Doubling relic gear requirement madness


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    Talking about compensation is an exaggeration.
    But we get in game messages all the time: "x was added to this node", "x got a new omicron ability", etc. It wasn't so difficult to write another one: " on december the xth, your gear stash will lose half its salvage value. Visit the forums for more information ".
  • nfidel2k
    559 posts Member
    edited January 2023
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    I never talked about least not in terms of what we consider compensation in general.
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    They should have %100 sent ingame notice a few times leading to this period. I also didn't want be forced scrap all those gear. Now I ended up getting short of haat gear that wasn't a smidge of a concern before. It was cg's responsibility to figure out a way so that people didn't get double the gear (since this is something cg doesn't want) but also retain the value of what they had without having to do anything. Neither of these things happened. And I'm rather sure that nothing like compensation or even a response about an issue they incured on some unlucky portion of the playerbase will happen. My suggestion would be to either bombard support or just come into terms with happened.

    As for the first part, I agree. My opinion is that if people want to know what’s going on, then get up and find out. Stop expecting everything should be handed to you.

    Edit: clarified last paragraph
    Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for life.
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    nfidel2k wrote: »
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    I never talked about least not in terms of what we consider compensation in general.
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    They should have %100 sent ingame notice a few times leading to this period. I also didn't want be forced scrap all those gear. Now I ended up getting short of haat gear that wasn't a smidge of a concern before. It was cg's responsibility to figure out a way so that people didn't get double the gear (since this is something cg doesn't want) but also retain the value of what they had without having to do anything. Neither of these things happened. And I'm rather sure that nothing like compensation or even a response about an issue they incured on some unlucky portion of the playerbase will happen. My suggestion would be to either bombard support or just come into terms with happened.

    As for the first part, I agree. My opinion is that if people want to know what’s going on, then get up and find out. Stop expecting everything should be handed to you.

    Edit: clarified last paragraph

    Why is suggesting that CG should notify players of an important game change via in-game messaging the same as "expecting everything should be handed to you"? That's quite a leap.

    In your logic you seem to think its OK for CG not to bother communicating things about their game, but saying it's irresponsible for players to not regularly check a forum.

    Should players only know about new Omicron abilities, for example, by regularly checking the forum?

    CG made the change. Onus should be on them to better communicate it.
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    Should CG have warned of the change in game? Yes.

    Should anyone who cares about the relic economy at the very least join a guild where the officers are on top of dev announcements and relay important information? Yes.

    Seems to me that the intersection of people negatively impacted and care and those unaware must be really small.
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    AlexanderG wrote: »
    nfidel2k wrote: »
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    I never talked about least not in terms of what we consider compensation in general.
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    They should have %100 sent ingame notice a few times leading to this period. I also didn't want be forced scrap all those gear. Now I ended up getting short of haat gear that wasn't a smidge of a concern before. It was cg's responsibility to figure out a way so that people didn't get double the gear (since this is something cg doesn't want) but also retain the value of what they had without having to do anything. Neither of these things happened. And I'm rather sure that nothing like compensation or even a response about an issue they incured on some unlucky portion of the playerbase will happen. My suggestion would be to either bombard support or just come into terms with happened.

    As for the first part, I agree. My opinion is that if people want to know what’s going on, then get up and find out. Stop expecting everything should be handed to you.

    Edit: clarified last paragraph

    Why is suggesting that CG should notify players of an important game change via in-game messaging the same as "expecting everything should be handed to you"? That's quite a leap.

    In your logic you seem to think its OK for CG not to bother communicating things about their game, but saying it's irresponsible for players to not regularly check a forum.

    Should players only know about new Omicron abilities, for example, by regularly checking the forum?

    CG made the change. Onus should be on them to better communicate it.

    As I stated before, I agree that it would have been a good idea. However, CG did communicate it, and implying they didn’t, or needed to do more, is just wrong. They also send notices through in game to check out the forums for updates. At some point the player needs to pick up there end of the stick.

    So yes, I too wish they had sent the in-game notice. But I also don’t think for a minute that they owe anyone anything for not doing it, and that it’s acceptable for players to complain when they didn’t bother to stay up to date. Like someone who knows enough to come to the forums to complain about it, but didn’t bother to come here earlier to see what the next update was, for example. Hopefully they check in more often, or find a guildmate willing to.
    Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for life.
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    Even if only 1% of the players don't use the forums due to language barrier, lack of time, ignorance or any other reason that is enough for CG to issue a fair warning. The game is played worldwide many non English speaking people and furthermore it should not be the responsibility of a player to be in the forums. Have you always been part of an online community for each and every online game you've ever played. Some people may even be too young or whatever the reason may be.

