples of people/guilds on long winning/losing streaks that are still "massively mismatched".

    4. Devs have never promised more raids, sandbox, or PVE nodes. They've even specifically stated a sandbox mode was likely never coming and the new raid idea was scrapped.
    4a. Side note; if you need all fleets with all 7 ships in the modes where that is actually an issue, you should probably git gud at fleet battles instead of saying there aren't enough ships

    5. Where was mod management and fleet loadout changes ever promised with hard dates? Would you rather data disks be a set combination for ever node instead of random? Do you not understand how to take base states and add percentage multipliers? While you might think the game needs these QoL improvements, none have been promised.

    6. MSF is a giant dumpster fire. Who care if the CM communicates every week if the game is lower quality? Every complaint you've outlined against SWGOH is even worse in MSF except for dev communication. So you just want lip service? Cool, spend your paltry allowance on MSF where it does next to nothing. Glad you found something that makes you feel better that isn't rooted in facts and data.

    Did you see how wildly inaccurate all those complaints are in regards to your main complain of dev communication? Probably not because your avatar is 100% correct in being mediocre and overconfident. Have fun trying to explain it all away though!

    First you said I’m complaint about pack prices. Then you said that none of my points are issues and are inaccurate, now you’re saying I said they promised hard dates on everything.

    No dude. The only hard timeline given was the gear economy changes.

    September SoTG: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/249886/state-of-the-gear-laxy-september-2021#latest

    October RA: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/250664/road-ahead-october-2021#latest

    Feb 2022 SoTG: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/253661/state-of-the-galaxy-february-2022#latest
    In here they promise to address the gear economy changes further, more than 5 months after initially announced.

    March RA then came and went with zero mention of any gear economy changes.

    2.) All Chases were 4% in cantina. It changed and was announced as such when it was in fleet battles. It’s been established already.

    3.) Yes they were changed and we were told that it would be looked at and adjusted and that the initial implementation was not the final product.

    4.) I never said they promised that. I stated we were not getting that because it was not “fiscally viable” for them to do so directly from the mouth of TopCash. I’m saying that putting those in the game is what players want.

    5.) They never promised mod management or fleet loadouts. Only that Doja and crumb were pushing for it because of how important it was to the player base and how necessary it was from a QoL standpoint. Please show where I said they promised a deliver by date.

    6.) I’d prefer it set so that the same data disk is not in the same node. The RNG aspect is what it is but it should be coded so we don’t get 3 opportunistic support or 3 zealous ambition disks in the exact same node. No, it’s not base stats. If it was then a unit with a base stat of 170 for speed with a 40% boost (giving it a 238 speed) would not outrun a 375 speed Gideon or a 355 speed Echo. There’s different modifiers and boosts that we can’t calculate so we are left to guess.

    7.) I’m actually very good at ships. My performance in fleet battles isn’t the point. It’s the availability of ships for full fleets and how the new changes give you one chance for a cleanup or you’re done. With 9 capital ships we should have enough ships for 9 full fleets. Not 7 patched together with only 2/3 having full fleets.

    8.) As bad as MSF is with their issues their response to them are better in terms of communication and compensation. Remember the QGJ nerf that completely changed his identify against GL’s and it not working against them anymore? Yeah MSF would’ve given back those materials to decide if we still wanted to invest since it was a significant change to its ability.

    No, my complaints aren’t inaccurate as they’re legitimate issues in the game. You keep changing your argument and still have yet to hit a firm ground to stand on. I will give you points for how hard you’re using straw man arguments though. A for effort

    Unfortunately CG and most other game studios have become quite adept at promising things with no dates and then many of those things sail off into the sunset and in many cases never see the light of day. I like working on mods so the one that bothers me the most it seems is in a dev q&a back in 2019 they stated that 3 and 4 dot mods were going to be removed from the higher tiers of the mod challenges, yet here we are almost two and a half years later and I’m still constantly deleting 3 and 4 dot mods.

    pretty sure that was the mod store not the mod challenge
  • Options
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    SemiGod wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    As long as the whales keep whaling, nothing will change. They are not trying to make a fun game, they are trying to make a profitable game with as little effort as possible. And the CMs only provide distractions disguised as engagement with community, that's why Meathead asks the same questions as Doja.

    So basically they're excelling at their jobs?

    Yes. Players just seem to have incorrect idea about what their jobs are.

    Yeah idk why ppl finding it surprising that a business’ main goal is to make money.

    They’d make more money if they made a better quality game. There are some good deals in the store now that normally I would’ve bought for full crafted gear or kyros. I won’t give them a jolly red cent now until they address these issues and make a better quality game. Hundreds a month in disposable income that I have available that I’ll spend elsewhere instead of on their game.

    Obviously the hardcore whales are going to keep on whaling. I won’t try and tell others how to spend their money but if they too are sick of these tactics and the way the higher ups are handling their game (as said in streams and Reddit, etc) then the best way to get people like TopCash to wake up is to close their wallets.

    I’m personally glad their revenue is dipping lately because then maybe they’ll get it together. It was almost 3 years before we got any meaningful QoL changes for the game and September of last year was the first time they ever addressed the gear economy, and still haven’t even followed through with what they promised.

    They can make more money by providing a better quality game. People like TopCash are too short sighted to see that. Also….InB4 people “oh I’m sure you know how to run a business better huh?”

    No, I know what I want as a paying customer and know what tons of other people have posted that they want as paying customers. It doesn’t take a business degree to realize you maximize earnings by listening to what paying customers say they’re willing to pay for and what will get them to spend more

    You should probably call up Elon Musk and tell him that he could double or triple his net worth if he would just reduce the price of all Tesla vehicles. Let Tim Cook know this secret too since Apple is barely scraping by and I'm sure they are losing tons of profits by charging so much for their computers, monitors, and headphones (Beats included). Could you throw Tag Heuer a bone while you're at it?

    Thanks from all the consumers who wished everything was priced within our budget.
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    SemiGod wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    As long as the whales keep whaling, nothing will change. They are not trying to make a fun game, they are trying to make a profitable game with as little effort as possible. And the CMs only provide distractions disguised as engagement with community, that's why Meathead asks the same questions as Doja.

    So basically they're excelling at their jobs?

    Yes. Players just seem to have incorrect idea about what their jobs are.

    Yeah idk why ppl finding it surprising that a business’ main goal is to make money.

    They’d make more money if they made a better quality game. There are some good deals in the store now that normally I would’ve bought for full crafted gear or kyros. I won’t give them a jolly red cent now until they address these issues and make a better quality game. Hundreds a month in disposable income that I have available that I’ll spend elsewhere instead of on their game.

    Obviously the hardcore whales are going to keep on whaling. I won’t try and tell others how to spend their money but if they too are sick of these tactics and the way the higher ups are handling their game (as said in streams and Reddit, etc) then the best way to get people like TopCash to wake up is to close their wallets.

    I’m personally glad their revenue is dipping lately because then maybe they’ll get it together. It was almost 3 years before we got any meaningful QoL changes for the game and September of last year was the first time they ever addressed the gear economy, and still haven’t even followed through with what they promised.

