Krayt Dragon Rewards Need an Overhaul


  • KDC99X
    756 posts Member
    I know The Great Nerf ticked us all off, but in hindsight it was actually a pretty good thing for the game. There’s been a lot of units added to the game since then, that probably would’ve been completely busted if Vader and others were left untouched. In terms of squad and game balance, the game has been in a great place imo, and that was enabled by the nerf. I do still feel they should have given some sort of compensation for that, but I can’t say it’s been bad. More of a PR debacle than anything else, due to how they mishandled it.

    This mess, on the hand, has absolutely no upside and is completely indefensible.
    AlexanderG wrote: »
    I'm not sure what has hacked my guildies of more. This debacle or The Great Nerf.

  • AlexanderG
    1928 posts Member
    KDC99X wrote: »
    I know The Great Nerf ticked us all off, but in hindsight it was actually a pretty good thing for the game. There’s been a lot of units added to the game since then, that probably would’ve been completely busted if Vader and others were left untouched. In terms of squad and game balance, the game has been in a great place imo, and that was enabled by the nerf. I do still feel they should have given some sort of compensation for that, but I can’t say it’s been bad. More of a PR debacle than anything else, due to how they mishandled it.

    This mess, on the hand, has absolutely no upside and is completely indefensible.
    AlexanderG wrote: »
    I'm not sure what has hacked my guildies of more. This debacle or The Great Nerf.

    Those are fair points. I can see Darth Vader, for example, would have been broken under LV. But anyway, I don't want to derail this thread, so I'll leave it there. 👍
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    Git gud! I got 7820mk1 tokens and 1815mk2 tokens in total from the guild crate and the personal reward track.
    Oh wait, that's a smaller prize than just doing Sith raid. Yey new content!
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    Maybe cg could remove training droids from the challenges and fleet challenges and add in some raid currency instead to offset the loss
  • CertaK
    2 posts Member
    didn't we have to have max raid rewards to make up for the fact that we hadn't had a raid for a week?
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    CertaK wrote: »
    didn't we have to have max raid rewards to make up for the fact that we hadn't had a raid for a week?

    No, they gave us max tickets so we could immediately launch the new raids, with pitiful rewards.
    Account started June 2020. 100% FTP. 8.2m GP. JMK, JML, SLKR, and SEE. Exe and Levi. Ally code 117-269-921.
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    the players will be happy again.

  • KDC99X
    756 posts Member
    New players need training droids though?

    I’m of the opinion old rewards should NEVER be removed.
    Maybe cg could remove training droids from the challenges and fleet challenges and add in some raid currency instead to offset the loss

  • herd_nerfer
    2021 posts Member
    CertaK wrote: »
    didn't we have to have max raid rewards to make up for the fact that we hadn't had a raid for a week?

    No, they gave us max tickets so we could immediately launch the new raids, with pitiful rewards.

    Max tickets that would would have earned during that week regardless lol
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
  • nfidel2k
    559 posts Member
    CertaK wrote: »
    didn't we have to have max raid rewards to make up for the fact that we hadn't had a raid for a week?

    No, they gave us max tickets so we could immediately launch the new raids, with pitiful rewards.

    Max tickets that would would have earned during that week regardless lol

    How do you earn something that isn’t even in the game yet?
    Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for life.
  • papaofmom
    163 posts Member
    edited May 2023
    partajere wrote: »
    On road ahead it was stated rewards would be equal to or better than all previous raids together so it must be a bug.

    CG was really clever about wording in RA.. you fell into their shady trap as your post is incorrect.

    Read again.. the CG stated that the rewards will be the same or better compared to „simmed” raids. What were simmed raids? pit and tank raid only

  • Whatelse73
    2201 posts Member
    So 3150 players in the game, about 1% of players according to Xaereth, got the 3rd level of currency so they could "buy" the R8 mats you could get from CPIT.

    The top four guilds are the ones that don't need the materials they are getting currency to purchase.

    I'm to the point where I'm not mad anymore, I'm disappointed and apathetic about it. I feel like quite a few players are apathetic about this instead of mad, but I could be wrong.

    Like I said months ago, apathy should be a bigger concern than anger. I don't think the decision maker at CG realizes or is as concerned as they should be.
  • herd_nerfer
    2021 posts Member
    nfidel2k wrote: »
    CertaK wrote: »
    didn't we have to have max raid rewards to make up for the fact that we hadn't had a raid for a week?

