Feedback: Datacron Set 4 + Feedback Response Information


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    Since we're using our very limited CON-quest energy to now farm nodes for data-CONs, can we please go back to the old energy refresh rates and previous energy cost per node?... 🤦
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    In this screenshot from the road ahead, two questions:

    1. What does the "refresh" button in the bottom right corner do?
    2. If this datacron was Level 6 (having a light side faction mechanic unlocked), would this re-roll of level 3 still offer a dark side option? Would the choices be light side only?
  • Options
    zatho wrote: »
    Will it be possible to bring a datacron to max level without spending money or crystals? I wonder if they can be used f2p and spending money just increases the chance to get good rolls (similar to mods). Or do they leave the cycle before you were able to farm enough currency and materials f2p.

    I believe you will not be able to fully craft Datacrons without spending at least crystals. Sounds like higher levels take a higher level currency, which from the sound of it is only available in the later sectors of CONquest. From my experience, without spending crystals you cannot even get through Sector 5 by the end, so those materials are locked behind a crystal gate.
  • MasterSeedy
    5137 posts Member
    edited June 2022
    I have to say that I would much prefer if the datacrons simply benefited those characters that met the appropriate Relic test and did not benefit the characters that fell below the required relic level so that newer players could have their shiny new r5 whatever get great benefits even if the rest of their roster failed.

    More than anything I just think it's bizarre, counter-intuitive, and wrong for the relic level of a toon to even be tested when they aren't eligible for benefits.

    For instance you don't test other toons for r7 when the benefit is the capstone bonus for a specific toon.

    If someone subs in BB-8 in a Grievous Sep Droid squad, why should BB-8 be tested to see if it's eligible for the DS bonus or for some future Separatist faction bonus?

    Please make this change at the very least, even if you don't change things so that Datacrons simply fail if one toon isn't r5 rather than only giving r5 bonuses to r5 toons.
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    About Aayala: considering a stunned character can be stunned again, do we have a possible loop as long as opponent’s failed to resist ? Or is just when a non-stunned character becomes stun ?
  • CG_Tusken_Meathead
    416 posts EA Community Manager
    Updated with some new Questions and Answers, signing off for now, but will look to see if there are more questions I can grab tomorrow.

    Thank you again for the questions!
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    I know my earlier comment was more of a plea for change than a question, but I'll frame it as a question now:

    Is the dev team open to changing the rules so that a relic check is not made and does not need to be passed for characters who are ineligible for LS/DS or Faction bonus?

    One example is the common tactic of putting BB-8 under Grievous with Sep droids. If I added a DS datacron with Separatist faction, is the Dev team at least open to the idea that **after the exhibition is over and this is implemented "for real"** maybe BB-8s relic level shouldn't be checked in order to determine whether the DS bonus and/or Sep bonus should be applied to DS and Sep characters? After all, if the character bonus is Grievous, you wouldn't check Magnaguard's relic levels.

    Thanks for answering our questions. Hope you have a good day.
  • Smowy
    39 posts Member
    Can you dismantle datacrons outside of when they expire?
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    Question: Will there be a increase in how how much Conquest energy recharges now that the Datacrons are farmable inside Conquest?

    Conquest energy has already been limited before and now with the added weight of farming Datacrons, the need of Conquest energy is at an all-time high..
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    HKFactory wrote: »
    I’ll just reiterate a question that I had in the initial road ahead post to be nice. Why are galactic legends included as characters that can get bonuses from these datacrons when they are in the least need of any sort of bonuses, temporary or otherwise? Frankly, I think galactic legends should be denied any bonuses from datacrons.

    This is also my biggest concern. GLs don't need refreshed.

    I'm curious how this will effect top end tw guilds that have a mix of ftp and whales. Right now gp is still king but having god-tier FO and GR datacons could encourage guilds to change recruiting and farming requirements.

    Who else is excited to face of against their first datacon SLKR and JMK walls?
  • MasterSeedy
    5137 posts Member
    edited June 2022
    Smowy wrote: »
    Can you dismantle datacrons outside of when they expire?

    I believe this was answered in the original post on Datacrons: you can at any time dismantle Datacrons to get datacron mats for use in upgrading other datacrons.

    When i have a minute, I'll look up the wording.

    Confirmed. I remembered correctly. From The Road Ahead post:
    You can break down extra Datacrons, called Dismantling, while the Set is active to get Data-cache, Reroll and Upgrade materials for that set. Dismantling extra Datacrons will be the major source of Upgrade and Reroll materials,

    Bold/italic mine.

