New raid schedule


  • StarSon
    7491 posts Member
    twstdbydsn wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    twstdbydsn wrote: »
    crzydroid wrote: »
    CrispyFett wrote: »
    crzydroid wrote: »
    The implication would be that new raids would replace the old one. That being said, Krayt will probably be cycled back at some point in the future, so those teams would be useful again.

    Is this official information from the Devs, or just your personal opinion? This isn't intended to be snarky, I was just wondering if you have inside info as a moderator.

    It was the way I read the original post about it, but based on what people are saying, it's possible that was just an assumption I was reading into the text. It could be they leave Krayt as a legacy raid, I guess, with the mark III moved to Endor raid...but to me that also seems weird because if we add a new one every 8 months, the raid list would just get really long. I also can't see them spending development time on something that will never see the light of day again after a few months. We've seen datacron abilities recycle...I guess I always just assumed the new raids would too.

    Krayt hardly feels like a Legacy anything. I'm really hoping they let you alternate between the two, otherwise this new Raid setup is dumb AF.

    You can do whatever raid you want, just like today. But Mk3 tokens will only be in the Featured Raid. Currently that raid is Krayt, but once the bike one comes out that will be the Featured Raid.

    I get that. But the fast turnaround and need for leveling up specific squads for each is tiresome, especially if they crap these raids out every 3-4 months. Plus as I said, calling Krayt a "Legacy" raid seems IMO dumb since it's so new, whereas the old ones do feel like Legacy raids. Amnd is it definitive the MK3 is being removed from Krayt or is that still speculation based on the Feb post being kinda vague?

    Not sure why you're stuck on the "Legacy Raid" thing. No one has said that Krayt will be a Legacy Raid, whatever that means, just that the new bike raid will be the Featured Raid.
  • Options
    To all the people saying that teams like jabba and mandos are worth it anyway so why worry it takes a little to R8 a full team. Sure some characters are worth it but it's pretty rare a full team R8 is worth the investment rather than spending R8 and 9 around unless you have the raid with a level gate
  • TVF
    36704 posts Member
    StarSon wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    twstdbydsn wrote: »
    crzydroid wrote: »
    CrispyFett wrote: »
    crzydroid wrote: »
    The implication would be that new raids would replace the old one. That being said, Krayt will probably be cycled back at some point in the future, so those teams would be useful again.

    Is this official information from the Devs, or just your personal opinion? This isn't intended to be snarky, I was just wondering if you have inside info as a moderator.

    It was the way I read the original post about it, but based on what people are saying, it's possible that was just an assumption I was reading into the text. It could be they leave Krayt as a legacy raid, I guess, with the mark III moved to Endor raid...but to me that also seems weird because if we add a new one every 8 months, the raid list would just get really long. I also can't see them spending development time on something that will never see the light of day again after a few months. We've seen datacron abilities recycle...I guess I always just assumed the new raids would too.

    Krayt hardly feels like a Legacy anything. I'm really hoping they let you alternate between the two, otherwise this new Raid setup is dumb AF.

    You can do whatever raid you want, just like today. But Mk3 tokens will only be in the Featured Raid. Currently that raid is Krayt, but once the bike one comes out that will be the Featured Raid.

    I think this is the most likely scenario, but we don't actually know for sure yet.

    They did actually tell us this, so not sure why people keep saying we don't know. Sure, CG could always change their minds, but they literally said this.

    Because exactly what you said, CG could change their minds. The fact that they already have changed their minds on rewards multiple times makes it less remote of a possibility too.
    I need a new message here.
  • Screerider
    1422 posts Member
    I'd kinda like it if the "Featured Raid" rotated, just for the variety.
  • KDC99X
    756 posts Member
    Also, there's a good probability that we won't get any info to answer any of the very valid questions, and instead they'll just drop the new raid on us without a word (other than perhaps a detailed mechanics overview). That's how the Krayt went, we didn't get anything definitive about the reward/scoring structure until it was live. So my best recommendation to everyone, would be to just follow your own path.