    When you decide to make a change that will invalidate half of years of farming it's a no brainer to warn people in game and explain thoroughly what is about to happen and not rely on them finding out from third parties. CG robbed people of thousands of dollars worth of farming and there is no way around it or sugar coating it
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    I do think doubling our inventory of these impacted items when they rolled out the halving change would have been preferred.
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    Screerider wrote: »
    I do think doubling our inventory of these impacted items when they rolled out the halving change would have been preferred.

    I pondered that before. But they wouldn't do it in any way since many of those items aren't only used for scrap. Consider someone sitting on thousands of carbanti/gun/cuffs which now has double of them.
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    MaruMaru wrote: »
    Screerider wrote: »
    I do think doubling our inventory of these impacted items when they rolled out the halving change would have been preferred.

    I pondered that before. But they wouldn't do it in any way since many of those items aren't only used for scrap. Consider someone sitting on thousands of carbanti/gun/cuffs which now has double of them.

    People sitting on thousands of carbantis and stun guns are probably at the point where said gear is hardly needed for those accounts. Also I don't think it would have been the optimal solution, but at the very least they could have given us scrap equal to half the value of the gear we had sitting in or just straight up give us multiple in game warnings with the exact date of the update and a recommendation as to what we should do with that gear
  • Options
    MaruMaru wrote: »
    Screerider wrote: »
    I do think doubling our inventory of these impacted items when they rolled out the halving change would have been preferred.

    I pondered that before. But they wouldn't do it in any way since many of those items aren't only used for scrap. Consider someone sitting on thousands of carbanti/gun/cuffs which now has double of them.

    People sitting on thousands of carbantis and stun guns are probably at the point where said gear is hardly needed for those accounts. Also I don't think it would have been the optimal solution, but at the very least they could have given us scrap equal to half the value of the gear we had sitting in or just straight up give us multiple in game warnings with the exact date of the update and a recommendation as to what we should do with that gear

    There is too much of an assumption in there. In this alternative formula there's simply no do justice to it. It would cause a divide for 2 similar players where one has such a hoard and other one used the same amount on upgrades. So this is not even a player state difference. Neither could have simply foreseen it. I hoard large amounts of old core gear from time to time and then sometimes melt all of it in a frenzy. I certainly still have use for them.

    I think CG also considered this option at some point on paper while deciding how to roll the thing out and deduced this won't work. They found a reasonable option, not perfect since there is no %100 sameness to it (the challenge gear discussion), I don't mind the difference. It's how they rolled it out that's the point of discussion for me.
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    MaruMaru wrote: »
    Consider someone sitting on thousands of carbanti/gun/cuffs which now has double of them.
    Sounds good to me.

  • TVF
    36762 posts Member
    Lots of things sound good to the players which are unreasonable to expect.
    I need a new message here.
  • Options
    In a guild of 50 people, I think I may be the only one that regularly checks the forums. Two or three others occasionally read the forums but usually only for big updates. Whenever something this impactful comes along, I always pass the information along for the people in my guild that don't read the forums. I also post a link to important CG Dev posts in a discord channel on our server devoted to CG Dev posts. I also give a a few bullet points in guild chat for the folks that aren't on discord and tell people to check the forums if it's something this serious. I do this because I care about whether my guild mates have all the information they need to adapt their farming strategies to fit their goals. That's just good for my guild mates, and good for my guild in general.

    I'm not saying that everyone should be like me - that would surely leave us worse off. But I would be shocked if anyone that plays this game with any kind of serious intent on doing well were in a guild that didn't put this information out to it's players or at the very least, tell them to check the forums.

    We had at least a month of advanced notice about this. If you're in a guild where no one bothered to even mention this and it's that important to you - then maybe the priorities of your guild leadership don't align with your own.

    I think it would have been nice for CG to send out an in-game notification about this - but that would be inconsistent with their previous behavior. They OFTEN do things without sending an in-game notice to inform the players. Their pattern to date has been to make the lions share of the information they provide about the game available on the forums by way of posts from one of the community managers. That's how it's always been. Expecting them to suddenly change an established pattern of behavior doesn't seem logical to me. Just to drive the point home, I think they should have sent an in-game notice - but I would absolutely 100% not expect them to and I can't fathom why anyone else would expect that. It's just not how they operate - it's never been how they operate.

