New TB info: MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR Complaints


  • TVF
    36721 posts Member
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Well they also expect guilds around 20 stars LSTB to do this thing.

    This thing where you need minimum R5 squads just to start.

    Even if you can't do a single battle, if your guild is getting better rewards than geonosis as a result of everyone deploying, that's playing it.

    I know. Just pressing X to doubt a 20* LSTB guild will be able to get enough rewards to be worth it. Heck I'm not sure our 30* guild will be able to.
    I need a new message here.
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    what do I know though 🤷‍♂️

    Not much. Easy ignore.

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    Krjstoff wrote: »
    It's the same GD crying everytime something new comes out. "Why do we need 5 toons with 21k GP to try the event?", "Why do we need 4 mil GP to try the event?", "Why do we need R5 to try the challenge pit?", "Why do we need an R9 team in the last phase of the latest end game content?"...

    Please get into your heads, that the new TB is absolute end game content - it the most end game end game content right now. You're NOT supposed to be able to participate in that with you 3 mil GP account with 1 GL and a few handfuls of G13 toons. And even if you could, you would contribute absolutely nothing to your guilds progress.

    A side effect of having such hard requirements is, that they can effectively eliminate farming guilds from getting the newest stuff, which (I suspect) is a pretty hard argument from absolute top end players.

    Also get into your heads that most of the people driving the game is the 10M+ GP players - many of which have been here since around 2016. CG has to do something to keep these players invested in the game. And if CG always have to baby all the 5M GP players and below, those top end players won't get anything for their massive investment of time into the game. And if they get a feeling, that they can't get challenging new stuff, because every single salty whiner with a 5M GP account needs to have their way, those 10M+ accounts are going to quit. And Dear 5M GP player, you don't want that. Because that will be the beginning of the end for the game.

    Want something fun to do? Start by maxing out hard conquest every single time.
    Or maybe just try to max out Geo TB - I'm pretty sure that's still a very sufficient challenge for where you're at. HEll, I'm in a 400M guild, and LS Geo TB is still a massive challenge for us.

    TL;DR: Quit your effing whining and accept that your 4-5M GP account is nowhere near the level where this kind of content makes sense. Take comfort in conquest, and keep grinding, and MAYBE some day you'll be able to try out the end game stuff.

    I'm at 10.1 Mil GP, just unlocked my 7th GL and I have 5 total R9s all from different factions after playing for over 5 years. I'm so tapped out of salvage because of the ridiculous relic salvage requirements and limited farming of it, I don't have enough right now to take a character to R1. BUT, I'm supposed to take 20-30 characters, including characters I don't even have relic'd to R5, 7, 9? (Kit Fisto, Bodhi Rook, etc etc.) Not to mention platoon requirements that will suck up lots of meta characters.

    Datacrons are ridiculous, but we're just supposed to accept them. Grand Inquisitor is needed for all kinds of things, but he's only been available ONE TIME in 6 months. The new TB is supposed to be more "modular" but they release something for the "future" that doesn't address player's issues right now? They released LS Geo TB in 2019 and we STILL don't have enough GP to get max stars because mathematically the GP requirement is twice what any player has for ships. (What makes you think they'll make any improvements to this new TB past a year when an old TB that's got ridiculous GP requirements, has some AI on defense that's stupidly OP and/or buggie hasn't been touched in years?) Once they get it set in place, just like every other "old" system it will just become a low priority / ignore type of system because they'll have a new shiny to work on.

    Either someone in CG has their job because they faked all their credentials or got their position due to nepotism, OR they are purposely trying to tank the game so they can shut it down and move on. There is no outreach to players and whoever is making the decisions not only continues to hide behind their desk, they aren't even letting the community outreach folks engage with players, content creators, etc.

    TL;DR: If you're so upset by complaints, stop coming here to complain about complaints.
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    My guild is putting up 30 stars in DS Geo and 17 in LS and the previous announcement made it sound like we'd be able to swap Rise in for DS Geo but even the R5 and 6 requirements mean we're probably going to be spending most of our time hitting deploy every 24 hours.

