Noob (4 months) diary of sorts! Now updated!

17 posts Member
edited March 2016
Okay, I clearly must have no clue what I'm doing. I'm hearing people with 6 star this and 7 star that, when all I've got is 4 star crap! I'm a little angry but I'm going to relent and list what I have. I'm hoping for two things to come out of this. First, answer whether I should buy Chromium packs or do I have anything I can work with. Secondly hoping for some step-by-step instructions on what to do daily because I'm obviously not doing what I should be if after 4 months, I'm still sitting on this crap list below. Without further ado:

L49. DS. 5 star
L49. Lumi. 5 star
L49. Talia. 4 star
L49. Dooku. 3 star
L49. Barris. 4 star
L49. Chewy. 4 star
L49. Jedi con. 4 star
L49. Asajj. 4 star
L49. Nightsister Init. 3 star
L49 Poe. 3 star
L44. Finn. 4 star
L45. F.O. Tie Pilot. 2 star
L40. Jawa. 4 star
L40. Resistance Trooper. 2 star
L40. Ashoka. 3 star
L37. Clone Sergeant. 2 star
L40. Storm Trooper. 2 star
L35. Royal Guard. 2 star
L34. Snowtrooper 2 star
L1. Plo Koon. 3 star
L1. GS. 1 star
L1. IG-86. 1 star
L1. Nightsister Acolyte. 1 star

So yes, I have wasted some cash on packs already and a couple of beginner packs. S where do I go from here? Do I have anything to work with?

Post edited by Nemesis on


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    Farm the easy good all around toons. Arena Sid, GW Lumi, Kylo or GS from cantina. Focus on gear and ability mats, stars are good for sure but gear and mats matter more. A 5* Rey fully geared up and max skill level still hits like a ton of bricks.
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    Ur just spread too thin IMO. Max Sid/Lumi ASAP. Get Poe up to 5*s then focus on QJC. Farm GS with cantina energy.
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    Just focus on having 5 of your fav toon to 7*. And its better if you use your crystal for refilling energy this way you can focus on getting the toon you want. From the list you have there, i would say you can keep on farming sid, lumi, jedi cons, GS , dooku maybe and on cantina shipment you can start collecting QGJ shards if you want or maybe you prefer to have a tanker. If so, than you can concentrate on collecting poe shards.
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    Well what type of team you going for? Jedi, Sith, Resistance, Nightsister. Or just a diversity of different type characters?
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    I can't tell but of you are farming hard nodes you should stop unless you also want gear from that mission. They cost to much and gear will help much more here.

    Focus on building 4 characters at a time one in each
    Arena shipments
    GW shipments
    Cantina shipments
    Cantina nodes

    Use your crystal on refreshing energy. I usually do two normal refreshes and one cantina.
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    Thanks guys. Very very appreciated. Gives me a starting place. Yes, I was working to finish normal and hard missions but yes, at 12 ea it goes fast.
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    Progress in normal and hard missions (and cantina as well) only when you are unable to farm needed mats for your characters, otherwise focus on 5 characters for your arena team, since the arena is your main source of crystals.

    What JoshG said, max Sid/Lumi and go for GS, Poe and QGJ. My team is Sid, Lumi, Luke, GS and Daka and I'm always in top 10 in my shard.
    "The power of the dark side is an illness no true Sith would wish to be cured of." - Darth Plagueis
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    One other question. Let's assume I go with Sid, Lumi, Jedi cons, and GS to start. That is only 4 though. Who would be a good 5th? Or was QGJ the 5th? What locations do you farm them from. The only locations I know of are the following:

    Sid. Squad Arena shipments 5 pts
    Lumi GW shipments 5 pts
    Jedi Cons. DS Battles hard,
    GS Cantina nodes (1st mission level 1)

