I think conquest sucks


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    1. A new character every 3 months
    2. Coming up with ways to achieve the feats
    3. Having something to do that doesn't involve my guild and that I can play as seriously or as casually as I want

    1. Repeat data disks on nodes
    2. Data disk inventory screen - Should be able to click on a disk and see what it is
    3. Rewards - Getting a new character after 3 months is nice (see likes) not having the gear for it sucks
    4. Lack of enemy variety
    5. Conquest Pass/Pass +: Needs more especially pass +. The extra proving grounds while nice is a waste as I would assume most people who would buy the pass + have all the conquest rewards at 7 star. I would really be interested in seeing those statistics actually.

    1. Get rid of repeat data disk on nodes
    2. Either make it so each data disk design is unique or let us be able to tap on it to see what it is
    3. Give us over the course of the 3 months enough gear to get the new character at least relic 5 (higher if your buy the conquest pass - Relic 7 for regular pass and Relic 9 for pass +)
    4. Early sectors should have teams made up mostly unused characters - for example Phasma lead FO team or Galactic Republic Jedi team. Put the meta teams in the later sectors. This way you can ramp up difficulty without needing to use outrageous modifiers.
    5. Instead of an extra day of proving grounds give conquest pass + an extra day of the ultimate journey event.
  • Hev_Daman
    52 posts Member
    edited February 1
    Feel like I'll repeat what a lot of other people have said, but many voices saying the same thing isn't necessarily bad here...

    To start, though, I really do like Conquest. I'm excited for its return each time, and also excited to hear what the next Character/Ship will be.

    • The challenge of trying to solve a puzzle, figuring out how to get past tricky nodes
    • Data disks that seem not great, but then turn out to solve a problem/feat (e.g. Voluntary Vanguard when we had the Duel boss node)
    • Mixing and matching Data Disks to do broken things (e.g. CLS with VA, A+ and UD)
    • I like the idea that a wider roster will help you. This doesn't really work out in practice.

    • Overprepared Modifier. I think it just makes the battles boring. It's not really a puzzle if the deciding factor is that the Geo team is moving at 450 speed. It's a lazy modifier, especially when there are far more interesting battle mechanics that have been introduced.
    • Unbalanced investment required for early sector feats vs late sector feats. If in sector 5 I need to defeat 10 enemies with Iden for 15 Keycards, then in sector 1 I should only have to defeat 5 enemies (max) with Saw to earn 5 keycards. Similarly, 500 DoTs in sector 1 for 5 Keycards is real feels bad. The number of keycards you get is scaled (5, 5, 10, 10, 15) so the time investment in the feats should be scaled accordingly. This was highlighted when the Purge feat moved from sector 5 (15 keycards) to sector 2 (5 keycards), but you needed to get the same number of purges
    • Datadisk duplication. basically, what everyone else has said. two data disks with the same name should never appear on the same node. It's especially frustrating when you've come to rely on specific disks to succeed, and you get the same lame data disks over and over. Even doing the Challenge Path exclusively and seeing almost double the number of data disks, I often see 2 or 3 of the same disk
    • Datadisk randomness. This one is trickier, and I appreciate that they are random (makes the puzzling a little different each time) however, there should be a way (maybe at the end of each sector, or just at the end of sector 5) to switch, or develop/improve data disks. For example, I only got a single grey Volatile Accelerator this conquest, and a bunch of useless disks. Would be awesome if there was some way I could develop that DD into a green, or even a blue, volatile accelerator.
    • I wish we got something more for completing the challenge path. As mentioned above, the duplication and randomness of the data disks means that even with following the challenge path, I often don't get all the disks I want. Would be cool if we got additional Scavenger nodes, too, or if the spare node was a data disk exchange store, rather than additional data disk selections (maybe in sector 1/2 it allows us to select a data disk from BOTH data disk nodes, increasing our overall selection of data disks)