    This isn't a skill wall or even a GP wall like LS Geo, it's just a lazy pay wall.
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    Dianora wrote: »
    My guild is putting up 30 stars in DS Geo and 17 in LS and the previous announcement made it sound like we'd be able to swap Rise in for DS Geo but even the R5 and 6 requirements mean we're probably going to be spending most of our time hitting deploy every 24 hours.

    This isn't a skill wall or even a GP wall like LS Geo, it's just a lazy pay wall.

    It is kinda lazy. Still, in your particular case, I assumed your guild stomped the Cpit. So you each have at least 1 R5 team ready to go. Enjoy your couple of fights every 2 weeks, you'll do a little more than deploy. A little.
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    I accept that it's end game content and its a good goal to look forward to competing in. I think R9 seems extreme but by the time I get there we will have R12 so it won't seem as bad.

    My hope is that they make getting to R8 & 9 easier. My guild completes the crancor so I've got plenty of the 1 half of R8 pieces but the other requires gear that is always required for lots of g13s so it's a real catch 22 where you can't really catch up.

    The achievement for getting R8/9 should be completing crancor or hitting TW GP not getting stuck behind the other side.

    Amen to that
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    Yeah weird you won’t be able to get to the final round on day one. Crazy.

    That said, they had better make salvage more common. Gear doubling will help, but it’s going to take a lot of salvage to get that many characters that high.
    Ceterum censeo Patientia esse meliat.
  • Drim
    360 posts Member
    I think people are confused CG is not a gaming company. It’s a game built to make money only.
  • TVF
    36721 posts Member
    NicWester wrote: »
    Yeah weird you won’t be able to get to the final round on day one. Crazy.

    That said, they had better make salvage more common. Gear doubling will help, but it’s going to take a lot of salvage to get that many characters that high.

    There's zero evidence they will do anything for a very long time.

    Look how long "core" gear took.
    I need a new message here.
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    This RoE Territory Battle is insane.. I get planning a PVE event for years down the road but the Relic reqs are just lazy game design.

    Really curious how the poplar Content Creators are going to try and spin this to a positive.
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    NicWester wrote: »
    Yeah weird you won’t be able to get to the final round on day one. Crazy.

    That said, they had better make salvage more common. Gear doubling will help, but it’s going to take a lot of salvage to get that many characters that high.

    Crazy how in all other TB’s we could play the last rounds without relic gated restrictions….

    They just made gear economy changes and intentionally left out kyrotechs and anything at G12 and above. Why would you think that would change in the last 2 weeks after it took 7 years for any gear economy changes to come?
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    No event should have a gear or relic barrier ever. If they really want to make it where relic 9 characters are required then make the event that hard. Let us at least try and if we fail at least we had fun doing it. But honestly this isn’t anything new. I knew CG would do this and I was no surprised. CG has not listened to the player base since day one. All of you need to realize this is not the players game this is CGs game. They are going to do with it what they want because they designed this game for themselves. Giving feedback is pointless and will result to nothing good.
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    StarSon wrote: »
    Don’t worry about the R8/R9 reqs…..that’s not the initial target!
    Most upper end guilds will targeting P1 and P2 with an aim to break into P3 and get Reva shards.
    So that’s mainly around bumping up R5s to R6 and eventually R7

    "Don't worry about playing more than half of this brand new content! You may be able to play the rest of it in a couple years," is what you just said, in case you were wondering.

    Did it take a couple of years for Geo LSTB?.
    My guild broke into P3 within 3-4 months and we’re consistently getting 35+ KAM shards by then (the equivalent of breaking into P4 in this TB).
    It will be a year+ for P6 though…..I concede that. No way I see many of us having full teams of R9s….
    But full teams of R7s?? Pretty soon and then R8s eventually

    I personally don’t care about P4-6 until I’ve cracked P1-3 and unlocked and maxed Reva 🤷‍♂️
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    Okay, I still don't know how all this shakes out, but I had a thought.

    What if after choosing LS p1 on day one we can choose DS p1 on day 2.

    This way a guild could to three p1s on three consecutive days and then do three p2s on the next days and no guild member would ever have to field a team higher than r6.

    I don't know that this is the way it works, but **IF** that's the way it works, I retract my criticism of accessibility. I want to play new content. I don't want to deploy and walk away. That's not game play. (As I've said many times, that's bookkeeping, which ain't fun.)

    but let's imagine for a minute that you can do that. Then you're not fighting in any territory where the requirements are higher than r7.