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    ok but where is the update that said it was coming out today?
  • TargetEadu
    1626 posts Member
    Is there any concern about certain Datacrons causing infinite loops? Aayla and Finn's (under JTR) Bonus Turns on Stuns and Mara Jade's CD Reduction both seem like they could cause infinite TM or even Bonus Turn loops, with maybe a few others.
    • In general, we don't want infinite loops and will intervene if necessary. Some Datacron mechanics could lead to a character or squad taking many turns in a row; most have weaknesses, though. In the example of Aayla, sure, she can continue to take bonus turns back to back, but she has to Crit (no Crit Immunity), pass a resist check (base 15% will still apply), and then not face any kind of reactive TM (e.g. Rex). So there are multiple steps at which to defend against the mechanic.

    Just a note that Reactive TM won’t actually break the Bonus Turn trains, just help capitalize on them breaking, as the Datacrons do specify Bonus Turns which will outrun +100% TM. You’d need a reactive Bonus Turn (JKA/Malak/BAM) to truly break it.

    But good to see you guys are keeping an eye on it, that’s what I was mostly worried about. Thanks!
  • Options
    What kind of time investment is expected for datacrons?
    We are always concerned with the amount of time required in different game modes for both Players and Guild Leaders. We will be monitoring how this affects Players and will look into ways to alleviate issues.

    This is a non-answer to the guild leaders/officers part. As mentioned by others, TW officers now have to deal with potentially hundreds of teams with different datacrons. It doesn't matter if you monitor how it affects players when the officers burn out and nobody wants to replace them.

    Question: Was the workload that datacrons add for TW officers considered during the design process?

    Saying both sides of a TW have to deal with this is a non-answer as well, it doesn't change the fact that it adds a huge workload.
  • StarSon
    7494 posts Member
    BuyBitcoin wrote: »
    What kind of time investment is expected for datacrons?
    We are always concerned with the amount of time required in different game modes for both Players and Guild Leaders. We will be monitoring how this affects Players and will look into ways to alleviate issues.

    This is a non-answer to the guild leaders/officers part. As mentioned by others, TW officers now have to deal with potentially hundreds of teams with different datacrons. It doesn't matter if you monitor how it affects players when the officers burn out and nobody wants to replace them.

    Question: Was the workload that datacrons add for TW officers considered during the design process?

    Saying both sides of a TW have to deal with this is a non-answer as well, it doesn't change the fact that it adds a huge workload.

    It's not likely to be a lasting thing though. Once they're figured out, it'll just become part of the flow.
  • ToJ85
    27 posts Member
    edited June 2022
    I think this is great, but i think this is too accessible. You need the entire team to be relic 5 to activate the faction bonuses? i think that's too low. Should be relic 10 min. Also, i think we could also add a "you need to be a CG employee" restriction to the datacrons to really limit the usage of it.
  • InyakSolomon88
    1247 posts Member
    edited June 2022
    StarSon wrote: »
    BuyBitcoin wrote: »
    What kind of time investment is expected for datacrons?
    We are always concerned with the amount of time required in different game modes for both Players and Guild Leaders. We will be monitoring how this affects Players and will look into ways to alleviate issues.

    This is a non-answer to the guild leaders/officers part. As mentioned by others, TW officers now have to deal with potentially hundreds of teams with different datacrons. It doesn't matter if you monitor how it affects players when the officers burn out and nobody wants to replace them.

    Question: Was the workload that datacrons add for TW officers considered during the design process?

    Saying both sides of a TW have to deal with this is a non-answer as well, it doesn't change the fact that it adds a huge workload.

    It's not likely to be a lasting thing though. Once they're figured out, it'll just become part of the flow.

    Datacrons are constantly going to be changing so you'll constantly have to learn about them. There's not going to be a flow.
  • Lumiya
    1563 posts Member
    StarSon wrote: »
    BuyBitcoin wrote: »
    What kind of time investment is expected for datacrons?
    We are always concerned with the amount of time required in different game modes for both Players and Guild Leaders. We will be monitoring how this affects Players and will look into ways to alleviate issues.

    This is a non-answer to the guild leaders/officers part. As mentioned by others, TW officers now have to deal with potentially hundreds of teams with different datacrons. It doesn't matter if you monitor how it affects players when the officers burn out and nobody wants to replace them.

    Question: Was the workload that datacrons add for TW officers considered during the design process?

    Saying both sides of a TW have to deal with this is a non-answer as well, it doesn't change the fact that it adds a huge workload.

    It's not likely to be a lasting thing though. Once they're figured out, it'll just become part of the flow.

