Leviathan isn’t pushing the meta…


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    AlexanderG wrote: »

    I mean, if you're going to put your fingers in your ears and ignore all of the issues with this fleet, by all means.
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    I think everyone needs to calm down, we all know day 1 unlockers are the actual beta testers, the devs will patch the ship.
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    This ship is trash. There is absolutely no damage output, the battles take forever, and there is no consistency in the battles. If Holdo can beat your ship, it’s garbage. I want my crystals back. CG needs to pay Ahnald to do their testing.
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    Ryanh1315 wrote: »
    AlexanderG wrote: »

    I mean, if you're going to put your fingers in your ears and ignore all of the issues with this fleet, by all means.

    What are you talking about? All I did was demonstrate that it's already capable of taking number 1.

    It's probably not WAI, may well get tweaked, or needs Lev owners to get the strategy right. Or a mix of the aforesaid.

    Just seemed a bit premature to get the pitchforks out..
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    This ship is trash. There is absolutely no damage output, the battles take forever, and there is no consistency in the battles. If Holdo can beat your ship, it’s garbage. I want my crystals back. CG needs to pay Ahnald to do their testing.

    I like that last sentence. Maybe get him and some other You Tubers early access to new content so they can try things out. They could call them " CG Game Changers" or something like that.
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    maybe they got the wording around the wrong way,.. and meant it will be profoundly executed.. as that seems to be more the case currently.
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    AlexanderG wrote: »
    Ryanh1315 wrote: »
    AlexanderG wrote: »

    I mean, if you're going to put your fingers in your ears and ignore all of the issues with this fleet, by all means.

    What are you talking about? All I did was demonstrate that it's already capable of taking number 1.

    It's probably not WAI, may well get tweaked, or needs Lev owners to get the strategy right. Or a mix of the aforesaid.

    Just seemed a bit premature to get the pitchforks out..

    Well no, you didn't prove it. All you've proved is that the player in #1 has Leviathan, not that it's capable of climbing. You didn't prove that they didn't already have #1 and were testing. Also, it's not performing on defence, which implies it's not a strategy issue but a ship issue. I beat a 7* Levi first try with my 7* Prof and there was no point at which I was worried I might lose. I suspect we'll see a buff before the week is out.
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    Too busy working on their award winning LOTR game. 😂 💩
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    I think a whole lot of Leviathan's problems can be traced back to three of its four activated abilities being only usable once per battle. I think there's a solution for this, but it would be pretty text-heavy. Basically, I think that Seize The Bridge needs to function similarly to the Ultimate abilities for Sith Eternal Emperor and Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, in that when you use it, some of the abilities it already has are replaced with new abilities.

    Either do that, or have the abilities replace themselves after their first use. Make it thematic. After 'Sabotage the Hangars,' have an ability called 'Fighter Support' that buffs your team. After 'Sabotage the Engines,' turn it into 'Chase Them Down.' After 'Seize The Bridge,' maybe gain 'Pincer Maneuver' or something like that. Have the powerful effect that seizes the enemy ship be a one-time thing, and then give us something else in its place. Even if it starts on cooldown, it would be something we can use rather than having a Capital Ship capable of nothing but using its Basic and calling in reinforcements.

    The Leviathan has powerful abilities, but the fact that it loses access to almost all of its abilities permanently is a big failure. Hell, just let us keep the stuff already there that doesn't hurt the enemy but still helps our own guys. And this is just me spit-balling ideas off the top of my head. I'm not a game designer or even a top-tier player. I'm just a regular guy with some ideas who hopes that something will be done to make Leviathan as good as it ought to be.
  • Nagz
    74 posts Member
    So the "Executor" oversale, again?
    Should have went and made a bet with fellow officers in my guild that history will rhyme with its self.

    Just wait till they buff it in the comming weeks guys. The more things change and ect...
  • Shiryu
    411 posts Member
    I think a whole lot of Leviathan's problems can be traced back to three of its four activated abilities being only usable once per battle. I think there's a solution for this, but it would be pretty text-heavy. Basically, I think that Seize The Bridge needs to function similarly to the Ultimate abilities for Sith Eternal Emperor and Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, in that when you use it, some of the abilities it already has are replaced with new abilities.

