Please add a consume all button to Bronzium Data cards

146 posts Member
edited November 2022
(Or at least a consume 10 or 20)

This would be a wonderful quality of life improvement that would save me a ton of time that I could be using actually playing the game.
Sometimes a door is just a door


  • Franke
    134 posts Member
    edited November 2022
    Yes please
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    It's under the datacrons store...
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    I actually wouldn’t want an “open all” button. I’d rather have a sliding bar that lets me choose how many to open (similar to node farming).
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    I actually wouldn’t want an “open all” button. I’d rather have a sliding bar that lets me choose how many to open (similar to node farming).

    +1 from me, please!
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    What is this all about?
    The 10 free datacard everyday?

    Just an info, at higher lv, you can use your ally coins/credits (i forget what it is called) can be used to buy something (gears etc) in some shipments. Usually you have to save at minimum 25k ally coins to buy something in the shipment.
    Started to play: Oct 30, 2022 --- Ally code: 628-998-777 --- My links: | youtube | My SWGOH journey | NORDIC KINGDOM is recruiting
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    The issue with mass spending of Ally points is that the purchases available in Weekly Shipments / Datacron stare offer absolutely dreadful returns when compared to spending them all on bronziums.

    - For the Datacron store, you need to spend 10k ally points for 100k currency. You can get 2.5x the currency for 125 shard shop currency.
    - The exchange for datacron materials is just as bad (though you can only buy the second level mat with ally points, it's not available with shard shop currency)
    - The gear available in the Weekly shipments is always atrocious value too, even when it's Kyrotech.

    Bronziums offer a high return on shard store currency for the developed roster players as well as a way of slow-farming some of the weaker characters for the developing roster.

    Bronziums also offer low level gear for the Scavenger and very occasionally you get something really useful like a full carbanti.

    The only money I spend on this game these days is my HotUtils subscription. If the devs introduced a way to spending all ally points at once on bronziums, I reckon I'd be FTP again in a heartbeat.

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    Nice to know that later you get a use for ally point other than bronziums later in the game
    wish the game told you that
    Sometimes a door is just a door
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    This has been one of the most requested features, and when they answered this question a couple years ago, they said there are technical limitations with the animations that prevent multiple packs from opening.

    That being said, HotUtils (I think) subsequently came out with a feature to do it, so maybe the tech changed?

    But either way, CG’s official response was that it was not possible.
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    I found the actual post/quote! From the former Senior Producer Carrie, via a Q&A:

    QUESTION: AaronBurrSir] Is there a technical reason in why we can't do Bronzium multipulls?

    [CVG] The technical answer is that handling a massive number of drops is not currently supported in the game. That said, it would be possible (with work) to enable that. We have been talking about what to do with the Bronzium packs and system overall, and haven't yet landed on where we think this aspect of the game should go yet. All that currency was introduced with the tournament system and was intended to be used for that. We weren't prepared for it to be used only for bronzium packs, so it will be more challenging than simply enabling that functionality.
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    Yes HU does it
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    The game would probably be unable to process the info and crash lol
  • scuba
    14148 posts Member
    edited December 2022
    TheDude420 wrote: »
    I found the actual post/quote! From the former Senior Producer Carrie, via a Q&A:

    QUESTION: AaronBurrSir] Is there a technical reason in why we can't do Bronzium multipulls?

    [CVG] The technical answer is that handling a massive number of drops is not currently supported in the game. That said, it would be possible (with work) to enable that. We have been talking about what to do with the Bronzium packs and system overall, and haven't yet landed on where we think this aspect of the game should go yet. All that currency was introduced with the tournament system and was intended to be used for that. We weren't prepared for it to be used only for bronzium packs, so it will be more challenging than simply enabling that functionality.

    Can easily be done, and in the background bronzium redemption actually has a qty option cg just forced it to 1.


  • Drim
    360 posts Member
    edited December 2022
    It’s even slower know with change x2 box on gear…. If they can add 2nd box add 25 etc no?
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    TheDude420 wrote: »
    This has been one of the most requested features, and when they answered this question a couple years ago, they said there are technical limitations with the animations that prevent multiple packs from opening.

