Captain Rex Marquee Event Problems


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    Halfway through tier 2…I was thinking this was a galactic challenge then I noticed no timer. Another fail by CG.
  • panzer
    48 posts Member
    The easiest way to beat it is to just press "auto" at the start of the battle and that's it.
    Bossk and Zam should die before reaching contract. Dengar will die eventually.

    Not a very interesting marquee event, but were the other marquee events that interesting/fun to play anyway?
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    There were events that didn't completely drain my battery.

    There were also events that didn't make me think, "Wow. I don't even want this character."
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    FTR: I got lucky. I tried to strategy my way through, focussing Bossk first, holding specials to space out my stuns, etc. etc. 6 minutes in, they healed back to full, again.

    I pressed auto, and unlike other people, it finished up in less than 10 min. Probably not much more than 5, though I wasn't keeping track carefully. I feel for the people who had to let that thing run for 40 minutes.
  • panzer
    48 posts Member
    edited June 2023
    Well, that's another talk.
    I'm talking about the excitement of playing the events.
    We should get the 50 shards in the mailbox and if we decide to play the event/tutorial to learn about the abilities, then let us do it freely, not force us to waste time on these. There's no challenge whatsoever and it's only for CG to get playtime data: "look boss, players have been spending xxx amount of time playing our event!".

    Anyway, press auto, go do something else and come back later.
    It worked for me 4/5 on auto. I cleared it on my first try doing actually what the auto battle did for me.
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    It appears that we (the gaming community) are now part of the CG team as official testers coz you obviously don’t test your products before putting them on the shelves to buy. “Cough Capt Rex Cough cough” . You call him a “Grizzled Veteran” no wonder… looking at some of the screenshots from the latest marquee debacle where people are posting screenshots of the battles of tremendous amounts of armor shreds…. 🤣🤣🤣 no wonder he’s grizzled…. I too would be grizzling, thinking about sinking money into an untested toon. 🥴 I really hope you guys fix him coz well you know… he’s capt Rex. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  • crzydroid
    7364 posts Moderator
    crzydroid wrote: »
    Everyone here just crying, dengar has been in the game for god knows how long, everytime you debuf him he heals just use basic against him lol

    Do you mean the basics that do no damage? When you crit him he breaks too. If he gets turns he will throw his bombs and heal up almost too full. How long did this take you on auto basic?

    Cant do an auto my guy, use codys call to assist, use rexs basic or stuns only against him no aoe from rex

    I know how to do it. You were the one saying just use basics. You need Rex's AoE though if you want those stuns to land.
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    Got it 2nd try on manual. First attempt on Auto was clearly going nowhere when I checked back after a few minutes.

    Hard? No. There's not much to it besides some stun/TMR RNG.

    Fun? God, no.

    Useful way to learn the character? Not really. I won't have him in a usable form for months. Doubt whales got anything useful out of it either.

    Just another example of CG getting us to engage in the wrong way. Boo
  • DonPuto
    383 posts Member
    TVF hasn't commented yet. Must still be working on it
  • crzydroid
    7364 posts Moderator
    Got it 2nd try on manual. First attempt on Auto was clearly going nowhere when I checked back after a few minutes.

    Hard? No. There's not much to it besides some stun/TMR RNG.

    Fun? God, no.

    Useful way to learn the character? Not really. I won't have him in a usable form for months. Doubt whales got anything useful out of it either.

    Just another example of CG getting us to engage in the wrong way. Boo

    I actually do feel like I know his kit a little better for when I do start using him though. Which is more than I can say for other marquees. Those I did start doing on auto just because I wasn't gleaning any useful information from them for a character I want going to use for a while.
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    Derdhal wrote: »
    Aicandme wrote: »
    BasherBeau wrote: »
    I love how people complain that the computer isn't winning the encounter for them. Maybe try playing it?

    Been playing it and can't beat it. What's the strategy?

    1- Get tired of see you can't kill them.
    2- Press "auto".
    3- Wait for it. It will happen at some point.

    Idk. After 2hrs and only Bossk down, I bailed out.
  • scuba
    14102 posts Member
    Derdhal wrote: »
    Aicandme wrote: »
    BasherBeau wrote: »
    I love how people complain that the computer isn't winning the encounter for them. Maybe try playing it?

    Been playing it and can't beat it. What's the strategy?

    1- Get tired of see you can't kill them.
    2- Press "auto".
    3- Wait for it. It will happen at some point.