    They can make more money by providing a better quality game. People like TopCash are too short sighted to see that. Also….InB4 people “oh I’m sure you know how to run a business better huh?”

    No, I know what I want as a paying customer and know what tons of other people have posted that they want as paying customers. It doesn’t take a business degree to realize you maximize earnings by listening to what paying customers say they’re willing to pay for and what will get them to spend more

    You should probably call up Elon Musk and tell him that he could double or triple his net worth if he would just reduce the price of all Tesla vehicles. Let Tim Cook know this secret too since Apple is barely scraping by and I'm sure they are losing tons of profits by charging so much for their computers, monitors, and headphones (Beats included). Could you throw Tag Heuer a bone while you're at it?

    Thanks from all the consumers who wished everything was priced within our budget.

    Figured there’d be someone like you commenting.

    See, here’s the issue with your cynical response. You’re talking about the price of the product vs the quality of the product. People will pay high prices if the quality of the product is good, such as Tesla, Apple, Beats, Tag Heuer, etc. However customers won’t do that if the quality of the product is underwhelming and not meeting the standards previously set. They’ll ask for refund and take their business to different companies.

    So, thanks for reinforcing my point even though I’m sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    Perceived value and actual value are vastly different and, apparently, outside the grasp of your limited understanding. Your opinion of a product's value is irrelevant to the actual cost of the product, which means your perceived value may or may not be a profitable amount. Listening to armchair quarterbacks complain about the pricing of voluntary purchases in a completely free to download and play mobile game doesn't guarantee profitability; it doesn't even guarantee purchases. If even a quarter of the people who threaten to quit SWGOH on here actually did, there might be constructive and insightful discussions on here. Instead, we have you.

    Thanks for reinforcing my point even though I'm sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    Here’s the arguments about price point and purchases from my half a sentence about pushing overpriced packs rather than address the community concerns I listed.
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    SemiGod wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    As long as the whales keep whaling, nothing will change. They are not trying to make a fun game, they are trying to make a profitable game with as little effort as possible. And the CMs only provide distractions disguised as engagement with community, that's why Meathead asks the same questions as Doja.

    So basically they're excelling at their jobs?

    Yes. Players just seem to have incorrect idea about what their jobs are.

    Yeah idk why ppl finding it surprising that a business’ main goal is to make money.

    They’d make more money if they made a better quality game. There are some good deals in the store now that normally I would’ve bought for full crafted gear or kyros. I won’t give them a jolly red cent now until they address these issues and make a better quality game. Hundreds a month in disposable income that I have available that I’ll spend elsewhere instead of on their game.

    Obviously the hardcore whales are going to keep on whaling. I won’t try and tell others how to spend their money but if they too are sick of these tactics and the way the higher ups are handling their game (as said in streams and Reddit, etc) then the best way to get people like TopCash to wake up is to close their wallets.

    I’m personally glad their revenue is dipping lately because then maybe they’ll get it together. It was almost 3 years before we got any meaningful QoL changes for the game and September of last year was the first time they ever addressed the gear economy, and still haven’t even followed through with what they promised.

    They can make more money by providing a better quality game. People like TopCash are too short sighted to see that. Also….InB4 people “oh I’m sure you know how to run a business better huh?”

    No, I know what I want as a paying customer and know what tons of other people have posted that they want as paying customers. It doesn’t take a business degree to realize you maximize earnings by listening to what paying customers say they’re willing to pay for and what will get them to spend more

    You should probably call up Elon Musk and tell him that he could double or triple his net worth if he would just reduce the price of all Tesla vehicles. Let Tim Cook know this secret too since Apple is barely scraping by and I'm sure they are losing tons of profits by charging so much for their computers, monitors, and headphones (Beats included). Could you throw Tag Heuer a bone while you're at it?

    Thanks from all the consumers who wished everything was priced within our budget.

    Figured there’d be someone like you commenting.

    See, here’s the issue with your cynical response. You’re talking about the price of the product vs the quality of the product. People will pay high prices if the quality of the product is good, such as Tesla, Apple, Beats, Tag Heuer, etc. However customers won’t do that if the quality of the product is underwhelming and not meeting the standards previously set. They’ll ask for refund and take their business to different companies.

    So, thanks for reinforcing my point even though I’m sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    Perceived value and actual value are vastly different and, apparently, outside the grasp of your limited understanding. Your opinion of a product's value is irrelevant to the actual cost of the product, which means your perceived value may or may not be a profitable amount. Listening to armchair quarterbacks complain about the pricing of voluntary purchases in a completely free to download and play mobile game doesn't guarantee profitability; it doesn't even guarantee purchases. If even a quarter of the people who threaten to quit SWGOH on here actually did, there might be constructive and insightful discussions on here. Instead, we have you.

    Thanks for reinforcing my point even though I'm sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    I’m curious if you’re even seeing what the point of my original post was? You keep talking about perceived value and cost. Can you show your work and point out where I’m talking about costs and purchases? I’m fairly certain that you’re cherry picking one single half sentence that says “pushing overpriced packs/characters” trying to straw man it into the whole point of my post, which it was not.

    I’m more than happy to help you though. The main point was the non existent communication from the CM’s and devs regarding the poor quality of the game lately. Stealth nerfs, bugs, missing changes that were promised to us, missing content, missing QoL updates, etc.

    The point of the cost of packs and toons was a minor reinforcement of my main point, at best.

    But to your point of costs; customers expect a specific level of quality based on the price they are paying. The higher the price, the better the quality. If they do not get the quality they seek, they don’t purchase the product.

    Also, free to play players to add to their income from game time, downloads, reviews and ratings etc so it benefits them to have a good quality game. I’m not sure if you’re even aware but CEO’s and shareholders expect the same kind of return once a new ceiling has been met. If in Q1 a company pulls in $100 million in profits, they won’t be ok with Q2 only pulling in $35 million in profits. So any significant down turn raises issues.

    Thanks for again trying to derail this post with your straw man arguments. I do enjoy it :). That doesn’t detract from the devs owing their paying customers and player base explanations for the issues listed about and then some.

    So a point you thought was important enough to shoe-horn into one of your hyperbolic monologues is now a minor point and not worth considering. Do you even understand the point you're trying to make, or are you just tossing word salad and cherry picking the parts that people don't scrutinize? You ask me to "show my work" and then admit you mentioned cost and value. I guess it's pretty easy to do mental gymnastics in an empty space.

    Lets "focus" on your "point": dev communication. Would you like to show your work with what gacha game has better dev communication? Is that game better quality? Does that game community give higher feedback scores? Can you then show your work that the game is more profitable and sustainable than SWGOH?

    I'll wait for your data. Might see a hyperloop and Rapture before that happens, but I'll wait. You can continue the facade of being more enlightened in mobile game revenue than CG while you count your hundreds of disposable income a month like Scrooge McDuck if it makes you feel better.

    And the devs don't owe any explanation on your wildly inaccurate list. Go ahead and post the written communication from CG on each of your points as to when and how changes were going to take place or what rules/expectations are hard set for events for even two of your complaints.

    I would say I enjoy your feeble attempts at debate, but it's more like watching a clumsy panda in a zoo enclosure. It's funny, but not for the right reasons.