    For anyone that got burned by this, let it be a lesson learned - if you read nothing else on these forums, check once a week or so to see if there are in dev posts. It takes seconds to do so and apparently could save you "thousands of dollars" worth of gear. CG is not culpable here - we had WEEKS of advanced notice. They could have done more, yes - but they did as much as they've ever done in the past.
    CG robbed people of thousands of dollars worth of farming and there is no way around it or sugar coating it

    This is slanderous and absolutely false. No one was robbed of anything. No one took anything from anyone. CG told us they were going to make a change weeks in advance and then they made exactly the change that they outlined. Everyone had ample opportunity to insulate themselves from any and all losses associated with the change - which is precisely WHY we got so much notice. They hid nothing, lied about nothing, and took nothing from anyone. It's unfortunate that some people didn't know about it - that is in no way CGs fault - get into a more attentive guild, or start checking the forums regularly and become the "forum scout" for your own guild to avoid this kind of thing in the future.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
  • Options
    TVF wrote: »
    Lots of things sound good to the players which are unreasonable to expect.

    What is unreasonable? Taking your current stash value and giving you half of what it's worth in mats before reducing it's value is unreasonable? Having adequate in game warnings as well as a definite date for the update is unreasonable? No it's only unreasonable when you have the lowest kinds of expectations from a company to act in a way that benefits everyone instead of just themselves
  • Options
    In a guild of 50 people, I think I may be the only one that regularly checks the forums. Two or three others occasionally read the forums but usually only for big updates. Whenever something this impactful comes along, I always pass the information along for the people in my guild that don't read the forums. I also post a link to important CG Dev posts in a discord channel on our server devoted to CG Dev posts. I also give a a few bullet points in guild chat for the folks that aren't on discord and tell people to check the forums if it's something this serious. I do this because I care about whether my guild mates have all the information they need to adapt their farming strategies to fit their goals. That's just good for my guild mates, and good for my guild in general.

    I'm not saying that everyone should be like me - that would surely leave us worse off. But I would be shocked if anyone that plays this game with any kind of serious intent on doing well were in a guild that didn't put this information out to it's players or at the very least, tell them to check the forums.

    We had at least a month of advanced notice about this. If you're in a guild where no one bothered to even mention this and it's that important to you - then maybe the priorities of your guild leadership don't align with your own.

    I think it would have been nice for CG to send out an in-game notification about this - but that would be inconsistent with their previous behavior. They OFTEN do things without sending an in-game notice to inform the players. Their pattern to date has been to make the lions share of the information they provide about the game available on the forums by way of posts from one of the community managers. That's how it's always been. Expecting them to suddenly change an established pattern of behavior doesn't seem logical to me. Just to drive the point home, I think they should have sent an in-game notice - but I would absolutely 100% not expect them to and I can't fathom why anyone else would expect that. It's just not how they operate - it's never been how they operate.

    For anyone that got burned by this, let it be a lesson learned - if you read nothing else on these forums, check once a week or so to see if there are in dev posts. It takes seconds to do so and apparently could save you "thousands of dollars" worth of gear. CG is not culpable here - we had WEEKS of advanced notice. They could have done more, yes - but they did as much as they've ever done in the past.
    CG robbed people of thousands of dollars worth of farming and there is no way around it or sugar coating it

    This is slanderous and absolutely false. No one was robbed of anything. No one took anything from anyone. CG told us they were going to make a change weeks in advance and then they made exactly the change that they outlined. Everyone had ample opportunity to insulate themselves from any and all losses associated with the change - which is precisely WHY we got so much notice. They hid nothing, lied about nothing, and took nothing from anyone. It's unfortunate that some people didn't know about it - that is in no way CGs fault - get into a more attentive guild, or start checking the forums regularly and become the "forum scout" for your own guild to avoid this kind of thing in the future.

    "CG told us", they told YOU, the forum user not everyone. How can you say:" I'm the only one in a guild of 50 people who reads the forums" and then say that?