    These are the only real locations I am aware of. Am I missing any? A couple more questions. What does QGJ stand for and where do I find him/her? Lastly, I've had Dooku from the start. Is he not viable? I like how he returns and attacks multiple times. Who replaces him and is better? QGJ?
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  • Conor
    54 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    sidious qgj(qui gon jinn) lumi geonosian
  • Conor
    54 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    you can get qui gon from cantina shipments, geonosian from cantina battles, sidious can be your leader, farm him all the way to 7 , luminara from galactic war. as far as a 5th, you can do dooku or jedi consular, jedi consular doesn't need stars as badly as say an attacker because he doesn't end up doing a lot of damage anyways, dooku is really good but he will fall behind as ou need to be lvl 69 to farm him
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    Also don't buy chromium packs, it wont help you in the end, once you get to epic gear level it gets really expensive to focus on gearing more than 5 guys. Also pack only characters like Lando leia etc can't get to 7 stars unless you drop hundreds of dollars. Point is, spend your crystals on energy! it will level you faster and get you more gear, focus solely on your main guys, and only choose main guys that's you are able to farm to 7 stars (squad arena or cantina characters), gear them as a priority. even if it feels like it is ta king forever, it's worth the investment because gear is sone so important for power and so so important not to spread out. Just do those 4 for now till they are done you won't regret it
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    Also level 3 cantina battles is where you get consular, but geonosian is prolly the best character in the game so get him first, dooku is can Tina battles 6
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    Conor, that info was sooo helpful. I no these next few questions are just so noobish but I want to make sure I'm doing this right. Let's start with GS. All I have been doing is using sim tickets and just refresh attack over and over till I'm out of energy. Is that the right way?

    Next, I'm unclear what I'm supposed to do with my regular energy every day. I've gone as far as I can in regular and hard, light and dark battles. Since the only way to earn ton points is to do hard battles, I'm just not sure what to spend he on. Just any level missions for gear only?

    I'll try to limit my questions to two this time lol.
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    Oh more question. To make a member of my team leader, I thought was supposed to put him in the 1st spot, but even when I do that, it still reverts back to a different player. What gives?
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    Looking at ur toons, i also think that u could fill ur 5th with poe too if u dont intend to farm qgj.

    Take poe up to 5 or 6 and u should be fine.
    Ur team would look like sid lumi gs jc poe.
    Still qgj is good idea.

    U can find both of them in squad cantina shipment, but i suppose u should know it.

    Also FARm ur GEAR
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    In case you have a small amount of $ to spend, buy crystal subscription and maybe one pack of crystals. Then use crystals to refresh cantina twice a day every day and regular energy also at least twice a day (or three times a day if enough crystals).

    Then it is all about team composition - no single recipe available. Definitely focus on one char in each of GW,arena,cantina battles and shipments, till respective char is at 7*. Only level up five chars (your main arena team), don't spend money on substitutes yet, till these are finished.

    I would suggest the following:
    Cantina battles: GS till 7*, then Dooku till 7* (you should level enough to open last cantina part by the time GS is finished)
    Hard nodes: Dooku, all nodes
    Arena: Sid or IG 88 till 7* (if IG, then start HK after IG is done)
    GW: Luminara or IG 86 till 7* (if you chose droid for arena, do droid in GW too, otherwise Luminara)
    And now cantina shipment - hardest choice. Poe, old Daka, QGJ are all very good, it's not that easy to choose. But if you choose Poe or Daka, also farm their hard nodes (when open them).

    Also, farm gear for your top five chars (here you may need even more energy refreshes).dont spend energy for farming gear for other chars
  • Options
    Nemesis wrote: »
    Oh more question. To make a member of my team leader, I thought was supposed to put him in the 1st spot, but even when I do that, it still reverts back to a different player. What gives?

    Okay, so I was able to change and have Sid in the leader position and he stays there now but what I don't understand is why do I still need to borrow a hero if I already have a leader?

  • Reyia
    1171 posts Member
    Hey there! First of all the best thing u can do right now is to take a hard look at all your heroes and choose 5/6 and focus exclusively on them, making them as high level as u can and maximum geared. Then concentrate on farming heroes from arena, cantina, and GW. DS and Lumi r great at 7*.