    Here’s where you talk about more of the pack prices.
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    SemiGod wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    As long as the whales keep whaling, nothing will change. They are not trying to make a fun game, they are trying to make a profitable game with as little effort as possible. And the CMs only provide distractions disguised as engagement with community, that's why Meathead asks the same questions as Doja.

    So basically they're excelling at their jobs?

    Yes. Players just seem to have incorrect idea about what their jobs are.

    Yeah idk why ppl finding it surprising that a business’ main goal is to make money.

    They’d make more money if they made a better quality game. There are some good deals in the store now that normally I would’ve bought for full crafted gear or kyros. I won’t give them a jolly red cent now until they address these issues and make a better quality game. Hundreds a month in disposable income that I have available that I’ll spend elsewhere instead of on their game.

    Obviously the hardcore whales are going to keep on whaling. I won’t try and tell others how to spend their money but if they too are sick of these tactics and the way the higher ups are handling their game (as said in streams and Reddit, etc) then the best way to get people like TopCash to wake up is to close their wallets.

    I’m personally glad their revenue is dipping lately because then maybe they’ll get it together. It was almost 3 years before we got any meaningful QoL changes for the game and September of last year was the first time they ever addressed the gear economy, and still haven’t even followed through with what they promised.

    They can make more money by providing a better quality game. People like TopCash are too short sighted to see that. Also….InB4 people “oh I’m sure you know how to run a business better huh?”

    No, I know what I want as a paying customer and know what tons of other people have posted that they want as paying customers. It doesn’t take a business degree to realize you maximize earnings by listening to what paying customers say they’re willing to pay for and what will get them to spend more

    You should probably call up Elon Musk and tell him that he could double or triple his net worth if he would just reduce the price of all Tesla vehicles. Let Tim Cook know this secret too since Apple is barely scraping by and I'm sure they are losing tons of profits by charging so much for their computers, monitors, and headphones (Beats included). Could you throw Tag Heuer a bone while you're at it?

    Thanks from all the consumers who wished everything was priced within our budget.

    Figured there’d be someone like you commenting.

    See, here’s the issue with your cynical response. You’re talking about the price of the product vs the quality of the product. People will pay high prices if the quality of the product is good, such as Tesla, Apple, Beats, Tag Heuer, etc. However customers won’t do that if the quality of the product is underwhelming and not meeting the standards previously set. They’ll ask for refund and take their business to different companies.

    So, thanks for reinforcing my point even though I’m sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    Perceived value and actual value are vastly different and, apparently, outside the grasp of your limited understanding. Your opinion of a product's value is irrelevant to the actual cost of the product, which means your perceived value may or may not be a profitable amount. Listening to armchair quarterbacks complain about the pricing of voluntary purchases in a completely free to download and play mobile game doesn't guarantee profitability; it doesn't even guarantee purchases. If even a quarter of the people who threaten to quit SWGOH on here actually did, there might be constructive and insightful discussions on here. Instead, we have you.

    Thanks for reinforcing my point even though I'm sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    I’m curious if you’re even seeing what the point of my original post was? You keep talking about perceived value and cost. Can you show your work and point out where I’m talking about costs and purchases? I’m fairly certain that you’re cherry picking one single half sentence that says “pushing overpriced packs/characters” trying to straw man it into the whole point of my post, which it was not.

    I’m more than happy to help you though. The main point was the non existent communication from the CM’s and devs regarding the poor quality of the game lately. Stealth nerfs, bugs, missing changes that were promised to us, missing content, missing QoL updates, etc.

    The point of the cost of packs and toons was a minor reinforcement of my main point, at best.

    But to your point of costs; customers expect a specific level of quality based on the price they are paying. The higher the price, the better the quality. If they do not get the quality they seek, they don’t purchase the product.

    Also, free to play players to add to their income from game time, downloads, reviews and ratings etc so it benefits them to have a good quality game. I’m not sure if you’re even aware but CEO’s and shareholders expect the same kind of return once a new ceiling has been met. If in Q1 a company pulls in $100 million in profits, they won’t be ok with Q2 only pulling in $35 million in profits. So any significant down turn raises issues.

    Thanks for again trying to derail this post with your straw man arguments. I do enjoy it :). That doesn’t detract from the devs owing their paying customers and player base explanations for the issues listed about and then some.

    So a point you thought was important enough to shoe-horn into one of your hyperbolic monologues is now a minor point and not worth considering. Do you even understand the point you're trying to make, or are you just tossing word salad and cherry picking the parts that people don't scrutinize? You ask me to "show my work" and then admit you mentioned cost and value. I guess it's pretty easy to do mental gymnastics in an empty space.

    Lets "focus" on your "point": dev communication. Would you like to show your work with what gacha game has better dev communication? Is that game better quality? Does that game community give higher feedback scores? Can you then show your work that the game is more profitable and sustainable than SWGOH?

    I'll wait for your data. Might see a hyperloop and Rapture before that happens, but I'll wait. You can continue the facade of being more enlightened in mobile game revenue than CG while you count your hundreds of disposable income a month like Scrooge McDuck if it makes you feel better.

    And the devs don't owe any explanation on your wildly inaccurate list. Go ahead and post the written communication from CG on each of your points as to when and how changes were going to take place or what rules/expectations are hard set for events for even two of your complaints.

    I would say I enjoy your feeble attempts at debate, but it's more like watching a clumsy panda in a zoo enclosure. It's funny, but not for the right reasons.

    Gear economy changes:
    September said that there would be two guaranteed phases of changes with the first part of p1 rolling out and then the rest in the next month or so. They then said in the SotG in Feb that the gear economy changes would then be addressed more in the RA for March. The RA came and went with no mention of the changes for the rest of P1 or anything for P2.

    Galactic Chase Drop Rates:
    Darjelo took it upon himself to start a thread for people to track their drop rates for the two GC chases for Echelon and Resistance Bomber. The players figured out on our own that the drop rate changed from 4% to 3% without any notice by the devs, going against previously stated drop rates. Doja said he would reach out for answers to the dev team and that was the last we heard from the devs on it. Ultra said that she was given an answer but is not allowed to comment on it and only a dev can. We need an explanation why it was changed as it sets a bad precedent for them to stealth nerf drop rates from previously established ones.

    TW and GAC matchmaking:
    Each one with its own issues. TW shows massive mismatches based on GP, mods, GL count, relic levels, etc. The devs stated that matchmaking changes would happen after they gathered some data to make informed changes. Nothing has changed after several months. The same with GAC and the skill rating system not taking into account GP differences of sometimes 3-4 million. Again, devs said it wasn’t permanent and it was a fluid system but nothing’s been altered yet except adding more fleets needed for Kyber tier. Which is the next point.

    Lack of ships/content:
    No more raids, no sandbox mode, no new PVE nodes on the tables, and of course a sever e lack of “shipload of content” they alluded to. Now it’s possible we are about to finally get that shipload of content after a year, however we have enough for 7 fleets and most of them aren’t complete ones. A complete fleet is 7 ships. Many are undermanned with 4 or 5 ships.

