Message from the EP


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    they nerf ugnaught an veers why would they do that
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    You could stop about 90% of the complaints with two quick fixes

    1. increase health and protection regeneration for all toons on your bench during gw.
    2. lower the HP of the challenge bosses

    i actually like arena a little more now i think, though ill see how it plays out over the next few days.
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    One thing is obvious, folks are passionate about their game play. The ones who were truly enjoying the game and who were avid players took the time to come here, sign up and voice their opinions. If you, EA, decide it's enough for you to take is not a sign of weakness to admit or adjust your game, your creation, but a sign that you are more interested in your fan base than your ego and in nurturing your creation to help it survive.
    This is/was such a friggin' awesome game and I hate to see it turn into just another disaster that tried too hard, too fast to beat the charts or start trying to make so much money they can take out ads during the Super, ( some players will get that )
    The more we, the players, experience just how these things work, the less apt we will be in supporting the ventures of you, truly talented game creators, if the trend continues, what you bought yesterday can very well lose any worth it had today.
    Time is money, money is time...and fun and games should not become a battle...but stay, fun and games!
    Hope it all works out..we sure were having fun....
  • Supreme
    116 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    "Protection" doesn't change anything in Arena. I'm still running the same 5 toons before the update, still able to hit #1, still able to Win against ANY line-ups, just because you're able to run some other Leaders, doesn't make the game-play balance, or more diversified.

    Yeah sure people complained about 1HKO, or QGJ flooded leaderboard, Dooku flooded leaderboard.

    Does running out the timer on defense with, Fives, Savage Op, RG, Daka, Lumi, sitting in the top shards sound FUN?
  • Jedi2407
    782 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    I love how people complained that the speed meta was bad, but now complain that the game takes too long: pick your poison, people!
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    I really wanted to get a chance to play through many of the new mechanics on a lot of different squads and characters before giving any feedback.

    I'll be brief.

    I think the update was an overall positive for Arena. It took many of the ideas I've been proposing over the past few months and found a creative way to apply them (protection). Kudos.

    That said, I do not believe the complete re-balancing of characters was completely necessary. In fact, I think 'protection' alone would have sufficed (except for perhaps a small adjustment to Dooku who since day 1 I've argued was the most OP character in the game bar none). Arena battles tend to take a lot longer now but still fall in the 5minute range fairly easily; however, all of my characters feel very 'samey' now. I don't feel the excitement when I use certain characters that I used (Yoda is a very specific example... I have NO FREAKING CLUE why you would have nerfed the second hardest character in the game to obtain AT ALL).

    Honestly, it feels kinda drab now. Like the energy has literally been **** out of it. Hard to explain it but I believe it's simply less fun. Should have stuck to the protection mechanic only.

    Moving on... 'Protection' should have been limited to Arena only. It should have never been a game wide addition nor should the character balancing. This is not a console/PC title. It is a MOBILE title. Although I'm sure you guys have ambitions to be like 'the big boys' over in console/PC (and, you should be) mobile is not the place to showcase it. I'm sorry, my time for Dark Souls III and The Division are far more valuable than my time for a mobile title that is a fun grind when I'm otherwise not occupied. That said, I think it was a huge disservice to your playerbase to literally triple the amount of time this game demands per day to stay current. Battles and everything are just too much now and feel like they are dragging on and on and on when it's already clear in the first 30 seconds if you are winning or not. Which leads to...

    Challenges... Most of the challenges are probably still okay as far as completing them; however, the wrong logic was applied here. Harder is not better when the net result is still 'win' every time... That doesn't make them harder. That makes them LONGER. And, speaking for myself, I simply do not wish to spend 5+ minutes on each and every challenge. That's 40 MINUTES per day, except on Sunday when it is 135 MINUTES! That is an ABSOLUTELY RIDICULOUS expectation. Even a console/PC title does not demand that much time for DAILY activities! I'm not even considering special events in that time or the fact that some of the challenges (I'm looking at you STR) seem just flat out bugged. Which leads to...

