Datacron Set 3

Here’s my feedback to CG about Datacons in general. I don’t like them at all and think you should stop your little experiment. I love this game and have 3 active accounts but Datacrons has greatly lowered my desire to play.


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  • Shiryu
    411 posts Member
    Here’s my feedback to CG about Datacons in general. I don’t like them at all and think you should stop your little experiment. I love this game and have 3 active accounts but Datacrons has greatly lowered my desire to play.

    Honestly... Agreed.

    While the mechanics can be fun it would have been better implemented into characters kits or omicron abilities.
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    I have been playing this game for 6 years and seen a lot of changes, good and bad. Datacrons are worst by far, I cannot imagine how someone thought this was a good idea. Can you please just admit its been a failure and get rid of it? Never seen so many people quit after a change
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    I hate Datacrons too, not fun at all
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    Good excuse to stop spending at least
  • ArdenPulsar
    372 posts Member
    edited July 2022
    I hate, hate, hate datacrons! Been playing since day 1. What's the point of even trying with these things? All our rosters, mods and strategy we've carefully cultivated over the years is thrown out the window.
    I've loved this game for 6+ years, and now I find myself not caring about it due to these, and that's sad for me. I want to like this game still, but they've ruined it.
    I've spent thousands over the years, but no more until they're removed or changed.

    We should all just stick together and boycott them. Nobody engage with them.
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    We all know it is time to end this experiment. It has cost the game 10% of its player base, taken whatever skill required away from the game and are massively overpowered. If they want to keep them there should at least be zn option in GAC and TW to join with or without datacrons.
  • Zaph0dd
    185 posts Member
    We on set 3 already?, time goes by quickly when you ignore them.

    Stop it already with this trash, buff the characters that need it in other ways and give the players reason to play

    Stop destroying your own game.
  • Aluxtu
    420 posts Member
    I feel like they should have learned from this mistake when they did it with those random tw buffs back in the day which were cool at first glance but became stupid op very quickly.
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    Looks like a mostly Dark Side set, since the only Light Side Faction is the Five LS Mandalorians.
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    Yeah Rey is unbeatable
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    I want to know how they can possibly have all these effects working correctly when we've seen them cause bugs from updating one kit.
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    To be honest, I'm surprised they announced set three instead of announcing the end of the exhibition.
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    Datacrons have essentially turned the game into:
    Pay enough money and you automatically win without needing to fight.

    It’s sorta circumvented the entire game experience.
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    Datacrons suck. We’ve lost 5 longtime guildmates who can’t be bothered to play with DCs ruining gac and territory wars.

    If they switched it up and had a season for territory battle DCs maybe I’d tolerate it more
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    Switch datacrons to PvE only. People would (I think) enjoy them a whole lot more.
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    Our guild has lost over 5 members including my best friend due to Datcrons all 6 year plus players.

    Get rid!
  • Ultra
    11553 posts Moderator
    Laderic wrote: »
    I have been playing this game for 6 years and seen a lot of changes, good and bad. Datacrons are worst by far, I cannot imagine how someone thought this was a good idea. Can you please just admit its been a failure and get rid of it? Never seen so many people quit after a change

    Define failure
  • OldBjo
    18 posts Member
    I want to know how they can possibly have all these effects working correctly when we've seen them cause bugs from updating one kit.
    It’s quite easy they made them so overpowered that no one notices whether they do what the description says or if they break any other interactions CG don’t test anyway all they see is are we making money? If yes carry on

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    the problem with datacrons is unfortunately the same reason as to why they aren't going anywhere, and will not be getting a nerf.

    DCs allow baby whales to compete with anyone, because all they have to do is roll lvl9 dcs and it completely changes their roster. DCs make already top tier teams nearly unbeatable except for a very specific counter. no more cheesing (jmk with see armorer wat).

    it forces people to spend to keep up, or try to be "the best"; thus why would they nerf them?

    for ftp + light spenders, the bang for your buck (or crystals) one gets from DCs is more than any one toon or team could add to your roster. thus, we are forced to spend all our resources on DCs just to keep up; goodbye spending crystals on gear or shards.
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    Ultra wrote: »
    Laderic wrote: »
    I have been playing this game for 6 years and seen a lot of changes, good and bad. Datacrons are worst by far, I cannot imagine how someone thought this was a good idea. Can you please just admit its been a failure and get rid of it? Never seen so many people quit after a change

    Define failure

    It’s his opinion they are a failure. Obviously he has no data provided by CG in one way or the other; however, in my opinion he is correct. DCs are terrible for the game and fail to provide excite, fun or interaction between players. Most people in my guild use the word hate to decribe how they feel about them. I dislike them because they are temporary trash. I would rather they made a permanent mod style addition to the game that would just increase stats slightly. As these DCs stand, they just plain stink.
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    Ultra wrote: »
    Laderic wrote: »
    I have been playing this game for 6 years and seen a lot of changes, good and bad. Datacrons are worst by far, I cannot imagine how someone thought this was a good idea. Can you please just admit its been a failure and get rid of it? Never seen so many people quit after a change

    Define failure

    It's a feature thats commonly hated and Ive seen enough people complain or leave over it to consider it a failure from the point of view of community. I assume you read those forums, plenty of posts explaining why people dont like them.
    It might be a successful cash grab for CG though, if thats what youre suggesting.
  • WookieWookie
    1460 posts Member
    edited July 2022

    I still hate it.
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