    Bugs, bugs, bugs:
    Kenobi GL event T1 bug. Disappearing button bugs. Crashing during loading battles in GAC. Bugged galactic challenges. Buggy conquest modifiers. These are issues that take several months to fix yet anything in regards to benefiting the players is fixed immediately. Hurting them? Months if not years like the unending loyalty/Teebo/fives bugs. Why the disparity in time to fix?

    Mod management. Fleet loadouts. Variety of enemies in conquest. Repeat data disks in the same prize node. Lack of enemy stats resulting in guessing speeds and going in blind causing lost battles that need not be. Guild management tools. There’s plenty they can do to increase the quality of the game for the player base.


    The CM for MSF communicates every single day with the community and they put out a weekly blog of what’s upcoming into the game in terms of future events, legendaries, bug fixes, and communicate regularly with the CC’s who send them bug reports and acknowledge things going on. MSF is a similar game type and competitor in terms of revenue. They have their own issues as well, but it’s addressed by their CM at the very least and compensation is given accordingly when it occurs.

    Again, the point with the price of packs was showing their priorities on what they focus on and communicate. A minor supporting point does not overshadow the overall issue no matter how much you want to toss around insults and straw man the issue. So again, and hopefully for the last time, re read my original post. Please show me how the price of packs is my main point at all, or anything other than a minor reinforcement based on half a sentence. Heck I even said that there are good packs currently for sale based on in game value I’d normally purchase but won’t buy them due to CG’s refusal to address the community and their lack of quality lately.

    No I’m not counting my money like Scrooge mcduck. I’m spending it elsewhere like MSF or in other areas of life because they won’t get my business as a paying player until I feel they deserve it. That’s the beauty of capitalism. I choose what I spend my money on and who is deserving of my business as a consumer.

    I do look forward to seeing how the points I just listed are “wildly inaccurate” 😂 as if these aren’t issues in the commmunity right now lol

    1. So you're complaining that they didn't mentioned anything in March about gear economy changes that never had a hard date. Wow. Way to really chomp into the facts and not let them go.

    2. Please post the dev announcement or statement that says all galactic chases for the rest of time will be at 4%.

    3. The algorithms for both modes were changed. It was clearly stated that the matchmaking was now taking performance into account. Please post examples of people/guilds on long winning/losing streaks that are still "massively mismatched".

    4. Devs have never promised more raids, sandbox, or PVE nodes. They've even specifically stated a sandbox mode was likely never coming and the new raid idea was scrapped.
    4a. Side note; if you need all fleets with all 7 ships in the modes where that is actually an issue, you should probably git gud at fleet battles instead of saying there aren't enough ships

    5. Where was mod management and fleet loadout changes ever promised with hard dates? Would you rather data disks be a set combination for ever node instead of random? Do you not understand how to take base states and add percentage multipliers? While you might think the game needs these QoL improvements, none have been promised.

    6. MSF is a giant dumpster fire. Who care if the CM communicates every week if the game is lower quality? Every complaint you've outlined against SWGOH is even worse in MSF except for dev communication. So you just want lip service? Cool, spend your paltry allowance on MSF where it does next to nothing. Glad you found something that makes you feel better that isn't rooted in facts and data.

    Did you see how wildly inaccurate all those complaints are in regards to your main complain of dev communication? Probably not because your avatar is 100% correct in being mediocre and overconfident. Have fun trying to explain it all away though!

    Here’s where you talk about me saying the devs promised us this stuff by hard dates. Which isn’t true.
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    SemiGod wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    As long as the whales keep whaling, nothing will change. They are not trying to make a fun game, they are trying to make a profitable game with as little effort as possible. And the CMs only provide distractions disguised as engagement with community, that's why Meathead asks the same questions as Doja.

    So basically they're excelling at their jobs?

    Yes. Players just seem to have incorrect idea about what their jobs are.

    Yeah idk why ppl finding it surprising that a business’ main goal is to make money.

    They’d make more money if they made a better quality game. There are some good deals in the store now that normally I would’ve bought for full crafted gear or kyros. I won’t give them a jolly red cent now until they address these issues and make a better quality game. Hundreds a month in disposable income that I have available that I’ll spend elsewhere instead of on their game.

    Obviously the hardcore whales are going to keep on whaling. I won’t try and tell others how to spend their money but if they too are sick of these tactics and the way the higher ups are handling their game (as said in streams and Reddit, etc) then the best way to get people like TopCash to wake up is to close their wallets.

    I’m personally glad their revenue is dipping lately because then maybe they’ll get it together. It was almost 3 years before we got any meaningful QoL changes for the game and September of last year was the first time they ever addressed the gear economy, and still haven’t even followed through with what they promised.

    They can make more money by providing a better quality game. People like TopCash are too short sighted to see that. Also….InB4 people “oh I’m sure you know how to run a business better huh?”

    No, I know what I want as a paying customer and know what tons of other people have posted that they want as paying customers. It doesn’t take a business degree to realize you maximize earnings by listening to what paying customers say they’re willing to pay for and what will get them to spend more

    You should probably call up Elon Musk and tell him that he could double or triple his net worth if he would just reduce the price of all Tesla vehicles. Let Tim Cook know this secret too since Apple is barely scraping by and I'm sure they are losing tons of profits by charging so much for their computers, monitors, and headphones (Beats included). Could you throw Tag Heuer a bone while you're at it?

    Thanks from all the consumers who wished everything was priced within our budget.

    Figured there’d be someone like you commenting.

    See, here’s the issue with your cynical response. You’re talking about the price of the product vs the quality of the product. People will pay high prices if the quality of the product is good, such as Tesla, Apple, Beats, Tag Heuer, etc. However customers won’t do that if the quality of the product is underwhelming and not meeting the standards previously set. They’ll ask for refund and take their business to different companies.

    So, thanks for reinforcing my point even though I’m sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    Perceived value and actual value are vastly different and, apparently, outside the grasp of your limited understanding. Your opinion of a product's value is irrelevant to the actual cost of the product, which means your perceived value may or may not be a profitable amount. Listening to armchair quarterbacks complain about the pricing of voluntary purchases in a completely free to download and play mobile game doesn't guarantee profitability; it doesn't even guarantee purchases. If even a quarter of the people who threaten to quit SWGOH on here actually did, there might be constructive and insightful discussions on here. Instead, we have you.

    Thanks for reinforcing my point even though I'm sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    I’m curious if you’re even seeing what the point of my original post was? You keep talking about perceived value and cost. Can you show your work and point out where I’m talking about costs and purchases? I’m fairly certain that you’re cherry picking one single half sentence that says “pushing overpriced packs/characters” trying to straw man it into the whole point of my post, which it was not.

    I’m more than happy to help you though. The main point was the non existent communication from the CM’s and devs regarding the poor quality of the game lately. Stealth nerfs, bugs, missing changes that were promised to us, missing content, missing QoL updates, etc.

    The point of the cost of packs and toons was a minor reinforcement of my main point, at best.

    But to your point of costs; customers expect a specific level of quality based on the price they are paying. The higher the price, the better the quality. If they do not get the quality they seek, they don’t purchase the product.