    I think I mentioned a lot of my changes I would make above, but some others that come to mind
    • Remove, or reduce, monotonous feats. The Veers/Piett feat actually turned out to be interesting (everyone loves a bit of cheese), but doing 40 battles with First Order is boring, takes forever, and is a waste of Conquest Energy (takes 800 to do that feat, compared to 400 for the Mando/Ewoks). Comparing the FO feat to the Rebel feat (40 battles with rebels), there are enough rebels (43) to make 8.6 teams. There are only 11 FO toons, enough for 2.2 teams. With Stamina, it takes much longer to complete 40 FO battles than 40 Rebel battles
    • I wished stamina refreshed faster, and I wish conquest energy refreshed at the same rate as normal energy (but this is mostly because I like conquest and want to play it more)
    • Basically, just come up with feats that are more interesting. Develop battles that don't just rely on the enemy team going first, and mowing down all your toons. mini-boss and boss nodes that relive some of the older raids is cool. The Duel boss node was also an interesting puzzle. Overprepared is lazy and boring.
    • Oh, I just remembered, another note on randomness: when something is truly random, you're likely to see a lot of patterns and repetitions (like multiple of the same data disk on a node). To make it feel truly random, you have to design into it that patterns and repetitions are unlikely, or impossible.

    Thanks Meathead! Appreciate you collecting and considering all of this :)
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    8GLs, 10,2MGP, red crate, small spender (20-39/month)


    1. There is always something to do when you’ve got 10mins to spare.

    2. The rewards are nice. Of course, more is always better, but I think it’s decent.

    3. The addition of the conquest path. It’s one of the best ways to spend 10$ in the game. Make another strip for conquest pass+ on top of what it already gives, and I think 30$ would be justified (and more people would buy it, I guess). Drop the 2 buyable feats and/or one of accelerated stamina/energy regeneration, if you think it would be too much.

    4 Using different teams is nice but see suggestions.

    5.Theory crafting to complete feats. 300 staggers can be done in no more than 3 battles.

    6.Sim-able bonus nodes


    1.Dropping 2 of the same Datadisks on a node.

    2.Steadfast retribution.

    3.Win X battles with Y type of challenges. You can’t theory-craft those. I understand these feats are designed to create stamina-shortness to promote the 30$ pass.

    4. There have been the same 10teams to fight for some time now. Some more variety would be nice.

    5. The UI needs serious improvement.


    Unique Datadisks on nodes

    UI update – 2examples

    Adding consumables for the next fight via the choose-team screen. Currently it is so, that after choosing my team, if I decided they should get a consumable for that battle, I would have to go back to the main screen add the consumable and then access the battle again, most probably setting up my team for a second time, because it reset to the team from the last battle.

    Adding the datadisk names to the equip datadisk screen. Right now, you basically have to equip everything and then drop what you didn’t want. No way to tell beforehand what you’re going to equip.

    There are 2 more things I would like changed to vastly improve my conquest experience.

    Firstly, make it so that 3 stars are not necessary for the 3 reward-tokens, just win the battle. To get red crate I need almost every battle 3 stared, because I cannot do certain feats (Tuskens, Jedi Knight Cal,…). Therefore, I almost exclusively fight with 7 of my 8GLs (not SEE), because lesser teams tend to lose someone especially in sector4 or 5, sometimes even by design (like 5s on 501st). I only use the other teams if there is a feat and then mostly on the bonus battles. Not needing everyone to survive would actually let me use many more teams from my roaster

    Secondly, I would love more feats, but each one more easily attainable. Instead of win 40 battles with FO for 15 tokens make 5 feats for 3 tokens, but each only requiring 10 battles. I would need to do 10 more battles, but it would be much more fun. (10 with FO, 10 with resistance, 10 with jedi, 10 with sith, 10 with separatists) Not only would it feel less of a grind it also makes it more doable for roasters that don’t have everything. How do you win 40 battles with FO without SLKR? 15 tokens gone, but with the 5 feats each worth 3 everybody should have the teams for at least 9 or 12 tokens. And 40 FO battles are quite doable, I dread the 40 battles with resistance next conquest…

    As stated earlier I understand that some of the feats are designed to create shortness to incentivise spending, so what to do about that. I suggested increasing the number of battles on some feats, that should compensate for the battles I wouldn’t have to redo to 3star. Another thing I could imagine is buying extra tokens at the end of each sector (maybe 1 in sector 1, 2 in 2 and so one) it wouldn’t change much (it’s the equivalent of 1 global feat), but I can easily imagine some people just needing 2-3 more tokens for next crate but just not able do anything.

    Instead of stamina there could also be a simple countdown that resets (Each toon can only be used x times a day. X+1 costs 20 energy, x+2 30, and so on). Conquest pass+ could give the first 3 for free.