    Special events. I actually like these! They are quicker, not so heartbreakingly time consuming and payout better rewards in most cases than other Challenges that require 10x more effort. These should be the model your Challenges are built off of! And, in the case of Ewoks, the fact that proceeds go directly to a worthy cause is even more outstanding. I greatly appreciate that.

    Now, for the big one... The main event of everyone's SWGoH day. GALACTIC WAR.

    **** were you guys thinking?! Seriously... You just barely came off all the blow back on GW from the previous changes a couple months ago and what do you do? Turn the dial right back up and completely break the entire mechanic of the thing! Seriously, what were you thinking? The 'protection' dynamic has no place in GW unless you are going to automatically refill it to full after each battle (tbh, at this point in the balance you should just reset all health and cooldowns between battles also as the characters are all so flat it probably wouldn't make much difference). Completing GW is a complete nightmare now. If you do beat it, you can plan on at least two hours to make it happen. I personally have more level 72++ characters with 7* than I can count without looking it up (and, I pretty much clear every GW except a couple during the bad times 1.5 months ago in the first go round on this) and I'm still six waves out from the end today sitting on toons that are getting destroyed by parties with essentially double the health pool. Let me tell you, it IS NOT a fun game mechanic to see all your specials wasted before the real battle can even begin (aka, you have no protection but you can't do anything to your opponents for two rounds while you wear them down). The attrition is absolutely ridiculous and unfair. I have enough top tier toons to make at least 4 squads and it still is an issue (that and the fact that the squads becoming insanely less powerful with each iteration).

    GW is completely broken by these changes. Completely. I mean, I can not stress this enough how broken it is. In fact, I have to wonder if you even considered it or tested it in congruence with these changes. It sure seems like you did not. It is FAR too long and FAR too unrewarding at this point. If you want it this hard, move the top rewards from beating it to the middle of it and add some truly insane rewards for completing it. Even then, it still won't be fun and will take too much time.

    TL;DR: The game in it's new state of balance simply takes FAR TOO MUCH TIME daily (over 3 hours if you want to clear all daily opportunities) to participate in at this point. It's not fun and it's driving me away from it. GW is completely broken. COMPLETELY BROKEN. Arena benefits from the 'protection' idea; however, the balancing of characters was a largely unnecessary change. 'Protection' would have been more than enough to level off Arena and increase diversity.

    Good luck. Call me when you fix things. I play your game so you have my number. I'll start playing again then. Until then, I'll most likely be taking a much needed break.

    I agree completely.
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    Started since December, never once whine or complained, be it the times when it was Phasma Meta, QGJ Meta, Dooku Meta.

    The only reason people picked this game, is because of the Star Wars franchise.
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    I agree with @ThePedroKid the special events are a good idea. More content with better payouts - more of this please!!!
    In terms of content i am also really looking forward to a guild / alliance event as well

    Could I also suggest a system where once you have unlocked a chromium only character - such as Aayla, kit fisto etc - then a node for farming them is unlocked with it - why would I bother paying to get a toon at 3 star that I am never going to be able to level up

    I think the anger at this update is coming from the fact you increased health and reduced damage - it should have been one or the other.

    Also there were only a couple of toons who needed a reduction in their attack strength and ironically they are the ones you haven't really touched!
  • Smithie
    1427 posts Member
    This is how bad this game has come my that I struggled to beat RG teams within 5 minutes!!! I finally beat them I am currently second.

    I have set my team up like this

    Lead Dooku
    Old Ben
    Han ST

    I have sat at 2nd all day.... Difficult to beat that within 5 minutes arena time.

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    I still hate the update. It's now nearly impossible to defeat anybody. Except me. Defeating me is now effortless. I'm so glad I spent so much time leveling my characters up so they can suck this badly. And the new health bars are stupid. The old ones were far better.
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    Kithryn wrote: »
    Even after playing through the Galactiic Wars and another day of challenges....

    The Defensive bar just feels like a tacky reminder that health bars shrank, in everything but pvp it matters for all of the first wave of a fight then it's pretty much gone. In the case of Galactice war I think I had a little bit left on one character after fight two.. Then it was the same thing as any other day, except less green over my teams head.