    Personally, I decided not to drop what I was doing and chase Krayt, and I feel vindicated now in that decision. I *think* I'm actually better positioned to do well in the upcoming raid, based on the character list they've released, and it's exactly because I've followed my own path of what I want to do, which has mostly been focused on GAC performance. So when a raid comes up that suits my roster, great. If it doesn't, I'm not chasing it. Currently, my focus is Leviathan, and I'll just get my R8/9 mats with crystals from FA and GAC, thank you very much. I think it'll be much less stress and more enjoyable to take this kind of approach, rather than fixating on raid cadence and chasing after whatever the latest thing is CG wants us to spend on. Thankfully in my guild, we also don't force anyone to adhere to any particular farming path.

    The main catch rub here is that the R8/9 mats are gated behind raid performance, which is now a constantly shifting target. I'm fine with taking a slower, "around the way" approach.
  • herd_nerfer
    2028 posts Member
    StarSon wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    twstdbydsn wrote: »
    crzydroid wrote: »
    CrispyFett wrote: »
    crzydroid wrote: »
    The implication would be that new raids would replace the old one. That being said, Krayt will probably be cycled back at some point in the future, so those teams would be useful again.

    Is this official information from the Devs, or just your personal opinion? This isn't intended to be snarky, I was just wondering if you have inside info as a moderator.

    It was the way I read the original post about it, but based on what people are saying, it's possible that was just an assumption I was reading into the text. It could be they leave Krayt as a legacy raid, I guess, with the mark III moved to Endor raid...but to me that also seems weird because if we add a new one every 8 months, the raid list would just get really long. I also can't see them spending development time on something that will never see the light of day again after a few months. We've seen datacron abilities recycle...I guess I always just assumed the new raids would too.

    Krayt hardly feels like a Legacy anything. I'm really hoping they let you alternate between the two, otherwise this new Raid setup is dumb AF.

    You can do whatever raid you want, just like today. But Mk3 tokens will only be in the Featured Raid. Currently that raid is Krayt, but once the bike one comes out that will be the Featured Raid.

    I think this is the most likely scenario, but we don't actually know for sure yet.

    They did actually tell us this, so not sure why people keep saying we don't know. Sure, CG could always change their minds, but they literally said this.

    Because they said "raid currency" will be removed while simultaneously adding 3 raid currencies to the game - so it's ambiguous. Everyone is assuming they're talking about Mk3 since there's no Mk3 in HSTR - but they haven't been explicit, and many-a-player has been bit in the behind by making assumptions when CG was ambiguous.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
  • TVF
    36704 posts Member
    StarSon wrote: »
    TVF wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    twstdbydsn wrote: »
    crzydroid wrote: »
    CrispyFett wrote: »
    crzydroid wrote: »
    The implication would be that new raids would replace the old one. That being said, Krayt will probably be cycled back at some point in the future, so those teams would be useful again.

    Is this official information from the Devs, or just your personal opinion? This isn't intended to be snarky, I was just wondering if you have inside info as a moderator.

    It was the way I read the original post about it, but based on what people are saying, it's possible that was just an assumption I was reading into the text. It could be they leave Krayt as a legacy raid, I guess, with the mark III moved to Endor raid...but to me that also seems weird because if we add a new one every 8 months, the raid list would just get really long. I also can't see them spending development time on something that will never see the light of day again after a few months. We've seen datacron abilities recycle...I guess I always just assumed the new raids would too.

    Krayt hardly feels like a Legacy anything. I'm really hoping they let you alternate between the two, otherwise this new Raid setup is dumb AF.

    You can do whatever raid you want, just like today. But Mk3 tokens will only be in the Featured Raid. Currently that raid is Krayt, but once the bike one comes out that will be the Featured Raid.

    I think this is the most likely scenario, but we don't actually know for sure yet.

    They did actually tell us this, so not sure why people keep saying we don't know. Sure, CG could always change their minds, but they literally said this.

    Because they said "raid currency" will be removed while simultaneously adding 3 raid currencies to the game - so it's ambiguous. Everyone is assuming they're talking about Mk3 since there's no Mk3 in HSTR - but they haven't been explicit, and many-a-player has been bit in the behind by making assumptions when CG was ambiguous.