    All in all, there would be some creativity required to get people top spent. Making annoyingly tedious feat should not be the way.
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    1. Earning a powerful toon.
    2. Having a place to use a wide variety of my roster.
    3. Consumable item letting us test the new toon. (Though I feel even at R9 they seem slow? Do they have mods? Are the mods good and or placed to highlight the strength of the toon)?
    1. 40 times with X is often quite tedious, 20 works much better.
    2. Multiple of the same datadisk in the same node.
    Suggested change
    1. End and start nodes should always have a blue datadisk.
    2. You should be able to choose a blue datadisk of your choice at the beginning of the Conquest to get you off to a good start. (Even if part of Conquest pass or +)
    3. QOL UI upgrades would be awesome.
    4. Being able to see what a datadisk does before equipping it would be helpful, and or a sort feature.
    5. Being able to swap and or sell un-needed datadisks (Often by the end we have multiples of a disk we only need 1 of)
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    I like:
    - the anticipation of the new character
    - the anticipation of the feats reveal and the theory crafting that follows
    - the feel of achievement when succeeding in a 2 week long event
    - the use of a wider and sometimes unusual part of our rosters

    I dislike:
    - the mounting/dismounting of data disk. It involves too much clicking and guessing, especially when reequipping the one we just removed
    - I feel the crates should contain some kyrotechs. With all the changes that happened in the purple gear economy, and the quantity required for new toons in particular, kyrotechs are really the most valuable purple gear pieces.
    - that's about it
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    Overall I enjoy conquest. I am at just below 8 million GP and got my first red crate on hard this conquest.

    1) Datacrons
    2) love the data cards and how they can alter the battles.
    3) getting to face a variety of different squads and playing with matchups
    4) rewards and conquest toons are awesome

    1) some of the feats do not have the correct effort to reward ratio(100 kills with piett/veers for one keycard I'm looking at you)
    2) squad variety is a problem. Often when on the gold path you have to face the same squad three times in a row.
    3) keycard rewards are not uniform (10 kills with Iden 15 keycards, 10 kills with Saw 5 keycards I know they are in different sectors but you also need 50 clone kills for the same 15 keycards as Iden kills it's about the number of battles and how much energy you need to expend to complete the battle. The rewards should be more in line with energy expenditure instead of sector)
    4) consumables, I have so many and I almost never use them. It's cool to test out the new toons and sometimes one will speed up a feat but they are mostly useless

    1) data cards are huge but the RNG can be rough. Had multiple time where all three options are exactly the same and I already have it. Could we instead have a way to choose from data cards?
    2) Add some fleet battles for variety (maybe one per sector)
    3) add a special sector boss reward younger for winning the first time. Increase rarity of reward per sector.
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    Here's hoping cg reads these
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    Likes: Interesting idea

    Dislikes: implementation is bad
    Tremendous unrewarding grind.
    It's easily more than 2 Assault Battles per sector with the rewards of barely 1 assault battle.
    Normal is really, really hard for under 4 million GP. It's 100x times harder than Easy (which is not easy).
    You need to relic the very special squads needed.
    When you lack the special squad even a GL can be insufficient to win.
    Early stage gamers do not have Kneesa, Saw, and other requirements needed to achieve feats.
    Too easy to hit squads that you do not have a counter for.
    Stop the TM trains, too many loses because I don't get a turn at all. It's a significant energy cost as you have to repeat it plus you lose significant health on those toons.

    Follow the new raid structure:
    Immediately add new crates for just finishing sectors so don't have to wait for gear that could used in the next section (as in raid personal rewards system). Basically split the current creates so shards etc. stay in current crates. At least the boredom is less.
    Add a pass mode if a battle is too difficult or lower difficulty (add free consumable) like in the new raids for little or no reward for that battle. Too many times with barely pass a battle to breeze the next one.

    Create a realistic mode for those early stage gamers. Really see Nooch's free to play Jabba videos and account as the upper end of what people can do. He is very experienced so if he cannot get near the 300 crate then you have a problem.
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    1. In the sector screen, near total keycards, add additional info:
    Nodes keycards: 50 / 60
    Feats: 10 / 20
    Boss: 10 / 30
    For easy tracking the progress and find missed keycards without scrolling forward\backward.

