What new character would you wannna see added?


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    Quinlan Vos
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    None. We have loads already
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    None. We have loads already

    I mean like a month to catchup might be nice for some people
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    brunokj wrote: »
    Quinlan Vos

    If I wanted another GR Jedi, that is the one I'd want, not the 2 we are getting soon for Padme.

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    A cool character variant would be Prototype Boba Fett
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    Depa Billaba former Padawan of Mace Windu,Master to Caleb Dume/Kanan Jarrus.
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    Jek-14 would also be awesome to see.
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    Kingofd0p3 wrote: »
    Eternal twins and valkorian
    Vaylin conquest lifter for GL vitiate
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    Anya Forger from 'Spy X Family'

    Basic: Killer Punch! Kapow!

    Deal Physical damage to target enemy and Stun them for 1 turn.

    Special 1: Peanut Bomb (Cooldown: 3)

    Deal Physical damage to all enemies and inflict Daze for 2 turns.

    Special 2: Heh (Cooldown: 3)

    Taunt for 2 turns and inflict Provoked on the target enemy for 2 turns.

    Unique: Test Subject 007

    Anya has +300% Evasion against enemy attacks.
  • Zombefyer
    624 posts Member
    edited April 22
    The Sixth Brother, who would give the Inquisitorius TB Utility through his Omicron
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    Lego Toons
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    King Katuunko could also be cool. I don’t think there are any toydarians in Galaxy of Heroes yet.
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    Mortis, and the Ashoka characters
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    darthjjj wrote: »
    Mortis, and the Ashoka characters
    I am surprised those characters aren’t already in the game!
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    TU-TOR from Lego Star Wars: Castaways actually has a pretty cool design. Would be neat to actually see the character fight.
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    I'm surprised that the Red Five ship isn't in game
    darthjjj wrote: »
    Mortis, and the Ashoka characters
    I am surprised those characters aren’t already in the game!

  • Monel
    2789 posts Member
    Galactic Legend Hondo
  • Freemaker_Fan
    14 posts Member
    edited April 25
    I feel like it would be cool if more of the minor Clone Wars characters were included in the game. Along the lines of OOM-10 (the commander droid of R2’s battle droid squadron), Hevy (the clone who sacrificed himself in Rookies), and R3-S6 (the astromech spy that tried to replace R2)
    Post edited by Freemaker_Fan on
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    Hold on! I just realized that Garindan (the imperial spy from episode four) isn’t in this game. That is actually quite surprising.
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    Episode 1 Anakin. For a new pod race game mode. Can kinda base it off the speeder bike raid but actually race other players. Instead of fleet battles or territory wars, have your guild go against other guilds in a series of pod racers. Maybe like a whole new set of ships but pod racers you can unlock and upgrade… Just a thought
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    IrieLion wrote: »
    Episode 1 Anakin. For a new pod race game mode. Can kinda base it off the speeder bike raid but actually race other players. Instead of fleet battles or territory wars, have your guild go against other guilds in a series of pod racers. Maybe like a whole new set of ships but pod racers you can unlock and upgrade… Just a thought

    That sounds really fun! And I am assuming the dark side counterpart of ep. 1 Anakin would of course be Sebulba. Could be quite interesting.
  • BigJohnson
    27 posts Member
    edited April 28
    Easy, Quinlon Vos. But I'm guessing we'll only see a possible Vos when the media writers delve into the underground railroad for force sensitive children and revisit Ventress, until then, he's unlikely to make an appearance in game. Though, imo, he shoulda already been in game a loooong time ago. I've always found his character model one of the cooler models, and Dark Disciple was one of my favorite reads ever, as well as the Ziro the Hutt episodes of clone wars. He's one of the best, but least visited, Jedi. Having a new UFU/soundrel Ventress model, with hair, with a GR/Jedi Quinlon Vos and synergies when used together in game, would be something I'd not mind forking over some dollars for. Could even lead to a General Enigma dark side version with Dooku synergies. Wishful thinking I guess.
    Post edited by BigJohnson on
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    I would love a few more clones from Clone Wars so we could have 3 clone teams. Maybe a team led by one of the existing Jedi that’s not used currently. Like, make Ima Gun Di OP in Grand Arena with them or something.
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    I feel a creature that could be pretty cool to see in the game is the zombie stormtroopers from the Death Trooper books. Could have some pretty unique abilities.
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    I would love a few more clones from Clone Wars so we could have 3 clone teams. Maybe a team led by one of the existing Jedi that’s not used currently. Like, make Ima Gun Di OP in Grand Arena with them or something.
    Shaak was already the Clone leader before GAS showed up & stole them.
    Clone Commando (Tank/DPS) + Clone Medic (Heal/Rez)
    Slap them w/ Cody & Sgt & call it a day!


    For existing Jedi, what we really need is something like the Quinlan Vos mentioned above that will renovate the entire GR-Jedi faction similar to what Qui-Gon, Beq, & KAM have all done in small parts, only, better :)
    Not quite sure how to do it w/o making the team OP by using better Jedi on it, but something to call out to all those unused GR/Jedi would be nice.
    It would probably require some Kit-Reworks to give them all more synergy with each other.
    How Marauder calls out to other Clone Ships or Padme/Anakin/GK/Snips all fed off each other.

    Maybe something like a Lead that gives boosts by Role
    Attacker +50% Offense
    Tank +50% Defense
    Healer +50% Health
    Support +50% Protection
    Then call out to a list of GR Jedi names & say Triple for any of these characters.
    List = Aayla, Eeth, Ima, Consular, Guardian, Kit, Lumi, & Plo
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    All you really need is a new sub-faction. We have R1 and Phx as sub-factions of Rebels. Make a "Front Line Jedi" faction and put the sub-par Jedi in it. Or call it anything else you like, but just make it those Jedi who need the help.
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    I just thought of probably what would be the greatest addition to this game ever: Gonkatine, from Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
  • Seighz
    21 posts Member
    edited April 29
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    Crosshair #1
    Meebur gascon to lead a droid team
    Cobb vanth
    Agent kallus
    Clones like wolffe, gregor
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    Blizz. He was a Jawa from Old Republic era who was also a bounty hunter. It would be great to have a toon that can have synergy with Jawas and/or Bounty Hunters and/or Old Republic. Plus: a rocket launcher was one of his weapons!
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