    Now, the **weird** thing is that if that was true, you could get max stars on this TB without ever going higher than a p2 world. That... doesn't seem right. Which is why I neglected the possibility during earlier criticisms.

    But it occurred to me that this could still be correct so long as the special missions you reach in p3+ are dramatically more valuable than the special missions you can access in p1 & p2.

    I don't THINK this is how it works, but if it is, then fine. Everybody who can play CRancor can play here. You get 6 days of content just like everyone else, but you still have to work on r9 to eventually reach the best rewards.

    That said, if this is really the way things worked, they should have just released p1-3 for each side (light, dark & neutral) or maybe up to p4. Given "modularity" we would know that p5 and p6 would come eventually, but there would be no sticker shock.

    Now, again, I don't think this is actually how it works, but CG is not known for their excellent communication (kudos for trying to get better, CG, and I noticed the question/response roundup on Sana, but your history is your history).

    So who knows. Maybe things aren't as bad as we all fear.

    They probably are, but maybe not.
  • Starslayer
    2421 posts Member
    edited December 2022
    NicWester wrote: »
    Yeah weird you won’t be able to get to the final round on day one. Crazy.

    That said, they had better make salvage more common. Gear doubling will help, but it’s going to take a lot of salvage to get that many characters that high.

    Gear doubling won’t help help make salvage more commun. They also half their value at the jawa store. It’s only there to help gearing characters until g11-12.
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    TVF wrote: »
    Lumiya wrote: »
    Antario wrote: »
    scuba wrote: »
    There is a difference between bei
    Antario wrote: »
    The time scales for the average player to even access this are absurd, for the free to play this is essentially something we will most likely NEVER, be able to access. Like it would require multiple lifespans of play time for a relatively new player to get multiple teams to relic 9. Meanwhile the gear changes left gear 12 pieces and kyros out of the changes, as if 9 levels of relic farming is so easy once you get to level 13... Nobody is asking for the TB to be easy or to allow us to get to it day 1, I just don't think that making it so I access it when I have a full set of grey hair makes a lot of sense either

    I don't think that will be the case (grey hair). If you consider the game acceleration as linear maybe. But based on past experience, it's more incremental (sometimes even exponential in certain areas). So it could well be that in one year from now relic 9 is no longer an absurd level to achieve.

    I think we still don't have enough information about TB3 and the impact of the future gear and relic material distribution change. Judging TB3 based on the current state of the game might not do it justice. I'm willing to wait and see.

    Really? It took them how long, 5 years to speed up the purple gear acquisition, and you are expecting them to speed up relic mats acquisition faster than that?
    Maybe by r20 the r9 mats will be easier to obtain.

    We will see about that.

    We already did... they will double the prices to scrap for relics on purpose because they don't want to make it easier to relic characters. In a game where g12 is worth nothing anymore.

    They did also double most of the gear sources for that scrap...

    So they couldn't have left the scrap values alone? It's gear that gives you scrap for low level relics, it doesn't benefit the end game players but helps the little guy who's in the mid game hopefully get to the end game while they are still alive, preferably before the end of this century. But no, they had to make half the scrap values because God forbid we get some GLs a little but easier...
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    TVF wrote: »
    R9 is more than "a bit" extreme.

    I'm a 8.9m player (started April 2017) and I have two units at R9.

    Even full R8 teams in the quantities required is more than "a bit" extreme.

    Oh and don't forget about platoons.

    Well man, not to sound like I'm personally attacking you but people like you are the ones who enabled them to get away with these absurd requirements because you constantly defend them in the forums and demonize anyone who's in favor of keeping things reasonable and friendly to the average player. There's a reason I don't spend money in this game and it's not because I can't afford it, but it's because their greed is so high that become emboldened when players give in to absurd prices and they are cool with buying stuff that's gonna be obsolete very soon due to absurd gear creep.

    They went from characters requiring 5 units to characters requiring other legendaries to characters requiring 16 units all of them with end game gear, then they released r8-9 and made those a requirement for events when the majority of the community was bottlenecked by carbantis and other purple gear. It's not until relic 9 is required for content that they decided to boost purple gear so you can finally get to gear 12 easier, not even gear 13!!! You guys think at this pace they are going to help with relic levels any time soon???