    Idk. After 2hrs and only Bossk down, I bailed out.

    After reading here I tested it
    Target bossk and hit auto
    If they make payout before bossk and zam are dead exit and retry
    4/5 tries auto worked
    1 I guess RNG just said no
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    crzydroid wrote: »
    Got it 2nd try on manual. First attempt on Auto was clearly going nowhere when I checked back after a few minutes.

    Hard? No. There's not much to it besides some stun/TMR RNG.

    Fun? God, no.

    Useful way to learn the character? Not really. I won't have him in a usable form for months. Doubt whales got anything useful out of it either.

    Just another example of CG getting us to engage in the wrong way. Boo

    I actually do feel like I know his kit a little better for when I do start using him though. Which is more than I can say for other marquees. Those I did start doing on auto just because I wasn't gleaning any useful information from them for a character I want going to use for a while.

    Yes, sure, but will you remember after 4-6 months of not using him at all?
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    Not super surprised, just more CG testing.
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    Replace our Bossk with the Bossk from the event. Because having 250 armor shred, he continues to actively restore health.
    @CG_SBCrumb, @CG_Tusken_Meathead
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    3 hours on auto while I was working.Stuck in a loop, ended up crashing out of it. Still haven’t beaten Tier 2 manually or on auto. p62i1p2g56sm.png
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    Replace our Bossk with the Bossk from the event. Because having 250 armor shred, he continues to actively restore health.
    @CG_SBCrumb, @CG_Tusken_Meathead

    Why would any amount of armor shred reduce healing? It reduces the defence stats. That's got nothing to do with healing. They don't get a negative value of defence to start increasing damage either. 6 stacks and 600 stacks of armor shred have about the same effect.

  • Krjstoff
    634 posts Member
    edited June 2023
    I really don't get all the fuzz. I played it manually - won both tiers first try.
    Today I did the following 5 times in a row:

    Tier 1: Target Chewbacca and hit auto.
    Tier 2: Hit auto.

    Maybe you can get bad RNG and have this fail, but I haven't seen it yet...

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    I manually played the event Tier 2 for over 2 hours and still couldn’t complete it. Rex’s stun didn’t seem to stun Bossk. None of the clones could remove any health from either Zam nor Dengar. They were hitting worse than wet noodles. Zam had over 250 stacks of armor shred and Dengar had over 80. Bossk finally went after 100 stacks of armor shred. I finally got frustrated and gave up. While this was happening, I also noticed that my guild members names were not appearing in the chat. Where the name normally would show, it was blank.
    Needless to say, the event disappointed me.
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    Why would any amount of armor shred reduce healing? It reduces the defence stats. That's got nothing to do with healing. They don't get a negative value of defence to start increasing damage either. 6 stacks and 600 stacks of armor shred have about the same effect.

    Because the more stacks, the more damage should be. The damage dealt to Bossk, judging by the numbers, does not increase.
  • Jacgul
    257 posts Member
    BubbaFett wrote: »
    Lol.... folks are still complaining about this?..... we literally all have the same characters with the same levels and most of us have beaten it......

    I have beaten it on the first try. Do you give me permission to think it was very boring, or do I have to like it?

    You have to like it. It's the rule. Because it's Big Chungus Rex. We expect immediate compliance.
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    I unlocked Captain Rex on my first try without much trouble. I found that stunning characters helped with my victory and after that the order of who to takeout first, I went Bossk, Zam and then Dengar
  • TargetEadu
    1617 posts Member

    Why would any amount of armor shred reduce healing? It reduces the defence stats. That's got nothing to do with healing. They don't get a negative value of defence to start increasing damage either. 6 stacks and 600 stacks of armor shred have about the same effect.

    Because the more stacks, the more damage should be. The damage dealt to Bossk, judging by the numbers, does not increase.

    That’s not how it works, though. Each Armor Shred cuts their current Defense in half, it’ll never go to 0 (or negative).
  • TargetEadu
    1617 posts Member
    edited June 2023
    Only the last one of these would be a bug.
  • Kae
    2 posts Member
    This particular step where the units we MUST use are not modifiable, has not been balanced...

    Boring endless fight trying to take down Bossk...

    He finally was eliminated after like 130 stacks... But then, the same nightmare just restarted with the remaining enemies...

    Finally let the phone away on auto fight... Came back FOUR HOURS LATER, and still enemies were unharmed with more than A THOUSAND Armor Shred...