    The Challenges are a little more cumbersome by the damage nerf, I'm all for the bosses requiring some thought.... However, the Attacker Challange can't have been tested or wasn't implemented correctly, it just wasn't do able with the absured health pool the bosses had. Today's challenges are doable, but again health felt over tuned. It was more a matter of luck than actually being able to shut down the drones before they could murder half the team, but I guess the answer to that is using very key team builds... Which would be ironic considering the idea is to make more characters viable.

    In the end, I'd be glad to see Defense redone or just dropped, but I can live with... But the Challanges especially the attacker needs attention before it rolls around again. Maybe speed things up a bit, or just make the lead up to Bosses in challenges less monotonous or make them more colorful so they are at least interesting.

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    I agree with those who are angry about most of the changes. The difficulty of GW with no way to regain protection is ridiculous. I have tried 15 different ways at 8 fights in and lose characters in mass every time..major turnoff. Def takes WAY to long as well. Whereas I used to look forward to playing every event in my freetime, it is now just a headache and I look to this app for a release from life's headaches. I have spent a ton of time and $ building my characters and had a decent setup but now all of them seem like 3 yr olds!! Im all for decent changes but most of these are terrible IMO If something doesnt change soon, I will be moving on and taking my $ elsewhere.
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    @CG_JohnSalera I'm sorry to say this but the update really is too much. You've transformed the game way too drastically... The game isn't as fun as it was just two days ago! Obviously something needed to be done about the speed squads, but not like this... In the Star Wars world, Jedis and Sith are the ultimate warriors, the pinnacle. So it's only normal that a team comprised of Jedis or Sith be better than others, but not on this game anymore. You've got characters like Fives and the Geonosian Soldier (what a joke really! Those WEAK insects!) That are much better than ANY Jedi. In your quest to "equalize everything" You've forgotten that in the world of Star Wars, warriors aren't equal... At all! Now you've got "clankers" (the basic normal droid) with twice as much energy as Qui Gon Jin, who is a freakin' JEDI MASTER! Same goes for characters like Fives, Captain Phasma, Geonisian Soldier, and more! THEY ARE NOT JEDI MASTERS OR SITH LORDS!! You've tweaked things far too much... The healing is all but irrelevant now and the "tanky" characters are coming out on top now... The problem is that this game has been released far too long to have such a drastic update. Would've I known that out would've gone this way, I wouldn't have spent all these hours over days, weeks and months to upgrade or unlock the characters I have now. I would've gone for characters like Kylo Ren, Fives and concentrated my energies on boosting Savage and Chewbacca. Anyway... TERRIBLE UPDATE! Please fix it... I'm not against some of your ideas, but this is far too drastic...
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    If you are gonna undo all my hard work at least give me my money back I've wasted in this game. I was in top 200 in arena so I had some powerful characters but there was still challenge specially after the level80 cap but this update I don't even stand a chance, there's no point. You don't take from people's stats EVER you add more to game
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    I am just a casual player and I guess not your target audience, but I did enjoy the game the last couple months. I only have built up 1 decent team with a couple 6 star and a few 5 star characters. Maybe 4 of them are lvl7 or higher gear. I have limited time to play and really don't have the desire/time to build up completely new players/teams.

    I hate the update, really just isn't fun this way for me.

    Challenges are beyond boring now, not that they were exciting before but I didn't mind too much and was a good change.

    I seldom made it to the last level of GW but usually got to at least 10. I found it to be a challenge and enjoyed it. Last 2 days I only made it to 7 and it took a lot longer to just get that far. Wasn't fun at all actually.

    Bottom line for me the game was a chore to get through today and don't see myself playing any more.

    I am sure those that have lot's of high level or maxed out characters will find this update more appealing but not me.

    I came to the forums hoping to find out great tips for improving my experience with the new update. I haven't really found much except folks just point out that I most likely will need to build up completely new characters and max them out to have any hope of enjoying the game now.

