Leviathan isn’t pushing the meta…


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    It seems like one ship delivering undispellable healing immunity would improve performance against Profundity, no?
  • VladoVDD
    149 posts Member
    edited July 2023
    Nauros wrote: »
    Oh great. I'm basically one of those r7 packs away from unlock. So, do I buy it and risk wasting money to reward a bait and switch, or do I wait and lose potential advantage if they actually buff it? It would be great to have some information, but knowing CG, it won't come before the event ends...

    better wait - at least you won't lose too much for a month IF they make complete rework very soon. many of us already lost A LOT for sure. I'm sick of paying to be a tester. this ship/team really hits the bottom atm having in mind how much investments we put in it
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    we should don't spend money or cristal on Lev, this is the only "communication" that works with CG. Hope they fix/improve something...
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    What cg really needs is our help. Those who have Levi at 7 stars have qualified for testing the new ship. Cg now needs to know which bugs are out there and what seems to work not as intended.
    My first impressions:
    Rebels heal more than a lot during the battle which seems odd and should be investagated.
    Taking over the other ship before using the reinforcement mark vi and you seem not to get those stacks of devouring swarm (maybe the cap ship is now the other non sith ship)
  • Krjstoff
    634 posts Member
    Well it is “mEtA dEfINIng”…. At the bottom of the meta.

    Wth are you doing CG? Give me back my ressources! Beta test your crap before you release it into the game.
  • Ratinira
    412 posts Member
    Very poor damage, the only way to kill rebel tank is to use Mark instakill. And at that moment that tank usually still has full protection and hp.
    Very low survivability - my tanks are usually in red zone before even first my turn - and they are r8 and r9
    On auto Mark is just using all but not basic even with 50 stacks
    The only profit of capturing enemy Capship is to stop them using ult. Their skills are useless for sith ships
    This ship needs doesn't looks like it worth what it cost 😒
    And sith fighter is still a trash...
  • TargetEadu
    1632 posts Member
    Hal_10000 wrote: »
    Seems to me the biggest bug is actually the Mk6 interceptor. It's supposed to come in with 40 stacks of swam and be able to instakill with a Sith capital ship. It instead goes to its non-Sith allocation of 5 per reinforcement. I think we didn't notice because, up until now, there was no way to test that.

    Why CG didn't notice is another question, of course.

    This seems to happen if you bring in Mk6 after using you Ultimate, as if it’s not registering your primary Capital Ship is SE.
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    Overall huge disappointment after built up hype for the ship. Its nothing more than „ok“-ship, but never good enough to be on top. Not even close to top… its never worth this kind of requirements. Didnt see a single Post or video yet who is satisfied with the result. Please make an official statement what Happened there and
    Rework this piece of garbage or give ppl materials back.
    I mean its 2nd time in a row a big announcement (remember the krayt raid) which is in release date absolutley not worth what it promises…
    You say we go a step forward but in reality we take two steps backwords.
    If this is intended then you should be ashamed taking peoples money for this!
  • Oxyl
    1 posts Member
    This is basically a company selling their customers a broken product.

    Their priority should be to acknowledge the problem and work on a solution asap.

    Instead the only post we got is MK VI bug of targeting capital ships.

    No mentions of the other bugs, (and there are a few beeing reported) or even the obvious, a severely underperforming new fleet that "will surpass the executor and profundity"...

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    AlexanderG wrote: »
    Ryanh1315 wrote: »
    AlexanderG wrote: »

    I mean, if you're going to put your fingers in your ears and ignore all of the issues with this fleet, by all means.

    What are you talking about? All I did was demonstrate that it's already capable of taking number 1.

    It's probably not WAI, may well get tweaked, or needs Lev owners to get the strategy right. Or a mix of the aforesaid.

    Just seemed a bit premature to get the pitchforks out..

    You guys definitely need to be paid by CG or else there are some real problems of your coding.

