Leviathan isn’t pushing the meta…


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    Yeah 7* is a joke. Also Leviathan mirror match is worse then Executer mirror. Who even wins the coin toss wins. Also good luck getting through the bomber without the 1 shot.
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    Anyone who hasnt wasted their money and crystals on this fraud of a meta ship should not bother UNLESS they address and fix it.... its rubbish
  • zatchy
    132 posts Member
    They flat lied or didn’t test their ship. It’s that simple.
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    Exec was getting beaten with negotiator when first launched and mal etc a lot easier than now. Not that I’m here to defend cg but I’d expect they will buff it like they did with exec to make it better
  • Shiryu
    411 posts Member
    CG.. test things? Nah. that means money spent when they can bait and switch their customers with lies


    wana fix our "Meta defining" capital ship?
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    I can only assume cg developers have given up at this point. Nothing but a heist on our saved resources
  • Devian
    676 posts Member
    At least its slightly better than Scion Boba Fett with 3 omegas on TW....
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    Leviathan is the worst ship in the game. I was able to beat it with resistance fleet lol.
    And on offense you need to play manually and be careful at everything to eventually win
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    TWO R9s for a buggy, underwhelming mess. First time I’ve ever had a ‘day one meta’ unlock and this is majorly disappointing. Barely viable at low stars and still not great at high stars (which will take months for most people).
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    What about those of us who saved w/o buying? I mean, I could have worked on Krayt raid teams, or towards Leia, or anything else at this point and it would have been better spent than gearing for and refreshing this event. I'd like my 27k crystals back so I can use it on something actually worthwhile.
  • LordDirt
    5125 posts Member
    Seems they nerfed it for the event and it stays nerfed once you unlock it.
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
  • zatchy
    132 posts Member
    Mixelplux wrote: »
    What about those of us who saved w/o buying? I mean, I could have worked on Krayt raid teams, or towards Leia, or anything else at this point and it would have been better spent than gearing for and refreshing this event. I'd like my 27k crystals back so I can use it on something actually worthwhile.

    Clearly they misled both paying and non paying customers, and should fix the ship in some way. Paying customers may have more recourse through ways mentioned if they don’t…

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    zatchy wrote: »
    @CG_Tusken_Meathead can you also look into why the ship kinda sucks? Certainly feels like a lie that you all tried to push the meta.

    Sound like "the new rewards will be equal or even better"
    Started to play: Oct 30, 2022 --- Ally code: 628-998-777 --- My links: swgoh.gg | youtube | My SWGOH journey | NORDIC KINGDOM is recruiting
  • zatchy
    132 posts Member
    zatchy wrote: »
    @CG_Tusken_Meathead can you also look into why the ship kinda sucks? Certainly feels like a lie that you all tried to push the meta.

    Sound like "the new rewards will be equal or even better"

    At least in that lie, they weren’t directly pocketing player money.
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    Needs some serious buffs to fury’s damage and dagger. Sith fighter needs an updated kit. And the ult is underwhelming when none of the abilities really benefit your ships. Doesn’t look great to place on defense in gac
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    LordDirt wrote: »
    Seems they nerfed it for the event and it stays nerfed once you unlock it.

    Or its WAI and the event opposition was nerfed because farming shards was stupid easy.
    Co-GL, Empire's 501st
  • MoBlaq
    583 posts Member
    zatchy wrote: »
    Feels like a bad sales pitch yet again.

    The Threads of capital ships. Full of hype that just as quickly dissipates into disappointment.
  • dhwo
    69 posts Member
    Come on guys, what did you expect? Executor could be beaten with Home1 when they released her. There will be an update pretty soon as Leviathan doesn’t perform as planned….been there…groundhog day all over.
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    Maybe give it at least a couple of days before judging it? There's already a bug that has been acknowledged.
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    AlexanderG wrote: »
    Maybe give it at least a couple of days before judging it? There's already a bug that has been acknowledged.

    It's losing to Raddus on defense, among other things. The bug you mentioned is helping Leviathan, if anything.
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    Timing out on Profundity at 7-stars in fleet arena. Cannot kill the y-wing or suppress the taunt long enough to kill anything else. Lemon.
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  • Legit
    23 posts Member
    AlexanderG wrote: »
    Maybe give it at least a couple of days before judging it? There's already a bug that has been acknowledged.