    One of the changes I was referring to (from the Feb RA):
    Rewards also include new Raid Currency that can be used to purchase items from Shipments
    This special Raid Currency can only be earned from the Featured Raid (the latest Raid released)

    The rewards were apparently going to be some gear/mats/whatever, plus this new currency that was only in Krayt. But they changed it to all raid currency, with three different types.

    We don't know what happens to the currencies with the new raid yet. My guess is they move mk3 to Endor (and maybe increase some mk1/mk2 to compensate) but no one really knows yet.
    I need a new message here.
  • Lumiya
    1548 posts Member
    edited July 2023
    I agree with @herd_nerfer .

    It would be really nice to get some infos. To take the example of old Republic: Sure JKR, Bastilla and Jolee might be relic for many but not everyone has Mission and Zaalbar reliced. If you think about giving them some relics only for the Raid to be quickly gone again, not everyone would do it. That's just one example. It would be the same i every future Raid aswell.

    I would be willing to work on those teams on the side but only if I know it is worth it. It would only remain a side project because of course you don't want to drop your main goal for a limited Raid... that would mean you hardly finished the squad for the new Raid and poof, there is a new one and so on. You would never be finished and chase after the new requirements while not being able to pursue your main goal.

    Long story short: A little Info would be really helpful.

    Edit for typos
    We are all made of star-stuff
  • LordDirt
    5100 posts Member
    Lumiya wrote: »
    I agree with @herd_nerfer .

    It would be really nice to get some infos. To take the example of old Republic: Sure JKR, Bastilla and Jolee might be relic for many but not everyone has Mission and Zaalbar reliced. If you think about giving them some relics only for the Raid to be quickly gone again, not everyone would do it. That's just one example. It would be the same i every future Raid aswell.

    Use 50R-T and Juhani, they are used for other things.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
  • Gifafi
    6017 posts Member
    Not building toons for the current and only raid bc it might get replaced or maybe you can’t run both in like 5 months (maybe) seems neg ev to to me
    Maybe End Game isn't for you
  • Rius
    372 posts Member
    StarSon wrote: »
    So my biggest question for CG is - why are we disincentivizing investment in raid teams?

    They aren't. Are you going to let 4+ months go by with worse rewards? That's too long to miss out when you could maybe push for the next box, the whole time earning more rewards to make for better teams in the next raid.

    Perhaps the progression is too steep for the frequency of new raid release.

    My guild is a decent size 360M and we have reached our TB ceiling for now, so we have been actively investing in the new raid to maximise guild rewards and progressed to 15M off the next crate. We have made massive progress and continue to each raid, but no extra rewards yet since raid launch. By my estimate we will unlikely hit the next crate before the new raid. (Particularly as since we are unsure of what’s happening with Krayt I have slowed my investment at the moment).

    So players in my range of guilds and below are rightly questioning if investing in the raid at all is worth it if we hit the same crate. Of course if larger guilds can adapt more quickly as our more mature rosters in our guild do, your opinion may stand for them but for us it may not be worth it. I am going for GL Leia so I will likely do more on the next one but all 50 guild members need to be considered and some are mid way on other GL farms already. For sure will need to see what happens with Krayt, Mk3 or the reward structure for the new raid.
  • Options
    I haven't read everyone's posts, but my hope would be that they rotate the featured raids on a monthly basis. So alternate between the raids, and as they add more down the line then there frequency gets further apart and keeps the raid from become monotonous or boring
  • Lumiya
    1548 posts Member
    LordDirt wrote: »
    Lumiya wrote: »
    I agree with @herd_nerfer .

    It would be really nice to get some infos. To take the example of old Republic: Sure JKR, Bastilla and Jolee might be relic for many but not everyone has Mission and Zaalbar reliced. If you think about giving them some relics only for the Raid to be quickly gone again, not everyone would do it. That's just one example. It would be the same i every future Raid aswell.

    Use 50R-T and Juhani, they are used for other things.