    No, they gave us max tickets so we could immediately launch the new raids, with pitiful rewards.

    Max tickets that would would have earned during that week regardless lol

    How do you earn something that isn’t even in the game yet?

    That's SOP - they always start us with max tickets when they put a new raid in the game. That point aside - for people (almost all of us) that got less rewards from Krayt than they would have for running HSTR it doesn't really seem like they did us much of a favor there. We would have been earning the HSTR tickets regardless and would have come out ahead.

    I'll give them props for allowing lower geared teams into the Krayt raid - that makes it so all of us could actually see the new content - which is awesome. But under the old system we would have still run all the other raids and got those rewards and still been able to see the new raid. So I'm having a hard time seeing how they did us any kind of favor by giving us those "free" raid tickets.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
  • Miketo28
    209 posts Member
    If Rancor, Tank and Sith raid all remained the same and the Krayt raid simply replaced the Cpit this would have been a grand slam. Instead, I think it is time to preregister for the LOTR game and start fresh. Except, which company is releasing LOTR? Will have to research that first, if it's cg maybe time to return to RSL.
  • KDC99X
    756 posts Member
    It’s CG..,
    Miketo28 wrote: »
    If Rancor, Tank and Sith raid all remained the same and the Krayt raid simply replaced the Cpit this would have been a grand slam. Instead, I think it is time to preregister for the LOTR game and start fresh. Except, which company is releasing LOTR? Will have to research that first, if it's cg maybe time to return to RSL.

  • Gawejn
    1127 posts Member
    Best raid ever 99% players wont be playing it...
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    This whole thing is incredibly disappointing

    From a gameplay standpoint, many guilds worked hard and focused team building to get through CPit in order to get the new content (aeros), and now most of us are blocked from that (as of now, only 53 guilds can get the crate with aeros ... and a random sampling of those guilds didn't show any under 450M GP). So, we have to restart the drag to get back to enough to get the aero crate (our 388M guild looks like we'll end up on the lower end between the 2nd and 3rd crate). Will this be the way for all raids moving forward ... climb up to the higher rewards and then get knocked back when a new raid starts? That will suck if we have to keep re-building just to get back to previous gear levels, since we don't appear to start at the cumulative rewards of the past raids.

    From a more general standpoint, I suspect most of the player base thought we'd get access to some equivalent rewards from HPIt, HAAT, HSith and CPit that we can't play anymore ... I didn't expect it would be everything, but close (maybe 75-85% of the combined rewards) because they'd have to average out HSith and CPit rewards in some way to give an equivalent 'simmed' reward. For the best of us in our guild, we're getting the 2nd guild crate and the 4th or 5th personal create ... that's only about 10-15 G12 pieces per raid. That's crap ... and we no longer have access to aeros or the chance to get those full kyro pieces. This also doesn't account for the lost shards, guild currency, and GET1/2 currency. As others have shown, this will be a substantial set back for everyone except those in the largest guilds. Why can't we have something like: guilds that do Krayt automatically get HPit and HAAT reward crates, then get the HSith create after the first Krayt guild crate, and then an equivalent CPit crate after the 2nd guild crate? I don't care if it's the old boxes, or the equivalent new currency ... but something that would allow us to maintain some previous amount of resources instead of just pulling it all back.

    From a personal standpoint, I took about a 6-month break early in 2022 ... and when I came back really started to enjoy the game more. I've made good progress since coming back (finished JMK/Executor, got LV/Profundity, and a few side teams) and even enjoyed the game enough to start spending a little money regularly ($10-$20/mo). However, these changes appear aimed to increase the grind and effectively keep us from playing their new game mode (which I'd like to play) ... and that doesn't sound so fun anymore. So, why even continue putting in a modest amount of dollars into the game?

    I don't know ... it's just incredibly frustrating to go from enjoying the game and being excited about a new raid to realizing that they're going to make the grind worse and we have to go back to playing modes that we were 'done' with well over a year ago. It just sucks.

    Thanks CG.
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    KDC99X wrote: »
    New players need training droids though?