    I made a new account and wrote the first twenty days in my diary. I'm already level 59 so I'm surprised why your toons are still level 49. I outlined what I did, step by step every day.
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    I found the diary very helpful. And I answered one of my own questions about what to spend energy on. Even though I can't farm points with the energy, I can use that energy to find gear either by using sim tickets or doing the actual mission real quick albeit a little boring.
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    If you start 4mth ago, your server must be really strong. Hence, my advise is make new account.

    Unless you willing to spend for 400 crystal daily, you may continue this account. However, before you decide to spend, can you complete daily task or not this time around? Judging from lvl49 in 4mth means you not complete your dailies.

    If you just casual, just play and have fun. No need to buy anything. Just plan a farmable team and get them slowly.
  • Options
    Nemesis wrote: »
    I found the diary very helpful. And I answered one of my own questions about what to spend energy on. Even though I can't farm points with the energy, I can use that energy to find gear either by using sim tickets or doing the actual mission real quick albeit a little boring.

    Exactly, most of your energy should be going to normal battles for gear, you simply click the piece of gear you don't have and a find option will show you which battles have the gear piece you want. As far as hard modes go, pick a character you want to do a long term investment in or one you are already farming as to bolster his shard number. But don't do more than 1 or 2 hard nodes a day as it is very expensive energy wise, especially if you aren't reseting your energy multiple times with crystals(which costs progressively more as you do it50 50 100 100 100 200 200 400 400 900) I'd suggest doing at the very least the 2 50 crystal reset as each of these will also give you 25 simple tickets as well as 120 bonus energy for gearing. Also feel free to private message me anytime you have a question :)
  • Conor
    54 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Nemesis wrote: »
    Nemesis wrote: »
    Oh more question. To make a member of my team leader, I thought was supposed to put him in the 1st spot, but even when I do that, it still reverts back to a different player. What gives?

    Okay, so I was able to change and have Sid in the leader position and he stays there now but what I don't understand is why do I still need to borrow a hero if I already have a leader?

    it's just for story mode, to make it easier and so you can try out your friends characters, it stacks too so if sidious is your leader and you pick a friends character for your 6th, you get both of their leader abilities. Also picking a friends character as apposed to a random give you double the brozium pack currency. You can add me if you want it have a decked quigon 898-697-991
  • Reyia
    1171 posts Member
    Nemesis wrote: »
    I found the diary very helpful. And I answered one of my own questions about what to spend energy on. Even though I can't farm points with the energy, I can use that energy to find gear either by using sim tickets or doing the actual mission real quick albeit a little boring.

    Glad that it was helpful to you. Energy is best spent on farming gear, while the shipments are used to obtain and star up heroes. Buying refreshes gives u sim tickets. Over time you will have more sim tickets than u can ever use.
    If you start 4mth ago, your server must be really strong. Hence, my advise is make new account.

    Unless you willing to spend for 400 crystal daily, you may continue this account. However, before you decide to spend, can you complete daily task or not this time around? Judging from lvl49 in 4mth means you not complete your dailies.

    If you just casual, just play and have fun. No need to buy anything. Just plan a farmable team and get them slowly.

    True that. If u started so long ago the server must be full of 70s and there is no way u can compete with those so u will miss out on the arena rewards. Even spending 400 crystals daily won't be enough to catch up. You'll be looking at a few thousand dollars at the very least to catch up to level 70 with 7* squads. I would suggest to just start a new account. This time around u will have learnt from your mistakes and it wouldn't cost much to be on the top. And complete dailies every day, they are very valuable for xp and rewards and will increase your level quickly.
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    Ivan_Drago wrote: »
    In case you have a small amount of $ to spend, buy crystal subscription and maybe one pack of crystals. Then use crystals to refresh cantina twice a day every day and regular energy also at least twice a day (or three times a day if enough crystals).

    Then it is all about team composition - no single recipe available. Definitely focus on one char in each of GW,arena,cantina battles and shipments, till respective char is at 7*. Only level up five chars (your main arena team), don't spend money on substitutes yet, till these are finished.