    Both LV and Leviathan feels the same no damage no enjoyable gaming experience (except at least Leviathan has some amazing animations I'll give you that) waiting for your Ult and while enemy 4* Exec, Prof could beat your 7* Leviathan with ease you just suffering and waiting for Mark VI to instakill at least one ship but still beaten by Holdo beaten by Fennec like LV. CG just always makes the most popular or wanted character, ship to be not the best make it's requirements investments very high and make it weaker because they already know that players will get that unit because they love it from the movies, comics etc. If bug fixing the only thing Leviathan needs to be "Meta Defining" then I will come here and say sorry, but I don't think just bug fixing will make the Leviathan what it needs to be.

    I don't think without a buff or some kind of rework like when you control enemy Executor, Profundity and use it's mass assist it doesn't require for your ship to be BH - Rebel. If they do that it's not a bug fix, it's a mini rework.
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    It’s always been a bad idea since day one. Take opponent capital ship for your own? How will it work? Every capital ship are specifically designed for their own fleet, like rogue one rebels for profundity, bounty hunters for executor, it’s so obvious that taking over the opponent ship is way worse than it sounds. Is there any one that will use bounty hunter ships with profundity? Exactly zero. Now would you use sith ship with profundity? No. It’s always been a awful idea but it has a nice aura ring around it, so people are automatically going to invest deep in this garbage. There’s nothing wrong with the kit, and if the fleet is going to be with extreme high damage to justify the lacklustre design of the Levi, you can slap the fleet on any other team and get same effect. Let’s say fury class interceptor got reworked and hits like a nuke. Why wouldn’t I put it on a executor line up a nuke someone else instead of sticking it with Levi? If there is any fix they want to make it’s going to be a new conquest ship six months later.
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    Possibly a bit harsh to say they have lied, probably need to wait and see if they fix the apparent bugs. So I'll hold my judgement for now.

    Clearly they need to improve their testing, it's a bit embarrassing when anything new that comes out is bugged or 'not working as intended'.

    I've pushed hard for this and will hopefully unlock next month, like a lot of players a lot of money, time or distraction from other projects have gone into getting ready for Levi, purely based on the fact they said how OP and meta changing it would be.

    Lots of players (self included) didn't take that statement seriously when they first released the executor and (after the bugs were fixed) were stung for a long time by not having these new meta defining fleets. So have been keen to not be stung again, dropping other GL chases in the process.

    I would welcome a ship that was on the same level as prof or exec as it keeps the balance but they've clearly stated it's meant to easily surpass these.
  • wildnz
    258 posts Member
    Well if your angry at the performance here's some salt for the wounds. The event just reset. You get another free run , even after 7* , and the even more annoying bit is the 999 refresh count reset. In other words you didn't need to buy any 1299 packs.one was a complete waste and 4 others could have been done for 999 refreshes. All up if you 7* before the reset you spent 1299+ (300*4) = 2499 more crystals than someone who got it to six and then took it to 7 after the reset. @CG_Tusken_Meathead @CG_SBCrumb this is really an awful customer experience.
  • wharp
    223 posts Member

    Ferocity debuff should only work on sith ally, it seems the leviathan love siths so much it give away his ability to the enemy
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    Fix this fleet asap or refund everyone's investment. Its a joke to market it as being king when EVERY fleet beats it easily. I should have never wasted my resources on this fleet and put it to better use elsewhere. So disappointed after getting my hands on it. Cant trust CG.
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    wildnz wrote: »
    Well if your angry at the performance here's some salt for the wounds. The event just reset. You get another free run , even after 7* , and the even more annoying bit is the 999 refresh count reset. In other words you didn't need to buy any 1299 packs.one was a complete waste and 4 others could have been done for 999 refreshes. All up if you 7* before the reset you spent 1299+ (300*4) = 2499 more crystals than someone who got it to six and then took it to 7 after the reset. @CG_Tusken_Meathead @CG_SBCrumb this is really an awful customer experience.

    Caveat emptor I guess... And I can say that as salty as I did it too... With these things only having a short window, and seemingly opening late, didn't expect the reset this morning...so had to do as above last night. Shame on me. Would be nice if they refunded the unneeded extra to those who paid to get to 7* before the unexpected unannounced extra refresh.

