Krayt Dragon Rewards Need an Overhaul


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    How are players without:

    Malak / Gas / Mal / Negotiator / HODA … supposed to even dream of unlocking these characters now?

    By saving up for 20 years with the small amounts of get1/get2 from ONLY TBs?

    Malak and Gas have been in the weekly shipments for a while now. Mal, Nego, HYoda and Wampa appear there periodically too. It’s not great to have lost the GET1&2 from raid rewards, but these units are arguably more available now than they were a year or two ago.

    As for not spending on other things like gear in order to buy them… this is a resource management game at the end of the day. I’m currently saving my GET1 for Malak. The gearing has slowed. This is the way.
    Account started June 2020. 100% FTP. 8.2m GP. JMK, JML, SLKR, and SEE. Exe and Levi. Ally code 117-269-921.
  • BubbaFett
    3311 posts Member
    There was an amazing thread titles “CG, let’s talk”

    Did CG delete that thread on us? Lol

    It got merged into this one....
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    Dear, CG

    After pouring 3 years into this game and spending a bunch of money, is this what I get? It's already irritating enough that you flat out lied about gear being similar to the old raid system, but instead have reduced it to about a quarter in value of what it once was... But you have also flat out gated me and most of the player base from R8 materials without spending an immense amount time and money as if I was starting the game from scratch. And I've had enough. I spent 3 long years trying to get a GL and round out my account enough to be accepted into a guild that would push Cpit so I could start farming the star wars characters | enjoy. With the kryat dragon, you have required me to farm up teams I either do not have or are so weak that they are insufficient in gaining enough points, but regardless they have to be R8 anyway to put out sufficient damage just to help my guild obtain R8 materials. Now I'm on the verge of being removed because the guild needs to get 130 million points using full R8 squads to gain R8 materials which is something I am unable to provide because there is now no other raid that provides R8 materials. You're not even letting people get R8 materials from hstr at max crate. You're not even giving people an incentive to come together for hstr or push the first crate in Krayt. You've done so much more than limit me, you've crippled me in every area of the game and have taken away everything that is enjoyable about it just so I can pour $20 everytime I open up the game to make progress. But this was no accident CG... You knew exactly what you were doing and that's why you put so many limitations on the raid and why you were so vague about it. I'm afraid to. put anymore money into this game now because you could take that away from me as well at any point. I see awesome exclusive deals in the store like the malgus and cat web store or the crystal discounts running for may 4th and I can't bring myself to buy it now... If you guys are going to brush this under the rug and refuse to change anything to start letting people like myself EARN R8 (who were doing Cpit just fine) so I can start building teams to participate in Krayt then don't count on me sticking around for this or anything else you guys are doing. I will never play another character collector or mobile game ever again because I realize that anyone can pull this same gag regardless of how much time or money put into something.

    Sincerely, I'm_done_sir
  • Aiscalp
    22 posts Member
    Now you know. You are not a client to them. You are a mark.
  • Badger_Diaz
    232 posts Member
    edited May 2023
    Westley996 wrote: »
    If spending increases because of this, they will look to slow down free advancement even more. Maybe next we get less free energy each day.

    That’s a fair point.

    They’re preying on impatience.

    Well, If they want the slow game they got it from me.

    I ain’t spending another penny the way this weekend has gone.

    They’ll be lucky if I don’t move to another game to spend my hard earnt cash on.
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    If you're rational, slowing free advancement rewards spending. This is in the hands if those who spend. If this increases spending, don't expect any changes. F2P players getting upset won't bother them unless there's a mass exodus because that will affect the game. I expect the complaints to fall on deaf ears.
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    Westley996 wrote: »
    If you're rational, slowing free advancement rewards spending. This is in the hands if those who spend. If this increases spending, don't expect any changes. F2P players getting upset won't bother them unless there's a mass exodus because that will affect the game. I expect the complaints to fall on deaf ears.