    Datacrons are constantly going to be changing so you'll constantly have to learn about them. There's not going to be a flow.

    Also the stats are likely going to be different so one will not be like the other, even from the same set.
    We are all made of star-stuff
  • StarSon
    7494 posts Member
    StarSon wrote: »
    BuyBitcoin wrote: »
    What kind of time investment is expected for datacrons?
    We are always concerned with the amount of time required in different game modes for both Players and Guild Leaders. We will be monitoring how this affects Players and will look into ways to alleviate issues.

    This is a non-answer to the guild leaders/officers part. As mentioned by others, TW officers now have to deal with potentially hundreds of teams with different datacrons. It doesn't matter if you monitor how it affects players when the officers burn out and nobody wants to replace them.

    Question: Was the workload that datacrons add for TW officers considered during the design process?

    Saying both sides of a TW have to deal with this is a non-answer as well, it doesn't change the fact that it adds a huge workload.

    It's not likely to be a lasting thing though. Once they're figured out, it'll just become part of the flow.

    Datacrons are constantly going to be changing so you'll constantly have to learn about them. There's not going to be a flow.

    You won't "constantly" have to learn about them. It's not like we get new bonuses every war. We'll only get new ones every 4-6 weeks, and you'll have time to experience them in GA the whole time.
  • MaruMaru
    3338 posts Member
    StarSon wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    BuyBitcoin wrote: »
    What kind of time investment is expected for datacrons?
    We are always concerned with the amount of time required in different game modes for both Players and Guild Leaders. We will be monitoring how this affects Players and will look into ways to alleviate issues.

    This is a non-answer to the guild leaders/officers part. As mentioned by others, TW officers now have to deal with potentially hundreds of teams with different datacrons. It doesn't matter if you monitor how it affects players when the officers burn out and nobody wants to replace them.

    Question: Was the workload that datacrons add for TW officers considered during the design process?

    Saying both sides of a TW have to deal with this is a non-answer as well, it doesn't change the fact that it adds a huge workload.

    It's not likely to be a lasting thing though. Once they're figured out, it'll just become part of the flow.

    Datacrons are constantly going to be changing so you'll constantly have to learn about them. There's not going to be a flow.

    You won't "constantly" have to learn about them. It's not like we get new bonuses every war. We'll only get new ones every 4-6 weeks, and you'll have time to experience them in GA the whole time.

    Everyone will be bumping different stats on them so they'll be different from person to person. For tw multiply that by 50.
  • Options
    How is this going to be fair in the sense of GAC for under 4 mil accounts in brackets with players who are 5, 6, and 7 mil GP? If Hard mode Conquest provides better datacrons and materials, would that not provide an extremely unfair advantage in favor for +4 mil accounts facing under 4 mil GP in GAC?
  • StarSon
    7494 posts Member
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    BuyBitcoin wrote: »
    What kind of time investment is expected for datacrons?
    We are always concerned with the amount of time required in different game modes for both Players and Guild Leaders. We will be monitoring how this affects Players and will look into ways to alleviate issues.

    This is a non-answer to the guild leaders/officers part. As mentioned by others, TW officers now have to deal with potentially hundreds of teams with different datacrons. It doesn't matter if you monitor how it affects players when the officers burn out and nobody wants to replace them.

    Question: Was the workload that datacrons add for TW officers considered during the design process?

    Saying both sides of a TW have to deal with this is a non-answer as well, it doesn't change the fact that it adds a huge workload.

    It's not likely to be a lasting thing though. Once they're figured out, it'll just become part of the flow.

    Datacrons are constantly going to be changing so you'll constantly have to learn about them. There's not going to be a flow.

    You won't "constantly" have to learn about them. It's not like we get new bonuses every war. We'll only get new ones every 4-6 weeks, and you'll have time to experience them in GA the whole time.

    Everyone will be bumping different stats on them so they'll be different from person to person. For tw multiply that by 50.

    Oh, just like how 50 teams will have different modding every time?
  • MaruMaru
    3338 posts Member
    StarSon wrote: »
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    BuyBitcoin wrote: »
    What kind of time investment is expected for datacrons?
    We are always concerned with the amount of time required in different game modes for both Players and Guild Leaders. We will be monitoring how this affects Players and will look into ways to alleviate issues.

    This is a non-answer to the guild leaders/officers part. As mentioned by others, TW officers now have to deal with potentially hundreds of teams with different datacrons. It doesn't matter if you monitor how it affects players when the officers burn out and nobody wants to replace them.