    Yes they robbed us of mats this isn't just standard inflation this is literally cutting our value in half over night. If the government decided to half the value of your dollars over night while keeping the costs of everything the same, you've been robbed and there is not way around it
  • Options
    In a guild of 50 people, I think I may be the only one that regularly checks the forums. Two or three others occasionally read the forums but usually only for big updates. Whenever something this impactful comes along, I always pass the information along for the people in my guild that don't read the forums. I also post a link to important CG Dev posts in a discord channel on our server devoted to CG Dev posts. I also give a a few bullet points in guild chat for the folks that aren't on discord and tell people to check the forums if it's something this serious. I do this because I care about whether my guild mates have all the information they need to adapt their farming strategies to fit their goals. That's just good for my guild mates, and good for my guild in general.

    I'm not saying that everyone should be like me - that would surely leave us worse off. But I would be shocked if anyone that plays this game with any kind of serious intent on doing well were in a guild that didn't put this information out to it's players or at the very least, tell them to check the forums.

    We had at least a month of advanced notice about this. If you're in a guild where no one bothered to even mention this and it's that important to you - then maybe the priorities of your guild leadership don't align with your own.

    I think it would have been nice for CG to send out an in-game notification about this - but that would be inconsistent with their previous behavior. They OFTEN do things without sending an in-game notice to inform the players. Their pattern to date has been to make the lions share of the information they provide about the game available on the forums by way of posts from one of the community managers. That's how it's always been. Expecting them to suddenly change an established pattern of behavior doesn't seem logical to me. Just to drive the point home, I think they should have sent an in-game notice - but I would absolutely 100% not expect them to and I can't fathom why anyone else would expect that. It's just not how they operate - it's never been how they operate.

    For anyone that got burned by this, let it be a lesson learned - if you read nothing else on these forums, check once a week or so to see if there are in dev posts. It takes seconds to do so and apparently could save you "thousands of dollars" worth of gear. CG is not culpable here - we had WEEKS of advanced notice. They could have done more, yes - but they did as much as they've ever done in the past.
    CG robbed people of thousands of dollars worth of farming and there is no way around it or sugar coating it

    This is slanderous and absolutely false. No one was robbed of anything. No one took anything from anyone. CG told us they were going to make a change weeks in advance and then they made exactly the change that they outlined. Everyone had ample opportunity to insulate themselves from any and all losses associated with the change - which is precisely WHY we got so much notice. They hid nothing, lied about nothing, and took nothing from anyone. It's unfortunate that some people didn't know about it - that is in no way CGs fault - get into a more attentive guild, or start checking the forums regularly and become the "forum scout" for your own guild to avoid this kind of thing in the future.

    "CG told us", they told YOU, the forum user not everyone. How can you say:" I'm the only one in a guild of 50 people who reads the forums" and then say that?

    Yes they robbed us of mats this isn't just standard inflation this is literally cutting our value in half over night. If the government decided to half the value of your dollars over night while keeping the costs of everything the same, you've been robbed and there is not way around it

    A. That’s not how the “value of your dollars” and the “costs of everything” work, so it’s not a good working analogy.

    B. Ignoring the point above, that is exactly how it works. The government doesn’t mail you a letter saying “Hey, we’re about to xyz…”. No, they post it publicly as required by law, and you hear about it by checking the public information, hearing about it from a friend, or reading it in the news. It’s not robbery, shady tactics or anything nefarious. One line of communication, so there are no miscommuncations or mixed signals. If you choose to ignore that line of communication, for whatever reason, intentional or not, it’s on you - not the government.

    C. Relics have been around for ~3.5 years. Whatever you might have actually saved up, it’s not 3.5 years worth or you’re playing the game wrong. Stop being dramatic.
    Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for life.
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    is anybody else getting a million ppl to g12 and 1-2 to relic?

    Yep... but im just moving my entire roster to gear 12. Then i will start relic chase again
  • ShaggyB
    2390 posts Member
    nfidel2k wrote: »
    In a guild of 50 people, I think I may be the only one that regularly checks the forums. Two or three others occasionally read the forums but usually only for big updates. Whenever something this impactful comes along, I always pass the information along for the people in my guild that don't read the forums. I also post a link to important CG Dev posts in a discord channel on our server devoted to CG Dev posts. I also give a a few bullet points in guild chat for the folks that aren't on discord and tell people to check the forums if it's something this serious. I do this because I care about whether my guild mates have all the information they need to adapt their farming strategies to fit their goals. That's just good for my guild mates, and good for my guild in general.

    I'm not saying that everyone should be like me - that would surely leave us worse off. But I would be shocked if anyone that plays this game with any kind of serious intent on doing well were in a guild that didn't put this information out to it's players or at the very least, tell them to check the forums.