    Also, free to play players to add to their income from game time, downloads, reviews and ratings etc so it benefits them to have a good quality game. I’m not sure if you’re even aware but CEO’s and shareholders expect the same kind of return once a new ceiling has been met. If in Q1 a company pulls in $100 million in profits, they won’t be ok with Q2 only pulling in $35 million in profits. So any significant down turn raises issues.

    Thanks for again trying to derail this post with your straw man arguments. I do enjoy it :). That doesn’t detract from the devs owing their paying customers and player base explanations for the issues listed about and then some.

    So a point you thought was important enough to shoe-horn into one of your hyperbolic monologues is now a minor point and not worth considering. Do you even understand the point you're trying to make, or are you just tossing word salad and cherry picking the parts that people don't scrutinize? You ask me to "show my work" and then admit you mentioned cost and value. I guess it's pretty easy to do mental gymnastics in an empty space.

    Lets "focus" on your "point": dev communication. Would you like to show your work with what gacha game has better dev communication? Is that game better quality? Does that game community give higher feedback scores? Can you then show your work that the game is more profitable and sustainable than SWGOH?

    I'll wait for your data. Might see a hyperloop and Rapture before that happens, but I'll wait. You can continue the facade of being more enlightened in mobile game revenue than CG while you count your hundreds of disposable income a month like Scrooge McDuck if it makes you feel better.

    And the devs don't owe any explanation on your wildly inaccurate list. Go ahead and post the written communication from CG on each of your points as to when and how changes were going to take place or what rules/expectations are hard set for events for even two of your complaints.

    I would say I enjoy your feeble attempts at debate, but it's more like watching a clumsy panda in a zoo enclosure. It's funny, but not for the right reasons.

    Gear economy changes:
    September said that there would be two guaranteed phases of changes with the first part of p1 rolling out and then the rest in the next month or so. They then said in the SotG in Feb that the gear economy changes would then be addressed more in the RA for March. The RA came and went with no mention of the changes for the rest of P1 or anything for P2.

    Galactic Chase Drop Rates:
    Darjelo took it upon himself to start a thread for people to track their drop rates for the two GC chases for Echelon and Resistance Bomber. The players figured out on our own that the drop rate changed from 4% to 3% without any notice by the devs, going against previously stated drop rates. Doja said he would reach out for answers to the dev team and that was the last we heard from the devs on it. Ultra said that she was given an answer but is not allowed to comment on it and only a dev can. We need an explanation why it was changed as it sets a bad precedent for them to stealth nerf drop rates from previously established ones.

    TW and GAC matchmaking:
    Each one with its own issues. TW shows massive mismatches based on GP, mods, GL count, relic levels, etc. The devs stated that matchmaking changes would happen after they gathered some data to make informed changes. Nothing has changed after several months. The same with GAC and the skill rating system not taking into account GP differences of sometimes 3-4 million. Again, devs said it wasn’t permanent and it was a fluid system but nothing’s been altered yet except adding more fleets needed for Kyber tier. Which is the next point.

    Lack of ships/content:
    No more raids, no sandbox mode, no new PVE nodes on the tables, and of course a sever e lack of “shipload of content” they alluded to. Now it’s possible we are about to finally get that shipload of content after a year, however we have enough for 7 fleets and most of them aren’t complete ones. A complete fleet is 7 ships. Many are undermanned with 4 or 5 ships.

    Bugs, bugs, bugs:
    Kenobi GL event T1 bug. Disappearing button bugs. Crashing during loading battles in GAC. Bugged galactic challenges. Buggy conquest modifiers. These are issues that take several months to fix yet anything in regards to benefiting the players is fixed immediately. Hurting them? Months if not years like the unending loyalty/Teebo/fives bugs. Why the disparity in time to fix?

    Mod management. Fleet loadouts. Variety of enemies in conquest. Repeat data disks in the same prize node. Lack of enemy stats resulting in guessing speeds and going in blind causing lost battles that need not be. Guild management tools. There’s plenty they can do to increase the quality of the game for the player base.


    The CM for MSF communicates every single day with the community and they put out a weekly blog of what’s upcoming into the game in terms of future events, legendaries, bug fixes, and communicate regularly with the CC’s who send them bug reports and acknowledge things going on. MSF is a similar game type and competitor in terms of revenue. They have their own issues as well, but it’s addressed by their CM at the very least and compensation is given accordingly when it occurs.

    Again, the point with the price of packs was showing their priorities on what they focus on and communicate. A minor supporting point does not overshadow the overall issue no matter how much you want to toss around insults and straw man the issue. So again, and hopefully for the last time, re read my original post. Please show me how the price of packs is my main point at all, or anything other than a minor reinforcement based on half a sentence. Heck I even said that there are good packs currently for sale based on in game value I’d normally purchase but won’t buy them due to CG’s refusal to address the community and their lack of quality lately.

    No I’m not counting my money like Scrooge mcduck. I’m spending it elsewhere like MSF or in other areas of life because they won’t get my business as a paying player until I feel they deserve it. That’s the beauty of capitalism. I choose what I spend my money on and who is deserving of my business as a consumer.

    I do look forward to seeing how the points I just listed are “wildly inaccurate” 😂 as if these aren’t issues in the commmunity right now lol

    1. So you're complaining that they didn't mentioned anything in March about gear economy changes that never had a hard date. Wow. Way to really chomp into the facts and not let them go.

    2. Please post the dev announcement or statement that says all galactic chases for the rest of time will be at 4%.

    3. The algorithms for both modes were changed. It was clearly stated that the matchmaking was now taking performance into account. Please post examples of people/guilds on long winning/losing streaks that are still "massively mismatched".

    4. Devs have never promised more raids, sandbox, or PVE nodes. They've even specifically stated a sandbox mode was likely never coming and the new raid idea was scrapped.
    4a. Side note; if you need all fleets with all 7 ships in the modes where that is actually an issue, you should probably git gud at fleet battles instead of saying there aren't enough ships

    5. Where was mod management and fleet loadout changes ever promised with hard dates? Would you rather data disks be a set combination for ever node instead of random? Do you not understand how to take base states and add percentage multipliers? While you might think the game needs these QoL improvements, none have been promised.

    6. MSF is a giant dumpster fire. Who care if the CM communicates every week if the game is lower quality? Every complaint you've outlined against SWGOH is even worse in MSF except for dev communication. So you just want lip service? Cool, spend your paltry allowance on MSF where it does next to nothing. Glad you found something that makes you feel better that isn't rooted in facts and data.

    Did you see how wildly inaccurate all those complaints are in regards to your main complain of dev communication? Probably not because your avatar is 100% correct in being mediocre and overconfident. Have fun trying to explain it all away though!

    First you said I’m complaint about pack prices. Then you said that none of my points are issues and are inaccurate, now you’re saying I said they promised hard dates on everything.

    No dude. The only hard timeline given was the gear economy changes.

    September SoTG: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/249886/state-of-the-gear-laxy-september-2021#latest

    October RA: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/250664/road-ahead-october-2021#latest

    Feb 2022 SoTG: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/253661/state-of-the-galaxy-february-2022#latest
    In here they promise to address the gear economy changes further, more than 5 months after initially announced.

