Proving grounds difference


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    @Ultra can all these CAT PG threads be merged? They are clogging up the forums
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    Hello Holotable Heroes,

    I hope this helps clear some things up.

    There is Proving Grounds A and Proving Grounds B events.

    If you 3* something in Proving Grounds A event, the 3* will carry over to ONLY Proving Grounds A event

    If you 3* something in Proving Grounds B event, the 3* will carry over to ONLY Proving Grounds B event

    The one that runs while the Conquest is going is B (Only accessible with Pass+). The one that starts after conquest ends is A.

    In regards to the difficulty: This feedback has been passed along to the team

    That's all very well, and I wouldn't even have a problem if you had told us this before we paid our money, but you just sold us a bonus proving grounds. I bought the pass to get the opportunity to click the sim button an extra time as I can in every other proving grounds, and without telling me you denied that.I'm afraid I didn't have the time to run the RNG grind, and as such was denied shards that I had already earned the right to sim. I have therefore requested a refund, and should google decline I shall charge back on my credit card. If you can't resist the urge to do crappy things to the players, at least have the decency not to lie to us as you do it.

    (In this post please treat "you" to mean CG, not Tusken Meathead, who I am sure is not to blame.)
  • MaximusHan
    1 posts Member
    edited October 2023
    Absolute joke this proving grounds round. I would use the in game chat to complain but that is the equivalent of slowly stabbing myself in the eyes with 24 hour gaps
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    Well proving grounds is almost over, and not a word from anyone at CG. I’ve seen people post pictures of the in game help saying “they will have a fix tomorrow” (today). The in game help is useless, so I doubt there’s any weight to what they say.

    Thanks CG, can’t wait to see the bundle you push out as an apology
    (In all reality I would totally be fine with a bundle for CAT)

    Hugs and kisses
  • Ultra
    11574 posts Moderator
    Wed_Santa wrote: »
    Ultra can all these CAT PG threads be merged? They are clogging up the forums

  • Dionarch
    3 posts Member
    edited October 2023
    It's my first Proving Ground event - tbh I just want to collect missing CAT shards for Kenobi.. done everything instead of her and time is running out. Without Traya and Malgus it looks impossible to achieve even 1 star.

    EDIT: Finally, after few hours - Padme(L)/JMK/GAS/MYoda/GK - priority is to take down Maul first (with big doze of luck).
    Post edited by Dionarch on
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    did they buffed tie defender event again?? i cant do it this time
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    **** those crashes are killing me
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    another crash with only reva to go
    this is not possible and my iphone heats if i play the game while charging
    thats just dumb
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    Moving the goalposts and diffculty of proving grounds after people have managed to get a star or two and earn more shards only to then make it impossible without further investment in a game mode that is already time locked for 'older' conquest characters makes no **** sense to helping 'newer' players catch up.

    This along with the conquest boss changes which i can only assume someone turned the dial up 20x instead of 2x just stinks of a further throttling of player enjoyment to encourage more spending after already releasing broken content why on earth would anyone buy a pass for a second attempt when they dont know if the difficult is gonna get changed on them, and as a lower GP player this moving of the goal posts makes the pass even less appealing to the point for me i wont get it at all unless i max crate as the value just isnt there.

    the Lightspeed packs value sounded good at the time but now with the increasing of difficulties across all rewarding modes despite the access to GL catchups has me wondering what is around the corner for this game and as such now has me suspending any future purchases till i can be assured testing is being done properly and older content is not gonna be made harder on a whim. absolutely shady tactics that will continue to errode instead of grow the playerbase.
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    finally did ti interceptor pg with r6 trawn on leader spot (no zeta lead), r7 darth vader, r5 royal guard, r3 moff tarkin (potency mods) and r8 piett
    the biggest issue is the game crashes all the time when reva is alone and with like 40 dots
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    Still no updates here? Disappointing but not unexpected.
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    Can't believe some yall paid $30 for the pass lol :D

    I almost bought it. Thankful I didn't since I mainly wanted CAT!
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    Now I'm more worried they're just going to leave the CAT challenge as is. That really really sucks if so.
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    So @CG_Tusken_Meathead is it safe to assume there is no update?

    Feels that way
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    Bruminor wrote: »
    Can't believe some yall paid $30 for the pass lol :D

    I almost bought it. Thankful I didn't since I mainly wanted CAT!

    Hindsight is always 20/20.....
    "The Empire won't stop until we make them " - Cpt. Drogan, Bitter Pill Company
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    @CG_Tusken_Meathead could you let us know what's going on with the CAT mission? Like just a 'they said they're looking at it' or 'nothing yet' is fine. We just need to know what the future is going to be like for that PG so we can prepare for future PGs. Thanks.
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    @CG_Tusken_Meathead could you let us know what's going on with the CAT mission? Like just a 'they said they're looking at it' or 'nothing yet' is fine. We just need to know what the future is going to be like for that PG so we can prepare for future PGs. Thanks.