    2. In the sector screen, add Left and Right buttons near the title for easy switching the sectors without going back to the main screen.
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    Let's use this thread and steer the energy in a different direction than at each other.

    Lemme know what you like and dislike about Conquest.
    What would you change? How would that change affect the game?


    I like X because of Y
    I dislike X because of Y
    I think it should do X because of Y and it'll make the game do 5

    I love formatting, FYI

    Suggested change

    - The conquest characters earned every three months have been great, overall. I very tangible way to earn a unit, and a very good way of introducing a consistent flow of Journey Guide level units into the game
    - I like that some conquest have themed boss nodes, like the KOTR themed conquest a few iterations back. Anything that adds flavor to a swgoh battle is good, and having a series of boss battles across 5 sectors build to a theme is cool
    - The changes to the Pass+ over past year have made it actually worth the extra cost, with the consummables letting you skip feats along with the very strong data disk
    - Iterating conquets every 3 months (changing feats etc) is good, though some of the feats come back a little too often
    - Simming of treasure nodes has been FANTASTIC, this saves so much time for players farming DCs

    - the time required to grind feats is immense, too much I would say. Conquest takes an hour or so a day, which is a lot
    - So many of the feats are too repetitive and grindy. I like that some of the sector "Kill with this charcter" were lowered to 10 lately, but 40 wins with a faction is too much, especially when some of those factions only have one viable team. The increase to "inflict this debuff" to 300 times this recent conquest was really, really egregious. 300! It was 40-60 for the past two years and now buff/debuffs have to be applied 300 times? (I know there are tricks to it, but it still should be quintupled)
    - Energy refresh rate is very low, I don't know if it would be possible to add a 45 conquest energy to one of the daily times, since conquest is only there 50% of the days. but it would be nice

    Suggested Changes
    - Increase energy refresh or add a bonus to energy to claim
    - Reduce feats down to 10 or 20 wins/kills, even if there are more feats with more teams
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    Consistent red crate achiever here.


    1. I really enjoy the mode in theory. Lots of battles means lots to do, lets me use teams that I don't think of as often
    2. relatively simple to understand. complete a battle, move forward. Simple linear progression.
    3. The Datacron drops - ESPECIALLY the new mini nodes in sec 1-3. I feel like the drops have been relatively well balanced, but those extra drops meant more datacron material while I grind out my LS Mando feats
    4. The $10 conquest pass - the value is really good IF you play for it and get to those high levels. The omnicrons alone... this feels akin to a battle pass system being adopted in other games and I respect that it's a fair price.
    5. New Portraits and Titles - Underrated aspect of the game in my opinion.
    6. Price of modifiers/Sim Packs: When I'm working on something specific, 8 keycards for a sim pack is not a bad deal. those modifiers can have value for specific feats.

    1. Y'all gotta shuffle the teams up. There are HUNDREDS of team combinations in game, and yet I'm fighting GAS and Barriss Starkiller 5 times in a sector? It really discourages wider use of the roster, which i think was supposed to be the goal of conquest/the game as a whole. Instead - I use the same teams to defeat the teams that crop up constantly, because I already know what works. Especially by Sector 5.... Not every team in game is viable but at full r9/zetas with overprepared even something like a Zam Wessel lead is going to hurt.
    2. Lack of interesting modifiers: battles aren't different enough. maybe add in more mini bosses without feats, but on those mini bosses things like the overheat/frostbite mechanics from galactic challenges are present.
    3. 40 is too many battles for a feat. I would rather do more feats with smaller goalposts than have to do 40 of anything.
    4. This is gonna be controversial. Lack of ship nodes. I personally wouldn't mind it.... Maybe as boss nodes. I like using my whole collection, not the same 6 teams for 80 battles a week.
    5. Scavenger Node reward mechanics: i buy most of the stock in sectors 1-3, and nothing after. the lack of options in the scavenger by sector 5 is super disheartening every time, just feels like a free space rather than a reward. We get enough r8/r9 material elsewhere.
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    Consistent red crate achiever here.

    4. The $10 conquest pass - the value is really good IF you play for it and get to those high levels. The omnicrons alone... this feels akin to a battle pass system being adopted in other games and I respect that it's a fair price.

