Anyone else having issues with Tier IV tank challenge?

I was beating the Tier III easily before, but not Mace just runs rough shod all over my team. Now I feel like I have to stop farming the players I'm working on just to work on my tanks.

My squad
6* Poe Level 70 level 8 gear
5* FOST Level 72 level 8 gear
4* Chewie Level 65 level 6 gear
3* Royal Guard level 65 level 7 gear
2* Jedi Guardian level 34 level 4 gear


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  • darkensoul
    1309 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Drop jkg for teebo probably at least 4*
  • Baggodi
    404 posts Member
    You've got a long road ahead. My tank squad is mostly 4 and 5 star with well developed skills and gear and it still took me some tweaking of characters to get past it.
    It's just another way the devs are trying to force you to spend.
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    Yeah I can't even come close to passing it. Mace mows through my mostly unleveled tanks like nothing. My friend has RG, Poe at 7* and the rest above 5* and still has trouble beating it.
  • LRMoser
    139 posts Member
    I would suggest to not undo everything you are working on for it. I had some problems too and started filtering some resources to characters for this.
    Looking at your line-up I say Royal guard is the best guy to level up. He is useful in later in the game and his stun can keep Mace from attacking. Also the Jedi guardian is very weak but I would suggest to add Teebo to the group. As a leader his stealth turn meter reduction combo has made this more easy.
    I Run these guys and can't sim it but I always beat it.
    6* Teebo Lvl 53 Gear 6
    6* Chewy lvl 63 Gear 7
    6* Old Ben lvl 71 Gear 8
    5* Royal Guard lvl 54 gear 6
    5* Mace lvl 59 gear 7

  • Barrok
    1754 posts Member
    It's definitely tougher. The good thing is the new purple item can't be used till lvl 81, I believe. So I have actually been auto'ing through the previous tier challenge just for the wrenches :P. As for my ability to complete the highest tier, it's quite a bit easier if you got a high ranked RG. Stunning Mace makes a world of difference.
  • StarSon
    7494 posts Member
    I have trouble with it, too, though can always beat it if I run it manually. Sometimes I can auto it if I pick Mace at the end. I use:

    4* Ben (L) G8
    4* Chewie G6
    4* FOST G7
    6* Poe G8
    6* Mace G8

    I agree that RG is a good toon to level up to help you here and elsewhere. And Teebo is a good option to farm from somewhere else as well. But it can be a tough decision to work on toons you only need for challenges.
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    Thanks for the Teebo idea guys. JKG is certainly too hard to farm, and I had a 2* Teebo sitting around. Not a big deal to switch to farming him in GW since I was just farming Poggle (6* already) and I had no immediate plans to use Poggle. I recently started farming RG too and he should be up to 4* tomorrow. Do you guys think chewie up to 5* is necessary as well?
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    2* Teebo should be enough. That's all it took to get me over the edge.
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    Trevor was the key for me. Just beat it, finally, with him at level 63 4* Gear 6, with his leader ability at level 5. Even still, needed some RNG luck and finished with one toon left.
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    Well my tanks aren't to good all sits at4* except for IG-100 who just hit 5*;
    I run:
    CT-5555, RG, FOST, Chewbacka, and mentioned Magnaguard.- theyr lvls range from 50to72 for IG ofc. Auto wins about 30%, but on manual I can get past him most of the time.
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    Mace resists stun 2/3 times.
    His speed was doubled.
    He automatically KOs 1 each turn with his normal attack (20+k DMG)

    .... That's insane.
    The previous challenge was silly easy and this one is clearly ungodly.... What the heck were they thinking!?

    What's the point of that 2-turn KO attack with the skull if his NORMAL attack is a guaranteed KO anyway.... -_-
  • LRMoser
    139 posts Member
    What team are you running and how geared up, leveled, and starred are they. I am assuming they are under leveled for the challenge level.
  • slampdx
    478 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Maybe go back a tier until your team is ready idk tho. It's been easy for me
    Just boring
  • Nonemo
    1656 posts Member
    Go back a tier, train your tanks and try again later. Next!
  • Akster
    571 posts Member
    I stun him fairly consistently with royal guard. Sometimes he can attack 3 times in a row and will oneshot MOST characters (he fails to oneshot old ben)

    It is the first challenge to actually have any challenge, but it is certainly doable, one of the characters I use is a lvl 40 something melle robot guy (cant remember its name)

    Win more often than I don't thanks to RG being able to stun him, he still takes out half the team though. It is not ridiculous, it is just the first challenge anyone finds remotely challenging, feeling as if it should be a walk in the park like everything that came before.
  • Pleblo
    52 posts Member
    I had to go back also all of my tanks are in the 40-50's and not over 4 star. Most 2 star.
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    RG is very helpful for this. At low *, he'll only take 1 shot from Mace. But with good gear he'll have enough potency to stun Mace early and if you can keep him stunned it's trivial.
  • Varlie
    1286 posts Member
    Unfortunately, what LRMoser and Nonemo have suggested is the correct answer. They designed these Tiers to be difficult without specific levels and geared characters. I don't think you need any specific character, although RG's stuns really help.
    If you are failing more than 90% of attempts, step back to Tier III until you get more of your characters geared up.
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    RG - 60, 4*, VII
    Han - 60, 5*, VII
    Chewy - 60, 4*, VII
    FOST - 60, 4*, VII
    Magnaguard - 50, 4*, V

    * could replace Magnaguard with Poe, but he's only 3* and under geared as well.
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    I literally went from not taking a single hit from Mace to entire team being taken out in 1 hit from normal attack, one by one, each turn.
  • Mstrdrgn1012
    441 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    My last fight, he resisted all of RG's stuns; couldn't stun him once. =\

    And RG is the most reliable stunner in my roster.
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    Mace's normal attack 1-hit KO, speed, and resist-rate is what ruins it for me.
  • Berimbolo
    946 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    You need to gear up RG to a gear 8, gains more potency which will get you more stuns
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    I still auto through it. Didn't even know it changed until I saw all the posts on here.
  • kalidor
    2121 posts Member
    Run Teebo as lead with RG and 3 other tanks. Between stuns and TM loss, it;s easy again like the previous tier. Chewie's also helpful with 50% chance to remove TM on primary attack.
    xSWCr - Nov '15 shard - kalidor-m
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    Yeah forget removing TM, mace now resist 100% of those.

    Guess I'll stick to the previous one until everyone's geared up.... Which will be never, because I've got about 6-7 other toons with higher priority.
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    It is a shame that you do not have Teebo. I have a team that is worse than yours, but I complete it because Teebo continually removes Mace's turn meter. In some matches, Mace never even gets a turn. There are several posts with advice about about this, but I am not sure it is possible with your current line up.
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    Teebo leader is the key. I use him, RG, chewy, Poe, and a throw away. Teebo only 3*, lvl 54, g7, but it's enough. Get your RG to g8 so he stuns consistently. I win 90% of my tries now with this somewhat under leveled team.

    Now, it is poorly destined and boring as heck, but It is beatable.
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    Get Teebo and reap the rewards. He at 3* G4 A3 he is just effective enough to remove TM. Your biggest issue to my eyes is that Han and FOST are your best damage dealers but don't have enough levels/stars to really dish it out, and at 4* don't have enough health to stand up to Mace. Work on them and then try again the next time around.
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