    Well, I’ve been playing for 2-3 years (I think), and after spending I termitantly, I’m going f2p unless the devs actually address the community and fix the issues expressed.

    And they say ohhhh things pan out after a couple of months when new things are implemented, that’s only cos paying gamers (like me) fight tooth and nail to make their intangible income remotely comparable to their tangible cash money (if you ask me the stores are too expensive as it is).

    I get the devs are ultimately running a business, but it looks so dark side I’m tempted to eff off to daygobah to find yodas ghost and not come back.

    Might just go play Lego starwars instead tbh.
  • _Marec_
    114 posts Member
    Westley996 wrote: »
    If you're rational, slowing free advancement rewards spending. This is in the hands if those who spend. If this increases spending, don't expect any changes. F2P players getting upset won't bother them unless there's a mass exodus because that will affect the game. I expect the complaints to fall on deaf ears.

    Agree 100%. This is in the hands of spenders.

    I'm just a drop in the bucket but I spend on gaming often, especially on IP's I love like Star Wars, with a monthly gaming budget of $1-2k (just for value reference). If SWGOH invalidates my prior spending based on the rosters I built and decimates prior raid progress through lack of rewards, then I take that spending to another game/studio and inch closer to F2P in SWGOH.

    I'll also add that this May 4th experience really soured what I normally would've bought. I watched the Krayt content stream and it was quite enjoyable, but a real bummer since I was watching the devs play while I, and many others, weren't even able to log into the game for 4 or so hours that day.
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    It seems like there's an aspect that's being glossed over about the reward system -- you now need to spend time hunting for the gear you want instead of it being given to you. Your reward for time spent doing the reward is spending more time in game trying to get the gear for that reward.
  • K_Ley2
    38 posts Member
    Hey look at that solid 43 guilds breaking 130M...
  • Sloth243
    183 posts Member
    Earlier today it was less than 20
  • Rathgar
    8 posts Member
    The new raid format is rubbish, and the rewards are bleak compared to what we were getting before. Major fumble on your part.
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    New raids are billed as a mini conquest.

    Personal rewards, feats and Global Guild rewards.

    just give rewards thats are in same vein.

    Currency can take place of Shards and Boxes stay like they are in Conquest some garenteed rewards based on personal awards, with global being random boxes that lvl up as guilds do better.

    if you want add new shards down the road then maybe make it you make less currency?

    (Note i dont like the current state of Conquest were we get less relic for more shards. or at least give us a choice)
  • TobyWan
    3 posts Member
    BubbaFett wrote: »

    Good news on that front at least.... If your guildies dont do anything, they won't get any rewards....

    Could you clarify that? We’re going back to HSTR and since the 24 hour joining period seems to have been removed (as far as I can see) does that mean the raid launches, one person solo’s it quickly and they’re the only person in the guild to get rewards?
  • Gawejn
    1126 posts Member

    That is all every member of my guild got. That is similar to rewards from cpit and heroic sith raid. RIGHT????
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    Come on, you can buy omegas with the mk 1 currency too.
  • Aiscalp
    22 posts Member
    TobyWan wrote: »
    BubbaFett wrote: »

    Good news on that front at least.... If your guildies dont do anything, they won't get any rewards....

    Could you clarify that? We’re going back to HSTR and since the 24 hour joining period seems to have been removed (as far as I can see) does that mean the raid launches, one person solo’s it quickly and they’re the only person in the guild to get rewards?

    ...and everyone gets the same rewards
  • Lumiya
    1539 posts Member
    TobyWan wrote: »
    BubbaFett wrote: »

    Good news on that front at least.... If your guildies dont do anything, they won't get any rewards....

    Could you clarify that? We’re going back to HSTR and since the 24 hour joining period seems to have been removed (as far as I can see) does that mean the raid launches, one person solo’s it quickly and they’re the only person in the guild to get rewards?