    I have Mission and Zaalbar reliced, I was soeaking in general.
    Juhani is at the moment in my 3rd team I use for the rest. Also again not everyone has Sorty beyond 3 stars.

    And it all doesn't change the actual reason for my and other comments: Info on how CG plans to proceed with the Raids. Do they stay or not? Will they be rotated or not? How long will Raids stay before the next one comes?

    Those are important factors that decide if anyone wishes to push teams for any future Raid.
    We are all made of star-stuff
  • LordDirt
    5100 posts Member
    Lumiya wrote: »
    LordDirt wrote: »
    Lumiya wrote: »
    I agree with @herd_nerfer .

    It would be really nice to get some infos. To take the example of old Republic: Sure JKR, Bastilla and Jolee might be relic for many but not everyone has Mission and Zaalbar reliced. If you think about giving them some relics only for the Raid to be quickly gone again, not everyone would do it. That's just one example. It would be the same i every future Raid aswell.

    Use 50R-T and Juhani, they are used for other things.

    I have Mission and Zaalbar reliced, I was soeaking in general.
    Juhani is at the moment in my 3rd team I use for the rest. Also again not everyone has Sorty beyond 3 stars.

    And it all doesn't change the actual reason for my and other comments: Info on how CG plans to proceed with the Raids. Do they stay or not? Will they be rotated or not? How long will Raids stay before the next one comes?

    Those are important factors that decide if anyone wishes to push teams for any future Raid.

    But at least more will have 50R-T as she is a prerequisite for the new capital ship.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
  • Options
    Lumiya wrote: »
    Those are important factors that decide if anyone wishes to push teams for any future Raid.
    Which is probably why they’ll never be answered, in the hope that people do just that.

    I am not sure I see the logic behind CG’s changes to the Raid system and TB. In both game modes they’ve made the return on an individual’s investment minimal unless the whole guild are also moving along at a similar pace.

    When HSTR came out, the benefit to the individual who chose to farm SLKR was clear - a highly reliable way of soloing the raid and (depending on how many of your guild had the same team and also took part in the raid) the top end rewards would follow.

    But with RotE and now the Krayt Raid, it’s tough to justify taking the Hutt Cartel team to r8. A few extra waves in RotE are most likely meaningless if the rest of the guild aren’t also earning extra waves. An extra 900k in the raid is meaningless unless the whole guild is raising their output.

    If anything, I feel like CG have disincentivised individuals chasing high relics for these teams, because you need dozens of others to do the same or it’s just not worth it.
  • LordDirt
    5100 posts Member
    Lumiya wrote: »
    Those are important factors that decide if anyone wishes to push teams for any future Raid.
    Which is probably why they’ll never be answered, in the hope that people do just that.

    I am not sure I see the logic behind CG’s changes to the Raid system and TB. In both game modes they’ve made the return on an individual’s investment minimal unless the whole guild are also moving along at a similar pace.

    When HSTR came out, the benefit to the individual who chose to farm SLKR was clear - a highly reliable way of soloing the raid and (depending on how many of your guild had the same team and also took part in the raid) the top end rewards would follow.

    But with RotE and now the Krayt Raid, it’s tough to justify taking the Hutt Cartel team to r8. A few extra waves in RotE are most likely meaningless if the rest of the guild aren’t also earning extra waves. An extra 900k in the raid is meaningless unless the whole guild is raising their output.

    If anything, I feel like CG have disincentivised individuals chasing high relics for these teams, because you need dozens of others to do the same or it’s just not worth it.

    Isnt that what a good guild does? They do what is best for all and all strive for the success of the guild. I swear I dont know what some of you guys guilds do. They seem like a mess with little leadership and no one working together.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
  • nfidel2k
    559 posts Member
    LordDirt wrote: »
    Lumiya wrote: »
    Those are important factors that decide if anyone wishes to push teams for any future Raid.
    Which is probably why they’ll never be answered, in the hope that people do just that.

    I am not sure I see the logic behind CG’s changes to the Raid system and TB. In both game modes they’ve made the return on an individual’s investment minimal unless the whole guild are also moving along at a similar pace.