    March RA then came and went with zero mention of any gear economy changes.

    2.) All Chases were 4% in cantina. It changed and was announced as such when it was in fleet battles. It’s been established already.

    3.) Yes they were changed and we were told that it would be looked at and adjusted and that the initial implementation was not the final product.

    4.) I never said they promised that. I stated we were not getting that because it was not “fiscally viable” for them to do so directly from the mouth of TopCash. I’m saying that putting those in the game is what players want.

    5.) They never promised mod management or fleet loadouts. Only that Doja and crumb were pushing for it because of how important it was to the player base and how necessary it was from a QoL standpoint. Please show where I said they promised a deliver by date.

    6.) I’d prefer it set so that the same data disk is not in the same node. The RNG aspect is what it is but it should be coded so we don’t get 3 opportunistic support or 3 zealous ambition disks in the exact same node. No, it’s not base stats. If it was then a unit with a base stat of 170 for speed with a 40% boost (giving it a 238 speed) would not outrun a 375 speed Gideon or a 355 speed Echo. There’s different modifiers and boosts that we can’t calculate so we are left to guess.

    7.) I’m actually very good at ships. My performance in fleet battles isn’t the point. It’s the availability of ships for full fleets and how the new changes give you one chance for a cleanup or you’re done. With 9 capital ships we should have enough ships for 9 full fleets. Not 7 patched together with only 2/3 having full fleets.

    8.) As bad as MSF is with their issues their response to them are better in terms of communication and compensation. Remember the QGJ nerf that completely changed his identify against GL’s and it not working against them anymore? Yeah MSF would’ve given back those materials to decide if we still wanted to invest since it was a significant change to its ability.

    No, my complaints aren’t inaccurate as they’re legitimate issues in the game. You keep changing your argument and still have yet to hit a firm ground to stand on. I will give you points for how hard you’re using straw man arguments though. A for effort

    Your complaints are inaccurate since your main complaint is in regards to dev communication per one of your own posts. If the devs haven’t promised anything, you’re basically being a toddler thinking every idea they have is genius and should be acknowledged. I’m thrilled that you’ve found a way to articulate your feelings, but you’re an insignificant string of characters for SWGOH and the devs owe no explanations for whatever ideas fall out of your skull.

    I haven’t changed my argument, which is that your complaints are worthless. You keep changing the criteria by which you’re judging your own complaints. First a statement you made wasn’t worth mentioning, then it’s about dev communication and quality, and now you’ve admitted that only one of your complaints is barely grounded in reality but you still think you deserve something.

    The fact is you think your feelings warrant validation in the form of dev communication, and unfortunately (for you and the rest of us hoping to see meaningful content on the forums), they don’t. Of course you’ll say that’s not it at all, but then you have no explanation for adamantly soap boxing besides narcissism, and a good narcissist would never admit something negative like narcissim.

    Yes….communication regarding these issues. And as I’ve said there’s tons of posts regarding these issues on the forums with little to no acknowledgement from CG.

    Yes, you keep changing your argument. First saying I was complaining mainly about pack prices. Which wasn’t true. Then that my complaints aren’t real issues with the game; which was proven false based on how many posts and comments there are regarding what I highlighted. Then you claimed I said we were promised hard dates for all the issues I didn’t, which isn’t true since I only said it regarding the gear economy.

    No the complaints are grounded in reality. We have no updates to the gear economy since October. We don’t have fleet loadouts. We don’t have improved mod management. We don’t have improved guild officer tools. We don’t have fixes to the same bugs over and over. We don’t have an explanation why drop rates for the chases were lowered. We don’t have a reliable reporting portal for cheaters. We don’t have QoL updates for conquest that have been requested for several months. So they’re real complaints and have a basis based on the volume of posts and comments about them on the forums.

    I sincerely hope you don’t own a business or work in customer service because if you don’t think the complaints of paying customers is valid then you must be hurting pretty bad financially. Plus it’s not just me. As I’ve said it’s based on all the posts on the forums regarding the issues and complaints that people who play and pay to play this game want to see. I’m sorry the contents of these forums aren’t up to what you want to see. Perhaps volunteer to be a mod and you can then shape the forums into what you see fit? Although based on how heavily biased you are against any sort of negative post against CG I don’t think you’d do well.

    I never claimed your complaint was solely against prices. Where did you see that? Where did I say you said everything was promised in a hard date? Show your work.

    I haven’t changed my argument. Dev response is not needed because of your feelings or anyone else’s feelings. If you don’t feel like that’s true, I’m sorry. Your feelings have no bearing on the truth. And yes, reality is a tangible world, not one where you think you are owed anything because of how you feel. That’s not grounded in reality.

    You still haven’t proven anything besides we maybe should have seen more gear economy changes. Anecdotal evidence based on how people feel is not proof. Ford owners think dodge sucks, dodge owners think Chevy sucks, everyone thinks Jeep sucks, but until there is quantitative (not qualitative) data, all you have are opinions. And your opinion is worthless to everyone but you.

    I sincerely hope your form of employment does not rely on your comprehension of the English language. You’re completely oblivious to the fallacy of a straw man argument since declaring such is a straw man in itself. You don’t seem to understand simple concepts like logic or fact. You certainly don’t understand irony if you’re calling others biased.

    Complain all you want, no one cares. But no one owes you an explanation besides possibly your parents.

    I will continue to post and complain until CG provides a better quality game. I will continue to push for better quality to a game Ive paid money to play and that they expect people to pay for. Just as you will continue to be condescending, straw man any post that goes against CG and act like an immature child name calling anyone that doesn’t worship CG. If you don’t like the content of the forums, don’t feel like you need to be here, much less comment and de rail threads.

    You really don’t understand English, do you? You said I stated your complaints were mainly about price; I didn’t and what you posted shows I didn’t. You claimed I said you stated there were hard set dates promised; I didn’t and what you posted shows I didn’t. I would posit if you’re really that dense, but I don’t think troglodytes are self aware, as proven by you continuing to try and straw man my posts by saying they are straw man arguments.

    Your complaints will not result in a better game. Not because CG won’t do it (they won’t), but because your ideas are merely your opinion and don’t mean a better game.

    PS - you have not paid to play this game. No one has. You’ve paid for in game items and currency (presumably), but those purchases were not required. If you can’t even comprehend the simplest concept, I’m going to guess you have to sleep with a mouth guard to make it through the night. Maybe you need a thicker one to keep the oxygen stats up.

    You claim others can’t have a productive debate/argument/discussion but every single one of your comments has some kind of personal insult and condescending slam lmao.

    Others have even called you out on your straw man argument and they’ve proven to be unbiased in their times on the forums.

    If you can’t stick with a singular argument point, more so comment without insulting me or anyone else, then this exchange is over with. Enjoy your day and enjoy whatever CG decides to toss your way in terms of the game without having a single independent thought for yourself on what would make the game better. If they ever come out with mod management, fleet loadouts, bug fixes, gear economy updates, etc please refrain from using them since you think it’s all nonsense and non issues. Cheers!

    I’m sorry that verifiable facts are considered insults or slams to you, but that doesn’t change their veracity.