    I understand that the devs get more hate than they deserve sometimes and ppl like you feel like that's unfair and you want to defend them, but most of the time you go to extreme lengths to defend them and that only emboldens them to pull stuff like this. Now you won't be able to play the new TB for a while as an end game yourself and you know how most of us have felt for years playing this game knowing we won't be able to access content for years after its release. Maybe that will change your perspective a little bit
  • TVF
    36721 posts Member
    I need a new message here.
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    I'm still holding out on hate until we see the thing and get a sense for rewards and fun. But based on the updated options in the GET store, I'm not encouraged that GET3 is going to materially accelerate our ability to get to r8/9.

    I am not a fan of people comparing this to LS Geo TB. First of all, TB3 is not even out yet. Second, the thing that held us back in LS Geo TB was not an arbitrary relic gate. When it first came out, we did not have the depth for 2x Jedi teams; we barely had the depth to do the other CMs. However, any endgame player that didn't take a defeatist stance should have been able to clear 30+ waves by the second iteration with the tools that were already in game. And we knew that because we were able to test things with our G12 teams to decide which teams were viable and should be promoted to r3/5/7 etc to make them work. For this one, looks like we'll just have to let the whales tell us what works and do as we're told. As someone else put it, this is hardly "playing", it's just following orders like mindless drones.

    Also, CG keeps releasing toons that we have no need to farm quickly on Cantina nodes (e.g. Krr, Hondo), which makes relic levels harder to attain.

    Again, I'm not hating on TB3 yet, but I've gone from excited to concerned. LS Geo TB is not a good comparison to this based on what we know so far. Wish CG would stop releasing toons that have no need to be rushed on Cantina nodes and stifling our relic progression.
  • StarSon
    7494 posts Member
    StarSon wrote: »
    Don’t worry about the R8/R9 reqs…..that’s not the initial target!
    Most upper end guilds will targeting P1 and P2 with an aim to break into P3 and get Reva shards.
    So that’s mainly around bumping up R5s to R6 and eventually R7

    "Don't worry about playing more than half of this brand new content! You may be able to play the rest of it in a couple years," is what you just said, in case you were wondering.

    Did it take a couple of years for Geo LSTB?.
    My guild broke into P3 within 3-4 months and we’re consistently getting 35+ KAM shards by then (the equivalent of breaking into P4 in this TB).
    It will be a year+ for P6 though…..I concede that. No way I see many of us having full teams of R9s….
    But full teams of R7s?? Pretty soon and then R8s eventually

    I personally don’t care about P4-6 until I’ve cracked P1-3 and unlocked and maxed Reva 🤷‍♂️

    No, but this is nothing like LS Geo. My guild will maybe be able to get to p3 this first run (I haven't had time to figure out the TP thresholds from the datamines), but even if we can *get* to p4 faster than 3 or 4 months, it'll be much, much longer before we can actually do anything there. So my point stands.
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    Krjstoff wrote: »
    It's the same GD crying everytime something new comes out. "Why do we need 5 toons with 21k GP to try the event?", "Why do we need 4 mil GP to try the event?", "Why do we need R5 to try the challenge pit?", "Why do we need an R9 team in the last phase of the latest end game content?"...

    Please get into your heads, that the new TB is absolute end game content - it the most end game end game content right now. You're NOT supposed to be able to participate in that with you 3 mil GP account with 1 GL and a few handfuls of G13 toons. And even if you could, you would contribute absolutely nothing to your guilds progress.

    A side effect of having such hard requirements is, that they can effectively eliminate farming guilds from getting the newest stuff, which (I suspect) is a pretty hard argument from absolute top end players.

    Also get into your heads that most of the people driving the game is the 10M+ GP players - many of which have been here since around 2016. CG has to do something to keep these players invested in the game. And if CG always have to baby all the 5M GP players and below, those top end players won't get anything for their massive investment of time into the game. And if they get a feeling, that they can't get challenging new stuff, because every single salty whiner with a 5M GP account needs to have their way, those 10M+ accounts are going to quit. And Dear 5M GP player, you don't want that. Because that will be the beginning of the end for the game.