    Besides of balance with mandatory units, this also raises serious questions about Armor Shred mechanic... Sure, enemies do regenerate thanks to Bossk lead ability, and Zam gains stacking max Protection with her bounty, but hell... That should never outweight the effects of armor destruction; in my opinion, stacking Armor Shred effects should result in negative armor and imply increased damage suffered. But apparently, currently not.
    Do or do not. There is no Try.
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    Yeah, so basically, imagine a Defense of 1000 (much more than most toons have).

    1 arbor shred cuts defense by 500. But the next starts at 500 and so only cuts defense by 250. Since the job of defense is to be used in the Armor calculation (and for reasons I won't get into that will never cut to zero) what you see is the Armor stat fall from somewhere around 80% or 70% to lower and lower values.

    If you begin with an armor stat of 80% that means 80% of damage is blocked. So if you reduced Armor to 0%, incoming attacks would do, effectively, 5x the damage.

    But there's a minimum threshold based on that weird mathematical function that converts Defense to Armor. I don't remember the minimum, but let's call it 20% (it's almost certainly higher).

    So the most you can change the damage is to increase it 4x, not 5x.

    But when you take that 1000 Defense and cut it to 250 with those first 2 Armor Shreds, you've already cut 75% of the increase from 20% to 80%. That spread is 60%. Cutting it by 75% means the new Armor is 20% + (25% of 60%) = 35%.

    At this point, even though you've only done 2 Armor Shreds, incoming attacks have gone from doing 20% damage to doing 65% damage, or 3.25x the original damage, pre-Armor Shred.

    The problem is going from 65% of max possible damage to 80% of max possible damage is a RELATIVE increase of only 23%. And you'll get most of that on your next 2 Shreds.

    The long and short is that at the beginning Armor Shred has tremendous power to increase your damage. But by the time you've gotten 4 Armor Shreds the best you can hope for with infinitely many Shreds is actually less than +10% more damage.

    You started out hoping for 4x the damage, at 4 Shreds you're hoping for another +10%. The good part is that you've already gotten most of the benefit. You are approaching 4x your original damage.

    The bad thing is that most people seem to want the 97th armour shred to have the same effect as the 2nd armour shred, and that's just not how it works.
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    After 4 or 5 there will be no impact to the enemy.

    This is slightly overstating. After 10-12 there will be no observable effect. After 20 there should be zero effect at all, observable or not. If you've got 4 stacks of Armor Shred then between those 4 and when you get to effective maximum the best you can hope for is about +8% damage compared to that inflicted at 4 stacks. And that's assuming a tank enemy, with lots of armour to shred. If your enemy is an attacker at 4 stacks of Shred, you might already be at 97%+ of the damage you can ever possibly achieve, even with 20+ stacks.

    Whether there is still potential for noticeable improvement depends on how hard you're looking, but also other things -- some characters (like Han and Lando) have high damage variability. Even at 4 stacks the amount of damage variability will be significantly higher than that 3-8% possible remaining improvement in damage.

    In other words, at 4 stacks you might not have gotten every last point of improvement you could ever hope to have, but you've gotten enough that natural damage variability might be larger than any remaining improvement. At 5 stacks this will be true even with tanks. So at 5 stacks you can expect RNG to have a bigger effect than another stack of Shred.
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    Krjstoff wrote: »
    I really don't get all the fuzz. I played it manually - won both tiers first try.
    Today I did the following 5 times in a row:

    Tier 1: Target Chewbacca and hit auto.
    Tier 2: Hit auto.

    Maybe you can get bad RNG and have this fail, but I haven't seen it yet...

    Wish I was this lucky. Tier1 I didn’t have a problem but Two hours now playing manually using basics and stuns every chance and not even making any headway regardless on how I play it. More important things in the real world than spending 2 hours on a game going no where.
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    I have to believe that anyone that's letting this go on for more than a few minutes has to be doing it for the lulz. Seriously folks - if this takes more than a few minutes, something has gone wrong and you need to restart. It's utterly senseless to let this go for an hour or more.

    CG clearly didn't test this thoroughly but if you're waiting an hour to see if suddenly the battle is going to turn in your favor, that's on you. CG should have done better here. They really should have - but several people have posted the following:

    Target bossk, hit auto, if he makes it to contract before he dies, restart.

    That's literally the entire strategy. I've tried the event multiple times now and it works more often than it doesn't.

    The one silver lining here is that it's been really entertaining seeing how many stacks of armor shred people get on a given run. This should make the armor shred feat in conquest (even more) trivial lol.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
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