    Yeah the bug is that one of the ships can one shot a capital ship which is actually a bug that helps it. If you take the bug away it just makes the leviathan even worse.
  • Legit
    23 posts Member
    Only think I can think of is when you take over the capital ship that the opposing team can no longer heal or crit. There’s just not enough damage on this team
  • Scrybe
    25 posts Member
    What a joke of a fleet. It's completely anaemic on both offense and defense. For something that was sold as a ship to surpass the Executor and Profundity...



    It sure leaves a lot to be desired. it needs some way of

    1) Removing the tenacity up on Exec fleets at the start - we can't land any debuffs to get the ball rolling.

    2) For the love of all that is holy, give us some offense. Below 7* it CANNOT kill anything.

    3) Make the fleet enjoyable to play. The animations are great, but honestly *if* you get to your ultimate your ship only basics. Your fleet does no damage, and taking over the enemy fleet results in a turn of abilities that do nothing as there's no synergy. It never feels like you have control of the match, just hanging on for dear life hoping to hit your ult in time.

    Honestly, a lot of this can be fixed if you just change the interceptor to be able to one-shot on a basic on first reinforce. Just make the reinforce ability: "When reinforced, if the capital ship is Leviathan, your first turn you can only basic. Ignore taunt and stealth, and instantly kill the targeted ship."

    This would fix the lack of damage (for some part), fix any AI issues - by making it a high priority reinforcement and having no RNG as to what ability it uses. It doesn't fix everything because the fleet will still be left with very little damage, but it would at least go some way to helping out.

    Honestly, CG...

    Check out my content on YouTube...search for Scrybe Gaming!
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    Road ahead July- “We’ve also seen your questions popping up asking how it will do against Executor and Profundity and we’re confident in saying Leviathan will execute… profoundly.”

    This has aged well.
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    Legit wrote: »
    AlexanderG wrote: »
    Maybe give it at least a couple of days before judging it? There's already a bug that has been acknowledged.

    Yeah the bug is that one of the ships can one shot a capital ship which is actually a bug that helps it. If you take the bug away it just makes the leviathan even worse.

    That particular bug isn't my point other than there's some unintended stuff going on.

    I'd bet that within days it'll be the dominant fleet. It's not as if other new units haven't had problems on release.
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    I'm beating Executor and Profundity consistently with my 7* so far, but the Leviathan fleet is DEFINITELY lacking and needs some tweaks. A couple of bugs that I noticed too:

    - Mark VI doesn't get his bonus stacks when being a 2nd reinforcement if Leviathan already used it's Ult.
    - Fear is wonky: profundity ships seems to be ignoring it, or cleansing it when their turn comes, as instead of fear going away and their turn being skipped, fear goes away and they attack anyways

    For those who want to beat profundity more consistently until CG (hopefully) tweaks the Leviathan to be as meta defining as they claimed, make sure you prioritize reinforcements over specials. Let's you get Mark 6 out as the 2nd reinforcement asap, instakill ywing, and then killing the rest of the team is cake
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    Scrybe wrote: »
    What a joke of a fleet. It's completely anaemic on both offense and defense. For something that was sold as a ship to surpass the Executor and Profundity...



    It sure leaves a lot to be desired. it needs some way of

    1) Removing the tenacity up on Exec fleets at the start - we can't land any debuffs to get the ball rolling.

    2) For the love of all that is holy, give us some offense. Below 7* it CANNOT kill anything.

    3) Make the fleet enjoyable to play. The animations are great, but honestly *if* you get to your ultimate your ship only basics. Your fleet does no damage, and taking over the enemy fleet results in a turn of abilities that do nothing as there's no synergy. It never feels like you have control of the match, just hanging on for dear life hoping to hit your ult in time.

    Honestly, a lot of this can be fixed if you just change the interceptor to be able to one-shot on a basic on first reinforce. Just make the reinforce ability: "When reinforced, if the capital ship is Leviathan, your first turn you can only basic. Ignore taunt and stealth, and instantly kill the targeted ship."

    This would fix the lack of damage (for some part), fix any AI issues - by making it a high priority reinforcement and having no RNG as to what ability it uses. It doesn't fix everything because the fleet will still be left with very little damage, but it would at least go some way to helping out.

    Honestly, CG...

    One of the things that they could do for the Leviathans Ult is, rather than just taking control of the enemy capital ship, it should take control, AND switch all faction specific synergies over to Sith and Sith Empire. Example: if you take control of Executor, then it's mass swarm calls all Sith/Sith Empire allies to attack, as opposed to BH allies
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