    Is it just the 2 omicrons in the initial Conquest Milestone Prize Box or are there more further down the line on the conquest pass track?
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    - Battling through the actual 5 sectors, great challenge
    - £10 pass great value and makes a huge difference to my outlook of conquest making characters achievable in 4
    - lots of the feats that add a challenge to the difficulty of conquest.

    - increasing feats based around having the new characters, I accept it has to be part of it but less could achieve the same intended outcomes.
    - The whole layout, cost of data discs swapping. Nightmare all round.

    Suggested change:
    - communicate intended level for people to achieve red, gold crate etc. Would put a lot of conversation to bed.
    - make it fun again, be creative, at the very least make it thematic to the unlock. We're in darth banes conquest should be a whole sith experience. Honestly feels really lazy from a players perspective like we're not worth the effort of a good, fun experience because you know we realistically have to/will play it regardless.
    - Conquest should be about reaching the end not completing feats. It almost becomes a week of getting through and a week of feats.
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    Just going to emphasize some things as i basically agree with everyone.

    Yes to more possible opponents. Yes to fewer grindy feats even if this means more feats I.e splitting a win forty with x team into 2 or 4 feats that require 20 or 10 wins.

    I’m not against conquest requiring 160-200 battles to red crate just make it less boring by having us do more things with less frequency. Everyone who invests in dcs is going to spend more crystals than is required for the red crate so bring the fun back.
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    Likes : the relic/mod mats are great
    Chance to farm a New characters is great (if you can get the higher reward boxes)
    Data Disks get same ones just different color
    Too much of a grind
    ridiculous fast teams to battle
    bogus feats (new shiny characters) Only those who spend $ would have

    Halfway through Sector 3 plus (hard difficultly) my roster is basically useless get destroyed in the opening barrage

    other then slkr/cls teams only two to 3* a node is very disappointing
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    - the challenge of figuring out the most efficient squads to complete progress across a sector within a day despite have four feats that have little or no overlap.
    - sims
    - Data disks make it interesting, allow you to win battles fast or drag it out for the do something 40+ times that only has one or a few toons that can do it.
    - Option to essentially pay for a head start, faster energy regeneration, more rewards

    - data disk UI is awful to switch disks. Needs words, the symbols are useless
    - Feats that only a single toon can accomplish in a single battle forcing me to lose so I can preserve the squad to repeat for another loss. Battling for five or ten minutes on a non-treasure node over and over for five points sucks.
    - The hard path has little variety in squads you face in the hard node.
    - Disk reward randomness and duplicate choices on one node while also not rewarding higher level disks as you progress. My final boss node offered green and white disks as example.

    - change disk UI
    - include more omicrons on the highest cost pass; I’m already paying $90 for advantage to red crate three times for one toon that my not be a significant advance (Trench… I should have never put a relic on him)
    - Program to not allow duplication of disk options on one node; only blue and purple disks beyond sector 3 mid-boss.
    - Less feats that require the same toon to succeed or a narrow faction like five named Ewoks, Tuskens, etc…
    - Have the squads necessary to win the red crate somehow tie into the conquest reward toon. Bane is Sith, nothing in this conquest is sith specific it’s actually Sith avoidance. And somehow no Jedi only type feats to be the opposite of Bane instead we have lots of resistance, first order, mandalorian, bounty hunter, empire and clone feats.
    - maybe more feats per zone but less total things need to be accomplished. Instead of kill 50 with clones, kill 25 with clones and 25 with IT as two feats for less points each, like early on.
    - Incorporate ships somehow, maybe a non-meta fleet mid-boss or treasure node
    - Consumables for factions that accomplish zero feats should be removed, nothing in this set of feats require an NS squad but I have probably 5 consumables that benefit their use and they cannot win many hard level battles.
    - start on a TW join day for life balance
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    BuT If iT'S FuN yOU wON'T spEnD MOnEy!
  • commander_unknown01
    152 posts Member
    edited February 2
    - the fact that everyone has a chance to unlock a character at the same time (no disparity between whales and f2p)
    - the fact that you can get an excellent toon for such cheap investment
    - feats that are unique in nature or require you to use your head a bit