    I’m of the opinion old rewards should NEVER be removed.
    Maybe cg could remove training droids from the challenges and fleet challenges and add in some raid currency instead to offset the loss

    You are correct. You do get plenty for just using energy. It would prevent whales from leveling everything day 1 without spending more money
  • Revan110
    112 posts Member
    Miketo28 wrote: »
    If Rancor, Tank and Sith raid all remained the same and the Krayt raid simply replaced the Cpit this would have been a grand slam. Instead, I think it is time to preregister for the LOTR game and start fresh. Except, which company is releasing LOTR? Will have to research that first, if it's cg maybe time to return to RSL.
    The reason it is so similar to SW GOH is because the same company is making it, CG and EA are making a similar game with a LOTR skin, I will still give it a try because I love LOTR too but knowing the same company that made this game is creating it tempers expectations.
  • TVF
    36702 posts Member
    partajere wrote: »
    I posted a bug report on missing/incorrect rewards. On road ahead it was stated rewards would be equal to or better than all previous raids together so it must be a bug. Not expecting answer to it but posted it anyways.

    You do realize all you are doing is wasting the time of people that can't address this and should be using the time chasing down actual bugs, right?
    I need a new message here.
  • TVF
    36702 posts Member
    TVF wrote: »
    partajere wrote: »
    I posted a bug report on missing/incorrect rewards. On road ahead it was stated rewards would be equal to or better than all previous raids together so it must be a bug. Not expecting answer to it but posted it anyways.

    You do realize all you are doing is wasting the time of people that can't address this and should be using the time chasing down actual bugs, right?

    Who cares about other bugs in the game when they just made it unplayable altogether

    I do.
    I need a new message here.
  • Chad2240
    1 posts Member
    edited May 2023
    CG needs to fix the rewards for the new raid or they are going to lose a lot of players. I never post comments on the forum but this is so outrageous I had to. I hope every player makes their voice heard. They need to understand how upset EVERY player is about all this. Come on 130 million box just to break even compared to the rewards before. At this point that is like 2 percent of the players getting that box. My 263 million guild is getting absolutely screwed. We are not even close to the 130 million box. It is better for my guild to do the sith triumphant raid and never do the new one. That is so stupid. The loss of get 1 and get 2 is bad. The only positive I can find is they enable you to pick the reward you want to get. That is a great improvement. Then they give us less rewards and take away get currency. What are you doing CG?!?!??!
  • Konju
    1180 posts Member
    It is better for all but 53 guilds to do the Sith Raid based upon rewards (which are still greatly diminished compared to old system). 450M guilds are better off battling a raid that they conquered before GLs existed.
  • Konju
    1180 posts Member
    Edit: there is still time, a few more guilds have posted above the 130M mark and possibly a few more to come.
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    TVF wrote: »
    partajere wrote: »
    I posted a bug report on missing/incorrect rewards. On road ahead it was stated rewards would be equal to or better than all previous raids together so it must be a bug. Not expecting answer to it but posted it anyways.

    You do realize all you are doing is wasting the time of people that can't address this and should be using the time chasing down actual bugs, right?

    Who cares about other bugs in the game when they just made it unplayable altogether

    I do also, what they reported as a bug isn’t a bug and just wastes time and resources
    all the Jedi say I’m pretty fly for a Qui guy
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    My guild is going back to sith, we only did like 20 million, this raid is not for us.
    Do the sith raid give us the same amount of rewards than the sith+tank+pit did before??
  • Konju
    1180 posts Member
    My guild is going back to sith, we only did like 20 million, this raid is not for us.
    Do the sith raid give us the same amount of rewards than the sith+tank+pit did before??

  • Lumiya
    1539 posts Member
    AlexanderG wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    partajere wrote: »
    I posted a bug report on missing/incorrect rewards. On road ahead it was stated rewards would be equal to or better than all previous raids together so it must be a bug. Not expecting answer to it but posted it anyways.

    You do realize all you are doing is wasting the time of people that can't address this and should be using the time chasing down actual bugs, right?

    Who cares about other bugs in the game when they just made it unplayable altogether

    I do.

    Go put your feet up with the other 1% at your resort and keep us peasants away from you then i guess

    But TVF has a fair point though? Nobody on the help desk or technical support can do anything about the issue you raised.

    The rewards hang on the semantics of what CG said and an interpretation of what those words actually meant.


    Just on thing I would like to add: To me, it doesn't even matter if CG just found a slick way to word it in trying to downplay our losses or if they really thought it is a good reward. I actually really don't care and I am not interested if I can find someone to "blame" (I'm pretty sure you don't either).

    At this point, with enough data showing the significant losses I just wish for CG to see and understand where we are coming from and to change the rewards accordingly.
    We are all made of star-stuff
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