    When HSTR came out, the benefit to the individual who chose to farm SLKR was clear - a highly reliable way of soloing the raid and (depending on how many of your guild had the same team and also took part in the raid) the top end rewards would follow.

    But with RotE and now the Krayt Raid, it’s tough to justify taking the Hutt Cartel team to r8. A few extra waves in RotE are most likely meaningless if the rest of the guild aren’t also earning extra waves. An extra 900k in the raid is meaningless unless the whole guild is raising their output.

    If anything, I feel like CG have disincentivised individuals chasing high relics for these teams, because you need dozens of others to do the same or it’s just not worth it.

    Isnt that what a good guild does? They do what is best for all and all strive for the success of the guild. I swear I dont know what some of you guys guilds do. They seem like a mess with little leadership and no one working together.

    The assumption that the entire guild is working on the same thing at the same time is a mistake. Sometimes they do, but not always.

    I agree with Darjelo, because incentivizing individuals would have meant more stops on each of the tracks, even if the total rewards remained unchanged. Large steps between payouts mean a large investment for what is currently little increase in Krayt. And currently improving the score requires coordination between multiple players, which is more complicated than just letting people develop at their own pace.
    Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for life.
  • LordDirt
    5100 posts Member
    edited July 2023
    Guild I am in pushed everyone to a certain score, 5.4 million, so we can all get better rewards, 265 million box. Better rewards help all of us get our characters to higher relics which help us all around. Guild leaders should have a map of the direction everyone needs to be heading and keep everyone working together. The better we do in RotE, Krayt raid and TW the better everyones roster gets.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
  • DarjeloSalas
    9944 posts Member
    edited July 2023
    LordDirt wrote: »
    Guild I am in pushed everyone to a certain score, 5.4 million, so we can all get better rewards, 265 million box. Better rewards help all of us get our characters to higher relics which help us all around. Guild leaders should have a map of the direction everyone needs to be heading and keep everyone working together. The better we do in RotE, Krayt raid and TW the better everyones roster gets.
    Are you earning the 265m box? I see that your guild is one of the 37 guilds globally that have achieved it.

    Edit: remember, not every guild has 515m GP and only 10 GLs missing from the whole guild having all 7 GLs each.

    It’s no wonder a guild at that level can focus on things that have a high likelihood of being of transient benefit. Other guilds aren’t in that position and the members have to prioritise. An r8 Boushh or Skiff Lando are an easy decision to make if you’ve got all 7 GLs, both GL ships and the Leviathan requirements sitting ready to go.

    I’m not sure why you “don’t know what your guys guilds do”. Surely you can extract yourself from the experience of being in a top 40 guild enough to realise that not everyone is having the same experience?
  • Options
    Follow up post to avoid the spam filter on a second edit…

    You are suggesting that other guilds “seem like a mess with little leadership and no one working together” when they are simply accepting the reality that the colossal investment required to magically find an additional 100m damage to earn the 265m reward crate isn’t worth it for what would likely be heavily time limited benefit.

    Some forum users might consider that to be incredibly arrogant.
  • LordDirt
    5100 posts Member
    edited July 2023
    From what I am getting from you guys is that your guild mates just do whatever they want and whatever rewards you get in any guild events you are ok with. Sorry if I am misunderstanding.

    If your leadership is pushing you guys to get then next star in RotE or the next box in Krayt then that is great. If not, I dont understand.

    PS, 100 million is only 2 million more per person. That should be your next goal. You run the bot on what your guild should be getting? What each person should be getting?
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
  • Options
    LordDirt wrote: »
    From what I am getting from you guys is that your guild mates just do whatever they want and whatever rewards you get in any guild events you are ok with. Sorry if I am misunderstanding.

    If your leadership is pushing you guys to get then next star in RotE or the next box in Krayt then that is great. If not, I dont understand.

    PS, 100 million is only 2 million more per person. That should be your next goal.
    Thanks for the Maths tip. Where would I be without you?!

    But this is the point I’m trying to make. “Only 2 million more” is the sort of thing someone who doesn’t understand the reality of being in a 450m guild would say.