    No one else has used straw man but you. And I’ve already explained in the simplest possible terms why what you’re poorly attempting to do is the definition of straw man, but that appears to follow on hollow ears.

    You’ve done nothing but move the goal posts the entire thread (and essentially all your forum posting). You’ve very feebly attempted to throw thinly veiled insults at me specifically and are now attempting to high horse your way out of your losing stance. I’m glad you’ve decided to concede your faux championing for a better game. I would say I hope CG continues to disappoint you but we all know you need something to whine about.
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    ImaSmakya wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    Ravens1113 wrote: »
    SemiGod wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    CCyrilS wrote: »
    Nauros wrote: »
    As long as the whales keep whaling, nothing will change. They are not trying to make a fun game, they are trying to make a profitable game with as little effort as possible. And the CMs only provide distractions disguised as engagement with community, that's why Meathead asks the same questions as Doja.

    So basically they're excelling at their jobs?

    Yes. Players just seem to have incorrect idea about what their jobs are.

    Yeah idk why ppl finding it surprising that a business’ main goal is to make money.

    They’d make more money if they made a better quality game. There are some good deals in the store now that normally I would’ve bought for full crafted gear or kyros. I won’t give them a jolly red cent now until they address these issues and make a better quality game. Hundreds a month in disposable income that I have available that I’ll spend elsewhere instead of on their game.

    Obviously the hardcore whales are going to keep on whaling. I won’t try and tell others how to spend their money but if they too are sick of these tactics and the way the higher ups are handling their game (as said in streams and Reddit, etc) then the best way to get people like TopCash to wake up is to close their wallets.

    I’m personally glad their revenue is dipping lately because then maybe they’ll get it together. It was almost 3 years before we got any meaningful QoL changes for the game and September of last year was the first time they ever addressed the gear economy, and still haven’t even followed through with what they promised.

    They can make more money by providing a better quality game. People like TopCash are too short sighted to see that. Also….InB4 people “oh I’m sure you know how to run a business better huh?”

    No, I know what I want as a paying customer and know what tons of other people have posted that they want as paying customers. It doesn’t take a business degree to realize you maximize earnings by listening to what paying customers say they’re willing to pay for and what will get them to spend more

    You should probably call up Elon Musk and tell him that he could double or triple his net worth if he would just reduce the price of all Tesla vehicles. Let Tim Cook know this secret too since Apple is barely scraping by and I'm sure they are losing tons of profits by charging so much for their computers, monitors, and headphones (Beats included). Could you throw Tag Heuer a bone while you're at it?

    Thanks from all the consumers who wished everything was priced within our budget.

    Figured there’d be someone like you commenting.

    See, here’s the issue with your cynical response. You’re talking about the price of the product vs the quality of the product. People will pay high prices if the quality of the product is good, such as Tesla, Apple, Beats, Tag Heuer, etc. However customers won’t do that if the quality of the product is underwhelming and not meeting the standards previously set. They’ll ask for refund and take their business to different companies.

    So, thanks for reinforcing my point even though I’m sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    Perceived value and actual value are vastly different and, apparently, outside the grasp of your limited understanding. Your opinion of a product's value is irrelevant to the actual cost of the product, which means your perceived value may or may not be a profitable amount. Listening to armchair quarterbacks complain about the pricing of voluntary purchases in a completely free to download and play mobile game doesn't guarantee profitability; it doesn't even guarantee purchases. If even a quarter of the people who threaten to quit SWGOH on here actually did, there might be constructive and insightful discussions on here. Instead, we have you.

    Thanks for reinforcing my point even though I'm sure you meant to try and devalue it with a snide and condescending reply :)

    I’m curious if you’re even seeing what the point of my original post was? You keep talking about perceived value and cost. Can you show your work and point out where I’m talking about costs and purchases? I’m fairly certain that you’re cherry picking one single half sentence that says “pushing overpriced packs/characters” trying to straw man it into the whole point of my post, which it was not.

    I’m more than happy to help you though. The main point was the non existent communication from the CM’s and devs regarding the poor quality of the game lately. Stealth nerfs, bugs, missing changes that were promised to us, missing content, missing QoL updates, etc.

    The point of the cost of packs and toons was a minor reinforcement of my main point, at best.

    But to your point of costs; customers expect a specific level of quality based on the price they are paying. The higher the price, the better the quality. If they do not get the quality they seek, they don’t purchase the product.

    Also, free to play players to add to their income from game time, downloads, reviews and ratings etc so it benefits them to have a good quality game. I’m not sure if you’re even aware but CEO’s and shareholders expect the same kind of return once a new ceiling has been met. If in Q1 a company pulls in $100 million in profits, they won’t be ok with Q2 only pulling in $35 million in profits. So any significant down turn raises issues.

    Thanks for again trying to derail this post with your straw man arguments. I do enjoy it :). That doesn’t detract from the devs owing their paying customers and player base explanations for the issues listed about and then some.

    So a point you thought was important enough to shoe-horn into one of your hyperbolic monologues is now a minor point and not worth considering. Do you even understand the point you're trying to make, or are you just tossing word salad and cherry picking the parts that people don't scrutinize? You ask me to "show my work" and then admit you mentioned cost and value. I guess it's pretty easy to do mental gymnastics in an empty space.

    Lets "focus" on your "point": dev communication. Would you like to show your work with what gacha game has better dev communication? Is that game better quality? Does that game community give higher feedback scores? Can you then show your work that the game is more profitable and sustainable than SWGOH?

    I'll wait for your data. Might see a hyperloop and Rapture before that happens, but I'll wait. You can continue the facade of being more enlightened in mobile game revenue than CG while you count your hundreds of disposable income a month like Scrooge McDuck if it makes you feel better.

    And the devs don't owe any explanation on your wildly inaccurate list. Go ahead and post the written communication from CG on each of your points as to when and how changes were going to take place or what rules/expectations are hard set for events for even two of your complaints.

    I would say I enjoy your feeble attempts at debate, but it's more like watching a clumsy panda in a zoo enclosure. It's funny, but not for the right reasons.

    Gear economy changes:
    September said that there would be two guaranteed phases of changes with the first part of p1 rolling out and then the rest in the next month or so. They then said in the SotG in Feb that the gear economy changes would then be addressed more in the RA for March. The RA came and went with no mention of the changes for the rest of P1 or anything for P2.

    Galactic Chase Drop Rates:
    Darjelo took it upon himself to start a thread for people to track their drop rates for the two GC chases for Echelon and Resistance Bomber. The players figured out on our own that the drop rate changed from 4% to 3% without any notice by the devs, going against previously stated drop rates. Doja said he would reach out for answers to the dev team and that was the last we heard from the devs on it. Ultra said that she was given an answer but is not allowed to comment on it and only a dev can. We need an explanation why it was changed as it sets a bad precedent for them to stealth nerf drop rates from previously established ones.

    TW and GAC matchmaking:
    Each one with its own issues. TW shows massive mismatches based on GP, mods, GL count, relic levels, etc. The devs stated that matchmaking changes would happen after they gathered some data to make informed changes. Nothing has changed after several months. The same with GAC and the skill rating system not taking into account GP differences of sometimes 3-4 million. Again, devs said it wasn’t permanent and it was a fluid system but nothing’s been altered yet except adding more fleets needed for Kyber tier. Which is the next point.