    Hope it works out for you...
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    I'll post my feedback here, overall I would say some positive/some negative

    1) Positive: I absolutely love protection in the arena, it works so well and stops the endless one shot kills, the only character I have fought that can still one shot my protected maxed characters is Rey after a Poggle/Phasma boost
    2) Positive: New events are great and I love the fact I can do all 3 tiers of the omega challenge and earn some much needed credits as well as ability mats and the ewok event is fun and helping a good cause as well as encouraging me to level up and focus on characters I had previously ignored
    3) Somewhere in the middle: Challenges now take far too long, I competed the highest tear Savage challenge today all 5 times but it took 8-10 minutes a go, this is not good and definetly a step backwards. Protection in this challenge is pointless as Savage removes the whole lot with his AOE attack so perhaps consider removing it from this challenge all together. I can't comment on the others as I haven't tried them yet but I do not want to be spending several hours on Sunday grinding through gear challenges that are perfectly doable but take far too long
    4) Negative: Yoda has gone from being one of the best characters in the game to one of the most useless. I spent months (and still was) building a team of 5 star Jedi to unlock him using thousands of energy, crystals, cantina energy, refreshes and all for nothing as he is now unusable in anything other than light side missions. I get that at level 80 he would have been to fast etc so just reduce his speed a bit and power slightly rather than by what seems at least 50% across the board. For a character we have all invested so much in we should be getting one of the best characters in the game and the number one priority target in any arena team I fight, now if I see him in an arena team I just laugh at him and target everyone else. I cannot fathom why he has been nerfed so badly when Phasma, Rey, Tie Pilot, Droids etc are still as lethal as ever.
    5) Negative: Protection in Galactic War is horrendously unbalanced, it either needs removing entirely from this game mode or replenishing on all characters after completing each node. I don't care how many people say it was still easy today, it was not, it was literally impossible. I'm facing fully protected maxed level 74 teams from node 5/6 onwards and even with my substantial roster it will not be enough. I've gone 26-1 on Galactic War before today but only managed to get to the 11th node today. When speedy high damage characters that you face 2-3 of in every node can remove all of one of your characters protection in one shot it has to be replenished after completing the node. I tried for 2 hours earlier with endless retreats and different combos but to no avail. A challenge is good but a challenge should be fair and possible to complete, this currently is not. I'll give it another go tomorrow but I'm not holding out much hope especially as I I'll hit level 74 tomorrow so will no doubt be facing 75/76 teams.

    I hope you take this feedback on board. Keep up the good work and support. Also please make the Yoda we all grinded months for viable again
  • saberOriginal
    129 posts Member
    edited September 2016
    Post edited by saberOriginal on
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    I love this game. I've been waiting for someone to make a turn-based squad battle "rpg" with Star Wars for years.

    I don't like the new combat changes however.
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    I am a whale that has uninstalled. Such a shame.

    Unfortunately i will most likely join you soon much respect to you bro
    Sapperabn wrote: »
    I appreciate the message from them EP. I accept that the game needed adjustments for longevity, and I also accept that I need time to learn how to best play the game now.

    What I have a hard time accepting is the fact that virtually all of my maxed characters are now of very limited utility. Like most FTP players, I followed the path EA gave us, leveling up my startup characters like Poe and building a Jedi team. Now, those characters' viability is significantly decreased. No, it's not the end of the world, but being faced with the prospect of having to start from scratch after having put all effort into getting Yoda is daunting, especially when my existing 8-10 maxed characters are now so weak that I can't even progress in the Arena or GW to gain the components to upgrade replacements.

    I'm ok with challenges being challenging; I'm a little disappointed that the rewards are not useful. Maybe I've been updating the wrong characters (see above), but only one of the three drops is even required by my characters for gearing. And since I can't complete the omega challenge, I can forget about progressing anytime soon.