    We had at least a month of advanced notice about this. If you're in a guild where no one bothered to even mention this and it's that important to you - then maybe the priorities of your guild leadership don't align with your own.

    I think it would have been nice for CG to send out an in-game notification about this - but that would be inconsistent with their previous behavior. They OFTEN do things without sending an in-game notice to inform the players. Their pattern to date has been to make the lions share of the information they provide about the game available on the forums by way of posts from one of the community managers. That's how it's always been. Expecting them to suddenly change an established pattern of behavior doesn't seem logical to me. Just to drive the point home, I think they should have sent an in-game notice - but I would absolutely 100% not expect them to and I can't fathom why anyone else would expect that. It's just not how they operate - it's never been how they operate.

    For anyone that got burned by this, let it be a lesson learned - if you read nothing else on these forums, check once a week or so to see if there are in dev posts. It takes seconds to do so and apparently could save you "thousands of dollars" worth of gear. CG is not culpable here - we had WEEKS of advanced notice. They could have done more, yes - but they did as much as they've ever done in the past.
    CG robbed people of thousands of dollars worth of farming and there is no way around it or sugar coating it

    This is slanderous and absolutely false. No one was robbed of anything. No one took anything from anyone. CG told us they were going to make a change weeks in advance and then they made exactly the change that they outlined. Everyone had ample opportunity to insulate themselves from any and all losses associated with the change - which is precisely WHY we got so much notice. They hid nothing, lied about nothing, and took nothing from anyone. It's unfortunate that some people didn't know about it - that is in no way CGs fault - get into a more attentive guild, or start checking the forums regularly and become the "forum scout" for your own guild to avoid this kind of thing in the future.

    "CG told us", they told YOU, the forum user not everyone. How can you say:" I'm the only one in a guild of 50 people who reads the forums" and then say that?

    Yes they robbed us of mats this isn't just standard inflation this is literally cutting our value in half over night. If the government decided to half the value of your dollars over night while keeping the costs of everything the same, you've been robbed and there is not way around it

    A. That’s not how the “value of your dollars” and the “costs of everything” work, so it’s not a good working analogy.

    B. Ignoring the point above, that is exactly how it works. The government doesn’t mail you a letter saying “Hey, we’re about to xyz…”. No, they post it publicly as required by law, and you hear about it by checking the public information, hearing about it from a friend, or reading it in the news. It’s not robbery, shady tactics or anything nefarious. One line of communication, so there are no miscommuncations or mixed signals. If you choose to ignore that line of communication, for whatever reason, intentional or not, it’s on you - not the government.

    C. Relics have been around for ~3.5 years. Whatever you might have actually saved up, it’s not 3.5 years worth or you’re playing the game wrong. Stop being dramatic.

    Id disagree.

    They should have made an announcement in game. They really did screw over anyone who didnt go to the forums or talk to forum users.
  • TVF
    36762 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    Lots of things sound good to the players which are unreasonable to expect.

    What is unreasonable? Taking your current stash value and giving you half of what it's worth in mats before reducing it's value is unreasonable? Having adequate in game warnings as well as a definite date for the update is unreasonable? No it's only unreasonable when you have the lowest kinds of expectations from a company to act in a way that benefits everyone instead of just themselves

    You might want to read the post directly above this one that you have quoted.
    I need a new message here.
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    Am I crazy to think the simplest solution would have been to double our existing inventory? Easy math to double n half. I’m one that did salvage, but going through every piece of gear, deciding what to salvage was a time suck.
  • TVF
    36762 posts Member
    Already asked and answered
    I need a new message here.
  • Options
    LynxVJ wrote: »
    nfidel2k wrote: »
    In a guild of 50 people, I think I may be the only one that regularly checks the forums. Two or three others occasionally read the forums but usually only for big updates. Whenever something this impactful comes along, I always pass the information along for the people in my guild that don't read the forums. I also post a link to important CG Dev posts in a discord channel on our server devoted to CG Dev posts. I also give a a few bullet points in guild chat for the folks that aren't on discord and tell people to check the forums if it's something this serious. I do this because I care about whether my guild mates have all the information they need to adapt their farming strategies to fit their goals. That's just good for my guild mates, and good for my guild in general.

    I'm not saying that everyone should be like me - that would surely leave us worse off. But I would be shocked if anyone that plays this game with any kind of serious intent on doing well were in a guild that didn't put this information out to it's players or at the very least, tell them to check the forums.