    I would suggest the following:
    Cantina battles: GS till 7*, then Dooku till 7* (you should level enough to open last cantina part by the time GS is finished)
    Hard nodes: Dooku, all nodes
    Arena: Sid or IG 88 till 7* (if IG, then start HK after IG is done)
    GW: Luminara or IG 86 till 7* (if you chose droid for arena, do droid in GW too, otherwise Luminara)
    And now cantina shipment - hardest choice. Poe, old Daka, QGJ are all very good, it's not that easy to choose. But if you choose Poe or Daka, also farm their hard nodes (when open them).

    Also, farm gear for your top five chars (here you may need even more energy refreshes).dont spend energy for farming gear for other chars

    This guy, get GS and Dooku and Qui. Barrise for GW and Lumi and JC. Rey is another one you want and Daka for DS missions and maybe pvp. Can't go wrong with those guys.
    You can all go to hell, me... I'll go to Texas
  • Options
    Reyia wrote: »
    Nemesis wrote: »
    I found the diary very helpful. And I answered one of my own questions about what to spend energy on. Even though I can't farm points with the energy, I can use that energy to find gear either by using sim tickets or doing the actual mission real quick albeit a little boring.

    Glad that it was helpful to you. Energy is best spent on farming gear, while the shipments are used to obtain and star up heroes. Buying refreshes gives u sim tickets. Over time you will have more sim tickets than u can ever use.
    If you start 4mth ago, your server must be really strong. Hence, my advise is make new account.

    Unless you willing to spend for 400 crystal daily, you may continue this account. However, before you decide to spend, can you complete daily task or not this time around? Judging from lvl49 in 4mth means you not complete your dailies.

    If you just casual, just play and have fun. No need to buy anything. Just plan a farmable team and get them slowly.

    True that. If u started so long ago the server must be full of 70s and there is no way u can compete with those so u will miss out on the arena rewards. Even spending 400 crystals daily won't be enough to catch up. You'll be looking at a few thousand dollars at the very least to catch up to level 70 with 7* squads. I would suggest to just start a new account. This time around u will have learnt from your mistakes and it wouldn't cost much to be on the top. And complete dailies every day, they are very valuable for xp and rewards and will increase your level quickly.

    How depressing. Start over? Wow, I realize I only spent a few hundred dollars but I didn't know how to play the game on a daily basis. The thought of having to start over again.....sigh....ruined my day.
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    You don't have to start over.In my opinion the ability to get to the top of the arena (at least at the moment) depends more on how many whales there are on your server than anything else - its hard to beat those whales. Your level 70 7* characters are as good as anyone elses and should allow you to climb the ranks when you get them - they don't get better with age.

    I understand it must be depressing to have dropped money on this game and not gotten much for it and you may have better luck in the arena if you start again - but you don't have to.

    The good news is that there is a lot you can do for free.

    Make sure you get all your daily rewards - this is key to leveling up. It takes a couple of days to level up in the 50s/60s, so you should be hitting max level in about a month or so.

    Secondly - use crystals on refreshes. One cantina + two normal energy at a minimum. My personal preferrence is not to farm anyone on hard nodes that is available anywhere else (I'm looking at you dooku) as it seems really inefficient, but to have a couple of long term projects like Rey that you can't get anywhere else.

    You didn't say where you were in arena, but if you can break the top 200 you can get 10 shards a day towards a character, if you complete GW every day that gives 15 shards a day to a character. Thats 2.5 seven* characters every month (ish).

    Getting sid and lumi up in stars will help your arena no end. Focus on either poe or QGJ in cantina rewards - poe isn't as good as he was, but is still a strong character against slightly slower teams.

    Farm GS from cantina nodes. With one refresh a day, you should be able to get about 8ish shards a day, meaning you can have him 6 star in about a month, less if you do more refreshes or are lucky with the RNG.

    With that you should have a 7 star sid, lumi, 6 star GS, 5 or 6 star poe/qgj + 1 other in about a month (ig86 might be a good quick option as he has multiple farming options - I worked out that if I focused all attention on him (GW+cantina+nodes) he would take 12 days to go from 0 to 7 stars.