    And that's the crux of my frustration--those that had large stables of maxed characters will love the update, because they have lots of options and can truly experiment and play the game you want them to. Those of us who had one good Arena/GW team and a backup GW team now have limited options other than to start from scratch, and that's not fun.
    What your missing is some of us spent money to get a specific team now all we spent is wasted
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    When I get home I'm gonna write up a petition to give us our stats back and get rid of "protection". I'll post later, if we show them how many hardcore gamers they turned away by stealing our hard work they will work out another way
  • LordRath
    1032 posts Member
    Let's talk about the new dodge. Way too quiet for me. It is as if when you strike and the character dodges, it is as if the strike went thru' a ghost. The effect could be better. Perhaps make the character move to dodge instead of a standstill dodge.
    Yeah, it's weird.
  • Alexone
    3646 posts Member
    I just finished my 2nd GW. 1h10 min, not much longer than the old one. Much Phasma/Sidious/Ren which are annoying as hell. Rey is OP. Clearly still! I am fully on board that the challenges need to be re-worked though. And of course my mandatory Yoda is love Yoda is life bring it back. Rest of the claims...please! Curious to see when this thread is going to stop. I did it for a while too in here, it was fun! :smile:
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    Elinad wrote: »
    Alexone wrote: »
    Elinad wrote: »
    I see a lot of free whining. GW has become harder ? WELL, it's the point ! It's MEANT to be hard, you know, so you have to think what will be your strategy against this specific squad before attacking. Use different toons from your collection ! Build more synergies or specific counters !

    So it was a little harder, but I finished it fairly easily. And I'm not a whale, before anyone goes that way. Simply had to use more toons than before, which is great !

    And the challenges are a little harder too, but it's the same for me : I finished them easily. On auto, but by targeting the right target. Guys, step yout game up a little ! EA did a great job with this update.

    And I say that, even knowing that lacking a good taunter I will drop dramatically in arena.

    Dude buzz of ok? You think everybody is a whale or wth? I can't even complete the AGI gear challenge now. I can only imagine what STR and tank challenge will be. What does protection accomplish exactly against a character that leaves with you with 1hp? Where is the logic there?
    Alexone wrote: »
    Elinad wrote: »
    I see a lot of free whining. GW has become harder ? WELL, it's the point ! It's MEANT to be hard, you know, so you have to think what will be your strategy against this specific squad before attacking. Use different toons from your collection ! Build more synergies or specific counters !

    So it was a little harder, but I finished it fairly easily. And I'm not a whale, before anyone goes that way. Simply had to use more toons than before, which is great !

    And the challenges are a little harder too, but it's the same for me : I finished them easily. On auto, but by targeting the right target. Guys, step yout game up a little ! EA did a great job with this update.

    And I say that, even knowing that lacking a good taunter I will drop dramatically in arena.

    Dude buzz of ok? You think everybody is a whale or wth? I can't even complete the AGI gear challenge now. I can only imagine what STR and tank challenge will be. What does protection accomplish exactly against a character that leaves with you with 1hp? Where is the logic there?

    I have a feeling that its the Lower level players that didn´t spend Month after Month grinding and upgrading their characters that are happy with this "improvement"

    I spent both Money and lots of time to get my characters to where they are and now I am basically back to 0 and can hardly complete simple challenges even though im maxed out.

    And winning a fight in the Arena seems basically impossible with my favourite team now......

    All I paid for in the game is the first Dooku pack, and 1 time 21 days crystals. I just diversified my roster enough to have good toons for each case / against each scenario, playing since November. And yes, the update is great, it will just require you to work on toons you didn't before, to be able to compete on each level. I'm on my way for the toons I think will help me, it wil ltake time, and THAT is a good thing !

    Don't bother wasting your breathe Elinad. I have been saying the same thing about needing more characters and how much it helps...especially against dooku(L) teams. But they won't listen. Working on a small handful of toons just isn't gonna be enough with all the challenges this game has..but whatever let them find out the hard way.
  • GilleonYeh
    16 posts Member
    edited April 2016
    Dear Devs.
    Make "MK5 Droid Caller" AVAILABLE is important for balance. :/
    Please consider to restore "MK5 Droid Caller" back to original before 3/31 updated. :/
    Some of top level player precraft some of it and gear to IX, but lots of player not, :(
    It make big chasm in Arena battle after lv74, :s
    It's feeling not fair and disadvantage in the game, and we can do nothing now. :'(
    It's really a bug, not fun. :#
    || GILLEON YEH || TOP1 Rank Droped in my Squard || TimeZone : Taiwan (UTC+8) 18:00 ||
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    Tried to give the new update a chance but it just destroyed this game. How can you add "protection" and reduce all characters health and have no way to replenish protection. This made all my 6* healers useless after spending so much time to build them up. Bad job on this update turned a really fun game into an app that will soon be uninstalled. Very disappointing!
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    love the changes, I prepared for it with a non meta team that has paid off and was also able to work on two other team comps that are ready for arena as well. GW was more challenging but I found it more fun as had to think and measure my team comp versus the other team. Challenges, I have been lucky enough to have worked on 90% of my lineup they are max by any means, but almost all the characters I have are capable of aiding in challenges. Even the Ewok one and gold mats event completed all of them. Sometimes challenges have been more difficult, however I have managed to complete them daily. Even now with the update.