    We had at least a month of advanced notice about this. If you're in a guild where no one bothered to even mention this and it's that important to you - then maybe the priorities of your guild leadership don't align with your own.

    I think it would have been nice for CG to send out an in-game notification about this - but that would be inconsistent with their previous behavior. They OFTEN do things without sending an in-game notice to inform the players. Their pattern to date has been to make the lions share of the information they provide about the game available on the forums by way of posts from one of the community managers. That's how it's always been. Expecting them to suddenly change an established pattern of behavior doesn't seem logical to me. Just to drive the point home, I think they should have sent an in-game notice - but I would absolutely 100% not expect them to and I can't fathom why anyone else would expect that. It's just not how they operate - it's never been how they operate.

    For anyone that got burned by this, let it be a lesson learned - if you read nothing else on these forums, check once a week or so to see if there are in dev posts. It takes seconds to do so and apparently could save you "thousands of dollars" worth of gear. CG is not culpable here - we had WEEKS of advanced notice. They could have done more, yes - but they did as much as they've ever done in the past.
    CG robbed people of thousands of dollars worth of farming and there is no way around it or sugar coating it

    This is slanderous and absolutely false. No one was robbed of anything. No one took anything from anyone. CG told us they were going to make a change weeks in advance and then they made exactly the change that they outlined. Everyone had ample opportunity to insulate themselves from any and all losses associated with the change - which is precisely WHY we got so much notice. They hid nothing, lied about nothing, and took nothing from anyone. It's unfortunate that some people didn't know about it - that is in no way CGs fault - get into a more attentive guild, or start checking the forums regularly and become the "forum scout" for your own guild to avoid this kind of thing in the future.

    "CG told us", they told YOU, the forum user not everyone. How can you say:" I'm the only one in a guild of 50 people who reads the forums" and then say that?

    Yes they robbed us of mats this isn't just standard inflation this is literally cutting our value in half over night. If the government decided to half the value of your dollars over night while keeping the costs of everything the same, you've been robbed and there is not way around it

    A. That’s not how the “value of your dollars” and the “costs of everything” work, so it’s not a good working analogy.

    B. Ignoring the point above, that is exactly how it works. The government doesn’t mail you a letter saying “Hey, we’re about to xyz…”. No, they post it publicly as required by law, and you hear about it by checking the public information, hearing about it from a friend, or reading it in the news. It’s not robbery, shady tactics or anything nefarious. One line of communication, so there are no miscommuncations or mixed signals. If you choose to ignore that line of communication, for whatever reason, intentional or not, it’s on you - not the government.

    C. Relics have been around for ~3.5 years. Whatever you might have actually saved up, it’s not 3.5 years worth or you’re playing the game wrong. Stop being dramatic.

    Relics have been in the game for 3.5 years but the gear we've been stockpiling has been in the game a lot longer than that. There is no way around this my man. Not giving an in game warning, plus the exact date of the update and all the details and instead relying on forum posts and YouTubers to spread the word is absurd. Also again, not everyone speaks English, plus there are kids who are allowed to only play the game but can't use in game chat or not allowed in the forums etc. When you much a decision that has this much impact you should bare the responsibility of taking ALL factors into consideration and making sure you do the best job you can at informing EVERYONE not just those who read the forums. And even if you follow YouTubers it doesn't mean you watch every single video they post all the time, it's called being "busy" and having a life my dude. It's a robbery of tremendous value and they ought to do something about it, personally I think they should restore the scrap value of gear, it shouldn't be hard to relic characters to 1-4 anyways. Relic 9 is required for TB, as well as exec/profundity. Relic 8 is required for GLs. It's about **** time relic 3-4 became easier to get

    Can you show me some active accounts with hundreds of thousands of scrap materials laying around?
    A common complaint in the forum is not enough materials for ccb and bronzium, so I wonder where are those people with gazillion of scraps who have been robbed by CG?

    Hundreds of thousands of blue, green and purple gear, not scrap
  • Options
    TVF wrote: »
    Already asked and answered

    My man! Made a bet w/ a former guildmate that you’d be the first to respond. He had the field. Dem’ donuts gonna be extra tasty. Thx again!
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    I normally find cgs communication lacking and solutions problematic at best. However in this instance I felt they sufficiently communicated the change and gave enough time for the player base to digest and communicate the information beyond the forums. The doubling of our inventory was uncalled for given how much lead time they gave. Would it have been better to communicate something in game or to be more direct about the effect of the changes? Absolutely, but I don’t think it was necessary either as the effect was obvious as was the solution.
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    TVF wrote: »
    Lots of things sound good to the players which are unreasonable to expect.