    Lack of ships/content:
    No more raids, no sandbox mode, no new PVE nodes on the tables, and of course a sever e lack of “shipload of content” they alluded to. Now it’s possible we are about to finally get that shipload of content after a year, however we have enough for 7 fleets and most of them aren’t complete ones. A complete fleet is 7 ships. Many are undermanned with 4 or 5 ships.

    Bugs, bugs, bugs:
    Kenobi GL event T1 bug. Disappearing button bugs. Crashing during loading battles in GAC. Bugged galactic challenges. Buggy conquest modifiers. These are issues that take several months to fix yet anything in regards to benefiting the players is fixed immediately. Hurting them? Months if not years like the unending loyalty/Teebo/fives bugs. Why the disparity in time to fix?

    Mod management. Fleet loadouts. Variety of enemies in conquest. Repeat data disks in the same prize node. Lack of enemy stats resulting in guessing speeds and going in blind causing lost battles that need not be. Guild management tools. There’s plenty they can do to increase the quality of the game for the player base.


    The CM for MSF communicates every single day with the community and they put out a weekly blog of what’s upcoming into the game in terms of future events, legendaries, bug fixes, and communicate regularly with the CC’s who send them bug reports and acknowledge things going on. MSF is a similar game type and competitor in terms of revenue. They have their own issues as well, but it’s addressed by their CM at the very least and compensation is given accordingly when it occurs.

    Again, the point with the price of packs was showing their priorities on what they focus on and communicate. A minor supporting point does not overshadow the overall issue no matter how much you want to toss around insults and straw man the issue. So again, and hopefully for the last time, re read my original post. Please show me how the price of packs is my main point at all, or anything other than a minor reinforcement based on half a sentence. Heck I even said that there are good packs currently for sale based on in game value I’d normally purchase but won’t buy them due to CG’s refusal to address the community and their lack of quality lately.

    No I’m not counting my money like Scrooge mcduck. I’m spending it elsewhere like MSF or in other areas of life because they won’t get my business as a paying player until I feel they deserve it. That’s the beauty of capitalism. I choose what I spend my money on and who is deserving of my business as a consumer.

    I do look forward to seeing how the points I just listed are “wildly inaccurate” 😂 as if these aren’t issues in the commmunity right now lol

    1. So you're complaining that they didn't mentioned anything in March about gear economy changes that never had a hard date. Wow. Way to really chomp into the facts and not let them go.

    2. Please post the dev announcement or statement that says all galactic chases for the rest of time will be at 4%.

    3. The algorithms for both modes were changed. It was clearly stated that the matchmaking was now taking performance into account. Please post examples of people/guilds on long winning/losing streaks that are still "massively mismatched".

    4. Devs have never promised more raids, sandbox, or PVE nodes. They've even specifically stated a sandbox mode was likely never coming and the new raid idea was scrapped.
    4a. Side note; if you need all fleets with all 7 ships in the modes where that is actually an issue, you should probably git gud at fleet battles instead of saying there aren't enough ships

    5. Where was mod management and fleet loadout changes ever promised with hard dates? Would you rather data disks be a set combination for ever node instead of random? Do you not understand how to take base states and add percentage multipliers? While you might think the game needs these QoL improvements, none have been promised.

    6. MSF is a giant dumpster fire. Who care if the CM communicates every week if the game is lower quality? Every complaint you've outlined against SWGOH is even worse in MSF except for dev communication. So you just want lip service? Cool, spend your paltry allowance on MSF where it does next to nothing. Glad you found something that makes you feel better that isn't rooted in facts and data.

    Did you see how wildly inaccurate all those complaints are in regards to your main complain of dev communication? Probably not because your avatar is 100% correct in being mediocre and overconfident. Have fun trying to explain it all away though!

    First you said I’m complaint about pack prices. Then you said that none of my points are issues and are inaccurate, now you’re saying I said they promised hard dates on everything.

    No dude. The only hard timeline given was the gear economy changes.

    September SoTG: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/249886/state-of-the-gear-laxy-september-2021#latest

    October RA: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/250664/road-ahead-october-2021#latest

    Feb 2022 SoTG: https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.com/discussion/253661/state-of-the-galaxy-february-2022#latest
    In here they promise to address the gear economy changes further, more than 5 months after initially announced.

    March RA then came and went with zero mention of any gear economy changes.

    2.) All Chases were 4% in cantina. It changed and was announced as such when it was in fleet battles. It’s been established already.

    3.) Yes they were changed and we were told that it would be looked at and adjusted and that the initial implementation was not the final product.

    4.) I never said they promised that. I stated we were not getting that because it was not “fiscally viable” for them to do so directly from the mouth of TopCash. I’m saying that putting those in the game is what players want.

    5.) They never promised mod management or fleet loadouts. Only that Doja and crumb were pushing for it because of how important it was to the player base and how necessary it was from a QoL standpoint. Please show where I said they promised a deliver by date.

    6.) I’d prefer it set so that the same data disk is not in the same node. The RNG aspect is what it is but it should be coded so we don’t get 3 opportunistic support or 3 zealous ambition disks in the exact same node. No, it’s not base stats. If it was then a unit with a base stat of 170 for speed with a 40% boost (giving it a 238 speed) would not outrun a 375 speed Gideon or a 355 speed Echo. There’s different modifiers and boosts that we can’t calculate so we are left to guess.

    7.) I’m actually very good at ships. My performance in fleet battles isn’t the point. It’s the availability of ships for full fleets and how the new changes give you one chance for a cleanup or you’re done. With 9 capital ships we should have enough ships for 9 full fleets. Not 7 patched together with only 2/3 having full fleets.

    8.) As bad as MSF is with their issues their response to them are better in terms of communication and compensation. Remember the QGJ nerf that completely changed his identify against GL’s and it not working against them anymore? Yeah MSF would’ve given back those materials to decide if we still wanted to invest since it was a significant change to its ability.

    No, my complaints aren’t inaccurate as they’re legitimate issues in the game. You keep changing your argument and still have yet to hit a firm ground to stand on. I will give you points for how hard you’re using straw man arguments though. A for effort

    Unfortunately CG and most other game studios have become quite adept at promising things with no dates and then many of those things sail off into the sunset and in many cases never see the light of day. I like working on mods so the one that bothers me the most it seems is in a dev q&a back in 2019 they stated that 3 and 4 dot mods were going to be removed from the higher tiers of the mod challenges, yet here we are almost two and a half years later and I’m still constantly deleting 3 and 4 dot mods.

    pretty sure that was the mod store not the mod challenge

    Pretty sure it wasn’t.

    Developer Q&A - 12/04/2019


    Q: Hey there Devs, would you consider removing the non 5 dot mods from the Mod challenges as a QoL update? They are inferior since the introduction of mod slicing.

    A: CG_Cyanides - Yep! We are planning to do this. Timing of this is still in the air as we decided when the QoL update goes out.
    DISCLAIMER: Post is subject to change.
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    oh well
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