  • Legit
    23 posts Member
    I think everyone needs to calm down, we all know day 1 unlockers are the actual beta testers, the devs will patch the ship.

    They didn’t change LV and he **** on day one. Don’t get your hopes up.
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    There seems to me to be a lack of professionalism. This product is garbage. Garbage that requires a large investment. For the most part I think CG wants to make a good game. However, when they pull these amateur moves it does make me question their professionalism and integrity as a company. Watch meatface come out with some red 5 **** in their response to the trash they have asked us to purchase. That would be the icing on the cake. It’s not time to be clever boys. It’s time to empathize with your customers. You know, actual customer service…
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    Came here to note I’m feeling the double sting on this. Lack of advertised performance level and obvious refresh scam costing myself and many others 2,254 unnecessary crystals. Shame on you CG for not testing your game and not clearly communicating event duration and refresh options. Refunding the crystal difference at a minimum would be the right thing to do.
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    Funnily enough, I just created a post about that very thing...

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    CrispyFett wrote: »
    I think you have to give it at least a few days. People will figure out best lineups, strategies, etc. Also won't be clear how it performs on defense for a bit. With 5* Levi, I have been able to beat 7* Exec and Profun in Arena so far. I Imagine it will get better as it gets to 7*. Also, in GAC, the simple fact of having a 3rd "GL" ship is going to make a big difference

    How often do you beat Prof ? I don’t see how to beat prof without seizing its bridge and it takes time, ut Prof’s ultimate speed is so rng that I don’t see how to prevent decent chances that things could go sideways.
  • Gawejn
    1133 posts Member
    Leviathan is great...i dont get why so many complaints....it is really good capital ship....
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    Possibly a bit harsh to say they have lied, probably need to wait and see if they fix the apparent bugs. So I'll hold my judgement for now.
    Well, if you make a statement that doesn't match the reality it is not very far from the description of lying
    It doesn't really matter whether you made it on purpose or because you don't know what you are talking about or whether you fix things later or not... That doesn't change the fact that right now your statement doesn't match reality
    And right now Levi's performance is far from how it was described (and it also looks like it needs much more then fixing several bugs to reach its description level)

  • herd_nerfer
    2071 posts Member
    edited July 2023
    Ratinira wrote: »
    And right now Levi's performance is far from how it was described (and it also looks like it needs much more then fixing several bugs to reach its description level)

    I'd love to agree with you on this but I really think we need to see how it performs when everything is working correctly. I have a feeling there are more bugs than what's been reported so far. Some of them are easy to spot - fear being ignored, the mk6 bug(s), ferocity on enemies - others aren't quite so easy to see - do we actually know for sure that enemies are retaining the capital ship bonuses after 'capture the bridge' is used? do we know if they're supposed to lose those bonuses (one would assume so, but one would also assume that 19 refreshes would be the limit in a 24 hour period...)

    Does anyone have a link to the bug tracker? I'm interested to see what's been reported so far. I'd also be very interested to see someone start a thread that has a comprehensive list of what the community has found that doesn't seem to be working as intended. I'd start such a thread myself, but it'll be a busy day at work for me.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
  • Ratinira
    412 posts Member
    I'd love to agree with you on this but I really think we need to see how it performs when everything is working correctly.

    You think it's possible? 🙈
    I mean, everything working correctly
  • Nauros
    5429 posts Member
    Any tips on the event fight agains Exe, ideally from someone who claimed that it's a cakewalk? It seems straight up impossible to me. Did they manage to stealth change it already?
  • StarSon
    7507 posts Member
    Nauros wrote: »
    Any tips on the event fight agains Exe, ideally from someone who claimed that it's a cakewalk? It seems straight up impossible to me. Did they manage to stealth change it already?

    I didn't think it was a cakewalk, seemed mostly RNG. But Fury Bomber Scimitar to start with EH first RI did it for me. Took 3 or 4 tries. Basically if 88 doesn't wreck your day you win.
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