    It is more difficult, but also forces you to use characters you might not have ready for the job.
  • Eleiem
    334 posts Member
    Best update ever. I LOVE IT.
    Arena is a lot more fun now, there's space for strategy and comebacks, and are more viable chars. This is what you all people were asking for, and we have it!
    I was afraid with GW difficulty, but is much more better now. Reminds me the old days with the previous retreat mechanism. GW has now a lot of strategy on it. Loving it. But yes, it now takes more time, or maybe not, we must learn how to do it first to tell if it actually takes more. And that takes more than a few tries. Do I need to remind you folks how much hate was there when devs changed the retreat mechanism? People were complaining that GW was impossible and that it takes way longer, and then you all get used to it, and today here you are complaining the same thing.
    Thanks for this awesome update, and keep the great work Devs! Just check the challenges difficulty.

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    @EA_Jesse, @CG_JohnSalera

    I'd like to come at this update from a different perspective, and I really hope it merits some consideration.

    This game is rated 9+ in the App Store. Why?

    Simple, Star Wars has a unique, nearly universal appeal because of the simplicity at its heart: good vs evil, in the shape of the light and dark side of the force. This central conflict resounded with young and old audiences in 1977, and still does in the newest incarnation.

    Watching my 9 year old daughter become immersed in the new story, at approximately the same age as I did with the original, was a splendid moment. Watching her become a Star Wars nerd, has been fun.

    She, just as we all did, was drawn to the simplistic dichotomy in the conflict, and happily for her, the new hero was actually a heroine. Rey's appeal to her is heartwarming, knowing she has the same draw as Luke and Han did for me.

    As a blooming Star Wars nerd, it didn't take long for her to spell out a clear power hierarchy of the franchise: Jedi > Sith > blasters > droids > Jar Jar.

    When she found SWGOH, I played along to offer guidance, but I too enjoyed the game, I'm a fan after all, and we've enjoyed collecting and promoting our favorites together.

    She, of course, plays at a much different level than I, and certainly different than the P2P crowd. She's been upset at the failed Lando Twitter event, and the grind to get Rey. But she's independent, and wants to get there as much on her own as possible.

    When she settled in after this update, she was despondent, and summed it up succinctly, "It's like they don't want you to win. I'm never going to get Rey or anybody else now, or level them up. Why don't they want you to get characters and have fun?"

    I like the game, and I understand why so many can devote so much time and money to it, I suppose I put a few too many hours in myself. I'm not as crestfallen as she is, but I certainly am not excited by the "balancing" in the update.

    However, I'm really disappointed that a game with as universal appeal as Star Wars, rated to include children, centered on such an essentially simple conflict, is now straying so far from being a fun, role play for fans.

    If a nine year old can spot the disincentivizations of this new update (and freemium model in general), I'm sure developers can too, as long as the enjoyment of being an engaged fan is still a central concern for the game.

    Should you build a game that targets the paying players at the top? Sure.

    Should you remember that your connection to the franchise brings players of all sorts and ages? Absolutely.

    It's an RPG, and I agree with my kid, you're stretching the fun and simple appeal of Star Wars too thin.

    Build it for fans and the fans will play and stay. Built it for players, and well, I think we see where that's leading.

    I'm pretty sure you've lost one young Star Wars fan here, but I hope you keep fans, not just top tier players, in mind when balancing the game. And let them play, and let them win - it's a game.
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    I like the update and the changes it has brought. It gives new life to wanting to better yourself at the game. My only issue is now the time required to beat everything and at a minimum complete the daily challenges. Hopefully if there is a rework of this update, that will be taken into thought.
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