    At this point no answer feels like the answer. In all reality they won’t fix it or do anything to make it right. They typically say they’re looking into it. They didn’t say it, proving grounds is over, so there’s no point in looking into it. CG has to prep for the upcoming micro transactions for Paz
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    LMFAO, THEY ACTUALLY IGNORED IT, let alone the compensations or a month being wasted. CG proves it time and again, they really don't care as long as it doesn't involve cash.
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    This is so ridiculous some kind of communication on proving grounds needs to happen
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    I'm not buying the conquest + pass if CG doesn't address the proving grounds. Only thing I can think of that will send a message.
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    Have they actually not given any response to this issue whatsoever? CG employees have responded to other posts saying something like "this has been flagged, I will post when I have an update" but I've seen no actual info yet.
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    It really looks like they just ignored the problem. Why would people who couldn't get extra CAT shards because of the difficulty buy conquest pass again? I hope next month conquest pass sales flop, so they can't ignore it one more time...
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    It really looks like they just ignored the problem.

    Or, and maybe I'm completely crazy here, but OR you don't work at CG and have no idea if they're ignoring the problem or working on it with 3 engineers and there's plenty of time between now and the next PG event for CG to get more information or do fixes or whatever.

    Criticizing CG. isn't bad. If you're concerned about something, it's not bad to say so. But telling CG that CG isn't doing anything isn't news (they know what they're working on or not) and isn't really helpful either.

    We've said that we don't like the PG changes. They may or may not "fix" the difficulty. But there's plenty of time to not worry about this for a while.
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    It really looks like they just ignored the problem.

    Or, and maybe I'm completely crazy here, but OR you don't work at CG and have no idea if they're ignoring the problem or working on it with 3 engineers and there's plenty of time between now and the next PG event for CG to get more information or do fixes or whatever.

    Criticizing CG. isn't bad. If you're concerned about something, it's not bad to say so. But telling CG that CG isn't doing anything isn't news (they know what they're working on or not) and isn't really helpful either.

    We've said that we don't like the PG changes. They may or may not "fix" the difficulty. But there's plenty of time to not worry about this for a while.

    It's a bit more than that. There were tried and tested methods to do CAT for a long time, as someone that's been farming towards JMK for the past 6+ months I only managed to free the space up for 1-2 older teams that no longer work as of the last PG. It takes 17 months without conquest pass to unlock her and she's needed in the JMK squad we all know this. Last month was my first proving ground so because I never did it before I didn't have a 3 starred CAT mission. It's a huge middle finger to us mid game players that they just released lightspeed bundles for "here you can catch up here, but screw all your hard work towards this character" is more or less their response. And to add insult to injury this isn't a new PG/Conquest character. She's been around for awhile and many many other players already have her. Now I have to go out of my way to farm even more specific characters with little info and just hope it's enough to beat the event? And how many months is that going to take? And that's just the START of a 330 shard grind. Meanwhile didn't the Scythe JUST come to PG? Because that event was so friggin easy it's not even funny. @CG Hey I'll trade my Scythe shards for CAT. I literally don't need the ship anyway.

    tl;dr I put resources into going towards JMK that are now redundently useless because all of a sudden getting the lifter unit that makes JMK's team awesome is locked out for us and their response is a tumbleweed. Awesome. Not like this just bloats the GP on my account where I could have put those resources to good use farming for a different GL.
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    @SleepingNinja you can also farm CAT in the guild events shipments.
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    tylescope wrote: »
    @SleepingNinja you can also farm CAT in the guild events shipments.

    I know I didn't plan on this to happen so I never saved GET3 for her. I can obviously change that but it's still something like 115k GET3. I get 3k GET3 a month. So that's a 38.33 month grind.
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    @CG_Tusken_Meathead what does it take to get a response or update here?
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    It really looks like they just ignored the problem.

    Or, and maybe I'm completely crazy here, but OR you don't work at CG and have no idea if they're ignoring the problem or working on it with 3 engineers and there's plenty of time between now and the next PG event for CG to get more information or do fixes or whatever.

    Criticizing CG. isn't bad. If you're concerned about something, it's not bad to say so. But telling CG that CG isn't doing anything isn't news (they know what they're working on or not) and isn't really helpful either.

    We've said that we don't like the PG changes. They may or may not "fix" the difficulty. But there's plenty of time to not worry about this for a while.

    OR, maybe you didn’t read my comment carefully. I said it looked like they ignored it, which is supported by the lack of communication on their part so far. And as I explained, there is an incentive for them to do something and address it quickly, as purchase decisions and a consequent impact on revenue could potentially depend on it. They may ignore the problem, which I am hoping would result in adverse consequences for them as that would incentivize them to act differently next time. All I’m saying is a possibility. I don’t need to work at CG to form an opinion and hypothesize about the future outcome of this issue according to the all available information.
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    Did CG even get back to us on who they will adjust the difficulty level for the CAT event in proving ground? I hope they can get it fixed before the next round, otherwise its almost impossible to get CAT.
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