    What is unreasonable? Taking your current stash value and giving you half of what it's worth in mats before reducing it's value is unreasonable? Having adequate in game warnings as well as a definite date for the update is unreasonable? No it's only unreasonable when you have the lowest kinds of expectations from a company to act in a way that benefits everyone instead of just themselves

    Expecting having double the stuff which is not restrained to equivalent scavenger conversion is unreasonable. It's double the stuff everywhere else. This is unrelated to the issue as well. It would effect each player differently that's beyond the intent of this change.
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    LynxVJ wrote: »
    nfidel2k wrote: »
    In a guild of 50 people, I think I may be the only one that regularly checks the forums. Two or three others occasionally read the forums but usually only for big updates. Whenever something this impactful comes along, I always pass the information along for the people in my guild that don't read the forums. I also post a link to important CG Dev posts in a discord channel on our server devoted to CG Dev posts. I also give a a few bullet points in guild chat for the folks that aren't on discord and tell people to check the forums if it's something this serious. I do this because I care about whether my guild mates have all the information they need to adapt their farming strategies to fit their goals. That's just good for my guild mates, and good for my guild in general.

    I'm not saying that everyone should be like me - that would surely leave us worse off. But I would be shocked if anyone that plays this game with any kind of serious intent on doing well were in a guild that didn't put this information out to it's players or at the very least, tell them to check the forums.

    We had at least a month of advanced notice about this. If you're in a guild where no one bothered to even mention this and it's that important to you - then maybe the priorities of your guild leadership don't align with your own.

    I think it would have been nice for CG to send out an in-game notification about this - but that would be inconsistent with their previous behavior. They OFTEN do things without sending an in-game notice to inform the players. Their pattern to date has been to make the lions share of the information they provide about the game available on the forums by way of posts from one of the community managers. That's how it's always been. Expecting them to suddenly change an established pattern of behavior doesn't seem logical to me. Just to drive the point home, I think they should have sent an in-game notice - but I would absolutely 100% not expect them to and I can't fathom why anyone else would expect that. It's just not how they operate - it's never been how they operate.

    For anyone that got burned by this, let it be a lesson learned - if you read nothing else on these forums, check once a week or so to see if there are in dev posts. It takes seconds to do so and apparently could save you "thousands of dollars" worth of gear. CG is not culpable here - we had WEEKS of advanced notice. They could have done more, yes - but they did as much as they've ever done in the past.
    CG robbed people of thousands of dollars worth of farming and there is no way around it or sugar coating it

    This is slanderous and absolutely false. No one was robbed of anything. No one took anything from anyone. CG told us they were going to make a change weeks in advance and then they made exactly the change that they outlined. Everyone had ample opportunity to insulate themselves from any and all losses associated with the change - which is precisely WHY we got so much notice. They hid nothing, lied about nothing, and took nothing from anyone. It's unfortunate that some people didn't know about it - that is in no way CGs fault - get into a more attentive guild, or start checking the forums regularly and become the "forum scout" for your own guild to avoid this kind of thing in the future.

    "CG told us", they told YOU, the forum user not everyone. How can you say:" I'm the only one in a guild of 50 people who reads the forums" and then say that?

    Yes they robbed us of mats this isn't just standard inflation this is literally cutting our value in half over night. If the government decided to half the value of your dollars over night while keeping the costs of everything the same, you've been robbed and there is not way around it

    A. That’s not how the “value of your dollars” and the “costs of everything” work, so it’s not a good working analogy.

    B. Ignoring the point above, that is exactly how it works. The government doesn’t mail you a letter saying “Hey, we’re about to xyz…”. No, they post it publicly as required by law, and you hear about it by checking the public information, hearing about it from a friend, or reading it in the news. It’s not robbery, shady tactics or anything nefarious. One line of communication, so there are no miscommuncations or mixed signals. If you choose to ignore that line of communication, for whatever reason, intentional or not, it’s on you - not the government.

    C. Relics have been around for ~3.5 years. Whatever you might have actually saved up, it’s not 3.5 years worth or you’re playing the game wrong. Stop being dramatic.