    In the time it would take for many players in guilds who are comfortably earning the 130m crate to take characters up to the relic levels required for 2 million more points, the new raid will be launched and they’ll have got pretty much nothing for their investment. Never mind what they’ve missed out on by sidelining other projects so they could chase “only 2 million more”.

    Your guild has 4 players who don’t have an r8 Jabba. 3 of them are r7 and one of them is r6. There are guilds scoring 150-160m who have 25 players without r8 Jabba, with 10 players who haven’t unlocked Jabba at all yet.

    As for your first paragraph, the “sorry for misunderstanding” is pretty hollow when you’ve made the same assumption before in other threads despite being told you’re wrong. Again, it could be perceived as arrogant when the only conclusion you can reach for guilds not achieving what your guild is achieving is that the guild lacks leadership and members are basically left to do whatever they want.
  • TVF
    36704 posts Member
    LordDirt wrote: »
    From what I am getting from you guys is that your guild mates just do whatever they want and whatever rewards you get in any guild events you are ok with. Sorry if I am misunderstanding.

    If your leadership is pushing you guys to get then next star in RotE or the next box in Krayt then that is great. If not, I dont understand.

    PS, 100 million is only 2 million more per person. That should be your next goal. You run the bot on what your guild should be getting? What each person should be getting?

    You don't seem to understand how the majority of guilds work in this game.

    It's easy to push everyone to gain 2 million more when everyone spends lots of money.

    Even when it's now for a dead raid?
    I need a new message here.
  • LordDirt
    5100 posts Member
    Ok, lets put this to bed then.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
  • Options
    Whether your guild is working together or not, choosing to push from 130m to 265m now is a flat out mistake for most guilds just from a straight economic standpoint. An extra 2m is taking a full team from G12 to R8 (or Mandos from R7 to R8 & Tusken to R7 or whatever). Even assuming the signal data, low level relics and Aeros are free, it would take you 6 months of Krayt runs to earn back just the 75k Mk3 it cost in Electrium/Zins/IDs mats. Even if a guild officer could snap his fingers and make every guild mate finish that project tomorrow you’ll have invested more in the characters than you’ll ever get back if Endor means the end of Krayt.

    Unless you’re already close to the next box, there just isn’t time to get a return on investment for gearing Krayt teams unless they’re pretty valuable once Krayt is retired. For most people the only team that’ll be true for is Hutt Cartel.
  • twstdbydsn
    1102 posts Member
    StarSon wrote: »
    twstdbydsn wrote: »
    StarSon wrote: »
    twstdbydsn wrote: »
    crzydroid wrote: »
    CrispyFett wrote: »
    crzydroid wrote: »
    The implication would be that new raids would replace the old one. That being said, Krayt will probably be cycled back at some point in the future, so those teams would be useful again.

    Is this official information from the Devs, or just your personal opinion? This isn't intended to be snarky, I was just wondering if you have inside info as a moderator.

    It was the way I read the original post about it, but based on what people are saying, it's possible that was just an assumption I was reading into the text. It could be they leave Krayt as a legacy raid, I guess, with the mark III moved to Endor raid...but to me that also seems weird because if we add a new one every 8 months, the raid list would just get really long. I also can't see them spending development time on something that will never see the light of day again after a few months. We've seen datacron abilities recycle...I guess I always just assumed the new raids would too.

    Krayt hardly feels like a Legacy anything. I'm really hoping they let you alternate between the two, otherwise this new Raid setup is dumb AF.

    You can do whatever raid you want, just like today. But Mk3 tokens will only be in the Featured Raid. Currently that raid is Krayt, but once the bike one comes out that will be the Featured Raid.

    I get that. But the fast turnaround and need for leveling up specific squads for each is tiresome, especially if they crap these raids out every 3-4 months. Plus as I said, calling Krayt a "Legacy" raid seems IMO dumb since it's so new, whereas the old ones do feel like Legacy raids. Amnd is it definitive the MK3 is being removed from Krayt or is that still speculation based on the Feb post being kinda vague?

