Please extend this Yoda event (Yoda Event merged threads)



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    Should be able to get qgj to 7* last day or 2nd to last. Have him at 71/100 after double refreshes today. Some days I can do that some I cant
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    Kosar wrote: »
    So the, I'm sure, unforseen consequence of Luminara's heal now being a dispellable buff is her inability to go into this Yoda fight. Once you inevitably heal with her, Yoda starts spamming his aoe trying to steal it. He apparently can't steal it, but it doesn't stop him from trying by using it every other turn... Which is a lot of turns... Yoda was already a mess, but watching that happen to my buddy was hilarious for the sheer fact it proves you can fix one thing in any game but you'll inevitably break another.

    So is this currently making the Yoda event easier to complete? If so I need to hurry!!
  • Barrok
    1754 posts Member
    Kalo wrote: »
    Thanks, CG! Got my 7* Yoda today. Missed the last event by 2 days. Also on 1st try with JKG and Barris hanging with the green guy. Just lucky or did they perhaps drop the difficulty level?

    Congrats! Glad to see someone happy about this surprise!
  • Barrok
    1754 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Qeltar wrote: »
    Heisen wrote: »
    Once again, it seems the point just flies over your head.

    It's deliberate, don't waste your time. You can't possibly reason with anyone who uses straw man "logic" like "a couple of people thought 'RETURNING SOON' meant never, so there's no reason to complain about bringing him back when many people aren't ready for the event". Might as well bang your head on a wall.

    Pretty sure you can't see past your own selfishness. You want 7* yoda bad but because you can't get him this go around you are mad.

    Whatever. Of all the things to be upset about with this game changing update, this is scraping the bottom.
  • InternetSwag
    2658 posts Member
    edited March 2016
    Qeltar wrote: »
    DV_27 wrote: »
    I need 71 barriss shards. Do you think it can be done with 2 refreshes and her hard nodes
    On average that is good for 12 shards per day. So in theory yes. You can also splurge on an extra refresh or two if you need, or watch for her in the shard shop or shipments.
    Does only give you 1 or 2 days to actually do the fight. I will be in the same boat, and that's only if Anakin is a good boy.. and Anakin doesn't like to be a good boy. :)

    Yeah you're pretty much right on the mark for a Yoda, of course assuming that RNG doesn't hate you and that Yoda hasn't been raised to like level 80++ (but who even knows at this point, it's all just speculation.)

    Edit: Seems somebody already got him. I reckon he's balanced for 70 still yay :)
    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
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    One week after level raise and I think you guys are probably going to have a serious problem winning this. Probably Yoda is geared better (seems impossible) and his two minions will be level 80 and best bet for any competitors given 5500 level 70 to 71 is that you guys are level 73,74 end of the challenge the credit requirement for five jedi able to beat Yoda is likely going to be awful. Wouldn't worry about him coming a week early... Surprise?!? That's my complaint... fulfilling what you would say you would do what you already had given many of us isn't a surprise. I was just simply dispirited logging into this game an hour ago with the level 80 cap and 1.7 million credits and 5500 to go to level 71.... Grind... Farm... Till I snap...
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    Need 37(63/100) more shard for both ahsoka and jc, hope i can make it
    At least i gonna have 2 trophy char now.......beside 4* vader
    (If this "that surprise", well im disappointed)
    the cake is a lie
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    Barrok wrote: »
    Qeltar wrote: »
    Barrok wrote: »
    Wow, for the last week a thread has been going about Yoda never coming back.. and they bring him back and people complain.

    Geez, the internet is amazing!

    You are smarter than this. You know what the issue is.

    Lol. Sure. There is a thread complaining about it not coming back... and they bring it back and you whine. You should be happy it is back! You think these guys should be tied to some schedule the great grandmaster Qeltar creates... but it doesn't work like that. They never claimed that it would follow a rigid schedule. Geez, you need to settle down and be glad it's back and work to get your Yoda. If you don't get it this time you will get it next time. It's a game dude...


    That was priceless :)
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    I don't think there is a need to extend the event... It's fine at one week a month as it is... If you can't get it this month there is always next. If they extend it, I honestly think it runs the risk of EVERYONE using Yoda... I'm tired of seeing all the cookie cutter decks as it is. Let's have some diversity.
  • Timitock
    2844 posts Member
    My Yoda is 6* now and that is great.

    I can't get Ahsoka to 7* in 7 days and that makes me sad.

    As long as this isnt my last chance, I can live with it.
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    Timitock wrote: »
    My Yoda is 6* now and that is great.

    I can't get Ahsoka to 7* in 7 days and that makes me sad.

    As long as this isnt my last chance, I can live with it.

    It won't be your last chance....keep working on Ahsoka :)
  • Kurgen
    226 posts Member

    Unfair, Yoda is never coming back....

    Unfair, you brought Yoda back too soon.....

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    Kurgen wrote: »

    Unfair, Yoda is never coming back....

    Unfair, you brought Yoda back too soon.....


    But....But....But :)
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    Kurgen wrote: »

    Unfair, Yoda is never coming back....

    Unfair, you brought Yoda back too soon.....

    Lack of communication.
    | John Salera is my favorite Sith Lord |
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    I'm about 60 shards shy of having a 5th Jedi at 7*. I had planned to do this event in another week or two. Kinda disappointed but oh well.
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    Kurgen wrote: »

    Unfair, Yoda is never coming back....

    Unfair, you brought Yoda back too soon.....

    Lack of communication.

    "Returning Soon" is a lack of communication?
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    Heisen wrote: »
    Barrok wrote: »
    Wow, for the last week a thread has been going about Yoda never coming back.. and they bring him back and people complain.

    Geez, the internet is amazing!

    The point is that it was without notice. Why remove the timer in the first place then? The timing of this messed me up because if it followed the normal pattern as I had assumed I would have gotten 7* Yoda but now I'll have to wait another month... make sense?

    I agree, i will be a week shy of my 5 seven star Jedi. If I would have known he was coming a week earlier, I would have bought more refreshes. Looks like I'll be waiting another month.
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    Topic closed. Per request of O.P.
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