    That being said, HotUtils (I think) subsequently came out with a feature to do it, so maybe the tech changed?

    But either way, CG’s official response was that it was not possible.

    It's possible, they just don't want to do it. It's that simple. If it's a problem with animations, you know, drop the animation. I doubt anyone would complain about a different animation or no animation. And, uh, after the last update, you now get 2 items when you get something that way so clearly, multiple returns is possible.
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    Yes this should happen.

    But of course someone would complain about the animation.
    I need a new message here.
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    Carrie did acknowledge it’s possible, just that it would take work.

    The point being: for them to do work, they have to be able to make money off of it to justify the extra labor costs.

    So unless they find a way to monetize opening multiple bronziums, it’ll just remain another “most requested” QoL feature.
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    TVF wrote: »
    Yes this should happen.

    But of course someone would complain about the animation.

    And of course someone will complain about their complaining… 😏
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    Btw, way back in 2017 or 2018 this was one of the very first forum questions I ever made, so I’m a huge advocate of opening multiple bronziums as a feature!

    I’m just realistic that when they say it will “take work”, that means they’ll need to demonstrate financial justification for doing it.

  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    TheDude420 wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Yes this should happen.

    But of course someone would complain about the animation.

    And of course someone will complain about their complaining… 😏

    I need a new message here.
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    I, as a f2p player, would greatly benefit from opening bronzium packs with all the ally point i gathered. Once you are in the hundred thousands range, you have a pretty good chance of getting the annoying gear pieces you have to grind nodes for (the older characters usualy need them, cannot be bothered to look the name up, sorry). There is also a good chance of finding higher tier gear pieces already assembled. Not even talking about all those shards you convert to shard shop currency.

    Now imagine i would be able to constantly open higher bulks of it - would speed up my grind significantly.

    Now reread what i wrote and you can clearly see why it will not happen, ever. Not before something changes with them, so you end up worse.

    Technical limitations my a**. Say that to someone who does not know how businesses work.
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    Why is this issue a f2p one?
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    Not what i was saying. Just proposing my pov based on prior experience. Makes sense in my head, understand it might not make sense for you, since your perspective is different.
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    I don't understand why you felt the need to say your are f2p unless you think it's relevant.
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    You know what, yes, i do think the setting as we have it now affects f2p more than whales. These scraps are much more useful for the hobo folk than for a whale, who is obscenely ahead anyway. Do you see the point now? Do you see why i might think that this might be one of the reasons, it illogicaly stays like this? To answer your first question, no i do not think this issue is a f2p one exclusively.
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    McNabb wrote: »
    You know what, yes, i do think the setting as we have it now affects f2p more than whales. These scraps are much more useful for the hobo folk than for a whale, who is obscenely ahead anyway. Do you see the point now? Do you see why i might think that this might be one of the reasons, it illogicaly stays like this? To answer your first question, no i do not think this issue is a f2p one exclusively.

    Through bronziums you get SSC.
    Through SSC you get g12(+) gear.
    Through g12(+) gear you get relic materials by scavenging the gear.
    With relic materials you can relic up your chars.

    Even the biggest krakens don't have a roster full with R8/9 chars yet so even the biggest krakens still have a need for SSC.
    Legend#6873 | YouTube |
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    Drim wrote: »
    It’s even slower know with change x2 box on gear…. If they can add 2nd box add 25 etc no?

    This is strange, I don’t understand why they didn’t just multiply the gear by 2? Unless they’re teasing us to show that opening of multiple boxes will come in the near future?
  • TVF
    36746 posts Member
    Drim wrote: »
    It’s even slower know with change x2 box on gear…. If they can add 2nd box add 25 etc no?

    This is strange, I don’t understand why they didn’t just multiply the gear by 2? Unless they’re teasing us to show that opening of multiple boxes will come in the near future?

    I had that thought too, although that would imply a relatively low limit.

    The weirdest thing is that they did double the shards a while back, instead of doing two pulls.
    I need a new message here.
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