    - the duration to farm the feats to achieve red crate (if we go with just 50s refreshes it takes anywhere between 8 to 12 days to complete it).
    - DC nodes. I dislike that DC is restricted to Conquest or shops (shops are even worse as the SSC is needed to buy gears more than DC).If you are gonna keep DC, it needs to be available a bit more than 28 days out of 4 months (it's life cycle) It needs to be available in other game modes too
    - crystal investment. We are finding too many sources to use crystals but not enough income. I know this a resource management game, but when was the last time you added crystals as a reward or increased it in any game mode
    - 22 battles per sector.
    - feats requiring more than 1 marquee or latest shiny toons (I'm 12.3M GP, but even I dislike it when I see GL Leia being a requirement for a feat)
    - data disk interface or the lack of it
    - not being able to view stamina without having to have atleast 20 energy
    - energy recharge rate

    - please reduce the number of battles per sector to 14 (as earlier) from the current 22. We can still farm feats on DC node.
    - if you are not gonna improve the energy recharge rate, please add a bonus energy drop when conquest is going on
    - scale the requirements for feats. 500 DoTs for 5 keycards is not the same, even if it is sort of easy with the right data disk
    - data disk availability. The golden path still doesn't reward good data disk. There is just a chance of having good ones. This needs to be improved
    - multiple data disk on same node (this is something I'm pretty sure everyone has a gripe about)
    - maybe widen the feats that require certain toons to the faction as a whole. For example: 100 kills with Veers or Piett could be made to 100 kills with Veers or Piett **OR** 300 kills with IT
    - add more relic mats to the max crate. We shouldn't be punished for chasing max crate.

    Overall, conquest is still a very good mode
    But the timing of it combined with battling 110 nodes then farming DCs AND hoping you get good RNG of getting the good/correct DC targets is a repeated and exhausting chore
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    5 Sectors is nice, good amount of battles. Disks are fun and so are the bonus consumables like the current darth bane. Stamina use adn regen seems to be on point.

    Same 5 teams is seems like through all 5 sectors and WAY over powered. Feels lazy like all that was done is up all stats and preload TM. Things like ewoks, they out run you and daze you and anytime you assist you're stunned, its overkill, again, feels lazy and difficult for no reason. Same data disks always show up, not much variety and sometimes you get an option of 6 useless disks with 4 being almost exactly the same. The feats are far too grindy. I really enjoyed the first couple conquest, they were fun and i looked forward to them, mostly just cost time and crystals for refreshes. Now it feels like a chore or job and has more than a few times made me feel like just walking from the game altogether. You have to do it to unlock characters and ships but it saps the life out of me, especially when tb and gac run at the same time, i feel its a mobile game that I cant put down for more than 4 hours or Im losing out on something. Back to the feats, needing 40 wins with a team, 300 of something or very specific character kills is rough. Day one players maybe a bit easier but i feel most players dont have 7 * relic brand new characters to do some of the feats and it further divides the gap between new and old players a little TOO much. And last, conquest, just silly hard for a lot of the battles which are meant for new players to catch up.

    What I would change:
    Reduce the requirements for feats, instead of 40 battles, make it 20. If you need kills say currently veers and piett, make it all imp troopers. Instead of 300 foresight, go with 100. And reduce the power of some of the teams. So many you can't counter attack, assist, debuff or stun (other than data disks). Let data disks contribute to feats is an alternative, if you need 500 dots, lets the data disks help. More variety in teams you face with more realistic strength. For example put a dr aphra in somewhere but make her r7 or r8 whatever with max stats, but not amplified. I would love to be able to try counters that could help me in gac etc where it doesnt cost me anything. Perhaps for data disks or another benefit, have a node for fleets? Could reward a cool data disk or a neat consumable etc. For conquest I would lower the difficulty a bit and perhaps double rewards for OLD releases like RC and cat. At current rate it would take about 16 conquests to unlock an old character, its a tad much, again for a system thats meant to catch new and returning players up.
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    It is interesting to see so many different people have the view of this game mode. I personally don't mind it under certain circumstances, it can be enjoyable to play it when there is nothing else to do and defo slowly grind towards certain feats. I certainly do miss it when its gone as it is almost all encompassing for the 2 weeks it is live. But given this, i wouldn't say its the most enjoyable given the complexity and planning required to get the right feats done so you don't miss out.

