11/12 Jabba Ult Tokens



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    2nd time posting this:

    “Same here. I’ve been stuck at 11/12 ultimate ability materials for over a week now. The journey shut me out and says I’ve completed it?

    Ally code 434-312-394

    Can you help with this?”

    It’s been almost a month now….
  • Jamer
    14 posts Member
    another gac arriving and the problem still hasn't been resolved, it's shameful
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    But don't worry everyone we'll get 3 cwc shards as compensation
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    @CG_Tusken_Meathead we're within 24 hrs of the next GAC starting ... any update on the Jabba ult fix and getting those of us unable to complete the event because of the bug that last piece? We've spent a lot of time farming Jabba and some of these folks have already missed out on one or two other GACs without an ult.

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    Really would love a response as I have the same issue
  • Sallego
    24 posts Member
    edited October 2023
    @CG_Tusken_Meathead I feel the silence means that it's either unfixable, or not a priority for cg. Would love to hear what is up one way or another right now. It's been a month, there is no make good in the mean time, and I doubt there will he one especially as stingy as the make good was for the conquest stealth buff.
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    Even if no fix, or a complexity not foreseen which has delayed a roll out; some form of "sit tight we're working on it" update would be much appreciated. It's difficult to watch other, more recent, issues get fixed after this one has been in the wild for a month.
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    He wont answer He hasnt answered and tags to this.
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    TRASH, totally TRASH company, can't they fix a bug? Send the ult tokens and stop being embarrassed
    5 posts Member
    edited October 2023
    Anybody get this resolved? I am still stuck at 11/12 for weeks now…and several of my guild members have the same issue.

    Ally code 446-483-915
  • StarSon
    7531 posts Member
    MMNCMSS wrote: »
    Anybody get this resolved? I am still stuck at 11/12 for weeks now…and several of my guild members have the same issue.

    Ally code 446-483-915

    Nope, and clearly not a priority for CG. At this rate I'd consider yourself lucky if you get the ult by Christmas.
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    I’ve been waiting on the fix for this since it first became a problem back in middle of September. Being stuck at 11/12 ultimate mats is absolutely ridiculous. Seems like maybe as a company you all should focus on putting a quality product out for once instead of pushing a bunch of broken crap that also needs patches and bug fixes. Would be fantastic if you all would fix the stuff we have in game currently before releasing yet another broken piece of garbage. It’s been bug after bug recently. @CG_Tusken_Meathead anything at this point is better than you all sitting in silence over the issue. It’s been a week since the last update, at least tell us you couldn’t care less that we are experiencing the problem so we know where we stand.
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    I would have had my ult by now for Jabba, with GAC and TW already here, this will impact my guild as well as my crystal income. I hope you are able to figure out this issue soon CG.
  • BazG78
    8 posts Member
    edited October 2023
    I've just got the journey available again though looks suspicious.... 2zkf4dpe262f.jpg

    It worked though! Woo!
  • JassRaidmeister
    4 posts Member
    edited October 2023
    Mine is working again now too but of course I should have been done with my ultimate over a week ago or more. I’m sure the compensation for the trouble is on the way. ;)

    What really gets me is that I would have been done BEFORE the marauder chase now do I delay getting my GL tickets until after or just keep grinding for the ult. I should NOT be having to make this decision.
  • Gabriele_SWGOH
    71 posts Member
    edited October 2023
    I’ve managed to acquire the last ult token now
    Have unlocked ultimate, but journey is not completed 🤷
    Not a big deal, at least we can get Jabba’s ultimate 😅
    Thanks @CG_Tusken_Meathead

    p.s. of course had to buy DS tickets with crystals to make it in time for GAC season, while I suppose it would be nice for these to be refunded, a token/gift to those affected, who in some cases had to wait weeks for this fix, would be appreciated, hopefully you can put a good word in.

    Post edited by Gabriele_SWGOH on
  • Jamer
    14 posts Member
    edited October 2023
    @CG_Tusken_Meathead I can't believe we haven't accumulated tickets in this time. I had to spend crystals to get the last ultimate token before the GAC, that's absurd. The least that could be done was to send us the necessary tickets. I await compensation, I hope it happens.

    143 719 338
    Post edited by Jamer on
  • Firefox5400
    12 posts Member
    edited October 2023
    @CG_Tusken_Meathead first, thanks for getting the event up and running. The graphic for progress shows me at 9/12 ... which should allow me to get the ultimate. However, I have no time left to generate the dark side currency to get the last piece because I haven't been able to farm dark side currency during the event. Can you please send those of us that need it the appropriate dark side tokens (70) or crystals (750) to unlock the event before GAC?

    NOTE: I spent the 750 crystals to get the ult for GAC ... please refund the 750 crystals 373-422-413
    Post edited by Firefox5400 on
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    Gracias ya pude completar el evento
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    Boy that took a long time. Now about a make-good...
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