    Want something fun to do? Start by maxing out hard conquest every single time.
    Or maybe just try to max out Geo TB - I'm pretty sure that's still a very sufficient challenge for where you're at. HEll, I'm in a 400M guild, and LS Geo TB is still a massive challenge for us.

    TL;DR: Quit your effing whining and accept that your 4-5M GP account is nowhere near the level where this kind of content makes sense. Take comfort in conquest, and keep grinding, and MAYBE some day you'll be able to try out the end game stuff.

    Hi, 4-5 mil gp here, haven’t made a complaint yet. (First post)… I agree, no one should be too upset that the new content is meant for the players who keep the lights on at CG. And while I agree the ‘upper class’ (whales) leaving would suck for all, but f2p are also very important to the game.

    And while they do things to try to help the lower class, like increase the bad gear after 2 years from when they initially said they would, it’s irrelevant by this point. This last gear update made relics take longer now, because while they increase gear on nodes, stores, raid rewards, etc… they did not increase it for challenges, which was a big source for scavenging for relic material and they cut the value of ALL relic material (for the increased gear) in half, while not increasing all the gear by x2. So, they just slowed relics a bit, kinda frustrating. It also doesn’t help gear up any characters released after GAS since all of those characters need Kyro gear….

    And while they owe us nothing, they are going to receive complaints as long as they claim they are making it easier, which to some extent they are… but they’re also making it more difficult in other ways and staying silent when called out…

    For instance, they claimed kyros were meant to ease the gear grind. I think we would all be happier without kyros…

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    ...and here's another content for which not to spend a single euro, well done CG
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    Well man, not to sound like I'm personally attacking you but people like you are the ones who enabled them to get away with these absurd requirements because you constantly defend them in the forums and demonize anyone who's in favor of keeping things reasonable and friendly to the average player.

    Wow. You really don't read TVF, do you.

    And there's not even the excuse that TVF's average comments are as ridiculously long as mine.
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    Well man, not to sound like I'm personally attacking you but people like you are the ones who enabled them to get away with these absurd requirements because you constantly defend them in the forums and demonize anyone who's in favor of keeping things reasonable and friendly to the average player.

    Wow. You really don't read TVF, do you.

    And there's not even the excuse that TVF's average comments are as ridiculously long as mine.

    Idk what did I miss?
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    I'm not complaining about this new TB super-high requirements. My Guild is only 298M.

    I remember taking 3 years to max out LS Hoth TB. It took me a guild change, and a guild merger to get to 40*. Then some more time investing in lower GP teammates before we perfected it. We had also took a break from it after getting 44* to do LS Geo.

    I also remember my entire guild not being able to get past Phase 1 of the Sith Raid. We all threw everything at it. Once people started having full squads at Relic 2s and 3s, we beat Phase 1 and it was a big celebration. We got the whole thing beat after probably 1.5-2 years after its release with most of the guild participating. A couple of days ago a few people can plow through it in less than 30 min.

    There was time no one could get 4/4 in Phase 4 of DS Geo. Now our best is 28*. We were stuck at 22* to 24* for a long while. Players come and go, etc.

    I clearly see this TB was meant to be out of reach for the Top 5 most powerful guilds in the game today. CG doesn't want them to master it in 12 months. Obviously to get people to spend money, and not get bored. This is the biggest shake-up since they introduced Rancor 2.0.

    The goal posts will continue to be moved.
    When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.

    Started mid-FEB 2017, and not trying to reach the top.
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    If I was at 4 million gp, just building into hard conquest and working through more journey guide characters, I would see this tb and be completely demoralised. To build everything that this tb is asking for would seem impossible. I’m at 8.5mill and it looks like a lot of effort. Yes it’s not designed for these players, but I’d be feeling by the time I get there the next tb will be out and I’ll be missing out again. It might put people off, which is obviously not a good thing.
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    StarSon wrote: »
    Don’t worry about the R8/R9 reqs…..that’s not the initial target!
    Most upper end guilds will targeting P1 and P2 with an aim to break into P3 and get Reva shards.
    So that’s mainly around bumping up R5s to R6 and eventually R7

    "Don't worry about playing more than half of this brand new content! You may be able to play the rest of it in a couple years," is what you just said, in case you were wondering.