    Either do that, or have the abilities replace themselves after their first use. Make it thematic. After 'Sabotage the Hangars,' have an ability called 'Fighter Support' that buffs your team. After 'Sabotage the Engines,' turn it into 'Chase Them Down.' After 'Seize The Bridge,' maybe gain 'Pincer Maneuver' or something like that. Have the powerful effect that seizes the enemy ship be a one-time thing, and then give us something else in its place. Even if it starts on cooldown, it would be something we can use rather than having a Capital Ship capable of nothing but using its Basic and calling in reinforcements.

    The Leviathan has powerful abilities, but the fact that it loses access to almost all of its abilities permanently is a big failure. Hell, just let us keep the stuff already there that doesn't hurt the enemy but still helps our own guys. And this is just me spit-balling ideas off the top of my head. I'm not a game designer or even a top-tier player. I'm just a regular guy with some ideas who hopes that something will be done to make Leviathan as good as it ought to be.

    It is almost like they have another character that loses all their abilities when they use their ult. Oh hi SEE, the worst GL. Losing his prot recovery and speed up abilities.
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    When I read through Lev's kit, I wondered if Holdo would end up being a soft counter, something to take out Leviathan itself and maybe part of a two-shot counter. Maybe would hold it's own once Zorri's ship showed up. Didn't anticipate it being a hard counter. Hope they don't nerf her; Resistance is already the weakest fleet.
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    The really funny thing is it seems the sith ships do better under Thrawn, Mace or Tarkins cap ships than under Levi... the b-28 is definitely more of a tank under the other cap ships
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    How can anyone assume it is good or bad with this many bugs? We have to see what it is like after they fix all the issues. And there are a lot with this one.
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    I don't understand how they put out such a poorly tested product on an event running 24 hours. If they are even going to adjust or change the kit, it's pretty sleazy to do those alterations after the event is locked.
  • BattleFries
    57 posts Member
    edited July 2023
    Shiryu wrote: »
    It is almost like they have another character that loses all their abilities when they use their ult. Oh hi SEE, the worst GL. Losing his prot recovery and speed up abilities.

    I literally cited Sith Eternal Emperor in my post as an example of how Leviathan could be changed for the better. Right now, Leviathan uses its abilities once and gains nothing in return. All I'm suggesting is that they instead get something to replace them. An ability you have the option to use is better than an ability you are not allowed to use ever again, right?

    And I misunderstood something. JML does not replace his abilities like SEE does, so that's my bad. My fault for not paying enough attention to the kits of stuff I don't have. Sorry about that. All the same, SEE lost his protection recovery and gained something in its place. That doesn't make the design inherently bad, it just means that you traded protection recovery for more damage. If Leviathan replaced its abilities, those abilities could do anything, as opposed to the nothing they do now once the abilities have been used for the first time.

    In fact, the Basic ability already does this. It has an effect that only applies "If Seize the Bridge has been used," so why not just reword the other special abilities to say, "If 'Seize the Bridge' has been used, this ability does something else in addition to or instead of some of its other effects."

    Executor and Profundity not only get rid of the enemy ship, but they keep their own abilities. With Leviathan, you're not even guaranteed abilities that will be useful. I suppose it is sort of like Sith Eternal Emperor, but instead of trading your ship's abilities for something that you know will benefit you in a certain way, you're trading them for abilities that may or may not be helpful at all, or just minimally helpful. So, in a way, Leviathan is currently worse than Sith Eternal Emperor in how it trades away its abilities.

    Taking an enemy ship should mean you get to control both of them, but as it is now, you only control the enemy ship, which likely has no synergy with your fleet unless it's another Leviathan.

    All of which is to say, "Yes, I knew exactly what I was saying about fixing Leviathan in to be more like SEE, and I agree even more now that I've given it more thought."
  • TargetEadu
    1619 posts Member
    LittleSoka wrote: »
    Scrybe wrote: »
    What a joke of a fleet. It's completely anaemic on both offense and defense. For something that was sold as a ship to surpass the Executor and Profundity...



    It sure leaves a lot to be desired. it needs some way of

    1) Removing the tenacity up on Exec fleets at the start - we can't land any debuffs to get the ball rolling.

    2) For the love of all that is holy, give us some offense. Below 7* it CANNOT kill anything.

    3) Make the fleet enjoyable to play. The animations are great, but honestly *if* you get to your ultimate your ship only basics. Your fleet does no damage, and taking over the enemy fleet results in a turn of abilities that do nothing as there's no synergy. It never feels like you have control of the match, just hanging on for dear life hoping to hit your ult in time.

    Honestly, a lot of this can be fixed if you just change the interceptor to be able to one-shot on a basic on first reinforce. Just make the reinforce ability: "When reinforced, if the capital ship is Leviathan, your first turn you can only basic. Ignore taunt and stealth, and instantly kill the targeted ship."