    Question: Was the workload that datacrons add for TW officers considered during the design process?

    Saying both sides of a TW have to deal with this is a non-answer as well, it doesn't change the fact that it adds a huge workload.

    It's not likely to be a lasting thing though. Once they're figured out, it'll just become part of the flow.

    Datacrons are constantly going to be changing so you'll constantly have to learn about them. There's not going to be a flow.

    You won't "constantly" have to learn about them. It's not like we get new bonuses every war. We'll only get new ones every 4-6 weeks, and you'll have time to experience them in GA the whole time.

    Everyone will be bumping different stats on them so they'll be different from person to person. For tw multiply that by 50.

    Oh, just like how 50 teams will have different modding every time?

    Nop, these boosts are much more significant and you have to seperate datacroned teams from none (which is not the case at all for mods, every team you'll face will have them). If you don't see the difference or feign not seeing it, you are defending this just because (and prolly since you are planning to buy them in spades).
  • Wed_Santa
    1019 posts Member
    “In addition to looking at all the metrics for Datacron acquisition, use, and upgrading, we will be looking at the community feedback for what is fun and what pain points are outside what we had intended.”

    Apologies if someone has already asked but what pain points have you intended? Is there a chart? Just so we know what to expect
  • StarSon
    7494 posts Member
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    BuyBitcoin wrote: »
    What kind of time investment is expected for datacrons?
    We are always concerned with the amount of time required in different game modes for both Players and Guild Leaders. We will be monitoring how this affects Players and will look into ways to alleviate issues.

    This is a non-answer to the guild leaders/officers part. As mentioned by others, TW officers now have to deal with potentially hundreds of teams with different datacrons. It doesn't matter if you monitor how it affects players when the officers burn out and nobody wants to replace them.

    Question: Was the workload that datacrons add for TW officers considered during the design process?

    Saying both sides of a TW have to deal with this is a non-answer as well, it doesn't change the fact that it adds a huge workload.

    It's not likely to be a lasting thing though. Once they're figured out, it'll just become part of the flow.

    Datacrons are constantly going to be changing so you'll constantly have to learn about them. There's not going to be a flow.

    You won't "constantly" have to learn about them. It's not like we get new bonuses every war. We'll only get new ones every 4-6 weeks, and you'll have time to experience them in GA the whole time.

    Everyone will be bumping different stats on them so they'll be different from person to person. For tw multiply that by 50.

    Oh, just like how 50 teams will have different modding every time?

    Nop, these boosts are much more significant and you have to seperate datacroned teams from none (which is not the case at all for mods, every team you'll face will have them). If you don't see the difference or feign not seeing it, you are defending this just because (and prolly since you are planning to buy them in spades).

    I fail to see that it makes that big of a difference (though as always reserve the right to be wrong). Your opponent will have datacrons and so will you, just like your opponent will have mods and so will you. Will the very first TW (and maybe the 2nd) have a learning curve? Of course, but so did the TW bonuses back in the day.

    And not that it should matter, but no, I will not be buying any datacrons.
  • Options
    StarSon wrote: »
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    BuyBitcoin wrote: »
    What kind of time investment is expected for datacrons?
    We are always concerned with the amount of time required in different game modes for both Players and Guild Leaders. We will be monitoring how this affects Players and will look into ways to alleviate issues.

    This is a non-answer to the guild leaders/officers part. As mentioned by others, TW officers now have to deal with potentially hundreds of teams with different datacrons. It doesn't matter if you monitor how it affects players when the officers burn out and nobody wants to replace them.

    Question: Was the workload that datacrons add for TW officers considered during the design process?

    Saying both sides of a TW have to deal with this is a non-answer as well, it doesn't change the fact that it adds a huge workload.

    It's not likely to be a lasting thing though. Once they're figured out, it'll just become part of the flow.

    Datacrons are constantly going to be changing so you'll constantly have to learn about them. There's not going to be a flow.

    You won't "constantly" have to learn about them. It's not like we get new bonuses every war. We'll only get new ones every 4-6 weeks, and you'll have time to experience them in GA the whole time.

    Everyone will be bumping different stats on them so they'll be different from person to person. For tw multiply that by 50.

    Oh, just like how 50 teams will have different modding every time?

    Maybe you should go back and reread all the options the datacrons can roll. You seem to think they're all fairly uniform and they certainly will not be by any measure.
  • StarSon
    7494 posts Member
    StarSon wrote: »
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    BuyBitcoin wrote: »
    What kind of time investment is expected for datacrons?
    We are always concerned with the amount of time required in different game modes for both Players and Guild Leaders. We will be monitoring how this affects Players and will look into ways to alleviate issues.