    Did it take a couple of years for Geo LSTB?.
    My guild broke into P3 within 3-4 months and we’re consistently getting 35+ KAM shards by then (the equivalent of breaking into P4 in this TB).
    It will be a year+ for P6 though…..I concede that. No way I see many of us having full teams of R9s….
    But full teams of R7s?? Pretty soon and then R8s eventually

    I personally don’t care about P4-6 until I’ve cracked P1-3 and unlocked and maxed Reva 🤷‍♂️

    It didn’t take longer than 3-4 months to break into light side geo, because there were no “requirements” to do so… I don’t know why this point keeps being made…
  • Options
    StarSon wrote: »
    Don’t worry about the R8/R9 reqs…..that’s not the initial target!
    Most upper end guilds will targeting P1 and P2 with an aim to break into P3 and get Reva shards.
    So that’s mainly around bumping up R5s to R6 and eventually R7

    "Don't worry about playing more than half of this brand new content! You may be able to play the rest of it in a couple years," is what you just said, in case you were wondering.

    Did it take a couple of years for Geo LSTB?.
    My guild broke into P3 within 3-4 months and we’re consistently getting 35+ KAM shards by then (the equivalent of breaking into P4 in this TB).
    It will be a year+ for P6 though…..I concede that. No way I see many of us having full teams of R9s….
    But full teams of R7s?? Pretty soon and then R8s eventually

    I personally don’t care about P4-6 until I’ve cracked P1-3 and unlocked and maxed Reva 🤷‍♂️

    It didn’t take longer than 3-4 months to break into light side geo, because there were no “requirements” to do so… I don’t know why this point keeps being made…

    There was a guild gp requirement, which put it out of reach of easily over half of guilds at the time, and several missions had gp requirements that were tough to reach at the time.

    Different requirements, but there were requirements.
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    StarSon wrote: »
    Don’t worry about the R8/R9 reqs…..that’s not the initial target!
    Most upper end guilds will targeting P1 and P2 with an aim to break into P3 and get Reva shards.
    So that’s mainly around bumping up R5s to R6 and eventually R7

    "Don't worry about playing more than half of this brand new content! You may be able to play the rest of it in a couple years," is what you just said, in case you were wondering.

    Did it take a couple of years for Geo LSTB?.
    My guild broke into P3 within 3-4 months and we’re consistently getting 35+ KAM shards by then (the equivalent of breaking into P4 in this TB).
    It will be a year+ for P6 though…..I concede that. No way I see many of us having full teams of R9s….
    But full teams of R7s?? Pretty soon and then R8s eventually

    I personally don’t care about P4-6 until I’ve cracked P1-3 and unlocked and maxed Reva 🤷‍♂️

    It didn’t take longer than 3-4 months to break into light side geo, because there were no “requirements” to do so… I don’t know why this point keeps being made…

    There was a guild gp requirement, which put it out of reach of easily over half of guilds at the time, and several missions had gp requirements that were tough to reach at the time.

    Different requirements, but there were requirements.

    Sorry just going to disagree with this. The guild gp requirement didn’t come close to eliminating half the guilds. The individual gp requirements were on 2 of the 9 cms in p1+2 and only tano in the gas/tano mission wasn’t commonly already achieved. Platoons also did not have a gear requirement just a star requirement.

    We all still complained about the tuning of ls geo because upon release we didn’t have jkl jml jmk cat omi rolo chewpio and probably more. Everyone knew that ls geo was intended to last for years and easily wasn’t an enjoyable experience for the vast majority of guilds until the above mentioned characters were released and became common.

    It baffles me that so many use ls geo as a justification for the obvious poor design issues. Cg just doubled down on what we hated about ls geo in the new tb. But hey tradition I guess
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    I absolutely love the fact you believe high end is just a 400 mil guild.. and that you are actually able to say it.. with a straight face lol

    To be fair, 420mil puts your guild in the top 250. ;)

    A guild of that size is probably seeing all the available content and doing about 28-30* in LSTB, 33* in DSTB, has a decent TW record and has cpit on super farm.
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