    However, there are a number of things i do not like about it. Back when it was released they made some of the feats somewhat relevant to the toon being released. for example if the next conquest character, which is light side, is Satile Shan or Zen Vallow to bring a boost to Old republic Jedi then i would expect the feats to be around winning battles with Darth Malgus, Darth/Jedi Revan, Malak, Bastilla Shan (LS), Carth etc, basically things Old Republic and Sith Empire based. That in my mind would make more sense, and it would still require people to level up some of the toons like Carths squad if you wanted to state they were to be non jedi/sith based.

    I've seen people as well state that people who hate this mode don't have great rosters, which i think is quite naive. I Have 9.8million GP and quite a well rounded roster, but i haven't got Leia, and only just began farming her requirements meaning Drogan, Scout Trooper, Captain Rex, EWOKS, are all either under geared or requires a cheesey way to get the feat. Also Tuskens in this Feat list made no sense, and unless all the tuskens are required for something other than these 3 conquest feats i have no real motivation to go for them as to me they have no added value in the long run at the moment.

    All in all i think conquest can have merits, and is certainly useful for gear, and Datacron farming (which is topic on its own), but these awful feats make it a real annoyance for those who are not sweaty harcore whales or sharks
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    1. keeps un entertained and engaged.
    2. New content

    1. Very small room for "error", as it's only 30 points to miss for red crate in hard.
    2. Some fests are clearly only for p2p players (e.g. using toons which were recently added to the game).
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    • $10 pass is great - I buy it every time. Keep this.
    • Theory crafting to overcome silly feats - it's fun coming up with teams that accomplish feats efficiently.
    • Multi-taskable feats - If I have a wide enough roster I can work on more than one feat with a single team.
    • Disk synergies - VA + AA is a good example of this - Keep doing this.

    • $30 is nearly my whole monthly budget for this game - I just wouldn't get enough return for buying it.
    • Energy cost for disk swaps - it seems to only be a thing to make the $30 pass more appealing and discourages experimentation (read: fun).
    • Duplicate disks on a node - just echoing others sentiment here but it's been a gripe from day 1.
    • "Must Survive" feats are just annoying - less of this please.

    Easy Wins:
    • Let me switch sectors without backing out to the conquest 'home' screen - left and right arrows at the top please.
    • Feat progress tracker (this doesn't have to be limited to conquest - really we need this in GCs and for quests too)
    • Extra currency or additional rewards for staying on the challenge path - make it more compelling than "three more chances to get duplicate disks!"

    Wish List Items:
    • Improved Disk interface - it's workable but clunky - that being said I swap disks so rarely that it's almost not an issue because that costs energy.
    • Someone mentioned a disk upgrade system - that sounds neat!

    I actually don't have a problem with the feats most of the time - some of them are tedious and some of them are grindy - but for the most part a player with a large roster can manage with a little thought and care in planning. I wouldn't be sad to see some of these "40 battles" feats cut in half though.
    F2P since the last time I bought Kyros, Crystals, or the Conquest Pass.
  • Options
    This thread was ruined when Meathead derailed it.
  • Options
    I like the basic structure of it. Going through and killing teams for rewards.
    The option to use a relic 9 guest unit of the featured conquest character.
    We can sim datacron nodes.
    There are nodes for datacrons materials in lower sectors.

    Some of the modifiers on the teams.
    Multiple copies of the same data disk showing up on the same node.
    Having to use energy to swap disks.
    The UI to select data disks is hard to use.
    The number required for some of the feats are high.

    What I would change:
    Multiple copies of the same data disk should not show up on the same node.
    The UI for select data disks should allow me to see what a disk is more easily.
    No energy to swap disks.

    How would change affect game:
    With stamina and energy use, I don't see how removing the energy to swap disks would be a problem.
  • Options
    Screerider wrote: »
    This thread was ruined when Meathead derailed it.