  • RonTom
    268 posts Member
    edited February 2016
    Ouch, I feel for the OP. Four months and "only" several hundred dollars? I doubt he will be able to finish GW every day if ever if he's on a four month old server with that lineup (unless of course GW isn't effected by server, but I'm pretty sure it is regards to how easy it was 2 months ago to how hard it is now.)
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    Focus on gear for your main guys, just get GS, Daka, Dooku, Rey,Qui. Phasma is still good too, Lumi. Honestly there are a lot of choices. I can be 1 today and 18 tomorrow. A lot of randomness in the top arena, don't worry about it.
    You can all go to hell, me... I'll go to Texas
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    Well, it's been about 5 weeks since I last wrote and I wanted to update where I'm at. Mostly because I need help again. So let me start with the roster:

    L64 DS. 7 star. GearL8. Max
    L64 Lumi 7 star. GearL7. Max
    L64 GS. 7 star. GearL8. Max
    L64 QGJ. 5 star. GearL7. 20/85
    L64 Poe. 5 star. GearL6. 15/85
    L64 Dooku. 4 star. GearL7. 10/65
    L64 Barriss. 4 star. GearL6. 3/65
    L64 Talia. 4 star. GearL6. 4/65
    L64 Anakin 4 star. GearL5. 8/65
    L64 J.Cons. 4 star. GearL5. 51/65
    L61 Finn. 4 star. GearL5. 1/65
    L56 IG-88. 4 star. GearL4. 28/65
    L58 Chewy. 4 star. GearL4 26/65
    L54 Asajj. 4 star. GearL4. 10/65
    L56 F.O. Tie P. 2 star. GearL6. 5/25
    L51 Royal G. 3 star. GearL5. 2/30
    L52 NightS Init. 3 star. GearL4. 0/30
    L55 A. Tano. 3 star. GearL4. 27/30
    L53 FO StormT. 3 star. GearL4. 0/25
    L42 Plo Koon. 3 star. GearL3. 6/30
    L40 Jawa. 3 star. GearL3. 6/30
    L40 Res Trooper. 2 star. GearL4. 3/25
    L37 Ewok Scout. 2 star. GearL4. 11/25
    L37 Clone Serg. 2 star. GearL4. 4/25
    L34 SnowTroop. 2 star. GearL2. 14/25
    L20 Darth Vader. 4 star. GearL1. 2/65
    L8 IG-86. 2 star. 2 star. GearL1. 23/25
    L7 NightSis Aco. 2 star. GearL1. 0/25
    L1 Dathcha. 4 star. GearL2. 4/65
    L1 Poggle. 4 star. GearL1. 31/65
    L1 MagmaT. 1 star. GearL1. 5/15
    L1 IG-100. 1 star. GearL1. 2/25

    Now of the list above, here are the troops I am primarily focusing on:

    J Cons

    With the exception of the last 3, most are already L64. I do already see how frigging expensive it is just to try and keep that short list at max. Where I need help is deciding which to focus on right now. I just finished GS so I was trying to decide between Jedi Consular or Anakin. Yes, I did pick Anakin up recently but he sucks bad at low level. But I have seen him at 70 with gear and I think he's lethal.

    The others on the list are some of the names That were suggested in this thread. IG-88, IG-86, Poggle, Poe. I don't know if I need or should try and level them all but could really use some suggestions. Based on the primary and secondary lists, what should I be focusing on. What am I still doing wrong? I know there was a lot of talk about whether I can compete any longer since I got such a late start. Right now I am at a pitiful 870 in arena and struggling there. I am completing the GW on most days although sometimes I,have to spent a lot of time retreating and trying something else.

    I've been doing as suggested by refreshing Cantina energy once and general energy twice, sometimes more. I'm having to waste a lot more crystals on credits now. It's soooo frigging expensive. With 6 more levels to go, that may be a challenge. Anyway, thanks for any help and if there are any questions, I'll be sure to respond and answer.
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