    This would fix the lack of damage (for some part), fix any AI issues - by making it a high priority reinforcement and having no RNG as to what ability it uses. It doesn't fix everything because the fleet will still be left with very little damage, but it would at least go some way to helping out.

    Honestly, CG...

    One of the things that they could do for the Leviathans Ult is, rather than just taking control of the enemy capital ship, it should take control, AND switch all faction specific synergies over to Sith and Sith Empire. Example: if you take control of Executor, then it's mass swarm calls all Sith/Sith Empire allies to attack, as opposed to BH allies

    My worry with this is that then allied Sith Ships will get We Don’t Need Their Scum, which is a “buff” that makes them immune to TM manipulation. Not the end of the world since you’ve reached Ult already and probably can take out Exec, but also not great, especially for Sith Fighter.

    Otherwise I’d like this adjustment a lot.
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    Just want to share.


    From the guild's discord.

    Woody Woodpecker :D
    Started to play: Oct 30, 2022 --- Ally code: 628-998-777 --- My links: swgoh.gg | youtube | My SWGOH journey | NORDIC KINGDOM is recruiting
  • LordDirt
    5100 posts Member
    Why wasn't Cobb Vanth shards a reward for the Krayt Dragon raid? Why wasn't Endor Gear Luke shards a reward for the Speeder Bike raid?
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    For the optimists that CG will delivery a fix this week…. It’s Thursday so unless they work overtime on Friday, we will go into the next GAC lock with this fleet under Thrawn’s ship and continue to get holds.
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    This ship makes me mad I never come on here and post stuff but after all the money and time to get this day one and it is trash.
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    It took them a week to fix Exec when it was getting beat by Nego and H1 at release. Would expect the same if we’re going to get any changes.
    Range1974 wrote: »
    For the optimists that CG will delivery a fix this week…. It’s Thursday so unless they work overtime on Friday, we will go into the next GAC lock with this fleet under Thrawn’s ship and continue to get holds.

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    Agreed that this is disappointment.

    But I can see the probelm there have in the desinging process.

    1) New ship (Levi) should be offensively good and win other fleets - ok this is easy to do but doesnt work it seems

    2) Levi should be defensively good enough to hold vs non Exe/Profu quite reliably but still be beatable, like 80%
    3) Levi should be defensively good enough to hold vs exe/profu at least to some extent but not too well like 50%
    4) Levi should be beatable with mirror like 95% of time
    - Else its just boring wall. Some numbers that are pretty rough to craft.

    5) When some other fleet gets new ship it chances should increase. This is to be seen.
    Bonus) Levi should be good in RotE DS as nothing works there now

    If they overdo defence you cant win. And it shouldn't be RNG that 50% of time AI uses I win ability and rest doesn't.

    They have done it previously: Nego/Male and Exe/Profu pairs do just above steps but this time it looks like buff is coming...

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    Seems to me the biggest bug is actually the Mk6 interceptor. It's supposed to come in with 40 stacks of swam and be able to instakill with a Sith capital ship. It instead goes to its non-Sith allocation of 5 per reinforcement. I think we didn't notice because, up until now, there was no way to test that.

    Why CG didn't notice is another question, of course.
  • scuba
    14104 posts Member
    Hal_10000 wrote: »
    Seems to me the biggest bug is actually the Mk6 interceptor. It's supposed to come in with 40 stacks of swam and be able to instakill with a Sith capital ship. It instead goes to its non-Sith allocation of 5 per reinforcement. I think we didn't notice because, up until now, there was no way to test that.

    Why CG didn't notice is another question, of course.

    You are doing something wrong then


  • hsv216
    41 posts Member
    edited July 2023
    Post edited by hsv216 on
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    After several losses I finally managed to beat a 6* Prof with seconds left on the clock, but only because Biggs came in as first RI instead of Phantom. Being near-unable to kill Biggs was a whole 'nother experience. Definitely doesn't feel like the new meta or even a halfway reliable off-meta counter. Buff this fleet, stat. szy0hbc5s2jc.jpg
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    I think it kinda looks dumb :sweat_smile:
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    Oh great. I'm basically one of those r7 packs away from unlock. So, do I buy it and risk wasting money to reward a bait and switch, or do I wait and lose potential advantage if they actually buff it? It would be great to have some information, but knowing CG, it won't come before the event ends...
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