    This is a non-answer to the guild leaders/officers part. As mentioned by others, TW officers now have to deal with potentially hundreds of teams with different datacrons. It doesn't matter if you monitor how it affects players when the officers burn out and nobody wants to replace them.

    Question: Was the workload that datacrons add for TW officers considered during the design process?

    Saying both sides of a TW have to deal with this is a non-answer as well, it doesn't change the fact that it adds a huge workload.

    It's not likely to be a lasting thing though. Once they're figured out, it'll just become part of the flow.

    Datacrons are constantly going to be changing so you'll constantly have to learn about them. There's not going to be a flow.

    You won't "constantly" have to learn about them. It's not like we get new bonuses every war. We'll only get new ones every 4-6 weeks, and you'll have time to experience them in GA the whole time.

    Everyone will be bumping different stats on them so they'll be different from person to person. For tw multiply that by 50.

    Oh, just like how 50 teams will have different modding every time?

    Maybe you should go back and reread all the options the datacrons can roll. You seem to think they're all fairly uniform and they certainly will not be by any measure.

    No I remember. Everything but speed, and at levels more similar to mod primaries than they are to secondaries. There are already different counters and strategies based on how various team makeups are modded (because of the stat differences). This doesn't change that.
  • Lumiya
    1563 posts Member
    StarSon wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    BuyBitcoin wrote: »
    What kind of time investment is expected for datacrons?
    We are always concerned with the amount of time required in different game modes for both Players and Guild Leaders. We will be monitoring how this affects Players and will look into ways to alleviate issues.

    This is a non-answer to the guild leaders/officers part. As mentioned by others, TW officers now have to deal with potentially hundreds of teams with different datacrons. It doesn't matter if you monitor how it affects players when the officers burn out and nobody wants to replace them.

    Question: Was the workload that datacrons add for TW officers considered during the design process?

    Saying both sides of a TW have to deal with this is a non-answer as well, it doesn't change the fact that it adds a huge workload.

    It's not likely to be a lasting thing though. Once they're figured out, it'll just become part of the flow.

    Datacrons are constantly going to be changing so you'll constantly have to learn about them. There's not going to be a flow.

    You won't "constantly" have to learn about them. It's not like we get new bonuses every war. We'll only get new ones every 4-6 weeks, and you'll have time to experience them in GA the whole time.

    Everyone will be bumping different stats on them so they'll be different from person to person. For tw multiply that by 50.

    Oh, just like how 50 teams will have different modding every time?

    Maybe you should go back and reread all the options the datacrons can roll. You seem to think they're all fairly uniform and they certainly will not be by any measure.

    No I remember. Everything but speed, and at levels more similar to mod primaries than they are to secondaries. There are already different counters and strategies based on how various team makeups are modded (because of the stat differences). This doesn't change that.

    We are all made of star-stuff
  • Options
    StarSon wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    BuyBitcoin wrote: »
    What kind of time investment is expected for datacrons?
    We are always concerned with the amount of time required in different game modes for both Players and Guild Leaders. We will be monitoring how this affects Players and will look into ways to alleviate issues.

    This is a non-answer to the guild leaders/officers part. As mentioned by others, TW officers now have to deal with potentially hundreds of teams with different datacrons. It doesn't matter if you monitor how it affects players when the officers burn out and nobody wants to replace them.

    Question: Was the workload that datacrons add for TW officers considered during the design process?

    Saying both sides of a TW have to deal with this is a non-answer as well, it doesn't change the fact that it adds a huge workload.

    It's not likely to be a lasting thing though. Once they're figured out, it'll just become part of the flow.

    Datacrons are constantly going to be changing so you'll constantly have to learn about them. There's not going to be a flow.

    You won't "constantly" have to learn about them. It's not like we get new bonuses every war. We'll only get new ones every 4-6 weeks, and you'll have time to experience them in GA the whole time.

    Everyone will be bumping different stats on them so they'll be different from person to person. For tw multiply that by 50.

    Oh, just like how 50 teams will have different modding every time?

    Maybe you should go back and reread all the options the datacrons can roll. You seem to think they're all fairly uniform and they certainly will not be by any measure.

    No I remember. Everything but speed, and at levels more similar to mod primaries than they are to secondaries. There are already different counters and strategies based on how various team makeups are modded (because of the stat differences). This doesn't change that.

    Solid effort missing out on all those varying mechanics :joy: well done!
This discussion has been closed.