    No, the Raid still goes on even if 1 person solo's it and the rest just simply has to go into battle once. Since the Raid is already solved, they just get an animation and post 0 points, but in the end they still get the same rewards because there is no personal track... as long as you participate, even with 0 points, you get rewards.
    We are all made of star-stuff
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    Was really looking forward to this new raid structure. I’m a day one player with 7.6m gp. Same guild since first day of guilds. Guild is 230m. I only have 1 r8 character on my entire roster and was really hoping this new raid would help that in some way. My guild will be doing the boring sith raid while throwing a krayt in once a month just for fun. Sith raid can be solo’d. It’s stupid for most guilds. They should make the new raids first box comparable to finishing hsith. Basically if you can complete sith raid consistently then you’re guild is ready for the next raid. Instead guilds will be doing sith raid for years after they should be moving on from it.
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    I'm in a 400mill guild and we peasants accept our meager rewards
  • herd_nerfer
    2020 posts Member
    Was really looking forward to this new raid structure. I’m a day one player with 7.6m gp. Same guild since first day of guilds. Guild is 230m. I only have 1 r8 character on my entire roster and was really hoping this new raid would help that in some way. My guild will be doing the boring sith raid while throwing a krayt in once a month just for fun. Sith raid can be solo’d. It’s stupid for most guilds. They should make the new raids first box comparable to finishing hsith. Basically if you can complete sith raid consistently then you’re guild is ready for the next raid. Instead guilds will be doing sith raid for years after they should be moving on from it.

    I agree. I feel like this is an artifact of CG just suddenly pretending that CPit never existed. I think they want some distance between HSTR and R8, but that distance was already there. Erasing that step without bringing early Krayt rewards up to an equal standing with CPit rewards erases that progress for guilds that worked for it. It also has the knock-on effect of making that step much easier for guilds that now don't have to contend with CPit - so by deleting CPit they're either going to make it easier for the people that never rose to that challenge or more difficult for the ones that did. On the one hand CG doesn't want to make it too easy - and on the other hand, the players don't want to feel they're being set back simply because CG released a raid that they didn't like.

    There's got to be some middle ground.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
  • Dragoth
    27 posts Member
    This new raid is a joke. I get 6 million score my guild >130m but we get about 1k Mk3? So we dont really get aeromagnifiers anymore, the mk2 and mk1 is useless. No shard shop currency, no gold, no nothing.

    What an absolute rort. What a waste of time.
  • HK47
    4 posts Member
    Raid rewards are so depressing now, we need to stop spending money on this game until they fix this. Gotta unite in this. I'll be telling my guild (Pazaak Enthusiasts) to do the same
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    I posted a bug report on missing/incorrect rewards. On road ahead it was stated rewards would be equal to or better than all previous raids together so it must be a bug. Not expecting answer to it but posted it anyways.
  • Revan110
    112 posts Member
    The new raid system just took a huge big old nasty dump on F2P players and anyone who is new at the game.
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    In the Krayt Dragon Raid you can see which members have participated however we have chosen to revert to hsith for our 2nd raid since the update and as the hsith was finished (max crate) shortly after launching it we have 7 players with score and 43 on zero.
    Are all 50 getting the rewards as I know that some of those zero scores are from players who have not been online?
    If you have to enter the Raid, press battle, watch the animation and save your zero score to get rewards then how can the guild officers distinguish between those that have done that and those that haven't?
  • herd_nerfer
    2020 posts Member
    Revan110 wrote: »
    The new raid system just took a huge big old nasty dump on F2P players and anyone who is new at the game.

    I've been playing since 2017 - I'll crack 9m GP in a matter of days. I also spend on the game. These changes aren't good for me either. This is a situation where your spending status doesn't matter - it has hurt pretty much everyone. Let's not make it about F2P or P2P - this is an almost universal problem.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
  • AlexanderG
    1928 posts Member
    I'm not sure what has hacked my guildies of more. This debacle or The Great Nerf.
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