    Not sure why you're stuck on the "Legacy Raid" thing. No one has said that Krayt will be a Legacy Raid, whatever that means, just that the new bike raid will be the Featured Raid.
    crzydroid wrote: »
    CrispyFett wrote: »
    crzydroid wrote: »
    The implication would be that new raids would replace the old one. That being said, Krayt will probably be cycled back at some point in the future, so those teams would be useful again.

    Is this official information from the Devs, or just your personal opinion? This isn't intended to be snarky, I was just wondering if you have inside info as a moderator.

    It was the way I read the original post about it, but based on what people are saying, it's possible that was just an assumption I was reading into the text. It could be they leave Krayt as a legacy raid, I guess, with the mark III moved to Endor raid...but to me that also seems weird because if we add a new one every 8 months, the raid list would just get really long. I also can't see them spending development time on something that will never see the light of day again after a few months. We've seen datacron abilities recycle...I guess I always just assumed the new raids would too.

    That's where I read it and rolled with it. yes it "could" be and it might not be. But that's why I was saying it was stupid if it was.
  • Options
    LordDirt wrote: »
    From what I am getting from you guys is that your guild mates just do whatever they want and whatever rewards you get in any guild events you are ok with. Sorry if I am misunderstanding.

    If your leadership is pushing you guys to get then next star in RotE or the next box in Krayt then that is great. If not, I dont understand.

    PS, 100 million is only 2 million more per person. That should be your next goal. You run the bot on what your guild should be getting? What each person should be getting?

    I can’t put this post to bed because it’s so far of the mark it’s actually funny.

    My guild is around 490m.
    We the officers can choose to either push every member to increase to 5.4m damage in Krayt to get the 256m box OR to “let members do whatever they want”.
    Whatever our members want is to chase missing GLs, Levi reqs and stuff like Aphra, more relic levels on key squads like Reva etc.

    Which do you think will overall help progress the guild faster?
    It is the “whatever players want” since rounding out rosters overall brings more benefit to the guild relative to pushing meh toons for a raid that will be de-prioritised in 6 months max.

    Now the point from Darjelo and others is that since this is the best path for the guild, individual members who do already have “everything” have no reason to R8 Tuskens, build the second Hutt team etc since it will not benefit themselves nor the guild sufficiently.
    Thus, CG haven’t built in as much incentive as could have been expected for the individual.
  • LordDirt
    5100 posts Member
    Morgoth01 wrote: »
    LordDirt wrote: »
    From what I am getting from you guys is that your guild mates just do whatever they want and whatever rewards you get in any guild events you are ok with. Sorry if I am misunderstanding.

    If your leadership is pushing you guys to get then next star in RotE or the next box in Krayt then that is great. If not, I dont understand.

    PS, 100 million is only 2 million more per person. That should be your next goal. You run the bot on what your guild should be getting? What each person should be getting?

    I can’t put this post to bed because it’s so far of the mark it’s actually funny.

    My guild is around 490m.
    We the officers can choose to either push every member to increase to 5.4m damage in Krayt to get the 256m box OR to “let members do whatever they want”.
    Whatever our members want is to chase missing GLs, Levi reqs and stuff like Aphra, more relic levels on key squads like Reva etc.

    Which do you think will overall help progress the guild faster?
    It is the “whatever players want” since rounding out rosters overall brings more benefit to the guild relative to pushing meh toons for a raid that will be de-prioritised in 6 months max.

    Now the point from Darjelo and others is that since this is the best path for the guild, individual members who do already have “everything” have no reason to R8 Tuskens, build the second Hutt team etc since it will not benefit themselves nor the guild sufficiently.
    Thus, CG haven’t built in as much incentive as could have been expected for the individual.

    Getting better crates gets you better gear so pushing the krayt raid benefits you more.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
  • Options
    LordDirt wrote: »
    Getting better crates gets you better gear so pushing the krayt raid benefits you more.

    I think it comes down to investment v/s returns.

    For a guild hitting 150M, they are over the 130M box but no where near the 265m box.

    Prior to the loot changes to move some rewards forward there was a 170m? tier IIRC.

    They removed that so now its pretty hard to justify the return on pushing for 265 if you are 100 million away when the raid is going away.

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