    Relics have been in the game for 3.5 years but the gear we've been stockpiling has been in the game a lot longer than that. There is no way around this my man. Not giving an in game warning, plus the exact date of the update and all the details and instead relying on forum posts and YouTubers to spread the word is absurd. Also again, not everyone speaks English, plus there are kids who are allowed to only play the game but can't use in game chat or not allowed in the forums etc. When you much a decision that has this much impact you should bare the responsibility of taking ALL factors into consideration and making sure you do the best job you can at informing EVERYONE not just those who read the forums. And even if you follow YouTubers it doesn't mean you watch every single video they post all the time, it's called being "busy" and having a life my dude. It's a robbery of tremendous value and they ought to do something about it, personally I think they should restore the scrap value of gear, it shouldn't be hard to relic characters to 1-4 anyways. Relic 9 is required for TB, as well as exec/profundity. Relic 8 is required for GLs. It's about **** time relic 3-4 became easier to get

    Can you show me some active accounts with hundreds of thousands of scrap materials laying around?
    A common complaint in the forum is not enough materials for ccb and bronzium, so I wonder where are those people with gazillion of scraps who have been robbed by CG?

    I was sitting on gazillions of bronzium related ones and luckily converted most which should be enough for foreseeable future. Left some taking the loss since I'm unlikely to run out and they can be needed elsewhere. Ofc also did my best to spread the word as well


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    MaruMaru wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Lots of things sound good to the players which are unreasonable to expect.

    What is unreasonable? Taking your current stash value and giving you half of what it's worth in mats before reducing it's value is unreasonable? Having adequate in game warnings as well as a definite date for the update is unreasonable? No it's only unreasonable when you have the lowest kinds of expectations from a company to act in a way that benefits everyone instead of just themselves

    Expecting having double the stuff which is not restrained to equivalent scavenger conversion is unreasonable. It's double the stuff everywhere else. This is unrelated to the issue as well. It would effect each player differently that's beyond the intent of this change.

    But when did I say they should expect to double their stuff, I proposed two solutions which one is unreasonable?
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    And even if you follow YouTubers it doesn't mean you watch every single video they post all the time, it's called being "busy" and having a life my dude.
    I doubt very much that people being ‘busy’ and having a life care at all if something changed in a pointless mobile game. Better not go this road for the sake of everyone here (myself included).
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    MaruMaru wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    Lots of things sound good to the players which are unreasonable to expect.

    What is unreasonable? Taking your current stash value and giving you half of what it's worth in mats before reducing it's value is unreasonable? Having adequate in game warnings as well as a definite date for the update is unreasonable? No it's only unreasonable when you have the lowest kinds of expectations from a company to act in a way that benefits everyone instead of just themselves

    Expecting having double the stuff which is not restrained to equivalent scavenger conversion is unreasonable. It's double the stuff everywhere else. This is unrelated to the issue as well. It would effect each player differently that's beyond the intent of this change.

    But when did I say they should expect to double their stuff, I proposed two solutions which one is unreasonable?

    Follow back from tvf post you responded to about reasonability and what it was about.
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    "CG told us", they told YOU, the forum user not everyone. How can you say:" I'm the only one in a guild of 50 people who reads the forums" and then say that?

    The point was that you, or SOMEONE in your guild checks the forum and gives the guild a heads up about important things that are happening (new GL requirements, new characters, new omicrons, free stuff, event calendar, etc.) and if that's not true, maybe that's a weakness in your guild - thankfully it's a simple thing to improve. CG has always done things this way - this isn't new behavior. If someone isn't putting out this kind of information in guild chat and/or a guild discord server then, again - you should either do it yourself of find a guild that actually cares about keeping their players informed. Take it as a lesson learned and an opportunity to step your game up.
    Yes they robbed us of mats this isn't just standard inflation this is literally cutting our value in half over night. If the government decided to half the value of your dollars over night while keeping the costs of everything the same, you've been robbed and there is not way around it

    You can keep saying it but it's still completely false - why doesn't that bother you? If they actually cut your gear in half, then you would be closer to making an argument that we were "robbed" - but no one took any gear from you or anyone else. You can still put all that gear on characters that need it. The value as gear was retained (which is also, incidentally why they didn't double the gear in your inventory).

    Seriously, the problem here isn't CG. It's people expecting CG to act differently from the way CG has always acted. They're not great at communication (though there's an argument to be made that they're getting better), but they are pretty reliable with the communication methods that they do employ. You can generally expect big changes to be announced on the forums long before there is any kind of in-game change made. People ignore the "Dev Announcements and News" forum at their own peril.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
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