    Unless he actually takes the feedback and makes improvements that the community wants off the back of it. This is an opportunity for a massive PR win for CG and for a big QoL update for players. Win-win.
    Account started June 2020. 100% FTP. 8.2m GP. JMK, JML, SLKR, and SEE. Exe and Levi. Ally code 117-269-921. Swgoh.gg
  • Caedus95
    2 posts Member
    edited February 4
    -what i like:
    The whole idea, this game mode really gives me (ok, ngl, USED TO give me, until Taron) a lot fun
    -multiple bonus battles per sector is a nice addition to my colection :)
    What i dislike
    -you removed zealous ambition
    - good discs being much RNG dependent
    -every 3 conquest cadence gets harder. Since the Taron season it's impossible for me to achieve the best chest
    What i'd like to change
    -please give me back my zealous ambition
    -more doable, less money dependent or RNG dependent feats. I mean i'd rather win 40 battles with faction X than get 10 frags with a certain character. I get you want us to focus on recent content, just please make it a little bit more F2P friendly. I have 10,8M GP and it sucks to barely being able to get the 6th (the gold one) chest, with zero chance for the 7th (the red one). I mean for example "win with full rebel/empire/FO/resi/jedi/sith/ufu/etc" is a nice feat, "win with LS mandos" is ok, "win with ls mandos and no losses" is awful, and "win with certain 5 characters" is totally terrible. Also feats based on an extremely rare buff/debuff are zero fun

    Edit: i'm glad you removed the OP/broken old phoenix modifier, maybe you can do something with the padme team?
    Edit2: and maybe more variety of enemies? And some fleet nodes?
    Post edited by Caedus95 on
  • Options
    Screerider wrote: »
    This thread was ruined when Meathead derailed it.

    Unless he actually takes the feedback and makes improvements that the community wants off the back of it. This is an opportunity for a massive PR win for CG and for a big QoL update for players. Win-win.
    This is far from the first time people have posted their thoughts on Conquest. Why would CG start listening now?

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    But this one of the first times a mod had us restructure the entire thread
  • cboath7
    467 posts Member
    edited February 4
    LordDirt wrote: »
    LordDirt wrote: »
    Ranzono wrote: »
    LordDirt wrote: »
    Getting a great character and all the extras for around 6,000 crystals is worth it IMO.

    Newer characters cost 4,000 crystals for 50 shards in the Weekly Shipment store!

    Each conquest cycle you get:
    A strong character or ship
    90 shards of the past conquest character (shard store currency)
    30 flawed signal data
    30 incomplete signal data
    30 fragmented signal data
    30 aeromagnifier
    15 zinbiddle cards
    15 electrium conductors
    30 aurodium heatsink
    15 chromium transistors
    30 bronzium wiring
    30 carbonite circuit boards
    15 zeta material
    6 omicron material
    plus lots of other gear and datacron material and mod material

    How many crystals would it cost for all of that?

    If you have an cracked roster, which not all of us have

    So then conquest doesnt suck, your roster does

    My roster is good for it. But a lame reply. I have respect for f2p accounts. If your roster makes you feel above anyone here then your doing it wrong.

    The issues with conquest are the issue with most new releases, everyone thinks they are entitled to every new thing in this game no matter where they are in the game.

    I would completely disagree with that. I don't think people should be able to clear everything to box 7 all the time. However, I do think if you are not spending big or been around since day 1 and don't have all the latest toons that you shouldn't be capped at box 3 or 4 as a result.

    Its huge failing is changing it's original intent. The original intent was to test the depth of rosters. Now? It's solely to force you to pay up to get all the latest toons so you can have a chance at box 7.

    If you have to force bottlenecks (i.e. gimmicks) into your game to force people to spend money, that tells you all you need to know about the design of your game.

    As far as likes/dislikes:

    -I like it as a roster test
    -I like it as an ability to do things/use teams you wouldn't ordinarily use
    -I don't have a problem with the rewards

    -Losing energy in a loss
    -As others have stated, 40x feats are too grindy. As are do this 300x.
    -The fact that's it's gated to those with all the latest toons. As stated above, someone around years who isn't on the newest toons - of which you have to pay to get to the level you need them - shouldn't be capped at box 4 as a result. The original intent was testing depth - not being up to date with all the newest stuff.

    -return to testing depth, not testing if you have the new stuff.
    -reduce feat thresholds
    -don't take energy away on losses
  • Options
    Screerider wrote: »
    Screerider wrote: »
    This thread was ruined when Meathead derailed it.

    Unless he actually takes the feedback and makes improvements that the community wants off the back of it. This is an opportunity for a massive PR win for CG and for a big QoL update for players. Win-win.
    This is far from the first time people have posted their thoughts on Conquest. Why would CG start listening now?

    Because Meathead actively engaged with the thread to get players feedback. That doesn’t happen often.
    Account started June 2020. 100% FTP. 8.2m GP. JMK, JML, SLKR, and SEE. Exe and Levi. Ally code 117-269-921. Swgoh.gg
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